Interesting article here on the BBC concerning a massacre of Kenyan Christian by Islamic Jihadists. Now that’s the way I put it but the BBC article is more nuanced and it is quick to get a quote in from the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims condemning this latest atrocity from Al Shabab. The fourth paragraph almost suggests that Kenya had this coming for daring to deal with Al Shabab!
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Kenya fighting back against Somali muslim extremists, kidnappers and terrorists, you got to admit, is “provocative”. Lobbing a few grenades into Christian churches is a perfectly understandable response To the bBC, they brought it on themselves.
Rather than just reporting the outrage as another example of Jihad-inspired violence primarily similar to the attacks taking place in Nigeria and elsewhere, the BBC does its best to present the crime as being almost an act of political resistance. The BBC’s over emphasis on the fact that Kenya has sent troops into Somalia to fight the Islamist savages there almost comes across as a reasonable excuse for bombing civilians in a church.
Why are people who throw hand grenades into churches described as ‘militants’ not ‘terrorists’ by the BBC? Can’t think of a more apt description of a terrorist act than this.
The piece then goes on to say: ‘These two incidents have not painted a good picture of the efficacy of Kenyan security forces, our correspondent says’
This is really astonishing! A country is attacked by terrorists-sorry ‘militants’ and the BBC are focussing on that country’s security forces! Not the issue here, surely.
The Beeb does that with the security forces in this country – why should Kenya be treated any differently.
Why aren’t they called murderers?
or terrorist murderers
It comes as a total surprise to most people to nlearn that the BBC has a house rule that effectively prohibits the use if the T word – Terrorist. The BBC was FORCED to alter its description of the London bombers to “terrorists” – so it may now be used for atrocities in the UK – but blow up 200 people in Bali, blow up churches in Nigeria, blow up people in Kenya, brutally kill a young family in Israel, murder with mayhem all round the globe – in Somalia, Iraq, Indonesia, , Malaysia Thailand, India, Egypt etc etc etc and you are just a “militant”, “insurgent”. Even if you kill Brits as in Bali and Sharm, you cannot be termed a terrorist by the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation.
THAT is how sick the BBC has become. And it is proud of its weaselly words. Turning the other cheek to Islamofascism and terrorism.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – that’s all.”
Through the Looking Glass.
It would be an extremely brave BBC journalist who labeled a person or an organisation terrorist. Not only is their a direct guideline against using it, because it is a value judgement and we know the BBC never makes those ;-( but it requires special permission. The BBC does acknowledge responsibilities under the Terrorist Acts so why doesn’t it simply define terrorist as a person or organisation labeled a terrorist under UK legislation?
If the United Kingdom government isn’t allowed to make value judgments you would think the BBC would be capable of defining terrorism and instructing journalists to refer to that definition whenever using the word terrorist? It is an organisation whose tools of trade are words, isn’t it?
I once asked the BBC through an FOI request what legal advice a journalist received before interviewing and traveling with a group the Indian Government had declared to be terrorist. If they had been a group the UK government had declared to be terrorist the journalist would have been required refer in advance to Director Editorial Policy and Standards.
Not surprisingly they declined to answer about the advice received or even whether any had been requested.
As they say:
Nor apparently to distinguish between terrorists they are obliged by law to be careful with and the laws of other countries.
I heard Yitzhak Shamir being referred to as a former member or a “terrorist organisation” on R4 today.
I’m not aware the Irgun or Stern Gang used to lob grenades in any churches – or mosques for that matter.
The BBC – a ‘militant’ sympathiser organisation.
PS Hope France was nice DV. I guess one must enjoy it while one can, before Holland and the Muslim occupation completely lay it to waste.
It’s unbelievable. Extremist Muslims are causing (and have caused) utter mayhem throughout the world for decades and yet the BBC, Guardian, UAF and all the rest of the overgrown, rich-kid student Marxists still have the audacity to focus on and protest against ‘Right-wing’ racists; I mean, God forbid that indigenous people start to fight back and become just a little paranoid and apprehensive of people who follow a religion that has driven them to perpetrate 9/11, 7/7, suicide bombings the world over, Grooming, calls for gays to be killed, stoning women to death for no reason, acid attacks, regular church bombings, terrorist attacks on Israel, anti-Semitic rants, Madrasa schools, poppy burning, the killing of our troops, open threats to the West for not following Islam and a lack of social integration etc etc etc… BUT if you’re a Christian who wears a crucifix at work or who disagrees with gay marriage then you’re a nasty, bigoted sinner who must be cast out into the wilderness.
You couldnae make it up pal, as they say in Glasgow!
You spoke well, Merlin. However there will shortly be a knock on your door, in the interest of Social Cohesion and Public Good. . Truthfulness is no longer a defence, only whether you cause offence. Anthony Blair’s boot, stamping on the human face, forever. Seemed such a “regular guy” too.
I’m a man of many shortcomings, but lacking courage for my convictions is not one of them. I await the knock… and the ensuing revolution.
I’m still wating for INBBC to report on this
Muslim convert jihadist woman wreaking death and destruction from England to Kenya.
“Yes, I am woman but I am woman who believes in Jihad and supremacy of Islam”
Everywhere in the world there are muslims, there is also serious trouble. Now, that just isn’t a coincidence. Everywhere in the world there is a bbc ‘journalist’ there is bias and bigotry and that equally cannot be a coincidence. That these two bodies, together with the hordes of rabid socialists of all strands appear to conspire to pervert humanity by all means at their disposal also cannot be a coincidence.
Islam and Socialism are two sides of the same evil coin. At least when the muslims turn on their ‘lefty friends’, the leftys will have no one and will be wiped out. Karma is a bitch.
Nor’s any of this monthly updated lot a coincidence, john
At the BBC – and amongst the Left it general – human lives in these cases are valued according to who kills them.
What will the left do when they are targeted. Before long everyone will realise, muslims, white people etc that the left has been using them to get their marxist utopia. Then its game over for all the leftys.
The Marxist Left’s alliance with Islam is an extension on Lenin’s theory of the ‘useful idiots’ – Muslims are useful psychopaths.
Sorry, my comment below was supposed to a reply to hippiepooter’s original observation.
Simply brilliant. The Islamists’ use of gormless, guilt-ridden liberals and self-loathing leftists is indeed a wonder to behold.