A reader brings my attention to this;
So called comedy on Radio 4 at 6.30 tonight Simon day show http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01jhjs3Character, working class Cockney, claims to have got his kids into a good school in london, with high Ofstead rating, thanks to the immigrants apparently, ‘the white kids are all idiots’ he says! Imagine if a ‘comedian’ said that about any other ethnic group? Really pees me off, the constant denigration of ethnic British people, especially working class, all lapped up by the middle class audience too who don’t even see how racist and filled with class hatred they are. |
Yes, the BBC is always keen to have a bit of laff at the cor blimey stupid white kids. Then lecture us all on the evils of racism. Their inverted snobbery is visceral, apparent and disgraceful.
Until the bbc and its employees feel the pain of overstepping the line, they’ll continue to produce this sort of stuff. Unfortunately, for now, the line is controlled by the likes of the bbc. Until we as a white, English nation regain ownership of the line, we’ll continue to be abused by these poor excuses for human beings.
john in cheshire; “Until we as a white, English nation regain ownership…”
Isn’t Simon Day white and English? Or is he just not “white” enough?
Interesting though, that you’ve commented on a post complaining about racism. I wonder if you’ve ever said anything else on the subject…?
“I think most third world ‘people’ are inherently dishonest. once you accept that, perhaps it is possible to interact on a civilised basis”
(Lovely use of quote marks around ‘people’ by the way.)
“Mrs. Wog shit. fuck off because if you don’t we, the indigenous peoples of this country will surely fuck you up. you and your immigrant shitstock will be extirpated without mercy. You fucking wog shit. you are not fit to live in a civilised society.
Long live the anglo-saxon, celtic gene pool.goddamn the ethnic contamination.”
Oh I forgot to ask John. When your, “White English” regain “ownership”; what is ‘Pounce_uk’ supposed to do?
Will you give him a nice little job making the tea? Or do you consider him to be part of the “ethnic contamination”?
When the white/brown/black Muslims gain ownership, Dez, I know what your ‘nice little job’ will be.
You and your boyfriend’s hanging will fill the friday entertainment gap between extended prayers and the stoning of the adulteresses.
When that day comes you may view the days of white English rule – and John in Cheshire’s posts – a little more reverently.
RCE; “When the white/brown/black Muslims gain ownership, Dez, I know what your ‘nice little job’ will be.”
Mmm, where have I heard that before…?
“In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”
And here you are, 44 years later, still playing the same, worn out, old record.
Dez – comparing my own observations to those of Enoch Powell – especially as an attempted refutation – and resorting to Private Eye satire as your coup de grace is not a very effective tactic; it has, in fact, made my day.
nurse … NURSE! … he s out again :-D,
sounds like he s buoyed up, by friday incitement hour, has he been watching press tv again?
Dez, your last paragraph is highly offensive. I, for one, do not recognise such eloquence having ever being displayed in this forum.
Moving on; Democracy in its applied form and one imposed on many former colonies has a basis the concept that the majority of the electorate elects a Government to rule for the benefits of the majority of the people and benefit of the same electorate.
What is being highlighted constantly here is the fact that the Government and the BBC in particular seem to have missed this basic tenant of democracy. The new money, social elite wannbe’s, have decided that democracy needs tweaking. They need to show and brag about “how ever so tolerant and generous they are to ………..(fill in the minority group here) because they are so oppressed”.
This has so distorted democracy that it has completely taken over the focus of administration.
All anyone here wants, is to get back to proper democracy. If minority groups find it hard to exist within the bounds of this democracy then they know where the door is.
The problem is that most of the minorities are here not because they want to be part of our society or blend with our culture but really want to benefit from everything our society has to offer but at the same time be accommodated within their own societal rules that have made their own places of origin the mess they are.
TigerOC; “…that the majority of the electorate elects a Government to rule for the benefits of the majority of the people…”
Wrong. The Government is elected for the benefit of *all* the population; not just those who voted for it. Or do you think that 49% of the population (or 30 million people) don’t matter? Let’s just ignore them huh?
“The problem is that most of the minorities are here not because they want to be part of our society…”
Your evidence for this; is what exactly?
And what do you mean by “our” society? The society of everyone living in the UK (which includes various minority groups)? Or just the society of you and your mates?
Clearly you have a very strange view of democracy.
A Tory Govt elected on a Tory manifesto that gains 51% of the seats is empowered to legislate based on their mandate. They are hardly likely to legislate on behalf of the minority parties in opposition are they?
Well lets see; how many millions of pounds have been spent in the last year on translation services for British residents that cannot speak English which is the official language of this country?
The 7/7 attack on innocent commuters was a sign of the great love of this country by a minority group? The same group willingly offers up intelligence to the Police and security forces of perpetrators of these attacks?The same group plots and actively participates in international terrorism and piracy from British bases.
Clearly these are all the actions of people who are well integrated within our community and supportive of our way of life and civilisation?
Vast sections of greater London are inhabited by people of negroid origin. Despite years of intensive expenditure to raise their education levels we witnessed rioting on a scale seldom seen in this country last year. Because they feel they should have the latest trainers and plasma screen TV’s free of charge?
The list above is a small sample of “well integrated” populations?
22% of prison inmates arise from 7% of the population. Another example of well integrated communities?
Need more evidence do you?
A dirty little secret of west European social democratic parties is that they have been complacent about large scale immigration in recent decades because the immigrants have helped replace their shrinking number of working class voters. To keep these people on side they have afforded them something that can look suspiciously like a protected status e.g. some groups being informally allowed to flout the law on a scale that would be unimaginable for the indigenous population.
Electorates vote on the sate of the economy, whether the government has been in power too long or, sometimes, in reaction to crises. Immigration is one of those secondary issues on which it is assumed a government will automatically protect the interests of the country. The people have been badly let down.
Mass immigration was the only way for the left to survive Thatcherism.
The working class abandoned the left years and the same with the middle class. Who actually supports the left/Cultural Marxists in this and who are they. When I did my degree at this place, which had a real influncial part in the Labout and trade movement many years ago.http://www.ruskin.ac.uk/. I got to met quite a few of this countries leading leftists. Most of them make forest gump look like a Mensa member.
You see the extremes being peddled? One side thinks that because the other expresses concerns they are wannabe final solution black shirts just itching to get out the zyclon B.
Its understandable and its not the way ahead is it? I know many foreign people some good some bad, I know foreigners who only wish to integrate and become British in every way, possibly more proud of their new nation than native Brits.
But there are genuine causes for concern and the voices trying to drown them out with cries of racism are making a big mistake. This is a small Island, its not big enough to recreate Jamaica or Pakistan or India all in the same small space. What makes us so special is in danger of being lost and submerged in a tsunami of multiculturalism multi identity and old loyalties.
The new racists are the old anti racists, they do as much damage as the old racists, are just as bigoted. I put a rare like by the post by Dez because it highlights perfectly just how wrong the debate has turned.
Am I a racist Nazi concentration camp supremacist because I love my country? Because I want my nation to hold on to what makes us great and special in the world? I dont want to live in Pakistan or India or the West Indies nor do I want my nation to become mini versions of places where immigrants have fled for good reason. Millions come here because they want to escape their old nations, those who flee and then try to recreate their own nations here should and must be given the bums rush but those who flee in order to be British should be welcomed with open arms.
The comment is both bigoted and factually incorrect. There is evidence that non-English schools affect education standards (but it depends where they are from). Ironically, white Eastern Europeans are said to increase standards:
Influx of Polish children into schools has ‘helped improve British pupils’ grades’
Study suggests children from the Eastern European country help boost standards in mathematics
Could be due to better ‘work ethic’ of their parents
Eastern European parents have complained British schools do not challenge their children
PUBLISHED: 10:10, 22 May 2012 | UPDATED: 11:58, 22 May 2012
Comments (198)
Whereas other groups struggle:
While I was undergoing teacher training I learnt that the key for successfully integrating immigrants into the education system is proficiency in their first language. Put simply a good student who already reads and writes will have little difficulty coping with a new language. A student with inadequate language skills is another story.
When my own Hebrew as first language children came to Australia at the ages of eleven and nine they were given six months of extra tuition to boost their English at which point it was determined they needed no more help. A year later I approached my daughter’s teacher and told him she may have some problems due to her brief period in Australia only to find she had integrated so well that he hadn’t noticed.
That reminds me of something my high school French teacher often said. He used to complain that his job was made harder by the fact that too many students came in not knowing the basic grammatical terms and tenses in English.
Since when have the BBC bothered whether or not what they aired was ” both bigoted and factually incorrect ” ?
It is the default attitude of the middle class liberals who infest the BBC. None of them have worked with their hands, few have a real skill or have done a manual job- yes there still many of these left requiring hard work and skill. So the world of the white working class is foreign to them.
They are also afraid of them witness the extraordinary vituperation directed at the EDL. Largely class based but disguised as anti racism etc etc.
Insulting the white working class is acceptable. It is that simple. Politically correct perhaps?
Yet Simon Day was “Dave Angel”-Eco Warrior; and was also Billy Bleach-whose redistributing of the money for the juke box in the pub represents socialist practice as well as anything I know.
Both were in the Fast Show, so do like Mr Day.
Depressing isn`t it when a Rebecca Front, a Steve Coogan or a Simon Day take the easy road…like that Cummins bloke last night on QT…all well and good being an actor, but if you have such fatuous and privileged positions and postures-then you`re a fool as well as an actor.
And when did the likes of Bono replace elected elders to say and to do the right thing?…bloody George Harrison started the rot maybe?
Now if Day slates black gangsta culcha and under achievement in schools , then I`ll be happier-but it1ll be whitey that gets the panning.
Not the travelling whitey though of Dale Farm, nor the likes of Plan B…whitey doing racist impressions of black gangstas raher successfully.
Maybe education is really enhancing white self-esteem if the likes of Plan B and Jessie J are doing so wel out of it.
It`s not about the ker-ching you see. Jessie herself says so from behind those velvet ropes!,
The higher standard of Eastern European children in maths is down to several factors, a more traditional 3Rs type of education, more homogenous classes (no foreign kids in their schools), stable communities, no PCness and high respect for teachers so few discipline problems. The supposed ‘work ethic’ of their parents is something that has developed only in Britain due to the fact that they are earning three to five times what they did back home! No wonder they are willing to work hard; Brits would up the bar too if we had an opportunity to multiply our incomes in a similar way.
Good point. I think there is also a ambition bias whereby the children of these Eastern Europeans came from families who could actually be bothered to change nations in order to work (which, as you say, is a partly a result of the will to multiply an income). The education systems of Eastern Europe (and the rest of the world) also strode ahead of us in the league tables, especially in Maths and Literacy, under the 15 years of Labour. I hate to blame Labour, but our education system did really sink under their leadership.
This does not even consider the fall since 1997.
Actually in 2000 we were:
4th in Science
7th in Reading
8th in Maths
Labour completely and utterly destroyed our education system.
Deliberately dumbed it down, in my opinion, to facilitate access by large swathes of immigrants. It also meets the Leftist egalitarian agenda of getting every nation on earth to the same level of development – educational and economic (see also UN/IPCC/global warming).
Most obvious in English, where expression is all and correct spelling and grammar is deemed elitist.
Good on any immigrant population who aren’t going to stand for this nonsense and demand higher standards for their kids. The parallel is with private education, where teachers, pupils and parents are all motivated for their school to do well -for obvious reasons.
Actually Harry they ar emoving countires ONLY to multiply their income – there would only be very few coming if their earning power in Eastern Europe was equivalent. Some of ht eyoung would come to learn English but entire families would not be uprootin themselves.
Also I dont accept that the people who are emigrating here now are even especially *motivated*. That was true of the early pioneers but there is such a huge bridgehead here now and such a massive support network of shops and bars and tradesmen, community centres and churches and of other Poles who can speak English well that its EASY for any Polish family who follows their friends and relatives. Some of the’old Poles’ (descendents of pre war emigrees who weremostly middle class, complain of all the ‘scum’ coming now.
“Some of the’old Poles’ (descendents of pre war emigrees who weremostly middle class, complain of all the ‘scum’ coming now.”
I know Polish people who came here a few (6 or 7) years ago who say the same thing. They have a lot of contempt for these people who are making them look bad.
More and more people that I speak to, even those who don’t take a great deal of interest in politics and current affairs, can’t help but notice the anti-British hatred of the modern lunatic-left.
The poison that constantly emanates from the BBC, UAF, SWP, Searchlight, Hate not Hope etc. simply demonstrates who the real narrow-minded bigots are.
“all the white kids are obese, looking out the window”
hilarious? … is that english?, polish? perhaps?
next few lines
“if your a muslim mum” … (ahem!) ” fantastic, a wonderful religion” ??? 😀 …
“all burkha d up, and me with my midriff showing ????
(shock horror eh! … the sharia compliant el beeb comedian 😀 … eh! laugh! thought i would never start).
and theres more of this deliberate el beeb funded descriminatory pap … there are literally no words
“Brits would up the bar too if we had an opportunity to multiply our incomes in a similar way”
Or perhaps lowered the benefits bar to the point where it was worth getting out of bed? I enjoyed sitting near two ladies chatting on the bus – one spoke of how good life was, with her nice (social housing) flat and her “job seekers allowance” – said with a knowing wink. No intention of seeking a job I think.
There are indigenous Brits on full Socialist welfare & also millions of Immigrants, how this can even be legally allowed I’m not sure, but then again I’m not a “Progressive”
Yes, funny how most of the jobs created over the last 15 years have gone to immigrants. Effectively we’ve been solving other countries’ unemployment problems whilst perpetuating our own. Nothing to do with the socialist egalitarian/re-distributionist agenda, I’m sure.
Typical left/Cultural Marxist divide and conquer policy. Destroy society from within.
It’s not inverted snobbery, it’s just the traditional sort, hidden under a half-micron layer of moral posturing.
That’s why the BBC would be enraged at anyone wearing blackface, but they give plenty of air time to millionaire Devon landowner Billy Bragg to talk about ‘ow loveable cockney salt o’ the earth geezers like him meet in the rub-a-dub dub and talk about ‘ow the Guardian got it bang on, guv’nor.
Old Billy Bragg loves “effniks” & “diversity” so much he lives in Burton Bradstock, Dorset.
Doesnt sound very “diverse” down there to me Billy ?
I’ve met Billy Bragg, the left think he is their own version of Bob Dylan. LOL
His music sucks if it wasn’t for him being a darling of the Left/Cultural Marxists in this country. He would be out in some shopping centre busking.
agree, he’s got about as much “talent” as Phil Jupitus.
The Left just loves white working class people but only if they are the likes of Bragg & Jupitus; self hating apologists & hard leftist Communists that infiltrate the media masquerading as “Comedians” and the like.
Hate the lot of them, not funny & I can see what game they are really playing.
Bet he don’t meet many Muslims down the rub-a-dub-dub.
Billy Bragg is another one of Radical Islams useful idiots.
Hi London Calling,
Indeed lowering benefits would be a ‘stick’ to force people to accept jobs, but you need a ‘carrot’ to create a positive, ‘work ethic’, a sense that one is being well rewarded for one’s work and a willing spirit.
The carrot is not being hit with the stick.
The two ladies in question I was listening to on the bus were both from the West Indies, and the flat in question was in the dusky end of Notting Hill, Ladbroke Grove. I don’t remember Jamaica joining the EU. It seems anyone from The Commonwealth has a free pass to walk in here and claim housing and money. And many do. I wonder if it works the other way around? Quite fancy a flat in the West Indies and free money.
I find it interesting that the BBC always takes a left wing slant on social issues: support for the Labour Party, immigrants, rioters, the trade unions, but has always adopted an anti working class stance. For decades Northerners, Brummies, Cockney and Welsh working class people, with their funny accents and attitudes have been derided and lampooned. Working class people are regularly mis-represented (and patronised by the leftie playrights and Billy Braggs) and white working class communities are considered to be potential recruiting grounds for the – wait for it – far right extremist racist and Islamophobic politicos. In fact, one of the defining features of the left wing media and the left wing politicians it supports is contempt for the very class it allegedly represents.
Hence the words of the Red Flag, ‘ the working class can kiss my arse, I’ve got the foremans’ job at last’.
The only sight more sickening than Viscount Stangate , Antony Wedgewood-Benn , warbling along to the above ditty at labour party conferences, is the bbc fawning all over the filthy old traitor and pretending he’s some form of cuddly national treasure.
This is a guy who wanted to run the UK like East Germany and the bbc are appologists for him !!
Tony Benn is a class traitor, If you used to lefts version of it. He turned his back on his own class and got in with another one. Has done everything in his power to destroy it.
Lest we forget, Tony is the fourth, and Hillary the fifth, generation of their family in succession to have a seat in Parliament (and with one of his grandkids reported to have been chasing a seat at 18 years old).
Albanian hill villages have wider gene pools than the Labour party.
And far less corruption per head.
And I thought they were against the Hereditary principle. :rolleyes:
I am blessed (cursed) with a long memory. I remember Kenneth Alsop interviewing Tony Benn on “24 Hours” in the early 1970s. His introduction ran thus: “I’d like to welcome to the studio the former 2nd Viscount Stansgate, the former Anthony Wedgwood Benn, the current Tony Benn.
Having no sense of humour, Benn had no witty retort. He sulked and glared and as usual began each reply with “that’s not the question you should be asking. You should be asking…”
The Phil Jupitus/Billy Bragg/ News Quiz clique of Bruvvers’ and Sistas’ livelihoods and reputations depend mainly on the Beeb’s continuing patronage. All it needs is a controller of R4 who stands at the back of the crowd (with ordinary people) and says, “But the king has no clothes”. But that’ll never happen.
Then your long memory will surely allow you to recall that he renounced his peerage – the first person to do so – in 1963 and that is he was interviewed in 1970 and introduced as Viscount Stansgate, then that was as correct as saying Princess Diana, or Her Royal Highness the Queen.
But Ali G really took the piss and it worked, he looked a right twat.
I think the BBC face both ways on this one, as they are also cheerleaders for the working class when it suits them i.e. when they are putting the boot into what is their idea of the middle classes (pushy, snobby, Middle England, golf club etc etc).
Funny to watch them squirming out of a move to Salford, though, when their ideological bond with one of the birthplaces of British socialism i.e. t’ North, was jettisoned faster than you could say ‘skinny latte’.
According to the BBC and their left wing acolytes, there is no such thing as the British to be racist about. The British are not a genetic race.
Whilst this may be strictly true, they extend the concept to deny all possibility that there is any such concept as British Culture, or Heritage or custom, other than a “mongrel multicultural mixing pot” variety and any other version of our heritage is too hideously white to contemplate.
That is not true. Of course ethnic groups are not ‘races’ the genetic differences are too small for that, but genetically the ethnic British are MORE not less distinct than most continental ethnic groups. Situated on the north west fringe of Europe, we haven’t had a great deal of admix in our history as compared to our European cousins.
While there is some difference genetically between the Anglo Saxon East and the Brittanno Celtic west, its not that great since British people have been free to intermingle and interbreed over the millenium since the Anglo Saxons arrived and so there are no genetic ‘cliff edges’ where the two ancient groups divide. English people, especialy in the west are very likely to have Brittanno Celtic roots, and Scots and Irish int he East have Anglo Saxon and Viking predeccessors, just like the English. Amnd of course since the industrial revolution there ha sben even more intermingling of people from all our corners of Britain. Ethncially we are one people with only minor cultural differences seperating the medieval ‘four nations’.
There is genetically a stronger case for claiming we are ethnic British than ethnic English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish. Britishness is geographic, genetic and cultural – certainly not just the passport as the BBC would have us believe!
when will people realise that British a name devised by the Romans is not Ethnic or National but a term for a group of Islands or a Citizenship (as in your passport) .I find it offensive when referred to as a Brit. I am not a brit or even British . I live in England and I am English, I will not respond to this British Lie as more wake up to the Inequality Discrimination dished out by the British Politicians .Parliament and independence required for ENGLAND.
Personally the standard of our last English king – Harold- is good enough for me. I look forward to the day when we can fly it once more. As far as we can trace our family it is father to son English down many generations. There are millions like me. How dare these idiots deny what they freely grant to other peoples.
That is what really pisses me off about the PC Multi-culti crowd. They insist on us recognising and respecting all other cultures whilst simultaneously denying that our own culture even exists at all! It is not just a suppression of our culture and tradition, but it is a sinister, erosion and elimination of our culture. A slow-motion cultural genocide by instalments.
I am sick of welcoming all other cultures and tolerating their crimes and perversions, whilst they piss all over ours!
Any ideas where the impetus for this cultural genocide comes from?
The British Isles are the ancient geographic homelands of the indigenous ethnic British people, English, Scottish Welsh and Irish, just as France is for the various indigenous people of that country, Italy for the various groups that nowadays comprise ethnci Italians and Poland of the Slavic tribes that now comprise ethnic Poles.
There is nothing artificial or unreal about it.
It was a common place in the early seventies that the English defined themselves negatively i.e. we’re not like those Irish /Scots / Welsh with their [insert stereotypical attributes for the nation of choice – I’m sure you can think of some] which we may possess a little of, but not way too much, like them.
In the eighties I read a piece that systematised this attitude into ‘we’re not too grimly efficient like the Scots or too easy going and slack like those Irish.’ The writer also asserted that these qualities were projected on to the Germans and Italians, respectively, during World War II, with the British following a happy medium.
… a happy medium
Doris Stokes?
I am GETTING SICK TO DEATH with English metro-trendy posh/middle class snobs looking down their noses at the traditions and identities of this country purely because their lofty arrogance deems these cultural customs inferior. Marxists (especially those adhering to the Frankfurt school) make me utterly sick with their false virtues and sanctimonious lectures on morality, diversity and equality; I always say to lefty apologists who are all for uncontrolled immigration, ‘what’s wrong with the cultural diversity that Britain has already? Why more?’ to which they invariably reply ‘bigot’.
If anyone is racist in this country it is the white middle-to-upper classes and extremist Muslims/grooming gangs – but because of the Left-wing fear that the Muslims might cause mass social unrest if ‘offended’ the craven BBC and its pathetic, egotistical, middle class ‘comedians’ cowardly target those without a voice i.e. the white working classes, Christians and those who enjoy British history; thus, the indigenous British (mainly English) are the only social group who may be labelled in the MSM as racist or bigoted. Cowardice, greed, lies, false virtue and treachery have all been responsible for the downfall of Britain. The BBC and its politically correct masters (i.e. Liebour & ConDems), the Guardian and the Independent are all complicit in this foul cultural destruction.
Well said merlin.
The white working classes are the only people these inverted racists can still attack. The Left have a perverted attitude to their own culture, perceiving any alien religion or race as being superior to their own. George Orwell wrote about this in the forties and it’s far more prevalent today. We all remember the grotesque Greg Dyke and his infamous,”hideously white,” comment. Can you imagine using such a pejorative term for any other race?
The lunatics are in charge of the asylum.
The BBC is the enemy of state. It distorts through censorship and brainwashes through subliminal, insidious and subtle indoctrination.
The state doesn’t seem to have much of a problem with what the BBC does and is. I’d say it’s more an enemy of the nation.
Hawk the Slayer; “It distorts through censorship and brainwashes through subliminal, insidious and subtle indoctrination.”
Of course! Everyone would agree with you if it wasn’t for the BBC. Because obviously; they’ve all been been BRAINWASHED! After all, what other reason could there possibly be???
Yes! You possess SPECIAL POWERS which mean that you, and you alone, are immune to the “insidious indoctrination”.
And don’t forget to brush your teeth before bedtime.
I can confirm to the readers of Biased BBC that the high IQ society Mensa is hideously white, and I have never met anyone in Mensa that was employed by the BBC. Also I notice that Black people in the area of the country I live in tend to be concentrated in the inner city shit holes with poor schools that vote Labour. I also remember an article in the Mensa magazine that explained that the reason that Black people are heavily underrepresented in Mensa was that they had an average IQ that was at least 15 percent lower than White people.
If the BBC actually cared about this country. They would everything they could to improve the people of this country especially minorites.
If you have a look at who pours out of our city schools in the mid afternoon you will see that “white British” is soon going to be an ethnic minority. Perhaps that is when we secure bBC patronage.
Of course, the working class character is an idiot too.
He doesn’t realise that the BBC ‘creatives’ wouldn’t touch that school with a bargepole when it comes to sending their own children there.
BBC wages mean cultural diversity can be avoided while it is recommended for everyone else.
Much like comprehensive education. qv Dianne Abbott and sundry lefty clowns.
When they do send their kids to a comp, like the fatuous Tony Benn , its always an exclusive comp, well funded and designed to cater for the rich lefty darhlin’s.
The left still as hypocritical as ever. Dianne Abbott is what a feminist looks like says it all.
Yes-it`ll be Holland Park “Comp” or the Oratory “Comp” or Quentin Kynaston “Comp.”
Yes-all “comps “-as long as your catchment area is NW1, NW6, N1 or SW1-6…so not too many oiks, but an exotic smattering of refugees for a few weeks.
Hypocrites-and absolutely no relation to Bogtown Comp that is the lot of the rest of us.
Certainly agree that Poles…as well as Chinese etc have a much better grounding in the fundamentals of education-and value it far more that those who didn`t have to choose to come here.
That said_ I note than those eastern Europeans way too often are as bored and switched off as the home grown kids within a couple of months.
Easier to surf the culture rather than pretend to know or to care.
It`s not automatic-but is largely true I`d say.
I`d be interested what these surveys find when-if-they ever bother to follow up a year or two later.
That`s the big lesson-a few months in a state comp and most clever, hungry and interested kids become as joyless and nasty as the ones we already have plenty of.
So much for state schooling standards-we all know how debauched they are.
Wow, this thread is pure comedy gold!
Simon Day is indeed playing a Character (as ‘at least’ noted by the OP) but not of a “working class Cockney”.
“Interfering pub bore Billy Bleach knows the answer to everything, and he can’t resist giving others the benefit of his wisdom.”
Or from Wiki: “Billy Bleach, tousle-mopped, interfering pub know-it-all WHO GETS IT ALL WRONG, usually ending up with others losing money.”
Mind you, I understand that PARODY might be a difficult concept on a blog that describes people as; “Wiggers”, and abortion clinics as; “Bog standard herding pens for the chavs and their kids”.
What do you do for a living dez ?
professional troll? 😀
Dez, please stop trying to be scholarly and intellectual; it simply doesn’t suit you.
Hawk the Slayer…
Well at least I’m trying. How many years ago was it when you gave up?
Crash Test Dummy for Matchbox. Cranial/Cerebral Injuries Directorate. Always crashing in the same car. Yawn.
The low level of integrity in today’s so called comedians is horrifying, from Russell Brand to hosting MTV praising Obama and insulting Bush to Richard Curtis in his ‘Vicar of Dibley ‘ calling Margaret Beckett the ugliest woman in the world. These people are reprehensible scum bags and cowards top boot. Remember the fuss when the Croatian boy wonder and ex partner of Jane (Marcus) Garvey ran like little snitches to the BBC PC police and reported that Carol Thatcher had mentioned the words ‘cuddly Golliwog’ ; yet these same Stasi type souls say nothing about ‘lefty luvvie, Dick (head) Curtis personally insulting , nay, humiliating Margaret Beckett with a joke shared with millions on prime time TV about how ugly she is. Oh how Margaret would have laughed.
Now don’t get me wrong I’m no fan of Margaret Becket, but in a day and age where the BBC is obsessed with wonderful beautiful vacuous celebrities many woman are made to feel wholly inadequate by this and in Margaret Beckets case I would have imagined that she wanted a major bore hole to develop and swallow her, when she heard that witty lefty right on gag from gutless Curtis. But where were the PC citizen/comrades Jo Brand and Adrian Childish on that one?
Same thing happened at the Diamond Jubilee concert: Jimmy Carr another slimy cretin; tried to keep his ‘edgy left’ credibility by have little swipes at the Royal Family; which I have to say made me reflect if he felt that way then why do the bloody gig!!!!!! However we all know that most lefty actors and comedians are no more than prostitutes as the hilarious Jimmy then had a swipe about Wayne Rooney’s looks.
I contend this: a personalised insult dressed as a joke that causes great deep rooted hurt to an individual as opposed to a whole group of millions, is far more devastating and cruel.
Trouble with comedy is it usually needs a victim, so the lefty grovelling comedians off today take their bile out on safe targets, generally being white people and based on lies and personal insults.
They are just like the character in ‘Cabaret’ where he changes his material to suit his audience where we got the original lines in a song ‘if you could see her through my eyes, she wouldn’t look like an ape’ changed to Jew.
Nope as a friend of mine always maintained, the left are characterised by several main traits. An propensity to tell outright lies only equalled by a propensity to be cruel and the raft of so called lefty, edgy , Marxists clowns who pose as comedians have this in spades. Oops! can I say spades?
The only laugh Leftie “Comedians” would get out of me was if they were shot.