Any thoughts on why the BBC seems to have somewhat overlooked this story?
An NHS quango has provided its staff with a £1 million fleet of luxury cars, including a BMW convertible, an Audi TT and three Range Rover Evoques.
Time for a public enquiry into this abuse of precious taxpayer funds, maybe even a judicial review into NHS sharp practise? Thought not.
“BBC broadcaster John Simpson admits tax avoidance”
“I pay rather a lot of tax.” Simpson added.
“It’s absolutely right for a citizen of this country to pay whatever amount of tax, within reason, the government of the day feels is required.
“It’s painful but I think that’s part of the duties of a citizen of this country.”
Ah, the sinner that repenteth. Probably because he knew he was about to be found out as a hypocrite.
What he seems to have missed is that if the government of the day feels that Mr Simpson, or anyone else, is required to pay more tax, then they are in charge of the rule book and can change the rules. If that’s not what they intended the rules to mean, they should do a better job of drafting next time. If they don’t change the rules, they must be happy with the position. End of.
Close call… imagine if he had, today of all days, been a banker?
Ed Miliband would have hung him out to dry, with a £4Bpa PR system on hand to help him do it.
Luckily the ‘unique’ filter doesn’t work that way.
“We reimburse regular business users for part of the costs of leasing a car. They pay for private use and pay for family use.
“If an employee wants a car other than the basic models, they pay the extra themselves.”
I am not sure there is much of a story here.
And Elvis lives next door!
‘I am not sure there is much of a story here.’
Maybe Richard Black could team up with Top Gear on how to get a 4×4 up hospital staircases to the executive suites on a thimble of biofuel, recreating Death Race 200o en route?
The story may be more on what the BBC finds to make stories about, and who, and what not… when it suits.
No story, eh?
So why is ‘senior officer criticizes Army cuts’ a front pager on the ‘news’ website?
It wouldn’t have anything to do with the BBC’s crusade to promote the meme of Tory cuts, would it?
Stop Press! Turkey says Xmas ‘unfair’
Someone being fired, someone going to jail, court case for abuse of public funds?? Nope. And it hardly rates a mention on the BBBC.
Oops, and I forgot, there must be a judicial enquiry!! (not)
This is a Scotland based operation – they have their own rules in the Scottish NHS. Despite paying the same taxes, Scotland often decides to spend more on itself . Drugs not available in England are available in Scotland. Like tuition fees, the Scots get away with giving themselves a bigger piece of pie, courtesy of English (Southern Tory) taxpayers. Scotlands Labour 40-odd MPs vote for one thing for themselves and another thing for the English. Roll on and English Parliament robbed of forty Labour seats, bye bye Labour Governments for good.
Fantastic post. Looking forth to the next one.
Provided that you continue to keep this quality. I’m positive you’ll have a lot of visitors in no time.
All the best, and definitely looking for your up coming posts.