I saw snippets of the coverage and while the BBC can be excused for the sound problems, it was a bit crap.
This was a poignant day for me: my thoughts drifted back to the days when no one had heard of Sandi Toksvig and Sophie Raworth was still a serious journalist.
The children enjoyed the TV coverage, though. Thankfully, our three are still young enough to remain untainted by the cynicism that infects the grown-up world.
They adore Kate and, regardless of one’s view of the monarchy, she is a fine young woman and a decent role-model.
heard Evan Davies myself on the Today programme this morning – sneering at the Conservative Councillor that his desire for no more wind turbines must mean that the councillor was a global warming denier (yes he said global warming rather than climate change). Had I been the councillor I might have responded by asking how many people yesterday needed treatment because they were overcome by the heat.
And for the close of “The World at One”, who do you think gets a final word on the Jubilee?
Yes folks-Sue Townsend…arch-republican granny number 1.
And from where does the last word on the Jubilee come from…once Sue has sniffed about her grandkids wanting to wave a flag?
Yes-Gibraltar-and is this not a provocative gesture to hold a street party there Mr Governor?…that kind of thing.
Poor Queen Sophia refused to attend the celebratory lunch last month…will she ever eat paellea again, if we don`t stop provoking the Spaniards then?
The BBC-caring for everyone and everything apart from the poor saps that pay to be so mocked.
For the record-didn`t hear anything about their coverage drawing bad headlines.
And I`d have thought that Spain had other things to worry about than whether there`s a bonfire to be held tonight…but what would I know?
To be fair, sensed that James Robbins was embarrassed by the whole thing….
I decided to go back to being a kid while on lunch break. So I visited the CBBC site and found such dodgy history as this:
“Throughout our history, Britain has been invaded, occupied by foreign armies and had loads of people coming and going.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/18237295
“Throughout our history” indeed. What foreign armies since 1066? What despicable mindbenders!
Codespeak to the kids.
“Unfettered immigration has always been a great thing…and it`s only natural that Islam`s gonna getcha!”
And in the meantime,here`s Uncle George from Bradford who`s going to holler the Verse of the Sword from a nearby minaret…none of that Watch with Mother stuff any more, you kaffir!
Got it?
Excellent article. Brainwashing children is a crude but effective tactic of the Left, and I’m afraid it will continue for as long as Leftists dominate our public institutions, including the BBC. The question is, who is going to stop them?
The problem is we all don’t watch enough CBBC. Every time I catch some of it it infuriates me.
The BBC are indoctrinating our kids right under our noses and it certainloy deserves a much bigger spotlight.
I have to counter the brainwashing with subtle parental propaganda myself. CBBC only gets on my telly because it’s marginally more acceptable than the highly immoral Disney channels.
I’ve been reading this blog for about a year and this is my first time to comment on here.
The thing that really annoys me about the BBC is having to pay to fund it. If you don’t you could go to prison. About 10% of all cases in the UK magistrate’s courts are for non-payment of this compulsory television tax for the BBC.
I wouldn’t mind paying a television tax if I thought it was being you used for something good not just as a propaganda arm for a bunch of metro trendy leftists and their world view.
If we were paying a television tax it should go to the government and they decided who gets its. The BBC says it’s progressive and loves minorities, why isn’t there a BBC Islam channel? Or any other BBC channel devoted to any other minority group such as BBC LGBT?
Personally I was never too bothered by what the left got up until I went to this place: http://www.ruskin.ac.uk/. This is another of this country left-wing organisations but unlike the BBC which is still seen as a world class television service. This place: http://www.ruskin.ac.uk/ this place is living off its past glories for years. If anyone wants to talk more about: http://www.ruskin.ac.uk/ best to do it privately.
Anyway the BBC is known as being anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian.
Here’s is a youtube video from Palestinian Children’s TV this is not an isolated incident this happens all the time. Why doesn’t the BBC make a documentary about this sort of television? :
Ah bless!
Dewsbury Sure Start model of good practice if the BBC have anything to do with it.
Are they all genitally enhanced before they go to the studio-or afterwards I wonder?
Terrifying isn`t it?
The trouble with the BBC everything has to fit into their world view. They think all Asians are the same but they are not. Some are Muslim, Christian, Hindu etc.
They are not maybe the BBC hasn’t realised that yet, in their ivory tower?
The BBC knows about this stuff. They sympathize with it. Not with the actual notions put forth, really, but with the oppressed status which makes people produce stuff like this. So the BBC finds this sort of thing perfectly understandable, and doesn’t see this as much of a big deal. This kind of thing is generally dismissed by those who blame Israel for everything as a temporary phenomenon which will magically disappear once Israel goes back to the 1948 borders or whatever the latest joke is.
They can’t report it, though, because it would turn off a lot of the public and wouldn’t make the heroic Palestinians look too good. They’re worried about the inevitable complaints that they’re pro-Israel.
The BBC or the left doesn’t want to give publicity to anything that doesn’t fit their narrative.
Israel is the only democracy in that region. Last time I checked Israel treated women as equals to men. Also I’m sure in Israel that there is a sizable muslim population that have equal rights with the Israel Jews
Earl’s Court
Your first point is right. Why do we have to pay for this stuff? It does not represent us. But we still fund it. “No taxation without representation” should be the cry.
This anti-British propaganda is being transmitted inside the Trojan horse of a once great broadcaster. Take away the letters BBC and the viewpoint, exposed and naked, will be dismissed as loony. The imprimatur of the “BBC” no longer represents “Britain Inc”. It’s just a load of left-wing PC twaddle – and dangerous twaddle at that.
PS I agree about the Asian Network. It should be monitored.
Arabs and Muslims serve in the military and in the Knesset. There are so many of them (1/10) that votes have to get put off during Muslim holidays. There’s a Mohammedan on the Israeli Supreme Court.
To the BBC, this is evidence of a racist, oppressive country bent on war and genocide.
I am having several twitter conversations with people who claim Israel is a) racist and b) committing mass murder of Palestinians. I hold the BBC at least partly to blame for spreading this sort of misinformation.
Saw some stuff about the PLO types trying to raise the anti-apartheid notion to demonise Israel.
Creepy and being co-ordinated by the usual third raters.
And much as I think Madonna is a twerp-she played Israel a few days ago, so has more courage that a Bono or a Bruce.
Does being a decent singer-songwriter make you into a lazy reflex Democrat with no idea of the nuances of the Middle East?
Not listened to Costello since his rant a few years back-and have now to listen to John Lydons awful back catalogue instead.
How we suffer eh to support Israel!
Any twtterati that discussed with me the rights and wrongs of the Islam problem (and its links to antisemitism) has long since abandoned arguing about facts and resorted to their familiar cry of ” you are a disgusting racist). Even those who constantly tweet about Jews oppressing those cuddly hamas folk.
They are fed on propaganda, but ought they not to seek some decent information?
I`ve said it before and I`ll say it again.
THIS is the level that the BBC is now reduced to?
Pigmies selling books, bitching like ferrets in a sack-and stepping over the dead of Darfur to get up that greasy pole there at the BBC?
JV has gone all brave on us, now he`s getting his book serialised in the Daily Mail hasn`t he?
Bring back the JY Prog-more a man that these guttersnipe runts carping over canapes.
They need to get out more…believe there`s a few events in London today!
Similarly, as we watch the euro undergoing its catastrophe, for precisely the reasons that the dissenters foretold, it is fascinating to see the disarray in which this leaves the cheerleaders for the cause. We recall the days when the BBC obsessively promoted calls for Britain to join the euro; when Evan Davis, in 2002, was telling us how the euro had made Greece financially “stable”; or when Stephanie Flanders, in 2008, derided those who thought the euro would “crash and burn” and proclaimed that its role as a global currency was now “secure”.
It has been instructive to see Robert Peston admitting that the euro’s problem was that it was “a political project in economic clothing”. That was precisely why some of us, back in the 1990s, were trying to point out that it was doomed to fail.
As a footnote, to illustrate how trivial so much BBC coverage has become, its political correspondent Nick Robinson last week reported David Cameron’s claim to be “winning the debate on the Government deficit”. But I do not recall the BBC telling us that, in March, our public-sector borrowing hit a record £18.2 billion, or £4.5 billion every week. It is not part of the BBC’s “anti-cuts” agenda to tell us that public spending is still hurtling upwards, any more than it tells us about so many other things which do not accord with its deeply skewed world-view.
We do not pay the BBC to have a “line” on pretty well everything it covers, but that is what we get. I fear we can only reciprocate the contempt in which it appears to hold us.
There was a story on the Today programme this morning about the Waltham Forest council moving people to Luton. Dreadful ethnic cleansing policy due to the Tory Cuts. Well the people interviewed explained how dreadful it was that they were moved to a place where they knew nobody. For some they had been there 2 years but they had obviously found the other people who had been moved out there (they were not asked how they had found each other) and so they felt sooooo isolated. One person who felt so isolated still had a job in Waltham Forest (35 miles from where she was now living in Luton). How many people work more than 35 miles from their job? She obviously still had a car as she explained that her children still go to school in Waltham Forest and slept the 2 hour journey and were sometimes 10 minutes late for school (my suggestion is that they get up 10 minutes earlier) and setting off at 7a.m. would get you to Waltham Forest before 9 on most days. It was not explained what job the woman was doing that she could drop of the kids late for school and still get to her job on time. I have a feeling that there was an awful lot of being economical with the truth to produce the sob story that we heard this morning.
I think it’s nice that the BBC actually gives time for the notion that the tribal peoples in the US are better off working for themselves rather than living off government handouts.
But there’s more and more of this on the BBC website. As far as I can tell, the US section is just becoming an online version of The One Show. I suppose I should be pleased that the more time they spend on this stuff the less time they have for White House propaganda, dishonest spin, or to call me a racist.
A BBC spkesperson said, “This criticism, shows that we have maintained our world wide reputation for accuracy and impartiality. Taken all in all, we are satisfied that we got it about right!”
That quote might as well be a cut and paste job like every other complaint they answer to. Similar to the “Ed miliband” cut and paste response to proposed cuts:
“These (enter topic) cuts show the government is out of touch with squeezed families and the vulnerable. What we need is a plan for Jobs and growth”
“As the financial authorities prepare for disaster, the Foreign Office should be preparing for a massive political opportunity – to reshape Europe. If something like the EU survives, we should aim for a relationship with it akin to that which Switzerland enjoys. Some argue that we would be unable to negotiate such a thing and point out our economic weakness. But when it comes to trade with Europe, we are strong. The UK is the eurozone’s biggest single export market. ”
Four men have been sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Danish court which found them guilty of planning a terrorist attack on newspaper offices.
The court heard the men wanted to kill people in revenge for Jyllands-Posten’s publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in 2005.
The four were all Muslims resident in Sweden. Police said they were arrested just hours before the foiled attack.
I expect the BBC will not be asking why Mohammedans tend to react to offense in a less nuanced fashion than Christians.
Many Muslims said the cartoons were extremely and deliberately offensive. Some also saw them as an attack on their faith and culture designed to sow hatred
Well, the cartoons certainly did sow hatred: from Mohammedans. Just like Geert Wilders and his film were banned in the UK because he was going to sow hatred and violence. Of course, the BBC never said who would be doing the violence.
Islamic tradition prohibits images of God, Muhammad and all major figures of the Christian and Jewish traditions.
For Muslims. No religion can prohibit people of other faiths from doing something, a point the BBC always seems to miss. Only Islam seems to be able to make others bow down to it at the BBC.
The Cultural Marxists should remember you reap what you sow. All these BBC metro trendy leftists are going to feel the backlash for what they and their comrades have done to society.
Every social problem can be traced back to them. Don’t blame any minority group or anyone different from you. Blame the Cultural Marxists with there divide and conquer policies.
I know from experience Lefties talk a good fight but when the crunch comes are spineless cowards who couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag.
Has anyone seen the video of “Sing”, the Jubilee song by Andrew Toad Webber and Gary Barlow?
The song itself is pretty run-of-the-mill, but I enjoyed this video tribute to Empire and Imperialism. Okay, it’s called the Commonwealth these days, but still.
An interesting statistic for you, which I am sure David and the other contributors, are very well aware of. This blog is now racing ahead at a great rate of knots. Over 400 comments on Saturday for instance, subject to my arithmetic of course. I think an increasing number of folks now see that perhaps there really is Bias at the BBC and that it becoming loonier by the day. Left wing I can understand but they are now so certifiably feeble minded that if they were an animal it would be kinder to put it down.
Anyway, just thought I would say well done and thank you. That I have somewhere to rant and rave without getting a thick ear from the boss lady is actually quite important to me.
Even if I don’t contribute to every thread I do appreciate the fact that I am not alone and hope that one day my dream will come to fruition of the BBC becoming a grown up, responsible, unbiased and financially independent organisation only paid for by the people that want to watch it.
Either that or one day we get a PM who has the courage to bloody well stamp on it.
The Guardian is dying a slow hopefully the BBC will too.
How will the BBC be able to justify is compulsary tax when you can watch the internet on a Television no problem. There is video’s on youtube that get more views than the highest rated BBC programmes.
Fair point.
There’s an interesting media-sociological insight right there.
One person (several incarnations)… so much…’noise’. Like a lone anti-Monarchist in the crowds along the Embankment, seen only if the camera seeks them out. Harder when they have one on one access, plus the time, patience and belief in quantity trumping quality in rushing about trying to touch everyone in the room (like that little trick some minor celeb admitted to that really enhanced his standing on the party circuit). Especially when this frenetic individual is devoid of irony, incapable of embarrassment and proudly wears the badge of the Energiser Bunny of trolling as a trophy.
Not feeding I presume means not engaging, and since he got angry enough to get really out of line I have ignored him since, but then that seems only to impose further attention elsewhere like a horny puppy with a forest of ankles to tackle.
What does now interest me is the good cop in the form of Nicked Emus, who so far seems the soul of sincerity, but can slip to the dark side too if pushed (I haven’t, so he has stayed charming thus far).
I do wonder if it’s a tag-team (assuming they are different – I once managed 3 tweets with a taunt-bot once, it was that convincing, so setting up multiples to drip sugar and vinegar probably would be possible to occupy the minds of the hacker mentality) designed to, indeed, clutter and distract?
Hard to see what can be done without moderation, so simply a facet of modern living to shrug off. I find Nicked Emus can make some fair points and on the whole enables these to be developed, perhaps not always in the directions he was hoping, but serves this site’s education and informational remit well. Presuming he is not a rebrand I think he’s a welcome new addition by being open to concession, but some have reacted poorly to being patronised with an attitude that seems oddly familiar, so early days.
On matters rating, maybe usage levels are better measured by unique IP addresses than volume from individuals?
Of course, that’s not how a Jeremy Vine would measure it, as tweets to him or between the extremes he stirs up all go to his market ratings.
Ironic that this site is not governed by such considerations, but at every turn the BBC’s multiple outlets and mouthpieces are driven not by the quality (especially of debate) but simply by volume.
Now you had your fun yesterday, I would have thought that you should be studying for your A levels today and not upsetting the grown-ups. One more thing, keep off the wacky backy today there’s a good lad, you did get a bit overwrought yesterday. They do have your IP address you know.
What’re they going to do, send the boys round with sticks. I’m terrified. And like I say, I’ve done my exams, no need for revision yet. And yes Jeff, that’s exactly what I mean.
Whitman SAYS he has been taking his A levels in this blog incarnation. This is just one identity among many. Whoever the poster is, he seems to be suffering from multiple personality disorder.
Tomorrow he could be a teacher, hospital doctor, civil servant. One should never take trolls at their word. Don’t even try to debate with him. You’ll just feed his narcissistic ego and allow him to disrupt the flow of the debate.
No, I’ve been consistent. And just one incarnation, don’t worry, but you’re just making things up now, can you not face that there are 3 people who disagree with you?
And yes, I do react badly to being patronised, given I’ve no idea who any of you are, and no idea why I would respect any of you given past performance.
Whitman, tell the truth if you can. You claim to have only one incarnation but a couple of days ago you admitted, after mixing up your blog names, to also posting under the “Potsdamer” tag.
It seems YOU are the one making things up.
Anyway, any more ad hominems from you will not elicit replies from me. It seems you appear on here just to annoy and disrupt. You are an internet gadfly. Best just to ignore you, I think.
Yes p, but it wasn’t a malicious attempt to deceive you all. God you’re all terrified of name changing. Ad hominem, only after the same has been used constantly against me.
@bbcnickrobinson via Twitter
Clearly not all breaches of ministerial code the same. Warsi referred to Sir Alex Allen. Hunt not. Warsi considered disposable, Hunt not?
Well Nick, it’s probably a bit like the BBC One Show. Thatcher considered disposable. Clarkson not (despite one breaching an arbitrary humour ‘code’ internally and the other being ‘just himself’ so across the airwaves).
Thing is Nick, the clowns in government are, whilst powerful, still held to account every few years.
You, and your multiple standard-afflicted ‘market rate’ bosses… never have been, are not and look like trying to ensure you never will be.
And that’s a difference even an FoI exclusion or several may struggle to explain for much longer, as the next head of the BBC is ‘selected’ by anyone but those who pay for them.
I’d tweet that, but you’d block it. BBC – Propaganda backed by censorship
‘Thatcher considered disposable.’ – Yet bizarrely, Abbott was not considered disposable after she made racist remarks about white people. Maybe the BBC subscribe to the Lee Jasper view that it is impossible for a black person to be racist…
Egyptian presidential hopeful Ahmed Shafiq, a former PM under jailed ex-leader Hosni Mubarak, has accused his Islamist rival of harassing Christians.
At last, I thought to myself, the BBC will be having a look at this continuing problem in Egypt. Alas, no, silly me. The report doesn’t even start with the issue. Instead, it’s an update on Mubarak and how everyone still hates him.
Then, after a brief mention that Safiq had made the charge, the rest of the piece is about how everyone hates him because of his association with Mubarak, followed by a list of offenses and the results for Ghaddafi and the Tunisian boss.
The accompanying video similarly has nothing to do with the headline and is instead about how the screaming mob in Tahrir Square hates Mubarak and hates Safiq because of his association with the former leader, and many want the election scrapped because it’s run by the Army. In sum, a completely one-sided article, and not a bit of substance about the Muslim Brotherhood.
The BBC will not be casting the harsh glare on the actual charge that Christians are having problems in Egypt. Was the headline and lead simply written before the article itself, the substance of which changed dramatically before publishing? Just sloppiness?
They’ve been very cute in that they seem to have given a slant to the story in which a former Mubarak heavy is threatening democracy again and the people are responding.
Of course for people to swallow that narrative you have to (as the BBC so masterfully did) totally ignore the story covered by so many other sites that the original democracy protestors were effectively sidelined and any of their protests were stifled by a group who were quite insistent that they weren’t fielding a presidential candidate.
Also I ‘like’ the conditional wording around the reporting of christians under threat. Odd really given that there’s a pelthora of stories and video evidence out there that illustrate it perfectly well. Odd because you know if it had anything to do with Israel the BBC would have been all over it as they were with this story:
He wants a 31% tariff, to counteract the Chinese dumping solar panels on the US market for about that much under the going rate. Why didn’t the smartest man in the room think about that before He threw billions down the Green toilet, mostly to His money bundlers? When is the BBC every going to address this issue? Other than a couple of mentions of Solyndra – without the moneymen connection – the BBC has basically ignored the whole thing. Or am I, as Mark Mardell alleges, just a racist who, deep down, under the skin, doesn’t want the President to redistribute money to people who don’t look like me?
Anyway, I’m sure this going to go over really well with the Chinese since the President is now hassling them about the Tianamen Square protesters still in prison. Stupid Chinese, should have just wiped ’em out with a drone attack, then the BBC wouldn’t have made a full report about it and instead it would just be left to a Mardell blogpost, like that big NY Times article about the President’s “Kill List”. Oh, and one little mention of it at the bottom of their report on the latest drone attack in Pakistan, plus an Analysis inset from Mardell repeating his opinion on the issue. Why hasn’t this been a huge story at the BBC, full of His followers?
Totally agree, I began watching expecting a liebore love in, but oh was I wrong!
Campbell was fucked well and truly by Hislop and his sidekick (sorry long haired comedian,…not sure name) but they shoved the sharp end of a pike right up campbell’s arse so many times i was orgasmic.. I went to sleep thinking thank fcuk there is a god!
Ali wont be back on there for a while.
All in all wonderful!
The exchange began with Hislop telling ali that court hearings in secret are a bad thing coz at inquests it’s importand all the details come out. Sadly the audience didnt catch on quickly enough but after that it was pure gold!
I was expecting that too – Campbell is just one of a number of Labourites who seem to be on our screens every five minutes as pundits/celebrities/experts etc. However he looked hurt at times, though at others took it on the chin (but then he did seem a bit pissed). Ross Noble gave him a bit of a kicking too – thought he was hilarious.
Was it just me, or were the BBC presenters at Her Majesty’s pop concert excruciatingly unfunny? And I thought that Rob Brydon’s ‘joke’ about Jeremy Hunt deleting texts from his mobile was out of order.
Whitman – Your uncritical bien pensant views will serve you well whilst you are in education. If you start thinking for yourself and writing anything un-PC, you’ll lose marks. So you carry on being one of the sheeple! 🙂
I wish Walt, Slim, or Half would contribute something more than the fag-end of a sixth form debating society meeting. I haven’t posted for a while, not because I have nowt to say, but because by the time I’ve read a few threads all I want to post is invective. Still, this site has made me realise that I’m far from alone in detecting left/liberal bias both overt and covert in almost all BBC output. I particularly despise the (as someone else has already pointed out in this thread) creepy thought engineering that seems be in most of CBBC and CBeebies programming, because my grandchildren seem to lap this slurry up even though it’s severely rationed by their mum. I can’t be in the same room. It’s not me being overly paranoid, is it?
And why do the newsreaders on R4 keep referring to blasted kilometres!!
Half term, mate. Not until Monday, if you must know. Bit of a sense of humour defect here, I’m sure some of you laughed when Clarkson quipped about public sector workers, which was probably a worse joke.
Whitman – Once again you appear to go with the popular opinion, rather than thinking for yourself. Here’s what Clarkson actually said:
Matt Baker [presenter]: Well Jeremy, schools, hospitals, airports, even driving tests, have all been affected. Do you think the strikes have been a good idea?
Jeremy Clarkson [guest]: I think they have been fantastic. Absolutely. London today has just been empty. Everybody stayed at home, you can whizz about, restaurants are empty.
Alex Jones [presenter]: The traffic, actually, has been very good today.
Jeremy Clarkson: Airports, people streaming through with no problems at all. And it’s also like being back in the 70s. It makes me feel at home somehow.
Matt Baker: Do you know anyone who has been on strike today?
Jeremy Clarkson: Of course I don’t, no. What, somebody public service? No, I don’t. No, absolutely. But we have to balance this though, because this is the BBC.
Matt Baker: Yes, exactly.
Jeremy Clarkson: Frankly, I’d have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean, how dare they go on strike when they have these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?
Gawd, that was awful…there was a line something to the effect that “you’ll end up like her…” It struck the wrong note and just sounded like a putdown. It was embarrassing. Thank goodness Prince Charles finally got the chance to rescue us from Beeboid crassness and brought a bit of class to the proceedings with a quality speech that was both personal and fitting for the occasion.
BBCBreakfastWe are looking for families/couples who’ve been forced back to their parents house – if you have please email us at bbcbreakfast@bbc.co.uk
I’ve suggested they give Newsnight a tinkle to ask them to get Shanene Thorpe in touch, what with that great atmosphere of trust the BBC now inspires in all sections of society.
Never been quite sure which Jeremy Vine is more addicted to… ratings (for money) or agenda (for career progress).
His risible ‘talk show’ seems balanced in seeking the worst of both.
I can only presume that, as his start fades, he’s going for the filthy lucre more before the inevitable happens.
Presumably Campbell was disappointed that the BBC weren’t quite the 100% Labour mouthpiece he expected them to be.
Of course, they’ve more than made up for it since.
I watched that first video and it was as horrific as it sounds. I hope Whitman and the other Islamist defenders take a look at it too, and then give their excuses as to why we must accept that culture above our own.
Straw Man! I never said I was an Islamist and I never said we should accept it above our culture. I value European culture and it would be a shame to lose it, but other cultures always have something to add.
In the ‘Future’ section of the main page we have the ‘What makes us laugh?’ feature, with the same photo as in the article: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20120601-what-makes-us-laugh
They’ve found the only picture on Earth to illustrate this item.
What happened outside a Birminigham mosque. No mention in the BBC – but very cautious news reports in the Birmingham press say a 20 year old man is in a critical condition after being attacked by a 15 year old boy outside a mosque. Reports also mention two men released on police bail. Not racist say police. Rumours – and these are only rumours – are that a dozen muslims were involved in an attack on a man who was carrying a Union Flag after celebrating the Jubilee. A prize for the first BBC reporter to explain what actually happened.
as far as i know, a 20 yr old, 40 yr old had been questioned, already 15 yr old arrested, attack outside the mosque with handily available baseball bats :-D.
No mention? We’ve been covering it since it happened. Proceedings are now active so this is the limit of reporting at the moment http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-18329370 But we have gone into some details about what may have happened before arrest and charges. I can certainly say it was nothing to do with a Union Flag.
As an aviation buff, I just finished listening to “Operation Black Buck” on R4. There is no chance of hearing this again so I thought I’d make a small comment about it.
The story was a thriller: “During the Falklands War 30 years ago, the RAF staged the world’s longest bombing run, in an attempt to damage the runway at Port Stanley. Using ageing Vulcan bombers, crews flew a round trip of 8000 miles from Ascension Island to the South Atlantic. Such a journey required not just in-flight refuelling, but re-fuelling of the refuelling planes – a hazardous undertaking that had never before been attempted on such a scale. In this drama”, we were told, “Robin Glendinning recreates the nail-biting adventure. (Not only were the raids themselves difficult to pull off, but even getting the aircraft ready for the flights was a major task. Aviation museums across the world were raided for spares, and key parts retrieved from junkyards.”
It was certainly an absorbing tale. Could the plucky Brits revive old technology and put together a Vulcan bomber to bomb the Port Stanley airfield with the help of toilet rolls, some sticky back plastic and a Blue Peter manual? They did. Cheers all round.
But stop! This is the BBC. This is Britain in 2012. Nothing “heroic” is allowed to stand. The online billing warns us:
“But there are those who question whether or not the operation was militarily useful – or whether or not the same job could have been done more effectively using planes attached to the naval task force. Was this really about war, or was it about the RAF trying to carve out a role for itself in a conflict that threatened to be entirely dominated by the Army and Royal Navy? And how successful were the raids anyway?”
The answer as you expected was no, yes, no, yes and not much. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01jhb3d
In the 1930s, in Soviet Russia the ministry of culture came up with a formula for getting a message across the most effective way. Don’t write an agitprop play, or make an openly communist film. These are boring. No-one watches them. Instead, it was said, insert into a popular drama just a line or two…just a hint of dissension. It gives the audience, who has been seduced by the excitement of the drama, a moment of discomfort, a second to question, shedding a teardrop of doubt; the Trojan horse of entertainment carrying the germ of propaganda.
I admit that a playwright has the right to tell it his way. I’m sure Mr Glendinning got the facts right – though I’m not sure about the sub-WW2 accents and clipped tones of the protagonists, the edge of parody lifted from the Terry-Thomas “I’ll be orfff, sir” school of acting.
But one of the pilots worrying that the bombs he dropped could have actually killed someone? I leave you to decide. Was I surprised by the unspoken conclusion that the whole thing was “a bridge too far”? Nope. If those sentiments were not included the play would never have made the airwaves.
Did it make the point that the raid made the Argies keep their air forces back to defend the mainland, with the RAF having proved it could bomb Buenos Aires if necessary?
Yes it did make the point early on that a main point of the attacks was to keep Argentian forces back on the mainland. And much of the play was a very interesting account of the sheer technical difficulty – and danger – of the missions.
But the pacifist bilge at the end was pure BBC. And it did NOT point out that missions by Harriers against the Argentine forces on the Falklands would NOT have constrained the Argentinians to keep all their planes on the mainland. So – an major internal contradiction in the whole story !
Meanwhile on the 5pm BBC Radio 4 news, Kenneth Clarke appears to defend his plans to make prisoners do useful commercial work – and is quickly waylaid into more BBC bleatings aganst Jeremy Hunt, why isn’t he in the Tower already ? They just cannot let it go. Clarke gave a rumbustious reply, but I bet the BBC is still chuntering on about Hunt all week – or all month.
The recall election for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is happening today. And the BBC is STILL LYING about what Walker did.
Republican Governor Scott Walker faces Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett more than a year after passing a law limiting workers’ collective bargaining rights.
No, BBC. It was only about public sector unions. Putting it this way is dishonest. There’s another problem with this report as well. The BBC writes that Walker is facing scrutiny for his record on job creation. However, the BBC censors the fact that he’s balanced the State budget and his so-called attack on public sector workers actually improved the public school system, leaving it with a $100 million surplus. The BBC is so dishonest about Wisconsin it’s sickening.
Atty. General Eric Holder has gotten involved as well, sending justice minions to Wisconsin to make sure there’s no voter fraud. Plus lots of justice minions will be in Milwaukee.
Officially, the ones in Milwaukee are there to ensure Spanish-speaking voters aren’t disenfranchised by a lack of translators on hand. But he’s really sending his minions there to make sure nobody asks for ID.
What you mean, then, is that The Attorney General’s intervention in Wisconsin – just like the DoJ intervention in Florida – is aiming to ensure that there IS more voter fraud.
Just watched The Queen saying thank you for everyone who joined in the festivities – and especially all those who helped in the organisation, for all their hard work.
I hope that wasn’t a sideways dig at the BBC for failing to put in the proper work and preparation for the coverage of the Thames flotilla !
The brief message was against a background of some super shots and clips of the highlights, including some warm shots of The Queen herself. Prepared by ITN.
Obviously the comments left at the Telegraph and Daily Mail articles criticising the BBC’s coverage of the Thames Pageant could be expected to be pretty anti-BBC. But what was surprising is how vehement those comments were – and with virtually no-one trying to defend the BBC.
Maybe more surprising iks how fierce are all the hundreds of comments at the BBC’s own Point of View webpages. Again, virtually unanimous flaying of the inept BBC coverage.
In any other organisation, heads would roll for such a mess-up. Only the BBC could come out with its fatuous claim that everything went well.
‘Only the BBC could come out with its fatuous claim that everything went well.’ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/the_queens_diamond_jubilee/9310476/Diamond-Jubilee-Disappointed-viewers-criticise-BBC-online.html ‘A spokesman for the BBC has said: “We’re very proud of the quality and breadth of the BBC’s coverage of this extraordinary event.”
As the clock ticks on their own already ‘flexible’ deadline for a response, having had this phrase reiterated pretty much word for word on countless topics twice by BBC Complaints, twice by BBC ECU, I am awaiting with interest whether the BBC Trust will really be daft enough to rubber stamp such bovine delusion with more of the same.
What astounds me is how many still accord the BBC any credibility on matters of accuracy, impartiality or trust in light of such bare-faced flouting of logic, common sense or credulity.
The BBC rushed to tell you about the awful typo in that Romney campaign app, so let’s see how quickly they’ll be telling you about the President’s latest verbal gaffe:
“Serious questions are being raised about the way Ed Richards (the Labour stooge who’s favourite to be the next director-general of the BBC) controls the purse strings of media regulator Ofcom, which he heads.”
I watched the three ladies who presented tonight’s Horizon, about the transit of Venus, as they addressed the camera in Hawaii, Nevada, Grenoble, the Tyrol and goodness knows what other exotic locations and wondered why there was no mention of Jeremiah Horrocks.
He was the first person to make a scientific observation of the transit in 1639 (in fact,he only person, with his friend and colleague, to see it in Europe that year) leading to his estimate of the Sun’s distance a 95 million miles being the most accurate one made to that date. He is known as the father of British astronomy and it would have been a nice patriotic / chauvinistic flourish to have at least mentioned him in addition to their coverage of Cook’s expedition 120 years later which was part of a much larger, multi-national operation. My guess is that, because he carried out his work just outside Manchester, spending time on location for that story would not have given these people much of an opportunity to work on their tans.
Wisconsin update, if anyone is interested. In the interests of balance, here are the two charges of alleged voter shenanigans:
The complaint from the Left is that Walker supporters sent out and email and did robo-calls this morning telling people that if they signed the recall petition, they didn’t have to vote today. Another one told people that the election was actually tomorrow. An obvious attempt at voter suppression by someone. I didn’t consider this possibility before. Not because I wouldn’t dream of Republicans doing anything wrong, but because such a thing simply didn’t occur to me.
The complaint from the Right is that the Dems have been busing in fake voters from out of state. See the video here. Exactly the kind of voter fraud I warned about on Sunday.
what i liked about the crowds at the Jubilee, was that they were hideously white, no burkhas or whatever they’re called..and no Blair, Brown, Balls but unfortunately Miliband at the church service today…the boat thing on the Thames would have been much better without the BBC ‘correspondents’ and likewise the concert would have been better without the so-called ‘comedians’ introducing the ‘acts’…the Kleeman bitch on BBC News 24 review of the papers should stick to minge eating
I came upon these ‘candid’ revelations of Jeremy Vine in today’s Mail about Campbell and Mandelson.
To my mind, what they inadvertantly reveal was how complicit reporters like Vine were with them.
I remember how the BBC regularly treated Bernard Ingham as some sort of moral monstrosity and political scandal of the highest order for his forthright conduct, but it never even began to compare with the conduct of Campbell and Mandelson.
Mandelson and Campbell, and then Brown’s even worse henchmen, behaved the way they did because they had absolutely no doubt that the BBC was an adjunct of Labour and they could get away with it.
If you read the link, interesting how some inconvenient recording of John Prescott went missing from the BBC vaults. That’s the real story.
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ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
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taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
The cracks are beginning to show:
I saw snippets of the coverage and while the BBC can be excused for the sound problems, it was a bit crap.
This was a poignant day for me: my thoughts drifted back to the days when no one had heard of Sandi Toksvig and Sophie Raworth was still a serious journalist.
The children enjoyed the TV coverage, though. Thankfully, our three are still young enough to remain untainted by the cynicism that infects the grown-up world.
They adore Kate and, regardless of one’s view of the monarchy, she is a fine young woman and a decent role-model.
Dislike wind farms? Then the BBC thinks you’re both mad and a NIMBY
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2154376/Dislike-wind-farms-Then-BBC-thinks-youre-mad-NIMBY.html#ixzz1wpTJi6ZZ
heard Evan Davies myself on the Today programme this morning – sneering at the Conservative Councillor that his desire for no more wind turbines must mean that the councillor was a global warming denier (yes he said global warming rather than climate change). Had I been the councillor I might have responded by asking how many people yesterday needed treatment because they were overcome by the heat.
And for the close of “The World at One”, who do you think gets a final word on the Jubilee?
Yes folks-Sue Townsend…arch-republican granny number 1.
And from where does the last word on the Jubilee come from…once Sue has sniffed about her grandkids wanting to wave a flag?
Yes-Gibraltar-and is this not a provocative gesture to hold a street party there Mr Governor?…that kind of thing.
Poor Queen Sophia refused to attend the celebratory lunch last month…will she ever eat paellea again, if we don`t stop provoking the Spaniards then?
The BBC-caring for everyone and everything apart from the poor saps that pay to be so mocked.
For the record-didn`t hear anything about their coverage drawing bad headlines.
And I`d have thought that Spain had other things to worry about than whether there`s a bonfire to be held tonight…but what would I know?
To be fair, sensed that James Robbins was embarrassed by the whole thing….
I decided to go back to being a kid while on lunch break. So I visited the CBBC site and found such dodgy history as this:
“Throughout our history, Britain has been invaded, occupied by foreign armies and had loads of people coming and going.”
“Throughout our history” indeed. What foreign armies since 1066? What despicable mindbenders!
This should be protested, should it not?
Codespeak to the kids.
“Unfettered immigration has always been a great thing…and it`s only natural that Islam`s gonna getcha!”
And in the meantime,here`s Uncle George from Bradford who`s going to holler the Verse of the Sword from a nearby minaret…none of that Watch with Mother stuff any more, you kaffir!
Got it?
Excellent article. Brainwashing children is a crude but effective tactic of the Left, and I’m afraid it will continue for as long as Leftists dominate our public institutions, including the BBC. The question is, who is going to stop them?
The problem is we all don’t watch enough CBBC. Every time I catch some of it it infuriates me.
The BBC are indoctrinating our kids right under our noses and it certainloy deserves a much bigger spotlight.
I have to counter the brainwashing with subtle parental propaganda myself. CBBC only gets on my telly because it’s marginally more acceptable than the highly immoral Disney channels.
BBC-NUJ’s selective reporting, and non-reporting of crime in FRANCE.
“France: Muslim mob attacks three Jewish students with hammer and iron bars”
“France: Islamic holy man and his wife are jailed for mutilating the genitals of their four daughters”
Reporting ( on its news website over past 4 days):
“Signs of ‘killer’ porn actor Magnotta ‘found in Paris'”
I’ve been reading this blog for about a year and this is my first time to comment on here.
The thing that really annoys me about the BBC is having to pay to fund it. If you don’t you could go to prison. About 10% of all cases in the UK magistrate’s courts are for non-payment of this compulsory television tax for the BBC.
I wouldn’t mind paying a television tax if I thought it was being you used for something good not just as a propaganda arm for a bunch of metro trendy leftists and their world view.
If we were paying a television tax it should go to the government and they decided who gets its. The BBC says it’s progressive and loves minorities, why isn’t there a BBC Islam channel? Or any other BBC channel devoted to any other minority group such as BBC LGBT?
Personally I was never too bothered by what the left got up until I went to this place: http://www.ruskin.ac.uk/. This is another of this country left-wing organisations but unlike the BBC which is still seen as a world class television service. This place: http://www.ruskin.ac.uk/ this place is living off its past glories for years. If anyone wants to talk more about: http://www.ruskin.ac.uk/ best to do it privately.
Anyway the BBC is known as being anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian.
Here’s is a youtube video from Palestinian Children’s TV this is not an isolated incident this happens all the time. Why doesn’t the BBC make a documentary about this sort of television? :
Ah bless!
Dewsbury Sure Start model of good practice if the BBC have anything to do with it.
Are they all genitally enhanced before they go to the studio-or afterwards I wonder?
Terrifying isn`t it?
There is: it’s a radio station called Asian Network, I believe. It caters mainly for Muslims, I’ve heard. Some other Asians have not been happy.
The trouble with the BBC everything has to fit into their world view. They think all Asians are the same but they are not. Some are Muslim, Christian, Hindu etc.
They are not maybe the BBC hasn’t realised that yet, in their ivory tower?
What do the other Asians object to?
Was it the market-driven stuff about how to gang-rape pubescent girls?
Or how to blow the max number of people to smithereens on public transport?
Claim benefits for your four wives whilst residing in Pakistan?
Honour killing top-tips?
It wouldn’t surprise me from the unique BBC.
I understand they objected that Asians other than Muslims either weren’t present or represented or were underrepresented, on this “Asian” station.
The BBC knows about this stuff. They sympathize with it. Not with the actual notions put forth, really, but with the oppressed status which makes people produce stuff like this. So the BBC finds this sort of thing perfectly understandable, and doesn’t see this as much of a big deal. This kind of thing is generally dismissed by those who blame Israel for everything as a temporary phenomenon which will magically disappear once Israel goes back to the 1948 borders or whatever the latest joke is.
They can’t report it, though, because it would turn off a lot of the public and wouldn’t make the heroic Palestinians look too good. They’re worried about the inevitable complaints that they’re pro-Israel.
The BBC or the left doesn’t want to give publicity to anything that doesn’t fit their narrative.
Israel is the only democracy in that region. Last time I checked Israel treated women as equals to men. Also I’m sure in Israel that there is a sizable muslim population that have equal rights with the Israel Jews
Earl’s Court
Your first point is right. Why do we have to pay for this stuff? It does not represent us. But we still fund it. “No taxation without representation” should be the cry.
This anti-British propaganda is being transmitted inside the Trojan horse of a once great broadcaster. Take away the letters BBC and the viewpoint, exposed and naked, will be dismissed as loony. The imprimatur of the “BBC” no longer represents “Britain Inc”. It’s just a load of left-wing PC twaddle – and dangerous twaddle at that.
PS I agree about the Asian Network. It should be monitored.
The first thing I think when it comes to the BBC is Cultural Marxism.
I believe the BBC is a Tax funded Cultural Marxist organisation.
Arabs and Muslims serve in the military and in the Knesset. There are so many of them (1/10) that votes have to get put off during Muslim holidays. There’s a Mohammedan on the Israeli Supreme Court.
To the BBC, this is evidence of a racist, oppressive country bent on war and genocide.
I am having several twitter conversations with people who claim Israel is a) racist and b) committing mass murder of Palestinians. I hold the BBC at least partly to blame for spreading this sort of misinformation.
And well you should.
Saw some stuff about the PLO types trying to raise the anti-apartheid notion to demonise Israel.
Creepy and being co-ordinated by the usual third raters.
And much as I think Madonna is a twerp-she played Israel a few days ago, so has more courage that a Bono or a Bruce.
Does being a decent singer-songwriter make you into a lazy reflex Democrat with no idea of the nuances of the Middle East?
Not listened to Costello since his rant a few years back-and have now to listen to John Lydons awful back catalogue instead.
How we suffer eh to support Israel!
Any twtterati that discussed with me the rights and wrongs of the Islam problem (and its links to antisemitism) has long since abandoned arguing about facts and resorted to their familiar cry of ” you are a disgusting racist). Even those who constantly tweet about Jews oppressing those cuddly hamas folk.
They are fed on propaganda, but ought they not to seek some decent information?
Lefties don’t do facts, history and debate, they just play the man.
Has it been aired on CBeebies recently ?
A Tale of Beeboid infighting: Vine the Whine on How that Nasty Nicky tried to Nick the Job but I got it, Haha…Revenge is Sweet! :
I`ve said it before and I`ll say it again.
THIS is the level that the BBC is now reduced to?
Pigmies selling books, bitching like ferrets in a sack-and stepping over the dead of Darfur to get up that greasy pole there at the BBC?
JV has gone all brave on us, now he`s getting his book serialised in the Daily Mail hasn`t he?
Bring back the JY Prog-more a man that these guttersnipe runts carping over canapes.
They need to get out more…believe there`s a few events in London today!
Don’t know if this has been posted before:
About the euro, and global warming, it turns out the ‘thought criminals’ were right
Similarly, as we watch the euro undergoing its catastrophe, for precisely the reasons that the dissenters foretold, it is fascinating to see the disarray in which this leaves the cheerleaders for the cause. We recall the days when the BBC obsessively promoted calls for Britain to join the euro; when Evan Davis, in 2002, was telling us how the euro had made Greece financially “stable”; or when Stephanie Flanders, in 2008, derided those who thought the euro would “crash and burn” and proclaimed that its role as a global currency was now “secure”.
It has been instructive to see Robert Peston admitting that the euro’s problem was that it was “a political project in economic clothing”. That was precisely why some of us, back in the 1990s, were trying to point out that it was doomed to fail.
As a footnote, to illustrate how trivial so much BBC coverage has become, its political correspondent Nick Robinson last week reported David Cameron’s claim to be “winning the debate on the Government deficit”. But I do not recall the BBC telling us that, in March, our public-sector borrowing hit a record £18.2 billion, or £4.5 billion every week. It is not part of the BBC’s “anti-cuts” agenda to tell us that public spending is still hurtling upwards, any more than it tells us about so many other things which do not accord with its deeply skewed world-view.
We do not pay the BBC to have a “line” on pretty well everything it covers, but that is what we get. I fear we can only reciprocate the contempt in which it appears to hold us.
There was a story on the Today programme this morning about the Waltham Forest council moving people to Luton. Dreadful ethnic cleansing policy due to the Tory Cuts. Well the people interviewed explained how dreadful it was that they were moved to a place where they knew nobody. For some they had been there 2 years but they had obviously found the other people who had been moved out there (they were not asked how they had found each other) and so they felt sooooo isolated. One person who felt so isolated still had a job in Waltham Forest (35 miles from where she was now living in Luton). How many people work more than 35 miles from their job? She obviously still had a car as she explained that her children still go to school in Waltham Forest and slept the 2 hour journey and were sometimes 10 minutes late for school (my suggestion is that they get up 10 minutes earlier) and setting off at 7a.m. would get you to Waltham Forest before 9 on most days. It was not explained what job the woman was doing that she could drop of the kids late for school and still get to her job on time. I have a feeling that there was an awful lot of being economical with the truth to produce the sob story that we heard this morning.
I can’t complain about the quality or content of this “bespoke” video feature:
The dying art of Navajo sheep shearing
I think it’s nice that the BBC actually gives time for the notion that the tribal peoples in the US are better off working for themselves rather than living off government handouts.
But there’s more and more of this on the BBC website. As far as I can tell, the US section is just becoming an online version of The One Show. I suppose I should be pleased that the more time they spend on this stuff the less time they have for White House propaganda, dishonest spin, or to call me a racist.
DT poll currently shows that 91.97% of respondents say Beeb’s coverage of jubilee was ‘lamentable’.
Call Helen Boaden in from her long weekend: this calls for an emergency sitting of the ‘Got it About Right Comittee’!
A BBC spkesperson said, “This criticism, shows that we have maintained our world wide reputation for accuracy and impartiality. Taken all in all, we are satisfied that we got it about right!”
That quote might as well be a cut and paste job like every other complaint they answer to. Similar to the “Ed miliband” cut and paste response to proposed cuts:
“These (enter topic) cuts show the government is out of touch with squeezed families and the vulnerable. What we need is a plan for Jobs and growth”
This is clearly on the E.U political agenda whether BBC-NUJ likes it or not:-
“European Union: Britain on the way out?”
“The political economy of euro break-up”
by Roger Bootle.
“As the financial authorities prepare for disaster, the Foreign Office should be preparing for a massive political opportunity – to reshape Europe. If something like the EU survives, we should aim for a relationship with it akin to that which Switzerland enjoys. Some argue that we would be unable to negotiate such a thing and point out our economic weakness. But when it comes to trade with Europe, we are strong. The UK is the eurozone’s biggest single export market. ”
Link to above on EU:-
‘E.U Referendum.com’website.
The BBC remembers to use the “M” word in a report, although not in the headline:
Four guilty of Danish plot over Muhammad cartoons
Four men have been sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Danish court which found them guilty of planning a terrorist attack on newspaper offices.
The court heard the men wanted to kill people in revenge for Jyllands-Posten’s publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in 2005.
The four were all Muslims resident in Sweden. Police said they were arrested just hours before the foiled attack.
I expect the BBC will not be asking why Mohammedans tend to react to offense in a less nuanced fashion than Christians.
Many Muslims said the cartoons were extremely and deliberately offensive. Some also saw them as an attack on their faith and culture designed to sow hatred
Well, the cartoons certainly did sow hatred: from Mohammedans. Just like Geert Wilders and his film were banned in the UK because he was going to sow hatred and violence. Of course, the BBC never said who would be doing the violence.
Islamic tradition prohibits images of God, Muhammad and all major figures of the Christian and Jewish traditions.
For Muslims. No religion can prohibit people of other faiths from doing something, a point the BBC always seems to miss. Only Islam seems to be able to make others bow down to it at the BBC.
Yes; is this a sign of INBBC being forced to move towards the truth in its reporting of Islamic jihad crimes, or is it just a fluke?
Yes; is this a sign of INBBC being forced to move towards the truth in its reporting
you gott be f***ing joking! fluke 100%
you are dez and i claim my fiver!
Earlier today, I believe the phrase used on TV was “Swedish citizens”.
Tut tut – the things those Scandinavians get up to, eh?
The Cultural Marxists should remember you reap what you sow. All these BBC metro trendy leftists are going to feel the backlash for what they and their comrades have done to society.
Every social problem can be traced back to them. Don’t blame any minority group or anyone different from you. Blame the Cultural Marxists with there divide and conquer policies.
I know from experience Lefties talk a good fight but when the crunch comes are spineless cowards who couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag.
Has anyone seen the video of “Sing”, the Jubilee song by Andrew Toad Webber and Gary Barlow?
The song itself is pretty run-of-the-mill, but I enjoyed this video tribute to Empire and Imperialism. Okay, it’s called the Commonwealth these days, but still.
An interesting statistic for you, which I am sure David and the other contributors, are very well aware of. This blog is now racing ahead at a great rate of knots. Over 400 comments on Saturday for instance, subject to my arithmetic of course. I think an increasing number of folks now see that perhaps there really is Bias at the BBC and that it becoming loonier by the day. Left wing I can understand but they are now so certifiably feeble minded that if they were an animal it would be kinder to put it down.
Anyway, just thought I would say well done and thank you. That I have somewhere to rant and rave without getting a thick ear from the boss lady is actually quite important to me.
Even if I don’t contribute to every thread I do appreciate the fact that I am not alone and hope that one day my dream will come to fruition of the BBC becoming a grown up, responsible, unbiased and financially independent organisation only paid for by the people that want to watch it.
Either that or one day we get a PM who has the courage to bloody well stamp on it.
The Guardian is dying a slow hopefully the BBC will too.
How will the BBC be able to justify is compulsary tax when you can watch the internet on a Television no problem. There is video’s on youtube that get more views than the highest rated BBC programmes.
I hope everyone picks up these grammatical errors and takes note when criticising the modern education system.
I am dyslexic so I have an excuse for my below standards spelling and grammer.
Hi Dez.
Whitman – I take it you mean the following:
‘I hope that everyone has noticed those grammatical errors, and recollects them when criticising the modern educational system.’
I think at least half of the 400 were from the troll. Best not to feed.
Fair point.
There’s an interesting media-sociological insight right there.
One person (several incarnations)… so much…’noise’. Like a lone anti-Monarchist in the crowds along the Embankment, seen only if the camera seeks them out. Harder when they have one on one access, plus the time, patience and belief in quantity trumping quality in rushing about trying to touch everyone in the room (like that little trick some minor celeb admitted to that really enhanced his standing on the party circuit). Especially when this frenetic individual is devoid of irony, incapable of embarrassment and proudly wears the badge of the Energiser Bunny of trolling as a trophy.
Not feeding I presume means not engaging, and since he got angry enough to get really out of line I have ignored him since, but then that seems only to impose further attention elsewhere like a horny puppy with a forest of ankles to tackle.
What does now interest me is the good cop in the form of Nicked Emus, who so far seems the soul of sincerity, but can slip to the dark side too if pushed (I haven’t, so he has stayed charming thus far).
I do wonder if it’s a tag-team (assuming they are different – I once managed 3 tweets with a taunt-bot once, it was that convincing, so setting up multiples to drip sugar and vinegar probably would be possible to occupy the minds of the hacker mentality) designed to, indeed, clutter and distract?
Hard to see what can be done without moderation, so simply a facet of modern living to shrug off. I find Nicked Emus can make some fair points and on the whole enables these to be developed, perhaps not always in the directions he was hoping, but serves this site’s education and informational remit well. Presuming he is not a rebrand I think he’s a welcome new addition by being open to concession, but some have reacted poorly to being patronised with an attitude that seems oddly familiar, so early days.
On matters rating, maybe usage levels are better measured by unique IP addresses than volume from individuals?
Of course, that’s not how a Jeremy Vine would measure it, as tweets to him or between the extremes he stirs up all go to his market ratings.
Ironic that this site is not governed by such considerations, but at every turn the BBC’s multiple outlets and mouthpieces are driven not by the quality (especially of debate) but simply by volume.
Now you had your fun yesterday, I would have thought that you should be studying for your A levels today and not upsetting the grown-ups. One more thing, keep off the wacky backy today there’s a good lad, you did get a bit overwrought yesterday. They do have your IP address you know.
I thought one of his later posts was a big flounce-out ?
He couldn’t even get his facts right on that.
What’re they going to do, send the boys round with sticks. I’m terrified. And like I say, I’ve done my exams, no need for revision yet. And yes Jeff, that’s exactly what I mean.
Whitman SAYS he has been taking his A levels in this blog incarnation. This is just one identity among many. Whoever the poster is, he seems to be suffering from multiple personality disorder.
Tomorrow he could be a teacher, hospital doctor, civil servant. One should never take trolls at their word. Don’t even try to debate with him. You’ll just feed his narcissistic ego and allow him to disrupt the flow of the debate.
No, I’ve been consistent. And just one incarnation, don’t worry, but you’re just making things up now, can you not face that there are 3 people who disagree with you?
And yes, I do react badly to being patronised, given I’ve no idea who any of you are, and no idea why I would respect any of you given past performance.
Whitman, tell the truth if you can. You claim to have only one incarnation but a couple of days ago you admitted, after mixing up your blog names, to also posting under the “Potsdamer” tag.
It seems YOU are the one making things up.
Anyway, any more ad hominems from you will not elicit replies from me. It seems you appear on here just to annoy and disrupt. You are an internet gadfly. Best just to ignore you, I think.
Anyone think he could be Evan Davis?
He is Evan davies, I claim my fiver!
Like the BBC, he’d have got away with it but for those darned facts people keep using.
Yes p, but it wasn’t a malicious attempt to deceive you all. God you’re all terrified of name changing. Ad hominem, only after the same has been used constantly against me.
And yes, I am Evan Davies.
@bbcnickrobinson via Twitter
Clearly not all breaches of ministerial code the same. Warsi referred to Sir Alex Allen. Hunt not. Warsi considered disposable, Hunt not?
Well Nick, it’s probably a bit like the BBC One Show. Thatcher considered disposable. Clarkson not (despite one breaching an arbitrary humour ‘code’ internally and the other being ‘just himself’ so across the airwaves).
Thing is Nick, the clowns in government are, whilst powerful, still held to account every few years.
You, and your multiple standard-afflicted ‘market rate’ bosses… never have been, are not and look like trying to ensure you never will be.
And that’s a difference even an FoI exclusion or several may struggle to explain for much longer, as the next head of the BBC is ‘selected’ by anyone but those who pay for them.
I’d tweet that, but you’d block it.
BBC – Propaganda backed by censorship
‘Thatcher considered disposable.’ – Yet bizarrely, Abbott was not considered disposable after she made racist remarks about white people. Maybe the BBC subscribe to the Lee Jasper view that it is impossible for a black person to be racist…
cripes! it’s like boarding the Mary Celeste
is there anybody here?
Pre prepared posts….do you speech write for Ed Moribund ?
This headline caught my eye:
Egypt crisis: Shafiq condemns presidential rival Mursi
Egyptian presidential hopeful Ahmed Shafiq, a former PM under jailed ex-leader Hosni Mubarak, has accused his Islamist rival of harassing Christians.
At last, I thought to myself, the BBC will be having a look at this continuing problem in Egypt. Alas, no, silly me. The report doesn’t even start with the issue. Instead, it’s an update on Mubarak and how everyone still hates him.
Then, after a brief mention that Safiq had made the charge, the rest of the piece is about how everyone hates him because of his association with Mubarak, followed by a list of offenses and the results for Ghaddafi and the Tunisian boss.
The accompanying video similarly has nothing to do with the headline and is instead about how the screaming mob in Tahrir Square hates Mubarak and hates Safiq because of his association with the former leader, and many want the election scrapped because it’s run by the Army. In sum, a completely one-sided article, and not a bit of substance about the Muslim Brotherhood.
The BBC will not be casting the harsh glare on the actual charge that Christians are having problems in Egypt. Was the headline and lead simply written before the article itself, the substance of which changed dramatically before publishing? Just sloppiness?
I saw that report.
They’ve been very cute in that they seem to have given a slant to the story in which a former Mubarak heavy is threatening democracy again and the people are responding.
Of course for people to swallow that narrative you have to (as the BBC so masterfully did) totally ignore the story covered by so many other sites that the original democracy protestors were effectively sidelined and any of their protests were stifled by a group who were quite insistent that they weren’t fielding a presidential candidate.
Also I ‘like’ the conditional wording around the reporting of christians under threat. Odd really given that there’s a pelthora of stories and video evidence out there that illustrate it perfectly well. Odd because you know if it had anything to do with Israel the BBC would have been all over it as they were with this story:
BBC-NUJ, forever loyal to George SOROS, funder of the political left, and speculator against pound sterling:
Glenn BECK’s ‘The Blaze’ on Soros:
“Special Report — George Soros: Godfather of the Left”
Glenn BECK TV: ” George Soros and the economy Pt 1 ” (7 MIN VIDEO, March 2012)
After over 2 billion horses have bolted, the President is now talking about closing the stable doors:
Obama administration’s proposed tariff on Chinese solar panels raises fear of trade war
He wants a 31% tariff, to counteract the Chinese dumping solar panels on the US market for about that much under the going rate. Why didn’t the smartest man in the room think about that before He threw billions down the Green toilet, mostly to His money bundlers? When is the BBC every going to address this issue? Other than a couple of mentions of Solyndra – without the moneymen connection – the BBC has basically ignored the whole thing. Or am I, as Mark Mardell alleges, just a racist who, deep down, under the skin, doesn’t want the President to redistribute money to people who don’t look like me?
Anyway, I’m sure this going to go over really well with the Chinese since the President is now hassling them about the Tianamen Square protesters still in prison. Stupid Chinese, should have just wiped ’em out with a drone attack, then the BBC wouldn’t have made a full report about it and instead it would just be left to a Mardell blogpost, like that big NY Times article about the President’s “Kill List”. Oh, and one little mention of it at the bottom of their report on the latest drone attack in Pakistan, plus an Analysis inset from Mardell repeating his opinion on the issue. Why hasn’t this been a huge story at the BBC, full of His followers?
“Bay Bridge bosses steel themselves against ‘100 percent foreign’ claims”
Totally agree, I began watching expecting a liebore love in, but oh was I wrong!
Campbell was fucked well and truly by Hislop and his sidekick (sorry long haired comedian,…not sure name) but they shoved the sharp end of a pike right up campbell’s arse so many times i was orgasmic.. I went to sleep thinking thank fcuk there is a god!
Ali wont be back on there for a while.
All in all wonderful!
The exchange began with Hislop telling ali that court hearings in secret are a bad thing coz at inquests it’s importand all the details come out. Sadly the audience didnt catch on quickly enough but after that it was pure gold!
Tonight’s HIGNFY is simply brilliant. Chaired by Blair’s bottom buddy Al Campbell, I thought the whole show would be a labour love-in, but no!
Hislop repeatedly verbally thrashes Campbell. It was brilliant!!!
I was expecting that too – Campbell is just one of a number of Labourites who seem to be on our screens every five minutes as pundits/celebrities/experts etc. However he looked hurt at times, though at others took it on the chin (but then he did seem a bit pissed). Ross Noble gave him a bit of a kicking too – thought he was hilarious.
Was it just me, or were the BBC presenters at Her Majesty’s pop concert excruciatingly unfunny? And I thought that Rob Brydon’s ‘joke’ about Jeremy Hunt deleting texts from his mobile was out of order.
Bit too close to your heart?
Whitman – Your uncritical bien pensant views will serve you well whilst you are in education. If you start thinking for yourself and writing anything un-PC, you’ll lose marks. So you carry on being one of the sheeple! 🙂
I wish Walt, Slim, or Half would contribute something more than the fag-end of a sixth form debating society meeting. I haven’t posted for a while, not because I have nowt to say, but because by the time I’ve read a few threads all I want to post is invective. Still, this site has made me realise that I’m far from alone in detecting left/liberal bias both overt and covert in almost all BBC output. I particularly despise the (as someone else has already pointed out in this thread) creepy thought engineering that seems be in most of CBBC and CBeebies programming, because my grandchildren seem to lap this slurry up even though it’s severely rationed by their mum. I can’t be in the same room. It’s not me being overly paranoid, is it?
And why do the newsreaders on R4 keep referring to blasted kilometres!!
I thought you had left the site forever’ Whitman.
Being a Labour supporter you’ll be used to broken promises.
And groaned at by the audience, if you listened.
I guess from that, that the majority are with you – with the exception of Slim Whitman – but he’ll be back to school on Wednesday.
Half term, mate. Not until Monday, if you must know. Bit of a sense of humour defect here, I’m sure some of you laughed when Clarkson quipped about public sector workers, which was probably a worse joke.
Whitman – Once again you appear to go with the popular opinion, rather than thinking for yourself. Here’s what Clarkson actually said:
Matt Baker [presenter]: Well Jeremy, schools, hospitals, airports, even driving tests, have all been affected. Do you think the strikes have been a good idea?
Jeremy Clarkson [guest]: I think they have been fantastic. Absolutely. London today has just been empty. Everybody stayed at home, you can whizz about, restaurants are empty.
Alex Jones [presenter]: The traffic, actually, has been very good today.
Jeremy Clarkson: Airports, people streaming through with no problems at all. And it’s also like being back in the 70s. It makes me feel at home somehow.
Matt Baker: Do you know anyone who has been on strike today?
Jeremy Clarkson: Of course I don’t, no. What, somebody public service? No, I don’t. No, absolutely. But we have to balance this though, because this is the BBC.
Matt Baker: Yes, exactly.
Jeremy Clarkson: Frankly, I’d have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean, how dare they go on strike when they have these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?
I know that, I watched it happen live.
I thought it was funny yes!
That Miranda women was particularly awful we thought.
and Jimmy Carr’s jokes about the queen retiring were spoken as though she wasn’t there. Just not funny.
Gawd, that was awful…there was a line something to the effect that “you’ll end up like her…” It struck the wrong note and just sounded like a putdown. It was embarrassing. Thank goodness Prince Charles finally got the chance to rescue us from Beeboid crassness and brought a bit of class to the proceedings with a quality speech that was both personal and fitting for the occasion.
What can BBC-EU do, now that Eurozone is in deep political trouble?
-Increase propaganda for E.U and Euro.
Here’s a classic example which BBC-EU has commissioned – it’s a propaganda piece based on the presumption of the ‘success’ of the E.U!
“Euro crisis: The meaning of ‘solidarity’ in the eurozone”
Alternative, non-BBC EU view:-
“The EU’s ‘beneficial crisis’ has spun out of control.
‘Europe’ expected to be united through emergencies, but this one will tear it apart. ”
by Christopher Booker
The BBC’s reputation is sunk in the Thames – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/9311490/The-BBCs-reputation-is-sunk-in-the-Thames.html
Pollard is probably right. But the BBC dismisses these complaints by pointing to viewer numbers. Ratings = quality. End of story.
Has someone been messing with the style sheet for the site?
I only ask because it now looks rubbish on an iPad.
And on my iPhone.
Might be due to a WordPress update.
BBCBreakfastWe are looking for families/couples who’ve been forced back to their parents house – if you have please email us at bbcbreakfast@bbc.co.uk
I’ve suggested they give Newsnight a tinkle to ask them to get Shanene Thorpe in touch, what with that great atmosphere of trust the BBC now inspires in all sections of society.
Hackney 2012, anyone?
Looks a delightful celebration of something. Can’t wait.
“The BBC’s Jeremy Vine lifts the veil on New Labour’s media manipulation”
Whitman – What’s your take on this?
Are you concerned that the BBC didn’t just tell Alaistair Campbell to get stuffed when he tried to bully them?
He will have to get back to you after he has consulted with his handlers. They have taken the Bank Holiday off.
Yes I am. It’s quite troubling really and inexcusable.
Jeremy ‘Phone In If You’ve Ever Been Stuck Down A Mine’ Vine could always have ‘lifted the lid’ at the time.
Rather than now, when he’s got a book to flog.
Never been quite sure which Jeremy Vine is more addicted to… ratings (for money) or agenda (for career progress).
His risible ‘talk show’ seems balanced in seeking the worst of both.
I can only presume that, as his start fades, he’s going for the filthy lucre more before the inevitable happens.
Presumably Campbell was disappointed that the BBC weren’t quite the 100% Labour mouthpiece he expected them to be.
Of course, they’ve more than made up for it since.
TUNISIA: gruesome ‘Islamic winter’ : unreported by INBBC.
“Graphic Video: Muslims Slaughter Convert to Christianity in Tunisia.”
Also, ‘Spectator’
“The Arab Winter, continued.”
by Douglas Murray.
I watched that first video and it was as horrific as it sounds. I hope Whitman and the other Islamist defenders take a look at it too, and then give their excuses as to why we must accept that culture above our own.
Straw Man! I never said I was an Islamist and I never said we should accept it above our culture. I value European culture and it would be a shame to lose it, but other cultures always have something to add.
GERMANY: horrific killing by Turk.
Will INBBC report it?
“Muslim shouting “Allahu akbar” beheads wife in front of their six children, throws her head off apartment roof”
In the ‘Future’ section of the main page we have the ‘What makes us laugh?’ feature, with the same photo as in the article:
They’ve found the only picture on Earth to illustrate this item.
Well, I laughed. But that’s probably not what they were going for.
…another one we can’t access in the UK 🙁
‘…another one we can’t access in the UK’
Which is kinda funny, depending on how developed your appreciations of satire and irony are.
Whitman: have a read of this.
I never once said I was a republican.
What happened outside a Birminigham mosque. No mention in the BBC – but very cautious news reports in the Birmingham press say a 20 year old man is in a critical condition after being attacked by a 15 year old boy outside a mosque. Reports also mention two men released on police bail. Not racist say police. Rumours – and these are only rumours – are that a dozen muslims were involved in an attack on a man who was carrying a Union Flag after celebrating the Jubilee. A prize for the first BBC reporter to explain what actually happened.
as far as i know, a 20 yr old, 40 yr old had been questioned, already 15 yr old arrested, attack outside the mosque with handily available baseball bats :-D.
after friday prayers by any chance?
Give it a while and it’ll be handily available AK47’s.
For defending the community, innit.
No mention? We’ve been covering it since it happened. Proceedings are now active so this is the limit of reporting at the moment http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-18329370 But we have gone into some details about what may have happened before arrest and charges. I can certainly say it was nothing to do with a Union Flag.
“some details”????? Very few and of little informative use, unless you know that area very well.
Prescott urges inquiry into Jubilee work experience claims
Does he merely have to phone the Beeb up and they’ll cover his story? He seems to feature an enormous amount in BBC news output.
That’s because he is enormous!
As an aviation buff, I just finished listening to “Operation Black Buck” on R4. There is no chance of hearing this again so I thought I’d make a small comment about it.
The story was a thriller: “During the Falklands War 30 years ago, the RAF staged the world’s longest bombing run, in an attempt to damage the runway at Port Stanley. Using ageing Vulcan bombers, crews flew a round trip of 8000 miles from Ascension Island to the South Atlantic. Such a journey required not just in-flight refuelling, but re-fuelling of the refuelling planes – a hazardous undertaking that had never before been attempted on such a scale. In this drama”, we were told, “Robin Glendinning recreates the nail-biting adventure. (Not only were the raids themselves difficult to pull off, but even getting the aircraft ready for the flights was a major task. Aviation museums across the world were raided for spares, and key parts retrieved from junkyards.”
It was certainly an absorbing tale. Could the plucky Brits revive old technology and put together a Vulcan bomber to bomb the Port Stanley airfield with the help of toilet rolls, some sticky back plastic and a Blue Peter manual? They did. Cheers all round.
But stop! This is the BBC. This is Britain in 2012. Nothing “heroic” is allowed to stand. The online billing warns us:
“But there are those who question whether or not the operation was militarily useful – or whether or not the same job could have been done more effectively using planes attached to the naval task force. Was this really about war, or was it about the RAF trying to carve out a role for itself in a conflict that threatened to be entirely dominated by the Army and Royal Navy? And how successful were the raids anyway?”
The answer as you expected was no, yes, no, yes and not much.
In the 1930s, in Soviet Russia the ministry of culture came up with a formula for getting a message across the most effective way. Don’t write an agitprop play, or make an openly communist film. These are boring. No-one watches them. Instead, it was said, insert into a popular drama just a line or two…just a hint of dissension. It gives the audience, who has been seduced by the excitement of the drama, a moment of discomfort, a second to question, shedding a teardrop of doubt; the Trojan horse of entertainment carrying the germ of propaganda.
I admit that a playwright has the right to tell it his way. I’m sure Mr Glendinning got the facts right – though I’m not sure about the sub-WW2 accents and clipped tones of the protagonists, the edge of parody lifted from the Terry-Thomas “I’ll be orfff, sir” school of acting.
But one of the pilots worrying that the bombs he dropped could have actually killed someone? I leave you to decide. Was I surprised by the unspoken conclusion that the whole thing was “a bridge too far”? Nope. If those sentiments were not included the play would never have made the airwaves.
Did it make the point that the raid made the Argies keep their air forces back to defend the mainland, with the RAF having proved it could bomb Buenos Aires if necessary?
Yes it did make the point early on that a main point of the attacks was to keep Argentian forces back on the mainland. And much of the play was a very interesting account of the sheer technical difficulty – and danger – of the missions.
But the pacifist bilge at the end was pure BBC. And it did NOT point out that missions by Harriers against the Argentine forces on the Falklands would NOT have constrained the Argentinians to keep all their planes on the mainland. So – an major internal contradiction in the whole story !
Meanwhile on the 5pm BBC Radio 4 news, Kenneth Clarke appears to defend his plans to make prisoners do useful commercial work – and is quickly waylaid into more BBC bleatings aganst Jeremy Hunt, why isn’t he in the Tower already ? They just cannot let it go. Clarke gave a rumbustious reply, but I bet the BBC is still chuntering on about Hunt all week – or all month.
Or…until he goes, more like.
It was spoken as a retort to the question, “Was it worthwhile?”
The recall election for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is happening today. And the BBC is STILL LYING about what Walker did.
Republican Governor Scott Walker faces Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett more than a year after passing a law limiting workers’ collective bargaining rights.
No, BBC. It was only about public sector unions. Putting it this way is dishonest. There’s another problem with this report as well. The BBC writes that Walker is facing scrutiny for his record on job creation. However, the BBC censors the fact that he’s balanced the State budget and his so-called attack on public sector workers actually improved the public school system, leaving it with a $100 million surplus. The BBC is so dishonest about Wisconsin it’s sickening.
Atty. General Eric Holder has gotten involved as well, sending justice minions to Wisconsin to make sure there’s no voter fraud. Plus lots of justice minions will be in Milwaukee.
Officially, the ones in Milwaukee are there to ensure Spanish-speaking voters aren’t disenfranchised by a lack of translators on hand. But he’s really sending his minions there to make sure nobody asks for ID.
This is going to be fun.
What you mean, then, is that The Attorney General’s intervention in Wisconsin – just like the DoJ intervention in Florida – is aiming to ensure that there IS more voter fraud.
Yes, John, that’s exactly what I mean.
Hey, maybe my complaint had an effect. The BBC has added the truth at the very bottom of their report on Walker’s recall election.
Soon after taking office he signed into law a bill to curtail public employees’ ability to negotiate over their pensions and health benefits.
At last. Now, BBC, please put the truth at the very top as well, where you’re still being very misleading.
Just watched The Queen saying thank you for everyone who joined in the festivities – and especially all those who helped in the organisation, for all their hard work.
I hope that wasn’t a sideways dig at the BBC for failing to put in the proper work and preparation for the coverage of the Thames flotilla !
The brief message was against a background of some super shots and clips of the highlights, including some warm shots of The Queen herself. Prepared by ITN.
Obviously the comments left at the Telegraph and Daily Mail articles criticising the BBC’s coverage of the Thames Pageant could be expected to be pretty anti-BBC. But what was surprising is how vehement those comments were – and with virtually no-one trying to defend the BBC.
Maybe more surprising iks how fierce are all the hundreds of comments at the BBC’s own Point of View webpages. Again, virtually unanimous flaying of the inept BBC coverage.
In any other organisation, heads would roll for such a mess-up. Only the BBC could come out with its fatuous claim that everything went well.
‘Only the BBC could come out with its fatuous claim that everything went well.’
‘A spokesman for the BBC has said: “We’re very proud of the quality and breadth of the BBC’s coverage of this extraordinary event.”
As the clock ticks on their own already ‘flexible’ deadline for a response, having had this phrase reiterated pretty much word for word on countless topics twice by BBC Complaints, twice by BBC ECU, I am awaiting with interest whether the BBC Trust will really be daft enough to rubber stamp such bovine delusion with more of the same.
What astounds me is how many still accord the BBC any credibility on matters of accuracy, impartiality or trust in light of such bare-faced flouting of logic, common sense or credulity.
The BBC rushed to tell you about the awful typo in that Romney campaign app, so let’s see how quickly they’ll be telling you about the President’s latest verbal gaffe:
Barack Obama calls Mitt Romney ‘George’ in latest election gaffe
Without that teleprompter, the nuances of his finely-tuned brain are plain to see.
I wonder if he’s progressed from 57 states yet? Maybe he’s up to 63 or 64 by now. 😉
INBBC gives a mention to Abid HUSSAIN, her friend and relative, but gives NO political information about him.
“Warsi Involved in Business Partnership with Leading Member of Hizb ut Tahrir! ”
“BBC wannabe and a CV that doesn’t add up”
By Andrew Pierce.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Serious questions are being raised about the way Ed Richards (the Labour stooge who’s favourite to be the next director-general of the BBC) controls the purse strings of media regulator Ofcom, which he heads.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2154187/BBC-wannabe-CV-doesn-t-add-up.html#ixzz1wxN1KuVc
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2154187/BBC-wannabe-CV-doesn-t-add-up.html#ixzz1wxMP4goi
“Not another Labour stooge at the BBC”
I watched the three ladies who presented tonight’s Horizon, about the transit of Venus, as they addressed the camera in Hawaii, Nevada, Grenoble, the Tyrol and goodness knows what other exotic locations and wondered why there was no mention of Jeremiah Horrocks.
He was the first person to make a scientific observation of the transit in 1639 (in fact,he only person, with his friend and colleague, to see it in Europe that year) leading to his estimate of the Sun’s distance a 95 million miles being the most accurate one made to that date. He is known as the father of British astronomy and it would have been a nice patriotic / chauvinistic flourish to have at least mentioned him in addition to their coverage of Cook’s expedition 120 years later which was part of a much larger, multi-national operation. My guess is that, because he carried out his work just outside Manchester, spending time on location for that story would not have given these people much of an opportunity to work on their tans.
correction – Horrocks’ observations took place just outside Preston – his colleague, Crabtree saw it from near to Manchester
Wisconsin update, if anyone is interested. In the interests of balance, here are the two charges of alleged voter shenanigans:
The complaint from the Left is that Walker supporters sent out and email and did robo-calls this morning telling people that if they signed the recall petition, they didn’t have to vote today. Another one told people that the election was actually tomorrow. An obvious attempt at voter suppression by someone. I didn’t consider this possibility before. Not because I wouldn’t dream of Republicans doing anything wrong, but because such a thing simply didn’t occur to me.
The complaint from the Right is that the Dems have been busing in fake voters from out of state. See the video here. Exactly the kind of voter fraud I warned about on Sunday.
Here’s the MN Democrats announcing busing people to Wisconsin to “get out the vote”.
what i liked about the crowds at the Jubilee, was that they were hideously white, no burkhas or whatever they’re called..and no Blair, Brown, Balls but unfortunately Miliband at the church service today…the boat thing on the Thames would have been much better without the BBC ‘correspondents’ and likewise the concert would have been better without the so-called ‘comedians’ introducing the ‘acts’…the Kleeman bitch on BBC News 24 review of the papers should stick to minge eating
Strewth…What’s with the abusive name-calling?
I came upon these ‘candid’ revelations of Jeremy Vine in today’s Mail about Campbell and Mandelson.
To my mind, what they inadvertantly reveal was how complicit reporters like Vine were with them.
I remember how the BBC regularly treated Bernard Ingham as some sort of moral monstrosity and political scandal of the highest order for his forthright conduct, but it never even began to compare with the conduct of Campbell and Mandelson.
Mandelson and Campbell, and then Brown’s even worse henchmen, behaved the way they did because they had absolutely no doubt that the BBC was an adjunct of Labour and they could get away with it.
If you read the link, interesting how some inconvenient recording of John Prescott went missing from the BBC vaults. That’s the real story.