Strange article here on the BBC magazine site, and this caught my eye in particular..

And indeed there were Jewish anarchists in Europe, as there are Muslim extremists now. But there was never a Jewish problem in France, any more than there is a Muslim problem now

Not sure the next of kin of those slaughtered in Toulouse might agree with that contention.

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22 Responses to DON’T MENTION THE WAR…

  1. LondonCalling says:

    Bombs on the Paris Metro – Jewish Anarchists or Muslim Extremists? Slaughter of school children – Jewish Anarchists or Muslim Extremists? Burning down satirical newspaper office – Jewish Anarchist or Mulim Extremists?
    BBC words say “equivalence”, the facts state otherwise.


  2. Durotrigan says:

    Hmm. The BBC droid seems to be unaware of two fundamental and deep-rooted historical differences between Judaism and Islam. Firstly, Judaism is not a proselytising religion whereas Islam is. Secondly, and most crucially, Islam has since its inception been spread by the sword, and from 711 when its followers crossed into Spain until 1683 when thrown back at the Second Siege of Vienna, Islam militarily and ideologically menaced Europe.

    Given that Islam mandates its followers to take and hold territory, making it incumbent upon Muslims to seek to convert those around them to Islam, it is innately expansionist and unwilling to seek accommodation with other populations except when it has to for entirely practical and tactical reasons. Once it grows stronger, it goes onto the offensive and attempts to impose itself upon the host population. Islam is incompatible with French, or indeed any other, non-Muslim society or system of beliefs. Contrast this to the history of Judaism.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      The author is not a BBC droid. He’s a US fellow traveler who writes for the New Yorker, which is a magazine for elite, Left-wing white people, or those who simply feel they are intellectually and politically elite (and are thus Left-wing by default).

      All opinion pieces commissioned from US writers for the BBC online Magazine are from a Left-wing perspective. All of them, without exception, as far as I’ve researched.

      Defenders of the indefensible are welcome to pick the cherry which proves the rule and crow about it, of course.


  3. Biodegradable says:

    I commented on that piece here on the open thread:


  4. Ian Hills says:

    “Jewish problem” sounds like “final solution”.


    • Biodegradable says:

      Indeed, remember how the French collaborated with the Nazis and rounded up and deported French Jews then repeat again; “But there was never a Jewish problem in France.”


  5. Biodegradable says:

    France doesn’t have a problem with Muslims?

    Muslims are just like the Jews?

    Oh really?

    Lille gunman kills two at French nightclub

    Police have named the suspected gunman as Faycal Mokhtari, 32, from the northern French town of Tourcoing.

    Google “Mokhtari” for the origins of the name.

    Dozens of shootings involving Kalashnikov rifles have been reported in recent years in France, and particularly the southern city of Marseille. Typically they have been gangland settlings of scores.

    NB: Lille is the North. Marseille has a very large Muslim population.

    Message from the BBC: “Repeat after us;’France doesn’t have a problem with Muslims, France doesn’t have a problem with Muslims, France doesn’t have a problem with Muslims, France doesn’t have a problem with Muslims…'”


    • Pah says:

      I suppose the reason why all French railway stations had armed police and soldiers on them throught April had nothing to do with muslim violence then.

      It’ll be them damn pesky joooos again. 🙁


      • Lloyd Reith says:

        The only place my orthodox friend does not wear his kippah……France.


  6. Pah says:

    They have rather foolishly asked for comments …


  7. LondonCalling says:

    Whenever I am dissed by some low-life functionary, I always go to my car and pull out my Kalashnikov … except I don’t have one and neither does any normal law abiding citizen. I see the BBC tried not to identify the main suspect as of North African origin. Its that BBC Nelson telescope again, I see no ethnics…


  8. The Highland Rebel says:

    Hi Daphne,

    You must feel safe living in Oz where you have a government who keeps Islamic extremism in check unlike here where they pander to their every whim.


  9. TigerOC says:

    If we accept the Enlightenment values of tolerance, coexistence and mutual pursuit of material happiness, things in the long run work out. If we don’t, they won’t.

    The authors thoughts are encapsulated in this phrase. The differential lies in the phrase “and mutual pursuit of material happiness.
    As many of us older folk can attest material happiness is an illusion sold to us by merchants as diverse as Bankers to holiday booking agents.
    Happiness is a state of mind and its basic roots lie in a stable and homogenous environment.
    We have a situation which has evolved whereby certain small elements of our society are causing mayhem within our greater society. Huge amounts of resources in the form of money and manpower are being devoted to protect the majority of the population from the exploits of this group who have no desire or wish to integrate.
    These elements are using our society to propagate international terrorism, domestic terrorism and destabilize our society and we are told by this idiot to be tolerant. Are these people totally blind, deaf and illiterate?


  10. hippiepooter says:

    This is the


  11. hippiepooter says:

    This is the BBC’s Sunday ‘secular leftie’ slot as a counterpoint to its Sunday religious content. A funny sort of ‘balance’ when so much of the latter content is ‘religious leftie’.

    Alain de Bolton (or some such) was doing this gig previously. The


  12. hippiepooter says:

    … BBC of course do not term it its ‘secular leftie’ slot. I’m sure they would have us believe that all its contributers just seem to be lefties by some amazing, inexplicable cooincidence.

    (I think I’ve just prematurely posted to touch-typing probs!)


  13. Biodegradable says:

    No mention of this anywhere at the BBC as far as I can tell:


    • Deborah says:

      thanks Bio – again the readership of this site can provide what the £3 billion a year BBC will not.