I picked up on this very odd BBC article yesterday as did B-BBC contributor Alan. It’s all about making the grotesque events in Rochdale seem more “universal” and less linked to …., ahem, Islam. As Alan puts it ” The BBC rapid rebuttal service for Muslims goes into operation.”
What happened in Rochdale is apparently happening in Northern Ireland too…..
Rochdale-type abuse cases ‘occur in Northern Ireland’
Vulnerable young girls in Northern Ireland are being sexually exploited in the same way as those in a recent case in Rochdale, says Jacqui Montgomery-Devlin, the manager of Barnardo’s Safe Choices service which aims to protect children at risk.
Except that’s not true exactly is it? There are no Catholics combing the streets for vulnerable young Protestant girls to abuse because they are of a different religion….or vice versa. Yes, abuse does go on, but it is not ‘Rochdale-type’ abuse because in Rochdale a very particular section of the community was targeted….non-Muslims, especially white ones. The BBC seem to be trying to muddy the waters and defend the Rochdale abusers and deny the relevance of their religion in how they chose their victims.
Barnardos may be making an opportunistic appeal to keep the subject in the headlines and help it raise awareness and funds but the BBC are using Barnardos for their own political purposes, twisting the story to have an altogether different outcome. And this is not a new story after all…..in 2004 Barnardos were in the BBC news for exactly the same reason….
Children’s charity Barnardos is launching a new service in Northern Ireland aimed at protecting children from sexual exploitation.
Beyond the Shadows, launched on Friday, is aimed at children between the ages of 12 and 18. “It is important that Northern Ireland now has its own service as we are not exempt from this problem.”
So you have to ask why have the BBC made this the headline story on the NI page?
Is it possible they are working to lie to us and hide the truth?…..if it was BNP members doing the same to Muslims because they were ‘worthless and could be abused without a second thought’ due to their different culture or race you could guarantee that the BBC would be demanding the banning of the BNP and having endless exposes of their ‘culture’, lifestyles and beliefs.
And Trevor Phillips of the EHRC doesn’t take the BBC line……..
‘The racial ethnicity of the men involved in the sexual exploitation of children in Greater Manchester cannot be ignored, the chair of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission has said. Trevor Phillips said it was “fatuous” to deny racial and cultural factors. Mr Phillips said he was worried about “closed communities” where people were afraid to speak out. “I worry that, in those communities there were people who knew what was going on and didn’t say anything, either because they’re frightened or they’re so separated from the rest of the communities that they think, ‘oh, that’s just how white people let their children carry on, we don’t need to do anything’,” he said.’
I saw this yesterday, I thought exactly the same thing. It’s nothing but propaganda and misinformation designed to take the heat off of “certain” communities.
Seems to me the BBC is (hopefully) providing itself with enough rope to hang itself.
Time will tell.
Have other cases been kicked into the long grass by ultra PC plods? We shall see in the fullness of time.
Not at all.
Narey?…Anne Marie Carrie…then go back.
You will not find a bigger parody of a real charity that Barnardos.
That great man and pioneer whose name they trash on a daily basis are Labour hacks and liberal ciphers with the worst record of sucking up to any creeping agenda of the last Labour social engineering project from 97.
They actually BENEFIT from such cases-so no surprise that they find them….except for Rochdale of course, where no doubt they were redesigning a logo, improving the biscuits offered to management or getting better drapes, should Stephen Twigg call by in 2015.
The original radical Christian charity turned into a cuckoos nest for the likes of Narey and Hodge…now there`s your secular scale showing when and where Christian charity became sincecures for Godless old Lefties.
They will do whatever they`re told-which is why they`re so valued by the BBC.
while you have, debate programmes like that trash yesterday morning, where you have, Mo,(MUSLIM- but don t mention islam) Shafiq and MUSLIM-Pac, along with Nikki (PBUH) Campbell, with his obfuscation excuse book … it is insane, why not get the MUSLIM council of britain, and the MUSLIM head of bbc religion, together so they can all discuss ……. MEN – ASIANS – or even paedostanis ?????? … deliberately missing the enormous burkha d elephant in the room.
Shafiq, himself has repeatedly, deliberately deviated away from islam in many interviews, aided by the likes of el bbc.
it is absurd, deceitful and disgraceful,
It’s not only in Britain where this sort of thing happens, because the multiple gang rapes of indigenous girls by Muslims is replicated in every country with a large islamic population, not always children, (more to do with individual child protection services), but the pattern identical, ie. not muslim so fair game
There is a rape epidemic in Oslo. The vast majority of the perpetrators are Muslim, the vast majority of the victims are Norwegian Girls. rape epidemic in Malmö. The vast majority of the perpetrators are Muslim, the vast majority of the victims are Swedish girls. rape epidemic in Copenhagen. The vast majority of the perpetrators are Muslim, the vast majority of the victims are Danish girls. rape epidemic in Sydney. (yes good old Aus!), The vast majority of the perpetrators are Muslims, the vast majority of the victims are you guessed it … Australian girls,
i ve said it before, the ONLY parameters should be fact/truth.
On BBC4 we’ve had Wallander, The Killing, Killing2, Borgen & now The Bridge. All slick, well-made, sophisticated, scrupulously PC FICTION that tiptoes through the minefields of ‘enrichment’. The Scandinavian smokescreen. Immigrants, by definition, are sacrosanct. The problems lie with the indigenous. Sound familiar? Could be in Beeboid-Guardianista. But when it comes to reality, the Nordic media is even more reluctant to confront what’s really going on in their back yards than the media in the UK. And that’s saying something. Their rape statistics should be national disgraces. They are appalling. And they have been going on for years. So why the silence? The multiculti grip on the public’s throat must be relentless: the indoctrination process even further gone. They can violently denounce ‘wicked’ Israel at the flick of a Pavlovian switch while ignoring the disgusting humiliation of their young women at the hands of hateful arrivistes. Scandinavia seems hell-bent on self-destruction. A madhouse of cultural/moral relativism. What the hell has happened? The leftoid ‘progressives’ busily trashing the West have thrown in their lot with Islam, where the reality-based, empirical, intellectual pursuit of truth ceased centuries ago. We have a Muslim rape epidemic in parts of Europe: move along there, Bjorn, Birgitta, nothing to see. And moon jockey nonces popping up like poisonous mushrooms after a downpour, & instead of castigating, & holding to account the retarded culture that fosters the perpetrators, Allah’s creepy little helpers, like SVT in Sweden, NRT in Norway, & our own despicable BBC, are bending over backwards to deflect any criticism of their pet faith. Moving towards the Satanesque. Yes, that bent.
Paedopholia and child rape.
I suppose you cannot blame Muslims for turning it into a sport – after all, they are just following in their ‘prophet’s’, the perfect one’s? footsteps.
‘It’s all about making the grotesque events in Rochdale seem more “universal” and less linked to .. Islam’
I saw a piece on the BBC news site quoting a fellow from the equal opportunities commission (I think), saying we should stop linking this to Islam, because, more importantly, all those responsible were men. That’s what they had in common.
The BBC must have loved that, rather than face an uncomfortable truth that would help us understand and remedy this problem, they get to talk as though all men were abusers…or potential abusers, and we’re back to the language of Germaine Greer. Right up their street.
Barnardos chugging again with minimal evidence.
Another statist charity that knows what it has to do and say.
BBC/Guardian apologises for their beloved islam. What’s new?
And in Carlisle too, INBBC provides only censored report:
“Takeaway brothel boss hounded girls for sex”
“Carlisle brothel boss guilty of trying to recruit child prostitutes.”
Trevor Phillips said; “I worry that, in those communities there were people who knew what was going on and didn’t say anything, either because they’re frightened or they’re so separated from the rest of the communities ”
Wasn’t exactly the same said after 7/7 and the elites are still unable to join the dots.
When was the last time you saw Trevor Phillips on the BBC?
He’s spoken a lot of truth over the years, but nobody seems to listen.
Wrong kind of race hustler. One that sometimes speaks the truth. Can’t have that.
BBC? – More like BPC!