Question Time tonight comes from Derby.
On the panel we have Conservative MP Louise Mensch, Energy and “climate change” Secretary Ed Davey MP, former postman and occasional home secretary Alan Johnson MP, Sunday Times and Independent columnist Dominic Lawson, and John Lydon, former lead singer of the Sex Pistols and founder of the band Public Image Ltd.
This Week will follow, and we have the standard lineup of Andrew Neil with Michael Portillo, plus Alastair Campbell. Lucky us.
This is the last Question Time of the season and also possibly the last one we host here using CoverItLive who have decided to start charging. We think (fingers crosssed) that David Mosque has enough ‘credit’ left in his test account to run this tonight.
However we are still trying to source an alternative. Any suggestions – please let us know!
You are very welcome to join us once again. Please play nicely.
Louise Mensch=MILF
10th Commandment, EC: “you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife”. Tsk Tsk. Lie back and think of…Harriet Harman, that should retard you.
Ewwwwww well it worked for Harriet s wife I suppose!
Oh no, I’ve just barfed
Didn’t know she had any kids.
Mensch? UGH, cannot stand that woman. Every bit as odious as Ed Balls.
Ditto, another of Cameron’s air-head liberal “conservative” MPs. She praises Blair, believes the Climate Change nonsense 100%, and is as politically correct as Harriet Harman. She is also fully pro EU and voted against holding an EU referendum giving her reason as, “I do not believe in holding a vote we cannot win!” meaning that she concedes the argument that we should withdraw from the EU, admits that she cannot come up with a winning reason to stay in the EU and prefers to impose policy in a profoundly anti-democratic way, rather than give the people of the UK what they want.
I do admire her honesty though, it is a refreshing change from an MP, for them to be honest about their drug taking and that it messed up her head… Of course it did, it turned her liberal.
She did take bBC to task over the Fogal murders.
I wish I could participate, but I’ve more or less given up watching what has become a stale formula, an audience of baying socialists tearing apart the sensible panelists who occasionally are put on for this purpose. Anyway, Big Brother is starting as I type this, so must dash…..
If CoverIt LIve start charging are any of the WordPress plug-ins at this site worth developing?
I’ve tried a few of those Alfie and there’s a test site up and running with one I like.
I’m now waiting for my fellow Mods to have a go and see what they think.
Thanks for the link, appreciated!
If you need any assistance in testing, let me know.
Can’t get in. Saying event has reached capacity set by host.
yep…can’t get in
Me too.
As a suggestion for a replacement, how about an inline IRC client?
I don’t know what Lydon’s doing on there and Louise Mensch appears to have gone the last six weeks without sleep.
Filthy Johnny’s been shagging her rotten!
Me too. What is going on?
Can’t get in either :S
I’ve started a channel called #question_time, feel free to join me
Too pissed to read the recaptcha
Logged on to IRC but can’t work out how to comment
Leveson / diamond / playing to the gallery / iraq leaves how long for anything interting?
Snap, can’t get in either. But congratulations on the uptick on demand, your message must be hitting home with more people. I try again next time
Couldn’t get in for a final comment so will post it here. Yet another disgraceful Left-centered edition with the most odious appearance by the truly Rotten Johnny… The panelists epitomize everything that is wrong with the chattering classes who just happen to run the country. And just a final word on the pathetic drivel dished up over the immigration entrance questions: whilst the panelists were giggling and having an upper class time of it I was thinking, ‘there shouldn’t be any questions because there shouldn’t be any more bloody immigration!’ – YET AGAIN the BBC avoid the big questions with this brainwashed middle class nonsense.
The whole panel (as is mostly always the case) live in a different world than the rest of us, johnny being a ironically comical example of this tonight.
Disappointed couldn’t get in last QT biased bbc chat, but all the same ducking and diving, and buck passing. The “alleged” crimes were commited, and goes straight to the top, onto the bank of englands watch! Feminism for the square mile, another group looking for more power. Is common law and UK Constituion not enough protection for all?
For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery.
Jonathan Swift
It looks like I’m not even going to get a spot for This Week. What a sad end to a QT season. No blame implied. Thanks to everyone for the laughs over the series and see you in September.
The ‘goodwill’ testing period we were granted for the new version of CoverItLive before it became chargeable officially expired on 1st July.
We thought we had enough credits in the account for one final burst but they had been lost and the hard cap was enforced.
However I’m testing a replacement which seems to do the job well enough so we’ll be organised for September.
I’ll probably pick a political event or two before then to give it a trial run on here. We’ve done Budgets and elections before – bound to find a good opportunity to test with everyone.
Sounds good, I’ll look forward to it
Thanks all for another great season of debate, will be counting down the days to the new season, and date will be added to my notepad with a QT music alarm tone 😛
Having read the line up there are five vomit inducing reasons why I won’t be wasting my time with the rubbish.
Six if you include Dimblebot.
I tuned in briefly, heard the right-winger make a perfectly valid point followed by total silence from the audience. Then heard one of the lefties on the panel speak a few words and the audience immediately erupted into loud cheering and clapping. Business as usual then. Tuned straight out again. I think I really must tune out of the licence fee. My BBC viewing is coming down to just the 6 Nations and the remaining F1 races.
I am glad I got SKY HD, it’s competition for the Beeb, the free (for HD subscribers) F1 coverage is far superior to the BBCs offering and it’s one less thing to watch on the BBC. It’s the best F1 season for decades, I am so glad I could watch it all live.
Come Llew, just do it. I gave up the TV over ten years ago, the internet provides me with ample entertainment, of, ahem, all sorts. The rugby? I pop down to the pub and watch, great, beer, chat and cheers or groans. F1? Not for me, too much of a procession, should be more rallying, real driving. I tend to watch stuff on dvd, older comedies and films, great entertainment. Ditch that box, you know it makes sense.
‘QT’: a sick joke.
“John Lydon fails to bring anarchy to Question Time”
QT is the nation’s Speakers Corner where we all participate in the national debate and the BBC is able to show our democracy thriving. The BBC decides the agenda and which questions shall be aired – an audience stooge is allowed to voice it like a 5 yr old doing its party piece – a govt bod says I think we’ve got it just about right – an opposition bod says They’ve got it all wrong and a pop star is there too. Why do they need to make new episodes of this each week? Couldn’t they just repeat the first one over and over?
“Why did the BBC allow Johnny Rotten to play the pub bore on Question Time last night? ”
By Cristina Odone
As of 25th July, 2012 the BBC have established 24 Olympics HD channels on free sat. The logo on Olympic channel 1 shows a very obvious rendition of the All Seeing Eye on the right hand side of the image (3 glowing white triangles atop three pyramids).
What does the All Seeing Eye member say about this??