A reader rightly asks why is Anders Behring Breivik anything to do with the death of a Norwegian Swimming Champion? It seems entirely irrelevant but there it is – 5 sentences into this sad story of the death of a young Norwegian swimmer. Could it be that the BBC wants to reinforce and remind us as regards its’ narrative of right-wing views being threatening and associated with this gunman? What do the actions of a clinically-insane, steroid-abusing mad-man have anything to do with this?
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Yep, and when you compare to the Mysterious Mystery of the Khatdealing Men of No Affiliation, the contrast is rather…. striking?
BBC conveniences, always bunged up with more stinking shit than bogs at a sumo wrestlers convention!
They just had to get the ‘right wing’ in there somewhere. Pathetic and quite frankly insensitive!
Remember, the correct phrase is not ‘right wing’ – it is ‘far right wing’.
Bearing in mind there is no ‘far left wing’ in the BBC’s phrasebook!
I read that piece and didn’t even notice being fed the irrelevant material. Goes to show that subtle propaganda works.
So bad I just blogged it…
To be honest, I’m all for the BBC publishing more stories like this and injecting their own agenda and bias into the narrativewilly nilly and the more they do it the more stupid they look.
A story about a swimmer who dies in Flagstaff Arizona becomes tainted with Breivik.
They are both Norwegian after all… and the BBC really are stupid.
Well, you could read until the end of the article where Dale Oen’s own words at the time of his world championship triumph indicate the link.
His success at a time of national mourning resonated throughout a grieving nation. This AP report goes into more detail. But I guess they’re biased too.
But still, well done Biased BBC for illustrating so plainly how its own prejudices blind it to the bleeding obvious.
Scott, perhaps it would be better if the article was written in a more sensitive way such as your second paragraph.
“His success at a time of national mourning resonated throughout a grieving nation”.
Will look forward to the Olympic coverage where each athlete’s description is based upon some bluntly described tragedy.
Will we look forward to the Olympic coverage where each athlete’s description is based upon some bluntly described tragedy?
Only when the usual suspects compete: Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan …
Tell me Scott, what is so bleeding obvious?
“His success at a time of national mourning resonated throughout a grieving nation.”
You missed the quotation marks.
He won the medal after the massacre…WTF has it got to do with his death?
Why not “Dale Oen earned Norway’s first ever Olympic medal in swimming at the 2008 Summer Olympics, just before Global Warming Threatens Lemmings in Norway”
Dale Oens dedicated his win to the people of Norway. That’s not really difficult to understand.
What was his favourite colour? What was the name of his first pet? What job did his mother do? Did he dedicate his first wins to his school? Or his coach? Or the fjords? All interesting and all NOTHING to do with him dying after training. He has won more than one race as I note his first Olympic swimming medal was Norway’s first…didn’t seem to warrant an aside as to what else was going on in the country at the time.
“Well, you could read until the end of the article where Dale Oen’s own words at the time of his world championship triumph indicate the link.”
You’re right, Scott. It is clumsily written rather than biased.
The fifth para (“His triumph came just days after the attack in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik which killed 77 people.”) just appears to be a gratuitous, slightly random reference to Breivik and is not qualified in any way.
If the writer had added a sentence immediately afterwards (‘Oen’s success resonated with a nation in mourning’, for instance), the context would have been clearer.
the swoop of scotty the cherry vulture
pathetic excuse for a human being
Ah, the swoop of ltwf1964, never missing an excuse to demonstrate his only ability is to deliver poorly constructed insults.
Touch of masochism again?
Can”t be that poorly constructed…..seem to remember gurly boy crying like a baby about all the insults she eas getting here
yet shr keeps coming back for more
how cretinous is that?
Forgot to add
Scotty girl appears to confuse a twatterati following of lefties as equating to some kind if popularity in the real world
Not outside the luvvie bubble it doesnt
“Scotty girl appears to confuse a twatterati following of lefties as equating to some kind if popularity in the real world”
Well, thanks for the non sequitur, I guess. Don’t suppose you’ll bother backing up that comment, or explaining what it has to do with anything, though.
Just read another source and apparently he dedicated the win to the victims so there is a genuine after all, just the BBC failed to explain it.
No bias here, just poor journalism.
Seems a lot of what the BBC do is “just poor journalism”. When mistakes become commonplace are they really just down to poor performance or deliberate.
Unfortunately the BBC are far more calculating than you give them credit for. Each and every piece of work be it on TV, radio or the web is full of carefully structured subliminal messaging and overt socialist education material.
They are a politically dangerous organisation that needs to be gutted or preferably privatised in a hurry.
BBC enemy in our midst.
Seeing as we’re on the subject of sports how about more coverage of BBCs footballing bias.
Obviously there’s their worship of anything to do with the city of Liverpool and the pure hatred of Rangers. However, the bias against Arsenal has come to the fore recently, what with Lineker’s abuse of Arsene Wenger and a few years back there was a fake news night investigation into the club. I guess it’s the clubs traditionalist approach and history that the BBC hates?
On a related note, by far the most sickening abuse in the history of the Premier League has been the false accusations of cild sex abuse directed at Arsene Wenger by tens of thousands of “fans” at multiple stadiums around the country for well over a decade. Notice how the BBC blows any alleged racial incident out of all proportion, but when it comes to false rape allegations it’s suddenly ok. Must be the BBC’s feminist bias showing itself I suppose where false allegations of sex abuse simply do not exist.
I await the BBC coverage of the Olympic Games when Israeli athletes are competing. Look out for pauses between the actions filled with remarks about the occuppied territories, illegal settlements, and Israel’s hostility towards Iran’s drive for peaceful nuclear energy. Perhaps we should consider a prize for the commentator with the most insertions.
Anders Breivik, the gift to the BBC that keeps on giving and giving and giving.
Cut to the coming attacks by islamists on the Olympics and the BBC will be falling over themselves to forget the perpetrators and the motives.