Three eyecatching items from the Sunday Times (pay ‘apartheid’ wall in place).
First Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamic extremist relates how Islam is developing in this country…and it may surprise those in the BBC Bubble who like to say the fundamentalists are a fringe minority…..all other Muslims are moderates.
‘At one time all south Asians – Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus – used to go to each other’s weddings, but in recent years even Muslim-only weddings have changed. They were great cultural extravaganzas but the norm now is that music is non-existent, there’s no dance, there’s often a curtain separating men from women, sometimes even bodyguards policing the segregation…..the trickle down impact of Islamic radicalism on moderate Muslim communities has come as a shocking intrusion.’
Nawaz now tours various venues such as mosques and universities, around the world trying to defuse radicalism and turn potential recruits away from that path. He has been all around the world visiting likely danger ‘hotspots’ such as Quetta and Peshawar in Pakistan…whilst wearing a flak jacket.
But…there is only one university that he has been unable to speak at…in Birmingham, UK, where security advised that they had had serious threats against him and so his lecture was cancelled.
As he says…’That tells you something.’
But only if you are listening.
The second Sunday Times nugget is that Justin Webb, along with other well known people took an 11 plus exam.
Justin Webb, the ‘razor sharp’ Today journalist attained a modest score of 58%….coming last.
That tells you something.
The third Sunday Times drubbing for Lefties was a review by A.A Gill in which he sheds light on a subject many people have often wondered about…that of Left wing dominance of the airwaves……
‘I asked an audience at a documentary festival why is documentary-making such a left wing occupation? A documentarian pointed out rather curtly that, obviously, it was because the rest of television was right wing: reality shows, popular entertainment, gameshows… interesting assumption that any pap for the masses without a ‘message’ is the product of the conservative status quo.’
He goes on…‘I asked David Hare why all plays are were left wing. He looked askance at me and said: ‘What about all the musicals that fill the theatres?’
‘I asked if the National Front should be allowed to broadcast a documentary? To which one woman replied: ‘Never! I devoted my whole academic life to keeping those scum off the streets!’
The trouble with the left is that Lefties only want to be exposed to things that confirm their politics. Even looking at the Daily Mail is to condone global warming, forced repatriation and breast implants; we should only view the websites and blogs of fellow travellers. This means the Left’s conversation is a selection of mutually agreed received opinions that become ever narrower, and the subjects documentaries tackle become more repetitive: films on global warming and the Middle East….and people trafficking.’
What was he reviewing…the BBC’s ‘The Men Who Made Us Fat’……‘presenting an argument that was simplistic to the point of idiocy…a show trial on selective evidence and a pre written judgement…as with so many left leaning documentaries. This series is badly made, barely researched and boringly presented.’
A fair comment I think and accurate portrayal of the Left wing dominance of TV and their thought processes.
I know from experience when I was at university/college the left doesn’t like any views but their own. Anyone who tries to say any non-left-wing views is called allsorts of names, racist, sexist, homophobic, little englander etc. I’ve heard leftys say that the union jack is a racist symbol. Anyone who doesn’t agree with mass-immigration or multiculturalism is a racist. Makes my blood boil that these people are the main reason this society is in the sewer.
It wasn’t so long ago that some UK Prison Governor ( actually Governess ) decided that Prison Officers should not wear Union Jack tie-pins because it was racist. Meanwhile, Islamists continue to recruit canditates in our prisons and continue to call the shots. How very stupid of us.
While I agree with all the comments about labels being attached such as racists, homophobic etc, I still have a problem following the logic that puts a “lefty” label on the opposite view.
Sorry Earls Court, my blood biols over such issues too, believe me. I understand that when the loony/liberal/labour/left lose any logical argument they resort to name callings: racists etc. I regularly tweet to a broad mix of folks and love to stick links to real-world issues like the effects of so called moderate islam. I’m generally regarded as a right wing nutter, when the truth is they dont really want to read the detail of what is staring them in the face, and it’s reality. That’s when the label “racist” is tossed around when they run out of logic.
Keep plugging away at them.
Just saying that’s all.
Most people don’t want to face the reality that there is alot of really nasty stuff going to happen in the near future. I think we are living a societal collapse right now. We have a growing welfare/underclass who have little chance of ever working. We are bring a religion into our society that wants to destroy the west. We have a political class no one likes and is a waste of space. I’d give to 2 to 5 years before we have a total worldwide societal collapse if nothing bad happens sooner.
This is known as the Liberal Paradox – tolerance for all, unless you happen not to be a liberal. That said, certain posters here shouldn’t cast the first stone when it comes to talking about intolerance of mild dissent. I’ve been called an Islamist for daring to suggest that not all Muslims are wild-eyed fanatics, and when I disputed an assertion at the wilder fringes of Nationalist thought I was accused of being a member of UAF. British Nationalists, in my experience, are just as dogmatic and deaf to reason as liberals are.
…but has anyone told you that your opinions are socially unacceptable and that people like you shouldn’t be allowed to express such views?
Tolerance is gained by the allowing dissenting opinions, not agreeing with them.
Good as it goes but as no nationalist group has any real power outside of the mad ravings of our liberal elite betters who need to keep us scared! then only the left liberal really have anything to answer for as they are the ones setting the agenda !
Red white and blue, I am afraid I do not believe you. I have posted many times that not all Islamists are intolerant, murdering fanatics and have never been brought to task on it. Your comments smack of the typical BBC and Labour Party made up claims that “people are saying this and want to know that” when they have not referenced anyone apart from their Lefty friends. I would be surprised if your claims are true.
Aren’t you the guy who said that any mention of the ‘M’ word on this blog brings out the swivel eyed loonies. Unfortunately I’ve forgotten the term for the type of troll who says ‘I agree with a lot of what you people are saying but….., but…… and but…… again,’ [ad inf].
yes he is that guy !
“not all Muslims are wild-eyed fanatics,”
you are correct, not all of them are, the real problem is that they end up staring down the barrel of an ak47 or the sharp end of a big butchers knife, and they tend to lose that very moderate streak so quickly. not that they want to but hey would you argue with it? yes of course you would.
‘any non-left-wing views is called all sorts of names: racist, sexist, homophobic, little englander..
Well, that is the problem with trying to not only categorise, but apply only subjective measures to categories approved of bereft of even the slightest sense of irony.
Whatever a person’s views, they are… were… entitled to have them, and in expending energy on them having them versus trying to debate them is a hallmark of the failure of those who see themselves as the arbiters of what is ‘right’.
I won’t say only facts matter as a well-argued subjective view can be persuasive, but facts do define parameters pretty well.
Even the cherry vultures have sort of grasped this, as they await a loose ‘nobody/nowhere on the BBC…’ statement which can easily be countered with little fear of the relative volume/weightings being accorded any value.
Of course what speaks volumes, and loudest, is the silence when their pet notions are shown up in all their glory as empty shells, along with their blissfully mute advocates.
But for a national broadcaster, the pervasiveness of propaganda by editorial omission, backed by censorship (or the wheeling in of carefully selected, ODOS (one-degree-of-separation) gobs-du-jour to distract with wild counter-claims, is now at epidemic proportions, and a scandal.
I watched some of the 2nd part of ‘The Men Who Made Us Fat’, “Jacques” was criticising a supermarket chappy for trying to maintain profits in a recessionary environment. Unfortunately the supermarket man, as ever when lefties attack, sought to defend his operations instead of pointing out to “Jacques” that the real world was a little different from the feather-bedded, tax funded operation of the BBC
The leftys must spitting blood over this GOOD
Some confirmation of Alan’s post…
This subject was covered last night on the Sky News paper review. Some Guardian columnist, whom I’ve never heard of, said that David Starkey was a dangerous man and that he should not be allowed to say these kinds of things.
…and there you have it – the mentality of the left summed up very succinctly by one of their own – demonisation followed by attempts at exclusion, the left’s very own version of McCarthyism.
…and these people dare to present themselves as the defenders of the disenfranchised and the marginalised.
You will all hear of her soon. She ticked every single one of the BBC boxes.
Post 152 et seq of Guido’s blog (two thirds down) just about sums her up. Click on her Twitter profile to see all of her supporters. You will see links to ‘Penny Red’ and in turn Owen Jones.
Penny’s posts are interesting, this BBC favourite who longs for the revolution, comes over all ‘mardy’ when someone challenges her. This is the same Penny who Guido spotted posting that she wanted to stab another feminist who didn’t live up to her ideals. And if I read it correctly it seems she may have been stood down from this event. Perhaps she just went along anyway to taunt Starkey. Hypocrite score: 9/10
Good spot. Yep – that was her, having to lower herself to sit next to that ‘right wing bastard’ Andrew Gilligan. She’s one of those commentators of the left, like YAB, that is so insistent on the righteousness of her own views that she feels the need to constantly interrupt and hector anyone who dares to express opposing views – as if to say “I simply can’t allow you to get away with that, I must have the last word”.
The subject of benefit reform was also covered. Mr. Gilligan argued that however much some on the left might oppose, cuts in benefits are generally very popular amongst the electorate as a whole. She butted in, saying that such policies certainly aren’t popular with those on benefits, to which Andrew Gilligan replied : “Of course not, free money is always hard to give up”.
Isn’t Penny Red a buddy of the BBC ?
Along with Jonnie Marbles and a few others, she is one of Newsnight’s roving reporters, and muse to their Protests and Anger Editor, Paul Mason.
He seems oddly subdued of late. Not sure if this is due to the fact that he has seen his cherished flagship pulpit’s ratings plummet ever lower, or that he has been asked by Danny Cohen to persuade Ms. Penny to do a ‘celebrity’ edition of ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid’ with Lord Creosote of Hypocrisy to try and boost ratings.
” Miss Penny, 25, who writes for the New Statesman, later joined him on a panel discussing Britishness and accused Mr Starkey of ‘playing xenophobia and national prejudice for laughs.’
Listen to this silly woman,playing it for laughs? Who the hell is laughing about this sad sick case?
Maybe she is I dont know.
And here comes the label: xenophobia which in my bbook is an irrational fear, there’s nothing irrational about most peoples fear of a society based on those values that Starkey talks about.
Indeed !
I just wanted to say that while I can.
Fearing further indoctrination from the Left-wing BBC and other nutters, I will just have to console myself with bizarre TV game shows and even more bizarre weddings.
I’m sure I’ve seen people wearing red on BBC gameshows. Watchout definately closet socialism there.
How long, one wonders, before the Muslim Brotherhood take over the UK parliament (or are they more interested in infiltrating Brussels?).
Lord Ahmed ?
There is a new ePetition requesting the Government for a National Referendum with the question:
“Do you want to keep the BBC’s Licence Fee: yes or no ?”
pls sign, RT, and share with your mates….
O/T but on BBC news the other day I saw a text book CoJo report on the bad weather. The BBC rules for weather reports are :
1. Insist that this is the worst weather for a very long time. Try to give record highs and lows and put people on air who will insit that this is the very worst that they have ever witnessed. Overall leave the viewer with the the impression that weather is getting mor eand more extreme – that we are living in The Last Days.
2. Always, but always, end with a call for something to be done preferably involving public spending.
So somewhere up north the BBC reporter finds a poor lady who has had her home flooded. All starts off swimmingly as she tells us ‘I have been living in this house for 30 years and it has never flooded before’. Tick one.
The Beeb reporter then hints toward the BBC money shot…’So what have the Environment Agency done about flood defences here?’
‘Nothing at all’. Tick Two.
But wait. The unfortunate lady had something to add ‘….they have put in flood defences nearby by not here’.
So let’s join some dots. Now the first thing I learnt about water was that it finds its own level. Stop it getting out in one place and it will move on elsewhere. Of course the Beeb might have asked some common sense questions but, hey, that would break rule 1 and 2.
The BBC ‘could’ be one of the most dire interrogators of the full circumstances behind most ‘science’ stories… since records began.
Research suggests.
“The trouble with the left is that Lefties only want to be exposed to things that confirm their politics. Even looking at the Daily Mail is to condone global warming, forced repatriation and breast implants; we should only view the websites and blogs of fellow travellers. This means the Left’s conversation is a selection of mutually agreed received opinions that become ever narrower, and the subjects documentaries tackle become more repetitive: films on global warming and the Middle East….and people trafficking.’
yeay the bbc is away is on sex trafficking all the times they and other like channel 4 RT gov news have just run out idea .what put things in the news.
Talking of Islamic apartheid in Britain (a couple of miles from Salford Media City):
‘Daily Mail’
“Mother is turned away from parents’ evening because she refused to remove full-face veil.
“Maroon Rafique missed an important talk concerning her son’s university education because she would not remove the niqab.”
By Tammy Hughes
Read more:
Ban the burqa, and the niqab too.
Not talking about banning the Burka or Niqab just shows what cowards the left really is.