Uh-oh. I am not sure I am too keen on the inevitable ‘twitter source to ‘news’ report” from Richard Black on this one… EarthMatter @EarthDefendah
RT @tonkawrdm RT @sodomy_bot: I love sodomy! RT @sgravn: “Sodomy is eco-friendly, and #abortion is #green.”… http://bit.ly/IegPx9
Raymond Snoddy offers many possibilities to those of us who, on a wet Sunday morning with little else to do, have Chinese wives… Raymond Snoddy @RaymondSnoddy
Fact that both Hunt and Murdoch have Chinese wives would make a wonderful “back channel” – probably nothing in it but someone should ask
Guessing this was not a tack adopted when Ben Bradshaw was in the driving seat.
In other news…
I see Mr. Harrabin has a Twitter page, and though he still claims he’s with the BBC (but on sabbatical), no ‘views are personal so my employer is golden’ disclaimers. So, guessing this is fully signed off… ‘roger harrabin @RogerHarrabin
Last time a Tory govt relaxed planning it set lots of car trips in concrete. Anyone watching this time?
No mention of who was watching, other than in watertight oversight, last time a Labour govt needed the spotlight
Sounds a plan, but, as always, there will be those who see unique exceptions in precedents… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14201939
Some good. Some the very Spawn of Satan to even contemplate.
But Lustig won’t be criticizing the BBC for being the largest media power in the country by far, using its power to quietly monopolize local journalism.
the big questions … on halal/kosher meat and labelling
lack of a certain religion i could mention when it comes to answering even the most rudimentary question??, mind you, did you think any would even get asked???
😀 … where? are all the “ejector seat” muslim spokesman? … when someone is there with all the hard facts eh! ???
the biggest,(if you excuse the pun) and only question here seemed inextricably, to be about the (giggle) … rampant erm “unicorn” 😀 of islamophobia ????? ….
aaahhh! the el beeb/campbell staple.
nothing, about halal its so called religions insidious
push to control schools/colleges/councils etc meat intake to conform to islam, the shameful and disgraceful
throwback mentality, of those behind it, in DIRECT contrast to the kosher meat community, a point that has been made inadvertently on other shows in the series … but (of course 😀 ) not here.
Today’s main topic was this:
“Welcome to Sunday. The Catholic Education Service this week urged Catholic schools to get stuck into the Church’s campaign against gay marriage. The CES wants heads to encourage pupils to sign a petition. Was that wise? Was it indeed legal? Do e-mail us at Sunday@bbc.co.uk if you have any thoughts.”
The issue thus neatly framed against the CES from the very start of the programme, when the issue returned later Ed continued in the same vein, beginning “The Catholic Church’s Education Service has come in for some flak over the last week…” and went on, “According to some of the Church’s opponents in this area what the CES has done may be illegal. For an expert view we turned to David Wolfe, a QC who specialises in education law.”
And what is the view of Ed’s voice of authority, his chosen “expert”? That, yes, the CES’s actions are illegal.
Ed asked him, “What about Equalities legislation, does that come into play at all in this matter?”
Yes, it does, replied the expert QC. Gays and lesbian rights are being offended against by the CES.
If you check out David Wolfe’s page at Matrix Solicitors and read who his clients are you might guess why ‘Sunday’ went straight to him for impartial, expert advice. (“Non-Governmental Organisations, such as Friends of the Earth, WWF, the Woodland Trust, Badger Trust, Fish Legal, the British Humanist Association, the National Secular Society, the Cyclists’ Defence Fund, Badger Trust, RSPCA, Guide Dogs, IPSEA (the Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice), Guide Dogs and the Campaign for National Parks, and bodies such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission.”) http://www.matrixlaw.co.uk/Members/4/David%20Wolfe.aspx
Next up, Ed wondered, “So what about the reaction of headteachers?”
Presumably a couple of heads with contrasting views were ready and waiting? No, just one: “Carol Buchanan is the head at Cardinal Newman School in Coventry and I asked her how she responded to the letter from the CES.”
She didn’t feel the petition was appropriate and feared it could cause ‘homophobia’.
So, a chosen expert who thinks it’s illegal and a chosen headteacher who is also against it and fears it could worsen ‘homophobia’.
Both interviewees so far were not interrupted by Ed even once.
Thus primed it was time to put up some poor sucker to take all the flak on behalf of the CES: “Well, we did ask the CES if they’d like to put someone forward to discuss all this but they declined our invitation. We are however joined by Jack Valero of the Catholic advocacy group, Catholic Voices. Good morning.”
Jack Valero, who is against gay marriage, was interrupted four times by an Ed who had suddenly turned from a sleepy English sheepdog into a feisty Jack Russell terrier. On two occasions, Mr. Valero had barely began his defence before being firmly interrupted and contradicted by Ed (once about four seconds into a reply, the other about two seconds in!)
Late on in this interview, Ed’s call at the start of the programme for listeners’ e-mails bore the inevitable fruit: “Let me put to you an e-mail we’ve had while we’ve been on the air from..I take it from the way the e-mail is written from a Catholic..’I am confident that young people will be quick to dismiss this ridiculous, offensive drivel from the CES. The Catholic Church on gay marriage and women continues to be an embarrassment. It’s difficult for me to find a convincing answer when my child asks me how I can continue to be a member of a sexist, homophobic organisation.'”
This is an old issue with the BBC: How many e-mails did ‘Sunday’ get while they were on air on this issue? What was the balance of pros and antis? Was this ‘anti’ e-mail representative? Was it the most extremely-worded? Why was it chosen above all others? I think we can at least guess the answer to the last question.
Whatever your view on the issue at hand, the bias seems to me to be clear here: The issue was consistently framed in a particular way; the guests were loaded (two against one) in the same direction; the guests from the preferred side of the argument were accorded respect while the guest from the other side of the argument was repeatedly interrupted, laughed at and contradicted; one side was represented by voices of authority – an “expert” and a “headteacher” – while the unfavoured side was represented by someone from an “advocacy group”; and, finally, the only e-mail used fiercely backed up the preferred side of the argument.
Oddly, the programme began by discussing the views of a Catholic leader, albeit more favourably. Cardinal O’Brien has accused David Cameron of favouring the rich. The last time the cardinal was politically outspoken – against gay marriage – the BBC reporter (Robert Piggott) told Ed he was known for sometimes expressing “extreme” views. This time there were no such pejorative adjectives & his views were reported straight and made the programme’s lead story.
That, and a feature on the two Sudans, saw the following classic ‘Sunday’ item dropped from the running order (as shown on the programme’s website):
And the message from a lot of non-Pakistani residents in Oxford is that multiculturalism is an unmitigated disaster. The streets of east Oxford being patrolled by muslim nonces on the lookout for young ‘white meat’ is the sort of ‘enrichment’ the indigenous can well live without.
But isn`t Keith O Brien the same “prattling prelate” who is now to be lauded by the BBC for sticking it to Cameron in regard of that Robin Hood tax they seem to want?
Now-he`s against gay marriage(boo…homophobe!) but he`s telling Cameron that he`s immoral for not fighting economic injustice(hurray-Power to the people brother!).
So if Craig could give me a weighting index on whether I`m to cut him dead or kiss his ring when next we meet him at a Scottish BBC studio…a Beeb Prelate Personality Index for Virtuous Use in making the catholics as redundant and irrelevant at the C of E…then I`d be much obliged.
Maybe Keith needs to know that getting lauded and puffed up (homophobic maan!) in advance of his BBC Scotland show probably means that he`s being willingly used to shaft the very church he is paid to try and prop up.
Here`s you reference Rev!…Jn 2:24-5!
Thanks for that detailed report, Craig. It prompted me to listen to the rest of the programme and I was intrigued to see that there was a longish segment about the wranglings within the Anglican Church between factions who oppose or support women as priests or bishops but oddly enough, there was no obvious positioning of the Beeboids or questioning of legality or any mention of public duty of equality or discrimination or phobias etc and no e-mails read out saying how shameful it all is.
It is misleading for The Telegraph to headline its article ‘BBC launches inquiry into payments to MP’s’.
Since characteristically Thompson first tried to dismiss the complaint about payments to MP’s appearing on their programmes by claiming ridiculously ‘this rule did not apply in Miss Abbott’s case because This Week is “not a traditional political programme”, forcing Lord Laird to take it further, it was this MP that LAUNCHED an inquiry, not the BBC itself.
It shows the same way the BBC tries to justify their bias, summarily dismissing genuine complaints because they are able to act as their own arbiters – a situation that is completely immoral. For the government to continue to allow this totally slanted media outlet, masquerading as ‘fair and balanced’, to carry on being their own judge, shows how inept they too are.
Way, hay… a ‘row’ with people angry.. Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Anger after £10m private jet deal to fly Eurocrat chiefs to engagements http://bit.ly/Kl56AF
That’s usually catnip to the BBC.
And the media have been alerted.
So let us see.
Maybe a Richard Black slant on the eco-aspects?
The article itself refers to “defectors” without scare quotes, so why ‘defector’ in the title… unless you’re a beeboid and can’t quite bring yourself to believe that anyone would really need or want to defect from Cuba…
The whole matter of ‘quotes’, scare or otherwise, throughout the MSM is getting silly, and of course goes beyond ratings shorthand to agenda abuse at the BBC, as several of my complaint currently heading to or in The Trust are highlighting.
Most running through a few ‘got it about right’ (there, I am at it too – actually, and I am sure there is a rule and written down somewhere, but what is the difference between a single ‘quote’ and a double “quote”? I take the former usually to be a ‘Yeah, right’, and the other to be a more formal “this is what was actually said”) minions and Directors who seem to feel that as the future is bright, the future is mobile screens, getting accuracy on screen takes secondary importance to getting anything on there, quickly and, if possible, skewed to either push the favoured agenda or hurt the non-favoured one.
Hence, purely in spontaneous example, from the home page now, for mobile users… ‘Kercher killer ‘must come clean’
is, actually,.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-17886287 ‘Meredith Kercher’s father makes plea to her murderer’
Where what could be an official statement is revealed as no more than a plea from an interested party, ironically then going on in copy… ‘The father of Meredith Kercher, who was murdered in Perugia, Italy, has appealed to her killer to finally “come clean” about what happened.’
… to get the doubles.
Questions are being asked… but so far the BBC doesn’t seem to know how to answer them and/or is playing dumb as it cannot.
I’d add that to a raft of dubious activities by our most trusted national broadcaster under the less than complimentary heading of ‘unique’.
Nile Gardiner beat me to it. A concise outlining of how the current Administration has had little more than utter failures on foreign policy, a view you will never hear from a BBC employee:
Interestingly I am still in discussion with a BBC Director level employee about a Dateline London where, he ‘believes’ (in trying to close the file), that in having a Dateline London on the Falklands stacked with four non-UK supportive jounrnolists (inc. one from the Indy who was pro-appeasement as a historically sound precedent), the BBC ‘got it about right’. He even offered a transcript and is sending me a DVD to ‘prove’ it.
Sadly he is not able to comment on editorial policy of stacking guest lists and so can only discuss with me whether what they said was outside guidelines which, being non-BBC employees, they were.
So the main thing that matters is ‘not his remit’, and he can’t, or won’t tell me whose it is.
Interesting as I reflect on this in light of overall BBC coverage… ‘All this has combined with a sneering approach towards key US allies, including Great Britain and Israel. It should not be forgotten that Mrs Clinton has treated both countries at times with condescension, even going as far as siding with Argentina in calling for a negotiated settlement over the Falklands.
the BBC should do a poll of the British public about the phone hacking thingy, i bet most of the population don’t give a shit. I bet if the BBC were to send a 20 man crew to my place of work and asked the employees about their opinions about the phone hacking farce, most of the employees wouldn’t know what the BBC was talking about
‘wouldn’t know what the BBC was talking about’
I think the point is that the BBC wants them to ‘know’, and in a very specific way.
They do not ‘speak for’ as claimed, over and over. They tell, and in a not very balanced way.
What’s more, as any chink that allows actual exchange is, despite the move to social media (which is usually and meant to be the epitome of free speech and interactivity, but through modding and blocking simply anther hive tunnel output), being shaped to get back to broadcast dissemination only, they are increasing their monopolistic means of doing so, all helped by control of a highly selective edit suite… ‘We asked for your views on Studios guest Diane’s views, and we think Ken of Barking’s views sum up our views best….’
The ‘SAM on your roof’ ‘row’ rumbles on… http://www.channel4.com/news/londoners-shocked-by-prospect-of-missiles-on-their-rooftop
Had to love this… “London’s fears over Olympic Missiles Plan”
London’s? There’s that ‘resident’ Brian Whelan again, who seems the only ‘resident’ making a fuss, and not really placed in the context of his day job.
Why let that spoil a good twitter ‘row’?
SKY ‘discussed’ it in the paper review just now and the luvvies liked the idea, but just not on their roof. The host, surprisingly, could not see what the fuss was all about.
The main thing the antis are focussing on are becoming ‘targets’.
Now, as a Die Hard fan, and even recalling the odd past flight path attempt in real life, I am presuming they are much happier at the notion of no military around and will be happy to bump into those nice multi-culti-roofers in the stairwell taking long tubes upstairs to set-up a ‘vantage point’ to enjoy the spectacle.
Hilariously rigged poll in the Graun today: Comment is free @commentisfree
Would you feel safe with a missile launcher on your roof? Vote in the Cif Poll http://gu.com/p/37824/tw
So far not going the luvvies’ way. Expect twitter to rectify soon.
Actually, back to my ‘roots’, as this is what I embraced with the previous system (it called me Guest and when a troll with a ‘real’ name got silly I added a ‘Who’ to show how sensible that tack is).
The MS(cte) suddenly appeared and I could do naff all to change it.
I really don’t need to write anything, do I? From Twitter, and Chuck Finlay gets it right…
tom_watson @tom_watson
If you worked at NoTW and don’t believe @rupertmurdoch’s account, please contact me: “Rupert Murdoch betrayed us”: http://gu.com/p/377yx/tf
28 Apr
Jeremy Vine @theJeremyVine
@tom_watson Your book title is best so far this year, T. We’re ready for you in the studio whenever you want to come on @BBCRadio2
28 Apr
tom_watson @tom_watson
@theJeremyVine thank you. I’d be delighted.
Jeremy Vine @theJeremyVine
@tom_watson Have emailed producer to remind him to fix date. Know you’re busy. Have good weekend.
7:59 AM – 28 Apr 12
Chuck Finlay @ChuckFinlay
@theJeremyVine @tom_watson Jeremy, get a room…this snivelling in public is embarrassing!
28 Apr
Chuck… a new star.
If you haven’t, worth porting to any new thread imminent as the BBC>twitterchums>’story’ process laid bare for all to see, and the lie about how their personal accounts are nothing to do with the BBC’s professional output.
They don’t even try and hide how in the tank they are.
I am happy to visit here. I hope you continue to do the sharing through the post to the reader. and good luck for the members site. http://www.pharmaexpressrx.net/
StewGreenFeb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir at 1am quoted the Mail article So it seems that Councillor Sedgewick had some send officers around to the…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 This was a party broadcast by the Labour Party …… 77 brigade to file- community tension indicator to note …
AsISeeItFeb 23, 12:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 View from a lawyer from across the pond “One particularly funny one from the BBC, which is the broadcasting arm…
wwfcFeb 23, 12:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjTnipj_XTQ&ab_channel=DailySoak
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:05 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Excellent news The TTK regime is putting a record number of over 80s in hospital with flu- dont mention the…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 11:54 Weekend 22nd February 2025 In the 70s I was one of the 4% who went to university. At the rate that this lot are…
AsISeeItFeb 23, 11:43 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘at some time there will be personal consequences’ The defence of course will be “I was just acting under orders”
DocmaroonedFeb 23, 11:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 How does this nonsense equate to better healthcare. Diversity has no bearing on medical care. In most cases like eg…
Uh-oh. I am not sure I am too keen on the inevitable ‘twitter source to ‘news’ report” from Richard Black on this one…
EarthMatter @EarthDefendah
RT @tonkawrdm RT @sodomy_bot: I love sodomy! RT @sgravn: “Sodomy is eco-friendly, and #abortion is #green.”… http://bit.ly/IegPx9
Raymond Snoddy offers many possibilities to those of us who, on a wet Sunday morning with little else to do, have Chinese wives…
Raymond Snoddy @RaymondSnoddy
Fact that both Hunt and Murdoch have Chinese wives would make a wonderful “back channel” – probably nothing in it but someone should ask
Guessing this was not a tack adopted when Ben Bradshaw was in the driving seat.
In other news…
I see Mr. Harrabin has a Twitter page, and though he still claims he’s with the BBC (but on sabbatical), no ‘views are personal so my employer is golden’ disclaimers. So, guessing this is fully signed off…
‘roger harrabin @RogerHarrabin
Last time a Tory govt relaxed planning it set lots of car trips in concrete. Anyone watching this time?
No mention of who was watching, other than in watertight oversight, last time a Labour govt needed the spotlight
Talking about the Chinese…
“Let’s sell the BBC: if the Chinese can do it so can we!”
(by Tim Worstall)
Sounds a plan, but, as always, there will be those who see unique exceptions in precedents…
Some good. Some the very Spawn of Satan to even contemplate.
And another thing about the fairer sex in China…
Peter Hitchens :-
drugs, Russell Brand, greenies, BSkyB, Stephen Fry, and cyclists.
I commend this blog to the house (it just gets funnier):
But Lustig won’t be criticizing the BBC for being the largest media power in the country by far, using its power to quietly monopolize local journalism.
Things really not going too well for Mr. Lustig and now his belated support team, as they take a nice hole and dig deeper.
the big questions … on halal/kosher meat and labelling
lack of a certain religion i could mention when it comes to answering even the most rudimentary question??, mind you, did you think any would even get asked???
😀 … where? are all the “ejector seat” muslim spokesman? … when someone is there with all the hard facts eh! ???
the biggest,(if you excuse the pun) and only question here seemed inextricably, to be about the (giggle) … rampant erm “unicorn” 😀 of islamophobia ????? ….
aaahhh! the el beeb/campbell staple.
nothing, about halal its so called religions insidious
push to control schools/colleges/councils etc meat intake to conform to islam, the shameful and disgraceful
throwback mentality, of those behind it, in DIRECT contrast to the kosher meat community, a point that has been made inadvertently on other shows in the series … but (of course 😀 ) not here.
more sharia bbc
Meanwhile polls show the guys in charge are useless. I knew that. How the guys in the wings who are even worse rise up is more of a worry
Ed Stourton’s ‘Sunday’ continues to major on stories embarrassing to the Roman Catholic Church.
Today’s main topic was this:
“Welcome to Sunday. The Catholic Education Service this week urged Catholic schools to get stuck into the Church’s campaign against gay marriage. The CES wants heads to encourage pupils to sign a petition. Was that wise? Was it indeed legal? Do e-mail us at Sunday@bbc.co.uk if you have any thoughts.”
The issue thus neatly framed against the CES from the very start of the programme, when the issue returned later Ed continued in the same vein, beginning “The Catholic Church’s Education Service has come in for some flak over the last week…” and went on, “According to some of the Church’s opponents in this area what the CES has done may be illegal. For an expert view we turned to David Wolfe, a QC who specialises in education law.”
And what is the view of Ed’s voice of authority, his chosen “expert”? That, yes, the CES’s actions are illegal.
Ed asked him, “What about Equalities legislation, does that come into play at all in this matter?”
Yes, it does, replied the expert QC. Gays and lesbian rights are being offended against by the CES.
If you check out David Wolfe’s page at Matrix Solicitors and read who his clients are you might guess why ‘Sunday’ went straight to him for impartial, expert advice. (“Non-Governmental Organisations, such as Friends of the Earth, WWF, the Woodland Trust, Badger Trust, Fish Legal, the British Humanist Association, the National Secular Society, the Cyclists’ Defence Fund, Badger Trust, RSPCA, Guide Dogs, IPSEA (the Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice), Guide Dogs and the Campaign for National Parks, and bodies such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission.”)
Next up, Ed wondered, “So what about the reaction of headteachers?”
Presumably a couple of heads with contrasting views were ready and waiting? No, just one: “Carol Buchanan is the head at Cardinal Newman School in Coventry and I asked her how she responded to the letter from the CES.”
She didn’t feel the petition was appropriate and feared it could cause ‘homophobia’.
So, a chosen expert who thinks it’s illegal and a chosen headteacher who is also against it and fears it could worsen ‘homophobia’.
Both interviewees so far were not interrupted by Ed even once.
Thus primed it was time to put up some poor sucker to take all the flak on behalf of the CES: “Well, we did ask the CES if they’d like to put someone forward to discuss all this but they declined our invitation. We are however joined by Jack Valero of the Catholic advocacy group, Catholic Voices. Good morning.”
Jack Valero, who is against gay marriage, was interrupted four times by an Ed who had suddenly turned from a sleepy English sheepdog into a feisty Jack Russell terrier. On two occasions, Mr. Valero had barely began his defence before being firmly interrupted and contradicted by Ed (once about four seconds into a reply, the other about two seconds in!)
Late on in this interview, Ed’s call at the start of the programme for listeners’ e-mails bore the inevitable fruit: “Let me put to you an e-mail we’ve had while we’ve been on the air from..I take it from the way the e-mail is written from a Catholic..’I am confident that young people will be quick to dismiss this ridiculous, offensive drivel from the CES. The Catholic Church on gay marriage and women continues to be an embarrassment. It’s difficult for me to find a convincing answer when my child asks me how I can continue to be a member of a sexist, homophobic organisation.'”
This is an old issue with the BBC: How many e-mails did ‘Sunday’ get while they were on air on this issue? What was the balance of pros and antis? Was this ‘anti’ e-mail representative? Was it the most extremely-worded? Why was it chosen above all others? I think we can at least guess the answer to the last question.
Whatever your view on the issue at hand, the bias seems to me to be clear here: The issue was consistently framed in a particular way; the guests were loaded (two against one) in the same direction; the guests from the preferred side of the argument were accorded respect while the guest from the other side of the argument was repeatedly interrupted, laughed at and contradicted; one side was represented by voices of authority – an “expert” and a “headteacher” – while the unfavoured side was represented by someone from an “advocacy group”; and, finally, the only e-mail used fiercely backed up the preferred side of the argument.
Oddly, the programme began by discussing the views of a Catholic leader, albeit more favourably. Cardinal O’Brien has accused David Cameron of favouring the rich. The last time the cardinal was politically outspoken – against gay marriage – the BBC reporter (Robert Piggott) told Ed he was known for sometimes expressing “extreme” views. This time there were no such pejorative adjectives & his views were reported straight and made the programme’s lead story.
That, and a feature on the two Sudans, saw the following classic ‘Sunday’ item dropped from the running order (as shown on the programme’s website):
“The message for David Cameron from young British Pakistanis at an Oxford conference is that multi-culturalism is working.”
Such a shame they had to drop that! Bet it will be on next week though!!
And the message from a lot of non-Pakistani residents in Oxford is that multiculturalism is an unmitigated disaster. The streets of east Oxford being patrolled by muslim nonces on the lookout for young ‘white meat’ is the sort of ‘enrichment’ the indigenous can well live without.
But isn`t Keith O Brien the same “prattling prelate” who is now to be lauded by the BBC for sticking it to Cameron in regard of that Robin Hood tax they seem to want?
Now-he`s against gay marriage(boo…homophobe!) but he`s telling Cameron that he`s immoral for not fighting economic injustice(hurray-Power to the people brother!).
So if Craig could give me a weighting index on whether I`m to cut him dead or kiss his ring when next we meet him at a Scottish BBC studio…a Beeb Prelate Personality Index for Virtuous Use in making the catholics as redundant and irrelevant at the C of E…then I`d be much obliged.
Maybe Keith needs to know that getting lauded and puffed up (homophobic maan!) in advance of his BBC Scotland show probably means that he`s being willingly used to shaft the very church he is paid to try and prop up.
Here`s you reference Rev!…Jn 2:24-5!
Thanks for that detailed report, Craig. It prompted me to listen to the rest of the programme and I was intrigued to see that there was a longish segment about the wranglings within the Anglican Church between factions who oppose or support women as priests or bishops but oddly enough, there was no obvious positioning of the Beeboids or questioning of legality or any mention of public duty of equality or discrimination or phobias etc and no e-mails read out saying how shameful it all is.
Nice work as usual, Craig.
NIGERIA: another Islamic jihad massacre of Christians.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) relegates Islamic perpetrators as much as it can.
INBBC uses it euphemistic code word ‘militants’ for real words ‘jihadist mass murderers’.
It is misleading for The Telegraph to headline its article ‘BBC launches inquiry into payments to MP’s’.
Since characteristically Thompson first tried to dismiss the complaint about payments to MP’s appearing on their programmes by claiming ridiculously ‘this rule did not apply in Miss Abbott’s case because This Week is “not a traditional political programme”, forcing Lord Laird to take it further, it was this MP that LAUNCHED an inquiry, not the BBC itself.
It shows the same way the BBC tries to justify their bias, summarily dismissing genuine complaints because they are able to act as their own arbiters – a situation that is completely immoral. For the government to continue to allow this totally slanted media outlet, masquerading as ‘fair and balanced’, to carry on being their own judge, shows how inept they too are.
Way, hay… a ‘row’ with people angry..
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Anger after £10m private jet deal to fly Eurocrat chiefs to engagements http://bit.ly/Kl56AF
That’s usually catnip to the BBC.
And the media have been alerted.
So let us see.
Maybe a Richard Black slant on the eco-aspects?
Just noticed the scare quotes on the title of this article: “Cuban ‘defector’ actors reappear in Miami, seek asylum” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-17884686)
The article itself refers to “defectors” without scare quotes, so why ‘defector’ in the title… unless you’re a beeboid and can’t quite bring yourself to believe that anyone would really need or want to defect from Cuba…
The whole matter of ‘quotes’, scare or otherwise, throughout the MSM is getting silly, and of course goes beyond ratings shorthand to agenda abuse at the BBC, as several of my complaint currently heading to or in The Trust are highlighting.
Most running through a few ‘got it about right’ (there, I am at it too – actually, and I am sure there is a rule and written down somewhere, but what is the difference between a single ‘quote’ and a double “quote”? I take the former usually to be a ‘Yeah, right’, and the other to be a more formal “this is what was actually said”) minions and Directors who seem to feel that as the future is bright, the future is mobile screens, getting accuracy on screen takes secondary importance to getting anything on there, quickly and, if possible, skewed to either push the favoured agenda or hurt the non-favoured one.
Hence, purely in spontaneous example, from the home page now, for mobile users…
‘Kercher killer ‘must come clean’
is, actually,.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-17886287
‘Meredith Kercher’s father makes plea to her murderer’
Where what could be an official statement is revealed as no more than a plea from an interested party, ironically then going on in copy…
‘The father of Meredith Kercher, who was murdered in Perugia, Italy, has appealed to her killer to finally “come clean” about what happened.’
… to get the doubles.
Questions are being asked… but so far the BBC doesn’t seem to know how to answer them and/or is playing dumb as it cannot.
I’d add that to a raft of dubious activities by our most trusted national broadcaster under the less than complimentary heading of ‘unique’.
ps: Just saw this in a news medium that seems able to get the facts in the headline:
Two reports on SARKOZY.
“Nicolas Sarkozy In Bedouin With Gaddafi”
2.) BBC-NUJ:
“France President Nicolas Sarkozy snaps at Strauss-Kahn”
Nile Gardiner beat me to it. A concise outlining of how the current Administration has had little more than utter failures on foreign policy, a view you will never hear from a BBC employee:
Hillary Clinton has become the Secretary of Hubris
Interestingly I am still in discussion with a BBC Director level employee about a Dateline London where, he ‘believes’ (in trying to close the file), that in having a Dateline London on the Falklands stacked with four non-UK supportive jounrnolists (inc. one from the Indy who was pro-appeasement as a historically sound precedent), the BBC ‘got it about right’. He even offered a transcript and is sending me a DVD to ‘prove’ it.
Sadly he is not able to comment on editorial policy of stacking guest lists and so can only discuss with me whether what they said was outside guidelines which, being non-BBC employees, they were.
So the main thing that matters is ‘not his remit’, and he can’t, or won’t tell me whose it is.
Interesting as I reflect on this in light of overall BBC coverage…
‘All this has combined with a sneering approach towards key US allies, including Great Britain and Israel. It should not be forgotten that Mrs Clinton has treated both countries at times with condescension, even going as far as siding with Argentina in calling for a negotiated settlement over the Falklands.
the BBC reminds me of Star Trek’s Borg…’resistance is futile’
the BBC should do a poll of the British public about the phone hacking thingy, i bet most of the population don’t give a shit. I bet if the BBC were to send a 20 man crew to my place of work and asked the employees about their opinions about the phone hacking farce, most of the employees wouldn’t know what the BBC was talking about
‘wouldn’t know what the BBC was talking about’
I think the point is that the BBC wants them to ‘know’, and in a very specific way.
They do not ‘speak for’ as claimed, over and over. They tell, and in a not very balanced way.
What’s more, as any chink that allows actual exchange is, despite the move to social media (which is usually and meant to be the epitome of free speech and interactivity, but through modding and blocking simply anther hive tunnel output), being shaped to get back to broadcast dissemination only, they are increasing their monopolistic means of doing so, all helped by control of a highly selective edit suite… ‘We asked for your views on Studios guest Diane’s views, and we think Ken of Barking’s views sum up our views best….’
The ‘SAM on your roof’ ‘row’ rumbles on…
Had to love this…
“London’s fears over Olympic Missiles Plan”
London’s? There’s that ‘resident’ Brian Whelan again, who seems the only ‘resident’ making a fuss, and not really placed in the context of his day job.
Why let that spoil a good twitter ‘row’?
SKY ‘discussed’ it in the paper review just now and the luvvies liked the idea, but just not on their roof. The host, surprisingly, could not see what the fuss was all about.
The main thing the antis are focussing on are becoming ‘targets’.
Now, as a Die Hard fan, and even recalling the odd past flight path attempt in real life, I am presuming they are much happier at the notion of no military around and will be happy to bump into those nice multi-culti-roofers in the stairwell taking long tubes upstairs to set-up a ‘vantage point’ to enjoy the spectacle.
Hilariously rigged poll in the Graun today:
Comment is free @commentisfree
Would you feel safe with a missile launcher on your roof? Vote in the Cif Poll http://gu.com/p/37824/tw
So far not going the luvvies’ way. Expect twitter to rectify soon.
Well, a damn site safer than I’d feel with a terrorist on my roof.
Site? Dearie me, I must be thinking of your old login.
Actually, back to my ‘roots’, as this is what I embraced with the previous system (it called me Guest and when a troll with a ‘real’ name got silly I added a ‘Who’ to show how sensible that tack is).
The MS(cte) suddenly appeared and I could do naff all to change it.
I really don’t need to write anything, do I? From Twitter, and Chuck Finlay gets it right…
tom_watson @tom_watson
If you worked at NoTW and don’t believe @rupertmurdoch’s account, please contact me: “Rupert Murdoch betrayed us”: http://gu.com/p/377yx/tf
28 Apr
Jeremy Vine @theJeremyVine
@tom_watson Your book title is best so far this year, T. We’re ready for you in the studio whenever you want to come on @BBCRadio2
28 Apr
tom_watson @tom_watson
@theJeremyVine thank you. I’d be delighted.
Jeremy Vine @theJeremyVine
@tom_watson Have emailed producer to remind him to fix date. Know you’re busy. Have good weekend.
7:59 AM – 28 Apr 12
Chuck Finlay @ChuckFinlay
@theJeremyVine @tom_watson Jeremy, get a room…this snivelling in public is embarrassing!
28 Apr
Chuck… a new star.
If you haven’t, worth porting to any new thread imminent as the BBC>twitterchums>’story’ process laid bare for all to see, and the lie about how their personal accounts are nothing to do with the BBC’s professional output.
They don’t even try and hide how in the tank they are.
Also, if that exchange isn’t worth throwing at the Trust in your ‘expedited’ (for showing them up) appeal, I don’t know what is.
I’d love to hear the ‘getting about right’ excuse for that one.
I am happy to visit here. I hope you continue to do the sharing through the post to the reader. and good luck for the members site.