Question Time tonight comes for the first time from a foreign country – Lutonistan.
On the panel we have transport secretary Justine Greening MP, shadow Olympics minister Tessa Jowell MP, secretary-shagger Paddy Ashdown, Tony Robinson (the irritating broadcaster one, not the EDL one) and the businessman Terry Smith, chief executive of the City brokerage Tullett Prebon.
This Week will follow, and we have the standard lineup of Andrew Neil with Michael Portillo, plus the failed postman Alan Johnson
This may be the last LiveChat for a while. CoverItLive has decided to charge for the service and it isn’t going to be cheap for the blog to subscribe for the number of participants we have. TheEye is urgently looking for something similar as a replacement but is so far drawing a blank. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?
You are very welcome to join us once again. Please play nicely.
will be there ASE 🙂
I’ve set it up again so that anything you Tweet during the Chat will appear too, Billy.
Cheers 🙂
It’s a pity it isn’t the other Tony Robinson, it would have made QT a lot more interesting
That’s Tommy Robinson, A.K.A. Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.
LUTONISTAN, and many other Islamised town and cities of Europe.
“‘Occupation without tanks or soldiers’: ‘No-go’ zones for non-Muslims proliferating in Europe.”
I won’t like to be the leftys responsible for this on judgement day.
Ridiculously unbalanced and absolutely abysmal QT panel.
I got as far as Robinson’s initial rant before switching off.
I only bought the telly last week!