So, there I am with Kerry Katona on one side and Jon Gaunt on the other! Here’s the link to my appearance on BBC1 Nolan TV show last night for those prepared to be brave enough to watch. Have to say that I feel I was treated fairly. I’m on first….
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shouldn’t the headline be ‘ between the belly and the beast’ will let others to decide which is which.
Interesting programme. And there was me thinking that things were getting better. I grew up in L’Derry and now live elsewhere. The sooner Northern Ireland has integrated schools the better. It’s the only way to bring the two communities together. One thing which Northern Irish people fail to appreciate is that when two of them from different sides of the divide meet in another country, even in England, they have so much more in common than they do with the indigenous population. It’s a way a thinking, a set of values and a mindset that is not so different. Northern Irish people should realise this but instead they fight over their perceived differences. Get them to go to the same schools and these perceived differences will melt away. Sure, one side may not like the pope and the other side may not like the queen but in the modern world, such differences are becoming more and more meaningless and should be left at home, or in the bin.
My wife is from Londonderry. Agree with you – but think the issue has been the indulgence of RC schools. We should have State schools for ALL and Faith Schools privately funded for those who want that choice.
Well yes. It is a shame that you did not come out and agree with the Alliance bloke about this. They may be all seem a bit wishy washy beardy types but on this point they have always been right.. A shared education is the most basic reform needed for any shared future.
Well, I happen to believe that Alliance are propping up a sham administration so he doesn’t get a pass.
Very uncool of Nolan to scold the young man who asked, “What would you do to fix it?” the way he did. Telling a voter “you can put pressure on them” is idiotic an pointless when the voter is asking for an idea on which to base his vote. He did it again with the next questioner.
Seemed to me like the audience agreed with you. Did Nolan grasp that?
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Nolan using his show to advocate for a political cause?
i wondered why the screen seems somehow distorted when Nolan is on tv
at first i thought I needed glasses
then it hit me
he’s so big he’s generating his own localised gravitational field
Isn’t he the only person in the country with his own postcode?