Daphne Anson in the ‘Open Thread’ has brought this to our attention and reminds us of the highly selective narrative that the BBC adopts in relation to the Israeli struggle for survival….no doubt made all the harder with the election of a Muslim Brotherhood member as President of Egypt…who claims he will protect Christians and women (from whom?) but no mention of the Jewish neighbours.
The BBC “got it wrong” by not giving prominence to the massacre of the Fogel family by Palestinians in the West Bank settlement of Itamar, the outgoing director-general has admitted.
Mark Thompson was quizzed by Conservative MP Louise Mensch, who made various complaints to the BBC about the coverage, at a Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee hearing on Tuesday. Mrs Mensch said the BBC’s decision not to include the story as part of its rolling news coverage generated “the most reaction I have ever had in all my time in politics.”
“News editors were under a lot of pressure,”
Israel Today agrees with Mr. Edelstein and the Fogel family that it is time for the world to see just how brutal is the threat that the Jews of Israel face, and to then realize which side is truly under siege.’
And this…..perhaps if the Jewish community had had the services of ‘38 Degrees’ they might have got some results…..
BBC head of north-west programming Aziz Rashid has apologised for snubbing Jewish leaders with a standardised reply to their complaint over the scrapping of the Jewish programme on Radio Manchester.
Mr Baigel had written to request a meeting “at which I am sure some understanding could be reached”. He complained that despite BBC consultation over its shake-up of local programming, at “no time was there any contact between Radio Manchester and any official of the Jewish community”.
Please signal your view on whether you like a National Referendum on the BBC’s Licence Fee at
If the minuscule possibility of scrapping the licence fee ever occurs then it will be replaced by a straightforward grant from the Treasury. The objective should be to get rid of the BBC or any state broadcaster supported by the taxpayer. The BBC should only survive as a subscription-based entity. If it can’t do that then it doesn’t deserve to survive.
Whether or not the taxpayer supports it through hypothecated or general taxes misses the point. The fiction is that in some mysterious way a licence fee makes the BBC independent of the political class acting through its dildo, Parliament.. Getting rid of the licence fee will just remove the illusion of where the power lies: it lies, not with us, but those who rule us.
“If the minuscule possibility of scrapping the licence fee ever occurs then it will be replaced by a straightforward grant from the Treasury.”
I believe this is the funding model for the CBC in Canada. Many of the right-of-centre Canadian blogs I visit voice complaints about their statue funded broadcaster that are identical to those on this blog – that it holds a predominantly left-wing, politically correct, multiculturally obsessed, statist world view.
…make that ‘state funded’ 🙄
Morsi didn’t mention the Jews because they slipped under his radar. In 1948, approximately 75,000 Jews lived in Egypt. About 100 remain today, mostly in Cairo. Given their advanced age Egypt will be ethnic cleans of all Jews in a decade.
Yes, just one lot of modern ethnic cleansing that the cowardly utterly gutless BBC hasn’t bothered keeping up with and reporting in depth on, no doubt whatsoever because it’s conveniently stuffed to the hilt with lefties, has increasing muslim heads of departments within it (like Aaqil Ahmed, head of religious programming!…total fuckin joke!) and it of course clearly hates the truly brave little nation of Israel with a vengeance – hence why the British(MY ARSE!)BroadcastingCOWARDS yet still won’t dare show the Balen Report!
It makes me sick seeing those photo’s and knowing I and everyone are party to such a disgustingly biased as hell state news broadcaster through the COMPLETELY UNDEMOCRATIC BBC TV Licence fee.
” BBC head of north-west programming Aziz Rashid”
’nuff said…
It would be prejudiced to jump to conclusions of prejudice, but I find this from the Beeb’s Press Office interesting:
“Aziz Rashid is Head of Regional and Local Programmes for the BBC in the North West of England, based at the BBC’s regional headquarters in Manchester.
Aziz is responsible for the regional and local output from the BBC in the North West including BBC Radio Merseyside, BBC Radio Manchester, BBC Radio Lancashire, North West Tonight, Inside Out, The Politics Show and the local websites.
Born in Bradford, Aziz studied Engineering Sciences at Oxford University.
He worked for a merchant bank for a short while before joining the BBC in 1989 as a trainee at BBC World Service radio.
After five years there, covering the dramatic period in history which saw the fall of the Berlin Wall, Margaret Thatcher’s resignation and the First Gulf War, he moved to BBC World TV, working on projects including co-ordinating the coverage for the 50th anniversary of the Second World War, and working as Editor of the United States Election programmes for BBC World News and BBC News 24.
In 2001 he joined Breakfast News as its Deputy Editor overseeing coverage of world events such as 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
He then went on to work at BBC News 24, initially working as a Strand Editor in charge of afternoons, before moving to Weekend Editor in charge of all BBC News 24 coverage and BBC News bulletins, including the Sunday edition of the Ten O’clock News.”
The BBC doesn’t want the real world to enter their left-wing/cultural marxist dream world. Where all Muslims are good and all Jews are evil.
The pictures, my G-d, this from the religon of peace!
Coming to a town near you soon the way things are going.
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days:
Check it every month.
The b-bbc like to lie about ‘illegal occupation’ ‘occupied territories’ etc when it comes to Jews living in their own homeland but did you know that the non race of people known as Palestinians are in fact the real illegal occupiers under international law.
The San Remo edict of 1928 from the League of Nations gave the Jewish people the rights to their historic and rightful homeland but sadly the British government at the time who controlled the region denied Jews the right of return and allowed hundreds of thousands of Arabs to ILLEGALY enter the designated area.
95% of ‘Palestinians’ in Gaza and the West Bank today either are or descendant from illegal occupiers under international law.
These are historical facts yet historical facts are an alien concept to the likes of the b-bbc and the SNP.
Whilst I wholeheatedly agree with the thrust of this post, I wasn’t expecting to see those photo’s thankyou very much.
I hate to criticise but I think Alan got a bit over excited, please keep the snuff to yourself next time.
The is a way to hide these types of photos using the img onclick or onmouseover events by using reveal techniques (you hide the picture with a second image, flat grey for instance, and then when it is clicked on the original is shown.) This gives the user the option to view the image without having to change pages. See here for an example.
This way pictures that contain such dreadful scenes can be hidden from the more squeemish amongst us.
It’s a matter of curtesy really.
The fact that you call these photographs ‘snuff’ suggests quite a lot about you…..one that you fail to understand their significance and that they are not there for your voyeur enjoyment….and the use of ‘snuff’ is reprehensible and disrespectful to the murdered family.
The Fogel family want these photographs shown so that you know exactly what they are suffering.
They are there to illustrate the full horror of the attack and just why it is such a significant failure of the BBC to report this story.
It is unfortunate you claim to be shocked by the pictures…but that is the whole point of them.
You don’t seem to take criticism very well. I had not meant this to become personal.
What it says about me is this; I have never seen such graphic photo’s on this site before, and don’t need you to show me such graphic images in order guage the significance of the incident or the biased lack of cocverage by the BBC. Furthermore, it insults my intelligence and that of the readership as a whole.
I suggest if you don’t wish to shock readers such as myself, you should at least offer a warning of the graphic content or provide a link to it so that we may have a choice.
I simply was in no way expecting to see that over lunch today. I most certainly did not ‘enjoy’ viewing these images. Yes, they were informative, but please…
Around most of the world it is normal to report visually the “truth” of events, not sanitize them. In Chile I saw the result of left wing terrorists planting a bomb in a police vehicle, on French TV I see the results of Muslim outrages, throughout Europe they published the “Cartoons” that outraged only a tiny number of Muslim fanatics. I don’t accept your “sensibilities” over lunch as a crireria for sanitizing evil. Get over it. And criticising people for not being able to take criticism? Lets see how you respond to criticism shall we?
Ouch. I seem to have opened a can of worms.
This is not a site I associate with this kind of graphic content that is all. As far as I know it is unprecedented on this particular site. I may be wrong, I have been reading this site for about a year as I recall, no complaints so far, apart from this, which I felt I was rather fair about. I could be a lot ruder.
The photos were unexpected to me here. Indeed, censorship is not something I am a fan of, but not all news and media carries the same level of content. Some sites are softer and some harder than others, it’s a bit like the watershed. Right, the BBC and other television stations should broadcast these images in say their ten o’ clock bulletin. Newspapers, may also be expected on occasion to print such images and bring the truth to bear. It is also true that leftists and islamists commit montsrous atrocities across the globe, but are you suggesting that we show all of those images, here on this particular site? It has not been the way previously, so is this the way we are going or the way you would wish to see things in the future, on this particular site?
Just my thoughts, fairly reasonable, no?
Did I respond ok to the criticism?
Reasonable points, taken.
We end up with the watershed issue.
The bBC wont publish “the truth” either side of the watershed. A breakthrough is necessary sometimes to get through the bBC “hiding” unpleasant pictures because they don’t want us to know how apalling some muslim atrocities have been. Its called News Management or “lying” in plain English..
The liberal commentators don’t really know how to handle the MB victory in Egypt. They say they believe in democracy as in their view a democracy is always suppposed to lead to a liberal type government . A democratic election is never a guarantee of that .It reflect the view of the voters at the time. Which is why they are still incensed over Mrs Thatcher. The voters were behaving in an irrational -to a liberal- way.
Given the way the Islamic world is heading the MB victory was always inevitable. This is what the Egyptian people want. Israel and the West can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The liberal projection of their world view will only permit the ” best” ie the most liberal outcome. Israel will prepare for the worst outcome. Our liberal political/media class will not. A dangerous time ahead. The problem is not the MB and it’s offshoots. A self confident West could handle that The problem is a Western elite that cannot bear to face reality. Syria will end up in the hands of a similar regime if the West continues to behave in a way that defies reality.
“Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood epitomises the disastrous Arab culture of resentment”
by James Corum.
I think you were right to post the pictures. I am sorry for the Fogel family that they exist but to censor them out of other peoples sensitivities is to hide the truth of what happens when muslims get the upper hand. If it takes such pictures to force the socialists in our country to confront their infatuation with members of this self-styled religion, then so be it, in my opinion.
Sorry, but by that logic we would publish pictures of every violent crime scene. A warning would be nice.
It was intended to shock, ok well done. I am shocked. Bravo, encore, etc.
I’ll be sure not to read this site whilst eating in future.
I hope this is not a sign of things to come.
The point surely is that the INBBC did their best to ignore the issue. A real disgrace.
I turned on BBC Newsround this afternoon, by mistake of course, just at the start of a piece on the Egyptian elections. Not a word of doubt let alone criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood or Mr Mursi. Doubts were expressed about role of army. Brainwashing starts young on the BBC.
Indeed it does. That can’t be emphasised too often.
Will-o’-the-wisp BOWEN, geographically and politically.
Now ‘INBBC Trust’ fails to understand INBBC’s support for the Islamic nature of the ‘Arab Spring’:
“BBC promises to review Jeremy Bowen’s workload.
Middle East editor to be encouraged to ‘travel less’ following trust report into corporation’s coverage of Arab spring.”
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Islamists vs the Generals: How the Muslim Brotherhood’s election victory will plunge Egypt into political strife.”
By Michael Burleigh.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2164138/The-Muslim-Brotherhoods-election-victory-plunge-Egypt-political-strife.html#ixzz1ypV1wETs