Excellent stuff from Boris Johnson here, little wonder the BBC went into mourning when he beat Red Ken the other week! Can anyone imagine Cameron being as forthright?
“The BBC is unlike any other media organisation in the free world, in that it levies billions from British households whether they want to watch it or not. No wonder its employees have an innocent belief that everything in life should be “free”. No wonder – and I speak as one who has just fought a campaign in which I sometimes felt that my chief opponent was the local BBC news – the prevailing view of Beeb newsrooms is, with honourable exceptions, statist, corporatist, defeatist, anti-business, Europhile and, above all, overwhelmingly biased to the Left.”
We should all get behind Boris on this one issue alone.
His defenestration of the “Arts Correspondent” is insightful and means that no-one else need possibly give the BBC any interviews unless that Boris article gets selected extracts chiselled in stone on their f***in gravestone!
Stop feeding the machine…anybody inclined to be used by the BBC to cite their “impartiality”…and lets “do a Fergie” and only speak to Murdochs bunch.
Boris has earned his four years-and he`s not even done anything “political” yet…
“Boris has earned his four years-and he`s not even done anything “political” yet…”
Well said. One of the few Tories with the guts to …… actually no, I’ll stop there. He’s one of the few Tories.
He also said “….If we can’t change the Beeb, we can’t change the country. ”
David Cameron should take note. I emailed him regarding his abysmal display on ‘Today’ a couple of weeks ago when he was gobbled up by John Humphries and failed to react to his (Humphries) blatant bias and aggression. I warned him that failure to address the BBC bias would be terminal . I received no reply of course.
Boris Johnson : ‘I speak as one who has just fought a campaign in which I sometimes felt that my chief opponent was the local BBC news’.
I noticed that too.
Good for Boris.
An open letter to Dave Cameron.
Dear Dave,
Have a look at at this..
Lol B x
The only point on which I disagree with Boris is that, to change the BBC, “we need a Tory”. No we don’t: that “solution” would set in concrete the principle that it’s turn and turn about (between Labour and the Conservatives) for the position of Director General. What is needed is to turn the BBC into a subscription channel (failing a straightforward winding up of the whole corrupt carcass).
After all, following on from the previous Labour nonentity, we got a “Tory” head of the BBC Trust who – by no coincidence whatsoever – happens to be an uber-member of the political class. Patten is the very epitome of the slugs who infest our institutions (and not just the BBC). The next D-G (Labour, Conservative, LibDem or just “apolitical” lefty) will be another pea out of the same pod.
Agree with you entirely, however, as The General points out above, there is a sort of paralysis on this issue among the Tory Notting Hill clique in control of the party – its almost as if they think if they try weally, weally hard, the bbc won’t be nasty to them !
I know this, because sweet little Olly Letwin, who really shouldn’t be allowed out without his Nanny, was my MP , and I have several of his bland replies to issues of blatant bias I have pointed out to him !
However, other politicians will follow Boris’s lead on this, once they see he isn’t immediately struck dead by a thunderbolt, so it is a definite step in the right direction !
Yes; it could be argued that since the installation of ‘Tory’ EU bureaucrat, Patten at the undemocratic BBC Trust, that the BBC-NUJ has become even more politically biased in its support for:- mass immigration, Islamisation, Labour, EU, Obama, homosexual marriage, windfarms, etc.
I find our local news the most anti-Conservative/pro Labour – lead by Tim Iredale. As political correspondent he is incapable of giving fact without opinion (plus of course the choice of stories).
I read the article this morning and thought it might be the first blast of the trumpet against this monstrous regiment of lefties. I hope that others in the former Conservative Party will follow this lead. If they start now they may still avoid annihilation in 2015.
Here is joke (and ungrammatical ) headline by BBC-NUJ’s
Labour Party and Harperson.
The political mantra:-
“The whole point of the Director General of the BBC is that they are neutral – Harman”
Within minutes of writing the above I witnessed a blatant example of BBC-NUJ-Labour political bias on BBC TV News at 1 pm.
The specific example was the scandalous one-sided reporting of a ‘disability’ demo in London (complete with agit-prop).The BBC-NUJ cameras followed Tories Duncan-Smith and Cameron up some stairs, but with no interview with either of them; the only specific political interview on the demo was with Labour’s Mr Byrne!
Byrne is morally disabled. I doubt if he was asked about that.
Most intersting is the way Boris’ comments chime with the views of nearly everyone I know
BBC bias has got to the point that it is a national joke
BTW anymore expensive plane-flight-led save the planet documentaries in the offing? After ‘how to grow a planet’. ‘orbit’ and ‘planet watch’ just how many tons of CO2 have the BBC crews put into the atmosphere?
Completely unecessarily
Someone gets it!
“Eurosceptic views are still treated as if they were vaguely mad and unpleasant, even though the Eurosceptic analysis has been proved overwhelmingly right. In all its lavish coverage of Murdoch, hacking and BSkyB, the BBC never properly explains the reasons why other media organisations – including the BBC – want to shaft a free-market competitor (and this basic dishonesty is spotted by the electorate; it’s one of the reasons real people are so apathetic about the Leveson business).
The non-Murdoch media have their guns trained on Murdoch, while the Beeb continues to destroy the business case of its private sector rivals with taxpayer-funded websites and electronic media of all kinds.”
Blimey, he must have been reading this site!
I was more wondering where he got the bit about “in their DNA”.
Yes, David, that was a LOL moment (not in the Dave sense).
Let’s hope this is just the opening salvo of an all-out war on the BBC. If it is, they won’t be able to ignore Boris’s accusations forever. Therefore expect a real in-depth and balanced discussion on Today or PM on ‘Does the BBC have a leftist bias?’ featuring oh, at a guess, Ken Livingstone, George Galloway and, to cover the ‘entertainment’ part of its remit, Alexei Sayle.
Boris is right about the BBC, but as usual he ruined a good argument by going over the top. Of course the entire BBC will dismiss it as sour grapes from someone on the receiving end of their “fair” critical and challenging journalism. As for his readers, the choir to whom he’s preaching agrees already, and the rest of them either think the BBC is really biased in favor of the Tories or just hopes the BBC remains intact as a bulwark against the evil Uncle Rupert. If anything, he’s playing right into the BBC’s hands.
If Boris thinks a Tory DG will reform the BBC, he’s an idiot.
“Unlike the zany eccentric ArcelorMittal Orbit, the zany eccentric Gompertz is almost entirely publicly funded”.
The Telegraph article has brought out a loony or two…
Why the fuss?
You obviously have not been watching the BBC. It is a Tory propaganda channel as far as I’m concerned. We have not been informed properly otherwise why do you think this government has been able to wreck this country so easily?
BBC= Bullingdon BullS Club
Yet Boris is not happy and wants total control. Typical Tory behaviour.
Wow!..I mean…just wow!
He clearly thinks the BBC should be doing Labour’s bidding with much more vigour by going even harder after the current government. I’d cross the street to avoid this one.
…and only two years to wreck a country entirely! Even New Labour took over a decade to do that.
Job done in one fifth the time? And who says those two posh boys are incompetent? 😉
Heh 🙂
You laugh, but that’s the ‘complaints from both sides’ box ticked for the day/week/month/year/decade/entire history of the BBC.
you are all f*cking numptys. the bbc is amazing and constantly does great work. the tories try their hardest to kill it (and the nhs) and you are not helping. why does the bbc have to pay sky to be on their service? it’s supposed to be the other way round, just another thatcher policy sh*tting on the good stuff. you lot would be at a loss without the bbc, guaranteed you watch and enjoy more shows produced and shown by the beeb than any other broadcaster.
Take it you’re named after what the rich as fuck reporting BBC undemocratically does to us every day?
The BBC piggybacks on the satellite system (if that’s what you’re refering to) because Sky, at great (private)expense and even greater risk, developed it’s own pioneering broadcasting technology. You seem to assume that because the BBC is publically funded it has the automatic right to impose itself upon a private enterprise, and appropriate it’s assets. The statist’s mindset in a nutshell. God forbid anyone be allowed to have freedom of choice, they might make the wrong decisions. We need our betters to choose for us, isn’t that right. If it were up to luddites like you we’d all still be watching four channels, with little variety when it comes to news provision. This might be OK for you, but many of us are not that slavish in our devotion to our national broadcaster.
I see, by the rambling nature of your post, that you’re yet another victim of New Labour’s state education – A stars all the way no doubt. (or perhaps a Guardian sub-editor)
Hm… charming, I’m sure. A numpty can’t spell *numpties* and resorts to swearing and name-calling.
And as we pay for it, we can watch it as much as we like. That said, I wouldn’t miss about 90 per cent of Beeboidery. In fact, they can take it away except for Radio 3 and I’ll be happy enough to have 90 per cent of my licence fee returned.
You have the perfect name for somebody supporting the BBC.
Rob, Thatcher hasn’t been the PM since 1990.
Did you not realise that?
Bloody well said!, Blonde. Not truer words spoken, absolutely top notch TRUTH!
Watched the first of the new series of Silk tonight. I love that show.
Oh and I enjoyed Holby city too, it had everything tonight, ginger bird got her kit off and sascha got stabbed, and the new evil posh woman puts lives at risk with her evil plan to privatise the ward. They’ll have Dr Who on keller next week no doubt.
I love the BBC, but it is hopelessly biased to the left and frequented by absolute marxist loons masquerading as sensible people.