I know we have covered this several times this week but I am coming back to it because the BBC keep coming back to it, so excuse me if you think I am repetitive. I refer, of course, to the deliberate and sustained sanitisation of the British Pakistani Muslim gang that preyed on young white girls. The panellists on BBC Question Time on Thursday night focused on the young girls themselves, bemoaning their lack of values, their parents lack of control etc. The fact that the gang that preyed on them were ALL Muslim seemed to have no relevance whatsoever and so it has been ever since. (Culture was not responsible, we were told, how about religion then?)
This morning, on Today @8.33am the BBC had the usual “balanced debate” between Shiban Akbar, of Bangladeshi origin speaking for the Muslim Council of Britain and Alyas Karmini, an imam in Bradford. Quite stunning.
The meme is clear; Criticising Islam is forbidden and if gangs of Muslim rapists and sexual groomers roam the country preying on young white girls, well – it’s really OUR fault. Same with female genital mutilation – the BBC is determined to suggest this is a multicultural issue and can’t be laid at the door of the Religion of Peace.
I tend to agree – after all, we allowed our borders to be opened and this savage culture introduced with relative impunity. I just wish the State Broadcaster didn’t facilitate it, do you?
This is kind of offtopic but then again maybe not, it’s something many will have seen me write before but is worth considering:
Dont forget “Dave” wants another 80 million from Turkey wandering throughout the EU with unfettered access across a borderless continent. He thinks it will improve things…….do you? why not ask your MP, even better if that happens to be a conservative one.
ask them to justify it. Are all the Turkish folk Islamic? of course not, but lots are!
97% are Muslim, and DC thinks it vital they get into the EU and hence to Blighty. What can go wrong?
If you do write, please attach the following link and ask if they think it will help this specific problem.
Need look no further than the EU’s own crime report on Turkey.
Click to access octa_2011-11.pdf
The evidence is clear, allowing Turkey entry would drastically increase crime crates, especially in the heroin trade and sex trafficking. Furthermore, Turkey is becoming increasing bellicose towards it’s neighbours, and persecuting minorities to a greater extent. Take a recent US report:
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) in its 2012 annual report recommended designating Turkey as a “country of particular concern (CPC)” for its “systematic and egregious limitations on the freedom of religion.” Turkey was on the commission’s “Watch List” from 2009-11.
USCIRF charges the Turkish government of interfering in the religious matters of minorities, and highlights the presence of “societal discrimination,” occasional violence, restrictions on religious attire, anti-Semitism in the society and the media, and the infringement on the property rights of religious minorities. It notes that religious minorities are targeted within Turkish society “partly because most are both religious and ethnic minorities and, therefore, are viewed with suspicion by some ethnic Turks.”
The commission found that restrictions on the rights of religious minorities—from owning, maintaining, and transferring communal and individual property, to training clergy and holding religious classes—have led to the “critical shrinkage” and even disappearance of non-Muslim communities. One senior Christian religious leader grieved, “We are an endangered species here in Turkey.
The EU does not care one bit, nor does Cameroon and his comrades. Not only this, but the absolutely insane, unelected EU Commission is also putting together plans to allow the accession of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Israel.
Mike Height. Good link, did you know that the gangland leader mentioned Baybasin was actually recruited by Customs &Excise and given immunity because they believedhe would supply them with information about drug smuggling? As the copper in charge of the team that convicted him said after the trial ”We have enough of our own criminals without Customs bringing in a load more” Turks, who number over 350,000 in N London account for over 75% of the heroin imported into the UK, with Pakistanis accounting for about 20%
So the doors were opened years ago, and we have serious criminal gangs of a foreign nationality helping to destroy my country, although the same gangs got nothing but praise during last years riots.
Thanks for the info Invicta. I wasn’t aware of that, but sadly it doesn’t even surprise me. Very little does in this country anymore!
‘Stop Turkey’.
I wouldn’t wish it to happen of course, but wouldn’t it be ironic if the granddaughter of one of these pathetic left-wing apologists was drugged and raped by a gang of Muslim savages, and then said lefty had to spend the rest of his life trying to explain to her how he helped create the climate in which such crimes were able to flourish.
*Blair’s or MacPherson’s ideally.
Ian or Tony?
Both . . . .
As I thought 😉
I hope it does happen – the sooner the better. Then something will be done about it.
A hideous nexus of vested-interests are at play here, and so it is no surprise that the elite (and opinion formers that schmooze them for a living) have gone all creepy and scared at the consequences.
1. These girls will all have been from “dysfuntional” or “failing” families-I use that word very loosely…and so a whole panoply of public sector funded nosey neighbours can hardly deny that all their “training”, “diversity” “inclusiveness” was a crock of shite that they`d parrot as long as it pays…and it still does!
2. Police, social workers, probation services, young offenders and the whole school, courts and sexual health services mess of patage…would ONE of these house-trained pigmies betray their “professional” brain washing and dare to break rank over the state sanctioned omerta. That big camel in the room-Pakistani paedophiles can justify their evil with the Koran, and have it sanctioned by key Muslims in our midst-is NOT…repeat NOT to be discussed.
£. And because the public sector elite and policy pushers are implicated in their ignorance, complacency, inertia and sheer cowardice…and even the reporting of it all was a case study in how best to neutralise the issue( or so they think)…it is no surpise that the Propaganda Arm of the State…the BBC…will provide the platforms and the megaphones for the likes of Vaz and Harman…and if a Shafiq or a Griffin gives some uncomfortable truths, then out come the whale music and the humidifiers.
These paedophiles are Muslim and see it as a religious duty to do to our cast off kids what the Russian Army did when they crossed the Oder in WW2. It`s a war to these scum-and they smell the social funk and decay from up top, much as we down here…but Jesus tells us what happens to Paedos((Mt 18:6,Mk 9:42)…Muhammad seems not to have the same attitude, as far as I know.
And finally-these girls were bought for booze, drugs, kebabs and free taxis by all accounts….the political class didn`t even require a bowl of hummus to be so debauched!
That`s how cheap and venal the political class now are-and the trawl of toadies, arse whisperers and dhimmiwits parading their wristbands and bleeding hearts before us reveals just how low we`ve gone as a society.
Maybe General Zia-ul Haq WOULD be an improvement on Prescott or Heseltine…
The “killer argument” in the assertion by the interviewees on Today that these crimes could have been perpetrated anywhere, by anybody at any time (ie it’s not a feature of the perps’ “culture”) was that black women were raped by white European slave owners. According to the imam (I think) that was real racism: OTOH the Rochdale incidents were opportunistic and carrried out (according to the imam) by men who were probably sex criminals anyway.
While not underrating the foulness of the crimes under discussion the spokespeople for Islam (enabled, as DV mentions, by an oh-so-sensitive Naughtie) poured their apologetics onto the airwaves. Mind you they avoided (just!) the (reported) claim by the white cleric on Question Time that the crimes were actually the fault of the victims. Also they avoided – but, again, only just – agreeing that the real victims were the perps (as asserted by the legal adviser to the perps’ ringleader) which assertion was the lame justification for this conspicuous display of BBC hyper-islamophilia.
Enjoying a rare Saturday away from work I also heard this “balanced debate.” The news on Radio 4 always comes through a politically correct prism, with only those that the Beeb deem to be acceptable allowed to take part. So, we get to hear the opinions of far right Muslims, oily Keith Vaz and members of the ghastly Respect party. These groups have hardly been at the forefront in bringing this issue to public attention, have they?
The man the Beeb should really want to speak to is Nick Griffin of the BNP. He spoke out about these vile Muslim gangs several years ago and faced a possible prison sentence for doing so. In fact it was the dear old Beeb who covertly taped him! And then, instead of investigating these claims, passed their tapes onto the police who immediately arrested him.
All we hear at the BBC is that “we mustn’t play into the hands of the BNP.”
Tragically whilst we have the sort of spineless politcal class that we witnessed on Question Time the other night, who are we to listen to?
I’m afraid that if you are waiting for any of the present crop of pc Conservatives to stand up and be counted you’re in for a very, very long wait.
Just listening to the Today programmes today Saturday (apart from News International and how they are hated) the majority of the programme seemed to be about people from the Middle East, there was the wonderful women who are leading the Arab Spring, Curry Colleges and isn’t it dreadful that the Torree government doesn’t give them more money and a piece about what is going on in Syria (to be honest by this point I decided that getting out of bed was the better option and didn’t listen to it).
Morning folks, I am going to have to take a break from this particular topic as it is starting to seriously anger me. However, I will say this: I am becoming increasingly worried about the underlying motives concerning the rapid rise of the Islamic apologists within this country and across the BBC, SKY an every other major outlet apart from the Daily Mail. There is something very sinister about all of this.
I used to think it was all part of the craven multicultural agenda but it’s gone past that now in my opinion. I’m going to hypothesize that we are slowly being forced to submit to an Islamic undercurrent by our political masters and the BBC et al. I know this will spark a few cries of ‘quack conspiracy theorist’ but I implore you to consider the burgeoning evidence, the special treatment with which Muslims are treated by the powers that be and the fawning and over-positive media portrayals Islam regularly receives in this country compared to Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and so on. Think about the violent arrests that have happened to people who dare speak out and criticize the ‘Religion of Peace’ and think about the violent thuggish mobs who will seek and intimidate anyone who protests against Islam (e.g. UAF). I think the radical left’s trendy love affair with Islam is becoming uncontrollable and is starting to take on a momentum of its own, a scenario they failed to foresee.
I, and many others, on respectable and balanced centre-right forums and sites are beginning to express deep concerns as to our children’s future; many believe that a bloody and violent civil war is coming. I truly adhere to this prediction and would like to say this final remark:
Before Liebour won the election of ’97 and before the unspeakable atrocity of 9/11 I never really had an issue with Islam AND I still don’t have an issue with anyone who lives peacefully and does not try to impose their beliefs on others. But more and more I am seeing that this is an aggressive religion that conquers through both belligerent military and socially subtle and incremental means and which shows no mercy to those who resist. It is wholly incompatible with our hard -won liberties and freedoms but this alien culture is being forced on us by those who should be protecting us. We live in dark times wherein humanity is met at the cross-roads of truth: the evidence is sadly pointing to the reality that this planet is not big enough for Christianity and Islam – one will have to submit…
Merlin – I so agree with you. I worry that the harder the ‘leaders’ of the EU try to bind us tighter, together the bigger the bang, when it blows. And similarly I fear that the more we try to appease and overlook the behaviour of some of those who belong the ‘Religion of Peace’ the greater the bang when the people of the UK (and the rest of Europe) decide they have had enough.
I’m going to agree with you about half way, Merlin, and maybe more. I think it’s really a problem with Islamic cavemen, not simply all Muslims, full stop. We can all debate for years about whether or not the religion itself is vile, etc., but it’s pretty clear that the people doing this are not the reasonably well-adjusted group of Muslims like the ones who run the bodega down the block from me, or the average modern family who didn’t just come off the boat from deepest Pakistan.
Britain obviously has a problem with cavemen, though, since that seems to be a large portion of the people who have been pouring into your country. This is where I agree with you and everyone here wholeheartedly about the failure of your politicians and media elites and, to judge from Question Time, some dopey vicars.
This also means that Louise Mensch is dangerously wrong when she dismisses this as a problem of just an extremist, extremely miniscule minority. They may be extremist, and I’m not in a position to say just how many cavemen you have there (the alien culture to which you refer), but clearly it’s not a tiny minority. Yet you and the three Mrs. Duffys in the QT audience are not allowed to address this without getting a lecture about the BNP or being blamed yourselves for not keeping your daughters indoors. Combine it with the bigger problem of large populations of completely unassimilated groups who withdraw more and more from your society while at the same time you’re expected to bow to their sensibilities, and it’s no wonder everyone is so outraged by the behavior of politicians and Beeboids on this issue. The BBC is just as responsible for this problem as your government, I think.
Yes I totally agree David. I know some of us Brits are guilty of making hot-headed generalisations at times which can come across as lynch-mob style racism. To be honest, I know several, and grew up with many Pakistanis who were the salt of the earth, some of whom remain great friends; they are friendly law abiding people who wouldn’t harm anyone. And, of course, many Pakistani Muslims carry out wonderful work in this country and contribute (especially within the NHS and the science and technology industries etc.) but there is a rapidly expanding core of Islamic despots and fanatics (cavemen as you say lol) who truly are fascist in their mentality. I don’t think it is race as Mr vance says BUT I do think that it pertains to a particular culture and aspect of Islam which is threatening to subsume all of the other tenets and dimensions of the faith.
Agreed, Merlin: it’s culture. Caveman culture, which existed long before Mohammed was a twinkle in his uncircumcised father’s eye. As long as the BBC refuses to allow rational debate and instead keeps bringing in wet fools who stifle it, the anger will only get worse.
David, I’m afraid that I am unable to differentiate between violent islamists, as they are termed, and ordinary muslims. If there was such a thing and these ordinary muslims wanted to just assimilate into our culture, here in England, they there wouldn’t be so many of them wearing muslim clothing in public. I can’t think of any other religion that broadcasts itself so blatently in public, by the way its adherents dress (some exceptions, I know – Sikh turbans and some Jewish sects who are identifiable, but that’s not what I’m trying to say here). In the normal course of a day, here in the Manchester and surrounding areas, we are literally swamped with muslims; they can be seen each and every day on our streets. Conversely, I defy anyone to identify the religion of all the normal people (or whatever race or colour) who walk our streets. I don’t know and I don’t care and for me that’s the way it should be. But the muslims in general appear to me to be deliberately separating themselves from us infidels, with their dress code being the ostensible evidence for my assertion. If they really were benign, apart from a few hotheads, then they’d look and speak just like us. But they don’t and I suggest they don’t want to because whatever the apparently non-violent version might tell you, they are still part of the greater muslim world and will do nothing to stop its progress and our submission to it.
Some very good points mate.
Unless you specifically mean women in the full body bags, what you’re talking about is culture, not religion. And I’d still say that it’s about the caveman problem anyway, which is above and beyond a religious problem. Defenders of the indefensible can easily substitute Hassidic Jews for Muslims in your argument, so it won’t go very far.
Of course, ultra-orthodox Jews haven’t tried to blow any of you up or rape too many of your daughters or burn poppies or openly behave as enemies within. I get the difference.
The “ordinary muslims” are not the ones coming in off the boat and living on benefits or hanging out with Anjem Choudary. The real problem may be that they’re in the minority, which would make it all the more offensive and wrong for your leaders to pretend it’s an extreme minority of extremists.
The BBC is unable to deal with it.
David, I’d suggest that your argument is then one for multiculturism. I don’t want to live in a multicultural country; that’s not what I was born into and it’s not what I want to die in. These people have come to my country for some reason or other; I didn’t invite them, I don’t particularly want them here. But now that they are, for the time being, here, the least they can do is dress as we do and speak as we speak; in public places at least. I still maintain, however, it’s an islamic thing and designed to differentiate themselves from the rest of us. If so, they are best living amongst their own. But they won’t because the koran tells them they are superior to us lot, we are but pigs and monkeys and that they must conquer the world; that’s what they are doing and they are relying on our irrational tolerance to help them do so.
I have to wonder about that accusation of multiculturalism, john. If you accept the black hat Jews and turbaned Sikhs, or, for that matter, Indian women in their cultural dress (plenty of those around as well) I don’t understand why you wouldn’t similarly accept women in head scarves and Muslim men with beards.
Unless, of course, you see the Jews and Sikhs and Indians as having more or less adapted to your country and not setting up a foreign enclave within your town, and burning poppies. In which case you’d be right, I’d say. I realize that far more third-world Muslims have swarmed into your country in the last few years, than ever happened with those other groups. The influx of Sikhs and Jews has been much, much more gradual. In fact, many of the Jews have been there rather a long time. Plenty of Jews pretty much think they’re superior to you goyim, by the way, although rabbis don’t preach it to the congregation or anything like that. It’s more a kind of cultural baggage from centuries of being isolated and oppressed.
I do understand the problem with third-world Muslims coming in and not only refusing to adapt but actually being encouraged not to by their own leaders as well as yours. I’m on record here saying a while back that I’ll believe the BBC’s dream of multiculturalism works when I see a Muslim version of Goodness Gracious Me and Bend It Like Beckham. I won’t hold my breath waiting for either one, and I know you won’t either.
We agree more than you think.
David, I’ve worked for and with Jews and with muslims and I know which I prefer; and it’s not the muslims.
I’ve yet to meet anyone who lives in another culture (in the UK or elsewhere) who doesn’t believe they are better than ‘us.’ Why would you deliberately live in a culture you considered inferior?
But there is a big difference between Hasidic Jews, Sikhs and Abu Hamza impersonators.
Live quitely and don’t disturb the neighbours is my philosophy and I don’t see why the rest of you buggers shouldn’t think the same! 😉
Your points touch upon something the leftie establishment has done to enable them to separate what they see as a tiny minority from the greater majority. It’s their lexicon of invented terms.
Gunman, bomber, militant, islamist, militant extremist. At some point they replace radical with extremist (or vice versa) but all is designed to make non-thinking folk that it’s nothing connected with Islam. Quite how anyone with more than one braincell would fall for it a puzzle to me. But they seem to think it works and so continue with their sanitized vocabulary. And after all these educated knobs are so superior to us mere plebs how could they be wrong?
Merlin, i have come late to this campaign. I tweet to around 50 followers. It’s quite a mix of political views. I have for some months now tried to make tweets to highlight the issues of Islam as told on here, on jihadwatch, on gatesofvienna et al. I have gotten into a couple of on-tweet arguments about the issues with the protagonists of course disagreeing with me, or sometimes just saying I’m a scaremonger, as Islam will evolve in our society into the kind of Islam that is nice to gay. Yeah right …like fuck it will. They just wont accept the view that it’s rooted in the quoran. No-one will. There’s zero support….none…..I’m regarded as mentally challenged. They must believe something, but I just can’t figure out what it is or where it comes from. Their faith succeeds in denying the facts of islamic butchery the world over. If you can understand this blind faith let me know what drives it. It’s taking the whole country to the brink.
I’d have to study some of the examples my friend and analyze their arguments closely but from the foul examples you’ve given (which come as little surprise to me or anyone with independence of thought) I would hypothecate that their blind faith results from subliminal indoctrination. This terrifying method of cultural control was widespread under Starlin and Hitler’s reign of terror and is capable of turning law abiding and intelligent beings into uncontrollable slack-jawed raving lunatics. You can’t reason with robots; unfortunately the only way to contain them is through reverse psychology or a bullet to the head (the latter being the cheaper and quicker method)
Morning folks, I am going to have to take a break from this particular topic as it is starting to seriously anger me. However, I will say this: I am becoming increasingly worried about the underlying motives concerning the rapid rise of the Islamic apologists within this country and across the BBC, SKY an every other major outlet apart from the Daily Mail. There is something very sinister about all of this.
I used to think it was all part of the craven multicultural agenda but it’s gone past that now in my opinion. I’m going to hypothesize that we are slowly being forced to submit to an Islamic undercurrent by our political masters and the BBC et al. I know this will spark a few cries of ‘quack conspiracy theorist’ but I implore you to consider the burgeoning evidence, the special treatment with which Muslims are treated by the powers that be and the fawning and over-positive media portrayals Islam regularly receives in this country compared to Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and so on. Think about the violent arrests that have happened to people who dare speak out and criticize the ‘Religion of Peace’ and think about the violent thuggish mobs who will seek and intimidate anyone who protests against Islam (e.g. UAF). I think the radical left’s trendy love affair with Islam is becoming uncontrollable and is starting to take on a momentum of its own, a scenario they failed to foresee.
I, and many others, on respectable and balanced centre-right forums and sites are beginning to express deep concerns as to our children’s future; many believe that a bloody and violent civil war is coming. I truly adhere to this prediction and would like to say this final remark:
Before Liebour won the election of ‘97 and before the unspeakable atrocity of 9/11 I never really had an issue with Islam AND I still don’t have an issue with anyone who lives peacefully and does not try to impose their beliefs on others. But more and more I am seeing that this is an aggressive religion that conquers through both belligerent military and socially subtle and incremental means and which shows no mercy to those who resist. It is wholly incompatible with our hard -won liberties and freedoms but this alien culture is being forced on us by those who should be protecting us. We live in dark times wherein humanity is met at the cross-roads of truth: the evidence is sadly pointing to the reality that this planet is not big enough for Christianity and Islam – one will have to submit…
…so good you posted it twice.
roflmao! didnt hear that one on leveson….guess even DC could fathom that out!
Any Questions last night on Radio 4 was full of the same excuses and refusal to face up to the facts. I had to turn off. None of the panel wanted to treat this as the political issue it so clearly is. Nobody posed the question about why police and social services have refused to act for so many years. All ignored the judge’s comments that these were racially motivated crimes, a fact the police are simply in denial about, and the comments of Barnardos that social services have been aware of these abuses for years but have looked the other way.
Vince Cable was only concerned about sex abuse in Vietnam, and insisted 95 per cent of paedophiles are white (made up figure?). The other myth is that the children were in local authority care – in reality very few were, most from the entirely normal stable homes. This “care” myth seems to be an attempt to reassure people that “normal” families need not worry. The Times has made clear that the victims come from all types of families, and across all social classes.
A decent chairman would have challenged the panel on their statements, but Dimbleby didn’t say a word. Is it too much to say that the police and social workers and the BBC are all complicit in racist child gang-rape? I can barely bring myself to believe it, but the evidence suggests they are.
I tuned in and quickly turned off and dropped out -to the pub!
Absolutely shocking dangleberry from the BBCs greased bottom…and were I a proctologist down below, I would sent the BBC to Herr Rupert at his Dignitas Clinic pronto…for the BBC is really NOT worth the life-support we`re expected to give it.
For Vince…ah, dear Vince…to equate the Rochdale PorkHawks with Gary Glitters crimes in Vietnam was disgraceful-but about the best the Liberals have to offer us, so let`s be grateful for that.
The rest of them were hopeless, when not sinister…when will decent types like Carswell begin to learn from Douglas Murray and the like? Speak the truth…and if you don`t yet know it, get to Rochdale and seek it for yourself.
For Gods sake man…even Boris, Aaronovitch and Polly seem to be better informed than a rising Tory…get informed, get angry or piss off and lets bring in the EDL or suchlike…for that`s where we`re heading at this rate.
“get informed, get angry or piss off and lets bring in the EDL or suchlike…for that`s where we`re heading at this rate.”
Indeed. Unfortunately it only seems to be since the BNP and EDL started protesting that the police have been pushed into taking action.
Labour introduced “community cohesion” as a policing priority, thus the child abuse was ignored for years for fear of antagonising the Muslim community. Now the predictable “white backlash” means that cohesion is threatened from the other side.
Whatever happened to the police simply tackling crime?
well said.
I can believe the 95% figure. This country is 92% white, so +/- 3% is hardly a significant deviation.
Yes but real figures must be skewed with ” that 59 out of 68 recent convictions for grooming-related crimes involved British Pakistani men” so I do not believe the 95% figure unless they are going back decades.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics! that will be the answer here.
I wonder if Prof Marcus de sautay will analyse the figures for us on bbc4
Did you know that 46.345% of statistics are made up on the spot? 🙂
Thats brilliant !
And I wonder if some time in the future we’ll hear about police officers sampling the goods as a reward for looking the other way? I have no evidence on such things, but one has to ask why the police failed to do their duty in waiting over 10 years before bringing some of these muslim deviants to justice.
Yet another case in Rochdale. BBC coverage – nil.
Police who smashed the Rochdale child sex ring believe they have uncovered a SECOND grooming scandal in the town.
The M.E.N. can today reveal that several men have been arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing the same girl.
Yet another case from today, this time in Heywood. I think It’s a different case.
INBBC ‘catch-up’ item:
“Rochdale grooming: More child sex arrests”
-Expect follow-up INBBC concerned piece on dangers of ‘Islamophobia’.
The only parameters here need to be fact/truth
which is something i mean t to bring up earlier.
M Shafiq, these Politicians, the bbc media etc
know this only too well, but because of willing denial are a big part of the problem.
This is an abhorrent disgusting crime, perpetrated here
by paedostanis, linked DIRECTLY to, and mandated by the ideology Islam, on some of the most vunerable in our society.
it is the tip of a very grisly iceberg, which includes, child murder/abduction, rabid hatred of other minorities, religions, ethnic minorities, sexual minorities, antisemitism, a mass murder imperative to fulfil its facist ideals and to who ever happens to be unfortunate enough, to be a host to its insular, myopic ultimately supremacist charabang a “lorra lorra” problems, is this not the truth?
It is the same anywhere, in any host community in the world, and yes sadly it is the truth.
Any so called moderate muslims/get along guys are so inspite of the ideology, not because of it.
why does Shafiq now point directly at these Paedostanis, but not at what gave them their warped views, mandated by the ideology? it is wlling denial, of harsh fact.
The fact that non-integration, is a big issue, but is mandated by islam, and upheld as an ideal, is the harsh reality.
more examples of this below, posted earlier, and i saw a particular inexcusble apologist ridden drone in the I newspaper yesterday
so theres this ;-
” http://phillipsblog.dailymail.co.uk/2012/05/ithe-horrific-consequences-of-the-islamophobia-witch-hunt.html
or el bbc and its siamese twin
rochdale child sex case, islamophobia alert,
(ooooh brother!)
Guardian, May 11
“This is dangerous for community relations,” he said. “There’s lots of discussion about ‘Muslim paedos’, like saying the prophet married a young girl.
All of this disgusting talk is adding to the poison against Muslims.”…
?????? HELLO! … Wait a minute! …
he did marry and rape a child?
and is the “excellent example” of ahem “conduct/behaviour” for muslims.
is it disgusting to talk about it?
as disgusting as grooming gang raping vulnerable
better ask the bbc eh! … “
rochdale, bradford, oldham middlesborough etc etc etc in fact last year alone,the Times reported that 50 of the 56 men convicted in 17 street-grooming prosecutions from 13 northern towns and cities were all Muslims, and a further case in Rochdale is now ensuing ie
“The team of detectives who investigated the case encountered 47 other girls who they believe were also the victim of sexual abuse”
all this post sounds harsh doesn t it, but that is what is required, time and time again
until the deliberate and unwarranted protectionism on abhorrent facets of Islam and its practices ends, the wider public deserve the truth and the facts, i do believe that muslims are
victims, but not of a “crock” like the unicorn of islamofauxbia, but of the stultifying effect of islam itself, on them and their families.
Highly recommended book:
The politically incorrect guide to islam by Robert Spencer.
Find out all the juicy details: yes their prophet married her 6 but didnt consummate until she was all of 9. Gripping stuff, quite a role model in Rochdale.
This was in 2011.
Paxman is horrified that people such as Tommy could possibly exist. ‘How can they not have felt “the enrichment”?’ In his limo, after the prog, Paxman, who is not quite a totally brainwashed leftoid has, what is for him, a glimmer of perception. ‘Is Tommy so resolutely opposed to Islamic supremacism because he has to live next-door to the misogynistic, retarded, intolerant, violent, ignorant, scruffy, mind-numbingly tedious, fascistic followers of a 7th century desert death cult? Yes, that’s probably the reason,’ says Jeremy, as he is driven up to one of his beautiful homes in the remarkably undiverse, one might almost say “hideously white”, state-funded enclave, that is Beeboid-Guardianista.
I wonder if newsnight are going to reshow this piece in the light of the Rochdale case?…..thought not! paxo stuffed by tommy !
I saw that at the time. He equipped himself very well – Paxman wasn’t able to land a finger on him, despite numberous efforts.
…or numerous even 🙁
Sorry to repeat myself, but I posted the following under open thread before this new one, specific to today’s Today, appeared.
This was another unbelievable attempt at steering blame away from the guilty purely because of their ethnicity. Naughtie even asked what could have motivated the rapists ‘….was it anger, was it frustration?’ I wonder if he’d get away with such pondering with a white on white rape case, with a studio full of feminists the BBC always considers essential for such ‘discussions’.
More importantly, the victims are getting increasingly sidelined by our treasured state broadcaster, which is unforgiveable. It is almost as if these children, with their background of family breakdown, mental trauma and God knows what else, only have value to the BBC if they are the ‘vulnerable children’ who are victims of the government’s cuts.
And where are the spokespeople from the children’s ‘charities’ who are normally over the BBC like a rash?
Shameless, hypocritical, cynical agenda pushing of the very worst kind, using the genuinely most vulnerable in our society as their pawns. I didn’t think even the BBC could stoop this low, but they have.
I note with utter disgust that the paedo-supporting BBC have yet to report this repulsive foulness on their main ‘news’ channel. To add salt to the wounds of odium and repugnance they had the audacity to instead put a story on about a surfer riding a huge wave. Now, is this ‘news’ really worthy of taking precedence over a highly worrying story of yet more beastly Muslim sex gang arrests?
“Always the victim: UK Muslim leaders warn of ‘Islamophobia’ in wake of Muslim rape/prostitution gang case”
The BBC are reporting a Manchester Evening News article ‘A second sexual grooming case has been uncovered in Rochdale, it has been reported.
Several men have been arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a teenage girl over a a six-year period’.
I’m happy to say that since the reasuring BBC reporting and ‘relatively open debate’ (quote from Jonathan Dimbleby – Radio 4 Any Answers) on this issue, I can safely assume these will be a gang of Welsh Presbyterians. (No offence intended).
I can safely assume these will be a gang of Welsh Presbyterians.
They still have sheep in Rochdale?
Pounce there aint no sheep jokes we havent already heard or made up!
thats enough sheep jokes: Ed.
Ewe would say that.
OK no need to ram the point home.
none taken, I frequently use thay description, along with welsh methodists etc. In Wales we have such a long tradition of methodist suicide attacks. They were around centuries ago of course. The rebecca riots just one example. Men dressed as women self detonated near to toll gates in Efailwen. ! they did too. I wonder if horrible histories can rewrite that?
Perhaps they were the original viet-taff?
My ID translated, means
a learner of the welsh language
for anyone who hasnt googletranslated it, btw dont use google in the real world, it doesnt actually translate well.
What’s that wonderful Shakespeare quote: “Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile: Filths savour but themselves.” A fitting quote that applies to the left wing scum who are more concerned with protecting the whole diversity agenda than our defenseless children.
It was all I could do to refrain from punching the radio when I heard this splendidly “framed” debate this morning. Interviewer plus two guests all agreed that the case had nothing to do with race or religion – and by the way, white men used to rape black slaves and are also sex tourists too. Nice bit of relativism.
Except throughout all of their VERY extensive Stephen Lawrence coverage over many years, I never once heard the BBC gather together a bunch of like-minded people to agree that since white kids sometimes get murdered by black or Asian kids, it follows that Stephen’s murder had nothing to do with race. Quite the reverse, in fact. Odd that, isn’t it?
The thing is, this case, and the follow-up cases are causing the liberal media to sh1t their pants:
1. they’re sh1t scared of calling out Islam because they don’t want to become the next Salman Rushdie. In fact, there’s probably a Health and Safety risk assessment which requires them to keep schtum, lest a fatw’a be issued.
2. they’re sh1t scared of “community relations” breaking down and seeing Enoch Powell’s warnings made flesh.
Their only option, therefore, is to lie and dissemble. However, people are not nearly as stupid as our elites believe us to be. We see straight through their lies and deception. This makes people even more angry and frustrated than they would have been if only the truth had been openly discussed.
The upshot is that, by their actions, the liberal media actually increase the probablity and temporal proximity of outcome 2 – an Enochalypse. I suspect that they know this, but would sooner see blood on the streets than bare their necks to an Islamic sword by speaking out.
They know they dont have to fool all of the people all of the time. That’s why you (and I) can see through their sh1t.
However, they are up to now fooling enough of the people enough of the time. That’s all they need right now.
Getting Turkey into the EU has always been a geopolitical cause. Cameron and the rest of them aren’t thinking about tens of millions more Muslims flocking to the Home Counties.
Oh yes they are. Reinforcements for the muslim street army. Jolly good. And here’s Great Britain’s epitaph: Here lies one whose name was unwrit by traitors. A scruffy, unkempt grave, in the perpetual shadow of a supermosque, and a forest of silent wind turbines. Do you really think Cameron has a scintilla of British patriotism in him. I don’t. Never mind. Prepare to fix bayonets. Never say die.
Great vid by Paul Weston:
I’ve written about the hypocrisy on my own blog.
I wonder why there is little mention of paedophiles? I wonder where the outcry has gone from the feminists? I wonder where the shrill screeches of the left aginst the exploiters of children have gone?
The supposed principled and compassionate, the righteous of the left who protect our planet, the saviours of minorities and protectors of our rights, why are they silent now?
At what point, during their lack of action and vociferous condemnation of the crimes of these men do they become complicit?
Do you know tedious, there’s one part I too fail to understand:
Where are the feminists?
At what point does feminism become subservient to the reality of Islam?
It’s happening, but I cant see how.
Feminists ? They’re in much the same place they were when Clinton’s extra-curricular exploits became public, i.e. standing in the corner with their eyes closed and fingers in their ears yelling “LaLaLaLa…….I Can’t Hear You !”
Perhaps they wanted that little blue dress?
stains an’ all !
or when Pallys are raping their activist sisters in Gaza.
It’s ‘shush now, you know you wanted it really …’
I wonder where the shrill screeches of the left aginst the exploiters of children have gone?
They’re focussing all their efforts on demonizing the real religion guilty of these crimes, and whose founder exhorted his followers to commit – Catholicism
You don;t think they’re really brave enough to tackle Islam do you?
Scum = Succumb
For those of you who remember the popular card game from the 80’s – it’s a case of Lefite Top Trumps. Islam is the top card, and trumps all other leftie ideologies. Thus when a case like this arises, even though it’s a clear case of abuse against females, the feminists will keep schtum because the perpetrators are Muslim
And here we go again
It comes to pass that another batch of under age white girls “just asking for it” in Rochdale have been groomed for sex by Pakistani Muslims.
It could well have caught the attention of the
less thanGreater Manchester Police again.If so, I have no doubt the the Cheif Constable will hire McKenzie & Co at great cost to assist him in his lavish office to contemplate the Islamic Faith so he finally understands what fucking day it is.
Which brings me back to the last BBC-QT,
As for the apologists on the show who defended this scum :
Clearly you don’t live anywhere near them.
Clearly you don’t know who’s selling drugs.
Clearly you don’t understand that all other Asians hate them.
Clearly they are taking the piss out of you.
Clearly they are good for Labour votes.
But what do I know, the BBC inform me it’s all the fault of the BNP and some stupid over-sexed 14 year old white girls with nothing better to do.
I see that there is another gang, just been reported, so let’s hope they get some exposure right away and we can put a halt to this!
Surely gang-rape of a minor should deserve more than 10 years, and deportation must be an option?
Macauly culkin is going to talk to Trevor Phillips about the case he just informed us. Can’t wait for yet another revealiing view that it wasn’t race wot caused it.
Well there we have it, according to Trevor Phiilps, we must remember that these men are criminals and the girls were street kids! Holy shit, so thats all right then…..just street kids, nothing to see, move along there.What a wanker.
Shouldn’t Phillips be arrested for that remark? Surely it’s aiding and abetting after a criminal fact!
stand by yer beds! …
panto nikki and co, on the big questions,
(mo “don t mention islam” shafiq) going to discuss
indepth muslim child gang rape cases … not really.
but something concerning these sex abuse cases,
so expect a lot of “men” and “asians”, and no islam.