Bishop Hill notes that on Thought For The Day, John Bell equated CAGW sceptics with paedophiles and networks of men who organise systematically the abuse of children. Nice!
Ah John Bell…the BBCs trustie of choice.
With his Glasgow accent, but his Cally Mc Broon pass over to Iona , should he have to work in Glasgow as he says he once did.
Yes folks…not Islam at all, this Rochdale contretemps…nah, it`s his concept as understood by a German theologian…that of “group evil”.
Bell therefore equates the systematic abuse of countless young white girls “in care” with a pciking on the new boy in his old youth club that he used to run.
Only a Bell or Fraser would come up with this one…if Iran needs an Axminster stamp on the bottoms of pliant “Christian” clerics, then here are two useless doormats for them…always pointed at Mecca too, now they`re chipped and pinned as the kind of Jesus weasel so sought by our national media..”social cohesion”, so I understand
C’mon, you have to enjoy the irony of one of the BBC’s pet padres coming out with a load of sub-Milli Tant blather about the evils of Men, even while Question Time et al are all but pushing the line that dem slags wuz askin’ for it.
It’s final proof that the BBC long ago abandoned any committment to truth, or even basic coherency, in favour of carrying water for the left.
I referred to this article in the previous open thread. But this article shows the sheer bias of the bBC. Only the entry by Murphy is shown; non of the background or the gov reply is shown. Also much of what Murphy said was wrong. So Labour highlight something with a pack of lies, bBC publish it and non balanced response given!
I posted this at the foot of the last open thread. maybe it’s more appropriate here:
Daily Tim Worstall eg here evicerates Shaxon’s mate Richard Murphy and the tax “justice” crapola. Murphy is a paid “expert” for the TUC and others, and a hypocrite – since he has a personal history of tax avoidance. That the BBC can’t get enough of his and Shaxon’s “expertise” is thereby completely understandable. The BBC is not seeking disinterested expertise: it seeks any cheer-leader for the BBC Narrative no matter how flawed his intellectual capacity to understand what he’s squawking about.
After the conviction of the nine Muslim Peadophiles, reports are coming in that the white community in Rochdale are taking revenge.
Apparently Paki girls as young as 14 have been ‘groomed’.
Victims claim that EDL members have abducted them and taken them to barbers shops where they’ve been forced to have their beards trimmed . . . .
“French journalist and commentator Agnes Poirier looks at whether the election of Francois Hollande will mean ‘au revoir’ to austerity, and time for France to go for growth.”
Either/or, is it, Beeb?
Not to mention the woman presenting has obvious difficulty speaking English.
There have been a few ‘difficult to follow’ commentators on the Business news lately – they seem to prefer a foreign viewpoint of the goings on in the City.
As if any government with an ounce of sanity wouldn’t want to go for both, being in the mess most are in. The BBC are increasingly presenting it as an either/or, which suits the socialist propaganda machine just fine.
“The Left’s anti-austerity message is delusional.
It may be beguiling voters, but the Left in the Labour Party and across Europe is refusing to acknowledge harsh economic truths.”
Click like if you think all the loyal commentators of this site should flood the BBC with complaints after last night’s unspeakable and deplorable ‘Question’ Time. Their blaming the victims for the vile Muslim abuse was sickening beyond belief. Some might call me naive and some will say complaining won’t do any good but I strongly feel that having a few hundred strongly worded letters shining a light on their abject cowardice to even question the role of Islam in the grooming nightmare just might let them know that their little politically correct lies will no longer go unnoticed.
And in general the Muslims of Oldham show solidarity with their Muslim brothers of neighbouring Rochdale, and INBBC is happy to propagandise on their behalf.
I didn’t see it, and don’t have the stomach to watch before making a complaint. I know it doesn’t stop others but I do believe I need to see something before lodging a complaint.
In fact the best thing is to get a Twitter bandwagon rolling then get BBC news to report how there is “fury” over this, or that “anger is growing”. Just one difficulty there though…
24 hour news: 4:45pm Interviewer outside Courts talking about Brookes and Leveson. The then get an interview with MP Bryant, yes the one who leaked privileged info, no other interview to balance the bias view. Will they never stop.
If the BBC feels Chris Bryant is the best one to answer, beyond wondering what it has become I rather feel the concept of ‘questions being asked’ has spiralled into farce.
If it hadn’t already.
A while ago.
Have to say here, much as I dislike underpants Bryant, he was the only one I saw with a look of total horror on his face on QT when that knob of a vicar began to blame the rochdale slags for asking for it by dressing in such a provacative way. His reaction was the only remotely human one I saw across the panel.
switched over immediately when that happened only to find Harriet Harperson on sky doing the same, it seems like the handbag-toting media luvvies on this island are out to finish murdoch – no matter what. Europe is about to crash and burn and all these oiks care about is Leveson.
During the morning team break, the same BBC bloke popped up to, to present his summary of the first session in which Brooks spilled the beans on The Sun’s relationship with Blair and Brown, the infighting in Labour and her own personal meetings.
Did the Beeboid tell viewers any of this. No. It was Cameron, Cameron, Cameron.
Appalling biased, delivered with a fair degree of bile.
I heard at Leveson today that the BBC was part of a anti-sky takeover group, would the BBC have spent taxpayers money on this anti sky thing? if so maybe a FOI type thing might be needed?
Not only that, as part of their opposition they were lobying politicians.
But trying to influence politicians obviously doesn’t count when it’s they and their friends that are doing it.
I say that the Government (Hunt and Cable) and especially ALL of the Labour front bench should be forced to publish details of the meetings / e-mails / texts that they had with / from the Anti News International coalition.
So here is more bed wetting by the bBC. Fred Michel anything he says with no other supplementary proof is gospel.
I haven’t followed Leveson this week but listening to a brief snippet of R4 news tonight I get the impression that Coulson and Brooks haven’t lived up to the week-long BBC hype. There seems to be a whiff of something desperate in the BBC’s coverage. Would I be correct?
‘There seems to be a whiff of something desperate in the BBC’s coverage. Would I be correct?’
That would be a yes.
However, with access to a good edit suite, the selection of the right guests, and all can be sorted in post.
Though it does seem that even those they pretend to speak for at the Daily Mirror end of the TV remote are starting to sniff the whiff that what is being served isn’t what they are interested in now, and the natives are restless.
No of course not – does it matter that Cameron signed his texts “love Dave”, of course not. This is all about the establishment put in place by the previous government giving News International and its people a right good kicking for supporting the Conservatives in the last election.
and the BBC is all for it – don’t forget the sainted Steve Hewlett, on whose every word the BBC hangs is 1, a Guardian columnist and 2, a mate of Tom Watson.
Obama, Mardell: don’t blame Islam –
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Chairman of Joint Chiefs removes instructors, material that is offensive to Islam.”
[Opening excerpt]-
“Wired’s hard-Left pseudo-journalist Spencer Ackerman continues his series of ‘exposes’ designed to render us complacent and ignorant in the face of the advancing jihad. The jihadis who mount the next successful large-scale civilian massacre in the U.S. should be sure to send Ackerman a thank-you card.”
Will Self thinks that the recent Rochdale case highlights a problem within the Pakistani community that they must address. Louise Mensch thinks that the group which includes the groomers is a tiny group of extremists and it is wrong to tar all Pakistanis with the same brush. She makes two short and well-mannered replies to him; one near the beginning and one at the end.
To the BBC, this is a ‘clash’.
It must be killing quite a few Beeboids that the woman who publicly shamed them about their censorship of the Fogel family tragedy is on their side of this issue, while the lofty darling Self is on the “wrong” side.
I never thought I would so strongly agree with Will Self against the fragrant Louise Mensch, but she was totally wrong. Self, unusually, was speaking quite reasonably although I might have put it slightly differently myself.
Odd really, it was a bit of a clash but Lovely Louise seemed not to be replying to what Will Self was saying; it sounded to me like she had a phrase she was determined to use and she used it it twice but not really contradicting WS (or Alan Johnson for that matter) despite thinking she was contradicting him.
I have long understood *what* the BBC are doing with regard to Islam but what I don’t get is *why*. What is the end game? Do they hate their fellow citizens as much as it appears? If so why? Do they really want Islam taking over our country? If so then they are aiding an enemy, that is treason, and treason is a crime.
I’ll tell you this much. I’m 48 years old and overweight and I have a dodgy ticker but, BBC or no, the Muslims are not taking over my country so long as I have breath.
“The Islamist threat itself may be crude, but this is an intricate cultural and political challenge that will absorb all of our energies for the rest of our lives: we are all responsible for doing our utmost as citizens as well as for demanding more imagination from our leaders.”
To abandon the belief in the equality of all civilisations and cultures would force the liberal to confront reality. The entire unreal liberal world view would collapse . He would be forced to admit to himself that the world he believed in and worked to bring into being did not and could not ever exist.
Rather than face this the liberal will cling to the unreal and use denial as his primary prop.
Question Time on Thursday showed the liberal in crisis. It would be funny if it did not affect real lives of real people.
The BBC ,staffed almost entirely by such people, is a perfect example of the damage liberalism has bought down upon us all.
As always it will be left to the ordinary citizen to put things right. And that will mean restoring real meaning to real words . Right and wrong. Good and evil .Even , God forbid, the concept of sin and judgement. The BBC and the liberal elite are out of time and their day is done.
They have no real love for Islam; rather, they just see it as an opposition to the current order, and a possible opening for socialism.
Perhaps in half a century’s time there’ll be a website “Biased IBC.cuk” where people complain about the Company ignoring any crimes committed by Taoists and a left-wing shaven Caliph who is constantly talking about how great Confucius was etc.
Tonight’s Newsnight has taken the Oldham 9 convicted Islamic paedo story and slid it sharply sideways to consider the general safety of 14 year olds in UK wide care homes. Sleight of hand in the studio, is Paul Daniels back in work?
Just watching a replay of QT and the narrative starts here… given there’s an abhorrent and alleged version of a similar story being tried in Carlisle courts the Bbc are deliberately ignoring the problem and I’d suggest they’re encouraging widening the story to exclude race and/or race.
I utterly hate bBc news reportage
They are shit scared of anyone who actually believes in something, multiculturalism bring the inherent belief in nothing. Of course, people who believe in something will always succeed against those who don’t, so we know how things are going to pan out.
Today I have had the World service on at work and I have to admit how a so called flagship service is so biased.
1) Hardtalk was all about how jew hater Finklestein feels that even American jews hate Israel.
2) Spent half of the morning about how in one presentation, candidates at one US staff college where regaled to a theoretical situation I quote from the Guardian article on the subject: Dooley also presumed, for the purposes of his theoretical war plan, that the Geneva conventions that set standards of armed conflict, are “no longer relevant”. The beeb then dragged in lots of muslims who had no problem castigating the entire American nation. (Contrary to how the bBC looks at the Islamic world over the actions of so many Islamic terrorists)
Listen in to the first few minutes or if you have the time the full 25 minutes in which to hear true hatred against Americans from the bBC
“It tells the story of a North African dictator who tortures and executes his own people on a whim and is building weapons of mass destruction with which he hopes to obliterate Israel.”
scrolling breaking news etc, his tragic childhood…”Aladeen’s childhood was filled with tragedy; all six of his older brothers met with the most accidental of deaths.”
President Obama’s campaign website added “clean coal” to a list of energy priorities late this week, days after Republican lawmakers noted the omission and a federal inmate received about 40 percent of the vote against Obama in the Democratic primary in coal-heavy West Virginia.
Previously, the campaign’s website highlighted “fuel efficiency” on a list of seven energy priorities, but it has been replaced by “clean coal” and the site now touts Obama’s “10-year goal to develop and deploy cost-effective clean coal technology.”
The surreal world we live in. Billions upon billions wasted on reducing CO2 emissions – in vain, as they have increased something like 11% over the last 10 years – whilst temperatures have levelled, confounding the infallible climate models which the toppest most cleverest of all the scientists in the whole wide world who we know are all in agreement at the WWF – sorry, IPCC, – have created. Very creatively. As my local MP assures me – he’d rather do it and be on the safe side and save the world for his grandchildren. Yeucch. Whilst being treated like morons we all secretly know, of course, it’s just a smokescreen for a redistributionist, egalitarianist, internationalist agenda.
It’s not a headache for the President who propped up the bank or anything, or another sign that He’s been in charge of a stalled economy and a Stimulus trillion that hasn’t worked, right?
Mr Dimon was winning. Now his company’s huge losses strengthen the hand of those arguing in favour of the new regulations and leaves Mr Dimon looking slightly foolish, although some say the Volcker rule wouldn’t have had any impact in this case.
This plays into November’s elections because one of Mitt Romney’s central arguments is that President Obama has tangled the economy up in red tape.
Financial regulation is at the heart of that argument. Republicans have been ferocious in their opposition to the new rules on banks.
And this ties into Romeny’s platform how?
I can’t find any specific comment Mitt Romney has made on the Volcker rule, but it is part of the new regulations on Wall Street made by the Dodd-Frank Act, which he has promised to repeal.
So he’s just making up a way to have this as a problem for Romney. Dodd-Frank is in place, but that didn’t stop JPMorgan from screwing around. What difference would repealing it make in this case? Could it be that the President’s economic policies and regulations really are strangling things which hurt JPMorgan’s ability to get better? Who cares? We must shift blame and find problems for the President’s opponent at any cost, I guess.
Now then let me check my dictionary… aardvark … abacus… yes here it is
— vb (when intr, foll by of ) , -mits , -mitting , -mitted
1. ( may take a clause as object ) to confess or acknowledge (a crime, mistake, etc).
According to BBC Vews
‘… Andy Coulson admitted that he owned £40,000 worth of Newscore (sic) shares’.
News just in – it is not a crime (yet) to own New Score shares, so maybe just a (non-judgemental)
‘Andy Coulson said…’
That too much for you?.
And later on Vews reported/ shrieked (what they regarded as) the money shot – viz that the Conservatives didn’t know Coulson owned shares in Newscorp. Fancy, someone owning shares in their former employer.
Here’s a new acronym for you, droid news editors.
Google it.
And droids news editors, cause I know you come on here, don’t forget to click the ‘like’.
The part of Leveson which BBC-NUJ-Labour likes to censor:
“How it went sour with Gordon Brown: Rebekah Brooks reveals how former PM was ‘incredibly aggressive’ after Sun switched sides to Tories (and how Blair ‘fed her stories’ about his rival).”
Have actually been through a similar surreal experience. Asked to remove my shoes whilst at the next security gate a group of 6 dressed in Islamic garb (no face coverings, though) were waved through with a cheery ‘look at how fair I’m being’ smile. Resentment? Nah, not a bit of it. Proud of our tolerance, mate.
Is the ‘look at how fair I’m being’ smile’ the same as the ‘I don’t care about risking your pathetic futile lives because allowing these scumbags to blow you to pieces over the Atlantic is a small price to pay for diversity grin’?
So the bBC promotes this view that race has nothing to do with Islamic paedophiles..really? Here is a story which I bet not many of you have heard about: Jury retires in takeaway boss Azad Miah’s brothel trial A jury has retired to consider verdicts in the trial of a Carlisle man accused of running a brothel from his takeaway. Azad Miah, 44, is accused of inciting six girls into child prostitution, from the former Spice of India restaurant in Botchergate. He denies eight counts of inciting child prostitution, nine counts of paying for sexual services of a child, and one count of keeping a brothel.The jury at Carlisle Crown Court retired after a three-week trial.They were later sent home for the weekend, and will resume deliberations on Monday.
In this atmosphere of Islamic paedophiles you’d think the story about how yet another Muslim is in the dock for shagging little white girls would have made the headlines. Instead the bbC tries its best in which to promote this view that Islam is a religion of peace.
Victim this time was from a “respected, traditional Asian family”. Does that mean that, for once, they were targetting their own community or were the girls Hindu or something else? This “Asian” euphemism is so imprecise it leaves more questions than answers – i.e. bad reporting.
The BBC’s so-called flagship ‘Newsnight’ managed to completely ignore the the conviction of the Rochdale paedophiles until tonight, when they ended by discussing…the “failing system of care” in light of the convictions. No mention of race or religion crossed either Gavin Esler or his guests’ lips.
So that’s been a complete blackout on ‘Newsnight’ of that side of the story. There was nothing whatsoever about the court case on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Only this short mention tonight.
Instead there have been two programme dominated by the Leveson Inquiry, a piece attacking waterboarding by the U.S., reports on the passing of various celebrities, Paul Mason salivating at the prospect of protests in Spain and getting even more aroused at the thought of the Greek far-Left winning a massive percentage of the vote in a new general election – plus on the very night of the convictions of the Pakistani/Afghan rape gang, an interview with a black French footballer who is worried about the rise of the National Front.
What BBC-NUJ and ‘Newsnight’ censor on French elections:
-opening extract:-
….”the French did not put Hollande in office, the Muslims did. With the final tally showing that 1,131,067 votes separated the two candidates, and that 93% of the 2 – 3 million Muslim votes went to Hollande, it is fair to say – in a manner of speaking – that Nicolas Sarkozy won. He would have won had there been no Muslims, but since he was one of the major promoters of the Islamization of France, he not only reaped what he sowed, but the whole country will now be forced to pay an incalculable, never-payable price for his stubborn resistance to reality.”
Craig, Yes, on the day when the Rochdale case was the news, here is the *News*night programme repeatedly trying and failing to get the French footballer to find raaaacism in Britain; in football; among the fans…from about 40 – 47 mins:
The same mantra was chanted a few times on Question Time: it’s a failure of the care homes for letting the young girls out.
Other BBC programmes have taken up the flag for the other Narratives: blame the victims, it’s nothing to do with a caveman culture, etc. This has clearly been seen across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting.
Yet we are told time and time again that the BBC is too large and too disorganized to have an institutional bias on issues. If they all think the same approved thoughts, the BBC doesn’t need to have a conspiracy: it’s in their DNA.
No mention of race or religion crossed either Gavin Esler or his guests’ lips.
I am in discussion now with two separate BBC internal bodies, coincidentally covering Mr. Esler, his invited guests and what passes their collective lips.
On the ‘discussion’ regarding the Falklands, where all agreed the UK ‘provocations’ were making things a lot worse.
So they did mention the issue, but somehow managed to get on only folk who thought in a very minority way, and totally at odds with the British public viewpoints the BBC is here to speak for. Plus some rather clear facts ignored in support of mutually-supportive rhetoric fanned by the host.
I think the excuse being attempted is that ‘we’ get to ‘hear’ others, but as that was all we heard, with no counter-views, it did rather come across as a propaganda broadcast on behalf of our foes.
I still also await clarification as to who one discusses such segments with in the round, as the ‘what they say’ guy claims he can’t address who was invited on, and the ‘who invites them’ guy looks like pointing back in not being able to address what they then say, with the result being, for them, no one can address anything thanks to their unique systems and it all goes away.
Meanwhile the BBC gets to continue to seek out, invite and let loose only panels of one degree of separation ideaologues of their narrative choosing to only address narrow pre-determined bands of inquiry they wish to promote.
A bit like Levenson supposedly being about media abuses but actually being steered to attack NI print alone.
“Meanwhile the BBC gets to continue to seek out, invite and let loose only panels of one degree of separation ideaologues of their narrative choosing to only address narrow pre-determined bands of inquiry they wish to promote.”
There was a fine example of that just now on ‘Today’, where Mr. Naughtie interviewed a lady from the Muslim Council of Britain and Alyas Karmani, a councillor for the Respect Party in Bradford.
BOTH then said the Rochdale case has nothing to do with race or religion.
The MCB lady said it’s “not a white and black issue”, “this is prevalent everywhere”, “the system failed them” and went on to blame those looking after the girls, “easy access, easy prey”.
This was another unbelievable attempt at steering blame away from the guilty purely because of their ethnicity. Naughtie even asked what could have motivated the rapists ‘….was it anger, was it frustration?’ I wonder if he’d get away with such pondering with a white on white rape case, with a studio full of feminists the BBC always considers essential for such ‘discussions’.
More importantly, the victims are getting increasingly sidelined by our treasured state broadcaster, which is unforgiveable. It is almost as if these children, with their background of family breakdown, mental trauma and God knows what else, only have value to the BBC if they are the ‘vulnerable children’ who are victims of the government’s cuts.
And where are the spokespeople from the children’s ‘charities’ who are normally over the BBC like a rash?
Shameless, hypocritical, cynical agenda pushing of the very worst kind, using the genuinely most vulnerable in our society as their pawns. I didn’t think even the BBC could stoop this low, but they have.
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
@NeilJIrving24 @Iram_Ramzan Neil is right! Feel free to switch over!
Interesting. It seems that, having killed off its blog and invited viewers to ‘continue to comment on Newsnight using the social media websites Facebook and Twitter’, the BBC’s flagship new magazine programme is now taking the stance of ‘keep paying but if you are not with the program go elsewhere’ school of trusted media advocacy.
I wonder… do they speak for the BBC in this too, or is there another exemption looming?
Mardell is really a joke, isn’t he? He takes over a week to acknowledge the dog-eating fuss, refuses to acknowledge Fast and Furious, refuses to acknowledge the poor showing on consecutive Supreme Court cases, and was basically asleep for the last two weeks, now suddenly he’s all beavering away at reporting on things to defend the President.
rochdale child sex case, islamophobia alert,
(ooooh brother!)
Guardian, May 11
“This is dangerous for community relations,” he said. “There’s lots of discussion about ‘Muslim paedos’, like saying the prophet married a young girl.
All of this disgusting talk is adding to the poison against Muslims.”…
?????? HELLO! … Wait a minute! …
he did marry and rape a child?
and is the “excellent example” of ahem “conduct/behaviour” for muslims.
is it disgusting to talk about it?
as disgusting as grooming gang raping vulnerable
better ask the bbc eh! …
Michael Gove recently remarked that the “establishment” is largely educated in private schools. To discuss this Today, in its usual unbiased way, invites on George Monbiot and Anthony Seldon. Monbiot – a serial loonie and lefty – demands the complete abolition of the private sector in education: Seldon – the perennial cuckoo in the nest of the independent schools (he is headmaster of Wellington, a mentor of Blair, an ideologue of the “Third (Lefty) Way” and a confused advocate of the belief that the private system has, in some way, a duty to assist the failing state system). So Naughtie – another Labour supporter – joined them in a “what do we do about the only source of decent education in the UK?” It’s a lefty tut tutting fest. Why wasn’t the chairman of the HMC brought on? You might have got a different opinion rather than a different nuance on the same opinion.
Not once did I hear the dread words “grammar schools” but I heard a lot about the private sector creaming off the best teachers and pupils. So this Labour claque – spiritual descendants of Shirley Williams and Tony Crosland – wants to continue with the dysfunctional maintained sector and, if possible, dissolve the private sector. Why? Because it appears that in BBC/Guardian-world the excellence of private education is to blame for the crap output of the state sector. Again no-one mentions that if we didn’t have the comparison no-one would really know how bad the state system is. So, as with the Labour of the 60s, this lot wish to abolish the excellent to allow the crap to flourish. You’d have thought that the last 50 years’ decline in British state education had never happened and, certainly, had no connection with the policy forced through by Labour (and eventually acquiesced in by the Conservatives) in the mid-60s. It’s the same mindset concerning CAGW: f*** the evidence (or lack of it), this is the (educational and “scientific”) consensus and, if you don’t believe it, here’s another Guardian columnist to assert it.
It’s a good article and an even better question.
Why don’t the Tories take a much more specific and forceful approach to criticising Labour’s abject failures when they were in government?
This is where certain sections of the media, particularly the BBC, come into play. Whenever Cameron goes on the attack regarding Labour’s record, the ‘public school bully’ narrative comes drifting back into view – and not by coincidence. If he holds back, he’s weak and Milliband is dominating the agenda. If he gets angry, the out of touch Bullingdon Bully is back in the headlines. Unfortunately, Cameron has to walk a very fine line (and he knows it), because they’ll get at him either way – aided by useful idiots like Nadine Dorries.
Personally, I’d rather he just threw caution to the wind and let rip to tear apart Milliband’s Balls. I enjoyed seeing his fury as he was called into the house to answer yet more questions about Hunt, by Labour MPs whose sole motivation was to score political points. Milliband was clearly not expecting to be put in his place with such vigour by a thoroughly pissed off PM, who made his opponent look like a scolded child. More of this please! He needs to stop trying to temper the BBC/Guardian liberatti, who will never give him a fair shake anyway, and start worrying about the many natural Conservative voters who despise and will never trust the left, but have lost all confidence in him and his party. I do wish he’d give the BBC some of the same treatment that he dished out to Millimuppet.
I agree wholeheartedly. New Labour were an absolute disaster and it needs saying. What is becoming apparent though is that all the media keep saying ‘how long can you keep blaming them? Well I say fuck that as they all still blame Thatcher we have at least 20 years of New Labour bashing to come and it should be so.
The Brown Bottom is a pittance in comparison to the rest and look at the most expensive legislation ever passed was by Ed Miliband as Environment Sec or whatever and that is now costing EVERYONE in their energy bills. ALL this needs shouting constantly!
Speaking of ‘questions being asked’, I decided BBC Complaints needed something to mull over the weekend..
BBC Newsnight has now closed its blog.
It directs viewers to FaceBook or twitter where ‘You can continue to comment on Newsnight using the social media websites Facebook and Twitter…’ where they ‘…encourage viewers to join in with the lively Twitter discussion using the #newsnight tag.’
Please therefore explain this, last, latest of all exchanges possible on topic or between posters: @BBCNewsnight @NeilJIrving24 @Iram_Ramzan Neil is right! Feel free to switch over!
I presume, in absence of the usual ‘views our own’ disclaimer, this is an official BBC stance?
This being, by either Mr. Paxman and/or a selected proxy, that having invited comment, if it is not to taste then the full force of the edit suite gets deployed back to tell a person to go elsewhere (presumably still leaving £145.50 at the door anyway)?
Also, is it BBC policy to take what is between a tweeting poster and them, and rally the troops in defence, to the extent of ‘selected’ hostile RTs in this way?
That smacks of a major abuse of power on top of mis-use of the medium.
With luck, I’ll get a shrill Newsnight Producer digging a deeper hole direct from his iPhone.
As Newsnight’s risible efforts (in both news and post-event interactivity) get slaughtered on their new ‘right-on’ venues of Facebook and twitter, I see the BBC blogs are running true to form, even on something as anodyne as music charts (OK, a few passions there)…
Closed at a few score after 24hrs.
BBC, censorship for the new age.
The BBC asks why isn’t Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet part of the canon of English literature. I thought the idea of canon was no longer PC but if it was isn’t the simple answer because it wasn’t written in English?
Good point. Anyway, ‘The Prophet’ was an extraordinary work. Weird though that the BBC seems to want to promote it. So many BBC staff sneer at Christianity and Gibran was a Lebanese Christian.
They don’t give a shit about the work, the prose and the enjoyable poetry about love and life in general…they just hope the name will fool people into thinking perhaps another ‘Prophet’ is equally touchy-feely.
The beeboids should be reading Jean Raspail’s ‘Camp of the Saints’. An all- too-possible prophecy of what happens when Cultural Marxism isn’t strangled at birth. I doubt if they’d be recommending it on ‘A Good Read’, though. Might get the Toynbee Tendency scrambling for the Outer Hebrides.
I don’t know it at all but just pulled this from the internet as a random sample. It’s like homespun philosophy, albeit poetically expressed. Having read that piece, I don’t find it sufficiently intriguing or poetically exciting enough to want to read any more.
Saturday evening music on Radio 3:
Jazz: 5 pm: Record Requests Alyn Shipton
12 midnight: Geoffrey Smith’s Jazz
Opera: 6 – 9 pm: John Adams’s The Death of Klinghoffer
About the 1985 hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro. “The controversy surrounding ‘The Death of Klinghoffer’, with its grisly plot including the murder of an elderly, disabled American Jew, has never abated since its 1991 premiere in Brussels. …this production, directed by Tom Morris and recorded at English National Opera, is the first at a British opera house. Andrew McGregor explores the opera’s themes and controversy with Penny Woolcock, who herself directed a film of ‘Klinghoffer’. And in the interval, former BBC Middle East correspondent Tim Franks throws light on the political background of the region in the mid-80s.
More details here:
Of course, liberal Adams puts the jihadist killers on the same moral level as their victims.
That’s hitting the nail on the head. Some people are deeply in love with the idea of moral equivalence, even, or perhaps especially, when there is no moral equivalence at all between widely disparate groups.
Beats me how anyone can make an opera about depraved Palestinian terrorists murdering an elderly man in a wheelchair. But I guess there is no accounting for tastes.
The terrorists who murdered Leon Klinghoffer were demanding the release of Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners, among them Samir Kuntar, the truly depraved murderer of members of the Hadar family and a policeman in an attack on Nahariya in 1979.
Of course, Kuntar was eventually released in exchange for the bodies of two Israeli soldiers murdered by Hezbollah in 2006. He was received as a hero in Lebanon. The sickness of Islamic terror knows no limits.
“If nine non-Muslim white men did the same thing to dozens of Muslim teenage girls, British Muslims would blow up the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace.”
What a shame Paul Weston wasn’t on the panel of Question Time this last week, he covers everything we’ve been saying on this blog (and others), views that have been largely absent on the MSM…and that’s exactly why someone like him is unlikely to get an invite.
Shame this man doesn’t get any coverage, but we all know why he doesn’t. The MSM are the self-appointed gatekeepers of acceptable opinion – if you fall outside of their prescribed parameters you will be either ignored or demonised.
Timbuktu has been taken over by conservative Muslims. Result: girls segregated from boys in schools, biology, philosophy, and evolution banned from the curriculum, and Shariah Law on the way.
Haha! An INBBC reporter is currently being harassed on the BBC News channel when reporting on around 200 “occupy” protesters. It’s funny to see how irritated the presenter was by the people they seem to be glorifying. A little too close to proles for them, I guess.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) broadcasts across its global empire, at our expense, to provide Muslim Arabs with the programmes they want.
Currently, INBBC’s Arabic TV service is paid for by British taxpayers, but soon that tax burden is to be shifted to licencepayers.
Of course, INBBC’s Arabic TV service should be CLOSED DOWN; it is a service for Muslim Arabs, ludicrously paid for by British people!
And, as the following article mentions, there are already in existence ” 538 Arabic TV channels”!
‘Cuts’ to INBBC’s Arabic service are insufficient; all INBBC Arabic services are against the interests of British people.
The East Wing (Mecca-facing) of Broadcasting House, London, which has been recently expanded at great expense, should be sold off, and all the Arabic Service staff there should be given their notice. They can work on non-British Arabic broadcasting in Arabia.
“BBC’s Arabic service pays price of corporation’s austerity drive”
The following is the sort of thing we taxpayers/licencepayers finance: false propaganda about e.g. ‘Arab Spring’
(reality – Islamic Winter); and meaningless interviews like this:
(1 min video)
(Question: Will Islamic staff of BBC Arabic really welcome the award of a ‘naked’ statuette?)
I wouldn’t object to World Service broadcasts in different languages so much if the BBC was promoting Britain.
Apparently the Arabic language service is a cash cow. They give the customer what he wants to hear and the customer pays very well. Bringing news that the totally censured local services will not bring – not so much.
If you were a non-Muslim parent (of young girls especially), living in e.g. Rochdale, how would you feel? What would you be thinking about the future? Where would you want to be, if you could afford it? Who is there to support you?
Not a subject close to the anti-white, xenophile, BBC heart. Parents such as you mention are well down the leftoid pecking order. In fact they barely exist. The BBC’s cyclopian eye is fixed upon their beautiful Islamic pets – even though they keep shitting all over the Cultural Marxist fantasy carpet. The growing, vile insinuation the beeboids push, is that the exposure of muslim sex criminals has stirred up ‘the right’ (only ‘the right’?), a truly appalling sin, & it really would have been wiser to let sleeping nonces lie. Look at all the white men at it, they’re the real villains. Even the repulsively bent, deranged, Gramscian mind, of the News & Current Affairs Dept. has logical progression. The next step will be to relentlessly push the meme that these paedophiles are being persecuted for their ethnicity, not their unforgivable multiple raping of girl children, & it’s all the fault of white society.
No wonder the BBC is terrified of the white working class. If the Today team were to take their Barnes/Islington dinner party, ‘nuanced opinions’, out of the studio & onto the streets, the factory floors, they would be destroyed by the rightful anger of the people. If only. The BBC? The scum that floats beneath the scum: where the traitors breed.
Can we expect BBC-NUJ-Labour, plus Chakrabarti-Islamic School of Economics-‘Liberty'(!) to support ‘Cranmer’, OR is their support only given to the likes of Muslim Al Qaeda trainee, Binyam Mohamed?
Oh, my word! I’ve just read the Cranmer Persecution saga and what a load of pompous ninnies these official bodies are. So reminiscent of the Ofcom, the Beeboid Corporation and their quangoid soulmates. This deserves to be highlighted, with some quotes. Some of the pompous twittery is hilarious.
They have even pulled the old Beeboid trick of telling him to keep the whole thing confidential! He rightly responds that he is not living in North Korea or the like.
‘They have even pulled the old Beeboid trick of telling him to keep the whole thing confidential!’
It is ‘quaint’, isn’t it?
Every email I get from BBC complaints goes back with a small addition… ‘This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.
If you have received it in error, please delete it from your system.
Do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way nor act in reliance on it and notify the sender immediately.
Please note that the BBC monitors e-mails sent or received.
Further communication will signify your consent to this. No, it does not
taday in the course of covering many miles I listened to R4.
The liberal crisis continues .
This morning assorted talkers managed to bemoan the current dominance of the privately educated without dealing with the reality of just how this resulted from the abolition of the Grammar schools. A liberal just cannot go there.
Tonight they excelled themselves. Humphreys in Greece interviewing his son about the very right wing Golden Dawn- very very bad indeed they both agreed.
Athens overun with illegal immigrants-illegal means just that. Nothing to do with the rise of said Golden Dawn. Grow up .
And yet another talking head trying , trying so very hard to shift the blame for child grooming on to all of society and just how ” unhelpful” -one of the liberal’s weasel words- the current furore over “Asian” men is.
Liberalism in crisis. You ain’t seen nothing yet.!
No BBC Bias here – Just mine
Newport County have just lost at Wembley in the FA Trophy Final to another team.
In the interests of balance I will not tell you who the winners were. YORK CITY
If my team were so low down the English league system that they ended up playing Newport County I’d keep quiet about it, myself – the way I don’t mention which town on the S. Wales littoral I come from.
Here’s the latest topic of the excellent Doha debates:
This House believes Arab governments need to take urgent measures to protect religious minorities
As always, they have two panel members for the motion and two against. Those for the motion were a past Archbishop of Canterbury and a British Muslim cleric. Those against the motion were (and I’m not making this up) the leader of the Tunisian Jewish community and a Lebanese Christian.
How is this relevant to BBC bias? It isn’t, except that the host, Tim Sebastian, used to present Hardtalk and is one of very few BBC staff (now ex-BBC) capable of issuing a blunt challenge to Arab governments to get their act together. He does so in the programme:
I assumed the debate this month had been canceled because no Muslim cleric could be found who would agree to appear on the programme with an Israeli rabbi: it seems they decided to dispense with his embarrasing presence – possibly too late to get any Middle eastern Muslims involved.
Thanks for that background info. But the debate was not cancelled, at least if it’s the one I linked to then it went ahead but with the leader of the Tunisian Jewish community intead of a rabbi and an ex-imam rather than a practising imam.
Radio 4 News headlines just reported that Mitt Romney today declared his continuing belief that marriage is between a man and a woman.
How the hell is that NEWS here in the UK ? Except to gay-obsessed media folk ?
Yes, it might have been news for a day that Obama had finally stopped lying about his support for gay marriage. (Of course the BBC never reported properly that Obama had been flip-flopping, never reported that his “brave” statement effectively dodged the issue, saying it should all be left to individual states to decide. ) But several days on – how is this issue news for the UK ?
Now some REAL US news is that Obama is doing appallingly badly in some opinion polls. No matter how hard Team Obama tries to distract attention from his abject and incompetent know-nothing-learn-nothing performance on jobs and the economy – every week a new “shiny object” non-issue to divert attention – “Its still the economy, stupid”
For an incumbent President to be down in the low 40s is real news, a big gap to close. Some wise heads predict that Romney could win in a landslide in November – has any such notion ever ever been broached on the BBC airwaves ?
The whole homosexual marriage thing won’t change more than a handful of votes, if even that many. All it does is re-energize Hollywood and homosexual Democrat cash, and give the media something else to distract us from the real problems we face. Which, I know, is the goal.
The BBC is constantly going to report this stuff because this is the second-most important election in human history. They will be devastated if He loses in November.
I read that Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria is currently the most generous “celebrity” donor to Obama’s re-election campaign. It was no surprise to me that Clooney, the most cringingly self-righteous, head-deeply-up-his-own-arse Hollywood leftie hosted a function in support of O’Bummer.
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Bishop Hill notes that on Thought For The Day, John Bell equated CAGW sceptics with paedophiles and networks of men who organise systematically the abuse of children. Nice!
Ah John Bell…the BBCs trustie of choice.
With his Glasgow accent, but his Cally Mc Broon pass over to Iona , should he have to work in Glasgow as he says he once did.
Yes folks…not Islam at all, this Rochdale contretemps…nah, it`s his concept as understood by a German theologian…that of “group evil”.
Bell therefore equates the systematic abuse of countless young white girls “in care” with a pciking on the new boy in his old youth club that he used to run.
Only a Bell or Fraser would come up with this one…if Iran needs an Axminster stamp on the bottoms of pliant “Christian” clerics, then here are two useless doormats for them…always pointed at Mecca too, now they`re chipped and pinned as the kind of Jesus weasel so sought by our national media..”social cohesion”, so I understand
C’mon, you have to enjoy the irony of one of the BBC’s pet padres coming out with a load of sub-Milli Tant blather about the evils of Men, even while Question Time et al are all but pushing the line that dem slags wuz askin’ for it.
It’s final proof that the BBC long ago abandoned any committment to truth, or even basic coherency, in favour of carrying water for the left.
I referred to this article in the previous open thread. But this article shows the sheer bias of the bBC. Only the entry by Murphy is shown; non of the background or the gov reply is shown. Also much of what Murphy said was wrong. So Labour highlight something with a pack of lies, bBC publish it and non balanced response given!
I posted this at the foot of the last open thread. maybe it’s more appropriate here:
Daily Tim Worstall eg here evicerates Shaxon’s mate Richard Murphy and the tax “justice” crapola. Murphy is a paid “expert” for the TUC and others, and a hypocrite – since he has a personal history of tax avoidance. That the BBC can’t get enough of his and Shaxon’s “expertise” is thereby completely understandable. The BBC is not seeking disinterested expertise: it seeks any cheer-leader for the BBC Narrative no matter how flawed his intellectual capacity to understand what he’s squawking about.
After the conviction of the nine Muslim Peadophiles, reports are coming in that the white community in Rochdale are taking revenge.
Apparently Paki girls as young as 14 have been ‘groomed’.
Victims claim that EDL members have abducted them and taken them to barbers shops where they’ve been forced to have their beards trimmed . . . .
BBC-NUJ’s oh-so-profound propaganda for Hollande from Paris bar, complete with wine slurping:-
(inc 3 mins video)
“French journalist and commentator Agnes Poirier looks at whether the election of Francois Hollande will mean ‘au revoir’ to austerity, and time for France to go for growth.”
Either/or, is it, Beeb?
Not to mention the woman presenting has obvious difficulty speaking English.
There have been a few ‘difficult to follow’ commentators on the Business news lately – they seem to prefer a foreign viewpoint of the goings on in the City.
As if any government with an ounce of sanity wouldn’t want to go for both, being in the mess most are in. The BBC are increasingly presenting it as an either/or, which suits the socialist propaganda machine just fine.
“The Left’s anti-austerity message is delusional.
It may be beguiling voters, but the Left in the Labour Party and across Europe is refusing to acknowledge harsh economic truths.”
Click like if you think all the loyal commentators of this site should flood the BBC with complaints after last night’s unspeakable and deplorable ‘Question’ Time. Their blaming the victims for the vile Muslim abuse was sickening beyond belief. Some might call me naive and some will say complaining won’t do any good but I strongly feel that having a few hundred strongly worded letters shining a light on their abject cowardice to even question the role of Islam in the grooming nightmare just might let them know that their little politically correct lies will no longer go unnoticed.
Oldham, as INBBC, has become Islamised.
And in general the Muslims of Oldham show solidarity with their Muslim brothers of neighbouring Rochdale, and INBBC is happy to propagandise on their behalf.
For INBBC to relegate:-
“Asian grooming gang detectives hunt for FORTY more men who may have had sex with underage girls”
Read more:
I didn’t see it, and don’t have the stomach to watch before making a complaint. I know it doesn’t stop others but I do believe I need to see something before lodging a complaint.
In fact the best thing is to get a Twitter bandwagon rolling then get BBC news to report how there is “fury” over this, or that “anger is growing”. Just one difficulty there though…
24 hour news: 4:45pm Interviewer outside Courts talking about Brookes and Leveson. The then get an interview with MP Bryant, yes the one who leaked privileged info, no other interview to balance the bias view. Will they never stop.
If the BBC feels Chris Bryant is the best one to answer, beyond wondering what it has become I rather feel the concept of ‘questions being asked’ has spiralled into farce.
If it hadn’t already.
A while ago.
Have to say here, much as I dislike underpants Bryant, he was the only one I saw with a look of total horror on his face on QT when that knob of a vicar began to blame the rochdale slags for asking for it by dressing in such a provacative way. His reaction was the only remotely human one I saw across the panel.
switched over immediately when that happened only to find Harriet Harperson on sky doing the same, it seems like the handbag-toting media luvvies on this island are out to finish murdoch – no matter what. Europe is about to crash and burn and all these oiks care about is Leveson.
During the morning team break, the same BBC bloke popped up to, to present his summary of the first session in which Brooks spilled the beans on The Sun’s relationship with Blair and Brown, the infighting in Labour and her own personal meetings.
Did the Beeboid tell viewers any of this. No. It was Cameron, Cameron, Cameron.
Appalling biased, delivered with a fair degree of bile.
I heard at Leveson today that the BBC was part of a anti-sky takeover group, would the BBC have spent taxpayers money on this anti sky thing? if so maybe a FOI type thing might be needed?
Not only that, as part of their opposition they were lobying politicians.
But trying to influence politicians obviously doesn’t count when it’s they and their friends that are doing it.
I say that the Government (Hunt and Cable) and especially ALL of the Labour front bench should be forced to publish details of the meetings / e-mails / texts that they had with / from the Anti News International coalition.
What’s good for the goose!
Still no sign of Scott/Dez, David Gregory or Jim Dandy.
Back in the rear, enjoying some well-earned R&R, regrouping ready for the next big push!
don’t mention “rear” where scotty is concerned
she’ll come in her panties
They only ever appear to contest ‘fluffy’ issues.
So here is more bed wetting by the bBC. Fred Michel anything he says with no other supplementary proof is gospel.
I haven’t followed Leveson this week but listening to a brief snippet of R4 news tonight I get the impression that Coulson and Brooks haven’t lived up to the week-long BBC hype. There seems to be a whiff of something desperate in the BBC’s coverage. Would I be correct?
‘There seems to be a whiff of something desperate in the BBC’s coverage. Would I be correct?’
That would be a yes.
However, with access to a good edit suite, the selection of the right guests, and all can be sorted in post.
Though it does seem that even those they pretend to speak for at the Daily Mirror end of the TV remote are starting to sniff the whiff that what is being served isn’t what they are interested in now, and the natives are restless.
Honestly, this whole Leveson thing has got well beyond boring. Does anyone outside of the BBC/ Guardian axis of evil give a shit?
No of course not – does it matter that Cameron signed his texts “love Dave”, of course not. This is all about the establishment put in place by the previous government giving News International and its people a right good kicking for supporting the Conservatives in the last election.
and the BBC is all for it – don’t forget the sainted Steve Hewlett, on whose every word the BBC hangs is 1, a Guardian columnist and 2, a mate of Tom Watson.
And beyond its original remit? Wasn’t it billed as ‘the phone hacking enquiry’ to start with?
Obama, Mardell: don’t blame Islam –
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Chairman of Joint Chiefs removes instructors, material that is offensive to Islam.”
[Opening excerpt]-
“Wired’s hard-Left pseudo-journalist Spencer Ackerman continues his series of ‘exposes’ designed to render us complacent and ignorant in the face of the advancing jihad. The jihadis who mount the next successful large-scale civilian massacre in the U.S. should be sure to send Ackerman a thank-you card.”
2.) INBBC:
Link to ‘Jihadwatch’:-
Will Self thinks that the recent Rochdale case highlights a problem within the Pakistani community that they must address. Louise Mensch thinks that the group which includes the groomers is a tiny group of extremists and it is wrong to tar all Pakistanis with the same brush. She makes two short and well-mannered replies to him; one near the beginning and one at the end.
To the BBC, this is a ‘clash’.
Look out, a sniffy tweet cranked up in support of either side and we will have a full blown ‘row’, leading to critics saying, dogs and cats marrying…
It must be killing quite a few Beeboids that the woman who publicly shamed them about their censorship of the Fogel family tragedy is on their side of this issue, while the lofty darling Self is on the “wrong” side.
I never thought I would so strongly agree with Will Self against the fragrant Louise Mensch, but she was totally wrong. Self, unusually, was speaking quite reasonably although I might have put it slightly differently myself.
Odd really, it was a bit of a clash but Lovely Louise seemed not to be replying to what Will Self was saying; it sounded to me like she had a phrase she was determined to use and she used it it twice but not really contradicting WS (or Alan Johnson for that matter) despite thinking she was contradicting him.
I have long understood *what* the BBC are doing with regard to Islam but what I don’t get is *why*. What is the end game? Do they hate their fellow citizens as much as it appears? If so why? Do they really want Islam taking over our country? If so then they are aiding an enemy, that is treason, and treason is a crime.
They don’t really know why they do it. It’s a fundamental intellectual failure.
I’ll tell you this much. I’m 48 years old and overweight and I have a dodgy ticker but, BBC or no, the Muslims are not taking over my country so long as I have breath.
Christopher Hitchens (2007)-
“The Islamist threat itself may be crude, but this is an intricate cultural and political challenge that will absorb all of our energies for the rest of our lives: we are all responsible for doing our utmost as citizens as well as for demanding more imagination from our leaders.”
To abandon the belief in the equality of all civilisations and cultures would force the liberal to confront reality. The entire unreal liberal world view would collapse . He would be forced to admit to himself that the world he believed in and worked to bring into being did not and could not ever exist.
Rather than face this the liberal will cling to the unreal and use denial as his primary prop.
Question Time on Thursday showed the liberal in crisis. It would be funny if it did not affect real lives of real people.
The BBC ,staffed almost entirely by such people, is a perfect example of the damage liberalism has bought down upon us all.
As always it will be left to the ordinary citizen to put things right. And that will mean restoring real meaning to real words . Right and wrong. Good and evil .Even , God forbid, the concept of sin and judgement. The BBC and the liberal elite are out of time and their day is done.
They have no real love for Islam; rather, they just see it as an opposition to the current order, and a possible opening for socialism.
Perhaps in half a century’s time there’ll be a website “Biased IBC.cuk” where people complain about the Company ignoring any crimes committed by Taoists and a left-wing shaven Caliph who is constantly talking about how great Confucius was etc.
Anti-capitalist, anti-western, anti-American, anti-Jewish. Never wondered why the BBC is called ‘auntie’?
Tonight’s Newsnight has taken the Oldham 9 convicted Islamic paedo story and slid it sharply sideways to consider the general safety of 14 year olds in UK wide care homes. Sleight of hand in the studio, is Paul Daniels back in work?
“is Paul Daniels back in work? ”
Not as long as he admits to voting Conservative.
Just watching a replay of QT and the narrative starts here… given there’s an abhorrent and alleged version of a similar story being tried in Carlisle courts the Bbc are deliberately ignoring the problem and I’d suggest they’re encouraging widening the story to exclude race and/or race.
I utterly hate bBc news reportage
They are shit scared of anyone who actually believes in something, multiculturalism bring the inherent belief in nothing. Of course, people who believe in something will always succeed against those who don’t, so we know how things are going to pan out.
Today I have had the World service on at work and I have to admit how a so called flagship service is so biased.
1) Hardtalk was all about how jew hater Finklestein feels that even American jews hate Israel.
2) Spent half of the morning about how in one presentation, candidates at one US staff college where regaled to a theoretical situation I quote from the Guardian article on the subject:
Dooley also presumed, for the purposes of his theoretical war plan, that the Geneva conventions that set standards of armed conflict, are “no longer relevant”. The beeb then dragged in lots of muslims who had no problem castigating the entire American nation. (Contrary to how the bBC looks at the Islamic world over the actions of so many Islamic terrorists)
Listen in to the first few minutes or if you have the time the full 25 minutes in which to hear true hatred against Americans from the bBC
The bBC the traitors in our Midst
Nothing to do with Bias but this made me laugh.
“I feel a great disturbance in the force, as if someone’s wedged under my front bumper”.
Re- tragic house fire in Derby, has BBC-NUJ pointed out that if the people had been an immigrant family they would have had a much larger house?
….in Kensington.
When I heard the number of kids I presumed it must be an immigrant family. The only other alternative being welfare dependents.
Ho hum.
‘The Dictator’ and BBC-NUJ:
Will BBC-NUJ ‘leftist’ reviewers favour this new film?:
“A hilarious rom-com…. disguised as a surprisingly deft political satire: First review of Baron Cohen’s The Dictator”
Read more:—disguised-surprisingly-deft-political-satire.html#ixzz1uaZK8eIW
No, BBC-NUJ won’t like it:
“It tells the story of a North African dictator who tortures and executes his own people on a whim and is building weapons of mass destruction with which he hopes to obliterate Israel.”
Read more:—disguised-surprisingly-deft-political-satire.html#ixzz1uaaeFyyZ
“The Dictator hailed as ‘funny’ and ‘outrageous’ in first reviews”
Read more:
Worth reading the website,
scrolling breaking news etc, his tragic childhood…”Aladeen’s childhood was filled with tragedy; all six of his older brothers met with the most accidental of deaths.”
Of course I blogged it months ago… 😀
Somebody at the White House got the message from West Virginia.
Obama campaign adds ‘clean coal’ to website after Republican outcry
President Obama’s campaign website added “clean coal” to a list of energy priorities late this week, days after Republican lawmakers noted the omission and a federal inmate received about 40 percent of the vote against Obama in the Democratic primary in coal-heavy West Virginia.
Previously, the campaign’s website highlighted “fuel efficiency” on a list of seven energy priorities, but it has been replaced by “clean coal” and the site now touts Obama’s “10-year goal to develop and deploy cost-effective clean coal technology.”
The surreal world we live in. Billions upon billions wasted on reducing CO2 emissions – in vain, as they have increased something like 11% over the last 10 years – whilst temperatures have levelled, confounding the infallible climate models which the toppest most cleverest of all the scientists in the whole wide world who we know are all in agreement at the WWF – sorry, IPCC, – have created. Very creatively. As my local MP assures me – he’d rather do it and be on the safe side and save the world for his grandchildren. Yeucch. Whilst being treated like morons we all secretly know, of course, it’s just a smokescreen for a redistributionist, egalitarianist, internationalist agenda.
The BBC’s US President editor is now resorting to just making up the news.
JPMorgan losses a headache for Romney?
It’s not a headache for the President who propped up the bank or anything, or another sign that He’s been in charge of a stalled economy and a Stimulus trillion that hasn’t worked, right?
Mr Dimon was winning. Now his company’s huge losses strengthen the hand of those arguing in favour of the new regulations and leaves Mr Dimon looking slightly foolish, although some say the Volcker rule wouldn’t have had any impact in this case.
This plays into November’s elections because one of Mitt Romney’s central arguments is that President Obama has tangled the economy up in red tape.
Financial regulation is at the heart of that argument. Republicans have been ferocious in their opposition to the new rules on banks.
And this ties into Romeny’s platform how?
I can’t find any specific comment Mitt Romney has made on the Volcker rule, but it is part of the new regulations on Wall Street made by the Dodd-Frank Act, which he has promised to repeal.
So he’s just making up a way to have this as a problem for Romney. Dodd-Frank is in place, but that didn’t stop JPMorgan from screwing around. What difference would repealing it make in this case? Could it be that the President’s economic policies and regulations really are strangling things which hurt JPMorgan’s ability to get better? Who cares? We must shift blame and find problems for the President’s opponent at any cost, I guess.
We should keep a tab on stuff like this for use in an online vote in November: “Most Desperate BBC Attempt to Smear Romney”
well said mate!
I can’t find any specific comment Mitt Romney has made on the Volcker rule…
Hilarious, I got ribbed by my siblings when I was under 10 years old for writing stuff less shit than that.
Now then let me check my dictionary… aardvark … abacus… yes here it is
— vb (when intr, foll by of ) , -mits , -mitting , -mitted
1. ( may take a clause as object ) to confess or acknowledge (a crime, mistake, etc).
According to BBC Vews
‘… Andy Coulson admitted that he owned £40,000 worth of Newscore (sic) shares’.
News just in – it is not a crime (yet) to own New Score shares, so maybe just a (non-judgemental)
‘Andy Coulson said…’
That too much for you?.
And later on Vews reported/ shrieked (what they regarded as) the money shot – viz that the Conservatives didn’t know Coulson owned shares in Newscorp. Fancy, someone owning shares in their former employer.
Here’s a new acronym for you, droid news editors.
Google it.
And droids news editors, cause I know you come on here, don’t forget to click the ‘like’.
The part of Leveson which BBC-NUJ-Labour likes to censor:
“How it went sour with Gordon Brown: Rebekah Brooks reveals how former PM was ‘incredibly aggressive’ after Sun switched sides to Tories (and how Blair ‘fed her stories’ about his rival).”
Read more:
As antidote to BBC-NUJ:
– Littlejohn, on –
1 ) burqas at airports;
2 ) Muslim sex gangs, etc
Read more:
Have actually been through a similar surreal experience. Asked to remove my shoes whilst at the next security gate a group of 6 dressed in Islamic garb (no face coverings, though) were waved through with a cheery ‘look at how fair I’m being’ smile. Resentment? Nah, not a bit of it. Proud of our tolerance, mate.
Is the ‘look at how fair I’m being’ smile’ the same as the ‘I don’t care about risking your pathetic futile lives because allowing these scumbags to blow you to pieces over the Atlantic is a small price to pay for diversity grin’?
This looks like it’ll be a proper luvvie sh!t-fest…
Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan
Alan Rickman as Ronnie–20120510
Straight to DVD?…straight to landfill, more like.
Paul Mason as Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North.
Keep ’em coming…
Evan Davies as “Storming Norman”!!
So the bBC promotes this view that race has nothing to do with Islamic paedophiles..really? Here is a story which I bet not many of you have heard about:
Jury retires in takeaway boss Azad Miah’s brothel trial
A jury has retired to consider verdicts in the trial of a Carlisle man accused of running a brothel from his takeaway. Azad Miah, 44, is accused of inciting six girls into child prostitution, from the former Spice of India restaurant in Botchergate. He denies eight counts of inciting child prostitution, nine counts of paying for sexual services of a child, and one count of keeping a brothel.The jury at Carlisle Crown Court retired after a three-week trial.They were later sent home for the weekend, and will resume deliberations on Monday.
In this atmosphere of Islamic paedophiles you’d think the story about how yet another Muslim is in the dock for shagging little white girls would have made the headlines. Instead the bbC tries its best in which to promote this view that Islam is a religion of peace.
Yeah a piece of white ass
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst.
Heard about this one?
Was not reported by BBC either
Victim this time was from a “respected, traditional Asian family”. Does that mean that, for once, they were targetting their own community or were the girls Hindu or something else? This “Asian” euphemism is so imprecise it leaves more questions than answers – i.e. bad reporting.
The BBC’s so-called flagship ‘Newsnight’ managed to completely ignore the the conviction of the Rochdale paedophiles until tonight, when they ended by discussing…the “failing system of care” in light of the convictions. No mention of race or religion crossed either Gavin Esler or his guests’ lips.
So that’s been a complete blackout on ‘Newsnight’ of that side of the story. There was nothing whatsoever about the court case on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Only this short mention tonight.
Instead there have been two programme dominated by the Leveson Inquiry, a piece attacking waterboarding by the U.S., reports on the passing of various celebrities, Paul Mason salivating at the prospect of protests in Spain and getting even more aroused at the thought of the Greek far-Left winning a massive percentage of the vote in a new general election – plus on the very night of the convictions of the Pakistani/Afghan rape gang, an interview with a black French footballer who is worried about the rise of the National Front.
‘Newsnight’ should be towed out to sea and sunk.
What BBC-NUJ and ‘Newsnight’ censor on French elections:
-opening extract:-
….”the French did not put Hollande in office, the Muslims did. With the final tally showing that 1,131,067 votes separated the two candidates, and that 93% of the 2 – 3 million Muslim votes went to Hollande, it is fair to say – in a manner of speaking – that Nicolas Sarkozy won. He would have won had there been no Muslims, but since he was one of the major promoters of the Islamization of France, he not only reaped what he sowed, but the whole country will now be forced to pay an incalculable, never-payable price for his stubborn resistance to reality.”
Censored by INBBC ?
“Pre-dawn raids across France net 19 suspected misunderstanders of Islam.”
Craig, Yes, on the day when the Rochdale case was the news, here is the *News*night programme repeatedly trying and failing to get the French footballer to find raaaacism in Britain; in football; among the fans…from about 40 – 47 mins:
Where was the news in that item?
The same mantra was chanted a few times on Question Time: it’s a failure of the care homes for letting the young girls out.
Other BBC programmes have taken up the flag for the other Narratives: blame the victims, it’s nothing to do with a caveman culture, etc. This has clearly been seen across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting.
Yet we are told time and time again that the BBC is too large and too disorganized to have an institutional bias on issues. If they all think the same approved thoughts, the BBC doesn’t need to have a conspiracy: it’s in their DNA.
No mention of race or religion crossed either Gavin Esler or his guests’ lips.
I am in discussion now with two separate BBC internal bodies, coincidentally covering Mr. Esler, his invited guests and what passes their collective lips.
On the ‘discussion’ regarding the Falklands, where all agreed the UK ‘provocations’ were making things a lot worse.
So they did mention the issue, but somehow managed to get on only folk who thought in a very minority way, and totally at odds with the British public viewpoints the BBC is here to speak for. Plus some rather clear facts ignored in support of mutually-supportive rhetoric fanned by the host.
I think the excuse being attempted is that ‘we’ get to ‘hear’ others, but as that was all we heard, with no counter-views, it did rather come across as a propaganda broadcast on behalf of our foes.
I still also await clarification as to who one discusses such segments with in the round, as the ‘what they say’ guy claims he can’t address who was invited on, and the ‘who invites them’ guy looks like pointing back in not being able to address what they then say, with the result being, for them, no one can address anything thanks to their unique systems and it all goes away.
Meanwhile the BBC gets to continue to seek out, invite and let loose only panels of one degree of separation ideaologues of their narrative choosing to only address narrow pre-determined bands of inquiry they wish to promote.
A bit like Levenson supposedly being about media abuses but actually being steered to attack NI print alone.
“Meanwhile the BBC gets to continue to seek out, invite and let loose only panels of one degree of separation ideaologues of their narrative choosing to only address narrow pre-determined bands of inquiry they wish to promote.”
There was a fine example of that just now on ‘Today’, where Mr. Naughtie interviewed a lady from the Muslim Council of Britain and Alyas Karmani, a councillor for the Respect Party in Bradford.
BOTH then said the Rochdale case has nothing to do with race or religion.
The MCB lady said it’s “not a white and black issue”, “this is prevalent everywhere”, “the system failed them” and went on to blame those looking after the girls, “easy access, easy prey”.
‘Steering the debate’. That’s what they do.
This was another unbelievable attempt at steering blame away from the guilty purely because of their ethnicity. Naughtie even asked what could have motivated the rapists ‘….was it anger, was it frustration?’ I wonder if he’d get away with such pondering with a white on white rape case, with a studio full of feminists the BBC always considers essential for such ‘discussions’.
More importantly, the victims are getting increasingly sidelined by our treasured state broadcaster, which is unforgiveable. It is almost as if these children, with their background of family breakdown, mental trauma and God knows what else, only have value to the BBC if they are the ‘vulnerable children’ who are victims of the government’s cuts.
And where are the spokespeople from the children’s ‘charities’ who are normally over the BBC like a rash?
Shameless, hypocritical, cynical agenda pushing of the very worst kind, using the genuinely most vulnerable in our society as their pawns. I didn’t think even the BBC could stoop this low, but they have.
“BOTH then said the Rochdale case has nothing to do with race or religion.”
Quite incredibly the BBC thinks the only racism in this sordid affair is that of daring to mention the background of the perpetrators.
Is it racist to focus on the fact that nine Asian men were grooming white girls from outside their community?
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
@NeilJIrving24 @Iram_Ramzan Neil is right! Feel free to switch over!
Interesting. It seems that, having killed off its blog and invited viewers to ‘continue to comment on Newsnight using the social media websites Facebook and Twitter’, the BBC’s flagship new magazine programme is now taking the stance of ‘keep paying but if you are not with the program go elsewhere’ school of trusted media advocacy.
I wonder… do they speak for the BBC in this too, or is there another exemption looming?
can’t wait for the BBC’s upcoming documentary on gay Olympic athletes
Morgan Stanley loses $2b and Mardell has his knickers in a twist.
His hero – The One – loses trillions and not a peep.
I’m convinced of it – he’s in love.
Mardell is really a joke, isn’t he? He takes over a week to acknowledge the dog-eating fuss, refuses to acknowledge Fast and Furious, refuses to acknowledge the poor showing on consecutive Supreme Court cases, and was basically asleep for the last two weeks, now suddenly he’s all beavering away at reporting on things to defend the President.
Forgot to mention: Morgan Stanley will still make a profit, world not coming to and end.
“If I ran the Beeb, I’d put Yentob on a diet.”
By Quentin Letts
Read more:
or el bbc and its siamese twin
rochdale child sex case, islamophobia alert,
(ooooh brother!)
Guardian, May 11
“This is dangerous for community relations,” he said. “There’s lots of discussion about ‘Muslim paedos’, like saying the prophet married a young girl.
All of this disgusting talk is adding to the poison against Muslims.”…
?????? HELLO! … Wait a minute! …
he did marry and rape a child?
and is the “excellent example” of ahem “conduct/behaviour” for muslims.
is it disgusting to talk about it?
as disgusting as grooming gang raping vulnerable
better ask the bbc eh! …
I didn’t hear anyone suggesting that Labour, UAF/SWP were exploiting the Stephen lawrence case.
Strange that isn’t it!
Excellent point!
Michael Gove recently remarked that the “establishment” is largely educated in private schools. To discuss this Today, in its usual unbiased way, invites on George Monbiot and Anthony Seldon. Monbiot – a serial loonie and lefty – demands the complete abolition of the private sector in education: Seldon – the perennial cuckoo in the nest of the independent schools (he is headmaster of Wellington, a mentor of Blair, an ideologue of the “Third (Lefty) Way” and a confused advocate of the belief that the private system has, in some way, a duty to assist the failing state system). So Naughtie – another Labour supporter – joined them in a “what do we do about the only source of decent education in the UK?” It’s a lefty tut tutting fest. Why wasn’t the chairman of the HMC brought on? You might have got a different opinion rather than a different nuance on the same opinion.
Not once did I hear the dread words “grammar schools” but I heard a lot about the private sector creaming off the best teachers and pupils. So this Labour claque – spiritual descendants of Shirley Williams and Tony Crosland – wants to continue with the dysfunctional maintained sector and, if possible, dissolve the private sector. Why? Because it appears that in BBC/Guardian-world the excellence of private education is to blame for the crap output of the state sector. Again no-one mentions that if we didn’t have the comparison no-one would really know how bad the state system is. So, as with the Labour of the 60s, this lot wish to abolish the excellent to allow the crap to flourish. You’d have thought that the last 50 years’ decline in British state education had never happened and, certainly, had no connection with the policy forced through by Labour (and eventually acquiesced in by the Conservatives) in the mid-60s. It’s the same mindset concerning CAGW: f*** the evidence (or lack of it), this is the (educational and “scientific”) consensus and, if you don’t believe it, here’s another Guardian columnist to assert it.
Not a question BBC-NUJ-Labour will ask?-
“Exploiting Brown’s bottom: Why are Balls and Miliband getting an easy ride?”
BROWN, BALLS AND MILIBAND, and our massive GOLD losses.
It’s a good article and an even better question.
Why don’t the Tories take a much more specific and forceful approach to criticising Labour’s abject failures when they were in government?
This is where certain sections of the media, particularly the BBC, come into play. Whenever Cameron goes on the attack regarding Labour’s record, the ‘public school bully’ narrative comes drifting back into view – and not by coincidence. If he holds back, he’s weak and Milliband is dominating the agenda. If he gets angry, the out of touch Bullingdon Bully is back in the headlines. Unfortunately, Cameron has to walk a very fine line (and he knows it), because they’ll get at him either way – aided by useful idiots like Nadine Dorries.
Personally, I’d rather he just threw caution to the wind and let rip to tear apart Milliband’s Balls. I enjoyed seeing his fury as he was called into the house to answer yet more questions about Hunt, by Labour MPs whose sole motivation was to score political points. Milliband was clearly not expecting to be put in his place with such vigour by a thoroughly pissed off PM, who made his opponent look like a scolded child. More of this please! He needs to stop trying to temper the BBC/Guardian liberatti, who will never give him a fair shake anyway, and start worrying about the many natural Conservative voters who despise and will never trust the left, but have lost all confidence in him and his party. I do wish he’d give the BBC some of the same treatment that he dished out to Millimuppet.
I agree wholeheartedly. New Labour were an absolute disaster and it needs saying. What is becoming apparent though is that all the media keep saying ‘how long can you keep blaming them? Well I say fuck that as they all still blame Thatcher we have at least 20 years of New Labour bashing to come and it should be so.
The Brown Bottom is a pittance in comparison to the rest and look at the most expensive legislation ever passed was by Ed Miliband as Environment Sec or whatever and that is now costing EVERYONE in their energy bills. ALL this needs shouting constantly!
“Dear Rebekah, I’ve just heard about the tragic death of your father in a road traffic accident. LOL! D.C”
LOL…very good, just laughed out loud literally.
Speaking of ‘questions being asked’, I decided BBC Complaints needed something to mull over the weekend..
BBC Newsnight has now closed its blog.
It directs viewers to FaceBook or twitter where ‘You can continue to comment on Newsnight using the social media websites Facebook and Twitter…’ where they ‘…encourage viewers to join in with the lively Twitter discussion using the #newsnight tag.’
Please therefore explain this, last, latest of all exchanges possible on topic or between posters: @BBCNewsnight @NeilJIrving24 @Iram_Ramzan Neil is right! Feel free to switch over!
I presume, in absence of the usual ‘views our own’ disclaimer, this is an official BBC stance?
This being, by either Mr. Paxman and/or a selected proxy, that having invited comment, if it is not to taste then the full force of the edit suite gets deployed back to tell a person to go elsewhere (presumably still leaving £145.50 at the door anyway)?
Also, is it BBC policy to take what is between a tweeting poster and them, and rally the troops in defence, to the extent of ‘selected’ hostile RTs in this way?
That smacks of a major abuse of power on top of mis-use of the medium.
With luck, I’ll get a shrill Newsnight Producer digging a deeper hole direct from his iPhone.
As Newsnight’s risible efforts (in both news and post-event interactivity) get slaughtered on their new ‘right-on’ venues of Facebook and twitter, I see the BBC blogs are running true to form, even on something as anodyne as music charts (OK, a few passions there)…
Closed at a few score after 24hrs.
BBC, censorship for the new age.
The BBC asks why isn’t Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet part of the canon of English literature. I thought the idea of canon was no longer PC but if it was isn’t the simple answer because it wasn’t written in English?
This is the link.
Good point. Anyway, ‘The Prophet’ was an extraordinary work. Weird though that the BBC seems to want to promote it. So many BBC staff sneer at Christianity and Gibran was a Lebanese Christian.
They don’t give a shit about the work, the prose and the enjoyable poetry about love and life in general…they just hope the name will fool people into thinking perhaps another ‘Prophet’ is equally touchy-feely.
I didn’t consider that. Maybe they think Gibran was writing about Mohammed.
The beeboids should be reading Jean Raspail’s ‘Camp of the Saints’. An all- too-possible prophecy of what happens when Cultural Marxism isn’t strangled at birth. I doubt if they’d be recommending it on ‘A Good Read’, though. Might get the Toynbee Tendency scrambling for the Outer Hebrides.
I don’t know it at all but just pulled this from the internet as a random sample. It’s like homespun philosophy, albeit poetically expressed. Having read that piece, I don’t find it sufficiently intriguing or poetically exciting enough to want to read any more.
Ah…the link!
‘Golden Dawn [is] an extreme right-wing anti-immigration group’ –
I think it’s a safe bet that the anonymous author of the article isn’t anti-immigration…
Lord Browne: Civil service pay curbs hold back ‘talent’ –
FTSE 100 bosses’ pay unrelated to results, report says –
It seems high pay is a good thing, but only if civil servants are receiving it…
Saturday evening music on Radio 3:
Jazz: 5 pm: Record Requests Alyn Shipton
12 midnight: Geoffrey Smith’s Jazz
Opera: 6 – 9 pm: John Adams’s The Death of Klinghoffer
About the 1985 hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro. “The controversy surrounding ‘The Death of Klinghoffer’, with its grisly plot including the murder of an elderly, disabled American Jew, has never abated since its 1991 premiere in Brussels. …this production, directed by Tom Morris and recorded at English National Opera, is the first at a British opera house. Andrew McGregor explores the opera’s themes and controversy with Penny Woolcock, who herself directed a film of ‘Klinghoffer’. And in the interval, former BBC Middle East correspondent Tim Franks throws light on the political background of the region in the mid-80s.
More details here:
Of course, liberal Adams puts the jihadist killers on the same moral level as their victims.
A Beeboid politically approved opera?
“Klinghoffer Daughters Protest Opera”
Of course, liberal Adams puts the jihadist killers on the same moral level as their victims.
That’s hitting the nail on the head. Some people are deeply in love with the idea of moral equivalence, even, or perhaps especially, when there is no moral equivalence at all between widely disparate groups.
Beats me how anyone can make an opera about depraved Palestinian terrorists murdering an elderly man in a wheelchair. But I guess there is no accounting for tastes.
The terrorists who murdered Leon Klinghoffer were demanding the release of Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners, among them Samir Kuntar, the truly depraved murderer of members of the Hadar family and a policeman in an attack on Nahariya in 1979.
Of course, Kuntar was eventually released in exchange for the bodies of two Israeli soldiers murdered by Hezbollah in 2006. He was received as a hero in Lebanon. The sickness of Islamic terror knows no limits.
“Leon Klinghoffer: 20 Years Later”
(by Debbie Schlussel, 2005)
(Ms Schlussel makes an error, in her otherwise informative piece, in describing composer Adams as a ‘Brit’; he is, of course, an American.)
Good article here…
“If nine non-Muslim white men did the same thing to dozens of Muslim teenage girls, British Muslims would blow up the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace.”
Just listened to “The news Quiz” (R4) after a long absence. Is it supposed to be funny?
…in a Ben Elton kind of way.
Like all things leftist, the intentions are inversely proportional to the results.
What a shame Paul Weston wasn’t on the panel of Question Time this last week, he covers everything we’ve been saying on this blog (and others), views that have been largely absent on the MSM…and that’s exactly why someone like him is unlikely to get an invite.
Watch the video – you’ll applaud it all…
Shame this man doesn’t get any coverage, but we all know why he doesn’t. The MSM are the self-appointed gatekeepers of acceptable opinion – if you fall outside of their prescribed parameters you will be either ignored or demonised.
Timbuktu has been taken over by conservative Muslims. Result: girls segregated from boys in schools, biology, philosophy, and evolution banned from the curriculum, and Shariah Law on the way.
BBC: ZZzzzzzzzzz
Haha! An INBBC reporter is currently being harassed on the BBC News channel when reporting on around 200 “occupy” protesters. It’s funny to see how irritated the presenter was by the people they seem to be glorifying. A little too close to proles for them, I guess.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) broadcasts across its global empire, at our expense, to provide Muslim Arabs with the programmes they want.
Currently, INBBC’s Arabic TV service is paid for by British taxpayers, but soon that tax burden is to be shifted to licencepayers.
Of course, INBBC’s Arabic TV service should be CLOSED DOWN; it is a service for Muslim Arabs, ludicrously paid for by British people!
And, as the following article mentions, there are already in existence ” 538 Arabic TV channels”!
‘Cuts’ to INBBC’s Arabic service are insufficient; all INBBC Arabic services are against the interests of British people.
The East Wing (Mecca-facing) of Broadcasting House, London, which has been recently expanded at great expense, should be sold off, and all the Arabic Service staff there should be given their notice. They can work on non-British Arabic broadcasting in Arabia.
“BBC’s Arabic service pays price of corporation’s austerity drive”
The following is the sort of thing we taxpayers/licencepayers finance: false propaganda about e.g. ‘Arab Spring’
(reality – Islamic Winter); and meaningless interviews like this:
(1 min video)
(Question: Will Islamic staff of BBC Arabic really welcome the award of a ‘naked’ statuette?)
I wouldn’t object to World Service broadcasts in different languages so much if the BBC was promoting Britain.
Apparently the Arabic language service is a cash cow. They give the customer what he wants to hear and the customer pays very well. Bringing news that the totally censured local services will not bring – not so much.
Great vid by Paul Weston:
“Arrests made in second Rochdale sex grooming scandal”
If you were a non-Muslim parent (of young girls especially), living in e.g. Rochdale, how would you feel? What would you be thinking about the future? Where would you want to be, if you could afford it? Who is there to support you?
Not a subject close to the anti-white, xenophile, BBC heart. Parents such as you mention are well down the leftoid pecking order. In fact they barely exist. The BBC’s cyclopian eye is fixed upon their beautiful Islamic pets – even though they keep shitting all over the Cultural Marxist fantasy carpet. The growing, vile insinuation the beeboids push, is that the exposure of muslim sex criminals has stirred up ‘the right’ (only ‘the right’?), a truly appalling sin, & it really would have been wiser to let sleeping nonces lie. Look at all the white men at it, they’re the real villains. Even the repulsively bent, deranged, Gramscian mind, of the News & Current Affairs Dept. has logical progression. The next step will be to relentlessly push the meme that these paedophiles are being persecuted for their ethnicity, not their unforgivable multiple raping of girl children, & it’s all the fault of white society.
No wonder the BBC is terrified of the white working class. If the Today team were to take their Barnes/Islington dinner party, ‘nuanced opinions’, out of the studio & onto the streets, the factory floors, they would be destroyed by the rightful anger of the people. If only. The BBC? The scum that floats beneath the scum: where the traitors breed.
Supplementary from Paul WESTON on related theme
(of about 6 weeks ago)
“Muslim Paedophiles, Feminists and Future Civil War.
Blogger ‘CRANMER’ is persecuted for supporting man-woman marriage!
“Advertising Standards Authority persecutes His Grace.”
Can we expect BBC-NUJ-Labour, plus Chakrabarti-Islamic School of Economics-‘Liberty'(!) to support ‘Cranmer’, OR is their support only given to the likes of Muslim Al Qaeda trainee, Binyam Mohamed?
Oh, my word! I’ve just read the Cranmer Persecution saga and what a load of pompous ninnies these official bodies are. So reminiscent of the Ofcom, the Beeboid Corporation and their quangoid soulmates. This deserves to be highlighted, with some quotes. Some of the pompous twittery is hilarious.
They have even pulled the old Beeboid trick of telling him to keep the whole thing confidential! He rightly responds that he is not living in North Korea or the like.
‘They have even pulled the old Beeboid trick of telling him to keep the whole thing confidential!’
It is ‘quaint’, isn’t it?
Every email I get from BBC complaints goes back with a small addition…
‘This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.
If you have received it in error, please delete it from your system.
Do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way nor act in reliance on it and notify the sender immediately.
Please note that the BBC monitors e-mails sent or received.
Further communication will signify your consent to this. No, it does not
Maybe people should file complaints about the complainers for religious harassment and hate speech.
taday in the course of covering many miles I listened to R4.
The liberal crisis continues .
This morning assorted talkers managed to bemoan the current dominance of the privately educated without dealing with the reality of just how this resulted from the abolition of the Grammar schools. A liberal just cannot go there.
Tonight they excelled themselves. Humphreys in Greece interviewing his son about the very right wing Golden Dawn- very very bad indeed they both agreed.
Athens overun with illegal immigrants-illegal means just that. Nothing to do with the rise of said Golden Dawn. Grow up .
And yet another talking head trying , trying so very hard to shift the blame for child grooming on to all of society and just how ” unhelpful” -one of the liberal’s weasel words- the current furore over “Asian” men is.
Liberalism in crisis. You ain’t seen nothing yet.!
No BBC Bias here – Just mine
Newport County have just lost at Wembley in the FA Trophy Final to another team.
In the interests of balance I will not tell you who the winners were.
If my team were so low down the English league system that they ended up playing Newport County I’d keep quiet about it, myself – the way I don’t mention which town on the S. Wales littoral I come from.
Here’s the latest topic of the excellent Doha debates:
This House believes Arab governments need to take urgent measures to protect religious minorities
As always, they have two panel members for the motion and two against. Those for the motion were a past Archbishop of Canterbury and a British Muslim cleric. Those against the motion were (and I’m not making this up) the leader of the Tunisian Jewish community and a Lebanese Christian.
How is this relevant to BBC bias? It isn’t, except that the host, Tim Sebastian, used to present Hardtalk and is one of very few BBC staff (now ex-BBC) capable of issuing a blunt challenge to Arab governments to get their act together. He does so in the programme:
I assumed the debate this month had been canceled because no Muslim cleric could be found who would agree to appear on the programme with an Israeli rabbi: it seems they decided to dispense with his embarrasing presence – possibly too late to get any Middle eastern Muslims involved.
Thanks for that background info. But the debate was not cancelled, at least if it’s the one I linked to then it went ahead but with the leader of the Tunisian Jewish community intead of a rabbi and an ex-imam rather than a practising imam.
Pathetic, isn’t it?
Radio 4 News headlines just reported that Mitt Romney today declared his continuing belief that marriage is between a man and a woman.
How the hell is that NEWS here in the UK ? Except to gay-obsessed media folk ?
Yes, it might have been news for a day that Obama had finally stopped lying about his support for gay marriage. (Of course the BBC never reported properly that Obama had been flip-flopping, never reported that his “brave” statement effectively dodged the issue, saying it should all be left to individual states to decide. ) But several days on – how is this issue news for the UK ?
Now some REAL US news is that Obama is doing appallingly badly in some opinion polls. No matter how hard Team Obama tries to distract attention from his abject and incompetent know-nothing-learn-nothing performance on jobs and the economy – every week a new “shiny object” non-issue to divert attention – “Its still the economy, stupid”
For an incumbent President to be down in the low 40s is real news, a big gap to close. Some wise heads predict that Romney could win in a landslide in November – has any such notion ever ever been broached on the BBC airwaves ?
The whole homosexual marriage thing won’t change more than a handful of votes, if even that many. All it does is re-energize Hollywood and homosexual Democrat cash, and give the media something else to distract us from the real problems we face. Which, I know, is the goal.
The BBC is constantly going to report this stuff because this is the second-most important election in human history. They will be devastated if He loses in November.
Seeing Obama attending that party at Clooney’s house was vomit inducing
is there a list of Obama supporting celebrities so that we can take the piss out of these hypocrites?
I read that Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria is currently the most generous “celebrity” donor to Obama’s re-election campaign. It was no surprise to me that Clooney, the most cringingly self-righteous, head-deeply-up-his-own-arse Hollywood leftie hosted a function in support of O’Bummer.
“The $15million party: Obama and his Hollywood pals attend biggest fundraiser in presidential history held at George Clooney’s mansion in Los Angeles”
Read more:
“Obama Basks Again in Hollywood’s Top 1% Glory, but at What Cost?”–but-at-cost
the BBC love the austerity protests in Spain