The spectacled theorist would have given his life for his doctrine rather than for his people.
The abstract principles that the law of democracy and ‘liberty’ are more sacred than the welfare of the nation under which principles these intelligentsia will defend the worst kind of tyranny, though it may be leading a people to ruin, because it is fleeting embodiment of the ‘authority of the state’ and another will reject even a highly beneficial government if it should happen not to be in accord with his notion of democracy.
Because man made laws, he subsequently comes to think that he exists for the sake of the laws.
Hitler said that, but in yesterday’s Reith Lecture, if your sensibilites would prefer, Niall Ferguson said something similar….that we become ruled by Lawyers and the Law becomes an end in itself…..has the rule of law in the English-speaking world inadvertently gone back to Bleak House? Has the rule of law degenerated into the rule of lawyers?
Much the same as the Left’s ideology…regardless of the effects it may have upon the people the doctrine will be followed….Immigration is ‘good’ therefore even if shown to be ‘bad’ we must continue down that path.
A fine illustration of this has surfaced today in the Telegraph highlighting the contradictions in what the Left claim they desire for the youth of this country and the things they do in reality.
The official agent in Beijing for universities in the elite Russell Group claimed that it could secure over-subscribed places for a Chinese student purporting to have scored three C grades in their A-levels – when British students are required to have at least A, A and B.
Undercover reporters were also told to tell the UK authorities that the student would be returning home immediately after graduation – even if that was not their intention – in order to secure a visa.
Universities were accused of profiteering by rejecting tens of thousands of British teenagers, currently sitting A-levels, so they can fill places with more profitable foreign students
The BBC et al tell us immigration is the great economic secret weapon of this country…and that limits on immigration means universities will not be able to recruit foreign students along with their foreign exchange.
The BBC et al tell us conversely that it is vital to tackle youth unemployment in this country and that education and access to good university education is vital for social mobility.
Many of those unemployed ‘youth’ might have got their foot on the first rung of the jobs ladder had it not been for being undercut by cheap foreign labour…and some being discouraged from getting work because of the high levels of benefits they receive.
Even if they applied themselves and looked to secure themselves a prosperous future by getting a university degree it seems they are again blocked by foreign immigrants who are now leapfrogging the queue by waving wads of cash at the universities.
This all raises some questions….as the import of immigrants and foreign students is a cause célèbre of the Left how can they reconcile that with the fact that because of their policies youth unemployment is increased, social mobility is stifled and essentially the ‘hated’ values of Capitalism have distorted the access to universities and blocks that pathway to a better future for the less well off in society who cannot compete with rich foreign students…or indeed the rich British ones?
“British university places for British students”.
A variation on a theme put forward by one Gordon Brown I believe. Why are we educating the kids of wealthy foreigners, remind me?
Whilst I don’t disagree with the points made in this piece, isn’t its connection to BBC bias a little tenuous?
The connection is very strong.
The BBC constantly reinforces Labour’s and Occupy’s message that the private school class are excluding the less well off by buying up all the access to universities.
The BBC for example has employed Giles Fraser and given him ready platform to spout his stuff.
Yesterday we heard Niall Ferguson in New York…who was given a chance to question him? Carne Ross…a Brit, not American…but one who was also a big opponent of the Iraq War and British foreign policy and now…a mover and shaker in Occupy…and always given plenty of time on the BBC.
When the BBC gives implicit support to such policies as advanced by Labour and Occupy and then not only turns a blind eye to foreign students buying privilege here but actually encourages that it is clear that the BBC is engaged in politics and ideology not equality or giving the ‘poor’ a chance in life….just as is the climate change movement when China and India et al can pump out as much CO2 as they like…despite the position ‘being so desperate’ we have only 100 days or whatever the latest deadline is to save the earth.
Politics, ideology and money.
And the BBC is up to its neck in it pushing left wing agendas.
Yes, BBC-NUJ invariably supports British universities in their preferential treatment of entry of more profitable foreign students (higher fee scale), but with lower entry qualifications than British students.
Compare these two reports:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’
“Foreign students jump the queue: Overseas candidates offered uni places with lower grades than UK teenagers.”
Read more:
2.) Coming in halfway through the story, BBC-NUJ offers mainly apologetics on behalf of British universities:
“UK universities deny favouring overseas selection”
The consequences of endorsing Brititish universities in their preferential treatment for profitable foreign investment is that e.g., the London School of Economics, the Gaddafis, Chakrabarti and INBBC found themselves on the same political side.
And would-be BRITISH students (with fees increasing to £9000) are an after-thought for British universities.
What BBC-NUJ still brushes aside in British universities’ discrimination for foreign students.
“Warning to universities in foreign student grades scandal”
(inc video clip)
Not to go off at a tangent, but has anyone noticed how the BBC loves it’s hidden camera tricks when it comes to sweary coppers and cowboy builders, but when it comes to fellow members of the liberal cult, like bent academics or dodgy lawyers, Elvis has left the building.
We have the technology now…because the offences are all in the mind of the BBCers….
‘Stephen Hawking, 70, has been working with scientists at Standford University who are developing the iBrain – a tool which picks up brain waves and communicates them via a computer.
Scientists hope that it may soon be able to “read a person’s mind,” ‘
‘Scientists hope that it may soon be able to “read a person’s mind,” ‘
Like all things BBC, no matter what the technology, there remains the small matters of whose minds are chosen to be read and, having read them, what is chosen to be broadcast.
That… remains safely in the minds of a very select few, protected by FoI exclusions.
Only some are held to account, while the mot powerful of all is exempt.
On behalf of the BBC. The President of the Royal Society and Geneticist Paul Nurse and another Geneticist Professor Steve Jones are fighting against the Enemies of Science such as Solar and Atmospheric Physicists, Henrik Svensmark and Richard Lindzen. If the BBC loses the fight, then experts in Genetics will lose the authority to comment on Climate science at the BBC, and a parliamentary committee could then recommend a new law that sees that the BBC staff responsible face imprisonment for conspiring in Scientific fraud.
This is OT, but well worth reading. It has its parallels here in the UK. Note, I did not mention EU but our local government in London. As far as London is concerned, we the people are merely sheep – to be leased out.
147 years after the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, we are back to debating slavery. But it’s not a debate that began today. Everyone who pays taxes can calculate how much time they spend working for their masters in Washington, D.C. How much of their income the serfs are obligated to send home to the barons in the white palaces who will decide how much of it to hand out to their friends and how much of it to use on the endless expenses of government.
Around the same time as the evils of racial slavery were being fought, the building blocks of economic slavery were being hammered together with the Revenue Act of 1861, the first Federal income tax and the first attack on the Constitution, that concluded with the Sixteenth Amendment. One hundred years before the election that brought Obama to power, the Democratic platform called for an income tax, “to the end that wealth may bear its proportionate share of the burdens of the Federal Government”.
The burden has grown vastly since then. It has grown out of all proportion. And to achieve its goals, the government began selling off its assets. Its chief assets are us.
The ObamaCare Mandate is a fairly simple trade between health insurance companies, which largely owe their existence to government tinkering with the health care market, and its government patron. In exchange for giving the government what it wants, the government gives them what they want, us.