Neil Turner in the comments has a campaign up and running:
His ePetition is now up:
“Do you want to keep BBC’s Licence Fee ? Yes or No “
The Telegraph is thinking along similar lines.
Isn’t it time for a shareholder revolt at the BBC?
‘Isn’t it time that shareholders in the BBC – that means all of us – took a similar stand? Blissfully unaffected by the economic turmoil out there in the real world, it pockets a fixed annual income of £3.6 billion. It doesn’t have to struggle to make money, only to spend it. And it loves to splash it around. While it is notoriously difficult to get any hard info out of the Beeb on the salaries it pays – commercial sensitivity and all that – there’s enough in the public domain to have the hard-pressed licence fee payer reaching for their pitchforks. Last year the Corporation revealed it was paying £22 million to just 19 of its “stars”, all of them earning more than half a million a year. That included a reported £2 million for Graham Norton and Gary Lineker (why?) and £1.4 million to Alan Hansen (an even bigger why?). Is Anne Robinson worth £1 million a year and Jeremy Paxman £800,000? Most licence fee payers will have a view, but unlike shareholders in a company they have no way of expressing it. Surely it’s time they did.’
Tricky which way to vote on this one isn’t it ?
Posted on the Telegraph site by “Clieu”:
Each year, the BBC gets £3.6B from License payers, £1B from the sales of its 40 year backlog of programs and £500M from the Foreign Office to run the World Service. That makes £5.1B squandered each each.
The self awarded high salaries, pensions, undeserved perks and the rampant nepotism in recruitment are the very least of your worries. The real problem is that the BBC is infested with ignorant and arrogant
traitors with the same mindset as the Cambridge five. These people wish to sabotage the UK in every way they can and they are succeeding extremely well.
The BBC has an appalling and dangerous political track record. In the 1930s Reith personally banned Churchill because Reith supported appeasement and would not give a platform to Churchill’s warnings about the real threat posed by Hitler. It doesn’t get better. Almost every silly idea going has been relentlessly promoted by the left wing friends of Blunt, Philby etc in control at the BBC. Wholesale Nationalization that set back the UK’s post war recovery by decades. Unlimited immigration, vilification of the native community as ignorant racists, (Alf Garnet and virtually every thing they’ve done since). Economic sabotage such as joining the EU, joining the ERM, supporting the EURO. Supporting the HRA and employment laws that make employers reluctant to employ people. You name it – if it was bad for Britain, bad for jobs and well known by experts as only good for Lawyers – the BBC promoted it relentlessly using the victims own money – the License fees, taxes and fees on programs funded entirely by License fees.
In Germany, they don’t have waiting lists like the NHS. Health care is at least as good and as available in Germany as the UK. There are many more doctors per person in Germany too. Does the BBC advocate funding and organizing the NHS as healthcare is in Germany. Not on your life. They never would – peoples’ lives are insignificant compared to political agenda and dogma of the privileged saboteurs at the BBC.
Every day, the BBC puts out material to tell Blacks, Asians and Muslims that they suffer discrimination and thus radicalising them, when the real truth is that they have unprecedented opportunity merely by being in the UK compared to their country of origin. After all, if that wasn’t the case – if life was better at home – they would return immediately.
The BBC has managed to brainwash nearly half the UK population to believe that Socialism works and that immigrants who often make 20 times as much in the UK as they did before and who are given equal right to healthcare, schools, housing and jobs as UK born and bred citizens are actually an oppressed minority. The shareholders’ revolt would need to result in wide scale imprisonment of a great many saboteurs working at the BBC for treason if it was to have any lasting effect.
Interesting to note that a swooping apologist didn’t like being disagreed with and so started screaming ‘abuse’. And it hasn’t got him very far there, either, other than being compared to the BBC in mindset and toys/pram reaction when not deferred to.
The calibre of cherry vulture is going downhill. Maybe its all that genetic inbreeding Helen likes?
I agree the BBC has done enormous damage to this country by supporting the disastrous policies of the union funded socialist parties. How they reconcile the bloated payments to celebrities with being a union based (NUJ) organisation I will never understand but it is very typical of the infinite hypocrisy at the heart of the BBC/union/socialist state that we now reside in.
Cameron has today survived Leveson, an enquiry we must remember he set up, and whilst he says that he supports the BBC and the licence fee he also said he has had trouble getting the government’s message across to the TV stations, headed up of course by the BBC.
If the BBC does not start to show a great deal more responsibility I am sure he will now start the next phase and that will be to curtail their subtle but malicious campaign against his government, common-sense and vital fiscal control. One way or another the BBC will be forced into the real world of commerce and the reliance on the licence fee eroded by inflation, if not by more government action. There is now a growing ground swell of opinion that wants to see the end of this monstrous, mischievous and traitorous organisation. And for certain there is public revulsion against enforced payment for what is after all not an essential service.
I admire your faith in David Cameron but I doubt that you are correct. Everything I have seen of David Cameron has shown him to be a coward with the tactical nous of a damp flannel.
You may not remember my words but do please remember your own.
If they would keep their sleazy paws off the “news” the licence fee would be acceptable in a lesser amount for drama, comedy, sports, etc. Just how much is paid to the “stars” of Today like Humphrys, Evans, Webb, etc?
The BBC’s Left-wing bias isn’t in its news coverage; it’s in everything else that it does
By Ed West
What about payment by results?
If we could only get those scamps of Salford to release themselves from those electronic tags, couldn`t they become modern day Robin Hoods?…line up along Salford Quays and gently persuade passing BBC types that they are liberating the license fees of the poor and marginalised from the elites.
I see an Occupy movement developing here, along the sunny wharves of Salford…and those Salford scamps would finally be adding value to the stock of the nation.
No violence though please-just a caring and compassionate look from cow eyes…or a Toynbee mask, which is the same thing.
“‘Bloated’ BBC Jubilee coverage attacked by Tory MP”
According to Private Eye’s ‘Music and Musicians’ columnist, in this week’s edition, the world of music is particularly furious with the uselessness of the Beeb’s coverage of the river pageant. He writes of ‘..cohorts of musicians whose input was so little recognised by the BBC that some of them are calling for Bea Weston, the editor in charge, to quit.’ There were ten music barges , including ones for the London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Academy of Ancient Music, a number of distinguished soloists took part and thirteen composers had written specially commissioned works. ‘But from the TV commentaries, who would have known it?’ He wonders if Weston may have thought this aspect wasn’t frivolous enough for the general tone of their coverage but even when they gave the music any attention they got the names wrong or got the different orchestras/ensembles mixed up. A spokesmen for the composers is quoted as saying: ” On behalf of all those who were royally snubbed I have two word for the morons who (either through incompetence or conspiracy) failed to feature us in any meaningful way. Screw you.”
I watched the BBC’s coverage and only knew of one musical barge with London’s Philharmonic Orchestra on, which they showed a bit of, at the end, and even then had dreadful picture fall-out, sound failure and they switched between cameras rapidly enough to trigger epilepsy.
It was appalling.
II watched some of the BBC coverage but soon switched to Sky . The set design of the BBC studio was downright weird., an illuminated pink border around the studio window and strange padded thing on the wall , it looked like a dodgy late night sex advice show and completely inappropriate for the Royal Jubilee, how it was deemed acceptable I don‘t know but it does say a lot about the BBC.
I always find an insider’s view helpful…
He tends to deal in facts and direct quotes, but can add a pithy comment or two to round things off.
Questions are being asked.
The powerful are being held to account.
And they don’t seem to like it when the focus is on them.
V interesting link, bookmarked. Thanks for posting.
It’s always interesting to get an[ex] insider’s view.
I’m sick to death of paying for the BBC’s anti-everything that made this country great. Most of these lefty freaks that work at the BBC have never done a real days work in their life. The BBC is just the propaganda machine for a clique of self-loathing white middle class british metro trendy leftys. they go on about multiculturalism, but live in a white neighbourhoods. The whites, muslims etc should stop fighting each other and team up and purge this country of this filth.
I agonised weighing up the pros and cons for about half of a second and voted No.
According to English law, there can be no contract without there being a “consideration” – that is, when you pay for something you must get that something in return. So if you’re not getting impartial broadcasting – as per the BBC charter – in return for your license fee payment for impartial broadcasting, then you don’t have to pay. Your contract with the corporation is null and void.
No doubt council and other taxes can be viewed in a contractual way too…..
According to English law, there can be no contract without there being a “consideration” – that is, when you pay for something you must get that something in return.
I once used this technique successfully against a local council.
Lived in a block of flats for which there was inadequate refuse disposal facilities/enough collections. They would only empty bins which meant that bags continually accumulated around the bins until it reached the point around bank holidays when nobody could get to the now empty bins. Despite many complaints the situation got progressively worse.
Got all the residents together and confronted our local Councillor. The Councillor was informed that we would appoint a local solicitor with whom all our council tax would be deposited. Said solicitor would then be instructed to bring a case against the council for non-delivery of service.
After many threats of “you cannot do that, we are the Government and we can do what we like” they went off and about a week later after obviously seeking legal advice we had the most senior managers meeting with us to discuss how the problem could be solved as quickly as possible.
Council tax is actually, legally unenforceable. It is very tricky from a legal perspective to win a case, but it is possible.
Ian, Tiger, geyza – You guys seem to know a bit about the wonderful world of UK law. I am in process of persuading my missus that if, as seems likely, the BBC expedites me, as it will be via an unwarranted bum’s rush based on fabrications, my only avenue of response is to cancel the DD. As I refuse to lie, this will mean a possible summons to court. Which is exactly what I want. I want to explain how they have failed to deliver the service contracted. However, I have been given to understand the nature of these court appearances is, with the connivance of the authorities, more akin to a 50’s Chinese show trial, with a bunch of folk from the same area pooled together, found guilty no matter what and then sent a bill for the bullet.
That sounds like the brave new UK we are headed to, and equally worth fighting, but I have a limit as to the number of windmills worth tilting at if it really is that stacked and/or rigged.
IMHO, the way forward is a well publicised site and organisation where peeps can donate their licence fee to and the money is then used to hound the bbc in the courts and with the regulators. This would start with suing the board of directors , as individuals, for failing to carry out there responsibilities.
This will generate enormous publicity and will make it easier for the govt to move to a subscription model.
Now, this movement needs a name, let me think, let me think, how’s about
The BBC Licence-Payers’ Spring
That’ll do 🙂
Well done, uncle bup.
Nice to see no sign of the greengrocers apos’trophe there too.
Scrapping the completely undemocratic (yet Beeb can’t support foreigners demanding democracy enough!!) BBC licence fee cannot possibly come a day too fuckin soon!! NO other broadcaster gets away with what the sickeningly ever indoctrinating BBC does. ITV’s free, Sky’s subscription, it’s the year 2012 ffs!, so…? It’s legal daylight fuckin robbery! In such a democracy as this it really is an absolutely disgusting carry-on.
Hope you’ve all signed and retweeted the ePetition
We need 100,000 votes….
I’ve given it it’s own board on my site – Good Luck 🙂
The more the merrier !
According to this video, the EU is paying the BBC to promote the EU. He argues that the BBC is committing treason and that paying the TV license makes you party to a criminal act. When this is put to TV licensing they back off and leave him alone… does this prove him right …..?
Correction – not treason but a breach of contract
See for legal advice.
Shows how the BBC and labour work together very closely –