Tonight Question Time comes from Question Time from Romford in East London.
On the panel: Employment Minister Chris Grayling MP, Shadow Health Minister Diane Abbott MP, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats Simon Hughes MP, UK Independence Party Leader Nigel Farage MEP and Tuscany villa-owning socialist Polly Toynbee.
Your Moderators line-up consists of David Vance, David Mosque, TheEye and John Ward.
It’s a 10:30pm kick off and afterwards we will suffer the maddess that is This Week.
Don’t forget to look for Blue Nun Bingo updates on David Mosque’s website dedicated to the game here.
One lightweight Minister versus the combined forces of left-wing lunacy: Abbott, Toynbee, Dimbleby, Hughes (all coalition critics). Plus Farage who, while bringing a semblance of common-sense to the proceedings, is also a coalition critic although from the right this time.
Abbott and Toynbee
they would have got more sense out of Abbott and Costello
and they’ve been dead for decades!!
A nice little run out for L’Abbott, the Axegrinder-General, the hypocrite extrordinaire, the mountainous grease gun that keeps the Racial Grievance Machine ticking over. Ever alert for the slightest tinkle of the ebonic bell, even if it was only the wind bouncing off the boulders on Lee Jasper’s shoulders. Missy Diane: such a champion of black people that she’d rather see them in a permanent victim state, forever blaming others for their shortcomings, yet taking their welfare, rather than getting up out of the trench her ilk keep digging & fulfilling their actual potential. Diane Abbott: a truly monumental impediment to the progress of black people. A woman incapable of taking Morgan Freeman’s advice when asked how to stop racism, ‘Stop talking about it.’
Don’t forget the private education for her son.
Or deserting Russ, when his comedic career was at a low ebb. Shameful.
…or the thousands of pounds a year of taxi fares we pay for her commute as, ‘Hackney doesn’t have an underground sation’.
Using Addison Lee?
I didn’t think they stopped for blacks?
They certainly employ many blacks. Proportionately, many more than the ‘hideously white’, bike-supremacist BBC.
…or the time on This Week where she was ‘just making the case for Mao’! The modern left are morally bankrupt, aren’t they.
Seems she doesn’t want her son’s education dragged down by the sons of her constituent and voters. Mind you, I can see she has a point. Diane speaks English as a foreign language. Her first language is Socialist Hipocrisy.
As a country we have come far in the past 50 years and British people can be proud of who we have become. But that is with no thanks to the Liberal elite who spout the Equality agenda.
Or, as someone said, the Illiberal Liberal elite who have used the cause of equality to supress and control others who are not of their political thinking.
I include in the list of shameless hypocrites (I need to find words more condemnatory); Diane Abbott who somehow tried to justify her nakedly racist outburst about white people; the spiteful Chris Bryant who attempted to justify Ken Livingstone’s homophobic comments about the Tories; Harriett Harman – the women’s champion, unable to explain her husband’s success on an all femail candidate shortlist and of course Ed Miliband who only today was tried to justify Livingstone’s anti semitism.
It is clear; the cause of equality is only of value to these people when it serves their own purpose and agenda.
Sorry missed the Miliband bit-how did he even start to start to justify Ken’s anti-semitism
I totally agree. We have been saying that given enough rope they will hang themselves. The trouble is they have been given enough rope to knit a jersey for Moby Dick and still there they are with all of their hatred and chicanery.
Makes me quite ill.
The modern Left is chock-full of very, very evil people. Star pupils of The Frankfurt School, with NKVD tendencies. If they can’t re-engineer you & your opinions the gentle way, they might have to…
I will be thier, going to need plenty of pre loading of alcohol!
Ditto, but it sure gets difficult to post comment after a few drams:)
Bloody Toynbee again. Billy Bragg will be feeling unwanted soon (or perhaps he’s taking a well-earned break in her aforementioned Tuscany villa).
He doesn’t bloody need to! You obviously haven’t seen champagne socialist Slagg’s £1.5million Dorset clifftop mansion.
Billy Bragg’s mansion… Google it.
Occupy it?
No thanks, rather have all my teeth pulled out one by one with pliers than suffer being evicted by communist Slagg repeatedly twanging away torturous utter shite like Between the Wars to me!
My other half only found out that the programme was coming to Romford on Monday, though it was announced three weeks ago.
Anyway, she contacted a friend of hers at the Fabian Society asking how she might get a ticket, he got back to her and gave her a number to call at the BBC.
I told my wife that being a Scot, former public sector worker now redundant, lifelong Labour voter and with a mannish haircut she ticked most of the right boxes and would probably get a seat.
However, when she phoned she was told that there were no more tickets but providing she could come up with a good question she would be put on the reserve list. Her immediate response was a question about Mary Portas and the death of the town centre. “We did that six weeks ago,” was the unimpressed response.
The voice at the other end then asked my wife to go away and think of two other questions and get back to them before lunch.
She then came to yours truly and asked me to come up with a couple of questions. Thinking like a Beeboid I had soon come up with…
1: Should we be concerned that the far-right Marine Le Pen polled 20% of the French votes on Sunday?
2: Speaking as a Scot, where we are encouraged to celebrate our national identity, in this wonderful time of diversity is celebrating St George’s Day inclusive or divisive.
She phoned the BBC where Allison – they’re on first names basis now – assured my wife that she will be on the show.
She has since decided that she cannot be bothered and wont be going, however, having seen who’s on the panel, I’m seriously wondering if I should find a ginger wig, adopt a ‘see-you Jimmy accent, have a few wee nips and go along myself.
yes please Chris B, it would be hilarious! Just make sure you have the REAL question ready to surprise them on ‘live’ TV.
P.S. 4 anti coalition again. 4 anti Conservative as usual (5 with what’s his face)
Awesome. You’ve got to convince her to go.
Seriously though, doesn’t that just sink the BBC myth that QT represents any kind of voice of the people? I’m willing to bet that their definition of a good question isn’t one used anywhere else on this planet.
Too bad it now looks like I’ll have to miss this.
Of one thing we can be sure, there will be a rigged audience of far left/socialist/labour rabble egged on to boo and jeer at Farage.
An entirely random selection of left wing socialists will be randomly picked from the local party and other left wing gangs, all in the name of fairness of course. This randomly selected audience will put forward questions to ask the panel and again in the name of impartiality only those questions that attack the right will be accepted.
Just another show trial.
every other comment came from a public sector socialists planted around the audience, they got even more shouty when Farage mentioned immigration.
Diane Abbott’s notes for QT have been leaked! Guido has a copy.
Have you noticed that amongst the possible questions it includes those two that Chris B mentions above. A coincidence? I think not. Someone in the Beeb has briefed Abbott.
According to Guido, it was supposed to be a Mayoral Question Time, with the 4 main candidates, but there was a hasty re-think.
I’m guessing that the combined assault on the ‘Nasty Tories’ of hacking, Murdoch, Hunt, and recession was far too tempting a prospect to turn down.
Listen for the word ‘sleaze’ to be used a lot tonight by Labour maggots, I reckon. Get ready for full-force attempts to ‘retaint’ with an old stain. (as if the BBC need any excuse, par for the course there)
Before the programme went out, and I was still arguing with my wife, she let slip that a fambian chum had asked her to “join them” on the show.
The red faced guy who commented from the audience early on was one of the Fabians but there were others.
A nice loaded audience and not representative of Romford or Havering… well not the way it was until a year or so ago.
On that link someone calling themself Babar the elephant comments about Abbott:
“Urrghhh – this woman puts the hippo into hypocrite”
Laughed out loud at that one.
I think that only one of the panelists can blow the scam. Like Farage, saying during the programme “hey, now that we have 10% of the support in the UK, I expect to be on QT every second week, and I expect 10% of the people in here to be UKIP supporters.” – is there any other way?
How the hell does racist gut bucket Abbott still keep getting invited on to QuestionTime! If she was a honky and stupidly said all those clearly racist things she’s said over the years then Al-Beeb wouldn’t touch her with a feckin’ barge pole! The programme should be renamed QuestionableTime.
Bloody well done to Farage for still being as strong as ever on immigration and sticking two fingers up to the usual seemingly bussed around QT studio audience! He’s perfectly aware it’s the properly representative millions of ordinary folk watching in their homes who matter and not Dimbledore’s usual do-goody little clappy freakshow lot. With Farage staying at the helm UKIP will easily do better than ever at the next general election.