Friday arrives and another busy week on Biased BBC comes to and end! Here’s a new OPEN THREAD to see us off into the weekend but more posts to follow during the next few days! Do keep detailing the bias as you see it!
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The (current) highest rated comment was an eye-opener.
“Before anything such as you describe can happen, first it will be necessary to break up the BBC.”
I like the reply…
“The BBC should be sold to Rupert Murdoch 👿 , just because it will annoy the lefties.”
Every government owned business has been privatised, why not the IBBC?
Also – Thanks for the link, GW.
This is why I find Delingpole such a good read…
“Easier said than done, of course – as I was reminded yesterday when I Tweeted it under the headline “How to rescue capitalism….” only to have some Twentysomething smartarse Tweet back “Rescue it? Bury it!”
This is the kind of fifth-form, sub-Banksy political analysis which passes for conventional wisdom these days. It’s the dominant strain of thinking at the Guardian, at the BBC, among the studio audience at Channel 4’s apocalyptically lame 10 O’Clock Live, on Twitter, in the right-on brains of groovester opinion-formers all the way from Ben Goldacre to Graham Linehan to Polly Toynbee – and, of course, across the world in the entire Occupy movement. Capitalism, they all maintain, has failed.
BBC-NUJ: preparing another week of political ammunition against the Government, via Cameron instigated, Leveson Inquiry.
“The anti-Leveson backlash begins” (March, 2012)
Watching ‘The Normans’ on BBC HD. Once again, as with ‘The Crusades’ series, before the credits have even started, the crusades are framed as an appalling crime committed by Christians against wholly innocent muslims, who were just going about their business when the Christians decided to attack them for no reason whatsoever…
The BBC, especially Newsnight, can’t seem to get enough of him, but the public appear to have much better instincts – surprisingly. Enjoy…. 🙂
Ed Balls splashed out thousands on private poll to find out why voters don’t like him… and in case he’s in any doubt, new MoS survey reveals he’s ‘untrustworthy and an opportunist’
He has secretly commissioned private polling at a cost of thousands of pounds to find out how voters are reacting to him and his economic policies.
Embarrassingly, Labour Party sources say the polling results show that Mr Balls is still seen as a turn-off by many, both politically and personally.
Article from today in The Sun about the BBC Bias:
Biased and botched coverage
Read more
The only people I know that support the BBC compulsary tax for the Lefty/Cultural marxist pro-Islamic, anti-semitic IBBC are people who work for it. Also people who live in ivory towers such as academics who know if the BBC is privatised there next.
In a link on that page, our Fearne also not faring too well with her stout defence that only the BBC should be able to holding anyone to account, where it would be deemed anything from ‘valid critique’ to ‘just joking’. Anyone else does it… bullying. Only her ‘working class’ empathisers, none on a family-dynasty wangled £250kpa to hold a mic and witter inanely, do not seem to be buying it either..
On that ‘holding to account ‘ lark again…
‘”We’re also very concerned that you have published your video recording,..
Kind of reminds one of something similar…
‘We note you have chosen to make this private exchange public.’
Now, anyone feel that something less than edifying is afoot when they so clearly have very different, some might say ‘unique’ standards when the spotlight swings back on the dark little recesses of their own sordid conduct?
Not to mention deploying who knows how many of their own STASI spooks on such adventures, again spying on folk using public funds.
I’d say questions are being asked.
Maybe… there should be an inquiry into such institutional abuse?
Forget Levenson…., pop down to the Green Room Bunker and unleash… THE PRESCOTT!!!!
The light through the lone window fell like a golden pillar to the floor as it caught the particles of cigar smoke filling the air, making it even harder for Helen to see the shadowy figures behind the table, between bottles of champagne destined for corridor floors and relief packages of hummus & Waitrose marmalade labelled ‘Salford: do not let poor people get near’.
Eventually one stirred from his slumber, and a surprisingly friendly voice intoned: ‘So, Ms. Boaden, just one question, bit of a rubber stamp really: on all matters BBC, from our professionalism to impartiality, on a scale of 10 to 11 out of 10, just How Right do you think we really get it?”
And she knew then, it was all hers for the taking, and she would be so uniquely powerful, she would never have to account for anything, ever again.
This site is still shockingly slow, just like the old one was.
It often reminds me of dial up.
And no, it’s not my computer. Other sites work properly.
Interesting insight into the mindset and priorities of the Beeboid who fronts the ‘we get it about right’ watch.
Raymond Snoddy @RaymondSnoddy
Brown wrong that Tories adopted all Murdoch anti-Beeb policies – Hunt backed impartiality and Treasury plan to cut licence by 1/3 rejected
In that factual correction/admission, I also see that protection of the BBC is all that matters and the BBC cannot be viewed as an impartial player in anything to do with Murdoch.
‘Guardian’, in speculating on future Director General, (DG) reduces possible criticism of its political chums at BBC-NUJ to the coverage of the Diamond Jubilee.
“BBC jubilee complaints may shape search for new director general”
No suggestion that new DG should stop the perennial political bias for: Labour, Obama, EU, mass immigration, Islamisation, and warmist politics; but then the ‘Guardian’ would have to criticise itself.
The Guardian is the most dishonest biased paper outside the ‘socialist paradises of north korea and cuba’.
Anyone else catch BBC’s Craig Oliver emphatic miming the ‘clunking fist’ during his lip-smacking recounting of Gordon Brown’s testimony to Levinson? Occurred at about 1:10pm on BBC News24. Someone should put together a YouTube compilation of the pure unadulterated Labour bias of this man. Then get it up on Guido’s site.
Sorry – the reporters name was Norman Smith, NOT Craig Oliver.
Norman Smith bigging up Brown’s “huge clunking fist” in his mid-day report for the news from Leveson.
From the tweets I have seen from the likes of bradby, boulton etc, smith is in a minority of just ONE!
Quite an extraordinary report, couldnt believe what i was hearing.
Reckons browns evidence to Leveson will need its own thread.
Declan Lyons@DeclanLyons
“A delusion of fantasy bordering on distortion.” – Tom Bower, Gordon Brown’s biographer, on his Leveson testimony.
Gordon Brown was Tony Blairs fall guy.
Wonder what another biographer might have to say, on another channel… if he knows what’s good for his career?
Brain-dead SKY news is obsessed with ’embarrassment’ today, making daft moral equivalencies & tasking the wrong people with the wrong questions. I have to wonder if the McCanns were on for one of their periodic outings they’d have had the innuendo levelled at them the Camerons did. Pretty daft leaving junior Sam behind, but where were the spooks I presume look after such things?
And speaking of embarrassing, Adam Boulton just had a pundit ‘interview’ hijacked by Kevin Maguire redirecting everything the way he’d prefer away from what Mr. Bower was raising, to all that Mr. Brown would approve of.
I can only imagine how the BBC set-up would be.
But Levenson shows our entire MSM has now lost any plot it might have had.
Norman Smith’s tweets were an ongoing disgrace, creating all sorts of open-ended ‘gaps’ to fill, that if he chanced across BBC colleague Andrew Neil in a corridor, might have been filled in a way that did not suit his, Brown’s or the BBC’s weird versions of how things ‘should’ happen when they seem to actually pan out contra-narrative.
People on the BBC have belatedly conceded that the successive “fixes” for Greece and now Spain are merely attempts to buy some time.
But nowhere have I heard any of the BBC staffers saying that what could well happen – pretty soon – is total collapse – Eurogeddon. The strains inherent in the Eurozone – especially with the collapse of property prices around the Med – are far to great to be funded by Germany, even if Germany wanted to bail out the whole shoot.
It was pathetic yesterday morning the way early Radio 4 news reports tried to suggest that thew Spain “fix” was working – by reference to some early jumps in Hong Kong etc stock markets. Couldn’t they see this was just some temporary froth. With rates of well over 6% still for Spain and Italy, the dam is breaking.–europe-s-economic-crisis-is-going-global
And any idea that this won’t hit the UK very hard is pure moonshine.
But at least it seems to be adding to public pressure for a referendum on Europe. Why should we be wedded to an economic basket-case that imposes onerous regulations and other costs on the UK, that cuts across our ability to control our borders sensibly, that has killed off the cod stocks etc etc etc.
We have enough nonsense from our own politicians, we don’t need the succubus of Europe’s politicians and bureaucrats too – it is piling Pelion upon Ossa