You’ve had to put up with a solid diet of my take on BBC bias for two weeks but David should be back in the saddle very shortly.
I shall say thanks for not abusing me too much and pointing me in the direction of some good stories.
You may wonder if the blog has any effect on the BBC…of course that’s hard to tell…but it is read by some surprising people and has had a few posts resurface in the main stream newspapers. Without it there definitely would be no effect.
However now that David is returning from his two weeks holiday, hopefully away from most of the BBC output, he may be in a good mood…while it lasts you might like to pitch some ideas to him that could further the reach and influence of this blog and increase its effect on the BBC or influence people who ‘have influence’.
I have seen a couple of ideas already that people have put up in the open threads so if you have some big ideas that would shake the BBC out of its complacency now’s your chance to put them up in lights.
Bear in mind this is a volunteer run blog with limited resources….and it has to retain its essential purpose….nothing to stop you suggesting it grows or ‘commercialises’ but that is totally down to David.
It’s all yours…..
This should be the BBC new anthem
Aerial bombardment in World War II.
Apparently, for pacifists of BBC-NUJ, this began with the bombing of German cities such as Dresden.
Reference to the prior blitz aerial bombing of British towns and cities by German bombers is relegated (as is reference to German areial bombing of Guernica, Spain in 1937).
I know this should be unnecessary, but:-
You`ve done a grand job Alan…a high impact substitute of some distinction.
Thought I`d lob David a gentle shot to smash into the forecourt….observe the BBC wondering about whether McGuinness shaking the hand of the Queen was a betrayal of…no, not the soldiers, the policemen, the innocent bystanders or countless people from both sides of the sectarian divide murdered by the IRA…no, but was it a betrayal of the IRAs principles and traditions?
Typical BBC-wondering about the divisive nature of the Queens visit to Provoland…and whether the IRA will be able to stay united in the face of this royal provocation.
Unbelievable-no, wait a minute, this is the Beeb…and therefore all too likely…traitors in our midst eh pounce uk?
From The Commentator…
BBC exposes its Mid-East bias?
We may never know what conclusions Malcolm Balen reached back in 2004. But if the BBC was prepared to publicly release the Mortimer Report, and if that report has found fault with BBC Middle East coverage, then you can bet that Balen found something far worse and more insidious going on.
This is addressed by a daily seam of richness I do find of interest:
If not always agreeing with…
‘That’s because the BBC had a substantial team, working round the clock at the height of this story, checking that the pictures that made air were genuine and relevant. Where there was doubt, but a likelihood that the footage was “right” and an important part of the story, correspondents and reporters said so.’
I see the BBC and ‘right’ in any form, especially likelihood, I permit myself a wry smile. I am sure the author ‘believes’ all is well. Meanwhile..
So… in theory, OFCOM ‘regulates’ the BBC, but as all know, the BBC gets it about left and only holds to account vs. being held, and basically gives a flying fig for what this expensive quango thinks.
Have to say, as one served by both, and equally poorly, it certainly is money, well, spent at least.
From the BBC news website home page:
A key component of US President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare reform act, called the “individual mandate”, is upheld, the Supreme Court rules.
I think even Whitwell would struggle to argue that ‘landmark’ is neutral language…
…’controversial’ would be more appropriate, but this is where their selective concern about ‘value judgements’ clicks in.
An unapologetic article on the unveiling of the Bomber command Memorial…
Yet they were never given a campaign medal, let alone their own memorial. Successive governments lacked the moral fibre to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of the men of Bomber Command, preferring instead to distance themselves from the policy of area bombing that killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process of taking the fight to the Nazis.
The fact that this memorial has been created by a small group of very determined people with the help of donations from the public, with apparently no involvement from our political class whatsoever, says rather a lot about the qualities of our so-called representatives, who no doubt were much more enamoured with the statue of Alison Lapper. Cowards.
Great job Alan. Don’t stop posting.
On the Obamacare Supreme Court decision: Will the BBC explain that Justice Roberts (the deciding vote) called Obama out on his “mandate”. The mandate looked like a tax, quacked like a tax, and behold – was a “tax”. However Obamacare would never have passed if the Administration called it a tax. (It was dragged kicking and quacking over the finish line as it was).
But now we know what Nancy Pelosi meant when she said we’d find out what was in the bill after it was passed. We found out: – we found a tax.
Has the BBC ever done a story on this?
Anyway here’s a little blast from the past: President Obama denying his tax is a tax. (By the way, his interviewer in this clip is a Clinton democrat)