This story is brought to my attention..
“Iran hangs ‘Israel spy’ over nuclear scientist killing Majid Jamali Fashi delivered a “confession” on Iranian television. A man convicted of killing an Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran two years ago has been hanged, Iran’s state media report. Majid Jamali Fashi, 24, was convicted of killing Professor Massoud Ali Mohammadi by detonating a bomb outside his home in January 2010. Fashi was also accused of being a spy for the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and receiving $120,000 (£72,000) for the killing.
Israel does not comment on such claims.
In Jerusalem, Israel Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said Tuesday the slayings “are not connected to us in any way.”
Read more:
So, why does the BBC allege that Israel does not comment? Editorial licence?
Just a plain mistake? At least they put “Israeli spy” in quotes…”
‘So, why does the BBC allege that Israel does not comment?…..…when there appears to be rather clear evidence that, it does/has?
One might say that is another area of uniqueness in the levels of accuracy and integrity they can bring to bear editorially, veracity-wise.
However, looking at the blurb on the BBC link, I don’t see the emboldened no comment quote from above, but I do see this:
‘Israel denied any role in the killings.
Israel Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor was quoted by the Associated Press news agency as saying the slayings “are not connected to us in any way.’
Has the story…ahem… ‘evolved’ in any way since this was written? I see it was last ‘updated’ at 3.16pm.
And at least the ‘confession’ as gained some scare quotes in the caption, too.
Yes, the story “evolved”. They changed it about 4 hours after I sent them a comment, They also scrubbed other stories back to January.
‘Yes, the story “evolved”. They changed it about 4 hours after I sent them a comment, They also scrubbed other stories back to January.’
Tx for that.
I take such things very seriously, as it makes an already near impossible job of negotiating complaints harder as often material changes post complaint and the ECU will try and point at the new version in ‘defence’.
Given they have the archive, if behind the FoI exclusion zone, that is cynical fraud.
The good thing is to have one’s own archive evidence of them taking a hole and then digging it deeper in cover up.
So one to add to my latest exchanges with the [laughs] ‘Trust’ who are currently [laughs even more] ‘investigating’ my latest appeal.. before finding me guilty.
I agree, of course. They should print an apology and a retraction.
But, instead, they just “fix” it.
Why? Cut-and-paste journalism.
And no quotes from Strafford Smith, Mansfield, Chakrabhati, Human Rights Watch or any number of anti-death penalty tosspots who seem only to take their candles and megaphones to Huntsville TX-never to where it`s REALLY needed like Iran, Saudi and China.
Cue tumbleweed and industrial hairdryers…and plenty silence in order to “reflect” on how best to stiff the Jews and the Yanks…and allow the Iranians their passionate response borne of CIA shenanigans in 1953.
The BBCs silence all too typical…craven, supine and malevolent all at one and the same time.