A B-BBC reader observes;
London Mayor:
Boris wins ‘by tight margin’
(51.5% vs 48.5%)
French President:
Hollande has won ‘a clear victory’
(51.7% vs 48.3%)
An impartial observer might note that the percentages are practically identical. But for the BBC? when a socialist loses, it’s ‘tight’; when a socialist wins, it’s ‘clear’. Ho hum.
That was meant to be a link to Craig’s comment yesterday May 6th 11:04 Here. Somehow it came up as 404 not found.
(I thought we could link to individual comments by using the date/time hyperlink?)
Hollande, the name itself spells the end for the euroslime dream of the Quisling centrists laughably calling themselves the right. Savour the name, it spells the end for scum like Cameron. One Frenchman brings down a UK government, old Napoleon would be wetting himself with glee.
The UK now on the hook for God alone knows how many billions when defaults start, the Vichy regime promising us that all that money poured into propping up the Euro basket cases was money well spent. When it evaporates what are they going to tell us then?
I just love knowing that the leftie stuffed BritishBrainwashingCorporation is bound to keep an eye on this fantastic site and they know that time and time again it keeps catching them with their socialist soiled little pants down!