A reader send me this…
“THE Australian Financial Review and British broadcaster the BBC selected a handful of emails from a cache of almost 15,000 to paint a blatantly incorrect conspiracy theory of a global piracy scam orchestrated by News Corporation.
Forensic analysis of thousands of those emails, which the AFR describes as the “great bulk of our supporting material”, shows the 45 stories they sparked were based on incorrect assumptions, false interpretations and highly selective reporting. AFR journalist Neil Chenoweth, known for his highly critical reporting on News Corporation – the ultimate owner of The Weekend Australian – and its chairman and chief executive Rupert Murdoch, joined forces with the BBC’s investigative program Panorama to air the claims.”
45 stories they sparked were based on incorrect assumptions, false interpretations and highly selective reporting
This is about the BBC’s US bureau, no?
Not to mention continuing to push the blatant lie about Molly Dowlers phone being hacked. For that alone the BBC deserves to be investigated for its role in protecting its news monopoly in the UK.
I agree: Guardian especially but also their broadcast arm.
The BBC would argue that it`s all about choices…and their selecting stories having to rely on some house style rules.
That these rules are as flexible as they choose(that word choice is for them alone…we just have to stump up and shut up)….well, that`s an interesting argument that time never allows for(unfortunately, of course).
Take todays 8am news-leads with Boris winning, but the previous piece was a paean to Ken…did a Giuliani after 7/7( who could possibly forget?…only an ingrate like me, I guess) and got us the Olympics-according to Mrs Mills/Jowell.
Outrageous puffery-not a peep over his “Beacon of Islam” stuff or his “Jews are too rich to vote for the likes of me” stuff either…indeed no commentator has mentioned these turds in the punchbowl, any more that his colourful tax affairs.
For we need to stop carping about such things…aren`t the BBC already stitching up the narrative for when Owen Jones takes over? Spinning weaving and shuttling as ever
So instead of Boris` win getting a slot after 8am…turns out we get a Labour grandee being dragged out of the bed to tell us why mayoral elections continue to shame Cameron, because other places didn`t want mayors-and a nation full of Borises was likely to have been the cause.
So-no chance to tease out postal voting fraud, fights at Mile End polling stations; or why such a moribund creep like Ken was the best that Labour could put up.”
Zees ez no longer the Story Evanz”
No-the story today is that Boris only won a pitcher of warmed up spit-whereas Tomorrow Belongs to Eds…same old meme, same old Beeb.
Maybe if we tell them that even Ken thought the BBC to be Biased, they might listen to their sponsors?
At least the canapes will be a little tired tonight as they trawl round each others soirees and wondering if they could swap Londons population for Pyongyangs…the BBCs propaganda seems not to work on real people anymore does it?
They didn’t want Comrade Ken to win I suspect. Boris, for all his buffonery, is not doing a bad job and is walking the modern political tight-rope with some aplumb.
Ken would be a distaster for Labour and a gift to the BNP-SWP axis of hate. As London burns the Shires will retreat to the right and that would never do.
Anyway, from what I’ve seen of Today’s News 24 they are trying to split the Tories with a Boris for PM 2015 ploy. If they put up enough chaff I think they may even succeed, being the masters of spin and smear that they are.
They next few years are going to be pretty shitty in the Sceptered Isles.
@ Pah 3.37pm.
Did you mean Sceptered, or Septic, or even Sc(k)eptic?
Just askin’
Not BBC bias and off topic but I would like this story of possible voting fraud to be widely circulated. A friend living in Barnet had applied for a postal vote – when she phoned on tuesday she was told that the postal votes had been sent out the previous thursday. When she asked if they had caught the thursday post there was a lot of muttering and eventually she was told that if she wished to go to the Council Offices her postal vote was still there. Her area of Barnet is Boris country – is that why her voting slip was not sent out?