You have to hand it to the BBC, then sure know how to spin. Take that most corrupt crime infested country white farmer murdering land that is South Africa. Turns it the big angle on it is making it a mecca (sic) for ..yes, gay tourism. Have a read, this is pure pro-Gay propaganda.
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Talking about “Rainbow Nations” and Multi-multiculturalism:
Saudi Arabia bans Gregorian calendar
Saudi Arabia has banned all government and private agencies from using the Gregorian calendar in official dealings.
All ministries and agencies have to use the Hijri dates – the Islamic calendar – and the Arabic language, the interior ministry said.
Given that Saudi Arabia’s income comes almost entirely from outside its borders (oil) and that it imports almost everything from countries using the Gregorian calendar the results will be interesting.
Britsh Airways flight BA0263 to Riyadh on 29 Jumada Al-Thani 1433 has been delayed because the pilots forgot their Hijri/Gregorian converters
Surely you mean “وقد تأخر رحلة الخطوط الجوية Britsh BA0263 إلى الرياض في 29 جمادى آل ثاني 1433 لأن الطيارين نسيت الهجري بهم / محولات “الميلادي
If only the BBC was as concerned for the plight of Christians overseas as it is for Gays. What a warped mindset.
According to the BBC there is an awful lot of it about.
Who was it who said ‘….the habit of the ancient Greek and the modern Turk’?
Well, it sure wasn’t BBC employed left-wing campaigner Tim Whewell – sorry I should call him BBC correspondent Tim Whewell. Anyway this former Kremlinolgist popped up a couple of evenings ago in Athens with the odd angle that the rise of the right in Greece was scary because it was seen as a danger to the Greek gay community. Queue shot of a dozen serious looking men in suits. Grrrr…….nasty extreme rightists!
Meanwhile Tim was palling around with the extreme left and portrayed them as earnest young idealists busy working for the common good.
Top marks from your peers I’m sure Tim. Big tick in the gay box. A nice bit of deflection – but really not the greatest or indeed most balanced of insights into the Greek economic and political crisis.
‘South Africa has the continent’s only opened gay only hotel.’
An odd phrase. Plus smacking of an ‘ism I can’t quite place, but in other places at other times with other folk supported by other media, might smack of a double standard.
The Chymorvah Hotel, near Penzance, might ask the same question.
One is sure there is a difference, if a unique one.
I am not sure that mecca will ever be a mecca for gay tourism.
The BBC in common with the rest of the liberal media has shown no interest in the ongoing killing of the white farmers. The figures are disturbing . The killings are savage . But it does not fit the narrative so can be ignored. Even Genocide Watch has called attention to the plight of the white farmers. Will the BBC? In your dreams. Much better to run a story like this on gay tourism
Yes, it’s highly unlikely that the BBC will ever deal with the ongoing slaughter by blacks of white South African farmers.
I see the writer of this article eventually removed his rose-coloured spectacles and reported on the “corrective rape” issue.
Pity he didn’t mention that over ten percent of South Africans are HIV positive. Seems to me that important issue should not have been overlooked in an article encouraging gay tourism.
Drawing a connection between gays and HIV is like drawing a connection between Islam and paedophilia.
Neither will ever be seen on the BBC.
‘South Africa has the continent’s only opened gay only hotel.’
Could be a typo and it was meant to be “openly gay.”
‘Could be a typo and it was meant to be “openly gay.”
Possibly, but to the closed minds at the BBC, if that ever does filter in, it will simply become another stealth-edited ‘evolution’ without mention, despite all the other massive howlers in logic, reporting and editorial omission highlighted by posters here in a mere few hours, as the topic was enough to gush, and meant zero critical faculties being deployed in consideration at all.
R.W. JOHNSON (Dec 2011):-
“The rise and decline of ANC hegemony”
…”all sections of the press sought refuge in a ridiculous show of Mandela-worship, hoping desperately that this would protect them from the regime’s ire. Anthony Sampson” [ who was given political prominence at BBC] “was dispatched by the ANC to go round Fleet Street demanding that the present writer” [ i.e. R. W. Johnson] “not be published in any British paper – a foolish and illiberal errand which ended in complete failure.
“Undoubtedly the period of greatest danger was 1994-1999 with Mandela’s popularity at its zenith. In that period the ANC found many white admirers and members, often well-educated and well-connected folk so that a new sort of pro-ANC political correctness was very much in vogue at dinner party tables. Thabo Mbeki and Essop Pahad repeatedly tried to pull the press into an alliance with the government.”
Not on the BBC-Mandela CoJo’s reading list?:-
“South Africa’s Brave New World: An appreciation”
Paul Trewhela
( April 2009).
Paul Trewhela reviews RW Johnson’s new book on South Africa post-1994 .
Desperate running up a rainbow flag in the hope that somebody will salute and run with the story…like a barium meal but revealing of nothing, but the BBCs fantasies.
“But not everybody is comfortable with this progressive attitude”-now there`s an understatement…Hamza and Qatada would presumably be included here would they not.
And-being the kind of lazy idiot that the BBC seem to think reads this type of stuff…have they the EVIDENCE to show that “corrective rape” is “not effective”?…or are they just whistling to themselves again?
A ludicrous piece of pointless patronising agitprop…and don`t think that Mbeke or Mandela would agree-so it should not have been put out,…isn`t that racist, father?
“have they the EVIDENCE to show that ‘corrective rape’ is ‘not effective’?”
Ding, Ding, We have a winner!
“B-BBC Idiot of the Year Award 2012” goes to ChrisH for an outstanding contribution. And it’s still only May. Well done Chris!
ding ding we have a qanker
yes…….it’s Dezzie
everyone’s pet troll
also get the consistency award for tedious persistence in the face of “we couldn’t really care less”
just before the cherry vulture picks up on it
This is the kind of illiberal anti-Israel action which BBC-ANC approves:
‘Times of Israel’ report-
“Foreign Ministry to summon South Africa envoy over ‘racist’ decision on settlement goods labeling.”
as any gay man will know, and therefore 90% of the employees at the BBC will know, ‘once you’ve had black, there’s no going back’…could also be the slogan for the Democrat election campaign
Maybe the BBC got confused and thought that ‘necklacing’ was some sort of gay activity.
is South Africa now the ‘New Thailand’ for gay ‘tourism’?
Durban – home of the Durban Conference, probabally the most virulent anti semitic / anti Christian hatefest conference on the planet supported only by the BBC, the UN and the SNP.
Even Obama had to disown himself from it and condemn it for fear of certain political suicide if he approved of it.
But hats off to Desmond Tutu and other church leaders in SA for standing up against it.
And, of course in Britain, it’s the Labour Party-homosexual advocates who attempt to persecute blogger CRANMER:-
“ASA Chairman is also Vice President of a ‘highly political’ campaign ”
In one’s dealings with the BBC complaints system, this (ongoing) ‘affaire’ throws up more and more comparisons with the state broadcaster, its views, pronouncements and, when push comes to shove, retreat into the bunker on a ‘what are you going to do about it?’ basis when shown up as incapable of substantiating their stance when the spotlight, and questions, turn back on them.
Equally the few posters who seem happy to weigh in, and suddenly either bail or bluster when very reasonable counter-points are raised (sound familiar?).
I am also interested to note, as this all evolves, this:
Yet again, error is exposed and grudging admission secured, yet if the boot is on the other foot the merest perception of transgression is deemed enough to get the whole book thrown, no exemptions. As LTL on his expediting.
Maybe the targets of such public sector hypocrisy should respond in language such as the ASA or the BBC Trust might understand, namely their own employees.
They could suggest that this side of their brain is not responsible for the other side and cannot speak for it, and vice versa. Thus, as a coherent reply is not possible from within the whole, no answer can be forthcoming, the matter is closed.
Or, if an answer is forthcoming, one could say that a word has been had, the originator ‘was joking’, ‘was speaking “live”‘, ‘it’s a unique thing’, so no harm done, a note on the log, no records kept, nudge, nudge.
That does, of course, maintain the conceit that there is, still, one law for them, and another for the rest.
While lamp-posts and piano wire are still available that attitude does of course have a poor historical precedent if pushed too far, too often, too overtly and too smugly.
What struck me was the story seemed to highlight the bigotry of the rest of Black Africa, that South Africa gets its tolerance from its middle class European ancestry.
Perhaps the BBC did not have this in mind.
Obviously no-one is ever going to say that this is pink-washing are they? After the criminally corrupt country that is today South Afica is doing this for the most altruistic of reasons unlike say the Government of Israel.
As well as advocating homosexual ‘marriage’, does BBC-pink news support bigamy by ‘the religion of peace’?
“UK: Imam misunderstands Islam, says it allows a Muslim man to have as many concubines as he wants”
The sad part of this tale is that while South Africa is pro-Gay it is definitely not pro-Lesbian.
However the LGBT community seems fine with this,which is strange. Why the Beeb did not follow the logical course of asking why gay people are happy to go to a country that actively persecutes a section of a community that it suppose to represent is a mystery. Or maybe Gay men do not care about lesbians which is not a thought that the Beeb can get it’s head around.
Aren’t lesbians gay?
They can be. But not in context of this article.
LGBT seems to imply a difference between Lesbian and Gay.
I am sure there is deeper subtext but buggered if I can be bothered to seek it out
Good spot.
Great article – deeply researched, investigative journalism at it’s finest – NOT.
Two interviews, one is a gay hotel manager, the other is the head of a gay organisation. On this basis, the BBC is telling us what Cape Town and South Africa’s tourism strategy for the future is.
I guess they also forgot to emphasise in the last section that there is a strong anti-gay message also to be found in some quarters, as reported by the BBC itself here :
Lately, I have been asking myself why I do not cross path with the BBC any more, save some worthwhile productions I catch on Public Broadcasting Service (PBC) – American, for those of you who might be unfamiliar with it. I used to follow the BBC regularly in my youth. Alas! I know why I drifted away. We have our own here. We calll it CNN. I seem to have outgrown the cheap, mindless sensationism that seems to permeate a lazy reporting culture masquerading as journalism. There is so much of slavery in Africa, genital mutilation, and such other amusing nonesense to take seriously. Gossip-grade news-and that is what it is-can only be spewing from the tired mind of people trapped in a walled off life. The real world is fantastically pristine only to those who pretend to be alive. Thank God for the Internet!