Funny how certain “surveys” attract BBC attention which then presents them as hard news.
“Prejudice against people from different backgrounds has increased over the past six years, according to an Equality Commission for Northern Ireland survey. The most negative attitudes were towards members of the Traveller community, but prejudice against gay and disabled people has also risen. The survey also found that 30% of respondents felt some forms of prejudice were acceptable. The commission said it was a “worrying insight into the population’s psyche”.
Gosh, what a stroke of luck that this Commission exists to fight this rising prejudice. What a blow to those cynics who suggest that the “Equality Commission” is just a pathetic self serving bloated quango inventing prejudice through biased polls. And how KIND of the BBC to flag it all up.
Where does left wing cries of “Bullingdon club” fit in to this?
fact: only the working classes are allowed to get drunk and make arses of themselves.
Bit awkward when the likes of Labour TV’s own David Dimbleby was a member.
There was a saying in the eighties,when labour local authorities let loose racism awareness trainers on their unsuspecting employees ( who were then told they were all racists whether they knew it or not): ‘Asking a racism awareness officer if an organisation has a problem with racial prejudice is like asking a barber if you need a haircut.’
Human beings have prejudices. Gosh! What a revelation. Never in the whole of recorded history have we come across anything like this or even had an inkling of it. Something must be done – at once!
And I know what needs to be done: urgently appoint more equality and diversity officials, give more power to the Equality Commission, more reports on prejudice quick
We need to change some place names as well they are wayiss, Blackpool and blackburn for a start.
…And why not a public account with, say, £750k to start, supplemented by lottery funds. Perhaps a name is needed: for example Inequality, Diversity and Integration Of Traders fund.
Prejudice? The BBC’s constant failure to report anti-Jewish racism by non-right groups and its failure to report instances of racist violence against white victims is “a worrying insight into the Corporation’s psyche”.
I’ve just conducted a survey on the BBC’s use of surveys.
Polling one person, 100% of him revealed that Aunty’s a right manipulative bastard.
I know but statistics can be misleading, I only just learned that on average everyone in the country has less that two legs! absolutely amazing fact!
I’m really worried now.
It is indeed highly disturbing to hear we are all officially 30 per cent more prejudiced than we were in 2006. I am busy ironing my hairshirt as I type, and I am preparing to flog myself mercilessly.
So, we are all guilty, then. Has the BBC been interviewing Dr. Heinz Kiosk all day?
Life really does emulate satire.
I’m worried that the thought police will arrest me and send me to an re-education camp.
I’m Wayiss and I didn’t know it.
So is this those incurably predjudiced white people at it again (as the BBC would like you to conclude)? As immigrants are now an increasing part of the population, statistically incidence of racism should be falling . Further explanation required ?
So that must mean that the troubles in Northern Ireland are over because Catholic and Protestant negative attitudes towards each other have been reduced to the point where both communities are united in showing most of there negative attitudes towards members of the Traveller community. Good news then.
So when people lived in predominently white areas about 10-15 years ago, and had a few, integrated neighbours of different races, there was lower levels of prejudice.
Now they live in the same area, where the immigrant population may have risen from 5% to 55% in 15 years, suddenly they are discovering an increase in prejudice?
I wonder if there is a link?
I also wonder if the increasing prejudice is mainly, or partly coming from the alien communities which were not even in this country 15 years ago and any increase in prejudice against them is in response to their own innate prejudices which they brought with them from their own countries?
Typical Left/cultural marxists policies divide and conquer. Destroy the natives by putting a load of foreigners in their midst. So these two groups fight each other instead of the evil left/cultural marxists who are using them for their own evil agenda.
Would have been helpful if the BBC had provided a link to the original report so we could see if our analysis is the same as the BBC’s/
Lies, damn lies…. and BBC ‘reports’ of ‘polls’ or ‘research’.
So the BBC reports the answers. But what about the selection of the questions? I have no doubt that given a piece of chewing gum, a calculator, a selective sample and three Dinky Toys I could prove that more than half of my respondents (let’s call it 54%) would say they would mind having a BBC journalist as an in-law.
Well, not that what crackpot leftie stuffed Al-Beeb conveniently always decides should be news for us its paymasters is usually even worth wiping your arse on, but it would be rather more kind of cowardly as hell Al-Beeb to partake in a public survey about all the STILL hidden away findings of its (OURS!) Balen Report and happily flag that up instead! Let’s see how conveniently obsessed it would care to be with that beauty as worthy news for everyone!
Why has prejudice against homosexuals doubled in just a few years? It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the big push for homosexual marriage, could it?
Maybe the survey asked a certain lot here who breed here like rabbits and who aren’t exactly too keen on botty lovers.
If the numbers are that different because the survey contacted a completely different group of people this time, then the whole thing is invalidated, no?
“The survey also found that 100% of respondents at the BBC felt some forms of prejudice were acceptable. The commission said it was “not in the slightest bit worrying as we despise the filthy White English working/lower-middle class scum as well”
The BBC always has plenty of room to peddle rigged and faked polls, its who they are and what they do. Fake and rigged polls deliver the kind of legitimacy that their pet causes without exception lack.
Rig a poll to confirm that white people are racist, fake a poll that shows people believe in the CAGW fraud and the list is endless.
Leading public opinion leads to perverting public opinion leads to manipulating public opinion leads to exactly the kind of squalid degenerate BBC we see today.
The BBC have unwittingly painted themselves into a corner from which there is no escape, an ever decreasing circle that will end in their demise.
Went to a ludicrous parade in a big northern city at the weekend.
Roma , all manner of community groups soaking up the rates, firemen with no work to do, smiling policemen who have now returned to the beat after those riots….and indeed any group of victims and leftie causes that could carry a paper mache monster on stilts got a cavalcade, bells and whistles.
As for dealing with crims, or getting your bins emptied..not at all mate…life is one long cabaret old chum…still, I`m no ratepayer up there.
But if I had been, I`d have been a bit hacked off at the cost of these self-aggrandising wannabies at the public trough…it`s as if Livingston and Blunkett never went away!
Father Fitzpatrick: And this is the last known photo of Herr Hitler; he’s signing a few death warrants there.
Ted: Funny how you get more right-wing as you get older!
Ted: Who says I’m a racist?
Colin: Everyone’s saying it, Father. Should we all be racist now? What’s the official line the church is taking on this.
Ted: No, no.
Colin: Only the farm takes up most of the day and at night I just like a cup o’ tea. I mightn’t be able to devote myself to the ol’ racism.