Gosh, it seems that racism is everywhere these days in our wonderful multicultural country and just in case you had forgotten this the BBC has discovered more than 80,000 racist incidents recorded in schools across the country in the last four years. Time for a non-debate on Today…
“Sarah Soyei of Show Racism the Red Card, and Brian Lightman, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, discuss whether there is a rise in racism in schools…”
Balanced? Someone from the Racism Industry and a Trade Unionist? How about having someone on who disputes the very basis of all this race hustling? Don’t get me wrong, I think racism is loathsome but those who see it under every stone and behind every shadow are as much of the problem as the alleged racists.
Look for it everywhere and you’ll find it everywhere. I noticed both on the radio and the infantile Breakfast programme that muslims were put to the fotefront.
what race is Islam?
i ve stated this sooo many times …
el beeb is obsessed with calling it so …
5live is awash with muslims/racism? particularly
on the phone in …. hmmmm
Panto Nikki, outdoes himself this morning ..
fitting Norway,(ie Brievik), along with the EDL, even laughably Geert Wilders to a nonplussed caller who was trying to state how tolerant Holland is 😀 inside 10mins or so. pure unadulterated unwarranted victim mentality …
i m turning off …. click
The problem is that schools have to report alleged racist incidents. A school with a high incidence is racist. A school with a low incidence is obviously systemically racist as they are unaware of the amount of racism. Hence the need to maintain an average number of racist incidents, thus keeping the overall numbers up. A few weeks ago was a report of an 8 year old who was reported for racism as he asked his pal if he was black because he came from Africa. Childish curiousity? No, an obvious racist who will need to be watched. Something akin to the witch trials. No evidence that she is a witch is clear proof that she is cleverly concealing her guilt.
You may have a point there. I know for a fact that bullying statistics are ‘leveled’ by schools. They can’t admit to too many incidences or they get marked down for it. They can’t admit to no incidences as that means they are not looking hard enough.
Hang on. Misread that. That’s less than one per school per year in England alone.
Even less shocking.
Oh bollocks replied to the wrong post.
See below.
You will notice that in the eyes of the BBC it is only white Europeans, Particularly the English, who are racist. Those who cry racist on the BBC are actually practicing racism themselves.
Do these stats, which the BBC are so quick to report, include racist attacks on white people as well?
No. Attacks on white people cannot be racist. Surely you knew that?
Jo Brand said so on Radio 5 – so it must be true.
I heard this fruit bat of a 1960’s Black Power recruit the other week on b-BBC refining her argument. Her reasoning was that only whites could be racist as true racism also involves power, or domination. Thus, as it’s ‘the white man has the power’ (cos the song lyrics tell us so), it doesn’t matter if a black person calls somebody a ‘white bastard’ (or in the case of the Muslim women who beat up a white woman in Derby with cries of ‘kill the white slag’), poor old whitey will just have to put up with his peasant status in the racism stakes. Wonder how the white farmers in Zimbabwe and South Africa might feel about that one, Jo?
So anyway, any white people out there ‘feeling the power’ tonight? Thought not. Know your place, keep quiet, and hope the Thought Police don’t come a-knocking.
It’s absurd, some of the things they’ll come up with to convince themselves of their own ludicrous opinions. I pity anyone that is actually persuaded by such arguments.
But the most powerful man in the planet is ‘black’… So how does that work?
This is not an uncommon line to hear. When it came out that Diane Abbott was repeatedly making very questionable – and racially sensitive – remarks, this argument was rolled out in her defence.
It’s hard to overstate the hypocrisy of it. ‘Racism’ has been conveniently redefined by some so it is only something whites can do. Of course there are 100 problems – such as where this leaves inter-minority racism, besides the basic mendacity of it.
Something to watch out for
Despite the Kriss Donald case the media are hell bent on reporting racism from a one way street.
Racism is the liberal obssession number 1.
Time to appoint a Racistfindergeneral.
Liberalism has this problem with conservative views. It really believes them to be evil, that it alone possesses the truth. So by definition a conservative is a racist. Absurd logic of course but this is a post reality post logic age. A moments thought is enough to realise that the figure of 80,000 racist school incidents is insane. But a post logic post reality age is wedded to insanity . Welcome to the mid 17th century.
There are 25k schools in England alone. That’s three a year per school or one a term per year per school.
Hardly shocking.
Hang on. Misread that. That’s less than one per school per year in England alone.
Even less shocking
still insane. These are schoolchildren not adults.
Absolutely stark raving tonto. Low incidence and under age perps. I wonder what other countries are like? Normally the BBC is very quick to tell us when they think we are doing worse than our neighbours.
But oooooooh beware! Nastiness abounds.
Haven’t we got far worse to worry about, like the EU going phoom?
A real news organsiation might have been interested in asking what definition of ‘racism’ is so broad as to include an average of 20,000 incident pa in schools alone, yet so narrow as to exclude a black lynch mob seizing a young white man and hacking him to death, then trying to do the same to his dad.
Has the BBC covered this story or is it on their banned list of topics?
In the US, Macartyism showed what extremes can happen when it becomes a witch hunt. I expect the bBC equivalent of Ed Morrow to debunk what is going on. Cannot think of any bBC candidate at the moment, or likely candidate.
One way to reduce racism is to reduce immigration. As many immigrants are racists we would have less of them.
I wonder how many of those 20,000 cases involved Jewish children and if there is an underlying cause?
Altogether now –
According to the left you can’t be racist against Jews because of the actions of the Israeli government. The only cases they admit of anti-semitism is from white holocaust deniers.
When I saw the title, I thought this post was about 42% of voters in the Kentucky Democratic Primary and 40% in Arkansas voting against the President.
A lot, probably most, of this “racism” is younger kids childish names of the “specky four-eyes” level, or race hustlers claiming every squabble a kid who happens to be non-white gets into. The race industry will be desperate to get some examples of real racism to give the impression that every case is serious. I notice the Beeboids helping out by trawling for people to send in examples.
I intend getting a t shirt made saying “I am a Racist,Xenophobic,Homophobic,Islamophobic,Patriot Get over it” I wonder if I’ll be arrested?
Dam, I forgot to put Royalist as well. That will really get the PC brigade frothing at the mouth.
You’d get arrested even before they put ink in the printing press, because working for the tee-shirt company there would be a civic-minded Islamo-fascist/gay fascist and any other kind of politically correct -fascist sympathizer you can think of. Plod would be round at your gaff faster than you could say ‘but where the f*** were you when my house was burgled/my car was stolen/my wife was mugged….’ (fill in a crime of your choice where Plod couldn’t be bothered to get off his fat arse because there was no politically-correct box to be ticked).
I can certainly account for a small percentage of these “racist incidents”…certainly when I worked for a local high school here in the South in 2008.
We had a lad from the “travelling community”whose nickname was Gypsy…and we were to call him just that as he insisted.
Turns out that every time he was so-called when out at breaktime, it was being recorded as a “racist incident” for our local County Hall race hustlers, who did well out of it and were able to highlight the increase in “racist incidents” -and therefore get more funding to match the spurious publicity that was created out of nothing.
The Beeb and their lefty cohorts see “racists” everywhere. They will search high and low looking to prove that white people are behaving badly towards non whites. It’s complete bollocks! Most of us are civilised, sensitive and reasonably intelligent. That’s why we know this piddling little non story of playground banter is being hyped whilst the horror of a black lynch mob who hack to death an innocent white lad and try to do the same to his father is censored.
We are living in Orwellian times.
The police and the media will do anything, literally anything , to avoid treating this dreadful killing as a racist incident.
I see it is getting coverage worldwide. Hardly the image of an Olympic city.
London is not a fit place for families or any concerned parent any more.
Mogadetroit. Thanks to our illustrious social engineers. Ruined London. The First Law of Multiculturalism: Those who impose, & support, ‘diversity’, must never, ever, live anywhere near the consequences of their wicked/insane policies. This is a constant: as in Andrew Marr, the BBC’s Minister of Miscegenation, in a ‘hideously white’ marriage, of course, & living down at Edge City aka, leafy Barnes, down by the Thames. How very cosy. But one of these days the scum will come calling & the police radios will crackle, ‘Hypocrite down. Posh white metropolitan elite enclave. Youths. Knives. Poetic justice. Don’t hurry, mate. Let them feel the “enrichment”. Like the other Londoners have to. Over & out.’
“An effective counter-narrative should also demonstrate black and Muslim suffering at the hands of
the whites. Showing the resultant harm to blacks and Muslims, and focusing on the hypocrisy of the ideology
is a worthwhile endeavour. A review of public opinion does indicate that this tactic has potential.
Disillusionment with the racism and ideology has been, historically, a major reason people have
left such groups. Some have felt that their fellow members or leaders have pushed their ideology too far.”
From the Washington Institute’s “Learning Counter-Narrative Lessons from Cases of Terrorist Dropouts”. I just substituted a couple words.
Well said Jeff! This PC groupspeak drivel is yet another wretched left wing attempt at mass indoctrination, curtailing of free speech and guilt-mongering. Disgusting and highly cynical! How much more Orwellian ass seepage must the British take before they realise the damage that the communist One Party With Three Names has done?
Hmm the local paper here ran a story in 2010 “One and a half hate crimes a week”. However after resorting to an FIA request after my initial trawl for facts at the council went unanswered turn out things were not as they seemed at all. Suprised I wasn’t. The E mail reply has now been deleted but the jist was the story had been taken out of context by the newspaper. Funny they haven’t run the story since.
What was the most vilified religion in Scotland in 2010-2011? Not Islam – only 2.1 percent of religious hate crimes were directed against Muslims. Not Judaism – only 2.3 percent were directed against Jews.
According to a report by the Scottish government, 95 percent of all religious hate crimes were directed against Christians.
This site is very disturbing. It has nothing to do with BBC bias and everything to do with promoting the criminal state Israel. Shame.
Legitimate criticism of Israel’s faults, eh?
Speer? Is it really you?
Shouldn’t you be at work making yourself free?
This is the most pathetic.
I am interested in the BBC’s bias, not this “all lets cheer for Israel no matter what” and what’s with this continual obsession with Germany?
You know, many people regard Israel exactly the same as Germany in the 1930’s – and why not, eh? What exactly is different?
Also, most people today could not give one hoot about the Holocaust or WW2. It’s history and in the meantime countless millions of other have died in wars. Why doesn’t Israel try and stop any of that happening?
also, I am well versed in modern history so don’t try and lay your guilt trip on me.
You claim to be well versed in modern history, but at the same time suggest an equivalence between Israel and Nazi Germany?!?!
Are you deranged or just a shit-stirrer (I go for both).
“countless millions of other have died in wars. Why doesn’t Israel try and stop any of that happening? ”
Yes, I sure you’d support their efforts all the way, wouldn’t you. They’re surrounded by states that would happily see their existence terminated, a repeat of that holocaust you demostrate such apathy towards. They have their own survival to deal with.
This is the most pathetic.
or funny depending upon your sense of humour.
I am interested in the BBC’s bias, not this “all lets cheer for Israel no matter what” and what’s with this continual obsession with Germany?
The histories of Israel and Germany are intricately linked. I would have thought a student of modern history like yourself would have know that.
.You know, many people regard Israel exactly the same as Germany in the 1930′s – and why not, eh?
Well some deranged people do
What exactly is different?
<i.Also, most people today could not give one hoot about the Holocaust or WW2. It’s history …
Well deranged anti-semites don’t that’s for sure.
…and in the meantime countless millions of other have died in wars. Why doesn’t Israel try and stop any of that happening?
Well, oh student of modern history, lets examine that claim shall we. The following are the major conflicts since 1948 with a figure for estimated death toll
Korean War3000000
Vietnam War 4257500
Afghan Civil War 1750000
Iran–Iraq War 1250000
Soviet War in Afghanistan 2000000
Second Sudanese Civil War 1500000
Second Congo War 4600000
also, I am well versed in modern history so don’t try and lay your guilt trip on me.
Lesson 3: don’t press tab whilst posting.
Anyhoo, which wars do you believe Israel could have helped out with then?
Please ignore the last sentence.
Oh dear! Rattled your little Zionist cage?
Israel as a Jews only state is finished. The US is finished, Europe is finished.
Russia knows the dangers of Israel and the Chinese are way too smart to be wagged by the ‘only democracy (for Jews) in the Middle East’.
Pull your collective, nationalistic, fascist heads out the sand before it’s too late, payback is a bitch.
“Israel as a Jews only state”
The State of Israel has a population of approximately 7,848,800 inhabitants as of 2012.
75.3% of them are Jewish (about 5,865,300 individuals)
20.5% are Arabs (About 1,597,300 individuals)
Reality is a bitch.
The end of the world is nigh, it’s them Jews wot done it!
What the hell are you talking about Albert? That paranoid drivel simply didn’t make any sense!
“Don’t get me wrong, I think racism is loathsome but those who see it under every stone and behind every shadow are as much of the problem as the alleged racists.”
You might as well say “I’m not rascist, I have black friends”. Prick.
…and you might as well have said, “I’m not a sanctimonious, politically correct zealot or anything, but I see a subtext of bigotry in every opinion I disagree with”.
Albert, why don’t you keep your ill-mannered, ideologically charged and offensive comments away from this site; you obviously haven’t the intellectual capacity or debating skills to engage in a grown up dialogue (common deficits, it seems, with left wing stooges) so my I politely suggest that you about turn 180 degrees and sod off with the rest of the fair trade coffee sipping, chardonnay ‘socialists’ you infantile Left wing Prat!
You call yourself, Albert, but you sign yourself, Prick. Lot to be said for self-awareness. Bonsoir, “rascist”.
He’s very foolish. But he’s reflecting how many will see what is being said.
One rather defensively feels one has to write “I hate racism, but…”, partly because we don’t want to attract, or give support to, BNP types.
But I tend not to put a qualification these days. There is a tendency (on the left) to read it and then switch their brain off for the rest
Though they may well not listen anyway 🙁
You might as well say “I’m not rascist, I have black friends”.
And how do you come to that conclusion? You seem like the very stuff that racists are made of. No doubt you tag people with labels like sexist and homophobe , saves time arguing sensibly. I expect also that your hatred of Israel has nothing to do with Jew hatred either.
Try learning to read books harder than Janet and John before you try and argue with people who can back up their arguments.
…you do realise that the ‘Janet and John’ books reinforce the paradigm of the misogynist patriarchy.
You hateful, oppressive bigot-monster.
Watch this and learn to be a conscious, nurturing, prejudice-free, non-gender-specific neuter…
“You hateful, oppressive bigot-monster.”
I kept waiting for the punchline. 🙁
Nope – they’re deadly serious in that video!
Nobody but nobody uses a phrase” paradigm of the misogynist patriarchy’ for real. Just inane jargon. I assume you are being ironic. If so not bad. If not try to stop murdering the English language.
The sarcasm radar seems to be switched off on this thread…but perhaps I’m in breach of Poe’s Law. I’ll put a smilie next time. 😕