Peter Tatchell is not my favourite public personality but I admire his guts. I also admire his attachment to freedom of speech. On Today this morning, Montague could hardly believe that Tatchell – a militant gay and therefore second in line in the queue to get at the BBC airwaves – is unashamedly on the side of free speech: even “anti-gay” sentiment. Montague tried – of course – to intimate that “it’s not the law, it’s the way it’s applied” to which Tatchell gave short shrift. However, at the point where Tatchell was starting to give “militant Islam” a bashing, Montague swiftly wound up the discussion: you see – at the BBC – it’s “militant Islam” and its enablers who are first in the queue.
Mr Tatchell turned up at panto nikki s just before 9am on 5live too.
check it out, as Campo, (thats nikki 😀 of course)
tries to steer the conversation just as you alluded to.
just gaulling, as was the extended piece on the srebrenica trial, never any mention of all the muslim atrocities up till 94, all forgotten
Yeah, no mention of the Muslim attrocities which started the whole thing of as they began slaughtering and implementing the genocide of the indigenous population.
But don’t get me wrong. The attrocities carried out by both sides were horrendous but I wish the beeb would stop imlying that it was a one way conflict.
From the BBC’s Have your say on:
Ratko Mladic goes on trial over Bosnia 'war crimes
Accepted by the moderators:
Srebrenica is no different from the ethnic cleansing commited by Zionists against Palestinians since 1948
Reply rejected as it is offensive.
@ BBC Your anti Israeli (anti Jewish) bias is internationally recognised, and publishing this propaganda in a discussion on former Yugoslavia reaffirms your position. Does every HYS topic have to include space for one sided anti Jewish propaganda?
A gay Muslim really would top the Marxist’s ‘progressive stack’ wouldn’t it.
I bet Evan Davis spends many an hour with his iPlayer paused on a scene of Syed from Eastenders, whilst furiously masturbating and repeatedly screaming “WHY CAN’T YOU BE REAL, WHY CAN’T YOU BE REAL”
Sarah Montague talked over him so much, he must have thought he was a Tory.
I have a lot of time for Peter Tatchell. I probably disagree with him on most things but he sticks to his principles despite taking much flak for doing so.
So do I. He was about the only person with the guts and the apparent interest to hound Robert Mugabe on his visit to Brussels, and got beaten by the thug’s body guards for his efforts. I didn’t see anyone else bothering, not even from the left, who are of course very selective in their targets (remember the continued efforts to have Pinochet arrested by the usual left-wing suspects – no Jeremy Corbin on our TV screens calling for the arrest of Mugabe, strangely.) I think even Peter Hitchens once said on Question Time that he was beginning to regard Tatchell as something of a national treasure. I don’t agree with most of his politics, but I admire his willingness to tackle subjects that just about everyone else on the left (and the right, for that matter) steers well clear of out of pure cowardice.
Tatchell was beaten in the 1983 Bermondsey by(bi?)-election by none other than Simon Hughes, a ‘liberal’ who ran a homophobic campaign, but who then had to admit he was a little unsure of his own ‘sexual orientation’, thus becoming a gay-anti-gay bigot. Quite an achievement. Hughes has, of course, gone onto even greater things – making increasingly obsequious, grovelling speeches to the muslims of East London. He makes Uriah Heep look like Clint Eastwood. So it’s all very much ‘Bums up for Mecca!’ with Si – at the moment. Muslims, of course, a treasured ‘identity group’, justly renowned for their tolerance of homosexuals. A quality Tatchell has the bottle to unceasingly flag up, but a quality that beeboids prefer to leave untrumpeted. Odd that. Maybe it’s a bit of a yellow streak. Or a red one.
…and here’s why it’s important that this crap is abolished…
“Campaigners say the Public Order Act is being abused by over-zealous police and prosecutors to arrest Christian street preachers, critics of Scientology, gay rights campaigners and even students making jokes.
Currently, Section 5 of the 1986 Act outlaws ‘insulting words or behaviour’, but what constitutes ‘insulting’ is unclear and has resulted in a string of controversial arrests.”
I had not realised that the story about the double-agent in Yemen involved in another plane attack using underwear explosives actually concerned a BRITISH agent. And that his cover had been blown, putting his life at risk and probably destroying the continuing BRITISH attempt to infiltrate Al Queda in Yemen – all because people in the Obama administration decided to blow the story and try to claim false credit for Obama’s anti-terrorism activities.
As they say – a despicable way to treat a vital ally. British security services are apparently furious – but no mention of this from the BBC.
Betray a confidence? Put an agent’s life at risk? Anything to get re-elected.
I’m afraid, John, the President lives in a theoretical world where the only downside is getting a bad grade in an essay.
I was astonished to see how He described one of the dangers in getting Bin Laden was that the failure of the mission would have impacted badly on His re-election chances.
But I guess from this quote: “those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf.” – “MY BEHALF”! – you’ll see why He’ll be voted out in November much to the surprise of BBC viewers and listeners who are being told what a wonderful job He’s doing and how popular He is.
George W always congratulated his staff. O congratulates Himself.
Unfortunately, the US media has mostly glossed over it as being the result of an unfortunate leak, with top Democrats promising to do a Sir Humphrey-style internal inquiry, and have now moved on.
The BBC simply follows their lead.
“Why aren’t you reporting this, BBC?”
“It’s not a big story, nobody else is reporting it, so we feel we got it about right.”
“Why are you making a big deal out of nothing, BBC?”
“Everyone else is reporting it, so we feel we got it about right.”
You get the occasional dig in Parliament, like yesterday when the MP mentions the bBC and the way the 3% in the two different elections were reported. Tame stuff though, but the MPs would have to be brain dead (I know quite possible), not to notice the continuous barrage of bias we have had in the past months.
A quick search of the BBC website for ‘Catholic’ gives the following results as the top 10:
‘Catholic schools must give ‘balanced perspective’ over gay marriage’ – a ‘Catholics are bigots’ story
‘Association of Catholic Priests discuss Church’s future’ – paedophiles, strongly anti-Vatican
‘Birmingham Catholic Archdiocese defends abuse case handling’ – paedophiles
‘Catholic Church leadership in denial mode: Martin McGuinness’ – paedophiles, again
‘This World: The Shame of the Catholic Church’ – paedophiles
‘Catholic pupils ‘invited to sign anti-gay marriage petition” – Catholics are bigots
‘Can Catholic teaching justify Ryan plan?’ – attacks Republicans AND Catholics
‘Paul Ryan defends budget at Catholic university’ – another in the same vein
‘Dutch Roman Catholic church ‘castrated’ boys in 1950s’ – a gleeful piece of Catholic bashing, saying that ‘up to 11 boys’ were castrated by the RCC, butignores the fact that the ‘scientific’ establishment in Holland, as part of the once mainstream eugenics movement, castrated more than 400 people:
Will & Testament: The Irish Catholic Church: “a time of trial” – paedophiles again
So basically 10 stories relating to ‘Catholic’, all of them negative.
How about Muslim?
‘High-profile Canadian Muslim mayor on trust’ – Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, a popular social media presence and the son of Tanzanian immigrants, is the first Muslim mayor of a major Canadian city. He tells the BBC’s Katty Kay that trust and dialogue is what makes Calgary so successful….. In other words a ‘feel-good’ piece about a nice Muslim
‘Golfer Sahra Hassan awarded by Muslim Women’s Sport Foundation’ – a puff piece about an absolute non-entity of a female golfer, not even notable enough to have a Wikipedia page
‘Amnesty International finds anti-Muslim bias in Europe’ – Muslims prejudiced against
‘Prominent Muslim Metin Mekhtiyev stabbed in Moscow’ – Muslim ‘of Azerbaijani origin’ ‘leader at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Russia’ stabbed by ‘extreme right’ (except there’s actually no evidence at all of this, just speculation by his friends). ‘Mr Mekhtiyev was a “decent, much-respected and loved person”, he said, and had been involved in the Muslim community, with migrants and in social work.’, and the official word that he was robbed, is just glossed over.
‘Scouts back Muslim girl clothing’ – puff piece about burkas for Scouts
‘The brave Muslim women of Gujarat’ – puff piece about ‘brave Muslim’ women in India
‘Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association helping Hartlepool’ – puff piece about Muslims planting trees
‘Moscow’s Muslims find no room in the mosque’ – neutral story about Muslim immigration to Russia
‘NYPD criticised for treatment of Muslims’ – NYPD biased against Muslims
‘Muslim hate crime phone line aims to help victims’ – ‘first UK helpline for victims of Islamophobia’
so out of the top 10 stories we have:
five puff pieces about good Muslims
four pieces about alleged anti-Muslim sentiment
and one neutral story about the rise of Islam in Russia.
The contrast between BBC reportage on ‘Catholic’ and ‘Muslim’ could clearly not be much more stark – 10 out of 10 of the ‘Catholic’ stories are entirely negative, and the 10th has a quick dig, while NONE of the 10 ‘Muslim’ stories are negative.
(Incidentally in their feel-good story about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth, they tell us that
‘The Ahmadiyya community takes its name from its founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
It has bases in more than 175 countries and is renowned for it services to the community in the fields of education and health.’
What they don’t tell us, and I quote from Wikipedia is that ‘Most mainstream Muslims consider both Ahmadi movements to be non-Muslim and heretical’
and indeed that in many countries the Ahmadiyya are persecuted by ‘true Muslims’. These countries include the UK, and yet you won’t find ANY reporting of this on the BBC.
“The owner of one Tooting halal butchers said his trade had fallen by nearly 50 per cent in three months. He said: “We have lost so much business because some people refuse to come here just because I am Ahmadi. They use words against me like ‘Kafir’, which means I am not Muslim.”
“Another Ahmadi butcher, who came to London in 2001 after fleeing Pakistan, won an employment tribunal last month after being sacked in March.
Employment Judge Baron accepted Azizur Rahman, owner of Haji Halal Meat in Upper Tooting Road, pressured his employee to convert to the Sunni Muslim faith.”
Do you think it would be POSSIBLE that a Christian businessman who was found by a tribunal to have pressurised his non-Christian employee into converting to Christianity would not be reported by the BBC?)
Excellent research, showing a clear and unequivocal bias. This is the kind of factual deconstruction of the ‘impartiality’ claim that we need more and more of if we are to get a proper debate on the issue.
“Lady Gaga Indonesia concert denied permit by police”
All sounds a bit dull, does she have a criminal record or something?
Er, no.
You see down the page
“The hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) had threatened to intercept Lady Gaga at the airport and stop her getting off the plane.”
In other words, an artist was prevented from performing by Muslims.
There are daily atrocities perpetrated by Muslims, in the name of Islam, but you wouldn’t find that out from the BBC. Instead we are giving ‘heart-warming’ stories about (not-really) Muslims planting trees, and Muslim female golfers, while Catholics, according to the BBC, spend their time promulgating bigotry and molesting children.
Anyone catch the piece on yesterday’s Roday programme about the move into the new swanky BBC studios in central London? Of course the BBC banged on about how it defined modern Britain, beat the Germans, brought prosperity, joy and coolness to the UK etc etc etc… but not a single syllable about COSTS. Of course, because in that stinking world known as Beebland, money really does grow on trees. One’s hatred for the BBC grows with every passing day….
I know every BBC drama series will have a bleeding heart Leftie (sub) plot/reference/agenda. So I read the Radio Times write up of “Silk” (new series starting last night) carefully, but nothing gave cause for concern, so I decided to watch it.
It took all of 12 minutes before “torycutz” (re legal aid) – “Savage & deep & they just don’t care”.
Oh well, it’s nice to have some certainties in this life.
. . . and don’t forget the “posh” barrister venting about the “million” killed in Iraq. Fair enough though, the (very) attractive solicitor who he was trying to impress gave as good as she got by describing Saddam as a psycopathic sh*t (or similar!).
thanks Will you confirmed what I guessed – I didn’t watch Silk because I thought I knew what I would be getting and it sounds as though I wouldn’t have been disappointed. And have you noticed how brilliant Martha Costello is?(assuming she is the same as in series 1 – fits the BBC template where she can always outwit a man)
It didn’t actually get too hung up about left politics. But it failed on another of the BBC’s drama shortcomings, often they have implausible plots & rely on deus ex machina for their resolution. “Silk” was just implausible characterisation (the defendant) with Martha being ridiculously naive.
By the way the female solicitor (see Umbongo above) was called not Gareth but George. Ugh!
Just for the fun of it, my wife and daughter applied to be in the QT audience tomorrow and have been accepted – it’s all a bit odd as I cannot think of two people less interested in current affairs. They’ve been asked to e-mail back a question they would like to ask. Any suggestions?
Given the current trend put out by the left-wing that too much media ownership by one organisation in the UK is wrong ie Murdoch, is it right that the BBC is responsible for some 70% of the news in the UK? Should it too be broken up?
The simple fact is unless the question fits the BBC agenda it won’t be used.
Best just tell them to clap loud when any non-left wing point is made, and when Dimbleby asks the audience for their feedback on any question used, they can then make a point as he won’t know what’s coming.
I’d go for the “wait for audience feedback” option. Get them to wear hijabs, as Mr Dimbleby will feel obliged to solicit their opinion if they put their hands up, then ask if there is a problem with Muslim men grooming white underage girls. They won’t see it coming.
“Given that public spending has increased each year under this coalition government, and considering the regular condemnation on this and other BBC programmes of the supposed populism, scare-mongering and dishonesty of ‘right-wing tabloids’ in regard to their coverage of various topics, is it right for the BBC to be constantly running stories about the great suffering being caused by the ‘savage cuts’ ?’
…bit of a mouthful…some rehearsal might be required.
Thanks for suggestions but it turns out that they both have bees in their bonnet about an issue. My daughter follows Brian May’s blog and apparently he’s got a thing about badger culling, so she’s asking about that (not being a QT watcher she doesn’t realise they want up to the minute topics). The wife watched BBC24 specially to find a topic and hearing part time workers mentioned has told the beeb that she will aske why they can’t pay less tax because it’s harder to live on a part time wage(?). I’m now rather hoping they don’t get asked for a question. Also Mrs Greeninker doesn’t like the idea of being identifiable, for some reason.
That`s just like a gargle of toilet water for the wide-mouthed frog that is James Naughtie!
Love to see him ask “if I wanted fries with that”…and see how Ronald MacDonald got him to parse that one down to less than 50 seconds.
Jim due his trip to the Japanese Kabuki season then…surely there`s a melted lanyard in Fukishima for him to check into, before Obama brings about his New York Met freebie in the autumn.
And we pay `em!
Did the BBC forget to tell us – or did they not know?
I received an e-mail today with a photo (which I would have copied had I been capable so I will have to describe it to you) of celebrations in Paris at the Bastille. A crowd of people with flags being waved to celebrate Hollande winning the French election. This photo was taken at La Bastille Plaza in Paris, during the election celebration for the comrade socialist president Hollande. No French flags? Actually, there is ONE towards the bottom right. The other flags are in order of appurtenance, Palestinian (2 flags top right+1 center left), Algerian, Turkish (towards center), Syrian (towards left of pic + below Palestinian flag), Moroccan (w. star in center), and European Union flag. The other flags I can’t recognize, there are also Syndicates or Unions’ flags. That’s France in a nutshell.
Also a letter from a French citizen.
Hello to my American friends,As you know, the Socialist François Hollande won the presidential elections in France, last Sunday. It is a catastrophe for France.Hollande was elected by the Muslims:A survey (of 10,000 Muslims) shows that 93% of the Muslims voted for him.As 2 million Muslims participated in this election, Hollande got 1,720,000 Muslim votes more than Sarkozy did: (0.93-0.07) x 2,000,000 = 1,720,000. But at the end, from the entire population, he got only 1,139,316 votes more than Sarkozy. So, without the Muslims’ votes, Sarkozy would have been re-elected. All the Muslim criminals feel now empowered. Criminality is already on the rise (1,700 cars were burnt in France for the first night). Muslims are screaming anti-French and anti-Jews watchwords in our streets.Veiled women, wearing the illegal burqa, are strolling in our streets.And, as if this wasn’t enough, Hollande wants to give to all the foreigners the right to vote in our elections!!France will face a very hard situation. We are heading for civil war in a few years.That’s the last news from occupied France.
I never heard on the BBC anything about cars being burnt or laws being flagrently broken – or even anything other than the whole of France is jubliant that Hollande has won. Maybe the BBC is short of money and needs more to be able to report from such distant parts of the world.
Galloways victory in Blackburn – sorry, I meant to say Bradford, came on the back of the Muslim vote and the ward by ward breakdown of vti in the mayoral election show they were probably the cause of Boris’ win in London being narrower than expected. The thought that people subscribing to such a spatchcock and illiberal ideology could, under certain circumstances, have a decisive effect on the political life of the country is quite disturbing- particularly as the liberal media, such as the BBC, refuse to allow a full and frank discussion as to its very nature.
What’s missing? Hebrew novel wins fiction prize
Perhaps these two lines will give a clue? He escaped and was picked up by the Red Army in 1944, making his way to Italy before eventually reaching Palestine in 1946 when he was 14.
Instead, he chooses to write in what he describes as his “mother language” of Hebrew, which he learned to speak when he moved to Palestine.
His Wikipedia entry gives the answer about what Aharon Appelfeld has been doing for the last 64 years. In Israel, Appelfeld made up for his lack of formal schooling and learned Hebrew, the language in which he began to write. His first literary efforts were short stories, but gradually he progressed to novels. He completed his studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Today, Appelfeld lives in Mevaseret Zion and teaches literature at Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
Am I being paranoid but would the BBC somehow neglect to mention the current residence and nationality of any other writer than an Israeli?
For the record the BBC picked Umberto Eco for the prize. Umberto Eco shortlisted for foreign fiction honour Italian Umberto Eco is among the writers nominated for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize (IFFP).
They’re being “accurate”, since it wasn’t called Israel until 1948. Too bad the BBC isn’t such a stickler for details when describing the origins of the Palestinians.
The BBC will never give an honest and factual account of Middle Eastern history as it would completely undermine their whole Palestine/Muslim victimhood narrative.
The BBC is usually keen to push stories based on the release of Government papers from the Thatcher years.
Remember how the Beeb splashed that one about Liverpool and ‘managed decline’?
‘The Olympics could have come to London at least two decades earlier but ministers feared Britain could not afford it, newly published documents reveal.
Plans to stage the 1988 Games around the London Docklands were considered but ruled out by Margaret Thatcher on Michael Heseltine’s advice.
The then environment minister warned the prime minister the bid would make ‘no sense’ economically.’
Bias by omission. Unless Dezzie or Scott know differently?
Ah Liverpool!
King Kenny might have been brought low by many things…but the BBC has decided that his apparent condoning of Luis Suarez and his “racist” outburst earlier in the season brought about his demise.
Where the hell is the BBCs evidence for this-or is this just the variation on “racists…or indeed anyone in the same postal district as a racist”…never prosper.
To hear prep school gels and news numpties pontificate on this topic was desperate…as if they know where Liverpool is or what it does…apart from not pay its outstanding fines from court cases.
For the record Beeb…I`m a United fan, and Suarez is just a berk…and Dalglish didn`t do anything that Ferguson would not have done…so keep the racist bit for your oft-proven contempt for the English…which IS racist!
It took the World’s greatest Broadcaster 48 minutes to even acknowledge that Dalglish had been sacked stepped down as Liverpool manager whilst being reported as a live story on Sky TV.
No doubt their new mosque in Salford will take a bit of getting used to, but surely they could have asked security if Scouseland was was anywhere nearby.
Here we go again. Remember last year when the BBC couldn’t give us enough sneering stories about how to avoid that horrible Royal wedding thing? Looks like they’re about to give us a repeat performance in the run up to the Jubilee.
We are given five or so profiles of ‘punks’ who were against the Monarchy in ’77, and who are all still sneeringly anti today. I guess they couldn’t find any former punks who grew up a bit and got over their petulant adolescent rebellion. Except that they do give the briefest passing mention to one – the most well know punk of that generation – Johnny Rotten, who has a rather different attitude to the Monarchy, and confessed to having ‘loved every moment’ of the Royal wedding last year and even sent them a congratulatory letter. Strangely, they didn’t mention that in the article.
As somebody who was into the Punk scene in a big way and who bought the NME and MM on a weekly basis I have to admit I have never heard of the so called Punks the bBC promotes as mainstream and I started off by tuning into Radio Luxembourg on a night.
An INBBC political directive on how to report Islam:
-Only use the word ‘Muslims’ to denote victims of crime, but only use a word such as ‘militants’ when Muslims are perpetrators of crimes.
This directive is applied systematically by INBBC, so that today INBBC states that Mladic murdered Muslims; but, in contrast, we are told that ‘militants’ murdered Christians in Nigeria.
My mistake, the BBC did report it about an hour before I posted my comment. I must have missed it when I checked. Of course, they make sure to give you only one side of the story: his family’s defense that Martin was “fighting for his life”, trying to stop a cold-blooded killer with a gun. No bias there, then.
The BBC also tells an outright lie about how ABC doctored the CCTV video to make it appear as if Zimmerman had no injuries when being brought in for questioning. Take one point away from me for being wrong about BBC censorship, but deduct ten from them for lying and continuing to censor the fact that mainstream media deliberately faked the evidence to inspire hatred.
There is an article in the DT website today regarding the BBC and how it is “more Consrvative than the right admits”, yet totally avoids the issue of political bias in current affairs an news!
He also wrote Most historical novels are terrible. So thank God for Hilary Mantel – This would be the same Mantel who just claimed ‘the Catholic church is no longer a place for ‘respectable people’, and I see the BBC already are promoting her new book.
A few other recent headlines of his:- The Diamond Jubilee will be much better than the Olympic Games
People have stopped trying to make each other laugh and just play funny YouTube videos instead
Always interesting to see who gets the Mariella/ Late Review/Front Row spots in order to promote their latest books isn`t it?
Seen plenty on Mantel with all manner of praises heaped upon her work….plenty for anything Lionel Shriver says or does( she wants to force population control on us, like many other childless people)…but, as yet;nothing about Sasha Baron Cohens latest.
Is it `cos he is Jewish?…or tackling issues the BBC would rather we not laugh at, until they`ve vetted and sanitised it?
I’ll make a bet that if she had said that Israel has a right to its country and to be free from Islamic designed conflict instead of ‘the Catholic church is no longer a place for ‘respectable people’ they would have overlooked ‘her demand’.
I have a feeling she will be booked for quite a few more programmes with them, and not because of her writing ability.
Remember Team Obama’s ‘Julia’ campaign, where the benevolent and omnipotent father of the nation looked after all his little children from cradle to grave?
Here’s a stage by stage look into the reality…see what you think…
pm this evening (Wednesday) had a lengthy piece on how the Greeks were near starvation due to the greedy bailout lending them more money etc. They featured an Albanian lady who said because she could not pay the hospital fees after her baby was born they seized it. This was said be standard operating behaviour. The hospital angrily denied it but could produce no evidence this had not happened. [You can’t prove a negative.] After assorted interviews with communist health workers who said the hospital was denying birth certificates as well the Beeboid signed off in contented mood.
Heard the piece – the Albanian lady insisted on remaining anonymous – making her claims difficult to prove. Of course the first thing she did when the hospital wanted to be paid for delivering her baby was go to a group of ‘activists’. Did the BBC not ask her why she thought people from another country which was itself in a dire economic mess should pay for the baby to be delivered? Of course not – this was the BBC and another story of the meaness of austerity.
Thanks for the warning Reed
Now why am I thinking most of us will get a weird insight of what Dez and Scott get up to before banging us to rights here on this blog ?
I don’t know if this was covered before but I just found this recent programme ‘feast’ courtesy of the BBC Taliban Poetry, Science and Curiosity, The Road to Rome, Aharon Appelfeld Rana Mitter reads a new collection of poetry from the Taliban in a newly translated volume that attempts to get inside the lives of a people little understood in the West beyond the fact of them being ‘the enemy.’ Controversy has attended the publication of this volume with some saying that it conveniently forgets the fact that the Taliban are thugs who are killing British soldiers as has been the case just this week. But others say that there is no alternative to ‘know thine enemy’ and that includes their primary art form of sung and spoken poetry, often carried on mobile phones as mp3s and listened to every day.
A wise man once said – by their deeds will you know them. I don’t need their shit poetry to know who they are.
Sounds exactly like the nonsense written in the Guardian. With out a hint of irony they do not realise how fascist banning private schools are. To believe that the State should control all education is Fascism.
Probably Steve Jones, the BBC’s go to guy for ‘balance’ in their science reporting…
Jones described private schools as a “cancer on the education system”
Among the advantages in private schools compared to state schools, Jones listed smaller classroom sizes, highly-trained teachers, better facilities…
Perhaps he ought to concern himself with raising the standards of state education to the levels in the private sector, but that might be too much bother and would undoubtedly require a diminished role for all those leftie vested interests in the teacher unions etc. Much easier to seek reduced standards for everone – after all, equality is more important than quality.
…but I couldn’t watch any of it either. Saw a brief moment of it in a previous week and turned off quickly. It looked an even worse set-up than Question Time’s yoof edition.
Next time you hear Mark Mardell or some other Beeboid moaning about how horribly partisan and divided Congress has suddenly become since we got a black President and/or the evil Tea Party Republicans took over the House, remember this:
Democrats control the Senate, and even rejected the President’s own budget. Where’s the brilliant leadership, BBC? Where is your expert analysis of this situations?
Like I said before, still No budget since He was elected, even though the Dems controlled all of Congress for two years. Wake me up when then BBC reports it and blames somebody besides the Republicans.
Wonder if the BBC will report this regarding their freedom of information hero…
WikiLeaks may have been responsible for exposing Majid Jamali Fashi, the 24-year-old kickboxer who was hanged in Tehran on Tuesday morning after “confessing” to assassinating a nuclear scientist on behalf of Israel, a British media report said.
Shame someone doesn’t leak him the Balen report, but then he probably wouldn’t bother to release it if it didn’t cause any trouble for those he considers ‘the bad guys’.
Yes; these ‘global polls’ are ludicrously superficial, expensive (unwittingly paid for by duped British people), partial, and aimed against Israel.
(-Only a slightly surreal extension: ‘In a BBC poll conducted in Germany in 1942, it was found that Britain was the most unpopular country, more unpopular than in 1941.’)
The BBC is NOT an organisation reflecting the interest of the British people, it is a self-important global broadcasting EMPIRE, with many colonies, propagandising for ‘socialism’, ‘greenies’, ‘multiculturalism’, ‘the religion of peace’, and anti-Israel forces everywhere.
A grumpy, over-spending and under-achieving red leader has fallen. BBC Salford Local Radio (Five Live) naturally blames dark forces and plays host to a string of tearful northerners bemoaning the downfall of their King and insisting that he should have been given longer to build his dream.
I speak, this time, of Kenny Dalglish – not Gordon Brown.
And another example of that old droid standby
‘A survey showed…’
‘A Survey Showed that 88% of social workers think cuts are putting vulnerable children’s lives at risk’.
The droids are of course too lazy, too biased, too hopeless, too dishonest, too corrupt to mention that said Survey was done by The British Association of Social Workers.
Breaking news… public sector workers against cuts in public sector spending.
Arch-feminist and Grande Dame Nicky Campbell was most put out when the BBC Sports Personality of the Year came up with a an all-male shortlist.
Today Gameshow talks about the Ivor Novello Awards for songwriting. There is an all-female shortlist. And what does our warrior for equality have to say about it? ‘That’s Good, isn’t it……role models and all that’.
Oh, be fair, the Beeb did OK at the Sony Radio Awards.
These self-congratulatory industry junkets are run by The Radio Academy.
Chief Exectutive: John Myers ‘In January 2009, he was asked by the Labour Government to undertake a review or commercial radio.’
‘In November 2010, he was asked by the BBC to review efficiency’. The Telegraph reported that the BBC needed to hire someone with expertise in commercial radio, but was not a “BBC hater”‘
“Chair”: Bob Shennan ‘Controller of BBC Radio 2 and BBC 6 Music’
‘As the network’s controller he oversaw the launch of BBC Radio Five Live Sports Extra in 2002, and also took over as controller of the BBC Asian Network in 2004’
It’s not just the BBC.
On Channel 4’s “Countdown” yesterday (don’t ask!) lefty – actually very lefty (member of Labour Party) – host Nick Hewer in his introduction celebrated the fact that yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the act mandating equal pay for women. Of course, the assembled co-hosts (all women) agreed heartily that the act was a “good thing”. Bimbo Rachel Reilly then had the chutzpah to moan that all male viewers were interested in were TV women’s tits implying that she had her job purely on her ability to do arithmetic. The femiloons nodded sagely.
Lefty crapola is insidious – it’s everywhere
Have you noticed how the BBC are quoting Alistair Darling on the Euro Crisis? ‘It would be cheaper to keep Greece in than to let then go’.
Funny, that just happens to be the BBC editorial policy – ie the Euro must be preserved at all costs or economic armageddon would follow.
Charlie Kimber, national secretary and central committee member of the Socialist Workers Party, is put on air by BBC Five Live this morning.
Please let this left-wing bias stop!
… and while I’m on, (yet zzzzz) another weep-piece by the droids yestereve on the ‘social cleansing’ that is the capping of housing benefit at a miserly/ nasty toriz £21,000.
They had some poor women on whom Newham council were moving to Ulan Bator and she was wailing about it.
The droid SLB* just had to cap off his report with
‘ … but what is the social cost’.
Yeah, mate, we’d all like a 21 grand bung to be able to live in Chelsea or Berkeley Square or perhaps St James’s.
At 8:20 on the Today programme, celebrations were in order as the item concerned “an anthology of poetry written by members of the Taliban . . . being published.”
An extract from one of the poems celebrated the successes of the Taliban against foreign troops. Today did get on Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan together with the anthology’s creator ostensibly “to discuss the ethics” of publication.
I thought – naively – that the BBC was already challenging the depths of anti-British, pro-death cult programming. I was wrong. It has surpassed itself in giving publicity to Islamic moral pornography. This is nothing to do with “ethics” but all to do with the BBC’s embrace of anything anti-Western, particularly if the source is inspired by Islam.
This appears to have featured first on a Radio 3 programme and next thing it’s given further promotion on Radio 4’s flagship news programme. Radio 3 seems to think it’s the World Service. And Radio 4? Of what interest is that to its morning audience for news? Practically none, I would have thought. It must fit some Beeboid agenda, though.
I suppose that Radio 3’s “cultural” remit might conceivably be stretched to include terrorist propaganda: and, being the BBC, it was so stretched. However, as you so rightly ask, of what interest is it to the Today audience? Perhaps the BBC apologists who sometimes visit this site could tell us.
Heady rolling.
Chop-chop square.
Glinting swordie
My kebab.
Lookie girlie
Out so late.
Pretty rubbie
Allah Akbar.
(to be read in a Scouse accent like Brian Patten…or by Tom Paulin, the pal of anything anti-Jewish,)
Now can I have my grant or get a seat at a northern uni?…so rebellious
Bitter fruit
Cassette tapes. Bang shoot woman in footie field.
That my wifey, or my cousin; one and same, so I`m reassured.
Lovely eyes behind the bin bag.
Shooty rapey, choppy…Allah Akbar.
Beebie See on Osamas speed dial?
I’m in a fix here. The whole idea of the inbbc even considering that stuff horrifies me.
However I haven’t read or heard any of it and so am not really qualified to call it pornography. I wonder how long before they have it as core curriculum in our wonderful schools.
How much lower can the traitors at al-beeb sink?
Total scum as we know
Oh dear me, of course I am making an assumption about the direction of violence since the article doesn’t specify, but you’ll forgive me for being cynical I’m sure.
“David Blunkett has thrown his weight behind a campaign to exempt guide dog food from VAT saying the issue is “far more serious than hot pasties”
Special high protein food eaten by racing greyhounds and other “working dogs” is VAT exempt.
But the tax break does not extend to guide dogs – costing the Guide Dogs charity an estimated £300,000 a year.
Labour MP Mr Blunkett, who is accompanied everywhere by guide dog Cosby, a black curly coat retriever, says it is a greater injustice than the “pasty tax” – the levy on hot food that landed Chancellor George Osborne in trouble in his March Budget. ”
Firstly, food is zero-rated, not exempt. A small difference perhaps but one would hope the BBC would know the difference before recycling reporting Mr Blunkett’s press releases.
Under EU rules no new zero-rated categories are allowed. You’d think that Mr Blunkett, a former Minister of State, might have known that. Perish the thought that he’s posturing. And perish the thought that the BBC would prefer not to highlight our loss of sovereignty.
No-one at the BBC seems to have thought fit to ask him why, if it was so bloody important, he never did anything about it during his years in power.
The article only uses the “M” word once, and only as a quote. And no self identification when it comes to guilt in this matter. Do the BBC realise they are being accused? Of course they do, thats why this is not on the main page of the BBC news site at all.
Well, my Singaporean Chinese missus remains unimpressed as well. As to this main caption… ‘The groups say the ‘failure to discuss the issue’ is feeding the cause of far-right groups’
That rather smacks of desperate editorial projection away from the rather more key ‘don’t you dare try and lump us in with those bonkers scumbuckets again to distract from your daft obsessions, you racist PC-wets’, which seems more on the money.
As I recall ‘Hugs’ Boaden’s devastating riposte to Boris’ critique was based mainly how popular ‘everyone’ thinks the BBC is… in a BBC conducted poll. Odd how things can be so different in another they drum up…
…almost, one might suggest, to a ‘unique’ extent.
Hi friends (in the UK). Here’s something you should know.
Go to and listen to an interview with Jeremiah Wright. The two most important chunks are “Alexrod and Moss” and “Selected not Elected”.
There’s also a link to the Sean Hannity Show and an interview with the author of “The Amateur” Ed Klein. No doubt the book will be ignored by the BBC – they’ll be too busy chasing stories about Romney’s bullying at high school.
Yoo hoo, Mark Mardell, yoo hoo, anyone…?
By the way, I’m still banging on about the state of the Democratic Party after Obama. In here there’s interesting stuff about Hillary preparing for 2016…
Yet again, you think it may just stick to reporting, but in the end, the urge to wish, just wish hard enough, is too hard to resist… ‘The reason Labour are so desperate to respond to it is they think this is their one moment where they might be about to win the argument on the economy.’
And when it comes to winning arguments like this, the BBC fairy is just what Cinders needs on her side.
Sadly for Buttons Robinson, even the dribbles of an audience he can drum up on his risible blog are not really swallowing the fairy tale.
Maybe time for some fiscal magic, at least in ‘analysis’, from ‘2 Eds’, in reprise of her previous predictions?
“You shall go with the Balls!”
…and a related article…
As usual, they give Labour plenty of room and allow them to deliver the final damning verdict…
Milliband :
“”All of Europe’s leaders, including David Cameron, bear responsibility for the fact that over the last two years they haven’t sorted out the problems of the eurozone…”
Of course, not being part of the Eurozone, it’s not our PM’s responsibility to fix their mess, and the UK being outside means he probably holds very little sway anyway.
‘Dumb, right-wing’ Fox News beats ‘sophisticated’ BBC
The liberal media took another stunning defeat Tuesday as Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace totally demolished the BBC’s Katty Kay on Jeopardy!.
This followed Monday’s abysmal performance by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews
At the closing bell, Wallace had amassed $22,400 to Kay’s pitiful $8,000. Dr. Mehmet Oz came in third with $5,900.
BBC Planet Earth Live (well the presenters are live whilst the animals are all recorded). I wonder if we will give names to the Polar Bear cubs and be encouraged to worry that they may soon die of hunger – this being the least icy year in memory around these parts?
And speaking of Aunty’s Pesto… Robert Peston @Peston
How the government can get all its money back from Northern Rock, plus a bit more, and still make £2bn loss
Retweeted by BBC Radio 4 Today
Interesting way to headline it, given… ‘But actually it could have been a lot worse.’
No wonder Radio 4 RT’d it.
Obviously a more accurate way of headline would not have fitted… of course.
Interesting one of the higher rated comments… 9.Space – Also nice of Robert to skim over the fact that a large profit will be made on the rest, meaning that we will probably end up making a profit overall and the only ‘cost’ to us was carrying a risk for a while.
I think ‘skimming over’ narrative-inconvenient aspects is the new ‘analysis’.
At least, via the ever-unique BBC.
“The joint statement was released by the Network of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK.
It says the reluctance of the media and the government to discuss the “disproportionate representation of MUSLIMS in such cases” and the fact victims are “almost always NON-Muslim girls”
well about time ….
looks like el beeb better stick to “men” in furure
World news ‘reporting’ today going to be interesting as some facts now emerge that cut across initial fond narratives chez Aunty. I predict another outbreak of ‘watertight oversight’ or a sudden desire to focus on things that suit elsewhere.
It’s there, but wondering what makes the most read on World News so interesting to those looking for news from outside, vs. less so to those who prioritise it within.
asians … what …. asians
“The joint statement was released by the Network of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK.
It says the reluctance of the media and the government to discuss the “disproportionate representation of MUSLIMS in such cases” and the fact victims are “almost always NON-Muslim girls”
well about time ….elvis has (after all) long left the building
looks like el beeb better stick to “men” in future
mind you, “leopard never changes its spots”?
Mosques’ advice to wives ‘don’t report abusive husbands’
“Fazlhashemi, a Muslim, expressed concerns that such outdated mosque representatives benefit Muslim-haters and the far-right Sweden Democrats.
They confirm the negative picture of Muslims. It’s a real shame … ??????? 😀
that they confirm of the prejudices that Islamophobes have,”
Trying to imagine the BBC version: Sky News @SkyNews
Six Londoners Charged Over Human Trafficking
Altogether now, in a unique and culturally diverse way….
Third-rate wannabe lefty comedian/comedienne Dame Nicky Campbell of the Kingdom of Fife has a jolly joshing session about the Queen hosting other world royals at Windsor. ‘Are they bringing in swans on silver platters?’ (snigger snigger) ‘Oh, do tell us about these controversies over the King of Bahrain and the Princess of Spain!’ . What a fine intro to a ‘balanced BBC’ debate on the subject ‘are you celebrating the Jubilee?’
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Doge now has an army growing … “Thanks to the everyone for DM’ing ideas to the DOGE Affiliate accounts. Already…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:41 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Today, I came as close as I’ve ever been to my beloved Palestine. That’s her there behind me. I had…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:39 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The same Turkey that said a rapist could marry the victim?
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:37 Weekend 22nd February 2025 1400 raped kids – net zero action 1 grandma emotes – handcuffs
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim … “I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “And am I the only one who struggles with the fact that we have just taken winter fuel payments off…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Deport all americans to make it fair – democrates as well.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “nuclear missiles based in Ukraine” – with Moscow in control of them.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
Guest WhoFeb 23, 07:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
Peter Tatchell is not my favourite public personality but I admire his guts. I also admire his attachment to freedom of speech. On Today this morning, Montague could hardly believe that Tatchell – a militant gay and therefore second in line in the queue to get at the BBC airwaves – is unashamedly on the side of free speech: even “anti-gay” sentiment. Montague tried – of course – to intimate that “it’s not the law, it’s the way it’s applied” to which Tatchell gave short shrift. However, at the point where Tatchell was starting to give “militant Islam” a bashing, Montague swiftly wound up the discussion: you see – at the BBC – it’s “militant Islam” and its enablers who are first in the queue.
Mr Tatchell turned up at panto nikki s just before 9am on 5live too.
check it out, as Campo, (thats nikki 😀 of course)
tries to steer the conversation just as you alluded to.
just gaulling, as was the extended piece on the srebrenica trial, never any mention of all the muslim atrocities up till 94, all forgotten
Yeah, no mention of the Muslim attrocities which started the whole thing of as they began slaughtering and implementing the genocide of the indigenous population.
But don’t get me wrong. The attrocities carried out by both sides were horrendous but I wish the beeb would stop imlying that it was a one way conflict.
From the BBC’s Have your say on:
Ratko Mladic goes on trial over Bosnia 'war crimes
Accepted by the moderators:
Srebrenica is no different from the ethnic cleansing commited by Zionists against Palestinians since 1948
Reply rejected as it is offensive.
@ BBC Your anti Israeli (anti Jewish) bias is internationally recognised, and publishing this propaganda in a discussion on former Yugoslavia reaffirms your position. Does every HYS topic have to include space for one sided anti Jewish propaganda?
A gay Muslim really would top the Marxist’s ‘progressive stack’ wouldn’t it.
I bet Evan Davis spends many an hour with his iPlayer paused on a scene of Syed from Eastenders, whilst furiously masturbating and repeatedly screaming “WHY CAN’T YOU BE REAL, WHY CAN’T YOU BE REAL”
An openly gay muslim amongst his own would last about as long as a pie in John Prescott’s kitchen.
What about a gay Muslim FOOTBALLER?
I’m trying to eat my lunch here.
Sarah Montague talked over him so much, he must have thought he was a Tory.
I have a lot of time for Peter Tatchell. I probably disagree with him on most things but he sticks to his principles despite taking much flak for doing so.
I agree with you about Tatchell, Roland.
So do I. He was about the only person with the guts and the apparent interest to hound Robert Mugabe on his visit to Brussels, and got beaten by the thug’s body guards for his efforts. I didn’t see anyone else bothering, not even from the left, who are of course very selective in their targets (remember the continued efforts to have Pinochet arrested by the usual left-wing suspects – no Jeremy Corbin on our TV screens calling for the arrest of Mugabe, strangely.) I think even Peter Hitchens once said on Question Time that he was beginning to regard Tatchell as something of a national treasure. I don’t agree with most of his politics, but I admire his willingness to tackle subjects that just about everyone else on the left (and the right, for that matter) steers well clear of out of pure cowardice.
Tatchell was beaten in the 1983 Bermondsey by(bi?)-election by none other than Simon Hughes, a ‘liberal’ who ran a homophobic campaign, but who then had to admit he was a little unsure of his own ‘sexual orientation’, thus becoming a gay-anti-gay bigot. Quite an achievement. Hughes has, of course, gone onto even greater things – making increasingly obsequious, grovelling speeches to the muslims of East London. He makes Uriah Heep look like Clint Eastwood. So it’s all very much ‘Bums up for Mecca!’ with Si – at the moment. Muslims, of course, a treasured ‘identity group’, justly renowned for their tolerance of homosexuals. A quality Tatchell has the bottle to unceasingly flag up, but a quality that beeboids prefer to leave untrumpeted. Odd that. Maybe it’s a bit of a yellow streak. Or a red one.
Always reminds me of the late Simon Caddell!
Hi-de-ho campers…and I mean that in its non-pejorative sense missus!
Related – seems a good one to support, and ties in with another recent thread…
“Feel Free To Offend Me”
(video from David Davis in link)
…and here’s why it’s important that this crap is abolished…
“Campaigners say the Public Order Act is being abused by over-zealous police and prosecutors to arrest Christian street preachers, critics of Scientology, gay rights campaigners and even students making jokes.
Currently, Section 5 of the 1986 Act outlaws ‘insulting words or behaviour’, but what constitutes ‘insulting’ is unclear and has resulted in a string of controversial arrests.”
Like I said…be careful what you wish for, PC lefties…
I had not realised that the story about the double-agent in Yemen involved in another plane attack using underwear explosives actually concerned a BRITISH agent. And that his cover had been blown, putting his life at risk and probably destroying the continuing BRITISH attempt to infiltrate Al Queda in Yemen – all because people in the Obama administration decided to blow the story and try to claim false credit for Obama’s anti-terrorism activities.
As they say – a despicable way to treat a vital ally. British security services are apparently furious – but no mention of this from the BBC.
Betray a confidence? Put an agent’s life at risk? Anything to get re-elected.
I’m afraid, John, the President lives in a theoretical world where the only downside is getting a bad grade in an essay.
I was astonished to see how He described one of the dangers in getting Bin Laden was that the failure of the mission would have impacted badly on His re-election chances.
But I guess from this quote: “those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf.” – “MY BEHALF”! – you’ll see why He’ll be voted out in November much to the surprise of BBC viewers and listeners who are being told what a wonderful job He’s doing and how popular He is.
George W always congratulated his staff. O congratulates Himself.
David V, do my comments above constitute “hate speech”? I hope not. The Left believes we are evil. I believe the Left is wrong.
Unfortunately, the US media has mostly glossed over it as being the result of an unfortunate leak, with top Democrats promising to do a Sir Humphrey-style internal inquiry, and have now moved on.
The BBC simply follows their lead.
“Why aren’t you reporting this, BBC?”
“It’s not a big story, nobody else is reporting it, so we feel we got it about right.”
“Why are you making a big deal out of nothing, BBC?”
“Everyone else is reporting it, so we feel we got it about right.”
Rinse, repeat.
You get the occasional dig in Parliament, like yesterday when the MP mentions the bBC and the way the 3% in the two different elections were reported. Tame stuff though, but the MPs would have to be brain dead (I know quite possible), not to notice the continuous barrage of bias we have had in the past months.
A quick search of the BBC website for ‘Catholic’ gives the following results as the top 10:
‘Catholic schools must give ‘balanced perspective’ over gay marriage’ – a ‘Catholics are bigots’ story
‘Association of Catholic Priests discuss Church’s future’ – paedophiles, strongly anti-Vatican
‘Birmingham Catholic Archdiocese defends abuse case handling’ – paedophiles
‘Catholic Church leadership in denial mode: Martin McGuinness’ – paedophiles, again
‘This World: The Shame of the Catholic Church’ – paedophiles
‘Catholic pupils ‘invited to sign anti-gay marriage petition” – Catholics are bigots
‘Can Catholic teaching justify Ryan plan?’ – attacks Republicans AND Catholics
‘Paul Ryan defends budget at Catholic university’ – another in the same vein
‘Dutch Roman Catholic church ‘castrated’ boys in 1950s’ – a gleeful piece of Catholic bashing, saying that ‘up to 11 boys’ were castrated by the RCC, butignores the fact that the ‘scientific’ establishment in Holland, as part of the once mainstream eugenics movement, castrated more than 400 people:
Will & Testament: The Irish Catholic Church: “a time of trial” – paedophiles again
So basically 10 stories relating to ‘Catholic’, all of them negative.
How about Muslim?
‘High-profile Canadian Muslim mayor on trust’ – Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, a popular social media presence and the son of Tanzanian immigrants, is the first Muslim mayor of a major Canadian city. He tells the BBC’s Katty Kay that trust and dialogue is what makes Calgary so successful….. In other words a ‘feel-good’ piece about a nice Muslim
‘Golfer Sahra Hassan awarded by Muslim Women’s Sport Foundation’ – a puff piece about an absolute non-entity of a female golfer, not even notable enough to have a Wikipedia page
‘Amnesty International finds anti-Muslim bias in Europe’ – Muslims prejudiced against
‘Prominent Muslim Metin Mekhtiyev stabbed in Moscow’ – Muslim ‘of Azerbaijani origin’ ‘leader at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Russia’ stabbed by ‘extreme right’ (except there’s actually no evidence at all of this, just speculation by his friends). ‘Mr Mekhtiyev was a “decent, much-respected and loved person”, he said, and had been involved in the Muslim community, with migrants and in social work.’, and the official word that he was robbed, is just glossed over.
‘Scouts back Muslim girl clothing’ – puff piece about burkas for Scouts
‘The brave Muslim women of Gujarat’ – puff piece about ‘brave Muslim’ women in India
‘Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association helping Hartlepool’ – puff piece about Muslims planting trees
‘Moscow’s Muslims find no room in the mosque’ – neutral story about Muslim immigration to Russia
‘NYPD criticised for treatment of Muslims’ – NYPD biased against Muslims
‘Muslim hate crime phone line aims to help victims’ – ‘first UK helpline for victims of Islamophobia’
so out of the top 10 stories we have:
five puff pieces about good Muslims
four pieces about alleged anti-Muslim sentiment
and one neutral story about the rise of Islam in Russia.
The contrast between BBC reportage on ‘Catholic’ and ‘Muslim’ could clearly not be much more stark – 10 out of 10 of the ‘Catholic’ stories are entirely negative, and the 10th has a quick dig, while NONE of the 10 ‘Muslim’ stories are negative.
(Incidentally in their feel-good story about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth, they tell us that
‘The Ahmadiyya community takes its name from its founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
It has bases in more than 175 countries and is renowned for it services to the community in the fields of education and health.’
What they don’t tell us, and I quote from Wikipedia is that ‘Most mainstream Muslims consider both Ahmadi movements to be non-Muslim and heretical’
and indeed that in many countries the Ahmadiyya are persecuted by ‘true Muslims’. These countries include the UK, and yet you won’t find ANY reporting of this on the BBC.
Here’s the Wimbledon Guardian:
“The owner of one Tooting halal butchers said his trade had fallen by nearly 50 per cent in three months. He said: “We have lost so much business because some people refuse to come here just because I am Ahmadi. They use words against me like ‘Kafir’, which means I am not Muslim.”
“Another Ahmadi butcher, who came to London in 2001 after fleeing Pakistan, won an employment tribunal last month after being sacked in March.
Employment Judge Baron accepted Azizur Rahman, owner of Haji Halal Meat in Upper Tooting Road, pressured his employee to convert to the Sunni Muslim faith.”
Do you think it would be POSSIBLE that a Christian businessman who was found by a tribunal to have pressurised his non-Christian employee into converting to Christianity would not be reported by the BBC?)
Excellent research, showing a clear and unequivocal bias. This is the kind of factual deconstruction of the ‘impartiality’ claim that we need more and more of if we are to get a proper debate on the issue.
Thank you.
There is no doubt.
People could say ‘well the Catholic church has been getting a lot of bad publicity in recent years’.
Well yes they have, but so have Muslims!
Here’s a story from yesterday:
“Lady Gaga Indonesia concert denied permit by police”
All sounds a bit dull, does she have a criminal record or something?
Er, no.
You see down the page
“The hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) had threatened to intercept Lady Gaga at the airport and stop her getting off the plane.”
In other words, an artist was prevented from performing by Muslims.
There are daily atrocities perpetrated by Muslims, in the name of Islam, but you wouldn’t find that out from the BBC. Instead we are giving ‘heart-warming’ stories about (not-really) Muslims planting trees, and Muslim female golfers, while Catholics, according to the BBC, spend their time promulgating bigotry and molesting children.
Anyone catch the piece on yesterday’s Roday programme about the move into the new swanky BBC studios in central London? Of course the BBC banged on about how it defined modern Britain, beat the Germans, brought prosperity, joy and coolness to the UK etc etc etc… but not a single syllable about COSTS. Of course, because in that stinking world known as Beebland, money really does grow on trees. One’s hatred for the BBC grows with every passing day….
But supports the continuing narrative of ‘through public spending comes growth and prosperity’.
I know every BBC drama series will have a bleeding heart Leftie (sub) plot/reference/agenda. So I read the Radio Times write up of “Silk” (new series starting last night) carefully, but nothing gave cause for concern, so I decided to watch it.
It took all of 12 minutes before “torycutz” (re legal aid) – “Savage & deep & they just don’t care”.
Oh well, it’s nice to have some certainties in this life.
. . . and don’t forget the “posh” barrister venting about the “million” killed in Iraq. Fair enough though, the (very) attractive solicitor who he was trying to impress gave as good as she got by describing Saddam as a psycopathic sh*t (or similar!).
thanks Will you confirmed what I guessed – I didn’t watch Silk because I thought I knew what I would be getting and it sounds as though I wouldn’t have been disappointed. And have you noticed how brilliant Martha Costello is?(assuming she is the same as in series 1 – fits the BBC template where she can always outwit a man)
It didn’t actually get too hung up about left politics. But it failed on another of the BBC’s drama shortcomings, often they have implausible plots & rely on deus ex machina for their resolution. “Silk” was just implausible characterisation (the defendant) with Martha being ridiculously naive.
By the way the female solicitor (see Umbongo above) was called not Gareth but George. Ugh!
If it was good enough for Enid Blyton…
Just for the fun of it, my wife and daughter applied to be in the QT audience tomorrow and have been accepted – it’s all a bit odd as I cannot think of two people less interested in current affairs. They’ve been asked to e-mail back a question they would like to ask. Any suggestions?
Given the current trend put out by the left-wing that too much media ownership by one organisation in the UK is wrong ie Murdoch, is it right that the BBC is responsible for some 70% of the news in the UK? Should it too be broken up?
The simple fact is unless the question fits the BBC agenda it won’t be used.
Best just tell them to clap loud when any non-left wing point is made, and when Dimbleby asks the audience for their feedback on any question used, they can then make a point as he won’t know what’s coming.
I’d go for the “wait for audience feedback” option. Get them to wear hijabs, as Mr Dimbleby will feel obliged to solicit their opinion if they put their hands up, then ask if there is a problem with Muslim men grooming white underage girls. They won’t see it coming.
Can they wear some interesting apparel, so that we can recognise them. Those of us on the live blog need some cheering up…some suggestions…
…of course…if they want to get noticed on the BBC, the one to go for is…
…oh yeah, question…
“Given that public spending has increased each year under this coalition government, and considering the regular condemnation on this and other BBC programmes of the supposed populism, scare-mongering and dishonesty of ‘right-wing tabloids’ in regard to their coverage of various topics, is it right for the BBC to be constantly running stories about the great suffering being caused by the ‘savage cuts’ ?’
…bit of a mouthful…some rehearsal might be required.
Thanks for suggestions but it turns out that they both have bees in their bonnet about an issue. My daughter follows Brian May’s blog and apparently he’s got a thing about badger culling, so she’s asking about that (not being a QT watcher she doesn’t realise they want up to the minute topics). The wife watched BBC24 specially to find a topic and hearing part time workers mentioned has told the beeb that she will aske why they can’t pay less tax because it’s harder to live on a part time wage(?). I’m now rather hoping they don’t get asked for a question. Also Mrs Greeninker doesn’t like the idea of being identifiable, for some reason.
“Also Mrs Greeninker doesn’t like the idea of being identifiable, for some reason.”
No ‘fascinators’ then. 🙁
That`s just like a gargle of toilet water for the wide-mouthed frog that is James Naughtie!
Love to see him ask “if I wanted fries with that”…and see how Ronald MacDonald got him to parse that one down to less than 50 seconds.
Jim due his trip to the Japanese Kabuki season then…surely there`s a melted lanyard in Fukishima for him to check into, before Obama brings about his New York Met freebie in the autumn.
And we pay `em!
Careful, they’ll dump them if the questions don’t meet…um…requirements.
Did the BBC forget to tell us – or did they not know?
I received an e-mail today with a photo (which I would have copied had I been capable so I will have to describe it to you) of celebrations in Paris at the Bastille. A crowd of people with flags being waved to celebrate Hollande winning the French election. This photo was taken at La Bastille Plaza in Paris, during the election celebration for the comrade socialist president Hollande. No French flags? Actually, there is ONE towards the bottom right. The other flags are in order of appurtenance, Palestinian (2 flags top right+1 center left), Algerian, Turkish (towards center), Syrian (towards left of pic + below Palestinian flag), Moroccan (w. star in center), and European Union flag. The other flags I can’t recognize, there are also Syndicates or Unions’ flags. That’s France in a nutshell.
Also a letter from a French citizen.
Hello to my American friends,As you know, the Socialist François Hollande won the presidential elections in France, last Sunday. It is a catastrophe for France.Hollande was elected by the Muslims:A survey (of 10,000 Muslims) shows that 93% of the Muslims voted for him.As 2 million Muslims participated in this election, Hollande got 1,720,000 Muslim votes more than Sarkozy did: (0.93-0.07) x 2,000,000 = 1,720,000. But at the end, from the entire population, he got only 1,139,316 votes more than Sarkozy. So, without the Muslims’ votes, Sarkozy would have been re-elected. All the Muslim criminals feel now empowered. Criminality is already on the rise (1,700 cars were burnt in France for the first night). Muslims are screaming anti-French and anti-Jews watchwords in our streets.Veiled women, wearing the illegal burqa, are strolling in our streets.And, as if this wasn’t enough, Hollande wants to give to all the foreigners the right to vote in our elections!!France will face a very hard situation. We are heading for civil war in a few years.That’s the last news from occupied France.
I never heard on the BBC anything about cars being burnt or laws being flagrently broken – or even anything other than the whole of France is jubliant that Hollande has won. Maybe the BBC is short of money and needs more to be able to report from such distant parts of the world.
Galloways victory in Blackburn – sorry, I meant to say Bradford, came on the back of the Muslim vote and the ward by ward breakdown of vti in the mayoral election show they were probably the cause of Boris’ win in London being narrower than expected. The thought that people subscribing to such a spatchcock and illiberal ideology could, under certain circumstances, have a decisive effect on the political life of the country is quite disturbing- particularly as the liberal media, such as the BBC, refuse to allow a full and frank discussion as to its very nature.
Why else do the left support muslim causes? FOR THE VOTES!
What’s missing?
Hebrew novel wins fiction prize
Perhaps these two lines will give a clue? He escaped and was picked up by the Red Army in 1944, making his way to Italy before eventually reaching Palestine in 1946 when he was 14.
Instead, he chooses to write in what he describes as his “mother language” of Hebrew, which he learned to speak when he moved to Palestine.
His Wikipedia entry gives the answer about what Aharon Appelfeld has been doing for the last 64 years. In Israel, Appelfeld made up for his lack of formal schooling and learned Hebrew, the language in which he began to write. His first literary efforts were short stories, but gradually he progressed to novels. He completed his studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Today, Appelfeld lives in Mevaseret Zion and teaches literature at Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
Am I being paranoid but would the BBC somehow neglect to mention the current residence and nationality of any other writer than an Israeli?
For the record the BBC picked Umberto Eco for the prize.
Umberto Eco shortlisted for foreign fiction honour
Italian Umberto Eco is among the writers nominated for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize (IFFP).
They’re being “accurate”, since it wasn’t called Israel until 1948. Too bad the BBC isn’t such a stickler for details when describing the origins of the Palestinians.
The BBC will never give an honest and factual account of Middle Eastern history as it would completely undermine their whole Palestine/Muslim victimhood narrative.
What are you suggesting? Is it the headline? Are you saying that the headline should have described his nationality and residence as Israeli?
The BBC is usually keen to push stories based on the release of Government papers from the Thatcher years.
Remember how the Beeb splashed that one about Liverpool and ‘managed decline’?
Bet they aren’t interested in this one….
‘The Olympics could have come to London at least two decades earlier but ministers feared Britain could not afford it, newly published documents reveal.
Plans to stage the 1988 Games around the London Docklands were considered but ruled out by Margaret Thatcher on Michael Heseltine’s advice.
The then environment minister warned the prime minister the bid would make ‘no sense’ economically.’
Bias by omission. Unless Dezzie or Scott know differently?
Ah Liverpool!
King Kenny might have been brought low by many things…but the BBC has decided that his apparent condoning of Luis Suarez and his “racist” outburst earlier in the season brought about his demise.
Where the hell is the BBCs evidence for this-or is this just the variation on “racists…or indeed anyone in the same postal district as a racist”…never prosper.
To hear prep school gels and news numpties pontificate on this topic was desperate…as if they know where Liverpool is or what it does…apart from not pay its outstanding fines from court cases.
For the record Beeb…I`m a United fan, and Suarez is just a berk…and Dalglish didn`t do anything that Ferguson would not have done…so keep the racist bit for your oft-proven contempt for the English…which IS racist!
It took the World’s greatest Broadcaster 48 minutes to even acknowledge that Dalglish had
been sackedstepped down as Liverpool manager whilst being reported as a live story on Sky TV.No doubt their new mosque in Salford will take a bit of getting used to, but surely they could have asked security if Scouseland was was anywhere nearby.
Here we go again. Remember last year when the BBC couldn’t give us enough sneering stories about how to avoid that horrible Royal wedding thing? Looks like they’re about to give us a repeat performance in the run up to the Jubilee.
We are given five or so profiles of ‘punks’ who were against the Monarchy in ’77, and who are all still sneeringly anti today. I guess they couldn’t find any former punks who grew up a bit and got over their petulant adolescent rebellion. Except that they do give the briefest passing mention to one – the most well know punk of that generation – Johnny Rotten, who has a rather different attitude to the Monarchy, and confessed to having ‘loved every moment’ of the Royal wedding last year and even sent them a congratulatory letter. Strangely, they didn’t mention that in the article.
That BBC crap…
As somebody who was into the Punk scene in a big way and who bought the NME and MM on a weekly basis I have to admit I have never heard of the so called Punks the bBC promotes as mainstream and I started off by tuning into Radio Luxembourg on a night.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst.
An INBBC political directive on how to report Islam:
-Only use the word ‘Muslims’ to denote victims of crime, but only use a word such as ‘militants’ when Muslims are perpetrators of crimes.
This directive is applied systematically by INBBC, so that today INBBC states that Mladic murdered Muslims; but, in contrast, we are told that ‘militants’ murdered Christians in Nigeria.
One can certainly include INBBC in the following criticism:-
“How the Media Whitewashes Muslim Persecution of Christians”
by Raymond Ibrahim.
What is the whole truth of ‘Srebrenica’?
A non-INBBC version –
An article of 2011:-
“Ratko Mladic: What really happened in Srebrenica? ”
Autopsy Reveals Trayvon Martin Had Bloody Knuckles When He Died (Video)
BBC: We’re standing by our original story that this was all about the cancer of white supremacy in the US. This news will now be censored.
My mistake, the BBC did report it about an hour before I posted my comment. I must have missed it when I checked. Of course, they make sure to give you only one side of the story: his family’s defense that Martin was “fighting for his life”, trying to stop a cold-blooded killer with a gun. No bias there, then.
The BBC also tells an outright lie about how ABC doctored the CCTV video to make it appear as if Zimmerman had no injuries when being brought in for questioning. Take one point away from me for being wrong about BBC censorship, but deduct ten from them for lying and continuing to censor the fact that mainstream media deliberately faked the evidence to inspire hatred.
There is an article in the DT website today regarding the BBC and how it is “more Consrvative than the right admits”, yet totally avoids the issue of political bias in current affairs an news!
Written by a moron that it appears will write anything for a price.
He also wrote Most historical novels are terrible. So thank God for Hilary Mantel – This would be the same Mantel who just claimed ‘the Catholic church is no longer a place for ‘respectable people’, and I see the BBC already are promoting her new book.
A few other recent headlines of his:-
The Diamond Jubilee will be much better than the Olympic Games
People have stopped trying to make each other laugh and just play funny YouTube videos instead
Always interesting to see who gets the Mariella/ Late Review/Front Row spots in order to promote their latest books isn`t it?
Seen plenty on Mantel with all manner of praises heaped upon her work….plenty for anything Lionel Shriver says or does( she wants to force population control on us, like many other childless people)…but, as yet;nothing about Sasha Baron Cohens latest.
Is it `cos he is Jewish?…or tackling issues the BBC would rather we not laugh at, until they`ve vetted and sanitised it?
Mantel is a recent Booker prize winner so she would be in demand. .
I’ll make a bet that if she had said that Israel has a right to its country and to be free from Islamic designed conflict instead of ‘the Catholic church is no longer a place for ‘respectable people’ they would have overlooked ‘her demand’.
I have a feeling she will be booked for quite a few more programmes with them, and not because of her writing ability.
My reference was to this: “Seen plenty on Mantel with all manner of praises heaped upon her work.”
(Not her recent remark about the Catholic Church.)
Remember Team Obama’s ‘Julia’ campaign, where the benevolent and omnipotent father of the nation looked after all his little children from cradle to grave?
Here’s a stage by stage look into the reality…see what you think…
pm this evening (Wednesday) had a lengthy piece on how the Greeks were near starvation due to the greedy bailout lending them more money etc. They featured an Albanian lady who said because she could not pay the hospital fees after her baby was born they seized it. This was said be standard operating behaviour. The hospital angrily denied it but could produce no evidence this had not happened. [You can’t prove a negative.] After assorted interviews with communist health workers who said the hospital was denying birth certificates as well the Beeboid signed off in contented mood.
Heard the piece – the Albanian lady insisted on remaining anonymous – making her claims difficult to prove. Of course the first thing she did when the hospital wanted to be paid for delivering her baby was go to a group of ‘activists’. Did the BBC not ask her why she thought people from another country which was itself in a dire economic mess should pay for the baby to be delivered? Of course not – this was the BBC and another story of the meaness of austerity.
But Stephanie Flanders who is the BBCs economics editor has kept telling us that the Euro nations have this well in hand and are acting promptly.
Indeed only a year ago she told us this.
“Why the Greek bail-out has worked”
Worth a look just for the pic (unless you’re eating)…
Thanks for the warning Reed
Now why am I thinking most of us will get a weird insight of what Dez and Scott get up to before banging us to rights here on this blog ?
I don’t know if this was covered before but I just found this recent programme ‘feast’ courtesy of the BBC
Taliban Poetry, Science and Curiosity, The Road to Rome, Aharon Appelfeld
Rana Mitter reads a new collection of poetry from the Taliban in a newly translated volume that attempts to get inside the lives of a people little understood in the West beyond the fact of them being ‘the enemy.’ Controversy has attended the publication of this volume with some saying that it conveniently forgets the fact that the Taliban are thugs who are killing British soldiers as has been the case just this week. But others say that there is no alternative to ‘know thine enemy’ and that includes their primary art form of sung and spoken poetry, often carried on mobile phones as mp3s and listened to every day.
A wise man once said – by their deeds will you know them. I don’t need their shit poetry to know who they are.
Taliban poetry discussion group…..’come on guys, for fuck’s sake, what rhymes with ‘public beheadings’?
…child brides at weddings…
..think you’ve started something here 🙂
How about (on behalf of liberated women):
we don’t need no education!
How about:
she wears my ring !
and her
and her and her !
‘Pubic beheadings’? a la female genital mutilation.
Taliban rhyming slang: public beheadings – same-sex weddings.
Foreigner begone – road side bomb.
I’ll watch that right after I’m done with Paul Mason’s piece celebrating Occupier art.
Travel to Cuba, help the Commies preserve their system there – says the Beeb:
Wow, people in Cuba are allowed to own their own cars! Comrade Castro is so generous.
Is anyone watching this Free Speech programme on BBC3, best quote so far is ‘Private Schools should be banned’. Yes someone actually said that!
couldnt bring myself to watch that thankfully.
Sounds exactly like the nonsense written in the Guardian. With out a hint of irony they do not realise how fascist banning private schools are. To believe that the State should control all education is Fascism.
Probably Steve Jones, the BBC’s go to guy for ‘balance’ in their science reporting…
Jones described private schools as a “cancer on the education system”
Among the advantages in private schools compared to state schools, Jones listed smaller classroom sizes, highly-trained teachers, better facilities…
Perhaps he ought to concern himself with raising the standards of state education to the levels in the private sector, but that might be too much bother and would undoubtedly require a diminished role for all those leftie vested interests in the teacher unions etc. Much easier to seek reduced standards for everone – after all, equality is more important than quality.
…but I couldn’t watch any of it either. Saw a brief moment of it in a previous week and turned off quickly. It looked an even worse set-up than Question Time’s yoof edition.
One for David in the USA…
Remember this…
..and, in fine entrepreneurial spirit… 💡
Ha! Right back at ’em!!!! 8)
Next time you hear Mark Mardell or some other Beeboid moaning about how horribly partisan and divided Congress has suddenly become since we got a black President and/or the evil Tea Party Republicans took over the House, remember this:
Senate Democrats set to reject Ryan, Obama budgets
Democrats control the Senate, and even rejected the President’s own budget. Where’s the brilliant leadership, BBC? Where is your expert analysis of this situations?
Like I said before, still No budget since He was elected, even though the Dems controlled all of Congress for two years. Wake me up when then BBC reports it and blames somebody besides the Republicans.
i wonder when the BBC will do a ‘documentary’ on the gay members of the Taliban?
Still searching for gay footballers, so no time to investigate the Taliban yet!
BBC confirms plan to move all men’s programmes to Dave
Never a truer word spoken in jest 🙂
Wonder if the BBC will report this regarding their freedom of information hero…
WikiLeaks may have been responsible for exposing Majid Jamali Fashi, the 24-year-old kickboxer who was hanged in Tehran on Tuesday morning after “confessing” to assassinating a nuclear scientist on behalf of Israel, a British media report said.
Hat-tip :
Shame someone doesn’t leak him the Balen report, but then he probably wouldn’t bother to release it if it didn’t cause any trouble for those he considers ‘the bad guys’.
…and from a link at The Times Of Israel…
Israel ranks joint third with North Korea, behind only Iran and Pakistan, in the latest annual BBC World Service “Country Ratings Poll.”
In the Western countries surveyed, views of Israel show improvement only in the US
Among the Muslim countries surveyed, perceptions of Israel have deteriorated (no brainer)
I’d like to know just how they go about these surveys, not much information is provided.
From the BBC…
Yes; these ‘global polls’ are ludicrously superficial, expensive (unwittingly paid for by duped British people), partial, and aimed against Israel.
(-Only a slightly surreal extension: ‘In a BBC poll conducted in Germany in 1942, it was found that Britain was the most unpopular country, more unpopular than in 1941.’)
The BBC is NOT an organisation reflecting the interest of the British people, it is a self-important global broadcasting EMPIRE, with many colonies, propagandising for ‘socialism’, ‘greenies’, ‘multiculturalism’, ‘the religion of peace’, and anti-Israel forces everywhere.
A grumpy, over-spending and under-achieving red leader has fallen. BBC Salford Local Radio (Five Live) naturally blames dark forces and plays host to a string of tearful northerners bemoaning the downfall of their King and insisting that he should have been given longer to build his dream.
I speak, this time, of Kenny Dalglish – not Gordon Brown.
And another example of that old droid standby
‘A survey showed…’
‘A Survey Showed that 88% of social workers think cuts are putting vulnerable children’s lives at risk’.
The droids are of course too lazy, too biased, too hopeless, too dishonest, too corrupt to mention that said Survey was done by The British Association of Social Workers.
Breaking news… public sector workers against cuts in public sector spending.
Who’d a thunk.
Arch-feminist and Grande Dame Nicky Campbell was most put out when the BBC Sports Personality of the Year came up with a an all-male shortlist.
Today Gameshow talks about the Ivor Novello Awards for songwriting. There is an all-female shortlist. And what does our warrior for equality have to say about it? ‘That’s Good, isn’t it……role models and all that’.
BBC- The left-wing opinions just keep coming.
Did Gameshow and his coterie of corpsing- at – their- own – jokes chuckleheads win any of the 100 or so Sony Radio Awards up for grabs?
No. 🙁
Ah well, there’s always next year.
Oh, be fair, the Beeb did OK at the Sony Radio Awards.
These self-congratulatory industry junkets are run by The Radio Academy.
Chief Exectutive: John Myers ‘In January 2009, he was asked by the Labour Government to undertake a review or commercial radio.’
‘In November 2010, he was asked by the BBC to review efficiency’. The Telegraph reported that the BBC needed to hire someone with expertise in commercial radio, but was not a “BBC hater”‘
“Chair”: Bob Shennan ‘Controller of BBC Radio 2 and BBC 6 Music’
‘As the network’s controller he oversaw the launch of BBC Radio Five Live Sports Extra in 2002, and also took over as controller of the BBC Asian Network in 2004’
as though the sony awards get much beyond BBC’s PR bunnies meeting up with Sony’s PR bunnies and deciding who’s going to win what this year.
cf The British Soap Awards, The British Comedy Awards et al
It’s not just the BBC.
On Channel 4’s “Countdown” yesterday (don’t ask!) lefty – actually very lefty (member of Labour Party) – host Nick Hewer in his introduction celebrated the fact that yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the act mandating equal pay for women. Of course, the assembled co-hosts (all women) agreed heartily that the act was a “good thing”. Bimbo Rachel Reilly then had the chutzpah to moan that all male viewers were interested in were TV women’s tits implying that she had her job purely on her ability to do arithmetic. The femiloons nodded sagely.
Lefty crapola is insidious – it’s everywhere
Well I’m interested in womens tits. Is that wrong?
Lol 🙂
Have you noticed how the BBC are quoting Alistair Darling on the Euro Crisis? ‘It would be cheaper to keep Greece in than to let then go’.
Funny, that just happens to be the BBC editorial policy – ie the Euro must be preserved at all costs or economic armageddon would follow.
Charlie Kimber, national secretary and central committee member of the Socialist Workers Party, is put on air by BBC Five Live this morning.
Please let this left-wing bias stop!
Read how well diversity is working in Germany.
Sounds like Tower Hamlets.
Multiculturalism – the new cultural revolution.
… and while I’m on, (yet zzzzz) another weep-piece by the droids yestereve on the ‘social cleansing’ that is the capping of housing benefit at a miserly/ nasty toriz £21,000.
They had some poor women on whom Newham council were moving to Ulan Bator and she was wailing about it.
The droid SLB* just had to cap off his report with
‘ … but what is the social cost’.
Yeah, mate, we’d all like a 21 grand bung to be able to live in Chelsea or Berkeley Square or perhaps St James’s.
* Silly Little Boy
IIRC the most prestigeous council flats in Britain are in Chelsea. A tower block no less. Of course they are not let out to just anyone …
At 8:20 on the Today programme, celebrations were in order as the item concerned “an anthology of poetry written by members of the Taliban . . . being published.”
An extract from one of the poems celebrated the successes of the Taliban against foreign troops. Today did get on Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan together with the anthology’s creator ostensibly “to discuss the ethics” of publication.
I thought – naively – that the BBC was already challenging the depths of anti-British, pro-death cult programming. I was wrong. It has surpassed itself in giving publicity to Islamic moral pornography. This is nothing to do with “ethics” but all to do with the BBC’s embrace of anything anti-Western, particularly if the source is inspired by Islam.
This appears to have featured first on a Radio 3 programme and next thing it’s given further promotion on Radio 4’s flagship news programme. Radio 3 seems to think it’s the World Service. And Radio 4? Of what interest is that to its morning audience for news? Practically none, I would have thought. It must fit some Beeboid agenda, though.
I suppose that Radio 3’s “cultural” remit might conceivably be stretched to include terrorist propaganda: and, being the BBC, it was so stretched. However, as you so rightly ask, of what interest is it to the Today audience? Perhaps the BBC apologists who sometimes visit this site could tell us.
Heady rolling.
Chop-chop square.
Glinting swordie
My kebab.
Lookie girlie
Out so late.
Pretty rubbie
Allah Akbar.
(to be read in a Scouse accent like Brian Patten…or by Tom Paulin, the pal of anything anti-Jewish,)
Now can I have my grant or get a seat at a northern uni?…so rebellious
Bitter fruit
Cassette tapes. Bang shoot woman in footie field.
That my wifey, or my cousin; one and same, so I`m reassured.
Lovely eyes behind the bin bag.
Shooty rapey, choppy…Allah Akbar.
Beebie See on Osamas speed dial?
That would get you a degree for sure!
Poet Laureate, init. Booyeh!
But the BBC is too large and disorganized for there to be any institutional bias, uh-huh.
I’m in a fix here. The whole idea of the inbbc even considering that stuff horrifies me.
However I haven’t read or heard any of it and so am not really qualified to call it pornography. I wonder how long before they have it as core curriculum in our wonderful schools.
How much lower can the traitors at al-beeb sink?
Total scum as we know
BBC and other left media types win battle to withold evidence of violence by Marxist crusties and Gypsies at Dale Farm.
Oh dear me, of course I am making an assumption about the direction of violence since the article doesn’t specify, but you’ll forgive me for being cynical I’m sure.
Here’s a disingenuous little story on the BBC website, fronted by that perennial BBC favourite David Blunkett.
David Blunkett urges VAT tax break for guide dog food
“David Blunkett has thrown his weight behind a campaign to exempt guide dog food from VAT saying the issue is “far more serious than hot pasties”
Special high protein food eaten by racing greyhounds and other “working dogs” is VAT exempt.
But the tax break does not extend to guide dogs – costing the Guide Dogs charity an estimated £300,000 a year.
Labour MP Mr Blunkett, who is accompanied everywhere by guide dog Cosby, a black curly coat retriever, says it is a greater injustice than the “pasty tax” – the levy on hot food that landed Chancellor George Osborne in trouble in his March Budget. ”
Firstly, food is zero-rated, not exempt. A small difference perhaps but one would hope the BBC would know the difference before
recyclingreporting Mr Blunkett’s press releases.Under EU rules no new zero-rated categories are allowed. You’d think that Mr Blunkett, a former Minister of State, might have known that. Perish the thought that he’s posturing. And perish the thought that the BBC would prefer not to highlight our loss of sovereignty.
No-one at the BBC seems to have thought fit to ask him why, if it was so bloody important, he never did anything about it during his years in power.
Blunkett is a key member of that band which I like to term the Travelling Wilburys (former Labour bigwigs beloved of the BBC).
I’m afraid Blunkett has probably just got busy on a hearts and minds campaign – abetted by the Beeb.
Shushhhh that A4e stuff could blow up – but don’t expect too much investigative journalism into the high and mighty in the post Leveson world.
Someone say dog food?…
Complaints over use of ‘Asian’ label in grooming cases
About time too.
The article only uses the “M” word once, and only as a quote. And no self identification when it comes to guilt in this matter. Do the BBC realise they are being accused? Of course they do, thats why this is not on the main page of the BBC news site at all.
Well, my Singaporean Chinese missus remains unimpressed as well. As to this main caption…
‘The groups say the ‘failure to discuss the issue’ is feeding the cause of far-right groups’
That rather smacks of desperate editorial projection away from the rather more key ‘don’t you dare try and lump us in with those bonkers scumbuckets again to distract from your daft obsessions, you racist PC-wets’, which seems more on the money.
Finally. What took them so long?
As I recall ‘Hugs’ Boaden’s devastating riposte to Boris’ critique was based mainly how popular ‘everyone’ thinks the BBC is… in a BBC conducted poll. Odd how things can be so different in another they drum up…
…almost, one might suggest, to a ‘unique’ extent.
It’s a survey of BBC audiences, so the result surprising only in that Israel didn’t come in dead last.
Hi friends (in the UK). Here’s something you should know.
Go to and listen to an interview with Jeremiah Wright. The two most important chunks are “Alexrod and Moss” and “Selected not Elected”.
There’s also a link to the Sean Hannity Show and an interview with the author of “The Amateur” Ed Klein. No doubt the book will be ignored by the BBC – they’ll be too busy chasing stories about Romney’s bullying at high school.
Yoo hoo, Mark Mardell, yoo hoo, anyone…?
By the way, I’m still banging on about the state of the Democratic Party after Obama. In here there’s interesting stuff about Hillary preparing for 2016…
Yet again, you think it may just stick to reporting, but in the end, the urge to wish, just wish hard enough, is too hard to resist…
‘The reason Labour are so desperate to respond to it is they think this is their one moment where they might be about to win the argument on the economy.’
And when it comes to winning arguments like this, the BBC fairy is just what Cinders needs on her side.
Sadly for Buttons Robinson, even the dribbles of an audience he can drum up on his risible blog are not really swallowing the fairy tale.
Maybe time for some fiscal magic, at least in ‘analysis’, from ‘2 Eds’, in reprise of her previous predictions?
“You shall go with the Balls!”
…and a related article…
As usual, they give Labour plenty of room and allow them to deliver the final damning verdict…
Milliband :
“”All of Europe’s leaders, including David Cameron, bear responsibility for the fact that over the last two years they haven’t sorted out the problems of the eurozone…”
Of course, not being part of the Eurozone, it’s not our PM’s responsibility to fix their mess, and the UK being outside means he probably holds very little sway anyway.
Katty Kay fail…
‘Dumb, right-wing’ Fox News beats ‘sophisticated’ BBC
The liberal media took another stunning defeat Tuesday as Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace totally demolished the BBC’s Katty Kay on Jeopardy!.
This followed Monday’s abysmal performance by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews
At the closing bell, Wallace had amassed $22,400 to Kay’s pitiful $8,000. Dr. Mehmet Oz came in third with $5,900.
And liberals claim they’re the smartest.
Video clip in link…
BBC Planet Earth Live (well the presenters are live whilst the animals are all recorded). I wonder if we will give names to the Polar Bear cubs and be encouraged to worry that they may soon die of hunger – this being the least icy year in memory around these parts?
Do Brown Bears defecate in the deciduous we will!
INBBC continues its pro-Turkey, anti-Israel propaganda:
“Turkish jets stop ‘Israeli violation’ of airspace”
“Turkey suspects bird of being Israeli spy”,7340,L-4229295,00.html
Like the Iran-Iraq War, or Peston vs. anyone else internally, it is sometimes best just to sit back and ponder how many BBC brains are exploding over tugs on their loyalties…
Myabe best not to mention it, I am guessing. Cherry vultures, fire up your search engines!
And speaking of Aunty’s Pesto…
Robert Peston @Peston
How the government can get all its money back from Northern Rock, plus a bit more, and still make £2bn loss
Retweeted by BBC Radio 4 Today
Interesting way to headline it, given… ‘But actually it could have been a lot worse.’
No wonder Radio 4 RT’d it.
Obviously a more accurate way of headline would not have fitted… of course.
Interesting one of the higher rated comments…
9.Space – Also nice of Robert to skim over the fact that a large profit will be made on the rest, meaning that we will probably end up making a profit overall and the only ‘cost’ to us was carrying a risk for a while.
I think ‘skimming over’ narrative-inconvenient aspects is the new ‘analysis’.
At least, via the ever-unique BBC.
“The joint statement was released by the Network of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK.
It says the reluctance of the media and the government to discuss the “disproportionate representation of MUSLIMS in such cases” and the fact victims are “almost always NON-Muslim girls”
well about time ….
looks like el beeb better stick to “men” in furure
World news ‘reporting’ today going to be interesting as some facts now emerge that cut across initial fond narratives chez Aunty. I predict another outbreak of ‘watertight oversight’ or a sudden desire to focus on things that suit elsewhere.
It’s there, but wondering what makes the most read on World News so interesting to those looking for news from outside, vs. less so to those who prioritise it within.
asians … what …. asians
“The joint statement was released by the Network of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK.
It says the reluctance of the media and the government to discuss the “disproportionate representation of MUSLIMS in such cases” and the fact victims are “almost always NON-Muslim girls”
well about time ….elvis has (after all) long left the building
looks like el beeb better stick to “men” in future
mind you, “leopard never changes its spots”?
Mosques’ advice to wives ‘don’t report abusive husbands’
“Fazlhashemi, a Muslim, expressed concerns that such outdated mosque representatives benefit Muslim-haters and the far-right Sweden Democrats.
They confirm the negative picture of Muslims. It’s a real shame … ??????? 😀
that they confirm of the prejudices that Islamophobes have,”
Trying to imagine the BBC version:
Sky News @SkyNews
Six Londoners Charged Over Human Trafficking
Altogether now, in a unique and culturally diverse way….
Third-rate wannabe lefty comedian/comedienne Dame Nicky Campbell of the Kingdom of Fife has a jolly joshing session about the Queen hosting other world royals at Windsor. ‘Are they bringing in swans on silver platters?’ (snigger snigger) ‘Oh, do tell us about these controversies over the King of Bahrain and the Princess of Spain!’ . What a fine intro to a ‘balanced BBC’ debate on the subject ‘are you celebrating the Jubilee?’