Well, Friday HAS arrived and here is the thread to take us all off into the wide blue yonder of the weekend. If you have spotted BBC bias then THIS is the place to share it…the floor is yours.
unelected airhead, gobshite, and OIC plant,(better add fibber par excellence now)
Baroness Warsi, and expenses eh! … one of many i know
hey! she would probably say its “fair game” ….
mind you don t you dare mention it especially over the”dinner table” :-D, i wonder if she went to her dad to ask his advice on how to do it.
maybe its an ahem! … “slight oversight” 😀
or its a BNP/EDL Far Right conspiracy
(will the islamofauxbia ever end eh!)
Just new to the blog. I don’t see posts on Question Time – is that because it’s so biased you’ve all given up on it? Try playing Question Time Bingo – the number of Conservatives that get a complete sentence out before being interrupted by Dimbleby vs. the number of Labour that are interrupted at all. Last Thursday was 0-1.
BBC Radio 4. Lugubrious fan of sexy left-wing student politics Paul Mason is leading the newspaper review. Gosh, I wonder whether that will make for a further lurch to left?
I guess regular presenter of Broadcasting House metrosexual fan of all things to the left Paddy O’Connell must be in deep mourning after Eurovision. Quick, call out for some lavender water with which top mop his fevered brow!
So what is happening this morning on this flagship BBC show? Well our Comrade Mason kicks off with….the Baroness Warsi story. Fair enough but then it is attack on all fronts on the PM and big hurrahs for all things green. Paul Mason is cheering on every left wing comment. He ventures the proposition that attacks don’t seem to harm the Coalition. This is of course a classic discussion on the left and of interest only to themselves. But this whole programme has the feel of a conversation of and for the left. One guest trots out the mantra on the Tories ‘they are all millionaires’ Mason is loving it. His idea of balance is to say with irony ‘the BBC fact-checkers are frantically looking into that’. Don’t worry mate, nothing with touch this BBC Labour re-election cabal.
The panel of reviewers agree they hate capitalism. State-funded supposedly politicall neutral BBC Newsnight economics man is loving it. Turn off Radio 4! It is a lost cause.
‘the BBC fact-checkers’
That does conjure an image… http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/1a/Sangoma_reading_the_Bones.jpg/300px-Sangoma_reading_the_Bones.jpg
On matters Baronmessy, what is it about that honourific that seems to by default be synonymous with ‘bent as a 9 bob note’ (once proven)?
What does surprise is the paucity of green-room gobs to pontificate, in that most expressing horror seem to have rather ‘colourful’ back histories themselves. One might presume they are invited on for the sport that might provide in interview, but no, they are simply offered a pulpit of hypocrisy.
No wonder Mr. Mason’s blog is so infrequent, and when it does get updated is promptly closed as his genetically-impartial views are tested by some feeling less spoken for than broadcast at.
He doesn’t really do impartiality, does he? He doesn’t even attempt to hide his anti-austerity opinions. On ‘Broadcasting House’ today, he made his position on the Merkel-Hollande debate very clear:
“Now when bond market people in the City of London want to cheer themselves up they tell this joke: “There are two types of policies on offer to solve the Euro Crisis, (a) things that will work and (b) things acceptable to Germany.”
“True to form Angela Merkel turned up at the Brussels summit this week and put the kybosh on the French president’s attempt to go easy on Greece. Meanwhile, no news bulletin is complete without a German MP to pop up and explain that the Greeks must be driven to social catastrophe because they have “broken the rules”.
“This prompts the frank question, ‘Are the Germans so culturally addicted to parsimony that they are prepared to see the entire project go hurtling down in flames?'” http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/b01j2fdp
I think we know where he’s coming from on this issue! (We shouldn’t but, heh, that’s BBC impartiality for you!)
The chief German political commentator in the following report backed up Mason’s position.
Plenty of mockery of Cameron followed, then Mason trotted off to a book festival to chat to Jon Snow and Joanna Lumley about politics and ‘grittiness’. Does Benjamin Britten’s pacifist ‘War Requiem’ still have a message for today, with the Afghan War still going on? Oh, yes, of course it does – according to Emma-Jayne Kirby’s report.
The paper reviewers As I See It mentioned were left-wing campaigner Harriet Lamb of the Fairtrade Foundation, comedian Francesca Martinez (of “why not abort ***** bankers?” fame) & Michael Cockerell of the BBC. Green issues, criticisms of various Conservatives, blah, blah, “multibillionaires”, women fighting back, “irresponsible capitalism”…
Oh those foolish Germans…whenever will they get it right?
Such was the slant throughout the whole Mason piece on the Eurocrisis.
Clearly Greece, Spain and Ireland have got it all right-and those prim, buttoned-up Germans are fussing over nothing much.
Hey you guys…loosen up and take a chill pill in effect.
Obviously Britain needs more “investment” from the sixth generation yet to come…so we get “appropriate infrastructure”…you know…so the Olympics looks good.
This is the level of debate that our one broadcaster gives us 24/7…yet funnily enough none of us believe a word of it.
Only these useless Tories manage to make Labour look an “alternative”…as in “comedy”.
Dig up Roy Jenkins…a charlatan and a traitor but at least was open about it all!
And the World Tonight at 10pm has the Guardians “John Harris”(Owen Jones with less drug damage) to review the papers for us all later on.
Has radio 4 only gone down 10% this last year…that`s nothing to what`s coming at this rate.
Abandon ship!
‘As much of the UK gears up to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, not everyone is happy. Republicans are stepping up their protest over the weekend – but who are they, and what exactly do they want?’
Now how about the BBC give some support to people who are anti-Olympics ?
‘Now how about the BBC give some support to people who are anti-Olympics ?’
File under ‘Unique Watertight Oversight’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/2010/09/impartiality_is_in_our_genes.html ‘When stories are complex, highly charged and politicised, audiences rely on our specialists to give them context, assess evidence and test opinions without fear or favour.
Our presenters take professional pride in holding the powerful to account through fair but tough questioning. All our journalists – on and off air – are acutely aware of their responsibility to be impartial. That’s why, for example, we report the problems of the BBC as we would any other institution. And that’s why our trust ratings remain so high. And in a healthy democracy our audiences would not want it any other way. Never fear, the BBC knows who to favour
‘Nothing like being prosecutor, judge and jury on your own organisation is there.’
Don’t forget to add executioner, as such as Lunchtime Loather has discovered with BBC Complaints>ECU>Trust (no doubt with ‘input’ by Mr. Vine’s ‘people’ too). For the ‘crime’ of highlighting an egregious example of BBC pap/inaccuracy/bias/charter-busting, you will get a world of BBC system pain brought to bear, from the court clerk rejecting applications as the right form they didn’t provide being filling in incorrectly, through the prosecutor and judge being ‘very comfortable’ in their ‘shared beliefs’, with a jury comprised of exactly the same people
Then once all the niceties have been observed, and boxes ticked they can move onto the main business of finding you guilty as char… of anything they care to make up.
At which point the black cap is donned, and in a sombre tone (bar the ‘best wishes, you’ve been framed’ sign off they use) they will write to tell you that you have been found guilty of showing up those you are compelled to pay to screw up, lie and cheat for the pond-dwellers they are, and for such bad faith are excommunicated… but still must send the tithe.
As with so much, ‘unique’ doesn’t really cover it. The BBC – all to fear; some to find favour (if they tow the line)
Reality check by INBBC’s Mr BOWEN on ‘Arab Spring’;
-but he still doesn’t get it.
Bowen concludes his article like this:
“For a short time last year it looked as if the drama in the Middle East might be over by the summer.” [No, it didn’t.] “The dominoes seemed to be tumbling, like they did in Europe in 1989.” [False historical analogy.]
“Irreversible change is happening.” [Is it?] “But it is clear now that the way ahead is long and hard, and it will be years, not months, before the Arabs and their neighbours get to the end of it”. {Vague.]
Perhaps Bowen’s article is so weak in analysis because he makes no reference to even the words. ‘Islam’, ‘Muslims’
, ‘Muslim Brotherhood’, ‘Jihad’, ‘Sharia’.
Al-Bowen (salaam salaam) got safely out of Libya after the fall of his bestest chum, did he ?
That’s just spoiled my Sunday, then. 🙁
“The dominoes seemed to be tumbling, like they did in Europe in 1989.” [False historical analogy.]
Har-de-har-har ! One of the most traumatic years in the life of our sainted “silver fox”, yet here he is bravely invoking it through the pain. Brave, brave Sir Jeremy !
“Schmuck” is a nassssty Joooishhh word, precious. Gollum, gollum.
There are plenty of good Anglo-Saxon alternatives to describe our safari-suited hero, Lord of the Silver Tache, Emperor Of The Impartial Report, Grand Vizier Non-Apologist For Exotic Dictatorships……
See how many you can come up with in thirty seconds ! Prizes for the best entries ! *
(* Prizes to consist of autographed copies of “You say Gadaffi, I just say Daffy! My fun times with Libya’s laugh-a-minute leader” by J. Bowen or the follow up “Where’s my hand ? More hilarious a dventures in fatigues.” by same author). **
(** Prizes CANNOT be refused. At my discretion, both books may be awarded).
INBBC, forever playing to Islam, in e.g Saudi Arabia:
“By” [ISLAMIC] “tradition Riyadh has no public entertainment – no cinemas, theatres or music – so the only leisure venues are shopping malls and parks.”
“Wadi Hanifah: An oasis where Saudi citizens can really relax”
The BBC mentioned the fact that there`ll be no women competing at the Olympics from Saudi.
A clear violation of the IOCs rules, so I understand.
Wonder if the fearless Panorama will be doorstepping Sheikh ChoChop anytime soon, out there in Jeddah?
They managed to face down the dangerous Englebert Humperdinck to ask his views on Azeri terrors-now surely feminist oppression is even MORE important.
Come on Beeb….Olympics meets Islamic Fascism…surely the BBC aren`t the cringing supplicants for Big Oil and anti-women interests are they?
‘Wonder if the fearless Panorama will be doorstepping’
Here’s a letter form the BBC in response… Dear Mr. H,
No thanks to you for highlighting the many standards we have, and how we flout them to suit.
This is due to the unique way we ‘report’ things we do like, and edit out anything that doesn’t suit.
So for brining this latest embarrassing case of hypocrisy to our attention, we’ve gone in to a big huddle and decided you are beastly, so in keeping with our policy of holding others responsible for our failings, up to and including our market rate managers plus Trust (PFOH), you are hereby placed on the norty step.
Any more showing us up and you know what will happen.
Yours in holding the powerful to account,
Hortense Faux-Bullligham
BBC-high cost greenies and their ‘Science Editor’, Mr SHUKMAN on the case of its anti-GM chums, out to destroy crops.
Mr SHUKMAN sounds like a ‘Science Editor’ in the Comrade Paul Mason political mould:
“They were never going to get through.
“The leaders of the action, Take the Flour Back, had acknowledged that in advance. The security presence was too overwhelming.
“The march reached the police and got no further. Any dreams of reaching the plot of GM wheat were dashed so the protesters sat down and chanted ‘no GM instead.”
A wonderful ‘scientific’ report!
[Those anti-GM crop occupiers claim to call themselves: ‘Take Back the Flour’; more accurate is ‘TAKE THE FLOUR FROM THE POOR.’]
BBC-high cost greenie propaganda:
“Anti-GM wheat protest halted by police” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18224637
How many of the small number of ‘usual suspects’ of ‘UKuncut’, ‘Occupiers’, ‘Take the Flour Back’ were both sat down down outside Clegg’s house on Saturday and outside a field of GM crops on Sunday.
It serves for Beeboids to spread its propaganda outdoors with like-minded chums, and to get a sun-tan at the same time.
All good political fun at licencepayers’ expense.
I`ll not be surprised if those old detector vans have been turned into minibuses for the likes of UKUncut, Dale farm Veterans and the ALF etc.
Makes for better filming if we can transport them around…and saves on the carbon footprint.
Maybe the BBC could offer them for hire to this summers rioting community, as and when they become apparent…and if the BBC aren`t already training them in applying make up for night vision, I`d be surprised.
“This experiment in food technology has to continue.
“Take the Flour Back campaigners have no reason to fear the GM wheat that’s being produced at Rothamsted.”
BBC-NUJ hots up its pro-‘republic’ propaganda on eve of Jubilee.
BBC-NUJ’s Ms H. WALLIS has been appointed to lead the anti-monarchy charge.
Perhaps BBC-NUJ is toying with idea of turning Jubilee into celebration of ‘republicanism, a la Channel 4 and its alternative to Queen’s Christmas day address?
Why not, BBC-NUJ is a political power unto itself. Its political attitude is: ‘we can more or less do what we want with £3.5 billion of licencepayers’ money each year. Who’s to stop us?’
Of course, BBC-EU also propagandises for an unelected foreign ‘President’ as head of undemocratic Eurpean Union superstate, marking the end of Britain’s national sovereignty.
Police have tonight arrested the spokesman Sharia4Holland. The man is accused of threat to the address of PVV leader Geert Wilders.
The speaker, a 29-year-old Muslim man from Moscow, Accused Wilders of being a dog of the Romans ‘with whom’ we are dealing “as the Netherlands is an Islamic state. He also advised to draw lessons from the case of Theo van Gogh. Sharia4Holland wants Sharia (Islamic law) into the Netherlands
A former commander of the Somali al-Shabaab movement says that in the Netherlands possible dormant terrorist cells are planning attacks. Reported that the Foreign Office VPRO radio program today.
According to the commander has defected al-Shabaab Somali trained to prepare for action in the countries where they have obtained a residence permit. Such cells exist in the Netherlands, Britain and the United States
BBC Newcastle – Radio for the North East
Monday breakfast show we’ll be talking about the English flag of St. George. Is it a flag of passion, a flag of shame or just a bit tacky?
Like · · Share · 4 minutes ago via Mobile ·
Claire Wynarczyk I think it is a flag of passion 🙂
2 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
James M. Gowland Is it not bit offensive towards the people of England by even suggesting the flag could be tacky. This is the flag of my country you’re talking about!
2 seconds ago · Like
Someone is going to get a visit from the internal expediting police if he’s not careful… Jeremy Vine @theJeremyVine
So Eurovision countries give the UK nul points, then come here expecting our Olympic judges to give them straight 10’s? #NotHowItWorks
Jezza me old mate, how things ‘work’, or ‘get fixed’ in many areas of endeavour, form the EU to our uniquely variable most trusted national ‘news’ monopoly, can often fall below rational ‘explanation’.
Meanwhile, in other ‘I’m shocked… I tell you..shocked..’ news…
tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/plurality.html ‘Would it be awful or just awfully naive to suggest there’s a tacit agreement that “BBC” slebs can get a free “go” at the Olympic Torch ?’
Nah, mate, simply another ‘unique’ from Planet ‘Context’.
So far the ‘merit’ tally for lugging this eBay golden fleece followed by Coke and McDonalds vans 300m seems to have erred more on those ‘selected’ in the same manner as a BBC QT audience.
In Monmouth most were worried the lady tasked with the honour would actually make it that far, as have others of the interesting number of media types plucked from the ‘community’, which I note has so far included a DT posh bird and at least one BBC ‘reporter’.
Must be that ‘representing the community’ thing one hears so much about.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Doge now has an army growing … “Thanks to the everyone for DM’ing ideas to the DOGE Affiliate accounts. Already…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:41 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Today, I came as close as I’ve ever been to my beloved Palestine. That’s her there behind me. I had…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:39 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The same Turkey that said a rapist could marry the victim?
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:37 Weekend 22nd February 2025 1400 raped kids – net zero action 1 grandma emotes – handcuffs
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim … “I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “And am I the only one who struggles with the fact that we have just taken winter fuel payments off…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Deport all americans to make it fair – democrates as well.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “nuclear missiles based in Ukraine” – with Moscow in control of them.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
Guest WhoFeb 23, 07:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://x.com/tadhghickey/status/1893340977026261489?s=61 Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
unelected airhead, gobshite, and OIC plant,(better add fibber par excellence now)
Baroness Warsi, and expenses eh! … one of many i know
hey! she would probably say its “fair game” ….
mind you don t you dare mention it especially over the”dinner table” :-D, i wonder if she went to her dad to ask his advice on how to do it.
maybe its an ahem! … “slight oversight” 😀
or its a BNP/EDL Far Right conspiracy
(will the islamofauxbia ever end eh!)
the whole saga will i suppose unfold,
for now heres the el beeb link
oh those “militant secularists” 😀
“It all seems very murky” hmmmm
maybe theres a link between the BNP -UKIP 😀
i hope shes “deeply sickened” by the whole affair
Just new to the blog. I don’t see posts on Question Time – is that because it’s so biased you’ve all given up on it? Try playing Question Time Bingo – the number of Conservatives that get a complete sentence out before being interrupted by Dimbleby vs. the number of Labour that are interrupted at all. Last Thursday was 0-1.
BBC Radio 4. Lugubrious fan of sexy left-wing student politics Paul Mason is leading the newspaper review. Gosh, I wonder whether that will make for a further lurch to left?
I guess regular presenter of Broadcasting House metrosexual fan of all things to the left Paddy O’Connell must be in deep mourning after Eurovision. Quick, call out for some lavender water with which top mop his fevered brow!
So what is happening this morning on this flagship BBC show? Well our Comrade Mason kicks off with….the Baroness Warsi story. Fair enough but then it is attack on all fronts on the PM and big hurrahs for all things green. Paul Mason is cheering on every left wing comment. He ventures the proposition that attacks don’t seem to harm the Coalition. This is of course a classic discussion on the left and of interest only to themselves. But this whole programme has the feel of a conversation of and for the left. One guest trots out the mantra on the Tories ‘they are all millionaires’ Mason is loving it. His idea of balance is to say with irony ‘the BBC fact-checkers are frantically looking into that’. Don’t worry mate, nothing with touch this BBC Labour re-election cabal.
The panel of reviewers agree they hate capitalism. State-funded supposedly politicall neutral BBC Newsnight economics man is loving it. Turn off Radio 4! It is a lost cause.
‘the BBC fact-checkers’
That does conjure an image…
On matters Baronmessy, what is it about that honourific that seems to by default be synonymous with ‘bent as a 9 bob note’ (once proven)?
What does surprise is the paucity of green-room gobs to pontificate, in that most expressing horror seem to have rather ‘colourful’ back histories themselves. One might presume they are invited on for the sport that might provide in interview, but no, they are simply offered a pulpit of hypocrisy.
No wonder Mr. Mason’s blog is so infrequent, and when it does get updated is promptly closed as his genetically-impartial views are tested by some feeling less spoken for than broadcast at.
He doesn’t really do impartiality, does he? He doesn’t even attempt to hide his anti-austerity opinions. On ‘Broadcasting House’ today, he made his position on the Merkel-Hollande debate very clear:
“Now when bond market people in the City of London want to cheer themselves up they tell this joke: “There are two types of policies on offer to solve the Euro Crisis, (a) things that will work and (b) things acceptable to Germany.”
“True to form Angela Merkel turned up at the Brussels summit this week and put the kybosh on the French president’s attempt to go easy on Greece. Meanwhile, no news bulletin is complete without a German MP to pop up and explain that the Greeks must be driven to social catastrophe because they have “broken the rules”.
“This prompts the frank question, ‘Are the Germans so culturally addicted to parsimony that they are prepared to see the entire project go hurtling down in flames?'”
I think we know where he’s coming from on this issue! (We shouldn’t but, heh, that’s BBC impartiality for you!)
The chief German political commentator in the following report backed up Mason’s position.
Plenty of mockery of Cameron followed, then Mason trotted off to a book festival to chat to Jon Snow and Joanna Lumley about politics and ‘grittiness’. Does Benjamin Britten’s pacifist ‘War Requiem’ still have a message for today, with the Afghan War still going on? Oh, yes, of course it does – according to Emma-Jayne Kirby’s report.
The paper reviewers As I See It mentioned were left-wing campaigner Harriet Lamb of the Fairtrade Foundation, comedian Francesca Martinez (of “why not abort ***** bankers?” fame) & Michael Cockerell of the BBC. Green issues, criticisms of various Conservatives, blah, blah, “multibillionaires”, women fighting back, “irresponsible capitalism”…
“Turn off Radio 4! It is a lost cause.” Yes.
Oh those foolish Germans…whenever will they get it right?
Such was the slant throughout the whole Mason piece on the Eurocrisis.
Clearly Greece, Spain and Ireland have got it all right-and those prim, buttoned-up Germans are fussing over nothing much.
Hey you guys…loosen up and take a chill pill in effect.
Obviously Britain needs more “investment” from the sixth generation yet to come…so we get “appropriate infrastructure”…you know…so the Olympics looks good.
This is the level of debate that our one broadcaster gives us 24/7…yet funnily enough none of us believe a word of it.
Only these useless Tories manage to make Labour look an “alternative”…as in “comedy”.
Dig up Roy Jenkins…a charlatan and a traitor but at least was open about it all!
Yes, doing fiscal sanity and having their house in order when the crisis hit was Germany’s greatest error, eh?
And the World Tonight at 10pm has the Guardians “John Harris”(Owen Jones with less drug damage) to review the papers for us all later on.
Has radio 4 only gone down 10% this last year…that`s nothing to what`s coming at this rate.
Abandon ship!
Just as predicted as we approach the Jubilee celebrations the BBC are giving a helping hand to the republican side show.
‘As much of the UK gears up to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, not everyone is happy. Republicans are stepping up their protest over the weekend – but who are they, and what exactly do they want?’
Now how about the BBC give some support to people who are anti-Olympics ?
‘Now how about the BBC give some support to people who are anti-Olympics ?’
File under ‘Unique Watertight Oversight’.
‘When stories are complex, highly charged and politicised, audiences rely on our specialists to give them context, assess evidence and test opinions without fear or favour.
Our presenters take professional pride in holding the powerful to account through fair but tough questioning. All our journalists – on and off air – are acutely aware of their responsibility to be impartial. That’s why, for example, we report the problems of the BBC as we would any other institution. And that’s why our trust ratings remain so high. And in a healthy democracy our audiences would not want it any other way.
Never fear, the BBC knows who to favour
Nothing like being prosecutor, judge and jury on your own organisation is there.
‘Nothing like being prosecutor, judge and jury on your own organisation is there.’
Don’t forget to add executioner, as such as Lunchtime Loather has discovered with BBC Complaints>ECU>Trust (no doubt with ‘input’ by Mr. Vine’s ‘people’ too). For the ‘crime’ of highlighting an egregious example of BBC pap/inaccuracy/bias/charter-busting, you will get a world of BBC system pain brought to bear, from the court clerk rejecting applications as the right form they didn’t provide being filling in incorrectly, through the prosecutor and judge being ‘very comfortable’ in their ‘shared beliefs’, with a jury comprised of exactly the same people
Then once all the niceties have been observed, and boxes ticked they can move onto the main business of finding you guilty as char… of anything they care to make up.
At which point the black cap is donned, and in a sombre tone (bar the ‘best wishes, you’ve been framed’ sign off they use) they will write to tell you that you have been found guilty of showing up those you are compelled to pay to screw up, lie and cheat for the pond-dwellers they are, and for such bad faith are excommunicated… but still must send the tithe.
As with so much, ‘unique’ doesn’t really cover it.
The BBC – all to fear; some to find favour (if they tow the line)
Reality check by INBBC’s Mr BOWEN on ‘Arab Spring’;
-but he still doesn’t get it.
Bowen concludes his article like this:
“For a short time last year it looked as if the drama in the Middle East might be over by the summer.” [No, it didn’t.] “The dominoes seemed to be tumbling, like they did in Europe in 1989.” [False historical analogy.]
“Irreversible change is happening.” [Is it?] “But it is clear now that the way ahead is long and hard, and it will be years, not months, before the Arabs and their neighbours get to the end of it”. {Vague.]
Perhaps Bowen’s article is so weak in analysis because he makes no reference to even the words. ‘Islam’, ‘Muslims’
, ‘Muslim Brotherhood’, ‘Jihad’, ‘Sharia’.
“Fading optimism of the Arab Spring”
by J. Bowen.
He needs to check out ‘Jihadwatch’ regularly for a much more accurate analysis.
Al-Bowen (salaam salaam) got safely out of Libya after the fall of his bestest chum, did he ?
That’s just spoiled my Sunday, then. 🙁
“The dominoes seemed to be tumbling, like they did in Europe in 1989.” [False historical analogy.]
Har-de-har-har ! One of the most traumatic years in the life of our sainted “silver fox”, yet here he is bravely invoking it through the pain. Brave, brave Sir Jeremy !
BBC-NUJ’s ‘UKuncut’ bullies.
Why didn’t Beeboid interviewer/propagandist for ‘UKuncut’ put such criticisms in his soft interview yesterday?
“Nick Clegg doesn’t want protest to force ‘retreat behind battlements'”
Way back in the thread, at 1:04 pm yesterday, I said this:
….However, in the past they have acknowledged the complaint at times and even entered into brief correspondence.
But I’ve found that to get that reaction, one has to approach the culprit directly as in:
That’s inaccurate because I missed out a dot. Should be:
For example:
“Schmuck” is a nassssty Joooishhh word, precious. Gollum, gollum.
There are plenty of good Anglo-Saxon alternatives to describe our safari-suited hero, Lord of the Silver Tache, Emperor Of The Impartial Report, Grand Vizier Non-Apologist For Exotic Dictatorships……
See how many you can come up with in thirty seconds ! Prizes for the best entries ! *
(* Prizes to consist of autographed copies of “You say Gadaffi, I just say Daffy! My fun times with Libya’s laugh-a-minute leader” by J. Bowen or the follow up “Where’s my hand ? More hilarious a dventures in fatigues.” by same author). **
(** Prizes CANNOT be refused. At my discretion, both books may be awarded).
I’ll throw in a photo from Jeremy’s personal collection…
…and a Gaddaffy Duck poster…
INBBC, forever playing to Islam, in e.g Saudi Arabia:
“By” [ISLAMIC] “tradition Riyadh has no public entertainment – no cinemas, theatres or music – so the only leisure venues are shopping malls and parks.”
“Wadi Hanifah: An oasis where Saudi citizens can really relax”
By M Teller.
INBBC plugging its oxymoron: ‘Islamic freedom’.
The BBC mentioned the fact that there`ll be no women competing at the Olympics from Saudi.
A clear violation of the IOCs rules, so I understand.
Wonder if the fearless Panorama will be doorstepping Sheikh ChoChop anytime soon, out there in Jeddah?
They managed to face down the dangerous Englebert Humperdinck to ask his views on Azeri terrors-now surely feminist oppression is even MORE important.
Come on Beeb….Olympics meets Islamic Fascism…surely the BBC aren`t the cringing supplicants for Big Oil and anti-women interests are they?
‘Wonder if the fearless Panorama will be doorstepping’
Here’s a letter form the BBC in response…
Dear Mr. H,
No thanks to you for highlighting the many standards we have, and how we flout them to suit.
This is due to the unique way we ‘report’ things we do like, and edit out anything that doesn’t suit.
So for brining this latest embarrassing case of hypocrisy to our attention, we’ve gone in to a big huddle and decided you are beastly, so in keeping with our policy of holding others responsible for our failings, up to and including our market rate managers plus Trust (PFOH), you are hereby placed on the norty step.
Any more showing us up and you know what will happen.
Yours in holding the powerful to account,
Hortense Faux-Bullligham
BBC-high cost greenies and their ‘Science Editor’, Mr SHUKMAN on the case of its anti-GM chums, out to destroy crops.
Mr SHUKMAN sounds like a ‘Science Editor’ in the Comrade Paul Mason political mould:
“They were never going to get through.
“The leaders of the action, Take the Flour Back, had acknowledged that in advance. The security presence was too overwhelming.
“The march reached the police and got no further. Any dreams of reaching the plot of GM wheat were dashed so the protesters sat down and chanted ‘no GM instead.”
A wonderful ‘scientific’ report!
[Those anti-GM crop occupiers claim to call themselves: ‘Take Back the Flour’; more accurate is ‘TAKE THE FLOUR FROM THE POOR.’]
BBC-high cost greenie propaganda:
“Anti-GM wheat protest halted by police”
How many of the small number of ‘usual suspects’ of ‘UKuncut’, ‘Occupiers’, ‘Take the Flour Back’ were both sat down down outside Clegg’s house on Saturday and outside a field of GM crops on Sunday.
It serves for Beeboids to spread its propaganda outdoors with like-minded chums, and to get a sun-tan at the same time.
All good political fun at licencepayers’ expense.
I`ll not be surprised if those old detector vans have been turned into minibuses for the likes of UKUncut, Dale farm Veterans and the ALF etc.
Makes for better filming if we can transport them around…and saves on the carbon footprint.
Maybe the BBC could offer them for hire to this summers rioting community, as and when they become apparent…and if the BBC aren`t already training them in applying make up for night vision, I`d be surprised.
“This experiment in food technology has to continue.
“Take the Flour Back campaigners have no reason to fear the GM wheat that’s being produced at Rothamsted.”
BBC-NUJ hots up its pro-‘republic’ propaganda on eve of Jubilee.
BBC-NUJ’s Ms H. WALLIS has been appointed to lead the anti-monarchy charge.
Perhaps BBC-NUJ is toying with idea of turning Jubilee into celebration of ‘republicanism, a la Channel 4 and its alternative to Queen’s Christmas day address?
Why not, BBC-NUJ is a political power unto itself. Its political attitude is: ‘we can more or less do what we want with £3.5 billion of licencepayers’ money each year. Who’s to stop us?’
What about this alternative?: NOT paying our tax to BBC.
Of course, BBC-EU also propagandises for an unelected foreign ‘President’ as head of undemocratic Eurpean Union superstate, marking the end of Britain’s national sovereignty.
More news you will not find on the BBC:
Police have tonight arrested the spokesman Sharia4Holland. The man is accused of threat to the address of PVV leader Geert Wilders.
The speaker, a 29-year-old Muslim man from Moscow, Accused Wilders of being a dog of the Romans ‘with whom’ we are dealing “as the Netherlands is an Islamic state. He also advised to draw lessons from the case of Theo van Gogh. Sharia4Holland wants Sharia (Islamic law) into the Netherlands
Some more news missing from the BBC news:
A former commander of the Somali al-Shabaab movement says that in the Netherlands possible dormant terrorist cells are planning attacks. Reported that the Foreign Office VPRO radio program today.
According to the commander has defected al-Shabaab Somali trained to prepare for action in the countries where they have obtained a residence permit. Such cells exist in the Netherlands, Britain and the United States
Straight off facebook:
BBC Newcastle – Radio for the North East
Monday breakfast show we’ll be talking about the English flag of St. George. Is it a flag of passion, a flag of shame or just a bit tacky?
Like · · Share · 4 minutes ago via Mobile ·
Claire Wynarczyk I think it is a flag of passion 🙂
2 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
James M. Gowland Is it not bit offensive towards the people of England by even suggesting the flag could be tacky. This is the flag of my country you’re talking about!
2 seconds ago · Like
Negative impact of mass immigration on Britain.
Daily Mail has this; BBC-NUJ doesn’t-
“Second and third generation migrants struggle to understand even basic instructions in English”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2150667/Second-generation-migrants-struggle-understand-basic-instructions-English.html#ixzz1w6kst2QO
this willy.i.am thing on The Voice and the Black Eyed Penises, is he gay or what?
Someone is going to get a visit from the internal expediting police if he’s not careful…
Jeremy Vine @theJeremyVine
So Eurovision countries give the UK nul points, then come here expecting our Olympic judges to give them straight 10’s? #NotHowItWorks
Jezza me old mate, how things ‘work’, or ‘get fixed’ in many areas of endeavour, form the EU to our uniquely variable most trusted national ‘news’ monopoly, can often fall below rational ‘explanation’.
Meanwhile, in other ‘I’m shocked… I tell you..shocked..’ news…
‘Would it be awful or just awfully naive to suggest there’s a tacit agreement that “BBC” slebs can get a free “go” at the Olympic Torch ?’
Nah, mate, simply another ‘unique’ from Planet ‘Context’.
So far the ‘merit’ tally for lugging this eBay golden fleece followed by Coke and McDonalds vans 300m seems to have erred more on those ‘selected’ in the same manner as a BBC QT audience.
In Monmouth most were worried the lady tasked with the honour would actually make it that far, as have others of the interesting number of media types plucked from the ‘community’, which I note has so far included a DT posh bird and at least one BBC ‘reporter’.
Must be that ‘representing the community’ thing one hears so much about.