The BBC has indulged its anti-Establishment leanings and satisfied its simmering desire to hack away at the Police Force in a polemical onslaught based on, well not very much really. They drag up a few examples of bad practise but how many good ones? None. Hardly what you might call balanced or anywhere near the truth.
It is what you might call a dangerous lie being peddled by the BBC in its film ‘Can We Trust The Police?’.
The truth is that this programme is not about the Police it’s all about assuaging the guilt ridden ‘hideously white’ BBC employees who are ground down by the angst of inheriting the history of imperialism and colonialism that is now perpetuated in the ‘ethnic’ ghettoes of our cities….until the people of colour break free from the yoke of the whiteman and his oppression they will never succeed and prosper and develop in their own right, fulfilling their destiny to be independent free willed people. What is going on is not crime but revolution, an insurgency against an alien culture imposed upon them….until they break free from the bonds that tie them to a system that keeps them in a cycle of deprivation of spirit, wealth and humanity they are in effect still slaves under the whiphand of their white masters.
Bet that’s on some BBC employee’s blog.
The BBC is in a highly privileged position….it has the ability to choose a subject, make a film about it and then broadcast it to the world.
The subject of that film of course has little say in what impression of him is given to the world.
The BBC is at liberty to make any claim it likes as long as it believes it can back it up in some shape or form. The subject of the film can only make an effective complaint after the film has been broadcast by which time the damage is done regardless of whether the BBC has been ‘mistaken’ and issues an apology.
The BBC has all the power…it decides the subject matter, it decides who presents a film, who appears on it to give ‘evidence’, what questions are asked and what answers are broadcast and of course the overall shape of the film once it goes through the editing process so that it arrives at the required conclusions.
The recent BBC film ‘Can We Trust The Police’ is a case in point showing the BBC at its worst when it sets out to answer a question that it has already written the answer to…it just needs to ‘find’ the ‘proof’.
They chose Adam Deacon to present the show. He is a mixed race rapper/actor who claims to have suffered police harassment himself and set out to show that this is in fact the way the police work as a norm rather than the exception….essentially he is a rebel without a cause…sure some police go too far….but not all by a long stretch…and I could make a similar film about any job …..Harold Shipman? Stafford Hospital, Firemen….and of course media johnnies who set out to spread alarm, fear and anger in their various reports either here in ‘deprived’ communities or with regard to events in the Middle East where ill conceived prejudices and distorted views lead to ‘angry’ Muslims and terrorism in the UK….you could make a valid claim that 7/7 was a direct result of BBC coverage of the Iraq War and the run up to it.
The choice of presenter immediately tells you that this is not a serious programme and is unconcerned about providing balance and truth, and yet it is a subject of enormous importance and the wrong impression of the police given by the programme could have serious repercussions.
Is he going to be biased? Yes he is, and he was…how does it serve anybodies interest to have someone who is already predisposed to hate the police present a programme that seems deliberately designed to cause even more deep distrust of them?
It is starkly apparent this programme set out to sow distrust amongst certain communities towards the police and to reinforce impressions given by vested interests who seek to create conflict in order to gain their own influence.
A highly irresponsible programme that is at heart deeply dishonest and malign in intention and that paints every police officer now serving as racist and violent.
The fallout from reinforcing such stereotypes is a steep fall off in respect and trust for not only the police but all ‘Establishment’ institutions and the Law itself….resulting in anarchy and more riots….which it must be said the BBC seemed to revel in as it gave them the chance to bash the police, always a favourite, and of course to blame the Tory cuts for making people desperate and deprived…though mostly depraved.
The BBC stance to policing…arresting criminals makes them feel harassed and humiliated, angry and alienated…..the answer clearly is not to arrest them or punish them in any way…..a happy criminal is one who of course won’t commit any crimes any more now that he has a sunny disposition and the respect and understanding of Authority.
Dwayne (sometime BBC social alienation consultant) says: ‘Leevin skool soon, carrears teecher sed cud be ‘bergler’ now as a carreer choyse like. Terific i Thort, no GSCEs like but skool of hard nocks an all, QBE or so the nonce of a privat skool kid i mugged sed i was.
Aparantly sign up as bergler an you get a guverment card that you take too argos an pick wot you like outta the catalog an the council even giv yoo a showffered motor home. No nite shift no longer, helth an safty is execlent like…no broken windows too climb throo and no homeowners hittin you. A dreem job like. peachey.
Saves the posesive homeowners crying on coppers shoalders, saves the pigs havin to come lookin for me an upsettin me mam, an saves money not puttin me in the slammer. All for the cost of a few argos consoomabals (thrown away soon by throwway sosiaty anyways) an’ made for pense in chinky land.’
The Colonel says: ‘And how about those damned druggies eh? I say conscript the blighters, put ’em in khaki and march ’em into Stalinist penal battalions over to Africa and Cambodia to clear mines by stamping through the bush. Damned fine method, worked in WW 2, saw off the Hun and won the War on the Nazis, should work on the War on Drugs, what?’
The BBC says:
“Do it. Do it if it feels good. Do it now. The church is wrong. Your parents are old fogies. Everyone is doing it. Don’t be left out. You’re entitled to something for nothing. There are no bad consequences. And besides, you won’t get caught. In many ways our society has failed you, ignoring the hard-won lessons of history, the accumulated wisdom of the ages, the maxims of morality. Truths revealed, experienced and long respected are not well taught to most in your generation. “
How ironic! Robin Aitken has already answered the question ‘Can We Trust The BBC?’ so they’re obviously determined not to go down alone.
Perhaps there is some mileage in a slightly different direction for the next in series: “Can We Trust the BBC?” except the presenter will no doubt be Helen Boaden, of course,
Where did it all go wrong for the police ?
Common Purpose infecting the higher ranks. Career officers who took the new labour shilling and didn’t defend their natural supporters in the countryside. And the Mcpherson report, guardian / bbc hysteria at its most blatant.
During the new Dark Ages – 13 years of Labour – the only route to preferrment in the Public Sector was the Labour Project. Wanna be a Judge, Chief Constable, Trust Chair, BBC Exec, a comedian who wants to work, you tapdance to the Red Flag Flying Here. The rot is throughout the system. Even the lower rank are Diversity Champions.
The appointment of one Tory cop to the Met is not enough. The social workers-in-uniform are still everywhere.
Camergoon hasn’t a clue or hasn’t the will to start dismantling 13 years of New Labour infection. He is still trying to fight the last war, detoxifying the Tory brand. Theresa May leads the Police Farce. I despair.
carrears teecher sed cud be ‘bergler’ now as a carreer choyse like.
Many true word…
A couple of weeks ago, I heard a perplexed sounding 5Live reporter giving the news that there are 100,000 offenders who have repeatedly defied each of the many ways employed to try and stop them offending. Congratulations, Beeb, you have discovered the career criminal. Except there are than 100,000 – the rest haven’t chalked up the requisite number of convictions to be counted…yet. Only the other night on the Channel 4 ‘Lifers’ programme, I heard one young(ish) man say “I knew what I wanted to be. I wanted to be a criminal and that’s what I was.”
Like I said yesterday, here we have a mixed-race rabble rouser who’s getting the full BBC tongue bath, despite having no obvious talents except for churning out unconvincing racial atrocity stories.
All he needs is a set of golf clubs and a Hawaiian birth certificate and he’ll be on his way.
I saw the pretty typical naff Al-Beeb title of it (‘Can We Trust The Police?’) and just laughed. I see it’s been repeated a few times now as well, where such brainwashing mind-already-made-up-for-you trash belongs in the first place, about 2 or 3 o clock in the morning.
I got in trouble with the police at least a dozen times when I was younger, including for – not proud of it – actually fighting with them a couple of times, and coming off worse. I look back now and know bloody well that I usually deserved the police dealing with me and fines afterwards and everything. I came about as close as you deservedly could to a brief stint in prison. But I started taking responsibility for my own actions, stopped blaming others for them….AND GREW UP!
Unfortunately there’s a few bad apples in all walks (like PC Wrigley…the cunt!…even other police didn’t like him), no lot are perfect, but at least 95% of police I regretably had dealings with were actually top notch people.
Laughable Al-Beeb’s FAR from fuckin perfect and ain’t giving me any indoctrinating lectures on our police!
From Adam Deacon’s wiki entry:
“Deacon was brought up by his British mother in Stoke Newington, Hackney, North-East London. His father left when he was two years old, and to this date, the pair have never had any contact”
Just as I thought: Society is to blame!
A black man called Dwayne? Reminds me of the cat in Red Dwarf, he was called Dwayne Dibley. I wonder if they are releted?
Reminds me of Stephen Lawrence’s “friend” Duwayne, who ran away from the murder scene, kept changing his story to the police, and walked away with a hundred grand for racism.