Dennis McShane has managed to evade having his collar felt by the boys in blue for claiming £125,000 for a garden shed…sorry, ‘office’, says Guido.
Guido also says McShane employed his own brother, Edmund Matyjaszek as an interpreter.
I have never looked at McShane’s background in detail before but reading that on Guido a lot became very clear….along with a quick look at Wikipedia.
McShane is an ardent Europhile…so much so that in a BBC interview he stated that Eurosceptics were ‘xenophobic, stupid, little Englanders’.
Much about his attitude and Labour’s immigration policy might also be explained when you realise McShane is actually Polish by descent…and worked for the BBC to boot!
‘MacShane was born in Glasgow[3] as Denis Matyjaszek, to an Irish mother, Isobel MacShane, and her Polish husband, Jan Matyjaszek.
MacShane married Polish-born Liliana Kłaptoć in 1983, with the relationship lasting only a few years. In 1987, he then married Nathalie Pham, an interpreter of French–Vietnamese origin.
After graduating from Oxford with a 3rd class degree, he worked for the BBC from 1969 to 1977, including as a newsreader and reporter on Wolverhampton Wanderers for BBC Radio Birmingham. He changed his surname to his mother’s maiden name at the request of his employers. He was fired by the BBC after using a fake name to call the radio phone-in programme he worked on at the time. During the call, MacShane accused leading Conservative politician Reginald Maudling of being a crook, with the MP threatening to sue as a result.’
When the BBC give a great deal of airtime to such people and their pet projects it might be an idea to flag up certain defining characteristics about them that influence their decisions….if they want a lot of Polish people to come to this country perhaps it might help to know what informed at least part of their decision, i.e…they are Polish themselves. Similarly with Turkish entry to the EU…. Boris Johnson wants Turkey in the EU…he is of Turkish origin. Osborne’s brother converted to Islam, and many others in the ‘Establishment’ have similar family ‘links’…no chance of any move to limit the encroachment of Islam then. The BBC are concerned about the Right Wing leanings of think tanks or lobbyist’s connections to big business but fails to highlight what motivates certain politicians…unlike Bob Diamond of Barclays(ex) whose motivations for releasing information connecting the Bank of England and Labour to the Libor scandal was questioned thoroughly today.
I think you’re on very dangerous ground when you seek to link family relationships or ancestry with political positions. It may be that, for instance, Boris has Turkish ancestry and seeks – or, at least, doesn’t consider it mistaken – to encourage Turkey to accede to join the EU. OTOH Boris is on record concerning support for an in/out referendum on the EU. Is that because he has Turkish ancestry, or blond hair or what? Another fan of Turkish entry is Daniel Hannan who is not, I think, of Turkish descent but he is Catholic – is that why he supports Turkish entry?
MacShane, meanwhile, is a manifest shit. This has nothing to do with his Polish antecedents and all to do with a political system, a political party and a state broadcaster which encourage and support human detritus like MacShane. He was (and probably still is) useful – although he’s not a “useful idiot”: he knows exactly what he’s doing. His spouting of the pieties to which the BBC and Labour adhere have guaranteed him a comfortable living at the taxpayers’ expense and, worse, influence: or, at least, such influence as can be gained by access to the BBC’s propaganda transmission belt.
No, it is extremely important to know people’s motivations…to claim that talking about race or culture is ‘dangerous’ adopts the line that the BBC and the Left have used to shut down debate and silence critics of immigration by branding them racists…. race and culture play a large part in people’s decisions…consider any Muslim public figure….Lord Ahmed or Mehdi Hasan or Cat Stevens…every thing they say or do is almost always coloured by their religion.
To not understand that allows people to, for instance, vote in legislation on grounds that they publicly state…but in fact the real reasons are hidden.
Hasan stated that Muslims need to train and get work in the media in order to be able to ‘evangelise’ on behalf of the religion in every broadcast or written article…..He urges his fellow Muslims not to be doctors and engineers but to be journalists and media poppets…in order to ‘ help influence the industry’s coverage of issues such as terrorism and integration.’
… “I see people like myself – who happen to be both a professional journalist and a practising Muslim – as a bridge between the Islamic community and the media, and by extension between Muslims and wider society,”.
In other words he means to get Muslims into positions of power and influence to push a media assault that presents Islam in a way they want you to see it….And to use one of Hasan’s own quotes: “The Prophet said that the greatest jihad is speaking the word of truth in the tyrant ruler’s court.”
Hasan is an extremist, a Muslim one, and you really really need to know that if you are to understand what he really means and wants.
For example the Salafists in Germany are distributing Korans….but the Korans have been abridged so that the ‘controversial’ violent, anti-Kufar bits have been hidden…..why do this? They wish to recruit you…but don’t wish to scare you…they also want those who won’t convert but seek knowledge of Islam to be misled…Islam is the religion of peace etc. Once you are ‘in’ you will be slowly introduced to the hard core reality of Islam and ‘radicalised’….but also the now ‘onside’ politicians who believe in the ‘religion of peace slant’ open the door to more and more Muslim influence and expansion into the indigenous society and infrastructure.
To duck the issue and refuse to talk about race or culture as motivators for actions and decisions leads rapidly down the slippery path to Breivik…..they silenced him and others like him and carried on regardless of what anyone else thought…all supported and enabled by a media that silenced critics with accusations of racism.
Breivik is ironically the ultimate result of the desire for a quiet life….
‘Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. ‘
If I wish to understand somebody’s motivation I should, in theory I suppose, know everything which has happened to them since birth – or since conception – together with all their family and other relationships. Since this is just not possible I can concentrate on the major relevant (IMHO) influences on them. For Hasan it’s clearly his belief in the most outlandish interpretations of his religion. However, for MacShane, although being of Polish ancestry is an interesting fact, it is not one I consider which in and of itself (or even as a contributory factor) creates or continues his status as one of the largest lumps of excreta in Parliament and – as it happens – in the starry firmament of BBC favourites.
So, although (and I was ignorant of this concerning Osborne) having your brother as a Moslem convert would colour your attitude to dealing with matters Islamic in the UK (and generally) it isn’t the complete picture. My point was that there are many factors leading to the determination of one’s views and actions on particular issues. It is unreasonable in most cases to single out one piece of “evidence” and say “ah – that’s it!”. I agree though that no info concerning those who seek to rule us – or influence those who do – should be hidden from sight.
In Osborne’s case I don’t think having a Moslem brother is such a massive factor. Osborne is a career politician and every issue he has to deal with is a matter of severe practicality as the question he must continually pose himself is “how can I play this to my advantage?” There is no aspect, I reckon, of Osborne’s political career which is subject to any moral questioning or disinterested analysis. I suspect that were he to see a clear advantage in having his brother penalised purely on the grounds of his religious beliefs (in the context of a governmental decision to penalise Moslems generally in the UK) he would do it without a second thought (although – as would any member of the political class – he would doubtless attempt to shield him personally from the effects of such a policy which would fall on the generality of Moslems). The key here is not that Osborne has a Moslem relative: it’s another interesting fact but doesn’t tell us what makes Osborne, the politician, tick.
For me, the salient factor in public knowledge concerning Osborne was his willingness – enthusiasm even – to adopt Labour economic and financial policies up to August 2009. That was a purely “what’s in it for me?” decision and tells me almost all I want to know about Osborne, his ambitions and ability to control this country’s finances. It’s not what they say, it’s what they do is the way to judge politicians. Accordingly, although I can believe that Osborne’s input into problems in the UK with an Islamic connection would be affected by his brother’s beliefs, Osborne’s actions would be far more selfish.
Macshane,baroness Adams, margaret Moran, it still goes on and on so unfair to ordinary people.
I like Denis, he has the balls to fight anti-semitsm. Read his book “Globalising Hatred, The new Antisemitism”. This to me negates anything negative. Maybe that traitor G.Kaufmann should be brought to book for attempting to put a £9.5k B&O tv system on his ex’s. The term tv is very apt in his case.
His anti-Semite track record does him proud.
Yet he is still a scumbag from the deepest pond.
I won`t attempt to square that circle…he`s a creep who`s got one issue I rate in him…that`s the best I can say.
MacShane is an arse with no interest in the truth. Just read up on what went on with him and the trafficking statistics – he genuinely believes the Daily Mirror to be a reliable sources for facts.
A 3rd class degree from Oxford, is the same as Oxford saying, ‘we made a mistake in accepting you in the first place’.
amazing, no, when you look at politicians on a select committee hearing holding the rest of the world (and his brother to account) with what they fancy is their forensic questioning and you think –
‘expenses thief, expenses thief, expenses thief, and expenses thief.’