I don’t think I can add anything to this story from the Telegraph in which Newsnight’s resident Marxist, Paul Mason, gets a kick up the backside:
‘It’s not that bad to be a graduate, despite what Left-wing agitprop merchants like Paul Mason might tell you.’
Mason is a typical example of the ‘whats yours is mine and what’s mine is me own’ type of socialist. He lives a high life and has never met a working class person (except Consuella is Philipino house slave).
The sort who bangs on about collectivism but never ponies up when it comes to paying the bill in a restaurant.
I’ve never met one I haven’t wanted to punch …
Me neither and also have yet to find one that can answer the exact points you allude to: i.e. they are stingy, tight-fisted (so well off) middle upper class (they think) shysters because they think others should give up what they have earned yet they revel in what they have cadged for doing little.
Who is able to stop Comrade Mason (Father of NUJ Chapel at BBC ‘Newsnight’) from using his position to make propaganda for socialist/’Occupy’ political causes, financed by British licencepayers?
A well aimed brick might help 🙂
Come own up, who did this: http://order-order.com/2012/07/02/dave-preparing-conference-eu-blitz/#comment-1339386
Shame he didn’t get his arse into gear when gordon brown was destroying the pensions of millions of private sector workers, with his demented grab on dividends.
‘Shame he didn’t get his arse into gear’
All ‘analysis’ is equal; some is simply less rigourous than others… when the narrative requires.
Six mumfs ago I cudn’t spell Economist now I are one!