Have you been watching BBC coverage of the win by Socialist Hollande in the French Presidential election? I be the champagne will flow in broadcasting house – socialism is back (along with a run on the Euro very very shortly)
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A black day for French democracy (such as it is) if Hollande has won. He seems to have taken a leaf from his British counterparts play book and decided that all he needs is to smear to win. And look how well it works.
Austerity hasn’t worked, they’ll claim, and then scramble to come up with another excuse when the Euro tanks because of this.
Spot on. This is what the socialists are good at (spin, lies, mantras, sound bites etc) but the Tories haven’t cottoned on to, preferring instead to rise above ‘yah boo’ politics. The trouble is, after 13 years of nothing else this is the only political modus operandi a good proportion of the electorate understands. Until Cameron and co. start banging home the message about the deficit, the debt and who is responsible for it, and that the time for us as a country and as individuals to start living within our means, he’s stuffed. Oh, and the implications of higher interest rates – which will inevitably happen if we don’t keep a grip on the deficit – on those indebted up to their necks might not go amiss.
‘… the time HAS COME for us as a country…’ Drat.
Hollandaise’s anti-austerilty promises will be his ‘Obama moment’ viz Guantanamo – it wont be put into practice because it’s totally impractical; but good to get elected with an electorate fed a diet of delusion rather than the rather less appetising truth.
Europe is socialist in nature, unlike us the indigenous English. That’s why they historically hate us. The bbc are our fifth column. Traitors the lot of them.
British, old chap, British 🙂
Pinar is mincing about in France tonight, joining in with the celebrations and commenting on 5dead that its even more exciting than when obama got elected.
Crack open a bottle of bubbly John and put it on the bBC tab
All though I think the markets have factored in a Hollande win. It still likely they will punish the EURO none-the-less. The Beeb on the other hand will blame everyone else (except for their hero of the hour) for the Euros continuing is slide into oblivion. I’ve got my current bet fixed at 0.78 by the end of the month – ambitious, but hey it’s worth a giggle at the Beebs expense .
This is great news, this means the end of the European Union and the Euro. Mr Socialist will spend, spend, spend and Germany will have to foot the bill. Soon the Germans will tire of the European project.
Don’t be so sure. France has one of the worst economies in Europe. It is only held up by the CAP. If the CAP goes not only France but many an EU country will fold so it won’t ever, ever go.
France will keep on suckling at the EU teat and we will, as usual, be expected to pay for it.
Came across this interesting tweet:
Mike Freer MP @mikefreermp
BBC News just can’t help themselves. A 4% margin for Hollande is a clear victory. 3% margin for Boris is a narrow one. #bbcbias
He’s quite right.
The BBC tonight says, “French socialist Francois Hollande has won a clear victory in the country’s presidential election”….
….while report after report on Boris’s similar margin of victory gets this sort of thing from the BBC:
“London mayor: Boris Johnson wins second term by tight margin.”
“Boris had narrowly beaten Ken Livingstone”
“So by winning, albeit by a narrow margin, Mr Johnson…”
Those report that don’t say how “narrow” or “tight” Boris’s margin of victory was stress how “close” it was:
“The mayoral contest was much closer than many people had expected.”
52% Hollande 48% Sarkozy
51% Boris 48% Ken
Nowhere in that main BBC Online report on the French election result does the BBC reporter write, “The presidential contest was much closer than many people had expected.”
Nicely demonstrated, Craig.
Well spotted
Scott was unavailable for comment. Something about a bubble.
Craig – have you confronted them with that? Would be interested what they say (probably nothing as it’s a bit tricky).
I’ve put a complaint in, RCE.
If they do bother to reply, I suspect it will be a long and tortuous ‘explanation’ that avoids tackling the main point.
Always wonderful when you come on here and find someone has made the exact point you were going to make!
‘A 4% margin for Hollande is a clear victory. 3% margin for Boris is a narrow one.’
Maybe they got Stephanie Flanders on the ‘analysis’ desk?
At least she probably got to vote over there correctly as I presume all in the BBC were sent a postal ballot on some kind of honorary basis for ‘Services to French Socialism’?
John Pienaar sounded as if he’d come in his pants at the news of the socialist victory. I expect we’ll pay for his laundry bill too.
I just cannot believe the naivety of the younger generations. Haven’t they studied history and political science? Socialism, unless considerably diluted with Neoliberalism, simply doesn’t work and I see no signs from my review of Hollande’s background that he will strive for a more radical form of socialism i.e. a form that will adhere to fiscal responsibility whilst promoting enterprise. Depressing for France’s national identity but as another commentator mentions – this could spell the end for the Euro behemoth. Interesting times…
Oh, they’ve studied it. The problem lies with who taught them and what they were taught.
If I had any money I’d be online and on the phone starting right now trying to find a broker in Japan who would let me take put options on the Euro and work my way westward.
Never underestimate the effectiveness of the politics of envy and catchphrase. So what if there is a debt crisis, borrow more. So what if the international markets will punish the French interest rates and the Euro, they are bad people anyway. Promise a utopian scenario of “jobs and growth”, in the face of all economic necessity, and half the electorate will fall for it.
lol…A little simplistic in terms of financial modeling with the utmost respect David mainly because investing in the Euro will have to orbit around Euro mutual funds that are euro-based and secure in their profit margins i.e. a foreign investor (with a proven track record that is!) will need evidence of high yield bond returns which, apart from German industry, is forthcoming, Any investment, needless to say, will require a minimum security and commitment all of which France is lacking after the markets demoted the triple A rating.
I was meant to say ‘not’ forthcoming lol…I really must switch on the light before typing.
It won’t last, Merlin. The Germans won’t allow their banks to become zombies. Banks are already invested in the Euro, which is pretty much the only reason it still exists. Shorting it makes sense.
In the Socialist’s mind, when they fail it’s always a case of not going far enough, never that their ideology is flawed – there’s just never enough Socialism (other people’s money) to go around. That wonderful Utopia they’re striving for is ALWAYS just over the next hill.
there was someone French on the Today programme this (Monday) morning (sorry didn’t catch who) saying precisely that – the EU needs to ‘federate’ to save the Euro – they explained that no currency has survived without its own country and therefore the EU needs to become 1 country. Do these people never learn?
It was Jacques Atalli, the man who put the marble into the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, or whatever the tawdry boondoggle was called. He’s a made member of the ENA and the French political power elite. Never had a real job, obviously.
No doubt it’s the same naivety that drives young people to take up smoking cigarettes, ignoring the risks, despite all the health warnings. I guess it’s doubly cool to smoke, and be a socialist?
The naive will watch him take office, while singing along to “things, can only get better”.
And be surprised when things dont get better.
History teaches them the evils of the “laissez faire” governments of the 19th century, how the right wing led to both WWI with imperialism and nationalism, and WWII with fascism and nazism (not to mention how the Russians overthrew their oppressive imperialist-Tsarist rulers from 1905 to the 1917 revolution). Political science teaches them the theories of Marx and Gramsci.
I got the same impression from Pienaar – he is obviously cock-a-hoop.
“The French Muslim voter no doubt settled scores with Sarkozy for his ban on the veil and pro-Israeli policies and may even have cost him the presidency, although this issue too did not come to the fore in electioneering.” – from (the Israeli) Debka File report entitled: ‘Change of French presidents weakens Western front against nuclear Iran .’
At least Hollande has ruled out Turkish entry into the EU for the next five years because of their uselessness at meeting the necessary conditions.
Somebody should do a Freedom of Information Act request for BBC invoices, to see if there is any significant spike in champagne expenditure this bank holiday.
Some people are happy with the result.
Tweet from Nigel Farage…
Nigel Farage
Hollande’s victory will drive a wedge between France and Germany with serious implications for the eurozone
…and this guy, who seems to be bothering Nigel on Twitter at the moment, is a reminder of why the LibDems are the enemy of a sovereign GB…
Lee Dargue – Vice Chair for West Mids LibDems
Congrats Monsieur Hollande, closer than some of us expected. Now, let the great experiment begin!
Actually, Mr. D’ Argue, I think ‘the experiment’ might soon end. Muppet.
There is something rather ominous about experimenting with people’s lives in such a fashion.
I complete agree with your sentimenst. I hated the way the Blair/Brown Government was called a “New Labour PROJECT” as if the people of this country are so many laboratory mice.
The new narrative to watch out for from the BBC will be ‘Cameron isolated’ – which will come directly form Labour’s talking points. They tried the same with the EU veto issue, but it didn’t work. The Socialists’ win in France, and their promise to undo the austerity measures presents the BBC with another opportunity to portray the Tories as ‘out of touch’ and out of step with the rest of Europe. We’ll be hearing a lot of this stuff in the months ahead.
Reed, no need to look further than the DT for that, I’m afraid.
Comments are derisive though…
Back to the future – France embraces the 70s…
From The Telegraph…
The Sarkozy crowd has unveiled a banner reading ‘Welcome to Belgium’ – probably a reference to the country’s political turmoil, big state and failure to grapple with its debts. (I think; drop me an email if you know better – matthew.holehouse@telegraph.co.uk).
Update: I’m indebted to all our readers who wrote in with a more accurate explanation. Olivier Weber, London correspondent for Canal+, was amongst the first with this:
Quote ‘Welcome to Belgium’ could be a reference to an exodus of wealthy French people out of the country, scared by Hollande’s tax plans. Belgium is popular with French tax exiles (so is London)
Hollande has proposed a tax of 75% on earnings over Euros 1m.
Still, if they all flock to the UK it could help us out. France’s loss could be our gain.
Should have said “Welcome to Luxemburg”, because the real story is the under reported that Hollande is going to raise Corporation Tax to pay for his social experiment.
‘Sarkozy was the most brilliant politician of his generation but as he himself admitted he did not always act as the French people expected of a president. He lacked reserve.’
Is it just me, or is the above a bit contradictory? How can someone be the most brilliant politician of their generation, yet not behave in the way that their electorate expects them to behave?!?
How come we get Evan Davis in Paris as well as John Humphrys in Athens.
How come they`ve not managed to find Salford yet I wonder?
We all know that we pay for Humphrys to see the kids, check the gardeners aren`t nicking his loppers and blag enough ouzo until the next pretext to “go to the Athens Street” crops up.
If we know they`re all away, surely they themselves aren`t covered for insurance, should anybody in W11 feel the need to liberate their mixing desks from their studios.
And is the EU paying for any of this endless Eoro flummery?…and which media grandee gets the Black Mango Award for unnecessary abuse of Mother Earth-well significant other partner if we can`t call her Mother any more?
Monbiot? Toynbee? Snow? Humphrys? Davis?…my money is on Naughtie actually?
No mention of journalist staycations coming up coming up on Excess Baggage then I imagine.
Truly the “Children of their Revolution” aren`t they , this crop of monoculture muppets forever seeking beanos in nicer weather.
I`d cover Humph in flour and Plaster of Paris whilst he`s there and tell the Greeks he`s a deposit on the Elgin Marbles.
And if the UK Border monkeys need a tip for dodgy uppers, bits from Pere Lechaise being smuggled illegally or biotheft of vine cuttings, then I`d pay to have these grifters detained in the Premium Lounge at Heathrow…if only for this week only!
John Humpreys in Athens, always, because he is building his retirement home on a Greek Island. Why pay for an air fare when the british public can subsidise you.
The BBC did say a couple of years ago that they were not going to send out their senior anchormen to report from foreign countries but were going to rely on their local reporters – have we noticed this happening?