Now WHO would have seen this one coming?
John Simpson, BBC broadcaster, has admitted he used to be a tax avoider, placing his home with an offshore company until he saw the error of his ways.
Ah, the “error of his ways”. How touching and so moral. I wonder how many other highly paid BBC staff have similar tax evading arrangements in situ and why hasn’t there been a call from the BBC for a full investigation into this sort of activity? Just wondering.
I remember david dimblebum being asked on QT about 312 beeboids avoiding tax and he denied it and said that he wasnt employed by the bbc.
never mind NI what about the bbc lets have an enquiry on the way the beeb operates with our money
And by not being “officially” employed by the BBC is how they operate their tax scams. Hypoctites the lot of ’em!
amazing, no, the number of decades you can be employed by the BBC, have the BBC as far and away your main source of income, yet not be employed by the BBC.
I say ‘the BBC’, I mean ‘us’, of course.
It being our money ‘n’all.
Don’t forget that John Birt was employed as Director General through his own personal service company. It allowed him to buy £2,000 suits and charge them as expenses and to transfer part of his income to his wife to utilise her tax allowances.
No doubt he saw “error of his ways” when it became possible the tax affairs of BBC employees might come under scrutiny.
As for Dimbleby not being an employee of the BBC, this is a tactic employed by not only him but Nicky Cambell etc.
It provides them an excuse not to reveal their huge salaries which often dwarf the remuneration of those they interview and who they are criticising for having their noses in the trough. What a load of hypocrites.
A few things struck me about this!
‘John Simpson, BBC broadcaster, has admitted he used to be a tax avoider’
‘Simpson, 67, told the Independent he had already decided to end the arrangement, and would place the house back in the couple’s own names.’
‘He said he had made the decision before details of tax avoidance methods were uncovered’
So to sum up he is saying he used to avoid tax till around about today! So he is actually still avoiding it and plans to stop avoiding it any time soon. But of course he made this decision to pay a six figure sum in tax completely voluntarily before the affairs of Jimmy Carr et al became public.
Seriously pull the other one you hypocrite.
I trust that Simpson (or, rather, his wife’s offshore company) will be paying capital gains tax on the difference between the original cost of the house (reportedly £1.85 million) and the value when he brings it back into his own name. Otherwise he could be accused of using legal “loopholes” to avoid tax which include the exemption from CGT of non-resident owners of UK property.
On reflection I don’t think Simpson or his wife have the slightest intention of paying the CGT although I suspect such a bill would dwarf any stamp duty liability.
You know that annoying BBC News 24 intro VT they often play between news segments – with the annoying music and clips of various reporters? There’s a bit where John Simpson’s seen speaking to camera when a shell lands somewhere nearby causing him to duck slightly. I always find myself thinking “Damn – they missed again”… Just an idle thought of course….I wouldn’t really wish death or injury upon him…. at least not until the hypocrite’s properly signed up for the same 40% inheritance tax as the rest of us.
So somebody else finds that “music” irritating! I’m so glad; I thought it was just me.
Not being a BBC employee nor a far left wing hypocrite to boot :
I do not see the error of my ways.
I’m proud of my Off Shelf Account with Aldi.
Each year I put £145.50 into the Whisky Company.
I trust my small non-gesture to Aunty evens things up with the likes of her own Fatso Simpson’s behaviour.
These Islamist/BBC/Guardian champagne socialists are morally bankrupt hypocrites. They’re the modern day equivalent of commie bastards accustomed to living in their luxurious private dachas while pontificating on morality of plebs. They’re beneath contempt.
I wouldn’t like to be any of these BBC guardian reading leftys on judgement day.
For many years Simpson claimed to be domiciled in Eire, for tax purposes. I remember a long campaign by Private Eye about it.
So – for decades now, Simpson has been paid megabucks – and has avoided taxes.
Unctious bastard
In a feudal system the elite always exempt themselves from taxes, and the Leftist elite is no different – you may be forced to give them 50% of everything you own but because they care about the poor this exempts them from the taxes they are so keen to impose on everybody else.
By the way the Left (as in any feudal system) not only do not help the poor, they want to keep them poor, because that way they are more likely to do as they are told. Letting Sun readers make their own choices is a horrible thought for them.
The reason why professional Leftists feels the need to tell us about their moral compass every five minutes is because it is pretty obvious they haven’t got one – under all that sanctimony there is simply a bottomless sense of entitlement.
By the way the Left (as in any feudal system) not only does not help the poor, they prefer people to be poor, because that way people will do as they are told by their betters.
In a democratic system the road to power is to tell everybody how much they hate the rich – how else do you think the Kinnock’s became multi-millionares?
Working for the EU
It has been calculated that Neil and Glenys Kinnock received in excess of £10million in pay, allowances and pension entitlements from the taxpayer for their work at the European Union.
As Kinnock explains – Equality “does not mean believing that there can be mathematical parity of incomes or anything so economically impractical. But it does mean that those institutions and influences which protect, reward and perpetuate those inequalities which are not natural and not earned must be removed.”
In other it is OK to be rich but only if you are a socialist politician, or more specifically, it is OK to thieve from the poor just so long as you make speech’s saying how much you care about them.
You have just reminded me what a bullshitter the Welsh Windbag was. Didn’t we have a narrow escape!
Mind you I did chuckle when he fell in the sea at Blackpool that time!
there is no law that says you have to have a television license if everyone of the general public stopped paying the license fee all the overpaid hippos would be out of a job.
I don’t pay my license fee nor do thousands upon thousands round the country (go to it)
Exactly – Even if you have a TV, if you leave it disconnected from the aerial/antenna & connect a games console, you are not required to pay the “TV tax”.
At the Leveson inquiry, Paxman said he was a “freelance journalist”. I choked when I heard that. There are freelance people up & down the country who can only dream of a 30 year & counting freelance contract like Paxman’s. Does anyone genuinely believe that he pays or has ever paid the top income tax rate?
I have also started tweeting a few BBC radio people to tell them not to avoid paying tax. Nicky Campbell has decided to block me, which says a lot about him.
I would encourage anyone with a Twitter account to ask your “favourite” Beeboids to not avoid paying full income tax. There’s no need for foul language at all. Most of the time, they won’t respond, which looks bad on them. And if they do protest that they don’t avoid tax, just challenge them to publish their tax returns. They’ll definitely keep quiet at this juncture. But, again, their silence merely will look bad on them. So, it’s a no-lose situation. Go on, have some some fun !!!
The BBC follows the leftist model: Don’t do as I do. Do as I say.
Say, given how the BBC has traded in nudges and winks as regards the Revenue’s relationship with Google, Amazon et al, I sure hope the Revenue has been as scrupulous in pursuing high-profile members of the liberal establishment like Beeboids at least as much as when dealing with plumbers in Peterborough.
This is all playing to the UK Uncut agenda – divisive class war and politics of envy. If someone asks me what I earn I tell them to mind their own business; how much tax I pay – mind your own business. Your medical records are between you and your doctor, your tax return between you and the tax man.
Given Cameron pisses your taxes anyway indiscriminately (foreign aid to India anyone?) everyone has a duty to pay the politicians as little as legally necessary. Cameron is wrong, as is usual for him. It is not about “morally responsible” tax payment, there is no moral dimension – thats left-wing class war speak. Bash the rich, its not fair, redistribute redistribute, communism, the ideology that impoverishes everyone (except the Party Elite).
Media tax witch hunts are being offered as “news” whereas they are the same old same old Labour Agenda.
Anyone considered adding to these bums’ booty: think of the expenses – and FREEBEES. Do you know how much free stuff these so-called stars collect? Do you know how much free stuff managers stash away? They are truly disgraceful people – made more so by their sanctimonious attitude to “the punters”.
The most word repeated in the contributions above says it best: hypocrites
They owe their jobs to a Corporation funded by the over-burdened licence-payer. They are paid to provide news, not make news themselves. I would have expected them to be obliged, like civil servants, to keep their personal opinions about public topics firmly under wraps. But, through the work that the licence-payer funds them to do, several foreign correspondents (while still employed by the BBC) have written books based on their experiences – experiences which they would not have had but for the licence-payer – and replete with their own opinions. What a nice little earner! That’s apart from the nice sums they amass from being registered with speakers’ agencies, opening fetes, etc.
The only tax advice Ive seen Simpson give is how to pay the BBC licence .
Surely calls for another “independent inquiry”, doesn’t it, Milibore? “British people won’t accept anything less”, will they?
Al-Simpson…what a thoroughly hypocritical two faced indoctrinating fat tosser!