I’ve often wondered what this bloke’s purpose is. He rarely contributes anything, and when he does, his English is shit.
The fact that they’re supposed to be going around on a motorbike adds nothing to the programme either.
utterly desperate programme where they have to resort to catching out scrotes they already caught three series’ ago, interspersed with screeching from mother-harpy and ‘top talent’ Anne something or other.
Funnily enough I’ve done a decent amount of foreign travel and never ever ever has someone said to me, ‘I really envy your BBC’, or ‘I really envy your NHS’.
And they certainly wouldn’t envy paying for either of them.
Going around on a motorbike driven by a fellow in leathers who grunts occasionally in lieu of speech is supposed to make the programme more palatable to the yoof. I think that’s the idea anyway. This Beeboid channel seems very anxious about attracting teenaged boys and young men and apparently the motorbike and two blokes in leather is the means of doing it!
Richard Black dismembered. Condition “satisfactory” http://timworstall.com/
We pay Black’s salary, whose description as a “cretin” is almost certainly unfair – to cretins. Black is no where near that bright.
Although that link to the home page of the blog is useful too. I love the stories about the Guardian and UKUncut being wholly wrong about the NAO reports about the amount of tax owed by corporations.
To repeat the headline: “NAO to UK Uncut: Fuck off hippies”
‘I wonder if they will also be handing one to Ed Balls…’
He was on SKY earlier. At least the result spared me any more Wonga and PPI claim ads over breakfast.
Meanwhile, speaking of ways the BBC can further interact with their fiscal hero… Nick Robinson @bbcnickrobinson
Think it’s time someone arranged for a re-match in which @edballsmp interviews @EvanHD. One for Children in Need if not @BBCr4?!
Given future generations of children are already doomed to be in need thanks to Mr. Balls’ efforts in the past, and the BBC’s selfish tribal support of his party no matter what, a brave piece of extra sycophancy from the man known as ‘toenails’.
So Helen Boaden – remind me again, how exactly does that fit with that mythical genetic impartiality you are so proud of?
I’m sure if they are really impartial they must have given Gordon Brown or “Mr Ed the Talking Balls” an “Economics for Dummies” book. Only I don’t remember them doing that, I wonder why…
Boaden is not listening. Like every good apparatchnik she is keeping her head down and trousering a third of a million salary a year, with comensurate pension. She doesn not give a f*ck what any of us think, she knows she is beyond accountability and fireproof. If push came to shove she would probably gobble Chris Patten to make sure she stayed that way.That is why the bBC is the loathsome organisation it is. Insulated from accountability to its source of revenue. Of all the mistakes Cameron has made, and they are legion, failing to address our “national broadcaster” will be high in his tombstone.
How the bBC writes up a non-story into one about British Imperialism Falklands anniversary: Argentine media subdued The 30th anniversary of the surrender of Argentine forces on the Falklands Islands has failed to stir the country’s media commentators. Many newspapers report on President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s planned address on the “Malvinas” to the UN Decolonisation Committee, but little opinion on the Islands’ sovereignty is expressed.
For her part, Ms Fernandez launched an international media campaign affirming Argentina’s claims on the Islands. In an advertisement that was seen in British, Indian and Russian newspapers, Ms Fernandez called upon the UK government to enter negotiations and “give peace a chance”. The announcement that a referendum on the Island’s future sovereignty would be held in 2013 was reported widely, with the tone suggesting that the result would favour the UK. The anniversary also failed to animate users of the microblogging site Twitter. While a moderate number of tweets containing the word “Malvinas” were posted, the story was not among the 10 most popular topics in Argentina or wider South America.
So because the Argentine media didn’t take the same stance as the bBC over the Falklands Islands. (You know that stance which lead to the bBC informing the Argentines of British movements during the war,of informing them that their bombs weren’t fusing and which lead to the death of many British servicemen) They go into meltdown and report Twitter threads from South America in which to try and prove that the Falaklands should belong to Argentina. The anniversary has received moderate attention among Twitter users in South America. Use of the word “Malvinas” gradually increased in the seven days leading up to the anniversary, and it was one of the 30 most used words in tweets from Argentina on the day itself
one recalls the 5live disscussion, linked direct to the Falklands where the bbc continually, refered to the Maldivas, much to the annoyance of the gathered group in Port Stanley, if i remember correctly it was mentioned at least twice.
they are literally beneath contempt.
‘Today’ was breathlessly reporting on Kirchner’s latest comments this morning. They desperately want something to come of it.
Incidentally – ‘Kirchner’ – that’s a German name, right? I wonder what her grandfather was doing during the war? Perhaps sporting one of those natty, grey Hugo Boss uniforms with the Totenkopf on the collar? hmm, perhaps!
The BBC report I saw on the news last night showed that jumped up communist bitch who is running Argentina into the ground, being greeted by the Secretary General of the UN. They never once showed the contingent of Falkland Islanders who also travelled to the UN to remind the UN about their own inalienable rights to self-determination and their strong desire to remain British.
I just wish that the people living in the UK were allowed the opportunity for self determination too.
In contrast, ITV News showed the group of Falkland Islanders outside the UN building with their banner, and included a short clip of the address inside about the Islanders’ right to self-determination
That is hilarious. It’s worth reporting because the domestic media doesn’t think it’s worth reporting? Ah, the twisted priorities of Beeboids. It’s like the opposite of how they handle US issues, where they refuse to cover big stories in the domestic media because they don’t want you to know about them.
“Court Dissolves Egyptian Parliament; Army Takes Over; Civil War?”
“This will be seen by every Islamist — whether Salafi or Muslim Brotherhood — and by most of the liberals — who feel closer to the Islamists than to the government — as if the 2011 revolution has just been reversed.
An intersting turn of narative on the BBC news tonigt with the BBC now reporting at the ‘surprising’ direction public opinion seems to be going in the election with many interviewed, particularly women voting against the muslim brotherhood.
Either they’ve seen stats that support a likely defeat for the MB, or they got sick of trying to find people who support them.
Watch this space…
“British suspected Islamic terrorist arrested in Germany.
“A major German security operation targeted ‘dangerous’ Islamist extremists in dawn raids by 850 police officers on 70 mosques, schools and homes across Germany. ”
Is it my imagination or did the two ‘British’ jihadi propagandists (they are only just old enough to be juvenile delinquents) in this video, pickup their presentation and editing techniques from watching too much cbeebies. (You don’t have have any sympathy for Robinson or the EDL to find this vid chilling.)
Jeee these jackbooted ji jis, the voice of the “perfect” religion/ m m m master race 😀 …, the religion of ji ji ji jew hatred? obviously?, oh and english hatred … oh and USA hatred? … oh and tommy robinson hatred … sheesh!
wheres the ahem … “peace ” part 😀
laughably these numbskulls think supporting the only democracy in the ME is a bad thing?… (must be m m muslim)
ji ji ji jealousy will get you nowhere … jee these ji ji ji juveniles
have spent too much time brainwashing themselves with the ji ji jihad manual, whether ji ji juvanile or ji ji ji geriatric, there is no helping them. 😀
You know, if people like these made more of a fuss about Muslim-on-Muslim sectarian mass murder, I’d be willing to at least listen to them here. But these people clearly don’t give a damn about Muslim lives and really just hate Israel.
As usual, the lives of people with brown skin are valued based only on who harms them.
Those two nasties have a whole lot of videos up on YouTube – general theme is that jihad is good, 9/11 was good, Britain is a pawn of Israel – including our soldiers dying in Afghanistan for Israel ?), Islam will triumph.
What a couple of brainwashed cretins, see what TR is up against. We should back him to the hilt. People of quality and powerful intellect need to get behind the EDL, give them some respect and leadership to take on the Left and idiotic muslims, because believe you me, we will need the rough and ready edl types to defend us, no one else will.
Well these are my words, and I’ll say them as often as I like:
Fuck off home, fuck off home, fuck off home, fuck off home, fuck off home, fuck off home to Pakistan where you belong….
I’ll keep and use the quote, it’s perfect:
theres no such thing as radical islam, just islam!
perfect for the defenders of these scum.
Now read this: The Rhetoric of Nonsense: Fabricating Palestinian History Particularly the part about the three strands of Arab rhetoric: Stating nonsense to suit one’s purpose, knowingly distorting the truth and propagandising through the lens of pure ideology, specifically Islam.
On the way into work I caught at the back end of the Today programme a discussion on whether David Cameron had been damaged by the heavy media coverage of the Leveson enquiry, a good chunk of economic guru Ed Balls’ views on the economy during the 9am news and then it was straight into Kirsty Young in simpering mode for Desert Island Discs with Doreen Lawrence (in case of you’ve never heard of her she…oh you have?OK)
And next Friday, Kirsty will be welcoming Mrs Karen Downes, mother of the missing Blackpool teenager, Charlene, who local police were ‘99.9% certain…had been murdered’. This was in 2003, & Mrs Downes still awaits justice. Oops, maybe she isn’t going to be having a love-in with Kirsty, after all. Mrs Downes is a little bit suspect: white, working class, a little bit insubordinate when it comes to the miracle that is ‘enrichment’. Never mind, these bothersome indigenous people will be gone soon, erased from the Brave New England the political elite are hell bent on inflicting on us…and for my next record I’d like to hear Blue Mink’s Melting Pot, this time sung by the BBC’s Tuscan Diversity Choir, played by the Caucasophobia Orchestra, and conducted by Sir Andrew ‘Miscegenation’ Marr. Respec’.
Will Gompertz is the BBC’s Arts Correspondent – he looks it too. He reminds me of a rather more gawky version of the ‘Englisch Architekt’ bloke from old the Vorsprung durch Technik adverts.
But don’t expect this paid-up Beeboid to actually do much in the way of an arts critic at the licence payers behalf. Oh no, this guy is right out of the rump of the old guard Blairite Cool Britannia crowd. The corporation signed him up in a transfer deal from his former employer the Tate (where else?).
When it comes to introducing Danny Boyle’s Olympics opening ceremony Gompertz is never going do a real critique. Well the BBC don’t want an arts critic such as the acerbic Brain Sewell let loose on what they see as their pet project. All negativity towards the Olympics is to be stiffled.
Oh one more thing…. you know how much of the plans for Danny Boyle’s show are still a closely guarded secret. Well I may be sticking my neck out here but – would I be very wide of the mark in guessing that right after we see the image of the green rural Ye Olde England complete with cricket match, suddenly the music starts up and on come five hundred Bollywood dancers!
When the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain played for the Diamond Jubilee, I couldn’t help wondering how many people were even aware of its existence before the event even though it’s been around since 1978.
Too much fawning over the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra in my opinion, good though it is.
Why does the bBC never report attacks on White people by coloureds as ‘Racist Hate Crimes”
Have you noticed that any attack (Verbal,physical) on a coloured person in the Uk by a white person is deemed (quite rightly) as a racist incident by the bBC. The latest being how Ian Brazier pulled down the head covering of a Muslim woman. Well not 30 miles where that racist incident transpired Serioza Lawskoski, was pulled from a house by a gang of Islamic thugs all covered up in black and attacked with hammers and Screwdrivers and the bBC headline Man killed in Derby with hammer ‘was in wrong place
A man who died after being attacked in the street by a gang using a hammer may have been “in the wrong place at the wrong time”, a court has heard. Serioza Lawskoski, 29, suffered serious head injuries in the assault, in Normanton, Derby, last April. He was targeted by the masked group as he walked home from a friend’s house. And the names of his Killers:
Imran Rashid, 29, of Madeley Street, Raja Jeelani, 26, of Depot Street, Robuel Islam, 25, of Loudon Street, and brothers Kamran, Usman and Rizwan Ahmed, aged 21, 19 and 23, of Northumberland Street, deny all charges.
Why ,oh why is it that the bBC never ever reports attacks on white people by non-whites as anything bar ‘Racist’ The bBC, the main reason why people are gravitating towards the far right.
Even Evan couldn’t let Balls get away with his “UK’s economy is worst in the world” statement. Mind you, Evan effectively let Balls’ claim that the latest bit of crapola from Osborne/King is insufficient and has to be complemented by a raft of borrowing/taxing/spending “initiatives”, go unquestioned. Another instance where the elephant in the room (almost) passed unnoticed.
To be fair though, somebody (was it Peston?) noticed that the risk of lending this new money will still fall on the banks. However, nobody thought it necessary to mention two things: are credit-worthy businesses actually being refused credit? Why is the government in the business of sustaining the property bubble which got us into this mess in the first place?
Anecdotal, I know, but in a very small sample of small businesses in North London known to me (unscientific I know but that never puts the BBC off supporting the CAGW crowd’s “settled science”) not one – repeat, not one – is being “starved” of credit. True, they are all surviving in a rather gloomy trading environment but, as far as bank finance is concerned: they don’t want it or they don’t need it or, more to the point, where they do want/need credit the bank is proving cooperative. This is not to say that the banks in question would finance a wholesale expansion by these businesses but IMHO that’s not the purpose of bank finance so what is this £100bn for?
My understanding – alluded to on Today but not discussed – is that the interbank market is still in stasis (4 years now?) because the banks will not lend to their fellow banks. Why? Because each bank knows that the other banks (like itself) have massive undeclared sh*t on their balance sheets: why would you lend to someone who is insolvent? So insolvency – or fear of same – leads to illiquidity which can only be met by the Bank of England intermediating in the so-called “interbank” market. The “bank-bank” wholesale financing mechanism has become a “bank-BoE-bank” market. The £100bn is just greasing the wheels because the BoE (and Osborne) are unwilling to force the banks to come clean on their crap “assets”. Until this is got out of the way nothing will be solved or, rather, there will be an endless process of “solutions” which solve nothing (remind you of anything? The euro perhaps?).
The above was not discussed. All we got was a barren statement of entrenched positions with both Balls and Hoban (deliberately) missing the substantive issue concerning the solvency of the banks. Once the banks become solvent there would be little trouble about liquidity and credit would (or might – who wants to borrow in present circumstances?) flow. Was this discussed on Today? God forbid – you might have the great British public understanding that our rulers either don’t know what they’re doing or, worse, actually know what they’re doing. Either way, until something like the truth breaks out (which the BBC is there supposedly to promote), we’re stuffed.
How the bBC, goes well out of its way in which to defend Radical Islam German police in major crackdown on Salafist Muslims German police have launched nationwide raids targeting ultra-conservative Islamic Salafists, suspected of posing a threat to public order.Some 1,000 police officers were involved in searches that took place early on Thursday at Salafists’ homes and meeting places in seven states. A Salafist group called Millatu Ibrahim, based in the western city of Solingen, has been banned.The raids follow clashes between police and some Salafists. The authorities have been monitoring Salafist campaigns to recruit supporters, including the distribution of free Korans.
So according to the bBC, the Germany police have been arresting Muslims for handing out free Korans , maybe there lies the reason why police and some Salafists have had a number of clashes.
Would that be the clashes in Germany at the start of May in Bonn where 100 rioting Muslims were arrested after 29 police were put in Hospital with 2 of them suffering from stab wounds and how does the bBC re-write the facts? The BBC’s Stephen Evans, in Berlin, said that Germany has a track record of violent Islamism, with some of the men who took part in the attacks of 11 September 2001 having worshipped at a Hamburg mosque.But, he adds, most of Germany’s Muslims, most of whom are Turkish in origin, shun violence.
Shun violence the entire standard operating policy of Islam around the world is do as we say or you die and the bBC continues trying to tell me Islam is a religion of peace. Yup I’m sure that the 84 people murdered in Iraq yesterday are all at peace. The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islam
How the bBC reports on an Islamic Drug smuggler as only a victim Pregnant UK woman denies smuggling heroin from Pakistan A pregnant woman from Birmingham has appeared in court in Pakistan after being arrested last month with heroin worth £3.2m in several suitcases. Khadija Shah, 25, has been held in custody with her daughter, aged four, and her five-year-old son.She says she had been on holiday in Pakistan with relatives and had no idea what was in the cases.The BBC’s correspondent in Pakistan, Orla Guerin, was in court in Rawalpindi on Friday and said Miss Shah was accused of trying to smuggle 63 kilos of heroin.
So a woman from Birmingham who was caught on route to the Uk with 63 Kilograms of Heroin in her luggage (just under 10 stone) and the bBC plays the victim card I quote; She said if Miss Shah was convicted she could face the death penalty.
<Miss Shah, who was six months pregnant, was arrested in Islamabad in May as she tried to board a flight back to Birmingham with her children.
Miss Shah told the BBC: "I had no idea what was in them. I wouldn't do that with two young children".
She told our correspondent conditions in prison were absolutely horrific, with stifling heat and overcrowded cells.
The legal charity Reprieve says Miss Shah's children contracted measles in jail, and claims other pregnant woman have died in the prison where she is being held.
Reprieve said Miss Shah could not understand the legal proceedings against her as she did not speak Urdu.
10 stone of Heroin in her bags and she didn’t wonder to ask what was in them? The bBC, making Muslims into victims is our game
That should include the luggage allowance for her two children. 10 kilo per suitcase.
I guess she wasn’t travelling to Israel where they ask every passenger if they packed their suitcase, themselves and if someone gave them anything to take with them.
They ask those questions at BA check-ins LHR & LGW. Whether the weight limit is 23kg or 30kg or 32kg per passenger, I fail to see how anyone could pack their own bags and not spot that much extra weight of drugs in their cases.
‘Khadija Shah, 25, from Peshawar, was found carrying heroin in three bags during a search by a lady constable. The constable, Sajida Bibi, discovered 123 packets of heroin with a cumulative weight of 64kg.
‘Khadija, who is a British national and a divorcee, intended to board flight PK-791 heading for Birmingham with her two children’
‘Talking to the media at the airport, ANF Rawalpindi Commander Brigadier Faheem Ahmed said the investigators suspected the woman was not alone in trying to smuggle the massive quantity of narcotics. Two other men have been taken into custody following a tip-off by Khadija, he added.’
‘The ANF Commander informed that her passport along with an amount Rs1,000 in her custody had been confiscated.’
It’s a while since I’ve been through BBIA, although I used to do so frequently. The narcotic police checkpoint used to be the first one inside the door. Those boys (and girls) don’t mess about, either.
In fact, the only people who don’t seem to give a flying one who comes in and with what is the UK. Which explains an awful lot.
All the Pakistanis I’ve known have spoken Urdu. I mean, how are they going to converse with their parents or relations? It sounds like a fairly standard ploy to elicit sympathy – I won’t get a fair trial, I don’t understand the court etc. And the BBC (and various other do-gooders) fall for it hook, line and sinker. The real story here isn’t about the treatment of this woman and her children (which was her fault by the way), it’s about the poison that she was going to spread on the streets of Britain. Not that you’ll hear that from the BBC.
They quickly point out that this phemomena is only the result of a dip in incomes, and so are forced to explain how poverty in the UK is defined, i.e. the preposterous definition of 60% or less of median income.
I don’t recall the BBC ever going into such details when it was rising, so why do it this time?
Because, I suspect, they want to (1) ram home the issues with austerity and (2) blame the government (ie taxpayer) for not bleeding out more cash.
It is also hypocrytical of them to raise a red flag on the subject when financial incomes are rising, saying that more children are falling into poverty but not explaining the mathematics behind it. Then raising a red flag when incomes are falling, saying that whilst more are coming out of poverty it is only artificial and here are the mathematics behind it. Very crafty.
Lyce Doucet on the News Channel right now moaning (yes, her voice is clearly betraying emotion, the words she stresses and rising pitch makes it plain as day) that democracy in Egypt is being violated because the Army isn’t willing to hand everything over to the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s a coup, she says.
Whether or not one thinks the recent election was valid and the MB are going to be proper democratic rulers is beside the point. Doucet should not be expressing emotion like this when reporting.
Yes, Lyse (‘the humanity of the Taliban’) DOUCET gave over much of her slot from INBBC/Muslim Brotherhood to some Muslim? lecturer from Exeter University, whose name was mumbled once.
Of course, Doucet did not mention that the said INBBC Exeter Uni Islamic pundit, is from Exeter’s ‘Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies’ , which is financed by Arab/Islamic money from a Middle East emirate:
“Lessons not learned: The continuing funding of UK universities by despotic Arab regimes”
‘The TV viewing figures for the first half of 2012 contained one very significant side note: Newsnight has been outperformed by Channel 4 News. A blow to the pride of Newsnight, Channel 4 News had an average of 0.699 million viewers while Newsnight managed only a meagre 0.664 million.
Michael Crick, who was pushed out of Newsnight and went back to Channel 4 News, will be laughing…’
One of several succinct comments…
‘Stratton has obviously brought some of the Guardian magic with her – being used to small audiences as she is.
Clearly Newsnight’s audience do not want to follow it on its recent lurch, even further, to the left.’
This will not deter INBBC from continuing to support entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
“Turkey: Kurd with lemon accused of supporting terror.”
(Note how INBBC already has Turkey geographically classified as ‘European country’.) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18462421
I’ve just listened to a right BBC bitch reporting with glee that 10,000 maybe even 20,000 Sweden supporters (there’s accuracy for you !) will attend this evening’s football game against one of our Union.
This time it being England.
Furthermore she enlightened us that not many Three Lion fans had turned up for the event.
Preciesely what fucking point she was trying to make before the game had even started I’m not certain I’m sure.
Or have the liberal elite at the BBC concluded that they have sufficiently brainwashed the decent working people of Britain into a total irrelevance that only foreign jingoism is acceptable to be reported ?
I reckon the BBC will be only be content when England have five supporting fans and they all listen to Dido on their Ipods, vote ‘Yes’ in the AV referendum and would rather be watching Brazil.
nice to see P Hitchens, on QT dish out to G dyke about complaints/holding to account re Leveson …
” i find it amazing to hear that from BBC D/G an organisation where its impossible to complain about anything, you cant get through to anyone, or it half the time, which is itself enormously powerful and totally insensitive to complaint”
he goes on to mark the el beeb exemption to freedom of information too
As ‘I did not have sex with that woman’ has gone into history, so will ‘I did not make that call’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-18459013
Missing from the article is that Brown has not submitted the call records of his mobile(s). As the article notes the call was alleged to have taken place during the party conference. So the log of Downing St calls are of no interest.
In a world of ‘he said, she said’, one might rely on personal testimony, written and under oath, by others who might know a thing or two.
So we have the £4Bpa compelled funding BBC : ‘Phone records suggest no Brown ‘war’ call to Murdoch’ in full guesswork cover-up mode.
Or a free, niche blogger: http://order-order.com/2012/06/15/mandelson-swears-brown-made-war-call-to-murdoch/ ‘Mandelson Swears Brown Made War Call to Murdoch’ quoting one from the inner circle.
Now, how to believe? ‘If you have been watching BBC news … these days, I have some land on the Florida Everglades that you may be interested in.
Norman Smith dismissed the mobile phone angle earlier today on the News Channel. He brought it up as a straw man which he summarily knocked down. No mention, though, of any possibility that Mr. Brown could have called from someone’s home or from any private phone. Is the phone in his bedroom or weekend house included in the “official” listings?
Ah! Norman Smith – the man who repeatedly sees Cameron ‘entangled’ with phone hacking…but, it seems from your post, is happy to quickly disentangle Brown from the his ‘declaration of war’.
Time someone checked this man’s output for balance!
Rupert says the 29th Sept, Brown is at the Brighton Labour conference. The next day the 30th Brown had his famous interview with Adam Bolton of Sky. Brown was in his usual foul mood and stormed off dragging all the microphones.
Wonder why he was in a foul mood, bad mobile call with Rupert?
Grant Shapps ( tory minister) on question time told a lie presumably knowing it to be so by saying that anybody with an income of £5600 can at present bring in a non EU wife or fiancee .It made my blood boil as I know from personal detailed knowledge of this matter that a viss appplicant would have ZERO chance of obtaining a fiancee visa or spouse visa by the UKBA if his or her sponsor only had such an income . So what is the motive for telling such a whopper ? It is to try and ensure the general public supports the proposed harsh cruel, haertless and unfair new proposal to introduce an income limit of about £18500 . At present there is not an income limit SPECIFIED ( no reference to a figure of £5600) and the sponsor of the applicant has to prove to the UKBA that he or she has suitable accomodation for the partner ( visa applicant) AND has sufficent income and /or savings to ensure that the applicant will not make a claim for any benefits for several years ( perhaps it now says ” for ever ” ). A figure of £5600 would certainly not be sufficient to pass this test as it would barely cover the food and power bils !! it is a disgrace that a Minister can lie or misslead in this way and I ask the Guardian to expose him and also damien Green’s lie about “smattering ” of english to Andrew Neil on daily politics quite recently .The english test is far from easy and includes 4 disciplines as there is no A! standard test as such which is another deception by the government
The bBC, and how it just loves to play the victim card for Islamic terrorists. London bomber’s grave vandalised at Cottingley cemetery The grave of one of the London bombers has been vandalised along with others in a cemetery in Leeds. The plot holding the remains of Hasib Hussain at Cottingley Cemetery was damaged and had racist graffiti scrawled on it.
Ok, I’ll accept that as I suppose its news. But the bBC really want to play the racist card with this story so they fluff up the article with: A number of graves in the Muslim section were damaged, prompted increased police patrols.
Edaz Hussain, who was not connected to Hasib Hussain, but whose grandson is buried in the cemetery, said it was a pointless act “of hatred”.He said: “Mr grandson is buried here, whoever is doing this is trying to spread hate.”We don’t want hate, you know? “We’re all the same, we’re all human beings and (pointing to a grave) we’re all going the same way.” And Leeds councillor Mohammed Iqbal said it was “sickening to see graves damaged. “Why? There’s no need for it, it’s sickening regardless of faith and religion, everybody loves their families and it’s unacceptable.”
Instead of reporting the news the bBC add to the story into making this incident into one where Muslims can only be victims. Think I am joking, after any desecration of Jewish graves in the Uk have the bBC ever, ever invited a jew to opine about it. Nah they bring out a muslim in which to use as a smokescreen in which to cover up just which odious faith is behind such an act. The bBC, the traitors in our midst who care more about Islamic terrorists rather than the people they murdered
after any desecration of Jewish graves in the Uk have the bBC ever, ever invited a jew to opine about it. Nah they bring out a muslim in which to use as a smokescreen in which to cover up just which odious faith is behind such an act.
Melyvn Hartog is head of burial at United Synagogue.
He said this kind of vandalism makes people very nervous.
“They target Aldershot today, which is a very small cemetery. However, is it going to be a bigger cemetary next week or are they even going to target Jewish houses?” he said.
Last Updated: Thursday, 9 June, 2005, 17:19 GMT 18:19 UK
Racist gang attack Jewish graves
Louis Rapaport, president of the Jewish Representatives Council for Greater Manchester, believes it was a planned operation.
“To do so much damage must have taken some time,” he said, adding that the extent of the damage indicated those who carried it out were “more than a few casual louts”.
Last Updated: Friday, 9 May, 2003, 20:21 GMT 21:21 UK
Hundreds of graves desecrated
Mike Whine, director of communications for the trust, said: “The massive desecration of Plashet cemetery is unprecedented in its scale.
“Although there have been numerous cemetery desecrations in previous years, none of these incidents have involved the damaging of so many headstones.”
Nicked Emu
Thank you very much for highlighting that the bBC does indeed report Jewish grave desecrations.
However the point of my post was how the bBC go well out of their way in which to find anyody to opine how Muslims can only be victims. Going back to my post and the 3 examples you use. Well here are the links for those three examples: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/4182649.stm
Now in all of the above the bBC allow the following jews to speak to the press: Martin Goldstein, treasurer of the local Synagogue, said he was shocked by the attack on Southampton’s small Jewish community. And Louis Rapaport, president of the Jewish Representatives Council for Greater Manchester, believes it was a planned operation. “To do so much damage must have taken some time,” he said, adding that the extent of the damage indicated those who carried it out were “more than a few casual louts”.
That is all the bBC reports on the racist attacks on 100s of Jewish graves from 3 articles.
In contrast the bBC when it reports on the attacks on the grave of an Islamic suicide bummer in Leeds has 2 Muslims allowed to opine this is a hate crime, that Islam is a religion of peace and that by default white British people can only be racist. Oh and how many graves were attacked..2.
Now if you wish to try again, then please do. As i have much more where that came from.
The bBC and its supporters m the traitors in our midst.
The BBC waited until the video of British war graves in Libya being destroyed had gone viral, with every other news organisation having already reported it, before they bothered to give it a mention.
Not simply the 15th century. One of the first things the modern day Turks did in Northern Cyprus when they invaded in 1974 was convert many Greek Orthodox churches into mosques.
The Toady Show have been rather taken with gang culcha this week?….how rebellious…how effnic..drugs, YouTube and edgy with lots of nice new words for the BBCs lexicon of loveliness…shank, beef etc….
Yet Humphrys said that they had “bizarre names”…like the Gas Gang, ABM nad…wait for it…the “Poverty Driven Children”.
Bizarre?…Poverty Driven Children?…hells bells…that is surely the ONLY name that is needed to excuse any atrocity.
If that bunch of charmers are NOT in receipt of grants and offers of further TV work, already-then I`ll be surprised!
Wristbands and Children in Need for the victims of drive bys anybody?
Fiona Bruce and the BBC 10 O’Clock News decamps to Athens. Well, be fair, the Beeb are doing their best to lubricate the Greek economy with licence fee British dosh.
The Beeb reckon the election result is in the balance 50-50.
So what Greek family does the BBC spotlight fall on? What real people are we supposed to identify with?
One which has lost patience with austerity of course. Two communist voters (including the granny) and one Syriza.
I have renamed Mr. Mason their ‘Anger & Protests’ Editor, so if it is not kicking off here with his muse, he simply decamps elsewhere to ‘speak for’ a very narrow collection of people who seem to pop on one of his many (not capitalist) Apple products, but as always, at those who fund him.
Though the author of this piece is specifically referring to how the media skew events related to Israel, the technique used by the media can also be seen in many other areas where they have an agenda. Worth reading and comparing future reports according to what is understood here. How media condition people to be anti-Israel
guess what george galloway is up to since being trumpeted by el beeb on his “success” – one type of conference … “hate fest” ??? http://youtu.be/6omJrX6_FPM
and genial el beeb stylee
BBC News – George Galloway’s “Respect” Party conference in Bradford
BBC News – Will George Galloway’s Bradford Spring ever blossom
BBC _ George Galloway MP: says Bradford is a ‘national emergency’
Interesting discussion.
Mr. Coren raises the disproportionate anger ‘thrown up’ by certain groups and media, one supposes as a consequence of the selective nature of their world views.
Quite why the supposedly impartial UK national broadcaster is one of them, if not in vanguard of a singular level of advocacy is a question worth asking in holding such a power to account.
Maybe Newsnight’s ‘Anger & Protests’ Editor may be prevailed to explain, or are we to wait for Jezza to retire and publish his memoirs of what really happened now he has tucked away the 30 pieces of index-linked.
Must be half-term, what with so many Beeboids popping up in Athens, Rio, Ukraine etc – you have to wonder who is left minding the store in sunny Salford?
Perhaps it was in a spirit of tribute toward the European school of the Theatre of the Absurd that BBC posted Monarch of the Glen Dame Nicky Campbell to Kiev to represent English football for 5 Live?
‘Three thistles on a shirt, Alex Salmond still beaming,
We kicked out Gordon Brown, now the Scots are leaving..’
So what can Gameshow do on Monday to further BBC good causes? Hey let’s send him to Chernobyl to fighten the bejesus out of us about nuclear energy!
While Today was giving all-round greenie Porritt the freedom of the airwaves to vomit his prejudices I suddenly remembered how bad a PM John Major was. I hadn’t realised though that he had journeyed to Rio 20 years ago to give the ecowarriors an official boost from the UK.
Younger listeners should know that – before the advent of Blair, Brown and Cameron – Major was vying for the position of worst PM ever with Lord North (and winning the competition). How typical of the BBC to allow that a Conservative PM can also be one of the good guys if he wears his greenie heart on his sleeve.
BTW – if I heard right – Porritt claimed (unchallenged) that China and South Korea are exemplars of what can be done to provide a sustainable future for us all. It’s amazing what environmentalists will swallow. It’s like the olden days when we were told by the then biens pensants of the wonders happening in that jewel of democracy the USSR.
Porritt-son of a top bishop or suchlike -really sums up the career curve of a privileged hypocrite…our very own Al Gore but without any democratic mandate-ever.
Not sure how many kids he`s got-but the rest of us should only have one or else get the snip on Rajiv Gandhis sterilisation van, or be dealt with much as the Chinese deal with their fecund women…abortion then an apology(perhaps!).
Porritt therefore is just the fat greenie hypocrite that the BBC truly love…Lord Porritt/Prescott…what`s not to like?
Another Optimum Population Trustafarian who thinks his dozen kids will be fine as long as Lionel Shrivers not having any herself.
Where does the BBC find these creeps?…Rio, Cancun, Bali, Durban…oh and Rio again, that`s where!
Porritt-Reverend Blue Jeans, fat bald barrage balloon with ermine…what a catalyst., you turned out to be!
While I’m on, I note that on Today this morning, while Simon Heffer was temporarily silenced by “technical difficulties” in the radio car (or was it on that new invention, the telephone which, funnily enough, I find rarely “cuts off” in mid-conversation), Webb and Michael Cockerill confirmed to their satisfaction that Enoch Powell, although brilliant, was a “racist” (and thus, by extension, could be safely ignored).
Interestingly though, it came out that Powell – as an MP – thought it was his duty to represent the views of his constituents (no matter what “unacceptable” language they were couched in). How quaintly old-fashioned!
I’m “represented” in Parliament by Lynne Featherstone, LibDem and Equalities Minister: I could hardly be represented worse (unless, of course, I wanted another slew of road-bumps to be put down by Haringey Council, in which case Lynne would be nagging Haringey to do “the right thing” pronto).
Ethnic minorities figure prominently in teams at Euro 2012 and concerns about racism loom large. Ahead of the Sweden v England match we asked Jiloan Hamad, a Malmo FF midfielder and captain of Sweden’s Under-21 football team, to show us round his home city Malmo.
A quarter of Malmo’s population was born outside Sweden and it has had flare-ups of racial tension.
A quarter of Malmo’s population was born outside Sweden and it has had flare-ups of racial tension.
Typical lie by omission of facts from the BBC. The reporter here is so intent on lying and covering up for Malmo’s Muslims that he uses the standard mealy-mouthed neutral description of the violence which is almost exclusively committed by Muslims against any Swede who doesn’t look and act like them.
I have a friend in Malmo who says Muslims have made life intolerable for everyone else in Malmo, including, of course, the Jews.
INBBC & MALMO, Sweden: –
propaganda for Islamic mass immigration into Europe.
On the back of the England v Sweden football match, INBBC uses this blatant political propaganda for Islamic mass immigration, with only the voice of the Muslim immigrant allowed by INBBC, under guise of ‘multiculturalism’ (i.e. Islamisation of Europe):-
Unstated by INBBC, Muslims now comprise about 30% (and rising) of MALMO’s population.
The first two after a cursory search:
Peter Mangs pleads not guilty over ‘racist’ Malmo attacks
Malmo is Sweden’s third-largest city, and one of the country’s most ethnically diverse, with 40% of its population first or second generation immigrants.
*********************** Multicultural Malmo: The view from the pitch
A quarter of Malmo’s population was born outside Sweden and it has had flare-ups of racial tension.
To those who want to know more about Islam, read Robert Spencer’s excellent book called A politically incorrect guide to islam.
Read it Nicked emu and come back and spell out the bits that make living as a dhimmi so wonderful, or even better taking the only other option other than conversion to islam which is death. Oh and the have the death videoed for all those nice folk to watch with allah.
what a bunch of cnuts.
OK I’ll go for the trifecta: On the 8:00 Radio 4 news we were informed that Alastair Campbell (yes, him again: this is the BBC after all) had disclosed that Rupert Murdoch (acting as mouthpiece for “right wing” Republicans) had phoned Blair to instruct him to support the US re Iraq “or else”.
Later, on Today, Campbell completely undermined this “news” by stating that Blair had already made his mind up to support Bush re Iraq and he hadn’t heard the conversation so he didn’t know what was said. In fact, all he knew was that Murdoch had talked to Blair and had talked to him a couple of times during the pre-Iraq invasion period. Moreover, he said on Today that inferences from the fact that the conversation occurred should not be overstated. In other words, the BBC had got it completely wrong (which they could have checked with Campbell before its report implying that Blair was effectively obeying Murdoch’s instructions vis-a-vis Iraq.
Consequently on the 9:00 news the BBC admitted that its case against Murdoch was in tatters thanks to, of all people, Campbell himself. But, hey, the news ran for long enough to allow some mud to stick to Murdoch so, whatever the truth of the matter, it was “task accomplished” at the BBC.
Conversely, Bliar and Campbell were using their relationship with NI to plant this phoney story in the Sun.
For many people this was the game changer (a bit like the Guardian’s false accusation that the NoTW had deleted Millie Dowler’s e-mails). In short this lie was planted to strengthen Bliar’s case for war and mobilise public opinion. It is something that Leveson has not probed and I think Campbell needs to take care when he starts rubbishing Murdoch on the subject of Iraq.
I’m temped to paraphrase, with apologies to JFK, Blair /Campbell’s mantra; Ask not what I can do for News International. But what News International can do for me.
I can well believe that. It simply goes to underpin Michael Howard’s evisceration of Campbell on Newsnight. In other words nothing – nothing – Campbell (and Blair) say or write should be taken at face value – or, indeed, any value at all.
Leveson will leave this alone in the same way that he’ll leave any further probing of the well-known psychopath following Blair as PM alone.
From Our Own Correspondent carried a moving story about a visit by elderly and frail British veterans of the war in Korea – the “forgotten war” to a Commonwealth Graves Commission cemetery in Korea. It was a story that could have been extended – perhaps by a couple of interviews (not Fearne Cotton style), and certainly by a recording of the small Korean band that played Abide with Me, while the veterans stood in the rain where there former comrades lay.
But the next story up was from Cuba – the death of a three-times Olympic boxer who had been prevented from fighting Mohammed Ali by Castro’s ban on professional boxing. This report left unsaid the likelihood that good boxers from Cuba might defect if they visited the US. No, being the BBC, the report waxed lyrical about how Cuban boxers far preferred to stay loyal to their despotic state. As if they had any other free choice.
I wonder if the FOOC or any other BBC programme will ever get round to reporting on the venomous style and content of education in Gaza :
I suppose the BBC does not regard this endless inculcation of hatred towards Jews and Israel as worthy of any attention. “Real-life” reports about decades-old stuff from Cuba – fine. Real-life reports about current indoctrination of jihad and vengeance to all young kids in Gaza – obviously doesn’t fit in with BBC news values.
Has the BBC EVER shown stuff about the non-stop torrent of hatred fed to toddlers in Gaza ?
The BBC won’t report on the death cult indoctrination in Gaza because it undermines their cause. There is no bigger example of BBC dishonesty and the endemic hatred of Israel at the Corporation.
BLACK, as BBC high-cost greenie propagandist, currently at latest junket at our expense in Rio, will NOT report publicly-subsidised ‘Greenpeace’s deception in Brazil:
“Greenpeace credibility dented again as firms fight back over ‘defamatory’ claims”
I hope they won’t bother, given that the BFP consists of three disillusioned BNP members and a dog, and have set the local elections alight by proving that almost nobody wants to vote for them.
Mr Weston’s mother, two deaf old ladies and the other 71 people who voted for him last month. If I renamed my cat Nick Clegg and put her up for election she’d get more votes.
…actually, much of the BNP’s support is ex-Labour, who wouldn’t have much in common with Mr. Weston’s right-of-centre, free market, libertarian political outlook. The BFP might not have much weight at the moment, but a new political movement has to start somewhere. People complain all the time that the main political parties are all too similar on many issues and that there is no alternative. There ARE alternatives, people just need to have an open mind and hear them out. For this to happen, the media need to remove themselves from the Westminster bubble occasionally. Therein lies the problem.
5 00 PM – Jazz Record Requests
6 00 PM – Opera: Puccini’s La Boheme (2 and 3/4 hours)
Another popular opera: a tale of love and tragedy, ending with Mimi’s death.
“For Rodolfo, living in poverty with a group of bohemian friends, life changes when there’s a knock at the door, and Mimì, a fragile seamstress who lives in another room in the building, asks for help with her candle. But, as he discovers, love does not bring happiness. Puccini’s La Boheme, an opera which seems to have a special place in the hearts of performers and audience alike, returns to Covent Garden.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01jxrnq
MIDNIGHT: Geoffrey Smith’s Jazz considers the influence of classical music traditions on jazz composers and musicians.
Another suite of programmes worth a gander: from Tim Rice on American music, to the second prog about Jimmy Van Heusen, who wrote many songs for Sinatra, to Russell Davies, who incidentally, also wrote the series Sinatra, Voice of the Century, which as usual is on at 11 pm till midnight.
You know what?
Having heard random bits of perpetual ongoing bias throughout the schedules, I shall take it upon myself to begin to sift the dry mould from the slime.
Obvious bias like Question Time is one thing-but to have bloody Stephen Pound(Fulham supporter doncha know?) on this morning took the biscuit.
How this useless pew filler has become the BBCs resident “boulevadier” seems to sum up the BBCs version of a witty leftie…when he`s nothing of the sort..
My mission will be trawl random crap on the BBC and count the never ending slights and digs at the normals, the squares and the beige civilians that don`t back the perpetual revolution as worked towards by the BBC.
I may be some time folks…but will start with the awful Sunday show tomorrow morning.
The Orthodox Church and its calamitous effect on the Greek Euro Crisis tomorrow I`d envisage?…
ZephirMar 28, 20:09 Midweek 26th March 2025 I remember a live music TV show called Revolver, hosted by Peter Cooke, no less, playing the ignorant “club owner”,…
ZephirMar 28, 20:04 Midweek 26th March 2025 You must have had a slush fund then ? And what happened if you didn’t sell it fast enough ?…
ScrobleneMar 28, 20:03 Midweek 26th March 2025 One issue I have with lefties, is their arrogant distaste for anything commercial. Years ago, I sold concrete to various…
Lefty WrightMar 28, 19:52 Midweek 26th March 2025 Mrs Wright has informed me that after watching a BBC chat show this morning that she will no longer take…
ZephirMar 28, 19:39 Midweek 26th March 2025 Talking of “X”.. “Am I overweight ?” Boomers: “You could lose a few pounds” Millenials: “No, you’re beautiful” Gen Z:…
Thanks for live chat, going to miss it if it goes 🙁
But all you lot are fab 🙂
BBC Rogue Traders’ presenter Dan Penteado charged with benefit fraud.
I’ve often wondered what this bloke’s purpose is. He rarely contributes anything, and when he does, his English is shit.
The fact that they’re supposed to be going around on a motorbike adds nothing to the programme either.
utterly desperate programme where they have to resort to catching out scrotes they already caught three series’ ago, interspersed with screeching from mother-harpy and ‘top talent’ Anne something or other.
Envy of the world etc.
Funnily enough I’ve done a decent amount of foreign travel and never ever ever has someone said to me, ‘I really envy your BBC’, or ‘I really envy your NHS’.
And they certainly wouldn’t envy paying for either of them.
Bup, does anyone tell you they do envy the lax benefits system this guy apparently took advantage of?
Going around on a motorbike driven by a fellow in leathers who grunts occasionally in lieu of speech is supposed to make the programme more palatable to the yoof. I think that’s the idea anyway. This Beeboid channel seems very anxious about attracting teenaged boys and young men and apparently the motorbike and two blokes in leather is the means of doing it!
Oh, love it. Classic stuff…
Richard Black dismembered. Condition “satisfactory”
We pay Black’s salary, whose description as a “cretin” is almost certainly unfair – to cretins. Black is no where near that bright.
London Calling don’t want to steal your thunder but the whole link is better:-
Much obliged. It was his front page wot dun it.
Although that link to the home page of the blog is useful too. I love the stories about the Guardian and UKUncut being wholly wrong about the NAO reports about the amount of tax owed by corporations.
To repeat the headline: “NAO to UK Uncut: Fuck off hippies”
BBC 3 programme gives George Osborne a GCSE maths book – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/9332816/Mansion-House-speech-George-Osborne-presented-with-GCSE-maths-book.html
I wonder if they will also be handing one to Ed Balls…
‘I wonder if they will also be handing one to Ed Balls…’
He was on SKY earlier. At least the result spared me any more Wonga and PPI claim ads over breakfast.
Meanwhile, speaking of ways the BBC can further interact with their fiscal hero…
Nick Robinson @bbcnickrobinson
Think it’s time someone arranged for a re-match in which @edballsmp interviews @EvanHD. One for Children in Need if not @BBCr4?!
Given future generations of children are already doomed to be in need thanks to Mr. Balls’ efforts in the past, and the BBC’s selfish tribal support of his party no matter what, a brave piece of extra sycophancy from the man known as ‘toenails’.
He fully earned that nickname!
So Helen Boaden – remind me again, how exactly does that fit with that mythical genetic impartiality you are so proud of?
I’m sure if they are really impartial they must have given Gordon Brown or “Mr Ed the Talking Balls” an “Economics for Dummies” book. Only I don’t remember them doing that, I wonder why…
Boaden is not listening. Like every good apparatchnik she is keeping her head down and trousering a third of a million salary a year, with comensurate pension. She doesn not give a f*ck what any of us think, she knows she is beyond accountability and fireproof. If push came to shove she would probably gobble Chris Patten to make sure she stayed that way.That is why the bBC is the loathsome organisation it is. Insulated from accountability to its source of revenue. Of all the mistakes Cameron has made, and they are legion, failing to address our “national broadcaster” will be high in his tombstone.
As high a level as GCSE, what about primary class arithmetic.
Ed Balls should be getting the Jack and Jill ‘My first numbers’ book.
How the bBC writes up a non-story into one about British Imperialism
Falklands anniversary: Argentine media subdued
The 30th anniversary of the surrender of Argentine forces on the Falklands Islands has failed to stir the country’s media commentators. Many newspapers report on President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s planned address on the “Malvinas” to the UN Decolonisation Committee, but little opinion on the Islands’ sovereignty is expressed.
For her part, Ms Fernandez launched an international media campaign affirming Argentina’s claims on the Islands. In an advertisement that was seen in British, Indian and Russian newspapers, Ms Fernandez called upon the UK government to enter negotiations and “give peace a chance”. The announcement that a referendum on the Island’s future sovereignty would be held in 2013 was reported widely, with the tone suggesting that the result would favour the UK. The anniversary also failed to animate users of the microblogging site Twitter. While a moderate number of tweets containing the word “Malvinas” were posted, the story was not among the 10 most popular topics in Argentina or wider South America.
So because the Argentine media didn’t take the same stance as the bBC over the Falklands Islands. (You know that stance which lead to the bBC informing the Argentines of British movements during the war,of informing them that their bombs weren’t fusing and which lead to the death of many British servicemen) They go into meltdown and report Twitter threads from South America in which to try and prove that the Falaklands should belong to Argentina.
The anniversary has received moderate attention among Twitter users in South America. Use of the word “Malvinas” gradually increased in the seven days leading up to the anniversary, and it was one of the 30 most used words in tweets from Argentina on the day itself
Well, here’s a Tweet that the bBC won’t report:
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
one recalls the 5live disscussion, linked direct to the Falklands where the bbc continually, refered to the Maldivas, much to the annoyance of the gathered group in Port Stanley, if i remember correctly it was mentioned at least twice.
they are literally beneath contempt.
‘Today’ was breathlessly reporting on Kirchner’s latest comments this morning. They desperately want something to come of it.
Incidentally – ‘Kirchner’ – that’s a German name, right? I wonder what her grandfather was doing during the war? Perhaps sporting one of those natty, grey Hugo Boss uniforms with the Totenkopf on the collar? hmm, perhaps!
The BBC are a cancer on British society that needs to eradicated.
The BBC report I saw on the news last night showed that jumped up communist bitch who is running Argentina into the ground, being greeted by the Secretary General of the UN. They never once showed the contingent of Falkland Islanders who also travelled to the UN to remind the UN about their own inalienable rights to self-determination and their strong desire to remain British.
I just wish that the people living in the UK were allowed the opportunity for self determination too.
In contrast, ITV News showed the group of Falkland Islanders outside the UN building with their banner, and included a short clip of the address inside about the Islanders’ right to self-determination
That is hilarious. It’s worth reporting because the domestic media doesn’t think it’s worth reporting? Ah, the twisted priorities of Beeboids. It’s like the opposite of how they handle US issues, where they refuse to cover big stories in the domestic media because they don’t want you to know about them.
INBBC in EGYPT: Muslim Brotherhood’s mouthpiece.
“Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood warn of ‘dangerous’ days”
Barry Rubin:
“Court Dissolves Egyptian Parliament; Army Takes Over; Civil War?”
“This will be seen by every Islamist — whether Salafi or Muslim Brotherhood — and by most of the liberals — who feel closer to the Islamists than to the government — as if the 2011 revolution has just been reversed.
Prediction: massive violence.”
Who would have predicted this outcome? I thought it was all going swimmingly well according to Auntie.
An intersting turn of narative on the BBC news tonigt with the BBC now reporting at the ‘surprising’ direction public opinion seems to be going in the election with many interviewed, particularly women voting against the muslim brotherhood.
Either they’ve seen stats that support a likely defeat for the MB, or they got sick of trying to find people who support them.
Watch this space…
S’funny ‘cos, now, it could be true.
its friday! happy religion of peace day!
Will Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report this?:
“British suspected Islamic terrorist arrested in Germany.
“A major German security operation targeted ‘dangerous’ Islamist extremists in dawn raids by 850 police officers on 70 mosques, schools and homes across Germany. ”
Is it my imagination or did the two ‘British’ jihadi propagandists (they are only just old enough to be juvenile delinquents) in this video, pickup their presentation and editing techniques from watching too much cbeebies. (You don’t have have any sympathy for Robinson or the EDL to find this vid chilling.)
‘….our religion is perfect…..’
Warms the very cockles of your heart doesn’t it?
‘….it’s not meant to be Ji-easy, it’s Ji-hard….’
Please tell me that was a spoof with a very young Sasha Baron Cohen or maybe Dan Swimer with Rebecca Front in a headscarf.
Jeee these jackbooted ji jis, the voice of the “perfect” religion/ m m m master race 😀 …, the religion of ji ji ji jew hatred? obviously?, oh and english hatred … oh and USA hatred? … oh and tommy robinson hatred … sheesh!
wheres the ahem … “peace ” part 😀
laughably these numbskulls think supporting the only democracy in the ME is a bad thing?… (must be m m muslim)
ji ji ji jealousy will get you nowhere … jee these ji ji ji juveniles
have spent too much time brainwashing themselves with the ji ji jihad manual, whether ji ji juvanile or ji ji ji geriatric, there is no helping them. 😀
I believe they are auditioning to become the next Blue Peter presenters.
I don’t care how much these two might hate Tommy Robinson – I liked him as Baldrick and he is ok in Time Team.
What is with packys and Israel.
F-ing hell
You know, if people like these made more of a fuss about Muslim-on-Muslim sectarian mass murder, I’d be willing to at least listen to them here. But these people clearly don’t give a damn about Muslim lives and really just hate Israel.
As usual, the lives of people with brown skin are valued based only on who harms them.
Those two nasties have a whole lot of videos up on YouTube – general theme is that jihad is good, 9/11 was good, Britain is a pawn of Israel – including our soldiers dying in Afghanistan for Israel ?), Islam will triumph.
Real nasties.
Good job I was wearing my corset today as I believe my sides just split.
That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen for ages.
Bless ’em; as if the EDL working to help Israel against Islam was a bad thing!
Why is it muslim women always have such big noses?
First exploding trainers, then exploding underpants, how long before suicide sneezers with exploding noses?
I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, or start building a bunker in a remote part of Wales.
And “our boys” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sure MI5 has their addresses.
PS Didn’t I see them in the Question Time audience?
More than likely perfect guests with the right political views for the BBC traitors.
Just seen this:
Loony Left: Palestinian horror show
These two clowns have changed my opinion on ritalin.
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzzz….We understand this because it’s all Israel’s fault, so we will not report this stuff.
What a couple of brainwashed cretins, see what TR is up against. We should back him to the hilt. People of quality and powerful intellect need to get behind the EDL, give them some respect and leadership to take on the Left and idiotic muslims, because believe you me, we will need the rough and ready edl types to defend us, no one else will.
Well these are my words, and I’ll say them as often as I like:
Fuck off home, fuck off home, fuck off home, fuck off home, fuck off home, fuck off home to Pakistan where you belong….
I’ll keep and use the quote, it’s perfect:
theres no such thing as radical islam, just islam!
perfect for the defenders of these scum.
Those Muslims have just placed a bullseye on their heads for when it all kicks off.
Just old enough to be sued for libel?
Now read this: The Rhetoric of Nonsense: Fabricating Palestinian History Particularly the part about the three strands of Arab rhetoric: Stating nonsense to suit one’s purpose, knowingly distorting the truth and propagandising through the lens of pure ideology, specifically Islam.
el bbc in a nutshell
Will Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report this?:
German police in major crackdown on Salafist Muslims
On the way into work I caught at the back end of the Today programme a discussion on whether David Cameron had been damaged by the heavy media coverage of the Leveson enquiry, a good chunk of economic guru Ed Balls’ views on the economy during the 9am news and then it was straight into Kirsty Young in simpering mode for Desert Island Discs with Doreen Lawrence (in case of you’ve never heard of her she…oh you have?OK)
And next Friday, Kirsty will be welcoming Mrs Karen Downes, mother of the missing Blackpool teenager, Charlene, who local police were ‘99.9% certain…had been murdered’. This was in 2003, & Mrs Downes still awaits justice. Oops, maybe she isn’t going to be having a love-in with Kirsty, after all. Mrs Downes is a little bit suspect: white, working class, a little bit insubordinate when it comes to the miracle that is ‘enrichment’. Never mind, these bothersome indigenous people will be gone soon, erased from the Brave New England the political elite are hell bent on inflicting on us…and for my next record I’d like to hear Blue Mink’s Melting Pot, this time sung by the BBC’s Tuscan Diversity Choir, played by the Caucasophobia Orchestra, and conducted by Sir Andrew ‘Miscegenation’ Marr. Respec’.
We both know that there was no evidence that she was murdered.
…. Because the evidence had been allegedly cooked and sold as kebabs.
Will Gompertz is the BBC’s Arts Correspondent – he looks it too. He reminds me of a rather more gawky version of the ‘Englisch Architekt’ bloke from old the Vorsprung durch Technik adverts.
But don’t expect this paid-up Beeboid to actually do much in the way of an arts critic at the licence payers behalf. Oh no, this guy is right out of the rump of the old guard Blairite Cool Britannia crowd. The corporation signed him up in a transfer deal from his former employer the Tate (where else?).
When it comes to introducing Danny Boyle’s Olympics opening ceremony Gompertz is never going do a real critique. Well the BBC don’t want an arts critic such as the acerbic Brain Sewell let loose on what they see as their pet project. All negativity towards the Olympics is to be stiffled.
With Gompertz the BBC can rely on someone arty looking to reassure us that the Emperor is always, most very, fully clothed.
Richard Littlejohn is your port of call if you require a non-BBC/Lord Coe approved comment on the Olympics.
Oh one more thing…. you know how much of the plans for Danny Boyle’s show are still a closely guarded secret. Well I may be sticking my neck out here but – would I be very wide of the mark in guessing that right after we see the image of the green rural Ye Olde England complete with cricket match, suddenly the music starts up and on come five hundred Bollywood dancers!
Sorry if I’ve spoilt the surprise for you.
Don’t get me started on BBC arts coverage.
When the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain played for the Diamond Jubilee, I couldn’t help wondering how many people were even aware of its existence before the event even though it’s been around since 1978.
Too much fawning over the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra in my opinion, good though it is.
Ah, but you see, the NCOGB doesn’t promote the regime of one of the darlings of the BBC.
Why does the bBC never report attacks on White people by coloureds as ‘Racist Hate Crimes”
Have you noticed that any attack (Verbal,physical) on a coloured person in the Uk by a white person is deemed (quite rightly) as a racist incident by the bBC. The latest being how Ian Brazier pulled down the head covering of a Muslim woman. Well not 30 miles where that racist incident transpired Serioza Lawskoski, was pulled from a house by a gang of Islamic thugs all covered up in black and attacked with hammers and Screwdrivers and the bBC headline
Man killed in Derby with hammer ‘was in wrong place
A man who died after being attacked in the street by a gang using a hammer may have been “in the wrong place at the wrong time”, a court has heard. Serioza Lawskoski, 29, suffered serious head injuries in the assault, in Normanton, Derby, last April. He was targeted by the masked group as he walked home from a friend’s house.
And the names of his Killers:
Imran Rashid, 29, of Madeley Street, Raja Jeelani, 26, of Depot Street, Robuel Islam, 25, of Loudon Street, and brothers Kamran, Usman and Rizwan Ahmed, aged 21, 19 and 23, of Northumberland Street, deny all charges.
Why ,oh why is it that the bBC never ever reports attacks on white people by non-whites as anything bar ‘Racist’
The bBC, the main reason why people are gravitating towards the far right.
Come on, Pounce, he was only hit with a hammer. It’s not like they were imitating Emma West or anything.
Yep, no ‘Desert Island Discs’ for his mum, neither.
Gang’s ‘drink fuelled rampage’
The IRR [Institute of Race Relations] listed the 96 victims on its website and said few of the victims had made the news.
Four of the victims were white but the vast majority were from Black and Minority Ethnic communities or migrant workers.
Even Evan couldn’t let Balls get away with his “UK’s economy is worst in the world” statement. Mind you, Evan effectively let Balls’ claim that the latest bit of crapola from Osborne/King is insufficient and has to be complemented by a raft of borrowing/taxing/spending “initiatives”, go unquestioned. Another instance where the elephant in the room (almost) passed unnoticed.
To be fair though, somebody (was it Peston?) noticed that the risk of lending this new money will still fall on the banks. However, nobody thought it necessary to mention two things: are credit-worthy businesses actually being refused credit? Why is the government in the business of sustaining the property bubble which got us into this mess in the first place?
Anecdotal, I know, but in a very small sample of small businesses in North London known to me (unscientific I know but that never puts the BBC off supporting the CAGW crowd’s “settled science”) not one – repeat, not one – is being “starved” of credit. True, they are all surviving in a rather gloomy trading environment but, as far as bank finance is concerned: they don’t want it or they don’t need it or, more to the point, where they do want/need credit the bank is proving cooperative. This is not to say that the banks in question would finance a wholesale expansion by these businesses but IMHO that’s not the purpose of bank finance so what is this £100bn for?
My understanding – alluded to on Today but not discussed – is that the interbank market is still in stasis (4 years now?) because the banks will not lend to their fellow banks. Why? Because each bank knows that the other banks (like itself) have massive undeclared sh*t on their balance sheets: why would you lend to someone who is insolvent? So insolvency – or fear of same – leads to illiquidity which can only be met by the Bank of England intermediating in the so-called “interbank” market. The “bank-bank” wholesale financing mechanism has become a “bank-BoE-bank” market. The £100bn is just greasing the wheels because the BoE (and Osborne) are unwilling to force the banks to come clean on their crap “assets”. Until this is got out of the way nothing will be solved or, rather, there will be an endless process of “solutions” which solve nothing (remind you of anything? The euro perhaps?).
The above was not discussed. All we got was a barren statement of entrenched positions with both Balls and Hoban (deliberately) missing the substantive issue concerning the solvency of the banks. Once the banks become solvent there would be little trouble about liquidity and credit would (or might – who wants to borrow in present circumstances?) flow. Was this discussed on Today? God forbid – you might have the great British public understanding that our rulers either don’t know what they’re doing or, worse, actually know what they’re doing. Either way, until something like the truth breaks out (which the BBC is there supposedly to promote), we’re stuffed.
How the bBC, goes well out of its way in which to defend Radical Islam
German police in major crackdown on Salafist Muslims
German police have launched nationwide raids targeting ultra-conservative Islamic Salafists, suspected of posing a threat to public order.Some 1,000 police officers were involved in searches that took place early on Thursday at Salafists’ homes and meeting places in seven states. A Salafist group called Millatu Ibrahim, based in the western city of Solingen, has been banned.The raids follow clashes between police and some Salafists. The authorities have been monitoring Salafist campaigns to recruit supporters, including the distribution of free Korans.
So according to the bBC, the Germany police have been arresting Muslims for handing out free Korans , maybe there lies the reason why police and some Salafists have had a number of clashes.
Would that be the clashes in Germany at the start of May in Bonn where 100 rioting Muslims were arrested after 29 police were put in Hospital with 2 of them suffering from stab wounds and how does the bBC re-write the facts?
The BBC’s Stephen Evans, in Berlin, said that Germany has a track record of violent Islamism, with some of the men who took part in the attacks of 11 September 2001 having worshipped at a Hamburg mosque.But, he adds, most of Germany’s Muslims, most of whom are Turkish in origin, shun violence.
Shun violence the entire standard operating policy of Islam around the world is do as we say or you die and the bBC continues trying to tell me Islam is a religion of peace. Yup I’m sure that the 84 people murdered in Iraq yesterday are all at peace.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islam
How the bBC reports on an Islamic Drug smuggler as only a victim
Pregnant UK woman denies smuggling heroin from Pakistan
A pregnant woman from Birmingham has appeared in court in Pakistan after being arrested last month with heroin worth £3.2m in several suitcases. Khadija Shah, 25, has been held in custody with her daughter, aged four, and her five-year-old son.She says she had been on holiday in Pakistan with relatives and had no idea what was in the cases.The BBC’s correspondent in Pakistan, Orla Guerin, was in court in Rawalpindi on Friday and said Miss Shah was accused of trying to smuggle 63 kilos of heroin.
So a woman from Birmingham who was caught on route to the Uk with 63 Kilograms of Heroin in her luggage (just under 10 stone) and the bBC plays the victim card I quote;
She said if Miss Shah was convicted she could face the death penalty.
<Miss Shah, who was six months pregnant, was arrested in Islamabad in May as she tried to board a flight back to Birmingham with her children.
Miss Shah told the BBC: "I had no idea what was in them. I wouldn't do that with two young children".
She told our correspondent conditions in prison were absolutely horrific, with stifling heat and overcrowded cells.
The legal charity Reprieve says Miss Shah's children contracted measles in jail, and claims other pregnant woman have died in the prison where she is being held.
Reprieve said Miss Shah could not understand the legal proceedings against her as she did not speak Urdu.
10 stone of Heroin in her bags and she didn’t wonder to ask what was in them?
The bBC, making Muslims into victims is our game
“Miss Shah with two children and pregnant”, is this the same Pakistan, against this sort of thing as un Islamic? What a strange report.
‘Miss Shah, who was six months pregnant, was arrested in Islamabad in May as she tried to board a flight back to Birmingham with her children’.
Assuming that she is innocent, her plans to have her latest child born at a nice comfy NHS hospital has gone badly awry.
Innocent: the maximum weight of a suitcase is 32kilo. The amount is alleged to be 60kilo, that means two full suitcases with no extras. Go figure!!!!
That should include the luggage allowance for her two children. 10 kilo per suitcase.
I guess she wasn’t travelling to Israel where they ask every passenger if they packed their suitcase, themselves and if someone gave them anything to take with them.
They ask those questions at BA check-ins LHR & LGW. Whether the weight limit is 23kg or 30kg or 32kg per passenger, I fail to see how anyone could pack their own bags and not spot that much extra weight of drugs in their cases.
That’s true, they all do it. But the last time I went to Israel I had to connect to an El Al flight in Milan.
The ‘security staff’ made me unpack my bags in front of them on the tarmac before it went on the plane.
And good on ’em.
Orla Guerin’s report is a straight forward case for the defence.
No mention of a couple of ‘balancing’ snippets found here
‘Senior officials in Islamabad said Miss Shah had been acting suspiciously at the airport.
‘Her movements compelled us to check the luggage properly,’ said one.
‘The three bags were apparently filled with household goods and clothes. When properly checked, contraband was recovered.’
‘Her children, Aleesha Munir, four, and Ibrahim Munir, six, are from a previous relationship, and she is now pregnant by her boyfriend Amar Ali’
At Miss Shah’s home yesterday, Mr Ali said: ‘She was supposed to be coming home today.
‘I spoke to her on the phone but got cut off. I told her not to do that. I told her to trust no one.
‘When I was there recently everyone there wants to be your friend because you’re from England. People try to get you to take bags to the UK for them’
‘Airport officials found the woman seemed to be extremely nervous so her three bags were carefully scrutinized.’
‘Khadija Shah, 25, from Peshawar, was found carrying heroin in three bags during a search by a lady constable. The constable, Sajida Bibi, discovered 123 packets of heroin with a cumulative weight of 64kg.
‘Khadija, who is a British national and a divorcee, intended to board flight PK-791 heading for Birmingham with her two children’
‘Talking to the media at the airport, ANF Rawalpindi Commander Brigadier Faheem Ahmed said the investigators suspected the woman was not alone in trying to smuggle the massive quantity of narcotics. Two other men have been taken into custody following a tip-off by Khadija, he added.’
‘The ANF Commander informed that her passport along with an amount Rs1,000 in her custody had been confiscated.’
It’s a while since I’ve been through BBIA, although I used to do so frequently. The narcotic police checkpoint used to be the first one inside the door. Those boys (and girls) don’t mess about, either.
In fact, the only people who don’t seem to give a flying one who comes in and with what is the UK. Which explains an awful lot.
All the Pakistanis I’ve known have spoken Urdu. I mean, how are they going to converse with their parents or relations? It sounds like a fairly standard ploy to elicit sympathy – I won’t get a fair trial, I don’t understand the court etc. And the BBC (and various other do-gooders) fall for it hook, line and sinker. The real story here isn’t about the treatment of this woman and her children (which was her fault by the way), it’s about the poison that she was going to spread on the streets of Britain. Not that you’ll hear that from the BBC.
A little Googling by the BBC would avoid them making fools of themselves as there is some evidence that Ms Shah might not be such a paragon of virtue.
The fact that facilities in third world countries are basic is not headline news.
Did anyone catch the BBC report on Poverty going down?
They quickly point out that this phemomena is only the result of a dip in incomes, and so are forced to explain how poverty in the UK is defined, i.e. the preposterous definition of 60% or less of median income.
I don’t recall the BBC ever going into such details when it was rising, so why do it this time?
Because, I suspect, they want to (1) ram home the issues with austerity and (2) blame the government (ie taxpayer) for not bleeding out more cash.
It is also hypocrytical of them to raise a red flag on the subject when financial incomes are rising, saying that more children are falling into poverty but not explaining the mathematics behind it. Then raising a red flag when incomes are falling, saying that whilst more are coming out of poverty it is only artificial and here are the mathematics behind it. Very crafty.
Good point. The whole concept of “relative poverty” is wrong only when it doesn’t help the agenda, eh?
Lyce Doucet on the News Channel right now moaning (yes, her voice is clearly betraying emotion, the words she stresses and rising pitch makes it plain as day) that democracy in Egypt is being violated because the Army isn’t willing to hand everything over to the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s a coup, she says.
Whether or not one thinks the recent election was valid and the MB are going to be proper democratic rulers is beside the point. Doucet should not be expressing emotion like this when reporting.
Yes, Lyse (‘the humanity of the Taliban’) DOUCET gave over much of her slot from INBBC/Muslim Brotherhood to some Muslim? lecturer from Exeter University, whose name was mumbled once.
Of course, Doucet did not mention that the said INBBC Exeter Uni Islamic pundit, is from Exeter’s ‘Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies’ , which is financed by Arab/Islamic money from a Middle East emirate:
“Lessons not learned: The continuing funding of UK universities by despotic Arab regimes”
BBC flagship sighted sinking fast.
H/T Guido Fawkes
‘The TV viewing figures for the first half of 2012 contained one very significant side note: Newsnight has been outperformed by Channel 4 News. A blow to the pride of Newsnight, Channel 4 News had an average of 0.699 million viewers while Newsnight managed only a meagre 0.664 million.
Michael Crick, who was pushed out of Newsnight and went back to Channel 4 News, will be laughing…’
One of several succinct comments…
‘Stratton has obviously brought some of the Guardian magic with her – being used to small audiences as she is.
Clearly Newsnight’s audience do not want to follow it on its recent lurch, even further, to the left.’
This will not deter INBBC from continuing to support entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
“Turkey: Kurd with lemon accused of supporting terror.”
(Note how INBBC already has Turkey geographically classified as ‘European country’.)
Don’t ever forget that “dave” wants them in too!
A tory? Tory my arse!
I’ve just listened to a right BBC bitch reporting with glee that 10,000 maybe even 20,000 Sweden supporters (there’s accuracy for you !) will attend this evening’s football game against one of our Union.
This time it being England.
Furthermore she enlightened us that not many Three Lion fans had turned up for the event.
Preciesely what fucking point she was trying to make before the game had even started I’m not certain I’m sure.
Or have the liberal elite at the BBC concluded that they have sufficiently brainwashed the decent working people of Britain into a total irrelevance that only foreign jingoism is acceptable to be reported ?
I reckon the BBC will be only be content when England have five supporting fans and they all listen to Dido on their Ipods, vote ‘Yes’ in the AV referendum and would rather be watching Brazil.
nice to see P Hitchens, on QT dish out to G dyke about complaints/holding to account re Leveson …
” i find it amazing to hear that from BBC D/G an organisation where its impossible to complain about anything, you cant get through to anyone, or it half the time, which is itself enormously powerful and totally insensitive to complaint”
he goes on to mark the el beeb exemption to freedom of information too
As ‘I did not have sex with that woman’ has gone into history, so will ‘I did not make that call’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-18459013
Missing from the article is that Brown has not submitted the call records of his mobile(s). As the article notes the call was alleged to have taken place during the party conference. So the log of Downing St calls are of no interest.
In a world of ‘he said, she said’, one might rely on personal testimony, written and under oath, by others who might know a thing or two.
So we have the £4Bpa compelled funding BBC : ‘Phone records suggest no Brown ‘war’ call to Murdoch’ in full guesswork cover-up mode.
Or a free, niche blogger:
‘Mandelson Swears Brown Made War Call to Murdoch’ quoting one from the inner circle.
Now, how to believe?
‘If you have been watching BBC news … these days, I have some land on the Florida Everglades that you may be interested in.
So Gordon Brown had a good relationship with Murdoch. Where is the Norman Smith report with him in a spider web?
Norman Smith dismissed the mobile phone angle earlier today on the News Channel. He brought it up as a straw man which he summarily knocked down. No mention, though, of any possibility that Mr. Brown could have called from someone’s home or from any private phone. Is the phone in his bedroom or weekend house included in the “official” listings?
Ah! Norman Smith – the man who repeatedly sees Cameron ‘entangled’ with phone hacking…but, it seems from your post, is happy to quickly disentangle Brown from the his ‘declaration of war’.
Time someone checked this man’s output for balance!
Rupert says the 29th Sept, Brown is at the Brighton Labour conference. The next day the 30th Brown had his famous interview with Adam Bolton of Sky. Brown was in his usual foul mood and stormed off dragging all the microphones.
Wonder why he was in a foul mood, bad mobile call with Rupert?
Death Stare….
Grant Shapps ( tory minister) on question time told a lie presumably knowing it to be so by saying that anybody with an income of £5600 can at present bring in a non EU wife or fiancee .It made my blood boil as I know from personal detailed knowledge of this matter that a viss appplicant would have ZERO chance of obtaining a fiancee visa or spouse visa by the UKBA if his or her sponsor only had such an income . So what is the motive for telling such a whopper ? It is to try and ensure the general public supports the proposed harsh cruel, haertless and unfair new proposal to introduce an income limit of about £18500 . At present there is not an income limit SPECIFIED ( no reference to a figure of £5600) and the sponsor of the applicant has to prove to the UKBA that he or she has suitable accomodation for the partner ( visa applicant) AND has sufficent income and /or savings to ensure that the applicant will not make a claim for any benefits for several years ( perhaps it now says ” for ever ” ). A figure of £5600 would certainly not be sufficient to pass this test as it would barely cover the food and power bils !! it is a disgrace that a Minister can lie or misslead in this way and I ask the Guardian to expose him and also damien Green’s lie about “smattering ” of english to Andrew Neil on daily politics quite recently .The english test is far from easy and includes 4 disciplines as there is no A! standard test as such which is another deception by the government
So after all that Panorama hype, have any black or brown-skinned British fans been harmed or come home in a box or whatever?
I believe someone sighted a banana on a market stall in a town near one of the stadiums. Sounds innocent enough, but we all get the subtext there.
Greek election: Parties make final push for votes – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18455465
Why does Chris Morris’s expert analysis section focus on just one party, the left wing anti-austerity Syriza party?!?
The bBC, and how it just loves to play the victim card for Islamic terrorists.
London bomber’s grave vandalised at Cottingley cemetery
The grave of one of the London bombers has been vandalised along with others in a cemetery in Leeds. The plot holding the remains of Hasib Hussain at Cottingley Cemetery was damaged and had racist graffiti scrawled on it.
Ok, I’ll accept that as I suppose its news. But the bBC really want to play the racist card with this story so they fluff up the article with:
A number of graves in the Muslim section were damaged, prompted increased police patrols.
Edaz Hussain, who was not connected to Hasib Hussain, but whose grandson is buried in the cemetery, said it was a pointless act “of hatred”.He said: “Mr grandson is buried here, whoever is doing this is trying to spread hate.”We don’t want hate, you know? “We’re all the same, we’re all human beings and (pointing to a grave) we’re all going the same way.”
Leeds councillor Mohammed Iqbal said it was “sickening to see graves damaged. “Why? There’s no need for it, it’s sickening regardless of faith and religion, everybody loves their families and it’s unacceptable.”
Instead of reporting the news the bBC add to the story into making this incident into one where Muslims can only be victims. Think I am joking, after any desecration of Jewish graves in the Uk have the bBC ever, ever invited a jew to opine about it. Nah they bring out a muslim in which to use as a smokescreen in which to cover up just which odious faith is behind such an act.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst who care more about Islamic terrorists rather than the people they murdered
The BBC is to Great Britain what Judas was to Jesus Christ.
after any desecration of Jewish graves in the Uk have the bBC ever, ever invited a jew to opine about it. Nah they bring out a muslim in which to use as a smokescreen in which to cover up just which odious faith is behind such an act.
Three examples drawn at random from BBC website:
Jewish graves defaced by vandals
Thursday, 18 November, 2004, 16:50 GMT
Melyvn Hartog is head of burial at United Synagogue.
He said this kind of vandalism makes people very nervous.
“They target Aldershot today, which is a very small cemetery. However, is it going to be a bigger cemetary next week or are they even going to target Jewish houses?” he said.
Last Updated: Thursday, 9 June, 2005, 17:19 GMT 18:19 UK
Racist gang attack Jewish graves
Louis Rapaport, president of the Jewish Representatives Council for Greater Manchester, believes it was a planned operation.
“To do so much damage must have taken some time,” he said, adding that the extent of the damage indicated those who carried it out were “more than a few casual louts”.
Last Updated: Friday, 9 May, 2003, 20:21 GMT 21:21 UK
Hundreds of graves desecrated
Mike Whine, director of communications for the trust, said: “The massive desecration of Plashet cemetery is unprecedented in its scale.
“Although there have been numerous cemetery desecrations in previous years, none of these incidents have involved the damaging of so many headstones.”
Hmm… Anything from within the last 7 years, though?
Nicked Emu
Thank you very much for highlighting that the bBC does indeed report Jewish grave desecrations.
However the point of my post was how the bBC go well out of their way in which to find anyody to opine how Muslims can only be victims. Going back to my post and the 3 examples you use. Well here are the links for those three examples:
Now in all of the above the bBC allow the following jews to speak to the press:
Martin Goldstein, treasurer of the local Synagogue, said he was shocked by the attack on Southampton’s small Jewish community.
Louis Rapaport, president of the Jewish Representatives Council for Greater Manchester, believes it was a planned operation. “To do so much damage must have taken some time,” he said, adding that the extent of the damage indicated those who carried it out were “more than a few casual louts”.
That is all the bBC reports on the racist attacks on 100s of Jewish graves from 3 articles.
In contrast the bBC when it reports on the attacks on the grave of an Islamic suicide bummer in Leeds has 2 Muslims allowed to opine this is a hate crime, that Islam is a religion of peace and that by default white British people can only be racist. Oh and how many graves were attacked..2.
Now if you wish to try again, then please do. As i have much more where that came from.
The bBC and its supporters m the traitors in our midst.
I have respect for Nicked Emus. His direct and unemotional style is refreshing and effective.
The evidence he presents, though, is hit-and-miss…
The BBC waited until the video of British war graves in Libya being destroyed had gone viral, with every other news organisation having already reported it, before they bothered to give it a mention.
INBBC seems to censor any reports of Islamising Turkey, lest they politically deflect frfom Turkey’s entry to E.U.
“Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque?”
by Raymond Ibrahim
Not simply the 15th century. One of the first things the modern day Turks did in Northern Cyprus when they invaded in 1974 was convert many Greek Orthodox churches into mosques.
who’s the little twat in the black and white check shirt on Newsnight? Cunt
The Toady Show have been rather taken with gang culcha this week?….how rebellious…how effnic..drugs, YouTube and edgy with lots of nice new words for the BBCs lexicon of loveliness…shank, beef etc….
Yet Humphrys said that they had “bizarre names”…like the Gas Gang, ABM nad…wait for it…the “Poverty Driven Children”.
Bizarre?…Poverty Driven Children?…hells bells…that is surely the ONLY name that is needed to excuse any atrocity.
If that bunch of charmers are NOT in receipt of grants and offers of further TV work, already-then I`ll be surprised!
Wristbands and Children in Need for the victims of drive bys anybody?
Fiona Bruce and the BBC 10 O’Clock News decamps to Athens. Well, be fair, the Beeb are doing their best to lubricate the Greek economy with licence fee British dosh.
The Beeb reckon the election result is in the balance 50-50.
So what Greek family does the BBC spotlight fall on? What real people are we supposed to identify with?
One which has lost patience with austerity of course. Two communist voters (including the granny) and one Syriza.
Balance – it’s in their Delta Nu Alpha.
The Review Show…does anyone at the BBC ever go to King Arthurs Way in Andover or Southall High Street to get an opinion on the crap that they review?
BBC-NUJ’s political propaganda for this Sunday’s elections in Greece and in Egypt:
1.) Greece: for left-wing party – Syrisa, so beloved of Comrade Mason, Father of the NUJ Chapel, ‘Newsnight’;
2.) Egypt: for Muslim Brotherhood, a regular political favourite at INBBC’s Cairo Bureau, and with INBBC Arabic TV.
I have renamed Mr. Mason their ‘Anger & Protests’ Editor, so if it is not kicking off here with his muse, he simply decamps elsewhere to ‘speak for’ a very narrow collection of people who seem to pop on one of his many (not capitalist) Apple products, but as always, at those who fund him.
Sometimes even Paxman tires of the ‘Anger & Protests’ Editor’s agenda driven hyperbole….
hey talking of tiring of “agenda driven hyperbol” –
goodness remember this 😀
i think that with regard to the EU
“our future lies in europe”
was the cry
A f/actual analysis of how Mr. Blair’s claims in response might make an interesting comparison between then and now.
Though the author of this piece is specifically referring to how the media skew events related to Israel, the technique used by the media can also be seen in many other areas where they have an agenda. Worth reading and comparing future reports according to what is understood here.
How media condition people to be anti-Israel
Why isn’t BLACK doing some real scientific work on wind?:-
“Flatulent cows’ gas emissions measured by scientists”
Instead, Black extends his huge polluting of the environment involved in his flying to RIO for another high-cost green propaganda junket?
The following Black piece sounds like some stock copy he knocked out weeks ago:-
“Uncertainty hampers Rio+20 talks”
Mr SNOW, not a membert of the BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ branch?
“TV presenter tackled riots looter and pinned him down so police could make arrest, court told”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2159922/TV-presenter-tackled-riots-looter-pinned-police-make-arrest-court-told.html#ixzz1xw99J5Or
While I admire his bravery surely it is the job of the journalist to report the news rather than make it?
guess what george galloway is up to since being trumpeted by el beeb on his “success” – one type of conference … “hate fest” ???
and genial el beeb stylee
BBC News – George Galloway’s “Respect” Party conference in Bradford
BBC News – Will George Galloway’s Bradford Spring ever blossom
BBC _ George Galloway MP: says Bradford is a ‘national emergency’
Interesting discussion.
Mr. Coren raises the disproportionate anger ‘thrown up’ by certain groups and media, one supposes as a consequence of the selective nature of their world views.
Quite why the supposedly impartial UK national broadcaster is one of them, if not in vanguard of a singular level of advocacy is a question worth asking in holding such a power to account.
Maybe Newsnight’s ‘Anger & Protests’ Editor may be prevailed to explain, or are we to wait for Jezza to retire and publish his memoirs of what really happened now he has tucked away the 30 pieces of index-linked.
my “two penneth” when you talk about murder, to attempt/incite, then to deny it
the only criterion should be truth/fact.
Must be half-term, what with so many Beeboids popping up in Athens, Rio, Ukraine etc – you have to wonder who is left minding the store in sunny Salford?
Perhaps it was in a spirit of tribute toward the European school of the Theatre of the Absurd that BBC posted Monarch of the Glen Dame Nicky Campbell to Kiev to represent English football for 5 Live?
‘Three thistles on a shirt, Alex Salmond still beaming,
We kicked out Gordon Brown, now the Scots are leaving..’
So what can Gameshow do on Monday to further BBC good causes? Hey let’s send him to Chernobyl to fighten the bejesus out of us about nuclear energy!
The BBC. I kid you not.
While Today was giving all-round greenie Porritt the freedom of the airwaves to vomit his prejudices I suddenly remembered how bad a PM John Major was. I hadn’t realised though that he had journeyed to Rio 20 years ago to give the ecowarriors an official boost from the UK.
Younger listeners should know that – before the advent of Blair, Brown and Cameron – Major was vying for the position of worst PM ever with Lord North (and winning the competition). How typical of the BBC to allow that a Conservative PM can also be one of the good guys if he wears his greenie heart on his sleeve.
BTW – if I heard right – Porritt claimed (unchallenged) that China and South Korea are exemplars of what can be done to provide a sustainable future for us all. It’s amazing what environmentalists will swallow. It’s like the olden days when we were told by the then biens pensants of the wonders happening in that jewel of democracy the USSR.
Porritt-son of a top bishop or suchlike -really sums up the career curve of a privileged hypocrite…our very own Al Gore but without any democratic mandate-ever.
Not sure how many kids he`s got-but the rest of us should only have one or else get the snip on Rajiv Gandhis sterilisation van, or be dealt with much as the Chinese deal with their fecund women…abortion then an apology(perhaps!).
Porritt therefore is just the fat greenie hypocrite that the BBC truly love…Lord Porritt/Prescott…what`s not to like?
Another Optimum Population Trustafarian who thinks his dozen kids will be fine as long as Lionel Shrivers not having any herself.
Where does the BBC find these creeps?…Rio, Cancun, Bali, Durban…oh and Rio again, that`s where!
Porritt-Reverend Blue Jeans, fat bald barrage balloon with ermine…what a catalyst., you turned out to be!
While I’m on, I note that on Today this morning, while Simon Heffer was temporarily silenced by “technical difficulties” in the radio car (or was it on that new invention, the telephone which, funnily enough, I find rarely “cuts off” in mid-conversation), Webb and Michael Cockerill confirmed to their satisfaction that Enoch Powell, although brilliant, was a “racist” (and thus, by extension, could be safely ignored).
Interestingly though, it came out that Powell – as an MP – thought it was his duty to represent the views of his constituents (no matter what “unacceptable” language they were couched in). How quaintly old-fashioned!
I’m “represented” in Parliament by Lynne Featherstone, LibDem and Equalities Minister: I could hardly be represented worse (unless, of course, I wanted another slew of road-bumps to be put down by Haringey Council, in which case Lynne would be nagging Haringey to do “the right thing” pronto).
Multicultural Malmo: The view from the pitch
Ethnic minorities figure prominently in teams at Euro 2012 and concerns about racism loom large. Ahead of the Sweden v England match we asked Jiloan Hamad, a Malmo FF midfielder and captain of Sweden’s Under-21 football team, to show us round his home city Malmo.
A quarter of Malmo’s population was born outside Sweden and it has had flare-ups of racial tension.
“Racial tension”?
Malmo – multiculti heaven?
Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes
Malmö: Hatred of Jews in a Swedish city
Sweden’s ‘Damn Jew’ Problem
Hate crimes force Jews out of Malmo
Seems Malmo is wonderful if you’re a Muslim, not so nice for the Jews who have lived there for generations before the Arabs and the Kurds arrived…
Good grief. The BBC still censors the story about the Jews, but now this is the third piece highlighting prejudice against Mohammedans there.
It’s like a sickness.
A quarter of Malmo’s population was born outside Sweden and it has had flare-ups of racial tension.
Typical lie by omission of facts from the BBC. The reporter here is so intent on lying and covering up for Malmo’s Muslims that he uses the standard mealy-mouthed neutral description of the violence which is almost exclusively committed by Muslims against any Swede who doesn’t look and act like them.
I have a friend in Malmo who says Muslims have made life intolerable for everyone else in Malmo, including, of course, the Jews.
Why is my comment “awaiting moderation”?
INBBC & MALMO, Sweden: –
propaganda for Islamic mass immigration into Europe.
On the back of the England v Sweden football match, INBBC uses this blatant political propaganda for Islamic mass immigration, with only the voice of the Muslim immigrant allowed by INBBC, under guise of ‘multiculturalism’ (i.e. Islamisation of Europe):-
“Multicultural Malmo: The view from the pitch”
(inc 3 min audio)
INBBC routinely censors the mass immigration, conflict and violence which has been going on in Malmo for years, e.g.:
“Losing Malmo”
by Andrew McCarthy
More of what Islam Not BBC (INBBC) routinely censors on Islamic MALMO, Sweden, etc:-
Unstated by INBBC, Muslims now comprise about 30% (and rising) of MALMO’s population.
Unstated by INBBC, Muslims now comprise about 30% (and rising) of MALMO’s population.
The first two after a cursory search:
Peter Mangs pleads not guilty over ‘racist’ Malmo attacks
Malmo is Sweden’s third-largest city, and one of the country’s most ethnically diverse, with 40% of its population first or second generation immigrants.
Multicultural Malmo: The view from the pitch
A quarter of Malmo’s population was born outside Sweden and it has had flare-ups of racial tension.
INBBC does NOT state that the Islamic population now comprises about 30%; it talks vaguely of immigrants’.
‘Flare-up of racial tension’ is so vague, and politically censored.
The specific problems of the Jews in Malmo are significant.
“Europe’s Islamic Future Has Arrived”
(March 2012)
Muslim Black Cobra gang, Sweden.
(7 min video clip)
Latest relating to Muslim Black Cobra gang in MALMO:
“Gang member held after Malmö hit-and-run drama”
You are kidding, aren’t you?
See here and tell me about the BBC’s cursory and deficient coverage of events in Malmo:
It’s all about prejudice towards Muslims!
Incredible. Compare it with the stories I linked to in my previous comment. Invisible and non-existent for the BBC.
Hey, Nicked: any thoughts on why the BBC has never mentioned the fact that Jews face even worse prejudice in Malmö?
The people who are responsible for multiculturalism should all be hung drawn and quartered.
Nicked emus the bBC doesn’t mention that the city of Malmo has been ethnically cleansed of Jews by a certain majority
As I wrote above, please feel free to reply as I have much more to back the biased bBC stance of this blog.
The bBC, its supporters . The traitors in our midst.
Tell me, Mr Emus, what exactly is multicultural about Islam?
Perhaps you could pull a BBC online from the archive to help answer this question?
To those who want to know more about Islam, read Robert Spencer’s excellent book called A politically incorrect guide to islam.
Read it Nicked emu and come back and spell out the bits that make living as a dhimmi so wonderful, or even better taking the only other option other than conversion to islam which is death. Oh and the have the death videoed for all those nice folk to watch with allah.
what a bunch of cnuts.
There is something really nasty coming down the road to do with Islam. Blame the left/Cultural marxists, the useful idiots for Islam.
OK I’ll go for the trifecta: On the 8:00 Radio 4 news we were informed that Alastair Campbell (yes, him again: this is the BBC after all) had disclosed that Rupert Murdoch (acting as mouthpiece for “right wing” Republicans) had phoned Blair to instruct him to support the US re Iraq “or else”.
Later, on Today, Campbell completely undermined this “news” by stating that Blair had already made his mind up to support Bush re Iraq and he hadn’t heard the conversation so he didn’t know what was said. In fact, all he knew was that Murdoch had talked to Blair and had talked to him a couple of times during the pre-Iraq invasion period. Moreover, he said on Today that inferences from the fact that the conversation occurred should not be overstated. In other words, the BBC had got it completely wrong (which they could have checked with Campbell before its report implying that Blair was effectively obeying Murdoch’s instructions vis-a-vis Iraq.
Consequently on the 9:00 news the BBC admitted that its case against Murdoch was in tatters thanks to, of all people, Campbell himself. But, hey, the news ran for long enough to allow some mud to stick to Murdoch so, whatever the truth of the matter, it was “task accomplished” at the BBC.
Conversely, Bliar and Campbell were using their relationship with NI to plant this phoney story in the Sun.
For many people this was the game changer (a bit like the Guardian’s false accusation that the NoTW had deleted Millie Dowler’s e-mails). In short this lie was planted to strengthen Bliar’s case for war and mobilise public opinion. It is something that Leveson has not probed and I think Campbell needs to take care when he starts rubbishing Murdoch on the subject of Iraq.
I’m temped to paraphrase, with apologies to JFK, Blair /Campbell’s mantra; Ask not what I can do for News International. But what News International can do for me.
I can well believe that. It simply goes to underpin Michael Howard’s evisceration of Campbell on Newsnight. In other words nothing – nothing – Campbell (and Blair) say or write should be taken at face value – or, indeed, any value at all.
Leveson will leave this alone in the same way that he’ll leave any further probing of the well-known psychopath following Blair as PM alone.
From Our Own Correspondent carried a moving story about a visit by elderly and frail British veterans of the war in Korea – the “forgotten war” to a Commonwealth Graves Commission cemetery in Korea. It was a story that could have been extended – perhaps by a couple of interviews (not Fearne Cotton style), and certainly by a recording of the small Korean band that played Abide with Me, while the veterans stood in the rain where there former comrades lay.
But the next story up was from Cuba – the death of a three-times Olympic boxer who had been prevented from fighting Mohammed Ali by Castro’s ban on professional boxing. This report left unsaid the likelihood that good boxers from Cuba might defect if they visited the US. No, being the BBC, the report waxed lyrical about how Cuban boxers far preferred to stay loyal to their despotic state. As if they had any other free choice.
I wonder if the FOOC or any other BBC programme will ever get round to reporting on the venomous style and content of education in Gaza :
I suppose the BBC does not regard this endless inculcation of hatred towards Jews and Israel as worthy of any attention. “Real-life” reports about decades-old stuff from Cuba – fine. Real-life reports about current indoctrination of jihad and vengeance to all young kids in Gaza – obviously doesn’t fit in with BBC news values.
Has the BBC EVER shown stuff about the non-stop torrent of hatred fed to toddlers in Gaza ?
The BBC won’t report on the death cult indoctrination in Gaza because it undermines their cause. There is no bigger example of BBC dishonesty and the endemic hatred of Israel at the Corporation.
BLACK, as BBC high-cost greenie propagandist, currently at latest junket at our expense in Rio, will NOT report publicly-subsidised ‘Greenpeace’s deception in Brazil:
“Greenpeace credibility dented again as firms fight back over ‘defamatory’ claims”
The BBC and it’s live coverage of today’s Trooping Of The Colour.
It was beyond reverential, yet begs two questions :
Why ?
And why now ?
Surely it can’t be in response to criticism of the BBC’s recent debacle in covering a Royal Event as if it was a Game Show ?
So I wonder what the real reasons are ? (Other than the fear of the licence fee disappearing up their own arses
Will BBC-NUJ propagandise (instead of reporting) its trade union’s opposition to the British Fredom Party (as it does to English Defence League)?
“Paul Weston: The British Freedom Party’s 20 Point Plan”
I hope they won’t bother, given that the BFP consists of three disillusioned BNP members and a dog, and have set the local elections alight by proving that almost nobody wants to vote for them.
As I understand it, Paul Weston is ex-UKIP candidate.
Nevertheless, much of his support is ex BNP. Not that it makes any difference. They’re an electoral irrelevance either way.
Maybe some people will assess the possible meirts of the British Freedom Party’s 20-point policy above before dismissing it.
Mr Weston’s mother, two deaf old ladies and the other 71 people who voted for him last month. If I renamed my cat Nick Clegg and put her up for election she’d get more votes.
British established political parties are not inspiring. What hope is there in the three established parties’ policies?
I am more interested in a political party’s policies than in ‘jokes’ about anyone’s cat.
a change in Britain has to start somewhere, because it certainly ain’t going to happen with the mainstream political trough-feeders.
“Nevertheless, much of his support is ex BNP. ”
…actually, much of the BNP’s support is ex-Labour, who wouldn’t have much in common with Mr. Weston’s right-of-centre, free market, libertarian political outlook. The BFP might not have much weight at the moment, but a new political movement has to start somewhere. People complain all the time that the main political parties are all too similar on many issues and that there is no alternative. There ARE alternatives, people just need to have an open mind and hear them out. For this to happen, the media need to remove themselves from the Westminster bubble occasionally. Therein lies the problem.
5 00 PM – Jazz Record Requests
6 00 PM – Opera: Puccini’s La Boheme (2 and 3/4 hours)
Another popular opera: a tale of love and tragedy, ending with Mimi’s death.
“For Rodolfo, living in poverty with a group of bohemian friends, life changes when there’s a knock at the door, and Mimì, a fragile seamstress who lives in another room in the building, asks for help with her candle. But, as he discovers, love does not bring happiness. Puccini’s La Boheme, an opera which seems to have a special place in the hearts of performers and audience alike, returns to Covent Garden.”
MIDNIGHT: Geoffrey Smith’s Jazz considers the influence of classical music traditions on jazz composers and musicians.
Another suite of programmes worth a gander: from Tim Rice on American music, to the second prog about Jimmy Van Heusen, who wrote many songs for Sinatra, to Russell Davies, who incidentally, also wrote the series Sinatra, Voice of the Century, which as usual is on at 11 pm till midnight.
You know what?
Having heard random bits of perpetual ongoing bias throughout the schedules, I shall take it upon myself to begin to sift the dry mould from the slime.
Obvious bias like Question Time is one thing-but to have bloody Stephen Pound(Fulham supporter doncha know?) on this morning took the biscuit.
How this useless pew filler has become the BBCs resident “boulevadier” seems to sum up the BBCs version of a witty leftie…when he`s nothing of the sort..
My mission will be trawl random crap on the BBC and count the never ending slights and digs at the normals, the squares and the beige civilians that don`t back the perpetual revolution as worked towards by the BBC.
I may be some time folks…but will start with the awful Sunday show tomorrow morning.
The Orthodox Church and its calamitous effect on the Greek Euro Crisis tomorrow I`d envisage?…