Anyone hear Nicky Campbell shut the lady up when she criticised the BBBC’s negative coverage of Afghanistan this morning? Lots of humbug about how this is not about BBBC and so move on there!
I heard Dr David Starkey on the programme chaired by Clive Anderson. Whatever his views he always seems prepared to state them irrespective of the consequences. The subject got onto collective nouns, to which he proffered ‘An arrogance of R4 presenters’.
Anderson has trouble judging the difference between an interviewer indulging in a bit of witty banter and overstepping the mark into obnoxious boorishness. He made it quite obvious from the start that he regarded Starkey as a reactionary loon and seemed determined to characterise him as boring, bringing in that description of him right at the beginning of the interview. For obvious reasons, the label failed to stick but in the very last second of the programme Anderson called him a bore again, knowing that there was no time for Starkey to have the chance of coming up with a rejoinder. What a slimy piece of work the man is.
Listening to Nicky Campbell this morning, a caller stated that, Christians generally believe that we should do to others as we would be done by, whereas Muslims get their revenge in first. Nicky was not happy and clearly stated that there were good and bad Christians and good and bad Muslims and similarly extremists in both. I must have missed the story about three UK forces personnel being shot by Christians.
also a mention of these being 5th columnists bought the usual el beeb sigh.
well … quite simply they are … it also slipped out
inadvertently that any raised voice, or argument to these erm “security”? forces, could be misconstrued immediately as a matter of “honour” đ , where shoot first ask questions later is the first response? any surprise you are dealing with muslims, and your giving them arms.
Tally that with the overbearing “ethnic training”,
“cultural sensitivities” training mentioned this morning, as a pre requisite for our forces.
WHAT! …what? , is this horse and pony show?
there are nearly 300,00 of this afghan security army,(not a force), it is impossible to police this without the strongest discipline, strictest observance, to absolute regulation .. with no time at all for the ethnic/multi culti crock of sh-t.
it is supposedly military training.
the death of these our brave soldiers, and the US, and the others from allied forces, is squarely at the door, of those who expect them to to work in a life and death situation, with one hand tied behind their back, they are solid pro s ordered around by pc idiots.
Yep the BBC have to be careful not to hurt the moderate Muslim feelings, the truth has to come a poor second.
I think most British people would like the BBC to stand up for our lads, why does their loyalty lie with some left-wing reading intellectuals? Would they lay down their lives for our country? I doubt it.
lots of talk of these security “suddenly” turning?.
campbell and co
… no idea why? why?
laughably “is it the heat”? as it is warm you know đ
.. maybe “they may feel slighted” in some way?
or maybe just a “loss of temper” so they just shoot?
i ask you, what could put such supremacist, ideas in their minds, that any non muslim, can be just killed eh!
that a fascist ideal of “honour” trumps any vestige of human decency? … that on a whim of “temper” shoot them dead.
what ideology could make them think that?
don t ask N Campbell (or el bbc),
no… no idea, not a clue
The West’s political class (inc INBBC with its ‘humanity of the Taliban’ line), completely misunderstands the Islamic jihad motivations of the Taliban, and presumes that such murderers are ‘reformable’.
‘Jihadwatch’ (Jan 2012):-
“France gets a clue, suspends all operations with Afghan army after Afghan soldier murders four French troops”
Islamic immigrants will still demand council houses with toilets which don’t face Mecca; holidays in school termtime to visit Mecca or for Eid; jobs with extra time off for ramadan; jobs where they have no contact with pork or alcohol; special leaflets provided in non-English language, etc., etc, etc.
The concept of ‘sudden jihad syndrome’, derided by the conceited jackasses who moderate Harry’s Place (who went out of their way to disprove – unconvincingly – its existence), needs to be openly discussed, at least by our military, who have to serve next to Muslims. The chances of it even being mentioned on the Beeb could be compared to those of. a snowball in hell.
Most countries have never won an Olympic medal of any colour. For interest I have listed them below. Many have severe problems leading to similar difficulties as the Palestinian athletes, yet the BBC doesn’t find that remarkable enough to propagandise about it.
Perhaps a special medal for whining?
As far as I know, Palestine is an area of land occupied by arabs and probably part of Jordan. It is not an independent state, so why is it allowed to compete as such at the Olympics?
It isn’t alone of the 204 National Olympic Committees 12 are not independent states (or commonly recognised as such). Still Palestine is somewhat unique (so often). According to the International Olympic Federation’s website the address of the Palestine NOC is P.O. Box 469 9727 Gaza (beware of organisations whose address is a P.O.B.) while the President is Major General Jibril Mahmoud Muhammad RAJOUB (aren’t Mahmoud and Muhammed variations of the same name?).
Leaving aside his terrorist past (present?) isn’t it ironic that as a prominent member of Fatah he can’t actually visit the so-called headquarters of his organisation?
After struggling to pursue sport for years because of the impact of the conflict with Israel, Palestinians now have a rare chance to celebrate success.
Poor “Palestinians”!
In the absence of sports funding or any official sporting infrastructure, Mr Abu Rmelleh works full-time selling scarves in his shop in Jerusalem’s Old City.
Those’ll be those “kefiyah” scarves so loved by “peace activists” and okupas.
“I’m so happy to be representing Palestine. And it’s great that I’m from Jerusalem, the capital,” referring to the contested city, whose eastern half is sought by the Palestinians as the capital of a future state.
Dream on sunshine!
So much to Fisk, so little time. Perhaps the final paragraphs sum it up.
This is particularly hard on team sports such as football and basketball. Such an example is the case of Mahmoud Sarsak, a footballer from Gaza, detained by Israel as he set off to compete in a match in the West Bank in 2009.
Sarsak has been held without charge or trial since then, under Israel’s Unlawful Combatants Law, which he protested against with a three-month hunger strike.
Israel says Sarsak belongs to the Islamic Jihad militant group and is a threat to national security, an allegation Sarsak denies.
In the Israel-Palestinian conflict, even the beautiful game can turn ugly.
âSome 130 officers police took part in the LSE-Guardian newspaper study. The BBCâs Newsnight programme has had exclusive access to the results of the study, Reading the Riots.â
How nice: The Guardian, the LSE, and the BBC, three in a bed, behind the scenes contacts, common purpose, on speed dial.
That little trio has cropped up before on the ‘research suggests’ radar, and fared about as well on credibility.
Have to love the po-faced tonality of ‘The BBCâs Newsnight programme has had exclusive access to the results’
If he wasn’t out with a clipboard ‘helping’ with the interviews… ‘Just how angry are you again?’… Protests Editor Paul Mason probably swiped Laurie’s Glasto #Occupy tent from the squat and was camped outside to get first scoping. If it was not hand delivered to him on a velvet cushion by the authors.
Exclusive access, my shiny…
I happened to catch an edition of Click over the weekend on the BBC News Channel. Click is the BBC p*sspoor, token attempt to ‘get with the kidz’ and pretend it knows what’s hot and what’s not in the IT/entertainment/gadgets department.
In this edition, we kicked off immediately with how social networking was enabling environmentalists to ‘speak to the world’ from the Rio+20 knees-up, then in progress. Cut to a standard BBC worker drone with anodyne ‘on-message’ pro-AGW script at the ready…
What really annoyed me (I’ve since grown inured to The Corporations aggressive pro-AGW propaganda) was when the programme showed a young lady who first spoke to the ’92 ‘Earth Summit’ as a 12-year-old and had been invited back to speak to delegates at this year’s jamboree. She was given air time, too, in which she dutifully rehearsed her standard AGW manifesto to camera. Her name was given, but no further explanation of whom she was was offered by the programme. Her name?
Oh, that would be Severn Suzuki. You know, the daughter of someone called David Suzuki. This was a trifling detail the BBC clearly didn’t feel any necessity to explain to the viewer. And I mean not at all.
You see, I can life with the endless climate propaganda. I can even deal with the complete lack of journalistic integrity when it comes to ‘the science’. It’s the barefaced deception that really galls me.
David Suzuki – aka ‘Dr. Fruitfly’ – Canada’s Al Gore, with matching hypocrisy.
Climate change alarmist, propagandist (targeting children), hater of Christians (in this case he means right-wing Americans), state-funded (by us!)…no wonder the BBC are keen on his clan.
Fair do’s to Today, its editors considered that a discussion on “how to mould the capitalist system so that it works better” would be enlightening. Unfortunately, to debate with the sensible, thoughtful and (IMHO completely) correct Allister Heath, editor of the City Newspaper City AM they dragged on all-round idiot, champagne socialist and (ex BBC Social Affairs Correspondent) Polly Toynbee now of the Guardian. There is a case – not one I agree with – for more regulation, direct governmental interference in the day-to-day activities of the banks etc etc. However, when will the BBC learn that having vastly unintelligent, ill-informed (although, admittedly, fluent) ornaments of lefty metropolitan groupthink like Toynbee to debate matters of importance to the BBC audience is to betray not, for once, the BBC’s statutory duty of impartiality but the duty to provide sensible, interesting, well-informed and educative programming.
Toynbee came on and droned the Guardianista line and was duly nailed on the cross of Heath’s knowledge of what he was talking about and the simple, direct way he stated his argument. Even – was it Webb or Davis? – questioned Toynbee about whether, given that she was wholly critical of “wot the banks done” and the banks’ influence on politicians (of all parties), she thought “guided capitalism” a la Mussolini’s Italy was a good idea. Toynbee waffled in her profound ignorance: after all, what does she know? Her only knowledge of Italy outside her Tuscan villa and the gilded life-style bought for her by her ancestors has been inadvertently picked up by spending a few hours over the years trying to avoid the plebs at Pisa Airport. It was game, set and match to Heath.
This item, together with the earlier common sense coming from Terry Smith of Tullett Prebon (not quite stymied by Peston’s ridiculously mannered “explanation” of the obvious) was refreshing. Of course, since the Today editors in their unredeemed leftism consider that to be in favour of bank reform – or even City reform – is the same as supporting Occupy, UKUnCut or the 10 WDM loonies demonstrating yesterday outside Barclays HQ, allowing genuine radicals like Smith and Heath near a BBC microphone was a serious own-goal.
City AM is a rising star. Its a freesheet like Lebedev’s Metro/ES but with all the tendentious leftie young journalist rubbish cut out, and sensible stuff in its place. Its a good read, and Heath is great stuff.
Anyone catch the “interruptview” of Rudy Giuliani, former NYC mayor yesterday, repeated various times? This beeboid called Wilcox (spelling?) kept interrupting to such a point that RG was nearly just a prop on a chair. I think it was supposed to have been about Iran, but who knows!
There is talk of there being riots like last year this year. I think in all fairness that the areas that all the white british middle class BBC, Guardian readers ,Leftys live in should have riots in them. They need to be culturally enriched seeing they are hidously white and affulent. Instead of getting all their knowledge about the working class from mentally challenged Owen Jones book ‘chavs’ they could experience in real life all these people they secretly hate. I know that when it comes to Leftys the police love to cause them or see them in pain. Because they know they are the main reason society is in the sewer.
Have to love the late rally from the cherry vulture on the Graun beat, perhaps caught napping by the sisters failing to observe filial courtesies.
But they really can’t ever quite beat the ‘it must be so because I say it is’ arrogance creeping in… ‘Its far from an issue they’ve dodged’
If you say so, Bub. Pity the rest of the folk on the blog seem less than convinced the BBC is tearing into this dubious association as much as they might have been but for that rather awkward relationship they have at the highest of levels.
The distinction between TV and computer screen has been blurring for some time and it’s inevitable that, sooner or later, someone here will want to extend the licence fee.
This could be an own goal for the BBC if it exposed the licence fee as ancient relic and resulted in some sort of pay to view arrangement.
“President François Hollande’s Socialist government aims to raise an extra âŹ7.5bn (ÂŁ6bn) this year through tax rises included in an amended budget bill to be unveiled next week.”
…and so it starts. I do hope the French are ready for what they’ve unleashed. New Labour must wish for a British electorate as keen to see tax-and-spend return so quickly, even as the debt crisis continues to claim more victims. If the BBC keep hammering the current government with the ‘Death by a thousand Tory Cuts’ theme, I wouldn’t be too surprised if we saw a return of the Labour party and their modus operandi.
“Why has there been so little outrage over the Governmentâs defence cuts? If ministers were slashing staff numbers by 20 per cent in any other area of the public services, the BBC and the Labour Party would be incandescent.
“Just imagine the furious reaction if they proposed sacking a fifth of all those working in the National Health Service. The bleeding hearts would have a field day. Hand-wringing reporters would be interviewing men and women sobbing into their P45s and railing against the âsavageâ cutbacks.
“There would be Panorama specials on families forced out of their homes and âplunged into povertyâ by the heartless Conservative-led Coalition.”
Comments so far would suggest that the Newsnight Anger and Protests Editor is not greatly appreciated for his impartial reporting skills.
Like he could care less.
Thanks to the unique way the BBC is structured, there is pretty much nothing that could prise him out of one of the more influential economics opinion roles in the country’s largest media and policy influencing monopoly, save saying something inappropriate about a minority in the Green room.
But even then, a unique exception may be made as, well, he’s Paul Mason.
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC’s ‘Newsround’, which was broadcast on 20 June.
We understand you feel climate change was inaccurately portrayed as being fact.
Climate change and global warming are amongst the most high profile news stories of recent years and while we’re fully committed to balanced and impartial coverage of the issue, the overwhelming scientific opinion is that human activity is increasing the rate at which earth’s global temperature is rising by.
As a public service broadcaster we’ve an obligation to reflect this broad scientific agreement on climate change and we reflect this accordingly; however, we do aim to ensure that we also offer time to the dissenting voices.
While it mightn’t always be possible to reflect all opinions in one programme we charge our editors with ensuring that all relevant voices are heard over a reasonable period of time across our programming output, and this has included our main news broadcasts and flagship programmes.
The reply to my complaint about the BBc representing climate change as fact. The BBC agenda in action as usual.
The 10.00 o,clock news last night was on to the Banking story of course and produced an unidentified bloke to come up with his solution. The mystery man was in fact that well known Guardianista Will Hutton – a “financial journalist” who is so far to the left that he has trouble standing upright. Just thought I’d mention this very unusual incident of no name given – mere oversight do you suppose?
Paul Mason BBC Trot-in-Chief says:
Wimbledon is just a facade created by the predator Strawberry industry to rob the poor! Strawberry growers are worse than city bankers! We should nationalise the British Strawberry industry and unionise its workforce.
Nick Robinson seemed horrified by Foxâs claim that he was not afraid of a post-EU Britain. âWhy donât you fear it?â pushed Robbo with terror in his voice. âWhy are you not afraid of leaving?â.
OMG – leave the EU!!! Scare! Scare! Oh the humanity!…quick…get Fiona Bruce to start perfecting her frown of disapproval again. Now…how can I shoe-horn ‘omnishambles’ into this story?….
‘NowâŚhow can I shoe-horn âomnishamblesâ into this story?âŚ.’
Makes Mr. Mason almost look objective at times, doesn’t he?
Nice to see a few others wondering quite what the impartial BBC Politics Editor’s addiction to a Labour attack line is.
In fact some were asking on a recent thread when whammo… not just closed… gone. Like a Black hole.
A few have been graced with interim replies as they ‘investigate’ (read: try and figure out a way to feel good enough about what was done to try and make the latest series of factual complaints go away before the Trust is obliged to tidy up). This lines was a favourite: ‘It appears that the comments thread on the Nick Robinson blog was inadvertently disabled by a colleague. It has now been restored.’
But only once the carnival has ‘moved on’,, eh? Convenient. And not the first time.
They really are getting rather adept at an e-version of those Kremlin May Day retouches, aren’t they?
Agius resigns because of his ‘cultural’ failure as Chairman of Barclays Bank, but the undemocratic powers that be at BBC are convinced that Agius has the appropriate standards for them, so he is able to extend his ‘cultural’ failure as Director of the BBC.
‘How does the undemocratic BBC attempt to justify the continued employment of the disgraced Barclays Bank Chairman’
Looks like that one has got sorted, as only our ethical and moral standard-setting establishment re-arranges its deckchairs.
Meanwhile the entire MSM is in a feeding frenzy, and who is on-call to gob off with party politically-skewed tribal BS? So far all I am hearing is Murdoch-bashing Labour Lords and ecky-thump Labour MPs railing against everything and anything bar their own party’s complicity.
The Conservatives only have themselves to blame if the public presume this to be Toff territory alone.
After the mention of the Urban Dictionary above, I looked up ‘Beeboid’ and found their current definition seemed o be from a purely American point of view:
I sent off a definition that is awaiting moderation (it was much better before I found there was 1500 character limit):
A BBC employee who fully supports that organisationâs philosophy and aims. It is more or less de rigeur that a Beeboid is
– for multi-culturalism
– pro-Labour party
– against the Conservatives or Lib-Con coalition
– pro-EU
– pro-UN
– pro-Palestinian
– critical of Israel
– pro-Democrat, and fanatically pro-Obama
– a believer that global warming due to human activity is 100% proven .
– fiercely protective of Islam
– highly critical of Christianity
– in favour of an legal or social status gays may wish to demand
– is for mass-immigration and believes anybody wishing to limit it is a racist
– believes capitalism is bad, while socialism is good
– defends any jihadi derelict washed up on Britainâs shores, should the human rights industry decide to take up his case
– believes Rupert Murdoch is the incarnation of the devil
– for public spending ( which produces growth), the NHS, abortion, drug law liberalisation – you name the leftist cause
– a believer that in cases of military conflict, the BBC should be strictly impartial in reporting about both our side and those who wish to kill our troops. In wars the Beeboid disapproves of, reporting should be restricted to casualty figures and anything that might look like bad behaviour on the part of our servicemen.
– doubtful that a Beeboid should have enough acquaintance with military affairs to know when he is giving away vital information to the enemy.
(example of use)
Whenever I point out an example of bias to their complaints department, I never know whether it is a Beeboid or an automatic answering device thatâs sending back the message: âOn the whole, we think we got it about right.â
Wally, that was perfect. One never needs to watch or listen to another BBC news show. I am keeping this list as the definitive description of BBC editorial policy.
“From soap operas through crime dramas to single-episode plays, the BBC has a cast of baddies â its version of Richard Nixon’s enemies’ list: Lady Thatcher, conservatives, people worried about immigration or multiculturalism, businessmen, traditionalist schoolteachers, army officers, toffs, eurosceptics, evangelical Christians, Catholics and Zionists. I doubt Sewell will accept this from me, but the dramas that follow are not truly left-wing. They are rarely concerned with the redistribution of wealth and power. Rather, the BBC allows the liberal wing of the upper-middle class in the culture industries to indulge its hatred of the conservative wing of the upper-middle class in the City, government and armed forces.”
I don’t believe that the BBC are wholly anti-Catholic, they can often be both pro and anti-Catholic, often at the same time. If Catholic is tagged onto Republican and Irish they are pro, if on the other hand a Catholic bishop in Scotland speaks out against gay marriage they are anti. As others have said it’s Top Trumps, Republican, Irish Catholic beats Unionist protestant but Catholic Scottish cardinal loses out to gay rights. It seems that the more anti-establishment you are , the more kudos you get at the beeb. I’d also suggest that the BBC don’t much like any form of Christianity not just evangelism, the only Christians they like are people like Giles Fraser who’s agenda is left wing not Christian.
You may not have noticed it but the BBC has this morning launched a far reaching independent inquiry into the political responsibility for the banking scandal. Happily in record time John Pienaar and Nicky Campbell are able to report that Labour and the Tories were equally culpable for the light touch regulation regime of the period 2005-9.
So that’s alright then.
‘I see no comments on that link. Have they been pulled again when becoming rather uncomfortable?’
As mine was one of them, yes, it would appear so.
And that would make the latest ‘accidental’ pulling in so many days.
Tx for the heads up.
As they are still trying to figure out how to deal with my sending them a page grab of the last comments thread… with & without comments… that they claimed was never taken down, I might pop this over in complement to suggest that one may be unfortunate, two careless, but three erring on a level of dodgyness inquiries get called to look into.
If there was ever a Leveson on the BBC, if the FoI exemption brigade can be dealt with I’d hazard a few late nights on the shredders and erasing the memories of back-up Producer iPhones.
The tinkers.
I also see tinker in chief, our Nick, has taken to actually penning the Labour PR for them: ‘Libor is to banking what the Millie Dowler case was to phone hacking.
Ed Miliband will feel vindicated by Bob Diamond’s statement that “the external pressure placed on Barclays has reached a level that risks damaging the franchise – I cannot let that happen”.
He will use those words to suggest, as with resignation of Rebekah Brooks from News International, that it was “Labour wot won it”.
This one, sadly, has no comments enabled currently, as I may have been minded to ask if putting words into folks’ mouths and thoughts into the public’s minds to this extent may not really be extending the analysis a smidge far.
I was surprised at this post on Facebook, that Andrew Neil has made a few hours ago. When you next see him on the Beeb conducting one of his ‘ unbiased ‘ interviews, have no doubt about the perspective from which the questions are asked.
A stopped clock is right twice a day -the Bangladeshis had to restrict exports of frog legs because they are necessary to keep down the fly population and the country was becoming covered with the blasted insects.
As I continue to ponder canceling my DD and telling the BBC why (failure in delivery per service standard and Charter obligation) if asked, this kind of ‘official’ state action, as still equivocated upon by my MP, rather errs in favour of my wife’s view. Making two vs. me to stay shackled.
Interesting cradle of democracy and upholder of justice we now live in.
“Rio+20: a tyranny
of green do-gooders.
The latest âsave the planetâ shindig provided yet another chance for political poseurs to dictate our future. ”
When Rageh Omar made ‘The secret art of Islam’ for the BBC (accounts of Islamic art quickly degenerate into studies of pottery,calligraphy, textile design and geometric mosaics) he should have added an extra programme on the astonishing scale of destruction (or, since life is just too short, defacement) of works of art wrought by the followers of the peace-loving creed.
Our local parish church has already had ‘mosque’ painted on it by you-know-who. Add mass Islamic immigration to the hostile muslims already here and how long will it be before our magnificent cathedrals and monuments go the same way as these tombs?
Not BBC related…just a reminder of a time not so long ago when leaders actually stood for something other than the safe, unchallenging and oh so ubiquitous middle-ground.
A Canadian TV broadcaster assesses the rise of Sharia in Belgium. When will the BBC assess the rise of Shariah in East London and many northern towns and cities ?
Hi friends. I have been having a heated exchange with an old BBC colleague on facebook. He called Republicans as “dumb” and “stupid”. I replied asking him to be more polite in his discourse. Here is part of his reply:
“Why can’t you have a decent conservative party over there, (the US) perhaps including people with degrees, or who read books other than the Book of Moron?! Of course there are intelligent Republicans (a colleague was surprised at George Bush’s apparent grasp of biotechnology enterprise) and there are dumb Democrats, but I’m confident that, statistically, you’ll get far better educated Democrats than Republicans. This is exactly what is so interesting about this crap from Rick Perry and his fellow morons. As people become better educated, they don’t really fall for the traditional patriotic bluster, so the policy appears to be one of de-education. Indeed, you will remember from your study of Latin that the word, “education” means a “leading out” from ignorance. Your party wants to lead them back in.
Not so many years ago, we had a thing in Europe called the Enlightenment. I hope it reaches the Republican party one day!”
Ignorance? Bigotry? I rest my case. (PS this guy describes himself as a ‘conservative’.)
Four simple rules for a bBC drama:
1) Take normally accepted stereotypes and reverse them.
2) Make the plot line as implausible and ridiculous as possible.
4) Get the quotas correct.
3) Get it approved by the bBC thought police.
The Commentator has had an exclusive view of UK Foreign Office documents revealing a negative government view of Netanyahu, and wilful ignoring Palestinian incitement. Given the degenerate decline of UK politicians, who follow a blinkard path that appears the most expedient in the long run, regardless of the lack of morality and service to the country inherent in that path, maintaining this view is hardly surprising.
Now considering the Foreign Office also funds the BBC World Service, to the tune of ÂŁ240+ million per year, it might account in part for the BBC’s own biased coverage of events there. I say in part because the BBC has a lot of self interest in promoting Islam worldwide, and sacrificing a few million Jews in Israel they see as a small price to pay.
What do you associate with the date 4th July?
Something to do with the USA?
No, no, no.
What would Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burdon on Salford local radio associate with 4th July?
Clue: Remember these people have a memory and a mythology all their own….
Something to do with the Stone Roses? Steven Lawrence? Ratchel’s anniversay? Nicky’s pets’ birthdays… getting warmer..
Give up….
Well, as our intrepid reporters breathlessly explain to we licence payers – it is the anniversary of the Guardian breaking the Milly Dowler phone hacking story!
The story which was played up by the Guardian/BBC/Labour to mean the death knell for a popular British newspaper and the derailing of the multi-million pound Murdoch investment in BSkyB.
Good man, Guardianista and BBC favourite Steve Hewlett in on hand to take a bow.
Agenda, what agenda?
It was always been a matter of who ‘we’ got given, but I have followed the appointment stakes of one of the most powerful media and hence policy influencers in the land with interest:
This caught my eye: ‘There is speculation that there is a fourth candidate but their name is as yet unknown.’
Who knows, they could even be from Manchuria, which is quite near Salford I gather.
Can’t help but wonder if the leadership of other news monopolies, even private ones, was conducted in such a manner, more than a few questions would get asked of powers who ascend to a point of unaccountability.
At the very least, every few years I can resort to the ballot to pass judgement on those who would presume to guide (at best) or rule (more like it).
In this unique (of many) cases, I have no choice, no option, no recourse.
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Anyone hear Nicky Campbell shut the lady up when she criticised the BBBC’s negative coverage of Afghanistan this morning? Lots of humbug about how this is not about BBBC and so move on there!
I heard Dr David Starkey on the programme chaired by Clive Anderson. Whatever his views he always seems prepared to state them irrespective of the consequences. The subject got onto collective nouns, to which he proffered ‘An arrogance of R4 presenters’.
Anderson has trouble judging the difference between an interviewer indulging in a bit of witty banter and overstepping the mark into obnoxious boorishness. He made it quite obvious from the start that he regarded Starkey as a reactionary loon and seemed determined to characterise him as boring, bringing in that description of him right at the beginning of the interview. For obvious reasons, the label failed to stick but in the very last second of the programme Anderson called him a bore again, knowing that there was no time for Starkey to have the chance of coming up with a rejoinder. What a slimy piece of work the man is.
Listening to Nicky Campbell this morning, a caller stated that, Christians generally believe that we should do to others as we would be done by, whereas Muslims get their revenge in first. Nicky was not happy and clearly stated that there were good and bad Christians and good and bad Muslims and similarly extremists in both. I must have missed the story about three UK forces personnel being shot by Christians.
also a mention of these being 5th columnists bought the usual el beeb sigh.
well … quite simply they are … it also slipped out
inadvertently that any raised voice, or argument to these erm “security”? forces, could be misconstrued immediately as a matter of “honour” đ , where shoot first ask questions later is the first response? any surprise you are dealing with muslims, and your giving them arms.
Tally that with the overbearing “ethnic training”,
“cultural sensitivities” training mentioned this morning, as a pre requisite for our forces.
WHAT! …what? , is this horse and pony show?
there are nearly 300,00 of this afghan security army,(not a force), it is impossible to police this without the strongest discipline, strictest observance, to absolute regulation .. with no time at all for the ethnic/multi culti crock of sh-t.
it is supposedly military training.
the death of these our brave soldiers, and the US, and the others from allied forces, is squarely at the door, of those who expect them to to work in a life and death situation, with one hand tied behind their back, they are solid pro s ordered around by pc idiots.
Yep the BBC have to be careful not to hurt the moderate Muslim feelings, the truth has to come a poor second.
I think most British people would like the BBC to stand up for our lads, why does their loyalty lie with some left-wing reading intellectuals? Would they lay down their lives for our country? I doubt it.
reading should be leaning. See above.
lots of talk of these security “suddenly” turning?.
campbell and co
… no idea why? why?
laughably “is it the heat”? as it is warm you know đ
.. maybe “they may feel slighted” in some way?
or maybe just a “loss of temper” so they just shoot?
i ask you, what could put such supremacist, ideas in their minds, that any non muslim, can be just killed eh!
that a fascist ideal of “honour” trumps any vestige of human decency? … that on a whim of “temper” shoot them dead.
what ideology could make them think that?
don t ask N Campbell (or el bbc),
no… no idea, not a clue
How strange because word for word that “mystery” was repeated almost word for word in Caroline Wyatts report on the 10 o’clock news.
the narrative set, the fix in …
thus impossible for even a single beebot, to see anything else …
plus the fact, that 12hrs later?,
it smacks of very very lazy and inept journalism.
not a single new thought eh!
The West’s political class (inc INBBC with its ‘humanity of the Taliban’ line), completely misunderstands the Islamic jihad motivations of the Taliban, and presumes that such murderers are ‘reformable’.
‘Jihadwatch’ (Jan 2012):-
“France gets a clue, suspends all operations with Afghan army after Afghan soldier murders four French troops”
In the meantime, mass immigration from Afghanistan into Britain continues, so long as such Afghans can crib who Florence Nightingale was.
“Trafalgar, Nightingale and Brunel: What migrants will need to learn to pass new citizenship test to live in the UK”
[A sick joke on colonised British people.]]
Read more:
Islamic immigrants will still demand council houses with toilets which don’t face Mecca; holidays in school termtime to visit Mecca or for Eid; jobs with extra time off for ramadan; jobs where they have no contact with pork or alcohol; special leaflets provided in non-English language, etc., etc, etc.
Estimated Afghan population in UK:
2001 15,000
2009 56,000
2012 ?
The concept of ‘sudden jihad syndrome’, derided by the conceited jackasses who moderate Harry’s Place (who went out of their way to disprove – unconvincingly – its existence), needs to be openly discussed, at least by our military, who have to serve next to Muslims. The chances of it even being mentioned on the Beeb could be compared to those of. a snowball in hell.
When I see ‘former’ and ‘BBC’ together I do wonder what took ’em so long, but it’s always interesting…
Guest Who: the BBC is a cult. Ever tried escaping from a cult? It takes time and courage.
On the front page, more anti-israel agitprop
Most countries have never won an Olympic medal of any colour. For interest I have listed them below. Many have severe problems leading to similar difficulties as the Palestinian athletes, yet the BBC doesn’t find that remarkable enough to propagandise about it.
Perhaps a special medal for whining?
Good research.
One can only presume the difference falls under that ‘unique’ way they do stuff.
If beheading, stoning to death, hanging children and butchering pregnant women are Olympic events they should do quite well.
As far as I know, Palestine is an area of land occupied by arabs and probably part of Jordan. It is not an independent state, so why is it allowed to compete as such at the Olympics?
It isn’t alone of the 204 National Olympic Committees 12 are not independent states (or commonly recognised as such). Still Palestine is somewhat unique (so often). According to the International Olympic Federation’s website the address of the Palestine NOC is P.O. Box 469 9727 Gaza (beware of organisations whose address is a P.O.B.) while the President is Major General Jibril Mahmoud Muhammad RAJOUB (aren’t Mahmoud and Muhammed variations of the same name?).
Leaving aside his terrorist past (present?) isn’t it ironic that as a prominent member of Fatah he can’t actually visit the so-called headquarters of his organisation?
Wow, that really takes the biscuit!
Straight into “the message”:
After struggling to pursue sport for years because of the impact of the conflict with Israel, Palestinians now have a rare chance to celebrate success.
Poor “Palestinians”!
In the absence of sports funding or any official sporting infrastructure, Mr Abu Rmelleh works full-time selling scarves in his shop in Jerusalem’s Old City.
Those’ll be those “kefiyah” scarves so loved by “peace activists” and okupas.
“I’m so happy to be representing Palestine. And it’s great that I’m from Jerusalem, the capital,” referring to the contested city, whose eastern half is sought by the Palestinians as the capital of a future state.
Dream on sunshine!
So much to Fisk, so little time. Perhaps the final paragraphs sum it up.
This is particularly hard on team sports such as football and basketball. Such an example is the case of Mahmoud Sarsak, a footballer from Gaza, detained by Israel as he set off to compete in a match in the West Bank in 2009.
Sarsak has been held without charge or trial since then, under Israel’s Unlawful Combatants Law, which he protested against with a three-month hunger strike.
Israel says Sarsak belongs to the Islamic Jihad militant group and is a threat to national security, an allegation Sarsak denies.
In the Israel-Palestinian conflict, even the beautiful game can turn ugly.
Another Guardian attempt at manufacturing news, this time with another hotbed of Lefties, the London School of eCOnoMICS, and natch, BBC Newsnight
âSome 130 officers police took part in the LSE-Guardian newspaper study. The BBCâs Newsnight programme has had exclusive access to the results of the study, Reading the Riots.â
How nice: The Guardian, the LSE, and the BBC, three in a bed, behind the scenes contacts, common purpose, on speed dial.
That little trio has cropped up before on the ‘research suggests’ radar, and fared about as well on credibility.
Have to love the po-faced tonality of ‘The BBCâs Newsnight programme has had exclusive access to the results’
If he wasn’t out with a clipboard ‘helping’ with the interviews… ‘Just how angry are you again?’… Protests Editor Paul Mason probably swiped Laurie’s Glasto #Occupy tent from the squat and was camped outside to get first scoping. If it was not hand delivered to him on a velvet cushion by the authors.
Exclusive access, my shiny…
Hi there it’s me, I am also visiting this web page daily, this website is in fact good and the visitors are actually sharing good thoughts.
Spam alert
Indeed, a case for deletion I believe.
… and who’s adding all those “likes”?
…seen a few of those recently – unfortunately, there’s no ‘flag’ button now.
I did by accident, thinking it was genuine.
I happened to catch an edition of Click over the weekend on the BBC News Channel. Click is the BBC p*sspoor, token attempt to ‘get with the kidz’ and pretend it knows what’s hot and what’s not in the IT/entertainment/gadgets department.
In this edition, we kicked off immediately with how social networking was enabling environmentalists to ‘speak to the world’ from the Rio+20 knees-up, then in progress. Cut to a standard BBC worker drone with anodyne ‘on-message’ pro-AGW script at the ready…
What really annoyed me (I’ve since grown inured to The Corporations aggressive pro-AGW propaganda) was when the programme showed a young lady who first spoke to the ’92 ‘Earth Summit’ as a 12-year-old and had been invited back to speak to delegates at this year’s jamboree. She was given air time, too, in which she dutifully rehearsed her standard AGW manifesto to camera. Her name was given, but no further explanation of whom she was was offered by the programme. Her name?
Oh, that would be Severn Suzuki. You know, the daughter of someone called David Suzuki. This was a trifling detail the BBC clearly didn’t feel any necessity to explain to the viewer. And I mean not at all.
You see, I can life with the endless climate propaganda. I can even deal with the complete lack of journalistic integrity when it comes to ‘the science’. It’s the barefaced deception that really galls me.
Severn Suzuki, daddy’s little girl? Good catch.
David Suzuki – aka ‘Dr. Fruitfly’ – Canada’s Al Gore, with matching hypocrisy.
Climate change alarmist, propagandist (targeting children), hater of Christians (in this case he means right-wing Americans), state-funded (by us!)…no wonder the BBC are keen on his clan.
Fair do’s to Today, its editors considered that a discussion on “how to mould the capitalist system so that it works better” would be enlightening. Unfortunately, to debate with the sensible, thoughtful and (IMHO completely) correct Allister Heath, editor of the City Newspaper City AM they dragged on all-round idiot, champagne socialist and (ex BBC Social Affairs Correspondent) Polly Toynbee now of the Guardian. There is a case – not one I agree with – for more regulation, direct governmental interference in the day-to-day activities of the banks etc etc. However, when will the BBC learn that having vastly unintelligent, ill-informed (although, admittedly, fluent) ornaments of lefty metropolitan groupthink like Toynbee to debate matters of importance to the BBC audience is to betray not, for once, the BBC’s statutory duty of impartiality but the duty to provide sensible, interesting, well-informed and educative programming.
Toynbee came on and droned the Guardianista line and was duly nailed on the cross of Heath’s knowledge of what he was talking about and the simple, direct way he stated his argument. Even – was it Webb or Davis? – questioned Toynbee about whether, given that she was wholly critical of “wot the banks done” and the banks’ influence on politicians (of all parties), she thought “guided capitalism” a la Mussolini’s Italy was a good idea. Toynbee waffled in her profound ignorance: after all, what does she know? Her only knowledge of Italy outside her Tuscan villa and the gilded life-style bought for her by her ancestors has been inadvertently picked up by spending a few hours over the years trying to avoid the plebs at Pisa Airport. It was game, set and match to Heath.
This item, together with the earlier common sense coming from Terry Smith of Tullett Prebon (not quite stymied by Peston’s ridiculously mannered “explanation” of the obvious) was refreshing. Of course, since the Today editors in their unredeemed leftism consider that to be in favour of bank reform – or even City reform – is the same as supporting Occupy, UKUnCut or the 10 WDM loonies demonstrating yesterday outside Barclays HQ, allowing genuine radicals like Smith and Heath near a BBC microphone was a serious own-goal.
City AM is a rising star. Its a freesheet like Lebedev’s Metro/ES but with all the tendentious leftie young journalist rubbish cut out, and sensible stuff in its place. Its a good read, and Heath is great stuff.
Anyone catch the “interruptview” of Rudy Giuliani, former NYC mayor yesterday, repeated various times? This beeboid called Wilcox (spelling?) kept interrupting to such a point that RG was nearly just a prop on a chair. I think it was supposed to have been about Iran, but who knows!
There is talk of there being riots like last year this year. I think in all fairness that the areas that all the white british middle class BBC, Guardian readers ,Leftys live in should have riots in them. They need to be culturally enriched seeing they are hidously white and affulent. Instead of getting all their knowledge about the working class from mentally challenged Owen Jones book ‘chavs’ they could experience in real life all these people they secretly hate. I know that when it comes to Leftys the police love to cause them or see them in pain. Because they know they are the main reason society is in the sewer.
Reprise from ‘Guest Who’ (previous ‘Open Thread’):
“Will Barclays’ Agius quit his BBC role?”
We know BBC’s ‘cultural’ standards are lower than those of Barclays Bank, but how much lower?
Have to love the late rally from the cherry vulture on the Graun beat, perhaps caught napping by the sisters failing to observe filial courtesies.
But they really can’t ever quite beat the ‘it must be so because I say it is’ arrogance creeping in…
‘Its far from an issue they’ve dodged’
If you say so, Bub. Pity the rest of the folk on the blog seem less than convinced the BBC is tearing into this dubious association as much as they might have been but for that rather awkward relationship they have at the highest of levels.
Here we go…..
The distinction between TV and computer screen has been blurring for some time and it’s inevitable that, sooner or later, someone here will want to extend the licence fee.
This could be an own goal for the BBC if it exposed the licence fee as ancient relic and resulted in some sort of pay to view arrangement.
“President François Hollande’s Socialist government aims to raise an extra âŹ7.5bn (ÂŁ6bn) this year through tax rises included in an amended budget bill to be unveiled next week.”
…and so it starts. I do hope the French are ready for what they’ve unleashed. New Labour must wish for a British electorate as keen to see tax-and-spend return so quickly, even as the debt crisis continues to claim more victims. If the BBC keep hammering the current government with the ‘Death by a thousand Tory Cuts’ theme, I wouldn’t be too surprised if we saw a return of the Labour party and their modus operandi.
“Troops betrayed by the real enemy within.”
By Richard Littlejohn
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Why has there been so little outrage over the Governmentâs defence cuts? If ministers were slashing staff numbers by 20 per cent in any other area of the public services, the BBC and the Labour Party would be incandescent.
“Just imagine the furious reaction if they proposed sacking a fifth of all those working in the National Health Service. The bleeding hearts would have a field day. Hand-wringing reporters would be interviewing men and women sobbing into their P45s and railing against the âsavageâ cutbacks.
“There would be Panorama specials on families forced out of their homes and âplunged into povertyâ by the heartless Conservative-led Coalition.”
Read more:
You can sign the Epetition requesting an “in / out” referendum on the Licence Fee here
Need your help on this folks
Please share widely on blogs, twitter etc
BBC Are Libtards
Whilst browsing Urban Dictionary I came across this defintion of Libtard which seems to sum up the BBC mission statement perfectly:
“It’s not that bad to be a graduate, despite what Left-wing agitprop merchants like Paul Mason might tell you ”
by Daniel Knowles.
Comments so far would suggest that the Newsnight Anger and Protests Editor is not greatly appreciated for his impartial reporting skills.
Like he could care less.
Thanks to the unique way the BBC is structured, there is pretty much nothing that could prise him out of one of the more influential economics opinion roles in the country’s largest media and policy influencing monopoly, save saying something inappropriate about a minority in the Green room.
But even then, a unique exception may be made as, well, he’s Paul Mason.
Reference CAS-1531812-80M77V
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC’s ‘Newsround’, which was broadcast on 20 June.
We understand you feel climate change was inaccurately portrayed as being fact.
Climate change and global warming are amongst the most high profile news stories of recent years and while we’re fully committed to balanced and impartial coverage of the issue, the overwhelming scientific opinion is that human activity is increasing the rate at which earth’s global temperature is rising by.
As a public service broadcaster we’ve an obligation to reflect this broad scientific agreement on climate change and we reflect this accordingly; however, we do aim to ensure that we also offer time to the dissenting voices.
While it mightn’t always be possible to reflect all opinions in one programme we charge our editors with ensuring that all relevant voices are heard over a reasonable period of time across our programming output, and this has included our main news broadcasts and flagship programmes.
The reply to my complaint about the BBc representing climate change as fact. The BBC agenda in action as usual.
We need to do more of this sharing.
See many more of my complaints on
I’m not Dave on there though, it’s my real name.
The 10.00 o,clock news last night was on to the Banking story of course and produced an unidentified bloke to come up with his solution. The mystery man was in fact that well known Guardianista Will Hutton – a “financial journalist” who is so far to the left that he has trouble standing upright. Just thought I’d mention this very unusual incident of no name given – mere oversight do you suppose?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s Cairo Bureau, acting as press agent for Muslim Brotherhood, still censors this:
“Egyptian Democracy: New President Vows to Free Blind Sheikh”
by Robert Spencer
…a commenter having fun over at Guido’s…
Paul Mason BBC Trot-in-Chief says:
Wimbledon is just a facade created by the predator Strawberry industry to rob the poor! Strawberry growers are worse than city bankers! We should nationalise the British Strawberry industry and unionise its workforce.
More from guido…
Nick Robinson seemed horrified by Foxâs claim that he was not afraid of a post-EU Britain. âWhy donât you fear it?â pushed Robbo with terror in his voice. âWhy are you not afraid of leaving?â.
OMG – leave the EU!!! Scare! Scare! Oh the humanity!…quick…get Fiona Bruce to start perfecting her frown of disapproval again. Now…how can I shoe-horn ‘omnishambles’ into this story?….
‘NowâŚhow can I shoe-horn âomnishamblesâ into this story?âŚ.’
Makes Mr. Mason almost look objective at times, doesn’t he?
Nice to see a few others wondering quite what the impartial BBC Politics Editor’s addiction to a Labour attack line is.
In fact some were asking on a recent thread when whammo… not just closed… gone. Like a Black hole.
A few have been graced with interim replies as they ‘investigate’ (read: try and figure out a way to feel good enough about what was done to try and make the latest series of factual complaints go away before the Trust is obliged to tidy up). This lines was a favourite:
‘It appears that the comments thread on the Nick Robinson blog was inadvertently disabled by a colleague. It has now been restored.’
But only once the carnival has ‘moved on’,, eh? Convenient. And not the first time.
They really are getting rather adept at an e-version of those Kremlin May Day retouches, aren’t they?
but but Wobinson is an Eviiil Torweee!
(Copywrite CiF)
A sick joke on BBC licencepayers:
Agius resigns because of his ‘cultural’ failure as Chairman of Barclays Bank, but the undemocratic powers that be at BBC are convinced that Agius has the appropriate standards for them, so he is able to extend his ‘cultural’ failure as Director of the BBC.
“BBC Should sack Agius”
How close is BBC’s insider Peston to Diamond and Agius?
“Peston strikes again: BBC’s star reporter at centre of latest financial crisis (but how DID he get inside scoop on Barclays fixing scandal?) ”
Read more:
“Barclays boss Agius to remain on BBC board”
[Extract ÂŁ]:-
“Outgoing Barclays boss Marcus Agius will continue to serve on the BBCâs executive board until the end of his term in November.”
How does the undemocratic BBC attempt to justify the continued employment of the disgraced Barclays Bank Chairman, Agius, as a Director of the BBC?
Or is it just another case of BBC censorship, which it presumes it can get away with by employing BBC ‘culture’?
‘How does the undemocratic BBC attempt to justify the continued employment of the disgraced Barclays Bank Chairman’
Looks like that one has got sorted, as only our ethical and moral standard-setting establishment re-arranges its deckchairs.
Meanwhile the entire MSM is in a feeding frenzy, and who is on-call to gob off with party politically-skewed tribal BS? So far all I am hearing is Murdoch-bashing Labour Lords and ecky-thump Labour MPs railing against everything and anything bar their own party’s complicity.
The Conservatives only have themselves to blame if the public presume this to be Toff territory alone.
‘You put your left foot in, your left foot out…’
Glad to hear the ethical and moral compasses of our national institutions are in such credible, professional hands.
After the mention of the Urban Dictionary above, I looked up ‘Beeboid’ and found their current definition seemed o be from a purely American point of view:
I sent off a definition that is awaiting moderation (it was much better before I found there was 1500 character limit):
A BBC employee who fully supports that organisationâs philosophy and aims. It is more or less de rigeur that a Beeboid is
– for multi-culturalism
– pro-Labour party
– against the Conservatives or Lib-Con coalition
– pro-EU
– pro-UN
– pro-Palestinian
– critical of Israel
– pro-Democrat, and fanatically pro-Obama
– a believer that global warming due to human activity is 100% proven .
– fiercely protective of Islam
– highly critical of Christianity
– in favour of an legal or social status gays may wish to demand
– is for mass-immigration and believes anybody wishing to limit it is a racist
– believes capitalism is bad, while socialism is good
– defends any jihadi derelict washed up on Britainâs shores, should the human rights industry decide to take up his case
– believes Rupert Murdoch is the incarnation of the devil
– for public spending ( which produces growth), the NHS, abortion, drug law liberalisation – you name the leftist cause
– a believer that in cases of military conflict, the BBC should be strictly impartial in reporting about both our side and those who wish to kill our troops. In wars the Beeboid disapproves of, reporting should be restricted to casualty figures and anything that might look like bad behaviour on the part of our servicemen.
– doubtful that a Beeboid should have enough acquaintance with military affairs to know when he is giving away vital information to the enemy.
(example of use)
Whenever I point out an example of bias to their complaints department, I never know whether it is a Beeboid or an automatic answering device thatâs sending back the message: âOn the whole, we think we got it about right.â
Wally, that was perfect. One never needs to watch or listen to another BBC news show. I am keeping this list as the definitive description of BBC editorial policy.
Nice article by Nick Cohen at Standpoint
The Problem With Auntie
One paragraph is worth quoting in full:
“From soap operas through crime dramas to single-episode plays, the BBC has a cast of baddies â its version of Richard Nixon’s enemies’ list: Lady Thatcher, conservatives, people worried about immigration or multiculturalism, businessmen, traditionalist schoolteachers, army officers, toffs, eurosceptics, evangelical Christians, Catholics and Zionists. I doubt Sewell will accept this from me, but the dramas that follow are not truly left-wing. They are rarely concerned with the redistribution of wealth and power. Rather, the BBC allows the liberal wing of the upper-middle class in the culture industries to indulge its hatred of the conservative wing of the upper-middle class in the City, government and armed forces.”
I don’t believe that the BBC are wholly anti-Catholic, they can often be both pro and anti-Catholic, often at the same time. If Catholic is tagged onto Republican and Irish they are pro, if on the other hand a Catholic bishop in Scotland speaks out against gay marriage they are anti. As others have said it’s Top Trumps, Republican, Irish Catholic beats Unionist protestant but Catholic Scottish cardinal loses out to gay rights. It seems that the more anti-establishment you are , the more kudos you get at the beeb. I’d also suggest that the BBC don’t much like any form of Christianity not just evangelism, the only Christians they like are people like Giles Fraser who’s agenda is left wing not Christian.
An alternative political analysis of America to that of BBC-Democrat:-
” David Horowitz on Glenn Beck TV discussing The New Leviathan”
(14 min video of Glenn Beck TV )
The book is a must read.
You may not have noticed it but the BBC has this morning launched a far reaching independent inquiry into the political responsibility for the banking scandal. Happily in record time John Pienaar and Nicky Campbell are able to report that Labour and the Tories were equally culpable for the light touch regulation regime of the period 2005-9.
So that’s alright then.
“Now Labour is dragged into bank rate scandal as leaked documents show Brown’s baroness proposed scheme to drive down rates”
Read more:
All rather summed up for me here…
‘This will allow Labour to claim that their leader’s call for him to resign had some effect.’
If I was thinking like a client’s PR man, yes, as opposed to the possible actual role of objective reporter.
The comments seem to be suggesting the BBC’s Political Editor is over-analysing again.
This was also interesting in complement..
‘First up was actor and Labour supporter Tony Robinson: he of the cunning plan….Cue thunderous applause.’
From guest to audience to… ‘impartial’ news person. Almost like it was coordinated, ain’t it?
“The comments seem to be suggesting the BBCâs Political Editor is over-analysing again.”
I see no comments on that link. Have they been pulled again when becoming rather uncomfortable?
‘I see no comments on that link. Have they been pulled again when becoming rather uncomfortable?’
As mine was one of them, yes, it would appear so.
And that would make the latest ‘accidental’ pulling in so many days.
Tx for the heads up.
As they are still trying to figure out how to deal with my sending them a page grab of the last comments thread… with & without comments… that they claimed was never taken down, I might pop this over in complement to suggest that one may be unfortunate, two careless, but three erring on a level of dodgyness inquiries get called to look into.
If there was ever a Leveson on the BBC, if the FoI exemption brigade can be dealt with I’d hazard a few late nights on the shredders and erasing the memories of back-up Producer iPhones.
The tinkers.
I also see tinker in chief, our Nick, has taken to actually penning the Labour PR for them:
‘Libor is to banking what the Millie Dowler case was to phone hacking.
Ed Miliband will feel vindicated by Bob Diamond’s statement that “the external pressure placed on Barclays has reached a level that risks damaging the franchise – I cannot let that happen”.
He will use those words to suggest, as with resignation of Rebekah Brooks from News International, that it was “Labour wot won it”.
This one, sadly, has no comments enabled currently, as I may have been minded to ask if putting words into folks’ mouths and thoughts into the public’s minds to this extent may not really be extending the analysis a smidge far.
I was surprised at this post on Facebook, that Andrew Neil has made a few hours ago. When you next see him on the Beeb conducting one of his ‘ unbiased ‘ interviews, have no doubt about the perspective from which the questions are asked.
Can you repost the link?
INBBC, Cairo Bureau, acting as press agent for its Muslim Brotherhood, has apparently censored this:-
“New âFrog Fatwaâ: Amphibians Sacrosanct, Croaking Praises Allah”
A stopped clock is right twice a day -the Bangladeshis had to restrict exports of frog legs because they are necessary to keep down the fly population and the country was becoming covered with the blasted insects.
Unmovable Iraqis in UK.
Pro-mass immigration INBBC has no interest in British perspective on this:
“Iraq refuses to take back thousands of asylum seekers who have lost the right to stay in Britain”
Read more:
(And, of course, British taxpayers continue to fund Iraq’s government.)
How different is INBBC’s political position to Fisk’s on persecuted Christians?
“Robert Fisk Demonizes Mideast’s Persecuted Christians”
by Raymond Ibrahim.
Is BBC-NUJ interested in individual freedom of this man (who is not Assange)?:
“Arrested at 9.30am, tried in secret court, imprisoned by 6.30pm ”
As I continue to ponder canceling my DD and telling the BBC why (failure in delivery per service standard and Charter obligation) if asked, this kind of ‘official’ state action, as still equivocated upon by my MP, rather errs in favour of my wife’s view. Making two vs. me to stay shackled.
Interesting cradle of democracy and upholder of justice we now live in.
But then BBC-NUJ is disinterested in reporting the following (not surprising, given BBC-NUJ branches’ political hostility to English Defence League):
“Punished for
supporting the EDL?
A mum in northern England believes her kids were taken because of her political views. She talks to ‘spiked’.”
Oh, BBC Radio 4 ‘World at One’ has just broadcast, this lunchtime, a long uninterrupted piece supporting rioters of summer 2011.
Looks like this story is starting to unravel …
For high-cost BBC greenies Harrabin, Black, etc.-
“Rio+20: a tyranny
of green do-gooders.
The latest âsave the planetâ shindig provided yet another chance for political poseurs to dictate our future. ”
(by Ben Pile)
Wonder if Aunty had any of her finest embedded as the lads went about their fine work?
Probably best not to actually broadcast to much until the job is done as, well, some folk may thing it’s a bit off and object.
When Rageh Omar made ‘The secret art of Islam’ for the BBC (accounts of Islamic art quickly degenerate into studies of pottery,calligraphy, textile design and geometric mosaics) he should have added an extra programme on the astonishing scale of destruction (or, since life is just too short, defacement) of works of art wrought by the followers of the peace-loving creed.
Our local parish church has already had ‘mosque’ painted on it by you-know-who. Add mass Islamic immigration to the hostile muslims already here and how long will it be before our magnificent cathedrals and monuments go the same way as these tombs?
The muslims won’t be happy until every christian church is like Hagia Sophia.
Not BBC related…just a reminder of a time not so long ago when leaders actually stood for something other than the safe, unchallenging and oh so ubiquitous middle-ground.
INBBC, Islam and Austria.
INBBC doesn’t normally report on Austria; so what’s so special to INBBC that it has to propagandise about Islam and Austria now?
“Austria celebrates ‘model’ law on Islam”
by INBBC’s Ms Bell.
An alternative, non-INBBC view:-
“The Threat of Islam in Austria”
A deeply troubling review of the aggressive attitudes of Muslim youth :
Someone on another thread linked indirectly to this piece of research. This is the direct link.
The research was conducted in Denmark – but links to attitudes here in Britain.
The worst point of the analysis is that violent attitudes increase with each generation. Things in the Muslim enclaves are getting much worse.
A Canadian TV broadcaster assesses the rise of Sharia in Belgium. When will the BBC assess the rise of Shariah in East London and many northern towns and cities ?
High cost BBC greenies Harrabin and Black will want to put a stop to this presentation of alternative views:
“Global warming: Andrew Pendleton and James Delingpole”
Hi friends. I have been having a heated exchange with an old BBC colleague on facebook. He called Republicans as “dumb” and “stupid”. I replied asking him to be more polite in his discourse. Here is part of his reply:
“Why can’t you have a decent conservative party over there, (the US) perhaps including people with degrees, or who read books other than the Book of Moron?! Of course there are intelligent Republicans (a colleague was surprised at George Bush’s apparent grasp of biotechnology enterprise) and there are dumb Democrats, but I’m confident that, statistically, you’ll get far better educated Democrats than Republicans. This is exactly what is so interesting about this crap from Rick Perry and his fellow morons. As people become better educated, they don’t really fall for the traditional patriotic bluster, so the policy appears to be one of de-education. Indeed, you will remember from your study of Latin that the word, “education” means a “leading out” from ignorance. Your party wants to lead them back in.
Not so many years ago, we had a thing in Europe called the Enlightenment. I hope it reaches the Republican party one day!”
Ignorance? Bigotry? I rest my case. (PS this guy describes himself as a ‘conservative’.)
What BBC-NUJ omits on sex crimes against girls in England.
“Political correctness ‘must not get in the way of police and social workers investigating child sex abuse’, says minister”
By Jack Doyle.
Read more:
BBC-NUJ, restricts its reporting to:
“Care home reforms aim to halt child sex abuse”.
By Judith Burns.
Four simple rules for a bBC drama:
1) Take normally accepted stereotypes and reverse them.
2) Make the plot line as implausible and ridiculous as possible.
4) Get the quotas correct.
3) Get it approved by the bBC thought police.
5) Get a gay actor to play a ‘straight’ character and then mix points 1 to 5 all together until they appear on Loose Women
The Commentator has had an exclusive view of UK Foreign Office documents revealing a negative government view of Netanyahu, and wilful ignoring Palestinian incitement. Given the degenerate decline of UK politicians, who follow a blinkard path that appears the most expedient in the long run, regardless of the lack of morality and service to the country inherent in that path, maintaining this view is hardly surprising.
Now considering the Foreign Office also funds the BBC World Service, to the tune of ÂŁ240+ million per year, it might account in part for the BBC’s own biased coverage of events there. I say in part because the BBC has a lot of self interest in promoting Islam worldwide, and sacrificing a few million Jews in Israel they see as a small price to pay.
UK Foreign Office documents reveal attitudes towards Netanyahu and Palestinian incitement
“…in times of the prophet there were no taxis, so please, get out of mine and look for a camel…”
What do you associate with the date 4th July?
Something to do with the USA?
No, no, no.
What would Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burdon on Salford local radio associate with 4th July?
Clue: Remember these people have a memory and a mythology all their own….
Something to do with the Stone Roses? Steven Lawrence? Ratchel’s anniversay? Nicky’s pets’ birthdays… getting warmer..
Give up….
Well, as our intrepid reporters breathlessly explain to we licence payers – it is the anniversary of the Guardian breaking the Milly Dowler phone hacking story!
The story which was played up by the Guardian/BBC/Labour to mean the death knell for a popular British newspaper and the derailing of the multi-million pound Murdoch investment in BSkyB.
Good man, Guardianista and BBC favourite Steve Hewlett in on hand to take a bow.
Agenda, what agenda?
It was always been a matter of who ‘we’ got given, but I have followed the appointment stakes of one of the most powerful media and hence policy influencers in the land with interest:
This caught my eye:
‘There is speculation that there is a fourth candidate but their name is as yet unknown.’
Who knows, they could even be from Manchuria, which is quite near Salford I gather.
Can’t help but wonder if the leadership of other news monopolies, even private ones, was conducted in such a manner, more than a few questions would get asked of powers who ascend to a point of unaccountability.
At the very least, every few years I can resort to the ballot to pass judgement on those who would presume to guide (at best) or rule (more like it).
In this unique (of many) cases, I have no choice, no option, no recourse.