Another Open Thread…but I’ve started it off for you…..
I haven’t had time to take a longer look at this but it pretty much speaks for itself…and you know the BBC reaction…this will be one of those ‘benchmark’ quotes that will now be kept in a high state of readiness to blow away anyone who dare suggest that perhaps mass immigration and a ‘nation’ of strangers is not conducive to peaceful co-existence….and note no sign of any opposing views in the piece.
EU should ‘undermine national homogeneity’ says UN migration chief
By Brian Wheeler Political reporter, BBC News
The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration has said.
Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
He also suggested the UK government’s immigration policy had no basis in international law.
I think I got the gist of it from the Today`s programme when they deigned to discuss immigration with an ex Labour minister and then two other Labour luminaries .
1 ; The people of Britain should have been shifted to other work ( to high tech stuff because apparently foreigners are too stupid for that ?!? Remind me , who are the racists )
2; They came in too fast . Not the numbers are wrong , they came here too fast . The buses and planes bringing them in should have had a top speed of 30 mph or something .
3; We should rigourously have a high minimum wage , (because they dont like earning high wages ??)
4; We should have strong trade unions . (Because the union bosses want to keep them out ? )
5; We should build more houses on our land to accommodate them .
6; No problem . Carry on .
Minimum wage. Plentiful cheap housing. That’ll sure stop ’em coming over here!
5 00 PM: Jazz Record Requests
6 00 – 9 30 PM: Opera: Mozart’s Don Giovanni
24 Hours: the Last Day in the Life of the World’s Most Infamous Serial Seducer. Don Giovanni – Mozart’s tale of vengeance and retribution, even from beyond the grave – in its latest incarnation at the Royal Opera House, with Erwin Schrott in the title role, and Alex Esposito as his servant Leporello. The conductor is Constantinos Carydis.
MIDNIGHT: Geoffrey Smith’s Jazz:
Saxophonists Al Cohn and Zoot Sims.
11 00 PM: Frank Sinatra: Voice of the Century
Noted that the BBC seemed rather exercised about the prospect of Martin McGuinness having to shake hands with the Queen sometime soon.
Much talk of selling out and betrayals…but ,this being the BBC: the worry was about the Provisional IRA(or its rebranded factions in the rainbow warrior firmament)…how could Gerry Adams square this handshake with the death of the comrades of old….I for one lost lots of sleep over this one, as I`m sure we all did!
Trust the BBC to look at this story through the wrong end of their rose tinted telescope…as if it`s not the Queen and ourselves who are debauched by her agreeing to shake the hand of the man who did what he did. It`s US who should be appalled-but the Beeb worries about the sensitivities of the IRA…as always.
Do they pay their TV licenses then?….any chance of a sweep of the Creggan or the Bogside to see if they do?
Nah…thought not!
Are there any Beeboids in particular who have been bugging you lately?
For me it has been Will Gompertz. Our very own BBC Arts Editor.
There was something of the typical BBC apparatchik in the way he introduced the Danny Boyle Olympic opening ceremony teaser the other week.
I couldn’t quite understand how a bloke who looked so much the part of the nutty professor could be quite so impossibly on message. You wouldn’t ever have caught Brian Sewell fauning over the Olympics with such guesto.
Will Gompertz cropped up again a day or two ago rubbing his hands with glee over the Cultural Olmypiad.
‘The housing estate children and the orchestra’
‘Simon Bolivar Orchestra of Venezuela ‘
[Just me or is this sounding as though it is a little bit of Cultural Marxism?]
‘….parents and carers….’ [ I’m sorry but I do suspect anyone who has the phrase ‘parents and carers’ trip quite so lightly off the tongue].
‘100% of those questioned thought that the children involved were more confident. Ninety-three per cent thought the kids were happier.’ [look out here come the tractor stats]
‘At an estimated £1,700 per child, per year, it is an expensive way to learn music – but Anderson argues the project offers those involved much more than just learning a musical instrument and a bit of self-confidence. Communal cooperation, self-discipline and a sense of structure are all cited as benefits. ‘
[Ah that bottomless pit of public spending]
So who is this Will Gompertz?
‘In late December 2009, I joined the BBC as arts editor, a newly-created role, having spent the previous seven years as a director of Tate.’
And what was the reaction outside of the BBC to your appointment?
‘The BBC has appointed a ‘maverick and eccentric’ public relations executive with virtually no journalistic experience as its new £150,000-a-year arts editor.
The decision to give one of the Corporation’s best-paid reporting jobs to Will Gompertz, media director at the Tate group of museums, has already proved contentious, with the suggestion he landed the job because of close links to senior BBC executives.’
Is it just me who has been irritated by Will Gompertz?
No I’m in good company.
Boris Johnson, no less….
‘So what do you think, eh?” I turned to the BBC’s art critic, the brilliant, bulging Professor Branestawm lookalike Will Gompertz
Did Gompertz like it as much as I did? My friends, he did not. Or at least, he liked it, but he had two complaints. “It’s not big enough,” he said, “and surely it should be free.” Not big enough! Free! There you have everything that is wrong with the BBC and with this country. The thing is already colossal – about twice the height of Nelson’s column. If we went much higher we would have to re-route the planes out of City airport. And yes, it costs something to go up – though less than it costs to go up the London Eye – but what is the alternative? The alternative is that the whole operation would have to be subsidised by the taxpayer when it is one of the (many) saving graces of this structure that it has been very largely financed by private sponsorship.
In his criticisms, Gompertz was revealing not the instincts of an art critic – but the mentality of the BBC man. Unlike the zany eccentric ArcelorMittal Orbit, the zany eccentric Gompertz is almost entirely publicly funded. ‘
So Mr Gompertz, how come you are so on message with New Labour/ BBC?
‘Due to his lack of experience as a reporter, and because he failed to take his A-levels, it was to general surprise that Gompertz was chosen.
Read more:
‘According to a source linked with the job, Gompertz has a ‘good’ friendship with Yentob, who was not on the BBC’s selection panel.
Yentob has filmed some of his BBC1 arts series Imagine at the Tate galleries and attended many of their cocktail parties.
He and Gompertz also carry out work for the charity Kids Company, of which Yentob is chairman of trustees. Last November, Gompertz organised a jumble sale for the charity which raised £50,000.’
Ah yes, Kids Company ….Camila Batmanghelidjh, the lady who looks like a mash up in a curtain fabric factory
Surely the BBC wouldn’t appoint cronies? Its not a nest of nepotism.
‘Simon (Gompertz) has worked on a range of BBC News programmes, including Today, The Money Programme and Auntie’s Bloomers’
‘He (Will) is a second cousin to Simon Gompertz, the personal finance correspondent to BBC News’
‘One senior BBC source said that Gompertz boasts personal links to both BBC creative director and presenter Alan Yentob and BBC director-general Mark Thompson.
It is understood that Mr Thompson created the arts editor role after attending a dinner party last year where chairman of the Arts Council Dame Liz Forgan, theatre director Sir Richard Eyre and arts supremo Sir John Tusa challenged him over why the BBC had no such position.
Another source said that Thompson was ‘bruised’ by the incident and shortly afterwards created the new post ‘on the hoof’ after ‘minimal consultation’ with BBC executives.’
Read more:
“More over-sized infant classes”
By Angela Harrison .
Education correspondent, BBC News
Is Ms Harrison under instructions not to mention the impact of MASS IMMIGRATION in this, or is it simply her political intuition not to do so?
For Ms Harrison, BBC-NUJ and utopian proponents of mass immigration, who censor the massive negative costs to British children and parents:
“Timebomb under our primary schools: How uncontrolled immigration has created primaries with 1,000 pupils and forced children to eat lunch in shifts.”
By Tom Rawstorne
Read more:
One area of massive ongoing cost of mass immigration to British parents and their children, which BBC-NUJ ignores, as above:-
“English a second language to one million pupils as record one in six children don’t speak it at home.”
By Laura Clark.
Read more:
Disparaging of the English language is an aspect of BBC anglophobia which I find often rears its head and one which I find almost inexplicable (unless you assume that the BBC is on a mission to spread cultural marxism).
Here they are having a pop at English.
‘It’s been 30 years since the release of Blade Runner and 10 years since Minority Report. Both are rich sources of predictions about the future. But what has actually come to pass?
Internationally, Spanish is also significant and futuregazers have gone as far as predicting that one day Mandarin Chinese could become the default language of business worldwide.
Speaking to the New York Times in 2009, French linguist Claude Hagege, author of On the Death and Life of Languages, said that Hindi and Mandarin could replace English some day.’
[French linguist!]
So is English in terminal decline?
‘In Shakespeare’s time, the number of English speakers in the world is thought to have been between five and seven million. According to linguist David Crystal, “Between the end of the reign of Elizabeth I (1603) and the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth II (1952), this figure increased almost fiftyfold, to around 250 million” (The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 2003). ‘
‘”Today there are about 6,000 languages in the world, and half of the world’s population speaks only 10 of them. English is the single most dominant of these 10. British colonialism initiated the spread of English across the globe; it has been spoken nearly everywhere and has become even more prevalent since World War II, with the global reach of American power.”
(Christine Kenneally, The First Word: The Search for the Origins of Language. Viking, 2007)’
‘How many people in the world today speak English?
First-language speakers: 375 million
Second-language speakers: 375 million
Foreign-language speakers: 750 million
(David Graddol, The Future of English? A Guide to Forecasting the Popularity of the English Language in the 21st Century. British Council, 1997)’
So Eglish is not in decline. Wishful thinking from the Beeb I think.
Find this on your keyboard?
It’s why you wont find the Chinese language spreading. We all speak QWERTY now, language as it is typed.
I mused on this yesterday and concluded:
‘The bloody obvious point being missed is that there are more speakers of Mandarin Chinese and Hindi than there are of English BUT (and it’s a bloody big but) Hindi is not even spoken by all Indians, nor Mandarin by all Chinese. Indeed the common language of India is English, as it is the second language of so many people. But how many Chinese speak Hindi? How many Indians speak Mandarin? The reason English is the international language is not that it is the first language of the majority of people but that it is the first or second language of more people than any other language and the only chance of a common language. ‘
We must all realise that the BBC’s hatred for western power extends to language.
Great minds think alike and all that.
It has been bugging me that whenever India or particularly China are mentioned Beeboids go all weak at the knees in admiration. They seem to relish the idea that one day the West is to be overtaken by some one – in fact anyone.
It is pretty obvious that English is rapidly becoming THE world language. Yet the denizens of the BBC for what must be idealogical reasons don’t like it / are embarassed by it. While the BBC whiffles on about Madarin and Hindi millions of Chinese and Indians are busy learning English.
“The white girlfriends Obama erased from his past: How the President airbrushed his romantic history to burnish his credentials as a black leader.”
Read more:
A report for BBC-Democrat’s Obama supplicant Mardell to censor.
Also for Mardell to censor:
‘Jihadwatch’ comment –
“Slate: People think Obama is a Muslim because of ‘his exotic name and background’ and ‘the color of his skin.’
[Excerpt from ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“The Leftist media just can’t figure out why people would think Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. They think, as this witless article in Slate shows, that it must be because of his name, or his race. It never occurs to them, or they deliberately wish to obfuscate the fact, that Obama has repeatedly reinforced this impression throughout his presidency. Whether he is a Muslim or not, he has acted favorably toward Islam and Islamic supremacism from the day he took office.”
One interesting aspect of the Obama Muslim discussion is always ignored, not least by the BBC. The question is not whether he is a Muslim (unless you think he has been in deep cover for twenty years) but whether he is an apostate and therefore under a theoretical sentence of death?
For the prosecution:
1) Obama snr. was a Muslim (even if not observant) and in most Muslim countries the child takes the father’s religion.
2) He, although a child, was Muslim in Indonesia and made the declaration of faith (Allahu Akbar) several hundred times.
Closed within 24hrs at…11.
Something folk were starting to say?
There’s only Richard Black can spin a dog’s dinner into a success.
Like Owen Jones Black is another of the twitterati who can’t take criticism or even engage in debate without banning followers who don’t nod to their mantra.
I’m not surprised comment is closed.
Oh the cruel, selfish irony of the idiotic picture on that page – with the African/Aboriginal folk art and the caption –
“Keep the oil in the soil, Keep the coal in the hole”.
They forgot the last line –
“Keep the Third World poor and undeveloped evermore”.
Blair on Addrew Marr prog, Immigration mentioned but briefly and only Eastern European immigration discused with Blair considering it to be a good thing.
The report by the Lords said immigration was on no benefit. Because they worked it out on GDP/person. i.e. Lefties say GDP increases say 10%, but don’t say that it took a population increase of 10%. Also Migration Watch say that by far the most immigrants are non EU. A point the lefties do not want to address.
So The Muslim Brotherhood won the election. The BBC team in Egypt used the word “joy” more than any other to describe the mood. An Egyptian professor spoiled the party on 5 Live by drawing a note of caution about the future. Undeterred Kevin Connolly “live in Tahrir Square” told us that “Egypt is a democracy now – and democracies are untidy things”. However the joy was unbounded. I prefer to listen to the Professor who said, “If the army had won there would have been violence. But the Muslim Brotherhood won so there will be none.” What does that tell any listening interviewer? She didn’t pick up the hint. I guess she too was deaf with joy.
Compare and contrast:-
U.S media coverage of Hitler, Jan-March, 1933,
with INBBC coverage of Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt, 2012.
“US Media Coverage of Hitler,
January-March 1933”
Research paper by
David Rabie.
“But President Barack Obama and his administration continue to portray Egypt’s oldest radical Islamic group, the Muslim Brotherhood, as being more akin to the Rotary Club than to Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda, while many counterterrorism experts believe he and his administration are making a big mistake.”
Muslim Brotherhood and Nazis.
George R: thank you for your posting. Rabie’s research paper on US media and Hitler is a “must-read”. The wishful thinking displayed by much of the current comment on the rise and rise of the Muslim Brotherhood is very worrying. One wonders if we have to wait till the Brotherhood turns on the Left before the MSM start taking their threat seriously.
I offer this extract from an interview with Bernard Lewis from April 2011 in which he nails the issue:
“Egypt is a more complicated case, Mr. Lewis says. Already the young, liberal protesters who led the revolution in Tahrir Square are being pushed aside by the military-Muslim Brotherhood complex. Hasty elections, which could come as soon as September, might sweep the Muslim Brotherhood into power. That would be “a very dangerous situation,” he warns. “We should have no illusions about the Muslim Brotherhood, who they are and what they want.”
We await the response of the Egyptian military and it’s probable backstairs attempts to curtail the Brotherhood’s power. This is just the start…
Mia Love update (not featured on BBC):
‘The sounds of middle managers wailing [with] a re-distribution of the (very few) car parking passes that remain since the re-development.’
One can, of course, feel their pain and truly empathise, what with the necessity to drive to London these days. I have a uni-chum whom remained in the sainted city and has become a despised Master of the Universe at Canary Wharf as a financial blue-chip MD. He gets up at 5.30am to train in each day from Twickenham and back at 9pm each evening.
Perhaps BBc employees simply don’t know when they are enjoying a lot of a very good thing?
Well, one always knew our new breed of political ‘leaders’ had zero accounts ability.
Match that with the zero accountability in complement from the most trusted national propaganda organ, and the odds of the general public being served well or honestly by the politico-media estate we now ‘enjoy’ and have to pay for, are also… zero.
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