David, you’ve made the same mistake I did in the Open Thread and jumped straight in. Jim Dandy quickly produced a similar job advert for a Conservative expert.
Given the non-stop deluge of communications between the Labour party and the BBC, I can see why the Labour job needs to be permanent – the Tories communicate so little the job could be filled by someone working just a couple of hours a week.
‘There does appear to be a difference.’
I imagine that while the pay grades match, the Labour candidate may anticipate warmer induction into the fold, whilst I also wouldn’t fancy the way their office is divided…
At the (very real) risk of being over self-referential, I commented re RD’s post and the JD observation thus:
“I note that both the positions – for experts on Labour and the Conservatives – and most probably all other positions have this load of bollocks as a core competence for the job
Understands and appreciates the uniqueness of self and others. Demonstrates, and is committed to improving, understanding of why people react in particular ways. Understanding diversity in its widest sense. Demonstrates a commitment to improving diversity in the BBC. Takes a balanced approach to discussing and taking action on diversity issues. Articulates how individual differences can benefit the BBC.
At the BBC we respect each other and celebrate our differences so that everyone gives their best. The BBC positively encourages applications from all parts of the community and is committed to promoting equality of opportunity.
It is important to BBC News that all employees come from and reflect the different communities across the UK
We value their understanding, experience and knowledge which enables us to communicate with our audiences.
Accordingly an enormous number of people – including me – would be immediately disqualified from this position. I – and others – have absolutely no desire to “take action” (for what is, after all a temporary assignment) on “diversity issues” at the BBC. Furthermore I (and many others) have no interest or ambition to “articulate . . how individual differences can benefit the BBC”
Sure, the BBC wants to bring in expertise but the people who it is seeking to recruit come from the same groupthinking crowd of lefties and (possibly) CINOs who constitute the BBC’s possibly racially but certainly not politically diverse news/opinion mob. ”
In other words, yes the BBC is seeking expertise but, in the end, the expertise is only being sought from those who already are infected with the BBC mindset. Accordingly, it would be mistaken – as well as foolish – to consider that any analyses drawn by (and, certainly, from) these recruits will not exhibit the usual biased, partial and wholly mendacious characteristics for which the BBC is notorious.
The ad for the Conservative analyst requires experience in Conservative Party work (if I understand it correctly). Not really going to produce a candidate already predisposed to BBC Leftoid groupthink. I grant you that could very easily give them a wet CINO, and perhaps that’s what they’re looking for. But without access to the interview process, that’s just speculation on my part.
‘just speculation on my part’
You are hence perfectly qualified to write BBC headlines ‘that fit’ based on what isn’t actually known yet.
If challenged, you can then claim that as anything missing was ‘well known’ and/or published in other media, it is thus a fair representation of the facts.
Whether it is a Labour, Conservative or Monster Raving Loony Party person that is sought for these positions is just not the point. The point is, it is PARTISAN and that is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. What happened to all the guff they give out about being impartial when they actively seek partial people? It is all b….ks, they know it, we know it, even Jim Dandy knows it, (though he is paid to say otherwise, either that or he is Mandleson, and if so do I get a prize?).
What amazes me is that Cameron and Cleg were today visiting a tractor factory (you couldn’t make it up could you?) trying to explain how difficult the economy is and last week Osborne was apologising for spinning the budget badly. Then, following on behind is the anti-government Propaganda-Meister Nick Robinson sneering at every word from the other side of the room. Then it’s back to the studio for a quote from the boy wonder Milli-bla-bla, who has complete amnesia about anything prior to the last election and has the cheek to rubbish anyone who promotes financial responsibility. Sorry, should have used the new sneer word; Austerity!
I mean, just how thick are Cameron and Cleg? Can they not grow a pair and get to grips with this out of control media, headed up by the BBC or are they to for ever run around like little schoolgirls with their knickers over their heads crying “please sir, Mr BBC sir, it’s not my fault sir, it’s all the Euro’s fault sir, can I come and sit on your sofa Mr BBC sir and tell your lovely viewers I’m ever so nice really, thank you very much sir”.
I think I shall scream and scream and scream until I am sick.
We really need more information. What other ‘Party’experts are employed by the BBC? Is there a Liberal Democrat expert? What about Plaid Cymru, Democratic Unionist, SNP, Social Democratic and Labour Party, etc? How about the also-rans that didn’t win a seat but may have if their national figures were focused in a small number of seats. BNP, Greens and UKIP spring to mind.
All i’ll say is nothing should really surprise anyone about the scandalously undemocratically and iniquely funded, comedic and anything BUT properly impartial BritishBrainwashingCorporation. The whole leftie stuffed outfit’s a “joke”!
Search Biased BBC
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The Labour Party has NO “workings”!!!
David, you’ve made the same mistake I did in the Open Thread and jumped straight in. Jim Dandy quickly produced a similar job advert for a Conservative expert.
The main advert is for a PERMANENT post. The ad for the Conservative is for SIX MONTHS. There does appear to be a difference.
Given the non-stop deluge of communications between the Labour party and the BBC, I can see why the Labour job needs to be permanent – the Tories communicate so little the job could be filled by someone working just a couple of hours a week.
‘There does appear to be a difference.’
I imagine that while the pay grades match, the Labour candidate may anticipate warmer induction into the fold, whilst I also wouldn’t fancy the way their office is divided…
At the (very real) risk of being over self-referential, I commented re RD’s post and the JD observation thus:
“I note that both the positions – for experts on Labour and the Conservatives – and most probably all other positions have this load of bollocks as a core competence for the job
Understands and appreciates the uniqueness of self and others. Demonstrates, and is committed to improving, understanding of why people react in particular ways. Understanding diversity in its widest sense. Demonstrates a commitment to improving diversity in the BBC. Takes a balanced approach to discussing and taking action on diversity issues. Articulates how individual differences can benefit the BBC.
At the BBC we respect each other and celebrate our differences so that everyone gives their best. The BBC positively encourages applications from all parts of the community and is committed to promoting equality of opportunity.
It is important to BBC News that all employees come from and reflect the different communities across the UK
We value their understanding, experience and knowledge which enables us to communicate with our audiences.
Accordingly an enormous number of people – including me – would be immediately disqualified from this position. I – and others – have absolutely no desire to “take action” (for what is, after all a temporary assignment) on “diversity issues” at the BBC. Furthermore I (and many others) have no interest or ambition to “articulate . . how individual differences can benefit the BBC”
Sure, the BBC wants to bring in expertise but the people who it is seeking to recruit come from the same groupthinking crowd of lefties and (possibly) CINOs who constitute the BBC’s possibly racially but certainly not politically diverse news/opinion mob. ”
In other words, yes the BBC is seeking expertise but, in the end, the expertise is only being sought from those who already are infected with the BBC mindset. Accordingly, it would be mistaken – as well as foolish – to consider that any analyses drawn by (and, certainly, from) these recruits will not exhibit the usual biased, partial and wholly mendacious characteristics for which the BBC is notorious.
The ad for the Conservative analyst requires experience in Conservative Party work (if I understand it correctly). Not really going to produce a candidate already predisposed to BBC Leftoid groupthink. I grant you that could very easily give them a wet CINO, and perhaps that’s what they’re looking for. But without access to the interview process, that’s just speculation on my part.
‘just speculation on my part’
You are hence perfectly qualified to write BBC headlines ‘that fit’ based on what isn’t actually known yet.
If challenged, you can then claim that as anything missing was ‘well known’ and/or published in other media, it is thus a fair representation of the facts.
Whether it is a Labour, Conservative or Monster Raving Loony Party person that is sought for these positions is just not the point. The point is, it is PARTISAN and that is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. What happened to all the guff they give out about being impartial when they actively seek partial people? It is all b….ks, they know it, we know it, even Jim Dandy knows it, (though he is paid to say otherwise, either that or he is Mandleson, and if so do I get a prize?).
What amazes me is that Cameron and Cleg were today visiting a tractor factory (you couldn’t make it up could you?) trying to explain how difficult the economy is and last week Osborne was apologising for spinning the budget badly. Then, following on behind is the anti-government Propaganda-Meister Nick Robinson sneering at every word from the other side of the room. Then it’s back to the studio for a quote from the boy wonder Milli-bla-bla, who has complete amnesia about anything prior to the last election and has the cheek to rubbish anyone who promotes financial responsibility. Sorry, should have used the new sneer word; Austerity!
I mean, just how thick are Cameron and Cleg? Can they not grow a pair and get to grips with this out of control media, headed up by the BBC or are they to for ever run around like little schoolgirls with their knickers over their heads crying “please sir, Mr BBC sir, it’s not my fault sir, it’s all the Euro’s fault sir, can I come and sit on your sofa Mr BBC sir and tell your lovely viewers I’m ever so nice really, thank you very much sir”.
I think I shall scream and scream and scream until I am sick.
Please tell me that this isn’t a job earmarked for that horrible little squit Owen Jones.
We really need more information. What other ‘Party’experts are employed by the BBC? Is there a Liberal Democrat expert? What about Plaid Cymru, Democratic Unionist, SNP, Social Democratic and Labour Party, etc? How about the also-rans that didn’t win a seat but may have if their national figures were focused in a small number of seats. BNP, Greens and UKIP spring to mind.
All i’ll say is nothing should really surprise anyone about the scandalously undemocratically and iniquely funded, comedic and anything BUT properly impartial BritishBrainwashingCorporation. The whole leftie stuffed outfit’s a “joke”!