As you know, the BBC meme is that the economy can only recover if we bring back Labour, despite the fact it wrecked the economy in the first place; Biased BBC contributor Alan notes..
“Last Wednesday the latest GDP figures were released revealing we were in recession again.
During the morning before the figures were released the BBC had been telling us that all the experts and business organisations were expecting some minor good news….but the BBC hurriedly brushed that aside and went on in every report to then paint a doomsday scenario ‘what if’ the figures were negative?.
The figures were then released and the floodgates opened at the BBC. However not all went to plan when they opened the phone lines. Just about every caller suggested they were doing OK, some said business was booming….and most recognised that far from only ‘just’ going into recession we have actually been in recession since at least 2008.
The BBC then found to their delight a fellow doom monger by the name of Raymond Moan (really) a building supplies businessman from Northern Ireland. Mr Moan was used on every news broadcast from then on with the BBC ignoring all the ‘good news’ merchants.
Damien Lewis on HIGNFY ( ) 14 mins in or so…. pointed out this…. ‘The BBC weren’t trying to influence our feelings at all either way when they interviewed a NI businessman Raymond Moan who said ‘If this goes on we will all be on our knees’.
What the BBC news didn’t bother to keep reporting was another construction company…Sporn Construction in Bicester, who said (on Vic Derbyshire 44 mins in) they were doing so well that they were expanding…and taking on 30% more staff….look on their website and there are some jobs there for builders now.
Incredible how the BBC just manipulate the news…they lie to us….in order to damage the present government and no doubt try to help Labour out in the coming local elections.”