Question Time tonight comes from Stockton-on-Tees. This market town is Europe’s largest producer of huge chavvy earrings, amphetamines and inca hats. It has an exceptionally low unemployment rate for the North East of only 73%.
On the panel we have Housing Minister Grant Shapps MP, television executive and former Director General of the BBC Greg Dyke, President of the Liberal Democrats and serial stirrer Tim Farron MP, Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens, and Shadow Attorney General Emily Thornberry MP.
Quiz question – when was the last time that we had a coalition loyalist LibDem on QT? They have been usual suspect troublemakers for months now. Deliberate? You decide…
David Vance is currently en vacances dans la belle France but his rules about politeness during the LiveChat still apply (TheEye has a sicknote from his mother and is exempt from that rule). Please respect David’s wishes and in return we will respect your free-flowing banter and satire.
There will be no This Week this week. The trivial affairs of the country and the world are replaced by the much more important football highlights.
Update: the ever-splendid Billy Bowden [blog here and twitter @ontablets] has pointed out that This Week has strolled randomly across to BBC2. Good spot and my appreciation.
You are very welcome to join us. Please play nicely though.
There is a this week
Post updated, Billy, with my thanks.
No worries, delete the message if you want 🙂
I’m sure Greg Dyke will be annoying and loud as usual…
Compare and contrast the mighty Peter Hitchens…fearless, integrity and all the wisdom of a former leftie who saw the light….with the craven populist, United fan and Essex boy Dyke….who having been given the snip by Campbells New Labour continues to nuzzle his former masters crotch in the hope that he`ll be Labour once again.
Hitchens is a national guard dog-and we need more like him.
Whereas Dyke trots behind new Labour with his pooper scooper, and fetching Mandelsons slippers with his teeth.
No prizes for knowing which one of these made it to DG of the BBC…and which one will be loathed and hated tonight.
Give Mr Hitchens a medal somebody!…
Spot on – just watched it tonight on BBCi Player, Hitchens head and shoulders above the rest of the nodding donkeys on the panel, and as for that Emily Thornberry, she was an embarrassment. Who on Gods earth made her an MP. The sneering disdain she showed for Hitchens was a disgrace and the, ‘phoney’ outrage as Hitchens described it when she attacked his comments on problem families which she twisted and tried to turn into an attack on single mothers was feeble and pathetic.
I still better avoid. I’ll only call someone a cunt. And i’m a happy bunny as the Mrs has been declared free of cancer. Trust me folks, avoid radiotherapy. It fucks you up more than a BBC person talking about Mr J Hunt.
That’s great news Phil.
It puts everything else in to focus.
My best wishes (and I’m sure from everyone else here) to your wife.
Only Peter Hitchens worth listening to tonight then and no doubt the lefty audience will boo him at some point. I’m beginning to wonder why I put myself through the utter sh*te that is QT every week when no matter how much one wishes, it just won’t improve.
Emily Thornberry was great, which is more than can be said for the ridiculous Hitchens.
You on drugs or something? Everyone in reality saw Hitchens absolutely effortlessly kick her great fat monster-dumping arse.
The hideous mug on the lazy arsed hefty bag when hatefully looking at Hitchens and sometimes Shapps…. LOL! ..Surprised it didn’t turn them to stone!
“Emily Thornberry was great” …LOL!
Living up to your name, eh? Such loathing!
Millie Tank, don’t take it out on me ‘cos your 95th diet isn’t going too well.
I like your irony.
The ridiculous champagne socialist bag’s ugly hatefulness rubbed off on me a bit.
Emily thornberry
She banged on about being from the mean streets and ranted self righteously yet her dad was a visiting professor in war studies and he mum was a teacher. Bloody hell. Must have been harsh growing up with that. Probably didn’t have an elbow patch and a corduroy jacket to rub together.
What a cow
She was a walking talking labour own goal.
You must live in a bubble in islington.
I swear every time she talked I got a little bit of acid reflux
Ah r u scotty in disguise?
Just exactly how does her experience of economic hardship get cancelled out by the fact that her father was a professor of war studies .
So, if you have had experience in one particular area, that immediately disqualifies you from talking about experiences you’ve had in other areas , does it ? That seems like twisted logic to me.
(Damn! Just clicked-on ‘likes’ when I meant to just do’reply’. lol)
In the grand scheme of things “her experience of economic hardship” lasted for all of about five minutes! Have a good read up on how she’s done since. She lives in Islington’s posh Richmond Crescent (where Bliar lived), she’s married to a millionaire QC, rubs shoulders with plenty of millionaire friends, own various properties (including ex-social housing stock) and like hypocritical racist Abbott sends her kids to a posh school miles away from where she lives. Downtrodden she ain’t! Typical champagne socialist like Dorset seaside mansion-dwelling Billy Bragg. They talk the talk but don’t end up walking the walk. Pathetic jokes!
You’ve just sent Jude back to his/her richly deserved obscurity. Thank you.
Hitchens was on fire tonight. Favourite question was whether the panel could recite a poem they learned at school and say how it had affected their life. Chapps demonstrated his education by reciting ‘Twinkle T
Twinkle little star’ before mouthing some meaningless platitudes about schools needing to teach people to read and write. Compare and contrast with Hitchens eloquent and uplifting defence of English poetry.
This country has no chance with politicians like emily thornberry just talks rubbish like the rest of the labour party. She and ed balls should be sent to a home for the economically insane they have virtually destroyed GB with their stupid left wing policys. GOD help if we ever get these back in power it will all be time to leave the country.
I can recite The Waste Land 🙂
Not sure it has affected my life though.
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