Friday arrives and another busy week on Biased BBC comes to and end! Here’s a new OPEN THREAD to see us off into the weekend but more posts to follow during the next few days! Do keep detailing the bias as you see it!
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Dame Nikki 5live … Racism at the Euro s …
a dutch footballer reports racist chant …
el beeb wets pants immediately / as joy cannot be contained …
welcome to the drone in.
ooohhhh! brother … (shakes head).
the shriekocracy do love a good group weep don’t they.
sheesh!, whenever i ve tuned in today, it must running on a constant loop …. so maybe a 24 hr weepathon :-D.
Anyway, that idiot from kick it out was given free reign for at least 20mins …
It was just a pity, that j barnes wasn t invited back on, to explain what racism actually is, and expose that blithering ignoramus again.
You’d think this monkey chanting was a new phenomenon, it’s quite commonplace in Italy, Portugal and Spain from the city matches I’ve watched.
Normally gets a derisory fine from UEFA, we got fined more for coming out 2 minutes late from half time IIRC.
anyway el beeb reports, in sombre tone, a long piece on the importance of euro footballers going to see Auschwitz? ya da ya da,
re. the blanket racism coverage
oh please … not premiership footballers … the new jews.
only in the mind of the bbc.
i would have been more impressed
if the whole of the Qatar Football Assoc, and their OIC backers were sent, (some of them holocaust deniers), with the similaraties
in Mein “Quran”pf rammed home, again and again and again
but hey … multi-millionaire Ballotelli is going to kill anyone who dares to be “racist” in his presence. ?
fully justified eh! …
truly world turned upside down
Good point. Did they show any of the footballers expressing surprise or any lack of knowledge of the true extent of the Holocaust? I’d find that very interesting as well.
This was posted on Guido by “libertarian”
Most BBC programmes reflect their anti-capitalist statist position. They interview the Left but interrogate the Right. Their default position is always to project the majority as bad and the minority as good “victims”. Their idea of balance is to have a panel of hard leftists debating with soft leftists. They clearly operate a checklist of acceptable liberal interviewees. They rely too heavily on in-house “experts” like Peston and Toenails and simply talk amongst themselves. They exclude any opinion not approved by The Guardian.
Every show from nature documentaries and gameshows is permeated with the insidious and poisonous ideology and dogma of the Left. The BBC no longer acts as the voice of the people of this country, effectively disenfranchising alternative viewpoints, debate and the free exchange of ideas. This sinister development is reflected by the core activities of their anti-consensus bruvvers in our increasingly sinister and censorious trade union movement.
It is in dangerous territory. Time it was dealt with.
… or to put it more succinctly –
the BBC is corrupt
The BBC setting their narrative out – Romeny to Buy Election from Elite Special Interests:
We’re telling the same tale here that they told on Wisconsin. It’s big money buying the election and real people and real democracy isn’t getting a look in.
I’m not so sure about what the BBC is filing as the grand total. :
Mr Romney now has $107m cash on hand, almost matching the $115m Mr Obama’s campaign had by the end of April.
I’m not sure about US financial years but to me this story looks very carefully framed to only cover the period starting from April.
Which of course you would do if you didn’t want your readers to get this view of campaign financing:
which in turn probably doesn’t include the big union money which pitch in for Obama with undeclared paid “volunteers”
‘probably doesn’t include the big union money which pitch in for Obama with undeclared paid “volunteers”’
Unleash…. the PRESCOTT!!!!!
The excuses keep piling up, don’t they? Must be a poll slip on the horizon. It’s part of the “Walker won because of money, not because he balanced the budget and the voters had a clue” Narrative, so don’t expect it to make sense. The Left-wing US media is singing from the same White House hymn sheet, which is where the BBC takes their lead.
The real problem is that Romney’s campaign needs to counter not only the President’s campaign, but also the combined power of the entire mainstream media (TV except for Fox News and print except for the Wall St. Journal) plus Hollywood. He’s going to need a lot more money.
That’s the thing isn’t it – in the left’s eyes, only progressives are permitted to create a massive war chest of soft money. Anything else is just unfair.
A little like the moron who after the Wisconsin vote argued that when they lose in a democratic vote it signals the death of democracy.
To the far-Left (and I include most Beeboids in this), “democracy” means getting their way. You notice the BBC isn’t frowning – or even daring to mention – that the President’s campaign donation page has once again turned off the CVV requirement that prevents credit card fraud.
I wonder how many Beeboids have donated?
On reading Thatcher era books, I learn that the BBC have never been anything but the Guardian readership at the ashram. Incantations and incense to Marx and the good rebellion-lessons have been learned from the last ones, and the next one will be cool!…really cool, so be there bruv.
began before Mary Whitehouse and Hugh Carlton Greene.
Who will rid us of these pestilent cultural imams of liberal loose thoughts and musings?…before the real imams and ayatollahs really sense the fear of the establishments in free fall?
If only Maggie had privatised the Beeb when she had the chance!
Notice, though, that they’re not so left-wing that they eschew hereditary dynasties, of which the Dimblebys are only the best-known.
I don’t mean to plug my own blog, but one of my fairly early posts attempted to trace the beginnings of the Beeb’s Guardianista-type attitude to Israel. If anyone hasn’t seen this post it might be of interest, showing that Keith Kyle appears to have been the first BBC reporter to thumb his nose at impartiality, having links to CAABU:
BBC are reporting the ‘heavyweight’ line up for the Leverson stitch-up (sorry, investigation into the Tories and NI), next week.
Witnesses will include Brown, Miliband, Harman and also Osborne and Cameron (an appearance already trailed by the Corporation – Norman Smith attempting to link him more closely to phone-hacking).
Everyone who cares about our democracy should carefully monitor every word, every intonation, every pause, every roll of the eyes, every other bit of body language that the BBC employ to report this, and ask themselves whether those in front of the cameras and microphones are treating ALL witnesses (and News International) with the integrity, balance and fairness that the BBC is obliged to deliver.
No need, they won’t ,don’t, and never have done.
The shame is that no-one will do anything about it.
If only someone in Government would grow some balls!
I caught the last few minutes of Question Time last night. At the very end, when trailing next week’s episode, Dimbleby mentioned Leveson. Despite the long list of notables appearing next week, the only name he mentioned was David Cameron.
They’ve got their popcorn in already, haven’t they. I, like millions of others I’m sure, have long stopped paying any attention to this circus.
And on tonight’s news, they only mentioned Cameron and Osborne and ‘former Prime Minister’ John Major. No one else got a mention, not even ‘former Prime Minister’ Gordon Brown.
To mention Major but not Brown seemed odd and out of context – but not surprising. Looks like the imbalance has started already.
The guy leading the Leveson “enquiry” Robert Jay QC (?) may as well be auditioning for a high ranking role at The Guardian / Labour party / BBC a few years down the line.
Leveson “enquiry” = Left wing journalists / press: good / honest
Right wing journalists / press: bad / evil
Would be laughable if it wasnt so sinister, this “enquiry” is no more than an attempt by The Left Wing media in this country to close down what remains of the right wing media in this country, nothing more, nothing less
It raises some serious questions about Dave’s competence – if he can’t even establish enquiry which shows semblence of balance what hope has he of running the country
Interesting point. When he was first elected Tory leader, I did a quick mental review of the various Old Etonians that I knew.
One of them was fairly supercilious and up himself, but in the main, they were decent chaps. They were all, undeniably, competent at the jobs they did.
The Cameroons are clearly the exception to this rule !
It seems that I don’t normally mix with Old Etonians. However I met my first one this week and I must say he was an arrogant, overbearing, w***er. I doubt that all are like that but you never know!
Someone on Guido’s site has posted that one of Robert Jay’s colleagues at Essex St Chambers is one Justine Thornton – the wife of Miliband Minor.
So when Miliband goes on the stand, Jay will be interrogating a colleagues husband.
As someone points out, no doubt he will put this to one side. But, NO! I remember, this is something that the BBC think people are incapable of (they meant Jeremy Hunt is incapable, actually). I wonder if they’ll pick up on this ?
A bit, um, shall we say, ‘McCarthyist’?
We need a McCarthy!!!
A McCarthy to root out all the communists/socialists/marxists/greens/progressives etc and a Pinochet to get rid of them for the benefit of the rest of us.
If you go to Conservative Home, Columnists, check the Bruce Anderson piece.
Anderson is derided by many on Conhome as Cameron’s version of Toenails Robinson, which makes it fairly staggering that he has written a piece calling for the break up of the out dated bbc.
Some fairly encouraging comments on the piece too. Perhaps one of our more tech savvy breatheren could put in a link to try and lure a few commenters across to us here ?
The guy wants to keep BBC News going, apparently thinks it’s great. He’s part of the problem, not the solution.
Being in love with POTUS, the BBC would not have reported this, but the classy President of the United States, Barrak Obama was in Los Angeles for a fundraiser. Talking about his wife’s exercise regime, he said, “Michelle outdoes me in push-ups as well,” he said, “because she doesn’t go all the way down” – a line that he let hang, naughtily, provoking laughter from the crowd.
Come back Monica Lewinski, all is forgiven.
I read this yesterday. I believe it was after he was joking about Michelle’s push-up competition with homosexual talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres.
Personally, I don’t think He’s clever enough to have made a joke like that on purpose, and probably took a moment before He even realized what He’d done. In any case, any criticism of this is racist.
It looks as if that is a case of someone reading something else into it, beyond his own joke.
disgusting picture of radio 5 live wimmin being presented to ed miliband
Ed Miliband looks more good looking than normal has that picture been photoshopped?
“BBC director general petition gets more than 35,000 signatures”
The petition campaigns for Patten to appoint ‘…someone who understands that the BBC’s independence must never be compromised’.
Ha! Ha -ha! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-haaaa! Sob.
WARSI: the company she keeps.
For BBC-NUJ: it’s not just about her hidden expenses –
“Sayeeda Warsi’s business associate also attended London meetings”
And then there’s HIZB ut-TAHRIR-
“Baroness Warsi: Radical past of man at the minister’s side”
“WALTHAMSTOW: Warsi businessman sat on standards committee”
So it’s official: any criticism of the BBC is BULLYING!!!
Behold the arrogance, aloofness and unaccountability.
What will these metro trendy leftys do when their Islamic friends turn nasty on them. I think they will have alot worser to worry about imaginary bullying.
In that case, More Bullying Please.
Bullying? Twitterstorm? Unleash The Prescott!
Now I understand how I, a lone individual, was so wrong in holding a £4B monopolistic media corporation of 20,000 souls to account… I was bullying them with my evil…. FACTS!!!!!
Fearne, luv… I feel your pain.
Though, as a heads up, it is the teensiest bit possible you may be copping a smidge more for a while now you have opened you peroxide-enhanced cake-hole that bit wider, and dug even deeper. Say hi to the many others sharing your excavation addiction who you will meet down there.
Our working class Ferne says ” I have been working nonstop for 15 years thank you.”
… I don’t even know where to begin on that one!
God willing, someday our national culture may evolve to the point where a £4.5 Bn corporation is able to go about its business without being bullied by plumbers, shop assistants and truck drivers.
Meanwhile, someone should ask Fearne if a massive corporation exploiting huge public subsidies and its immunity to competition regulations to drive competitiors out of business also counts as ‘bullying’? Or is that being ‘unique’?
Great post, DJ.
Poor little Fearne. Perhaps if she hadn’t got her job through nepotism (she’s realted to Bill cotton) she’d be able to cope better?
or even ‘related’…
So why does she feel the need to talk in Mockney, when, if I remember correctly, Bill spoke in neutral English. She’s obviously someone, like Bragg, who’s ashamed of being Middle-Class. No doubt she doesn’t really want anything to do with the real cockneys same as Billy.
Fearne turned up on some crummy game show the other night of which I had the misfortune to catch about 3 minutes.
Long enough mind for Fearne to call someone ‘a wanker’ and tell someone else to ‘piss off’.
BBC, eh, doesn’t it make you just proud.
Fearne Cotton has empty space between her ears. She is just a good looking airhead, eye candy. Not that the feminazis at the BBC would employ women based on their looks LOL
Ms. Cotton just got an outing on the SKY paper review.
They were discussing cyber-bullies, and the near inevitable female luvvy journo, Janice Long, decided to over emote and suggested our Fearne was a good example for the critiques she had on her Jubilee ‘outing’.
Didn’t go well, even from the host. I think she’s on her own, with a few sisters and £250kpa of our money to act in compensation.
I fear this might have been the smut-riddled “Celebrity Juice” with the abysmal Keith Lemon. It’s on the pulp-filled ITV2, and the reason I know about it is because clips from it regularly feature in the interminable ads that too regularly punctuate the only show I ever watch on that grey matter-eroding channel, “American Idol” (I know, I know!).
Some commentators on the telegraph are suggesting that she is paid £250k a year. Please reassure me this is incorrect.
Fern should remember that she is paid by the Great British Public and therefore as her employer we are entitled to say that she isn’t very good at her job – it is part of the review process and not bullying.
There’s a UK version topping the “Likes” too…
Aunty gets a mention.
If she was in charge of the edit, it may get censored mind.
In that free speech, most-trusted, nationally-treasured, genetically-impartial, powerfully-accountable way she does sooooo well.
A good article on the use of the ‘Asian’ word…
By Hardeep Singh
“…but it is time for politicians and the press to bear in mind that in the context of these sex crimes, as with violent extremism, female genital mutilation, forced marriage and honour killings, the vague term “Asian” serves no purpose. Worse, it besmirches entire swathes of Britons with roots in the Indian subcontinent.”
Yes; but we can expect INBBC not to implement it in its devious reporting.
How much longer can they get away with this denial of the facts, staring you in the face. How many people are they actually fooling? or is it just themselves?
And the excuses keep piling up:
Europe: The monster under the bed?
The BBC’s US President editor dutifully lays out the latest White House talking point: any economic trouble in the US is not His fault, this time it’s the Euro crisis. Mardell even went up to New York to do a few interviews to support the cause.
Repeat, repeat, repeat…like a broken record…
BBC News Online delivering quality first again. This Twitter round-up thing is apparently a regular feature. Your license fee hard at work.
I am getting sick and tired of having to pay a compulsary tax or go to prison for this Cultural Marxist progaganda organisation. This organisation is against everything that has given us and these self-loathing lefty freaks the life we have today. All these Metro trendy lefty freaks don’t realise if as they hope they get their EUSSR or Islamic state they will suffer not benefit from it. Radical Islam hates and wants to destroy everything these Cultural Marxist are. The ways things are going in the near future the Muslims will be able to what they want to these lefty freaks and not suffer any consequences, interesting times are coming.
Some of those ‘Jubilee slaves’ have their say…
According to John Prescott, they were kept in virtual ‘labour camp’ conditions. If you’d listened to the BBC, you might have thought Britain was in the grip of Dickensian working practices.
And for the Left-wing Guardian, it was a scandalous story which it reported gleefully on its front page
Yesterday, however, a very different story was emerging. Many of the young jobseekers taking part in the work experience scheme dismissed claims they had been poorly treated by the company and spoke of having a ‘great time’.
I’ve met John Prescott, I went to the same Oxford college as him . Alot of leftys say that he is a sellout and abandoned his working class trade union beliefs and his Socialist principles. Which really means these leftys are jealous of him being deputy prime minister of this country for 10 years and actually being a success in life not a loser like most leftys.
I met him once too, very briefly.
he struck me as a bully, with a whole bag of chips on his shoulder.
The few times I met him he always was serious. Might be because he was in public, with people who would use anything he did wrong against him. This would be leftys jealous of his success in life. His autobiography was official released at his old college: He did a Q and A where people asked him questions about his life and others things. Some of the stuff he said was quite interesting, he said the students at his old college had gone soft. I thought that was quite interesting. The modern left is a joke compared to what it was 50 years ago.
Wow, some actually wrote a courteous thank-you note to the employer. There may be hope for your country yet.
Defenders of the indefensible will, of course, claim this is a lie because it’s in the Mail.
That Syrian village… BBC News headlines state whole village might have been wiped out, yet during itv news story they speak to ‘some of the few survivors’.
BBC using its punk documentary to trash the jubilee on BBC4. I’m not sure there’s anything left to say about punk. Why are TV execs so obsessed with it? Yes, some fantastic bands and records but there’s a kind of false memory syndrome about punk: there was a nasty side to punk that has been airbrushed out:-no mention at all of the violence of Sid Vicious or how just before their implosion the Sex Pistols were singing sick rubbish like ‘Belsen was a Gas’ or punk’s association with heroin and solvent abuse.
BBC has it own narrative when it comes to how they see things. Such evil Israel and poor innocent Palestine.
Remember ‘Oi’? Cockney rejects? Bloody awful
Interesting that last weeks featured Siouxie Sioux.
Usual anti-racist claptrap with Strummer and t`ing doin spliffs with the blacks of the Westway.
Nothing about Sioux prancing about in her Nazi regalia as a camp follower of the Sex Pistols…wouldn`t suit Womans Hours agenda that is all about “female empowerment.” if the Slits were any kind of band that meant something at the time.
Sadly for the BBC-as they write their tired cliches of timelimes etc…some of us were actually there, and not being bussed around by nanny with a borrowed long trenchcoat…like Jeremy Vine in effect!
Just saw the late night repeat – with Sid Vicious wearing a shirt emblazoned with a swastika. I guess it’s all good fun if sported by the right kind of people – those anti-establishment types who only wish to shock, court controversy or play at irony.
All that sneering and faux-anger, done with such seriousness, looks so preposterous now – to the point of being comical…and they all sound like half-wits.
Give it 20 years and the BBC will be revering Riot-loving Plan B, Sex-tape Tulisa, and that Gangster Rapper who got caught with a gun.
There already doing a documentary with Plan B on Urban youth and how they are expressing their hard-lives through rap (glorifying criminality, misogyny and materialism shouting at authority and moaning about everything while expecting stuff to fall into their laps).
In 20 years time the way things are going the only music allowed, will be the music calling the muslims to prayer.
The headline states: ‘David Cameron and George Osborne to appear at Leveson Inquiry’
Did the BBC not think to mention that Brown and Clegg are also appearing?
The BBC ‘The Editors’ blog has not for a long time been a safe haven for the obligatory ‘explanation’ that excuses all.
Now, thanks to interactivity (soon to be curtailed, one is sure), it seems almost like fuel to a fire.
I wonder why BBC senior management still seems so drawn to it, like moths to a flame.
Someone has posted this on thread:
Interesting stuff; especially the comments.
Some claims and counter claims. including a few classic ‘No, it isn’t’ as if that was enough, from the inevitable fact-lite cherry vultures.
What is mostly interesting is the polarity of views.
And the BBC, again, is at one extreme.
There is a BIG problem when a supposedly impartial news outfit starts out so skewed and any debate centres more on just how skewed they were intentionally for reasons of agenda over ‘spicing things up’.
On top of the now well-known Jewish community interviewee’s unhappiness with what was left out in the edit suite, there are enough questions being asked of Panorama in this regard now to view it as a pure advocacy show, and hence unfit for the purpose claimed.
Because BBC-NUJ thinks that the following is a non-story, in conflict with the political line from Obama, BBC-NUJ censors it:
“It’s time to stop British funding to Argentina”
Read more:
I actually didn’t know the President has been standing up to Argentina on loans. Good for Him. Now if only He would stop pushing the “let’s negotiate a settlement” over the Falklands, because we all know that means only one outcome. Hey, maybe He’s secretly using the loans as a carrot to get Argentina to give up their claim to them. On second thought, that would require intelligent strategy, so never mind.
Why is it that when I try to connect to bBBC comments with Google I get a message saying that the site wants to take control of my Google account?
And when I click cancel I get a message saying “Something bad happen!” (sic)?
Had the same, very odd.
BBC-NUJ’s favourite:
“Is the Guardian the most bigoted newspaper in Britain?”
By Robin Shepherd.
The answer is yes. Now I’ll read the article…
It certainly seems highly ‘conflicted’ on standards, at least.
A comment facility that claims to be free that is one of the MSM’s most cynically censored.
An undeserved reputation for commitment to and objectivity in matters of science, and especially environment.
Political skewing to a degree that is almost laughable in its tribal partiality.
An oddly mixed view on things it reports vs. what it does, from journalistic activity to corporate financing.
Some might call that more rampant hypocrisy.
Which may explain if not excuse the BBC’s proactive support of this newspaper in almost every way, as a print version of itself.
But given its ABC stats, still unsure how it, and its employees are still deemed the most representative from the press media estate to tell us how we are thinking, or need to.
It looks like this more than even the liberal elite can take:-
And there’s more:-
Just watched SKY’s Tim Marshall on the ground in Syria with some pretty sobering stuff… if verified. Who, now, is to know, what is, what is staged and what is covered up?
Intrigued at bit at two incidentals: a scarfed up ‘freedom fighter’ sound bite that ‘Even the Jews did not do this to us’. Rather scary equivalences there already.
Then the waving of the burned Korans. Now, last time that happened it seemed to get a lot more coverage and a lot more excitement all round.
Maybe this time all parties are seeing sense in a calmer approach? Yes, that’s the most likely reason.
The assertion ‘Even the Jews did not do this to us’ is not unprecedented. There is a powerful illustration of this on the C4 ‘Inside Hamas’ documentary of some years ago. It’s on YouTube and well worth an hour of anybody’s time, especially Guardian readers and Beeboids.
Newswatch: 09/06/2012
Always a hoot to see the BBC circle the wagons when it comes to not holding itself to account.
‘We asked ourselves for comment but we refused to attend’
Uniquely deranged. But at least not one market rate talent prepared to intone, on screen, as always, that they ‘got it about right’.
ps: Loved the Jubilee baby board, mind. Told a tale all of its own.
Newswatch is simply an entertainment program that takes a light hearted look at the silly complaints from viewers. It is there simply to rebuff and never has one scruffy BBC self-employed employee ever realised that they have made a mistake, let alone admitted to getting it a bit wrong, ever.
We really mustn’t take programs like this too seriously at our age, or any age, it only raises the blood pressure. Personally I stopped watching it long ago; a bit like watching the Two Eds, full of un-perfumed wind from the lowest orifice.
Wayne. I agree in part, and give you a ‘like’ for the weary realism, but I fear I do take this very seriously, indeed.
Best I can judge, this backwater, back alley, back passage excuse for a mirror to the BBC’s soul is one of the few mechanisms of complaint to the 25,000,000 licence fee payers who uniquely fund the BBC.
And of course it is internal and selects what it shares back, like all else.
However, be it Complaints, ECU or The Trust, I’d like explained by what measure of self-defeating, full-spotlight arrogance the BBC thinks outright saying they are not going to explain anything… on their own friggin’ rigged mea culpa that isn’t programme… or even turn up, is going to set them in good stead as folk like me are currently dealing with attempted bannings based on no more than them adding up the number of times they say they ‘get it about right’ before a legitimate complainant can (in their warped world) get struck off. And they talk of ‘bad faith’?
It is the logic of the lunatic asylum… as far as I can make out one run by Fearne Cotton’s less bright, even less-self-aware sibling, Oona Nancy.
I have a question; if we all went on strike and didn’t watch the BBC would anyone know? How, for instance, do they get viewing figures for each of the channels? Is there a secret monitor in our TV sets, or is there, as I suspect, a few lost souls buried in a dungeon somewhere who never see the light of day and who vote via a secret button?
Whatever method is used perhaps we should be told as I for one would be interested. The point is I do not trust the figures. Anyway let’s suppose the figures drop to an astoundingly low number, would that be a good enough reason for the Cameron or one of his peculiar minions to do something about the Woolly Headed Mammoth lovingly called the BBC? No, I thought not, we are stuck with just grumbling then. C’est La Vie.
Here’s the url What is the size of the BARB reporting panel?
The BARB reporting panel is 5,100 homes. The panel homes are located across the UK and represent the viewing of all individuals aged 4 and over within the household (plus their guests) and return data on a daily basis from around 11,300 people. All digital terrestrial, satellite and cable platforms are represented, along with their analogue counterparts.
It really is worthwhile checking out the Barb site.
For radio it’s RAJAR
RAJAR stands for Radio Joint Audience Research and is the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK. It is jointly owned by the BBC and the R3.
– The universe comprises all individuals aged 10 and over, living in private households in the UK.
– Although children from the age of 10 are included in the survey, published figures are for Adults 15+, unless stated otherwise. Data on respondents under 15 can only be accessed by RAJAR subscribers.
– So that small stations can be surveyed, the overall adult sample is about 110,000 per year, with each respondent only participating for one week.
– The sampling is devised so that each station’s sample is representative of the area it covers. The smallest sample for a station on RAJAR is 500 adults over 12 months, for stations with a TSA (Total Survey Area) under 300,000. The National stations report on a quarterly sample of approximately 26,000 adults.
I’l leave it to the Biased BBC readership to do the maths and make up their own minds.
Thanks very much and I have now looked at the website but just to be clear my comment was ‘tongue in cheek’. Clearly there is a process for gathering the data and extrapolating it. It is the extrapolating that I query. Is it done by the same sort of folk that extrapolate the science of Global Warming/Climate Change, or by the same sort of folks who determine the makeup of the Question Time audience?
The BARB starts with facts but they are from sources that are selected by a process devised by people and then have to extrapolate and manipulate them with formulas that are devised by people. The weak link is, wait for it, people. Even if it were perfect the system must be suspect when the source is just a few thousand and the results are supposedly tens of millions. The only way to be sure is to have a monitor in every TV set but then there would probably be freedom issues.
Also, the phrase you quoted “It is jointly owned by the BBC and the R3” leaves me with a, Madame Lagarde style, cold shiver.
My original question was and remains, “if we stopped watching the BBC and the figures dropped to an astoundingly low number, would that be a good enough reason for government action”?
The fact is that there is an increasing number of people that are fed up with the dumbing down, the left wing bias and the anti-British attitude and they just do not want to pay (on pain of imprisonment) the TV tax any longer. It is an outdated rather Soviet means of funding a broadcasting organisation. There may have been a time when it was impartial and sensible but that time has long gone.
If Doctor Gobbels was alive today and wanted to have Televsion service that would destroy Great Britain it would be the BBC. If the BBC had its own flag it would be red and have the hammer and sickle.
It is good to know, though, that Nelson was at Waterloo …
I didn’t realize that the whole thing was duplicated on BBC1. I thought it was just the News Channel. What a joke.
The Jubilee coverage was a BBC1 show (but not a News production), though most of it, I’ve been told, was duplicated on the News channel which slavishly followed BBC1’s Jubilee output for the four days.
I just saw Snoddy insult all of his guests. After hearing some very reasonable, thoughtful critiques (except maybe for the demands for equal time for republicans) from the various guests, Snoddy turned to the camera and said, “And now let’s end on a more constructive note”. If I was one of the guests, I’d have been very angry, as I thought just about all the critiques were constructive.
Site inaccessible again this morning.
Are the cleaners unplugging the server when they are hoovering up?
And it’s all crammed up to the left of my iPhone screen.
I just changed one setting on the plugin for iPhone access. I don’t have one, so can’t check myself, but please let me know if there’s any improvement. I can’t find any other reason for this at the moment.
No change, my friend.
Sorry about that. I’m looking in the support forums, but don’t see anything yet within the last two years.
We licencepayers finance BBC-NUJ’s Mr LOWEN to make a political propaganda piece on behalf of illegal Afghan immigrants, (his voice sympathetic to illegals throughout) in Patras, Greece . The Afghans intend to become residents of England, where, of course, social welfare benefits are relatively high.
It seems that Mr Lowen is particularly keen to give his political support to such Afghans (and to all the many illegal immigrants who try to get beyond Greece’s porous borders), because there are fascists in Greece.
“Immigration proves new problem as Greek election approaches”
(inc 2 min video clip)
BBC-NUJ does not represent the interests, in this case, of English people; rather, it represents the interests of untold numbers of illegal Afghan immigrants heading to England, via Greece.
How’s that Arab Spring going, BBC?
I curse myself for not striking while the iron was hot on this one – Newsnight (I think, sorry I can’t recall the personalities involved). Anyway the other night they had a report on the issue of Wimmin vis-a-vis the Egyptian elections. Must have been BBC Newsnight.
As the good Beeboid interviewed some acceptably presentable Egyptian spokesperson I noticed behind them on the wall of the office among the photos of Tahrir Square protest highlights one particular image. A human effigy daubed with the Star of David and beside it a democracy activist happily sawing the head off.
BBC carrying the President’s water again. After three or four days of sitting on the story, the BBC finally got around to reporting on the complaints from Congress about the White House leaking all this intelligence information. Naturally the article spins it as Atty. Gen. Holder taking the lead on the issue and provides White House rebuttals to criticisms without giving any time for the critics, except to say that Republicans are the ones complaining.
In fact, this is a bi-partisan complaint. Politico has reported about this fact, so the Beeboids know about it. Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee was lambasting the White House on CNN on Wednesday. We learned then that the FBI is looking into it. All the BBC could manage to report was that she “welcomed” the investigation. At least they managed to included bit about the FBI investigation, though.
As for those Republican charges that the White House was leaking to make the President look good, it of course has everything to do with the recent poll showing the President stronger on security, while Romney is stronger on the economy. The BBC didn’t dare mention that, of course, because it doesn’t make Him look good, and would be fodder for His critics. Funny how selective they are with polls.
The end of the news brief is the biggest joke of all. They tacked a single sentence on the end about Bradley Manning and WikiHacks, which has nothing to do with this at all. The BBC just threw it in there to distract you, leaving the door open for you to think maybe the President is telling the truth when He says His people aren’t leaking. This is just one more piece of evidence that the BBC’s line of defense that it’s okay for them to report something when everyone else is doing it is utter BS. Nobody else is using this red herring. Only the BBC is that pathetic, and all for the leader of a foreign country.
Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
“A poll showed that Obama is stronger on security” ?????
The man has just sat on his hands whilst the Syrians go to war and slaughter each other.
He has puffed a bit, but then sits there with his thumb in his backside.
What on earth is happening in the USA that the good folks over there think that Autocue Man is strong on anything other than slightly warm air and pretending to be a president?
The leaks and the consequent publicity, of course. That’s the whole point of them.
Meanwhile, Eric Holder has now arranged an internal inquiry. Sir Humphrey Appleby is in charge, I’m sure. This is now going to be two political scandal cover-ups in this Administration. Fast & Furious, and now whatever this one is going to be called. WarmongerGate?
David P. – “Don’t trust the BBC on US issues. ”
I would add the following:
Don’t trust the BBC on UK issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Middle East issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Leveson issues
Don’t trust the BBC on EU issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Climate Change issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Afghanistan issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Arab Spring issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Impartiality issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Legal issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Economic issues
Don’t trust the BBC on Devolution issues
Don’t trust the BBC on any issues whatsoever.
He could have been speaking about Blighty!!
1) Only in America could the President talk
about the greed of the rich at a $35,000 a plate campaign fund-raising event.
2) Only in America could people claim that the government still
discriminates against black Americans when we have a black President, a
black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal work force is black
while 12% of the population is black.
3) Only in America could we have had the two people most responsible
for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department
and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means Committee, BOTH turn out
to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.
4) Only in America can we have terrorists kill people in the name of
Allah and have the President and the media react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.
5) Only in America would we make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of
thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting anyone who
sneaks into the country illegally just become American citizens.
6) Only in America could the people who believe in balancing the
budget and sticking by the country’s Constitution be mocked by the President
and labeled “extremists” by the media.
7) Only in America are you required to present a driver’s license to
cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
8) Only in America could the President and the media blame oil
companies for gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return
on equity invested in a most major oil companies is less than half that of
a company making tennis shoes (Nike).
9) Only in America could the government collect more tax dollars from
the people than any nation in recorded history, but still spend over a
trillion dollars more than it has per year while the President complain that
there is not nearly enough money to do what he wants.
10) Only in America could the people who pay 86% of all income taxes
be accused by the President of not paying their “fair share” on
behalf of the people who don’t pay any income taxes at all.
you fired me cos I’m black
10) Only in America could 95% of black Americans vote for Obama yet it is the whites accused of racism.
The BBC approves of same-race voting when minorities do it.
News from Egypt.
Methinks if this happened in Israel the BBC would be frothing at the mouth. Instead this story does not seem to feature at all on the BBC website. Instead, when looking for information about the plight of females in Egypt, there is this story:
Just like last year, here’s betting that the BBC won’t touch this issue until it happens to a fellow journo.
500 PM – Jazz Record Requests
6 00 PM – Opera
Verdi’s Rigoletto (4 hours). A gruesome tale but wonderful music and a perennial favourite.
Verdi’s tragic and provocative tale of the cynical court jester who, against his better nature, wreaks havoc with the lives of others. But then the tables are turned and he’s doomed to bring about the death of the one person he holds most dear – his daughter Gilda. In this revival of David McVicar’s production for the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, conducted by Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Dimitri Platanias is the hunchback jester, Ekaterina Siurina his daughter Gilda, and Vittorio Grigolo the handsome, amoral Duke who poses as a penniless student to gain Gilda’s love.
MIDNIGHT: Geoffrey Smith’s Jazz: George Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess.
A bumper crop of interesting looking programmes tomorrow evening on Radio 2 from 7 pm, including: Tim Rice on American music heritage; song writer Jimmy Van Heusen; Judy Garland; and ending with the 11 pm prog: Frank Sinatra: Voice of the Century.
Addenda for INBBC’s censored report on Islamic jihad murders of French troops in Afghanistan:
“Afghanistan: Burqa-clad jihad/martyrdom bomber murders four French soldiers”
INBBC only has this:
“French troops killed by Taliban”
After an opening paragraph criticising BBC coverage, Christopher BOOKER concentrates on the E.U:-
“The cloud that darkened this 60-year reign was Europe”
Someone direct them to Polly’s Palace when she next takes off for Tuscany…
“Welcome to the EU where the detritus from eastern europe can come here and damage and pillage freely.”
…and this is just taking the piss, UN style…–Iran-Russia-Cuba.html
“Strange how many people from some of these countries make their way to the UK to share in our repressive regime.”
Does the BBC not think these facts relevant enough to include in their obituary Veteran Lebanese journalist Ghassan Tueni dies?
1) He was Greek Orthodox, in a country where due to Lebanon’s unwritten National Pact of 1943 the confessional status of a person is essential knowledge.
2) He served as deputy Prime Minister, a position only a Greek Orthodox can fill.
3) The seat he filled in the Lebanese Parliament was the seat of his assassinated son.
4) He served as Lebanon’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations.
5) He lobbied against the election of Bachir Gemayal.
-for INBBC, and the bits it misses out:-
“Baroness Warsi: new links to radicals”
-from Damian Thompson:
“It’ll all end in tears if Obama loses.”
“Such terrible wails went up from America’s liberal newsrooms and TV studios when Scott Walker, Republican governor of Wisconsin, survived his recall challenge on Tuesday night. Crikey, I thought, if they’re this upset now, what if Mitt Romney manages to unseat Barack Obama? The mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic are going to have some very distressed Obama cheerleaders on their hands. My advice? Make sure there are plenty of grief counsellors to hand, especially at the BBC. As we saw when George W Bush was unexpectedly re-elected in 2004, reporters are rarely at their best when they’re choking back bitter tears.”
I hope Obama wins a second term because from January 2013 onwards is when the America economy comes apart. He and his Marxist Comrades will have to bare the blame for this and rightful so. Obama lives in la la land and is just tele-prompt reading stooge.
Attractive wife though!
MILF lol
Yes you’re right. He has been delaying the necessary structural reforms until just after the election. This coalesces with China’ “hard landing” and the Euro-crisis. Obama will never get another term beyond that.
Can we have the “Spinning for Labour” and Pakistan/Muslim logos on the new site? Maybe even a suite of logos, akin to ConHome?
BBC-NUJ’s politically biased action in its ‘coverage’ against
“EDL Rochdale Demo Coverage: 9 June 2012 ”
[Excerpt from ‘Durotrigan blogspot’]:-
“The demo has been prompted by the recent conviction of a gang of Rochdale Muslims at Liverpool Crown Court for the grooming of English girls, with these nine convictions being followed up by further arrests and a police hunt for an additional 40 suspects. At least 47 girls are believed to have been victims of the gang sentenced in Liverpool. What has angered members of the EDL, and many members of the public who have read reports of the case, has been the fact that the police and social services had been reluctant to act upon information relating to this case for fear of being branded ‘racist’. Clearly, when such a fear overrides the duty of social workers to protect the vulnerable and police to investigate crimes and arrest criminals, something is seriously amiss both with our legal system and the mode of politically correct thought that it imposes. Moreover, much of the media reporting relating to this case, particularly the BBC’s coverage, has been deliberately inaccurate, seeking to hide the faith background of the criminals by dubbing them ‘Asians’, which in itself constitutes a racial slur against Sikhs, Hindus, Chinese, Japanese and anyone else originating in the vast continent of Asia.
“Underpinning the grossly distorted and biased reporting of this phenomenon is the NUJ Code of Conduct, Article 9 of which reads:
‘Produces no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, gender, race, colour, creed, legal status, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.’
“This singles out ‘creed’, hence presumably the BBC’s coyness about identifying the Islamic identity of the child rapists, and preference for opting for the blanket term ‘Asians’ which encompasses more than one racial group and thus enables its journalists to state that they were not writing anything that could be construed as discriminating upon a racial basis.
“Additional NUJ guidelines have been explicit in stating that any party or group that it deems to be ‘far right’, in which it includes the EDL, should not be reported in an objective fashion and should instead be stigmatised. The reporting of any card-carrying member of the NUJ cannot therefore be trusted to provide an accurate representation of an EDL protest or what the EDL stands for. ”
The following is from the NUJ website and serves as a political instruction to all its members from all sections of the media, includingh the large membership at BBC-NUJ’s many branches, on how to report the EDL-
‘NUJ’ website:-
“Urgent notice for NUJ members covering the EDL demonstration in Rochdale on Saturday, June 9”
Makes me sick especially these self-loathing cultural marxists BBC/NUJ are encouraging Radical Islam even more with their behaviour. Don’t they realise the religion of peace hates them and will when they can without consquences kill them all.
i note right next to that NUJ piece ,
“NUJ” ethics??? … surely an oxymoron.
Scathing criticism of the BBC’s Jubilee coverage on Radio 4’s Any Questions and then Any Answers. Douglas Murray – “1000 years of history – what did we get – second-rate celebrities”. He also hit the awful concert hard.
In Any Answers came perhaps the most telling criticisms. The flotilla was a superb spectacle – laid on free for the BBC, yet they blew it. They did not even refer to all the detailed historical briefing about the boats set out in the official programme for the river pageant. “BBC production teams are just lazy”. “A brilliant occasion ruined for millions of people”.
I don’t seem able to play it on iplayer at the moment, ,but in this week’s Now Show, either Punt or Dennis, almost at the very beginning of the programme , came up with the line; ‘I know the BBC’s coverage of the Thames pageant was a bit of a let-down, but, let’s face it, the event itself was a bit of a let-down.’ There then followed a mickey take of the boats in the procession. I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t the line that the Beeb, adding insult to injury, will take, if the issue doesn’t go way.
SML will have shoutie on! ugh !
can I force myself to watch? Can they justify forced marriage?
Click to access 1301650858_1.pdf
Just awoke after (eventually) getting home from Central London having visited to support missus at a gig in a venue off Piccadily.
It was actually a great night in a lovely place. I did note that the (excellent) staff were to a man and woman, not British, almost all French and some Eastern Europeans.
The clientele almost exclusively tourists.
Bodes well for the Olympics…. well… that said, if the state of the transport systems on a warmish June was anything to go on, I’d say the Capital may be somewhat of a challenge frankly. They’ll certainly need the Zil lanes. Which will be fun. They closed two out of 3 lanes of the elevated section of the A40 each way for a few score guys in high vis jackets to stand in a circle and summon the great god OT and, trust me, it did not have a great impact on an already creaking road network.
Meanwhile I was treated on the radio to the eminence gris of sensible London Politics (and politics in general), our Ken – – given full and uncritical pulpit to claim that striking bus drivers should be given everything they want (Like the drilling crew in Armageddon) because, well, what’s the alternative? The interviewer simply agreed.
Lunatics running the asylum. Psychotics who used to run it given free rein to gob off on how they’d run it into the ground even more, but simply ask for their cut in facilitating it. And a media bubble from gated communities who will either be wafted down said Zil lanes or housed a few miles from their houses in swanky hotels to spare them having to get up early and mix with the great unwashed.
Glad me & the fam will be nowhere near any of it, even via the idiot box.
If you wanted to appoint a leader with a brief to bring the country down to Third World status, Ken would be your man. But then, that’s exactly what he and his fellow Lefties want. He’s not as daft as he looks, you know.
The way they could get their Marxists state is to destroy our democracy though cultural marxism.
Shotie says you cant deal with the problem because it will stigmatize them! what utter shite!
Shoutie even. oops
I prefer ‘shotie’ 🙂
Re Sunday Morning Live: Owen Jones is the most slappable 14-yr old I’ve seen in a while.
Mind you, the whole programme needs a kicking.
Owen Jones the Justin Beiber of left. Owen Jones has got one of those faces you never get tired of punching.
In other news..
Have to say I simply loved this po-faced comment from a ‘normal poster in the street’…
‘So BBC is not saying whether the offer was true or not, simply they had no recollection of such an offer.’
Either Drs. Scezandy from Oslo are being deployed elsewhere, or ‘the cuts’ have BBC CECUTT staff moonlighting.
“The BBC belongs to us.
“Yet we are kept in the dark about its new leader.
“Before the next director general is announced, the candidates should open themselves to public scrutiny.”
(By Henry Porter.)