The Today programme yesterday wished Enoch Powell, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth, a happy birthday.
Well, nearly.
Justin Webb says…‘We’re going to wish him, well, a qualified happy birthday.’
…because you know what a racist hate monger he was….
Justin Webb was very insistent that Powell was a racist.
No he wasn’t….Powell made the clear and powerful point that ‘multi-culturalism’ doesn’t work….not because he had antipathy or hatred of any other race but because it is an inevitable consequence of human nature that people of similar background, culture and race will look to group together…and then seek to further their own group interests, and that cannot be denied.
It is fact and anyone who states that fact should not be labelled ‘racist’ ….. Webb has so easily taken on the language of the race ‘hustlers’ probably because that suits his own outlook on life rather than rigorously asserting the evident correctness of Powell’s argument.
Immigration is about race, culture and identity but in the main it is about numbers and the affect mass immigration has on the native population…who have not been given the opportunity to say whether this is what they want…and now post-effect…they are still denied a voice, being branded ‘racist’ by the likes of Webb for raising legitimate concerns.
Isn’t it rather tasteless and pointless to wish a deceased person “Happy Birthday”?
Could be wrong, but I don’t think he/they we being overly sincere.
When it suits, and with a carefully-selected target group, it’s OK. Apparently. Especially if an excuse for having a dig.
To a near unique standard.
“i m claiming it is about race”?
J Webb …
absolutely laughable … still, as if that shouldn t be mentioned 😀
“as their member of parliament,
i have a duty to say these things!
… i cannot just shrug my shoulders at this, … let this pass by as if it never happened!, … i do not have the right NOT to say so”
for a politician today to have 1 -1000th
of that intellect, foresight, oratory skill, and fortitude eh.
here he discusses that furore years later in 1977 … people with moral fibre, backbone, honesty,and foresight don’t last long in in politics …
now more than ever it is a profession of groveling spineless parasites.
“A prophet yet an outcast: 100 years after his birth Enoch Powell has been vindicated on a host of crucial issues.”
By Simon Heffer.
Read more:
That article should be required reading for Webb – it specifically states what people like Webb either don’t know or choose not to learn: that Powell was an Indophile,
just listen in to this ,
how to keep an audience transfixed
truly a master at work.
A far better piece on Powell, by a far better journalist:
Superb. Should also be required reading for Webb and his ilk,
i remember over the years hundreds of banners
“Enoch was right” and on so many issues he bloody well was, Europe, Vietnam, yes immigration etc etc, far more than some beebot like justin webb,(has he ever been right about anything).
El Beeb still think by squealing, “racist” they are somehow relevant?.
well, they are not, as is becoming more and more evident.
“It depends on how you define the word “racialist.” If you mean being conscious of the differences between men and nations, and from that, races, then we are all racialists. However … if you mean a man who despises a human being because he belongs to another race, or a man who believes that one race is inherently superior to another, then the answer is emphatically “No”
“Those who seek to make the United Kingdom a member of the EEC (EU) are not speaking for the people of Britain.
A single currency means a single government, and that single government would be the government whose policies determined every aspect of economic life”
If someone were to wear a t-shirt with that slogan “Enoch Was Right” and wander into a crowded inner city area, how long would it be before that person was approached by a couple of officers (it’s never one on his own), having received anonymous complaints from ‘members of the public’?
That anyone would even think this was a possibility is a sign of just how far we’ve slipped into big brother territory. It’s also a demonstration of the kind of oppressive demonisation of anyone with unapproved opinions that has rendered the public expression of views similar to Mr. Powell’s socially unacceptable, bordering on illegal. How many people would be brave enough to appear on a TV programme like Question Time and say “Enoch was right”? Very few – just imagine the cowardly verbal bullying that would descend upon this individual. The left have been incredibly successful at turning citizens into compliant foot soldiers in the private sector equivalent of their PC march through the institutions.
It’s a powerful and insidious influence –
“Beware! Your fellow citizens are monitoring you.”
In 2000 the economy was doing well…no debt, in fact we had a surplus, thanks to Tory policies kept going by Labour.
Subsequently we had mass immigration…apparently a benefit to the economy. The economic numbers from 2000 suggest we were doing quite well without Polish plumbers and Chinese cockel pickers….and probably wouild have continued to do so….had not Brown gone on a spending splurge.
But what other figures could you look at? What about crime? Open the borders and in flood countless numbers of criminals completely unchecked and unknown.
What do you think the toll would be if we added up the crimes committed by foreigners since the borders were opened?
The prisons are bulging at the seams…unhelped by 12% of prisoners coming from abroad. We can read of murders, rapes, fraud, brutal assaults, shop lifting on an industrial scale, drug farms and prostitution committed by foreigners.
Now the ‘locals’ are no angels of course and are just as likely to commit these very same crimes…however if Labour had not allowed these criminals into the country along with the vast majority of honest immigrants these ‘extra’ crimes would not have occurred.
How many lifes have been lost, how many women raped, how many people grievously beaten, how many cars stolen, how many wallets ‘lifted’, how many credit cards scammed and of course how many working class people have been denied jobs or housing or schooling by the people Labour imported for their own ideological ends?
Just yesterday I read of a woman whose child was denied a place at school beause the council said it was legally bound to offer places to immigrants first.
Something is very wrong in that.
Not the immigrant’s fault…who can deny that if given the opportunity they shouldn’t take advantage…it is the system….and the ideology of the politicians and the media class that covers for them.
These are serious questions that need asking…if bankers and business men are being jailed or otherwise held to account for their actions then how so not the politicians…merely being ‘voted out’ at the next election is not enough.
The deliberate and corrupt immigration policy that has so damaged this country and nation, the failed economic policies, the ill judged wars, the destruction of the education system by Labour should all be matters considered by a court….with Blair and Brown in the dock.
Brown is swanning around the world earning thousands for a single speech, Blair is earning millions each year, Mandelson is living in the lap of luxury paid for by his European masters….should not a jail cell be waiting many of these politicians who so carelessly and deliberately set out to destroy a nation state.
“Years before he had inflicted dialectical materialism on a long-suffering world, Marx called for what had to be accomplished—the ‘ruthless destruction of everything existing.’ That destruction would wipe out religion, the family, morality… and everything that made Western civilization.’
Guess that’s what Labour were aiming for.
Guess that’s what we got…and it will take years to rebuild not only the economy but education and the very fabric of a ‘national identity’ itself.
You need to ask why Blair allowed so many “new” Europeans into this country whilst other countries did not? Why did he get rid of the treason law as one of his first actions?
Was nothing ever questioned about personal interests regarding his wife’s proffession.
What I find truly amazing is the amount of people who misquote Enoch Powell (probably because they haven’t bothered to actually read his “Rivers of Blood’ – itself a misquotation – speech). But, of course, this cynical misrepresentation of any viewpoint deemed incompatible with Left-wing groupspeak is a common theme in the (non-existent) debating skills of the far Left; it’s called ‘psychologizing the other’s argument’ and was often used under El Duce’s leadership to counter open political discourse. In other words, rather than impartially look at facts, critically engage with issues and try to understand others’ lines of reasoning, the Left just call their challengers names in the hope that they will be upset and scared of being permanently associated with this label.
Some very good points there, Harold, old chap! 🙂
There is a backlash coming because of this and if it happens it won’t just be the poor immigrants that suffer or native people it will be these leftys. If there was riots and they went to the areas that these lefty freaks responsible for this lived. There would be thousand of people coming to get their revenge on the people responsible for this mess.
Unfortunately, although I am just as mad as others at the damaged that has been wreaked on this country by the Liberal Left, Cultural marxists etc, there will be no backlash as we just don’t do that kind of thing. Sad but true.
Oh and I might add that if todays Politicians had 1 percent of Enoch Powells intellect and vision, they would be 100 percent better than the corrupt traitors they are.
Survival is a very string instinct, maturecheese…
‘Strong’, not ‘string’…
There cannot be a backlash from a majority of the people; it would be seen as oppression. There can, and will, however be a backlash when, due to continued immigration and the higher birth rate of the immigrants, the indigenous (white) people of this country are, or are near to being, the minority.
When that minority comes about there will be civil war because there will be no forgiveness for the perceived oppression that the immigrants feel they have suffered. They (the immigrants) will then aggressively seek to oppress and get revenge on the indigenous (white) people and there will then be no alternative than to fight back.
This is what our politicians have done to us and this is what Enoch Powel predicted would happen. He may not have been popular with the liberally minded clots that have governed us for the last 50 years and it may have been an outrageous prediction but on the 100th anniversary of his birth his warnings are now seen to be very clearly correct. It may take until the 100th anniversary of his speech in 2068 for the terrible consequences to play out in full, he knew that and was afraid, as am I for my grandchildren.
Oh good that old chestnut ‘indigenous’. How my Norman, Viking and Irish forbears would have laughed. Just be honest and leave it at ‘white’. We all know what you mean.
Great comments and links from all. A truly towering intellect that it would be illogical to even try to compare him to the politicians of today.
Come on, surely you found Grant Shapps’ rendition of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ on this week’s QT truly inspiring!?
Sadly, the mind of the modern leftist seems to find it impossible to understand what nationalism and social conservatism really are. Any mention of it simply provokes the pavlovian response: “racist, Nazi, Fascist”
They don’t understand that true nationalists want to see all nations maintain their unique identity and culture as much as possible. That’s the true meaning of ‘diversity’!
Modern Leftism is not in reality about racism, its about using (or even creating) race issues in order to further their anti establishment agenda and lash out against those they consider ‘establishment’.
Most lefties have internationalism near the top of their agenda, and make a pretty poor show of trying to hide it.
True lefties hat the following:
Armed forces
Private Enterprise
White working class people
sport (unless everyone wins)
Grammar schools
private schools (even though they send their own offspring there)
and any questions about their belief system.
Seems to fit Cameron like a glove!
Selfish people, who hate everyone superior to themselves, then. We could use the left -wing anti-hatred laws to arrest them all then.
In my experience anyone who isn’t self-loathing and do something productive with their lifes is superior to the leftys.
Someone has written a blog saying criminals shouldn’t target the working classes but white middle class liberals.
The lady victims will only empathise with their rapist. She will say “He only raped me because white people have not done enough for him”
Yes, it’s quaint little ethnic traits like gang-rape that help make our society such a vibrant utopia.
The Radical Feminists could learn alot from their Muslim Sisters in their Burkas.
Great idea, let some blacks gang rape Toynbee, paper bag on head of course, then they can have a go at Harman, invade the Guardian offices, all those young lefty girls there, invite the Romanians and Poles to have a crack too, BBC secretaries and floor staff, knickers flying apace. Lets see how they rate these ‘enrichers’ then.
It beggars belief that anyone actually wants to post or “like” a comment like that.
Some one posts a reply suggesting racist gang rape and three people “like” it? What sort of site is this?
‘What sort of site is this?’
One where I just had to give you a ‘like’ yourself for failing to resist a facile, opportunistic comment like that.
Say hi to that well known, frequent poster ‘Bob’ for all present.
Well i never, that comment got a reaction! Horrible stuff eh, Millie. My tongue was firmly in it’s cheek while tapping that out, but just imagine if it happened? When you bring your knee down from it’s ‘jerk’ mode, think about it. What would the BBC’s reaction to this mass assault on the leftie lovies? How would they spin that one? Just a thought.
Commenting to provoke heat over light can almost be assured of a reaction. The question is what is sincere and what is from one of the various banwagons circling. What is also interesting is when the mistaken context gets wheeled out (‘{sigh}} Only joking’) a bit late, which is on par with the ‘you people’ reaction to a free site that attracts all sorts of individuals with all sorts of agendas, with results that can inevitably range from a genuine desire to contribute, to a malign coordinated intention to create distractions and/or openings for them to be exploited.
The BBC blogs (such as remain) have both high and low ratings that anyone can rig at the click of an intranet rallying call. Why not? The clicks are anonymous (even to user name) and hence meaningless, other than to those desperate enough to make silly connections. Though funnily enough, the BBC does close for comments when things get a little ‘off-narrative’.
I believe they have anyway used such things to justify ‘what the people are thinking’ headlines if it suits.
With no dislike function, and no draconian moderation, comments that are out of favour here tend either to be ignored or countered.
Gets a bit messy though when tongues are in cheek, or claimed to be, making the resulting communication garbled beyond clear meaning.
Mr. Emus, Mr. Brown. Seems like you two have a conversation to hold with each other rather than sitting back enjoying the result of being proxy catalysts or box-tick counters. Clarifying meanings with each other may be a good start. Others may have an interest in how you then work it out, but as two rare visitors clearly more interested in conflict than exchange, and happy not so mcuh with the result but the mess left in the venue, on current evidence it seems unlikely to be productive or of much value.
Feeling better now Guest Who, yes, Who? Seems you have too much time on your hands and a dodgy ego to massage as well. Look at my post again and while severe, i make no apology for it, what do you think the BBC coverage and opinion would be of such an, to them, apoplectic event.
Taunts. Innuendo. Lack of irony. Shameless wallowing in the limelight of controversy. And ignoring all save for a demand to answer a foolish hypothetical question in distraction.
Who is irrelevant. What is written is the important part.
Though the tonality used here is oddly familiar. Either another incarnation, a clone or devotee.
Either way, enjoy your… ego-free… run if you have any time left to devote (rather painted yourself into a corner there). I’ll be using my time in other areas than further pointless exchange.
“Some one posts a reply suggesting racist gang rape and three people “like” it? What sort of site is this? ”
…one that gets up to ten thousand visits per day.
Perspective usually escapes those seeking to draw things the two-dimensional way that suits their version of reality. And those they tag-team with in that odd bubble, where a name conjured out of the ether appears to mean as much or as little as such minds focus upon..
Apropos of nothing at all, one of my favourite albums:
So much for not indulging in pointless exchange further, you really show yourself as insincere as such. I think the word for you is ‘smart arse’. Except not so smart really. And a very thin skin.
The likes of Webb…and indeed Giles Fraser above…are the very pinnacle of the pygmy culture we`ve created.
It`s as if Margaret Thatchers research into ice cream gave us the aerated froth and pretence of it…and sent the sculpted creations into the church, the media and politics…with wristbands.
These pygmies will never fill a mans suit, a mans shoes(or not even Mrs Thatchers)…and certainly will never hold a homburg as the intellectual colossus Enoch did.
Was he right?-yes!
Would we rather he had been wrong?-of course, but the true prophet lets others sift the truth and meaning from what he says.
Powell turns out to have been a great man-that the likes of Fraser, Webb and Cameron presume to claim any authority to speak about his mind or values, shows how badly we`re being served by squitty little prep school boys pretending to be Churchill, Walden or Enoch Powell..
His place in heaven is assured…his scholarship re Matthews Gospel stands still as brilliant justification for a great life of public service.
And here comes Paul Mason…no further questions Your Honour!
Alan -so much of what you say is right, but I have to disagree with your conclusion. I cannot see that the old sense of nationhood will now ever be restored. That’s the truly sad thing. We will have disparate groups sharing the same sad island, a shadow of itself.
I fear you might be right, but…along comes an unashamed public expression of pride in our national identity in the form of the Jubilee celebrations. The turnout and character of events like these always gives me hope that there is still a strong national bond just beneath the surface, which needs an excuse to express itself. It’s this reluctant and often hidden nature of our nationhood that can perhaps give a false impression that such feelings are completely absent. It’s a shame that we feel the need for an excuse in order to let a little bit of patriotism show.
I remenber a very senior civil servant, now dead, telling me that Powell was a very real threat to the British establishment and that his dismissal was very much welcomed by it’s members. Not because of his perceived racism – which was of no interest to them, but because he was a man who was completely honest and a firm believer in the supremacy of Parliament in that it embodied the will of the people and must be sovereign.
In this country, as I remember , he said corruption was peculiarly British. No outright demands for money and favours but a way of doing things that let the establishment prosper and keep power and wealth in a narrow circle at the expense of the nation. The establishment feared that Powell, if he had become PM, would have smashed for good the vested and corrupt interests that were dragging down Britain. Civil servants would have served only the state not private interests. Legislators would have served only the people not private interests. He was a true conservative in an age of on the make wide boys. He was a true voice of the common man and the only politician in the last 50 years worth listening to. The tragedy is that , unlike Jefferson in the United States, he was denied power and influence . Cameron, Clegg and Milliband are nonentities in comparison.
Good old Enoch just gave it straight and said it as it was/is. No politically correct beating around the bush for la la land do-gooders and gutless pussy footers. The bloke wasn’t “racist”, certainly not for his time anyway – unlike Liebour MP Diane Abbott most definitely is now but who just keeps getting away with murder because she isn’t white!!
Enoch was one of the last decent and honourable politicians, up against an establishment that had an agenda that was alien to the vast majority of the British people, and that one speech was the spark needed to move him aside. That he is still revered to this day is remarkable and heartening. He was a scholar and first class officer.
Oh, and to Guest Who, hiding behind his aka, i think you will find it has been you indulging in ‘pointless exchange’. You sound just like a person of the Left, po-faced, humourless and way too serious, have a good day whatever you do.
Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Many thanks for supplying this information.