This is the sort of reverse racist tripe the BBC does so well with lots of class war thrown in for extra value. It was on during the prime time slot @ 8.21am and showed a star struck Davis talking to someone who was well balanced with a chip on both shoulders about “posh boys”,,,
Evan Davis meets British rapper Plan B ahead of the release of his hip hop film Ill Manners. The rapper, whose real name is Ben Drew, talks about class and social exclusion and his experiences working with young people in a London school.
That’ll be in the State school where £10,000 a year is spent on each pupil’s education before he goes home o the tax payer subsidised housing and benefits….as well as all the council services provided….not to mention the free health service and policing and fire service…..and all the rest.
Deprived? You are kidding.
Strange how the BBC like to highlight the immigrants who are storming ahead and doing better than their English counterparts in school….and yet they have real disadvantages…language and culture difficulties as well as probably being even pooer….or ‘deprived’ than the natives.
If you can’t be bovvered to turn up for school or when you do you just disrupt everyone elses education you can’t really complain when you can’t get a job or you flip burgers at MacDonalds.
It’s your fault.
Like one (the only one?) sensible judge remarked to one of the little scumbags involved in the riots whose lawyer was making up all the usual excuses Plan B has obviously memorised by heart from his weekly Socialist Worker meetings: ‘You have privileges and opportunities most teenagers in the world could only dream of’. Like you say, if they choose not to take advantage of them, well, life’s about choices innit?
This irritating little ‘Wigger’ is the very personification of David Starkey’s Newsnight comments!–3/12806
Enthralling. Can’t wait.
The Guardian love him as well, they see him as someone who speaks up for the disaffected youth. In reality, he just fulfils the liberal fetish for urban culture. The boy seems to be intent, however, in glorifying the summer riots last year. You know, the ones where innocent people were killed, mugged, assaulted and had their property an livelihoods taken away. He is also, like many BBC poster boys and girls, very anti-Tory.
He literally embodies everything that is wrong with the attitude of inner city youth.
Fuel the fire
Let it burn.
Oi! I said Oi!
What you looking at you little rich boy!
We’re poor ’round here, run home and lock your door
don’t come ’round here no more, you could get robbed for
What more could the Guardian/BBC ask for?
THIS,however, is how the BBC reported this track:
Note the selective lyric choice.
Spokesmen of a generation like Mr B actually get licenses from a passing Guardian van , specifically so they can say do one thing-but say another.
It`s an “irony pass”…so Jo Brand can be racist, but Carole Thatcher cannot…for the BBC can feel in their water who is only having a bit of harmless fun in parodying or spoofing us all…and who is a right wing Tory/fascist who means it all.
More fool us for expecting any consistency or fairness…the Beeb are judge, jury and Sentencing Council.
You`d have to be as enlightened and as clever as the BBC to discern the difference…Tommy Robinson “incites religious hatred,” but not in rap.
Plan B incites murder or violence to those he decides are not of his class..the toffs..and this is only irony and artistic licence.
Perpetual class hatred needs to be made a criminal offence…and we could use Media City as a new prison for them…simples.
This kind of class hatred is one of the few remaining acceptable prejudices. Proponents can spit out their hatred of this group, based solely on their social background, in a manner that would be roundly condemned were it directed at any other group.
‘Note the selective lyric choice’
It is a BBC… ‘report’.
The entire editorial, from topic through to broadcast, is selective.
Very few will get to see the dissection here.
Hence, very many will be further ‘educated and informed’ in the unique way the BBC likes to do it.
I watch this and I think of all the poor kids who have just as bad a situation as these ‘poor little victims’ if not worse, but who work their backsides off in school and make it in life; stop feeling sorry for yourself Plan B, grow up, stop finding fault with everyone but yourself AND take some responsibility for your own actions instead of moaning about the state; that’s what proper musicians in bands like The Who and The Beatles did.
….have the BBC not heard the lyrics?
What Plan B (hope he’s got a Plan A side) said was….’Look at us…we’re not all drug takers, drunks and violent ‘chavs’ just because we live on a council estate.’
But who is it that has sold us that line?
It was the BBC and the Guardian…..what do they tell us?….’Look at all those poor little rioters and looters, taking drugs and mugging people because they’re deprived and disadvantaged living in poverty…..they need help.’
The BBC chattering classes, the Joseph Rowntree Trust types and the Guardian do gooders make these people ‘vicitms, helpless and useless without the generous and pious handouts from these do gooders.’ who can sleep well at night knowing they have helped lift someone out of the gutter they were otherwise destined to stay in.
I wonder how far from their home one such disaffected inner city youth might have to walk before they find a young Eastern European working their nuts off?
With all the sales I expect all proceeds and profits to go to charity work. To make it better for the inner london youf and fings.
I wonder if he can play any musical instruments.
White boy Ben ‘we weren’t working class but we weren’t middle class’ Drew: Plan B, assures us his film doesn’t glorify gang violence. Not ‘arf it doesn’t judging by the trailers. Yes, Harry, it’ll have the Guardianista voyeurs having multiple frissons, & what it will do to Paul Mason is nobody’s business. A very adult, very telling comment from the NME blog: ‘Not to diminish Plan B’s efforts, but I do wish more media attention were paid to those kids from equally harsh environments who make the right choices regardless & succeed in their own way. Their stories have just as much inherent drama but lack the “sex appeal” of guns & drugs.’ EXACTLY.
Yes! The very kids who should be encouraged & championed. The sort of kids who are relieved when the gangbangers are taken out of their ‘hoods, & wish the removal could be permanent. As does most of London, apart from the comfy, neo-liberal, media tripehounds who gorge themselves on third-hand violence & play with other people’s fires. There’s another very ‘ill manor’ in London, it’s terminally corrupt, & the smell just gets worse: the BBC.
Another fine example, if one were needed, of the BBC forgetting about the majority of people who subsidise their existence whilst trumpeting the metro-trendy, counterculutral urbanites who are happy to enjoy the wealth of fruits that this country has to offer whilst complaining about it.
Plan B? Judging on this wannabe’s ‘artistic talents’ I’d say Plan C would be more appropriate!
‘C’ standing for…?
I’ll say what I always say when people debate the word chav and how helpless those on estates are. You only have to travel estates to see the point made.
On any estate somewhere will be two houses next to each other of equal value. They illustrate that by and large the available cash of the owners is in a similar range.
One house will be well kept – doors painted, fence & gates intact, front garden tidy and so on. Next door, however will be a nightmare by comparison. The only thing you’ll see through the window are the booze empties and the back of a TV whose dimensions would best suit a multiplex cinema. The front garden is an equal nightmare and at the very least has a lawn which the BBC wildlife unit could have filmed their Planet Eart Live in.
The difference between the houses isn’t money – it’s attitude pure and simple. One won’t have much but their pride and their ethics direct them to make the best of what they have. The other won’t have much but makes a whole set of other decisions. If it were purely money, both houses would be the same.
Well said
Great comment mate and so true.
I know exactly what you mean – I see it locally all the time – a nicely kept, tidy, well maintained home next to a cave full of monsters. They spend no time or effort on the place they call home, but there is often a supremely well polished, customised to death, pimped up tart mobile parked on the bare earth that was once a front garden. A lovingly cared for, gleaming piece of tacky bling amongst the filth and debris.
What is sad and tragic about poor Ben is that he is merely aping someone else’s culture and that to make things worse that culture is one that is pretty much the invention of various record companies anyway. Now the same record companies need someone who is edgy but safe and controllable as they need to sell to mainly white well brought up teenagers hence we have Ben.
Absolutely spot on.
Puppet B. And these days you really can’t see the strings.
He is part of the Ali G generation. Desperately trying to be something he’s not. Pathetic!
Forget the “message”, Plan B a product, a piece of music merchandising, he is not what it says on the tin. His video will have cost a lot of money to make, edgy right-on director who makes this stuff for a good living, with professional cameramen and edited in a professional studio, everyone getting paid. “Rebellion” is a product. Capitalism is a broad church. Its product range includes “Anti-capitalism” . His video idolising losers can only be watched on wide screen TVs manufactured by Capitalism. He is a Capitalist selling Anti-Capitalism.
These louts would be sticking labels on bottles in a mass production line if it wasn’t for Capitalism.
Blood, dat would be against the rude bwoys ‘uman rightz innit? Big up the big tingz massive!
Unfortunately I hear young white schoolkids actually talking like that, because their classes are dominated by swaggering black youth, who are aping their older brothers. Its called Sarf Lunnon.
The young people of India and the far East see this rubbish and realise the West ‘s wealth is there for the taking. Who can blame them . They know their day is coming. I give us one more generation and then we will become the third world
And he gets lots of nice publicity from those cider adverts as well.
Poverty!! These people have not got a clue what poverty is. Yet the BBC parade these morons before us as if they are a Bob Dylan song raging against injustice. I have known poverty, real poverty and what he suffers is not anything like poverty.
The BBC support him because he is anti-capitalist you know, the same people who think that wealth creation is not necessary, that all wealth should be shared out among the hard working and lazy in equal measures .
The only thing these people are deprived of is brain cells.
“The only thing these people are deprived of is brain cells.”
In some instances, yes, but it’s not the whole story. How about self loathing idiots like this:
He’ll soon change his tune now that the money is probably starting to roll in. The sudden realisation of the amount he WOULD be bringing in, as opposed to the amount he is ACTUALLY taking home after tax, and there will be a definite ‘Adele’ moment. “They’re gonna take HOW MUCH ?!?!”
Unlike Adele, I don’t expect he’ll have the courage to voice it publically, but will almost certainly be getting advice to…ahem…help him with his finances.
They ALL do it, it’s just that some are honest about it, while others like to keep up the pretence that they’re better than those greedy capitalist types. Commie Ken is the text-book example – he was at it, secretly, whilst letting rip at others that do the same.
There’s no hypocrite like a lefty hypocrite.
Just another Micheal Moore in my book, making up a load of crap because there’s a market for it.
It’s a bit like capitalism without good intentions.
wow i really cant believe what I’m reading right now judging by all your above comments i can see just how ignorant people are in this country and it sickens me its clear no one hear has given plan b a chance or ever listened to one of his tracks take a look at his talk with tedx here its not about the promotion of the riots but the reasons for the riots i understand that having a good upbringing leaves you lot ignorant to the real world
Just because Ben Drew is given a platform to spout this nonsense doesn’t move that argument forward one millimetre.
Eighty per cent bilge in my book