Having grown up in south london, I’ll wager thie perpetrator was not white. Street robbery is a black cultural phenomenon in modern times. Sorry, but it just is.
And they use a picture of a white mugger with a knife further down.
It was in North London not South though.
If it was not a white mugger (and knife-wielding muggers in London are overwhelmingly black) then this is dishonest reporting and the author should not be taken seriously as a journalist.
The problem more likely lies with the editor or sub-editor or picture editor at the BBC website. Reflecting the ingrained BBC line – “we must never show minorities in a bad light, whatever the facts of the matter”
I am convinced that there is a disproportionate number of BBC website staff from minorities. Exercising bias and distortion and censorship on a daily basis. In collusion with the rest of the woolly-minded leftie useless idiots.
I’m a bit worried why you all keep referring to the alleged perpetrator in this case as from an ‘ethnic minority’. All the pictures of family life, schools, street interviews and especially the TV presenters that I see on television now are mostly non-white folks. I have therefore just assumed that most people in this country are now black or descended from black/brown people. In any case if they are not already the majority they will soon be.
Now I don’t of course have a problem with that but, as I am a white person, soon I will be an ‘ethnic minority’, that’s if I am not already, so, can I then have lots of free benefits and get out of jail free cards as well as being able to wander around upsetting other people and then, when they retaliate, pronounce “are you picking on me cause I is black? At the very least can I have one of those ‘race playing cards’ that are used with such devastating effect?
Is that as well as just a little bit of patriotism?
Or understanding that the offensive ‘austerity’ word really means pay your way?
Or ending every report on the Tory’s with a thick Labour spokes-peculiar in full attack mode?
Or just once in my lifetime admitting that they have not got it all about right?
And on top of that they then demand that we pay them for the privilege of having our intelligence insulted, or go to prison?
They are biased, smug, overpaid and relish dumbing down everything, even the queen’s pageant and all we expect is “a bit of honesty.”?
The whole sorry mess of them should be put to work digging the next London Airport runway and then put on a plane to China to claim political asylum.
That photo is a severe case of disgusting political correctness…. it really is – they wouldn’t dare put an ethnic minority in hand cuffs (unless, of course, the article was about the ‘racist’ Met police force). It is a fact that ethnic minorities commit well over half of all knife/murder crime in London so using whites in handcuffs is a pathetic, infantile but typical Left-wing ploy aimed at trying to retain the multicultural swindle. They’ll be using photos of whites in England shirts next for Jihadi terrorist stories!
Has anyone else noticed with the BBC that if the alleged perpetrator is white, like in the John Terry case, it is a full blown media assault before the jury even get a chance to sit down and have a cup of tea. Conversely, if the alleged perpetrators are Muslim or from an ethnic minority it is firmly INNOCENT until proven guilty (which, like in the disgusting grooming gang epidemic, basically means we don’t hear anything until the culprits are led out of the court in handcuffs!)
The odious BBC want the indigenous people to disappear (especially the working class English who’ve had to put up with intolerable left-wing antics more than anyone else) it’s that bloody simple and I’m sick of it; I am also sick of all these intellectuals trying to define what’s happening when we all know the truth! The socialist UAF are racist SS thugs dressed up as ‘peaceful hippies’ and they do the BBC, Guardian and Liebour’s foul and revolting bidding. I’m telling you all that the Islamo-Left are all despots and will stop at nothing until their loathsome and repugnant ideological objectives are achieved. The only hope is if we Christians have faith in the Lord and try to convert Muslims before we become kebab meat!
It’s not that it’s improper, it’s contempt of court and illegal. You are slightly relying on the views of the Attourney General pre a trial and some papers in particular have pushed that envelope. Once the trial is underway you can only report what’s been said. I know I do point out on here when people say stuff that’s technically contempt, but honestly on a small blog like this you’re probably safe. Twitter is becoming a very different matter. I think you’ll see a Twitter user in court for contempt sooner rather than later. There’s a solid article on this in The Guardian (I know!) today. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/jul/09/john-terry-case-twitter
I haven’t followed the Terry case very closely but the report I just saw on the Ten seemed exactly what you would expect. Is there some other example where you think the BBC has been in contempt reporting this one?
If what ye say of foul contempt be true then the BBC would be brought to book first, for they surely affect the opinions and tone of the country more than a simple but honest meeting place such as this. Comment here be true and clear even if it be foul certain times… so, vex us not with warning sof contempt when only truth be told.
The Terry case is an interesting one. Terry has a number of black collegues in both the C….a team and the England team.
Not one of them has openly called him a racist. So why do the BBC?
Plus I have yet to see any acknowledgement of the relationship between Terry’s accuser and the man Terry replaced as England captain. Is there perhaps a motive there? Use the BBC for your news and you will never be told.
As usual it was buried deep down on some obscure regional link after being headline news for about one nanosecond… imagine the nuclear fallout if the perpetrators were white working class Christians and the victims Muslims!?
Well that’s one of three separate stories done on the trial so far. They’re labelled “Shropshire” in the link because of the Telford connection. I don’t know how long they spent on the English Regions index or even the front page. It may indeed be a “nanosecond” or it may be much longer. From a quick google the trial is ongoing so I’d image we’ll hear more.
I heard Symonds being interviewed by Mair about this on ‘PM’. When asked to give a description of the mugger to the police he used weasel words along the lines of ‘wearing a hood so couldn’t see his face’ and, of course, never mentioned skin colour. Hands could have been a giveaway, of course, or even his voice, and perhaps if he was black he told the police so. However, for the purposes of his BBC reporting, let’s just stick to the guidelines, eh?
As for the picture of the white mugger – another fine job by the Ministry of Truth.
Very convenient, no, that the mugger was ‘masked’ and the journo was able to recognise him ‘from his build’. Was he a hunchback then? And be honest, who ever heard of a mugger wearing a mask? Not me.
This journo has been doing the rounds of the studios with his ‘scoop’. Well his own employer’s studios at any rate.
It’s a shame this fearless Pulitzer Prize Winner-manque couldn’t string together a few hundred honest words where his mugger was unmasked and *gasp* black.
INBBC did report online on Ms Lewthwaite, jihadist (May, 2012).
Perhaps INBBC would care to update its report, using information available below.
(I understand that INBBC would not want to publicise this on 7 July.)
“‘My husband terrorised disbelievers… And I will incite others’: Chilling terror notes of the 7/7 bomber’s widow who began life as a Home Counties schoolgirl”
“Samantha Lewthwaite ‘recruiting all-women terror squads’.
“Samantha Lewthwaite, the British terror suspect on the run from police in East Africa, is in Somalia recruiting and training all-women attack squads, The Daily Telegraph has learnt. ”
I turned on the car radio yesterday which was set to the glue that holds the fabric of society together (radio 4 to you and me). Unfortunately as I was otherwise engaged trying to prevent young Mohandas from throttling himself with his seatbelt, I had to suffer a whole minute of the truly insufferable Paddy O’ Connell, or as he’s known in these parts, Victor Derbyshire.
Paddy fancies himself as a ‘humorist’ – which as we all know is Radio 4-speak for ‘smug, funny as necrotizing fasciitis, pretrendy leftie’. cf Clive Anderson, Sandi Toksvig et al
Anyhoo he was straight in with,
‘Fred Perry didn’t like posh boys did he’.
Gotta, lurve, that ‘posh boys’. In droid-speak this usually refers to David Cameron or George Osborne. But in this case the phrase was clearly used in its wider droid-context to refer to anyone who goes/went to a private school where the fees are higher than the private school I’m sending my kids too.
Dreary Victor is a prime example of public sector producer capture. In the same way that Scargill thought the mines were solely there to provide jobs and perks for miners, the BBC thinks it is solely there to provide jobs and perks for its workers.
I mean surely no-one anywhere considers Victor remotely entertaining.
lol 🙂 I would much rather attend a fee paying school than be coerced into subsidizing a fee paying TV station; they’re kinda one-and-the-same thing in way. The BBC’s unbridled hypocrisy knows no bounds.
“they’re kinda one-and-the-same thing in way” – well, I don’t get much of an education from the BBC I have to tell you; I’d rather spend my £145.00 on CDs or UFO conspiracy DVDs myself!
Couldn’t resist posting this from Saturday’s Grauniad by Andrew Martin. Any nominations for the “comedians” he’s on about?
Eric Sykes rated Izzard highly, but he told me he found much modern comedy smug or, as he put it, “fireproof”. I think he meant he was against the “high status” comedian: the patter merchant who points out the foibles of everyone else from some Olympian height. This fireproof character is well in with the broadcasting executives, and is not a comedian due to some life event, but because he chose to become one while at university. We know who they are. They tend to occupy the accursed comedy slot on Radio 4 at 6.30pm on a weekday. Their schtick has the lineaments of humour – timing, punchlines, observations – but it doesn’t actually make you laugh. Or they crop up on panel shows, where they lounge about being quite funny, but seeming lazy, overentitled. In their own later years, the Goons had a word for the successful, confident comedian who had a distinctive persona that was inflicted on the audience in an almost bullying manner: they called it “achieved comedy.” These sorts of performers are usually not personally eccentric, perhaps because nothing has made them so.
Andrew Martin, The Guardian 07/07/12
Guys, with reference to an earlier piece by Alan , on our cuddly little moozie chums, please try not to let the trolls drag the discussion off piste.
Anyone who hasn’t worked out that they really are
a) not very nice people
b) that they are economic migrants who should be re-patriated
really isn’t worth arguing semantics with.
Well gee thanks guys, I can see by the comments count ya’all agree with backwoodsman. Never again shall I annoy the trolls.
In fact I think i’ll get a new ID: Ah I know….how about ze big ole doinker!
If the BBC was a supermarket, would you shop there ?
For example :
A non-returnable £145.50 to release your Mecca facing Trolly and off we go inside.
Past the curdling milk, being careful not to step in the blood on the floor from the recently slaughtered Hal-Lal offers, on to the decaying vegetables (Toynbee’s Tuscan Surprise, Shoutie’s mouth-man-melon, Dame Nikky’s 2 incher and VD’s best effort with mangetout).
Self opinionated staff wearing tea-towels on their head ignoring your request for where the beans are, as they are far too busy phoning Pakistan inviting their friends to come over and enjoy the “party”.
Only in a state funded shop such as this could they afford to keep the lights on.
There is currently no process to bring the Retailer of far left ideology to explain themselves what a bargin they think they are at the checkout.
Don’t the stupid Tories realise that even they have to be re-elected.
Buy One daft left idea, get One free.
More goods to be consigned to the Reduced To Clear Cabinet.
If you enjoyed your left wing shopping experience with the BBC, you must be an employee. </b.
i posted this yday as the al beeb SML programme was on.
“worst bias for a long time, on SML
so orchestrated phones in on “tell mama” by politically minded muslim females – reports al beeb 1 cause islamo FAUX bia ? ? ?
immediately conflating BNP – EDL …. why? …
… there are 14 arrests in the past week, by muslims intent on mass murder …
you literally couldn t make it up … apparently an EDL protest was a target for a bomb! …
anyone from the EDL given an opportunity to reply?.
i m just waiting for a nonsense caller, with a “orrible” story , to be trumped up for propaganda purposes..
(shakes head!) ”
despite this snivelling and biased tosh, the phone in vote
(yet again 😀 ), records that the viewing public strongly disagree … reasons?.
shafiq, apologist extraodinaire, yet again here, dismissively whines no phone in goes for the muslims
point of view … apparently the fault of people exercising their freedom of speech 😀
who ought to be 😀 more respectful, cause no offence ya da ya da ya da!.
maybe “respect” has to be earned?, maybe offence is a two way street? … deceit, violence, refusing to admit a multitude of faults, GENUINE fascist/religious/racial hatred is ok for a “so called” religion today in Pakistan, but … NOT here …
you want to quit whining moh!, you ll never have a better chance of winning favour than with al bbc, totally biased/doctored in your favour … you are after all “the go to guy” 😀 maybe you can t fool all the people all the time eh!
the overiding result, was that brits don t blame the media for reporting islamic fascists, and their abhorrent aims, of mass murder, etc. they don t believe they cause the “unicorn” of islamo FAUX bia.
not even going to mention al bbc in the same breath.
Remember when the second world war started, the BBC was totally against Churchill, they wanted ‘appeasement’, were against Jewish refugees coming here and were pro Hitler. More of the same.
Personally I think the only difference between the national socialists and today’s kind (beeb/guardian/labour etc) is that the latter persecute majority populations too, and not just Jews.
File this under ‘Beeboids: Smarter Than You’: Countyfile had a segment on yesterday’s show about Chartwell, the country house where Churchill could go to escape the pressures of being ‘Head of State’….
Just attached the link below of the John Terry alleged race incident headline on the BBC’s webpage… Would be interesting to hear your views people. Retaliating with name calling (when another player provokes you about an extra-marital affair) in the heat of a hot-tempered football match and one will get the whole BBC/MSM book chucked at you, – even before the jury verdict is out! However, ‘Asian’ grooming gangs raping young teenagers after plying them with drink and drugs will find themselves hidden away on some regional link or perhaps top of the national news page for an afternoon/evening only. In this day and age, if you call someone names then you get Hellfire and Brimstone from the pulpit. However, kill someone, be a paedo or openly shout out your Muslim terrorist credentials and you get the restorative practice treatment and help from Big Brother.
On its pompous, leftist, self-congratulatory College of Journalism site the BBC boasts that its hacks learn writing and editing with the best journalists in the business. The following is, however, only one of numerous dodgy errors of grammar that often nowadays bedevil BBC reports, in this case an incorrect pronoun from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-18624350
“The richest woman in the world, according to a respected business magazine, is not Oprah Winfrey, Queen Elizabeth II or L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. It’s a relatively unknown Australian mining magnate. “
It’s common knowledge that extremist Left-wing socialists don’t believe in grammar, punctuation or arithmetic or any other challenging criteria, for that matter, which might discriminate against an individual’s intellectual capacity – or lack of ; all in society MUST BE EQUAL, even if this means incompetence prevailing! That’s why our education system has completely collapsed; the Left-wing destroy everything they get their hands on and despise competition. Child-centered claptrap, the explosion in Specific Learning Difficulties (Labels such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Discalculia, Oppositional Defiance Disorder – a particular favourite of mine – removes the responsibility of the parent and student and transfers it onto society), the dumbing down of exams and a the increasingly taboo sense of pride in individual achievement (individualism = bad, collaborative learning and inclusion = good) has meant that anyone born in the late ’70s, the ’80s and onwards and who attended state school probably left having some deficits in basic technical aspects required in rudimentary literacy and numeracy; my wife is a teacher and she regularly informs me of their lack of focus on technical/core skills.
The trendy curriculum has replaced the methodical, boring but reliable and so on. The BBC are mired in this socialist and advocacy education movement; it’s written in their DNA so no wonder they can’t spell or determine an object from a subject lol 🙂
Ha ha, unfortunately no mate! lol 🙂 Its definition is thus: refusing to listen to and follow instructions because of emotional, social and behavioural difficulties! I’d like to say, ‘you couldn’t make it up’ but someone has 🙂 lol
Good God, I’ve had “Oppositional Defiance Disorder” all my life, only I called it being bloody-minded and independent. Now that I’m self-diagnosed with a twendy acronym problem – ODD 🙂 – does that entitle me to lots of lovely state handouts? Call my bank manager!
Funny that none of these “syndromes” or disorders mentioned above(ADD,ADHA,ODD etc)-are never exhibited when the little angels are playing football, on their laptops in the “lessons”: or -otherwise-doing something easy and fun.
Wonder why?
These labels are basically an excuse for the Left to hide behind, a smokescreen aimed at diverting attention away from their foolish removal of discipline, traditional teaching methods and a rigorous curriculum. If a child is diagnosed with Green Parrot Underwater Ceramics Operational Disorder then that removes the pressure and burden of teaching from incompetent schools and ensures a spike in their examination results.
Harvard has appointed Vanidy “Van” Bailey as the College’s first permanent director of bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer student life. Bailey, the assistant director for education at the University of California, San Diego, will assume the new position on July 16.
Key bit in the Correction at the end:
An earlier version of this article used the pronoun “she” to refer to Vanidy “Van” Bailey, the newly appointed director of bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer student life. In fact, Bailey prefers not to be referred to by any gendered pronoun.
Bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer! All at once? OMG! I must scour my Karma Sutra to discover the most appropriate “position” for this brave new world
I remember filling in an application form for a job and one of the questions in the Equal Opportunities section (surprise surprise) requested my ‘sexual orientation’, to which I responded, ‘I’m not fussy… North, South, East and West… basically 360 degrees! I should have avoided the cursed pronoun because I didn’t get the job 🙁
Sub groups within sub groups I guess. This is what happens when a culture starts sub-dividing into smaller and smaller interest groups. In the words of every university dept. seeking further funding: “More research is needed before a definitive answer can be given”.”
Like that joke particle. Bit odd that it de-materialises every time you want to look at it. And it starts out as a field that spans the universe? What, like ether?
Talk about “Pissed old hack falls for scientific bullshit”.
On the 8.00am News this morning the reader said, “the deputy Chairman of Barclays is said to have telephoned Diamond about the LIBOR Inter Bank Interest rate”. This shows that he is totally ignorant of what he is saying, the letters stand for “London Interbank Offered Rate”, thus repeating what he had just said but worse since it is the rate they offer to other banks one would expect the Chairman to talk to his CEO. No one seems to realise that the word “Offered” is in there or that several banks decide on the average Rate which is reported publicly. And they get paid for this!
INBBC’s deliberately confusing headline and report:
“Nigeria violence: Plateau politicians die at funeral”
What sort of ‘violence’, INBBC? Oh, shooting, you imply.
Were the perpetrators MUSLIM?Oh yes, you imply.
Were the victims CHRISTIANS, again? Apparently?
INBBC continues to tout its political line that the violence is sectrarian, ignoring the long Islamic jihad violence from Muslims in the north over centuries, and continuing.
First question is: what is there to stop it spreading?
Second question is: if and when it does, what status do their leftie sympathisers think they will have in the new Islamic order? (Know what you’re thinking – same as the rest of us: starts with a ‘d’ and ends with an ‘i’.)
John Terry’s racism trial seems to be getting plenty of coverage on R5. Perhaps this will be some confort to the Beeboids who sadly for them didn’t get the expected racism at the Euro footy championships.
The trial is for ‘racial abuse’, so on the bBC, web article they are dropping the word ‘racist’ all over the place. Suits me to go along with their adhoc definition. So if they show pictures of white people rioting, when the vast majority were black. Then I can accuse the bBC of being racist.
The only thing that came ‘home in a coffin’ from Euro 2012 was, yet again, Panorama’s reputation. The nonsense that was ‘Stadiums of Hate’ was excellently slagged off by spiked-online. ‘But reality clearly did not suit the Panorama script. For the PC Westerners to feel really, really superior, Panorama needed to create the inferior savages from the East. Hence the bizarre sight of the show’s wallyish presenter accompanying a Ukranian far-right activist, Vlad the Implausible, on a trip to a woods for some knife-fight training. This consisted of about a dozen prats in army fatigues rolling around on the floor. It was closer to Dad’s Army than the Fourth Reich.’ Those lads must have seen the dozy beeboids, & their cash, coming. The entire programme, down to its portentous music, risible commentary & ludicrous conclusion would, in more humourous, less PC-infected times, have collected a comedy award. Solly Campbell’s Flying Circus.
Well said mate. I too noticed that the horrific racism and fascist terror the BBC was wetting the bed about was, in fact, non-existent as far as I could see. The holier-than-thou BBC went looking for it almost to the extent of making up scenarios. The upper-class Guardian-reading trendy liberals are a disgusting sanctimonious breed, they really are.
Today, I finally got round to watching the third episode of Divine Women with Bettany Hughes. For those who don’t know the programme is about ‘the hidden history of women in religion.’ According to one Islamic scolar, women played an active role in Islam and Muhamed wanted women to play an equal role in religion – ‘both are branches of the same tree.’ Why did the role of women change? According to another academic it changed because of Islams conquest – ‘a lot of very negative views of women were taken on from the neighbouring cultures which they had conquered.’ So there you go – the reason Muslims are such misogynists is the fault of everyone else! Mind you that’s muslims, it’s always someone else’s fault. It continued ‘women were in terrible conditions’ some 100 years after Muhamed’s death. A hundred years! So you’re telling me that a 100 years after Islam’s conquest of the middle east, women were treated like shit because of the cultures they conquered rather than the culture of Islam. The number of wives (the rulers had) were in the hundreds as were the number of female slaves. Isn’t it in the Koran that a man can take more than one wife? Is this still the fault of the conquered territories culture? ‘Women were thought of as so inferior and they need to be silent and they shouldn’t have any kind of rights whatever … Aisha wouldn’t take very well to being told to move to the back of the room. ‘ replied a muslim woman in a headscarf missing the irony.
Later Hughes talked about Hilda who championed learning in 7th century anglo-saxon Northumbria. Apparently she taught five bishops from the abbey at Whitby. When education moved to universities from abbeys many centuries later women no longer benefited from education. Hughes continued ‘it wasn’t until 1920 that a woman could be awarded a university degree … I’m sure Hilda would have been horrified.’ This is an odd statement that we hear a lot – it’s quite possible that Hilda , an abbess, would be horrified at the thought of women at universities – this was after all a 7th century woman. To conclude it’s was a load of feni-nazi crap. I quite like Bettany Hughes but it’s not because of her historical musings, it’s because of her massive tits! I’m pretty sure she’d be horrified at that!
Bettany Hughes tends to get her history from reading Dan Brown novels. And the first woman to receive a doctorate degree was Elena Cornaro Piscopia from Padua in 1678.
+James, she meant Oxford university but she wasn’t being entirely honest – ‘ women were not admitted to membership of Oxford university until 1920 although they had been allowed to sit some university exams and attend lectures for over 40 years by that date.’ How unenlightened of us (was her gist I imagine).
Radio4 Extra has started running the Horrible Histories. Total tosh, really bad radio-for-dunces if the fist installment (Groovy Greeks) is anything to go by,
BBC – we pay them under duress to dumb down our culture
An article on the BBC website in which Muslim polygamy is described as rife in the UK and in which the writer studiously avoids the basic fact that the institution is clearly and fundamentally inimical to equality of rights for women and as such, should not be allowed to exist here.
People may argue for personal freedom on the issue but a culture has to draw the line somewhere.
While the article highlights the scandal of using Islamic Nikah ceremonies to marry extra spouses
which are not recognised under British law, the writer gives the impression that Muslim women are victims of the institution not being operated properly – not of polygamy itself and hence of Islam.
Note also the way the last (and lengthy) last word on the subject is given to an MCB spokesman who gives away his attitude to the need for honesty when addressing the kuffar by saying that he did not think there were many polygamous marriages in he UK. The rest is just soft soap and whitewash from this imam belonging to a group so hardline that the government no longer gives them a grant and which is closely connected to the East London Mosque, which many people argue should not receive any government money either.
The conspicuous marginal quote which he reader will see first is from this guy:
“What Islam does not allow is the mistreatment of women, full stop” – Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, Muslim Council of Great Britain.
Mistreatment appears to be one of the many words which mean what Muslims say they mean – as opposed to how the rest of the human race defines them – as the Koran specifically allows and indeed recommends the physical chastisement of disobedient wives.
The whole piece of writing sums up the mealy mouthed attitude of the BBC towards Islam which has the effect of not just excusing it but almost exalting it.
Notice, too, how the case is tucked away on the Berkshire local section.
I love how they found a local Conservative party leader for their poster boy. As you say, the message here is that there’s nothing wrong with polygamy, it’s just a few bad apples ruining it for everyone.
“Dr Shahian said: “Islam does not allow deceit and lies”
his nose is growing 😀
“What Islam does not allow is the mistreatment of women, full stop” – Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, Muslim Council of Great Britain
HIS nose is growing 😀
“Shaheeda, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, said she asked her husband to register their marriage
A few months later she came home and found that the locks to her front door had been changed and that she had been thrown out of her home.
I was homeless. I took legal action but I got nothing,” explained Shaheeda. “I had been paying the mortgage on our home but the house was not in my name so I lost everything.”
Eventually, Shaheeda moved back home with her family.
‘It was as though the marriage had never happened. It was the worst time of my life,” she added.
link http://www.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8493660.stm
al bbc shameful islamic protectionism
yet again,
”It is a major problem in the community,” insisted Dr Siddiqui
hmmm ……… another one
Indeed the link to the connected story is given as “Two wives’ Tory chief given tag” – almost as though it was more the fact that the man was a Tory than any other factor that caused him to go in for this sort of thing.
“What Islam does not allow is the mistreatment of women, full stop” – Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, Muslim Council of Great Britain.
So a bullet in the head for alleged adultery is okay then.
“Allah Punished the Jews throughout History (refering to the Nazis),and Will Use the Islamic Nation to Punish Them Again,”.
“He punished them by means of the Germans, and before that by means of the Romans. Today, it is the turn of the Islamic nation to punish them once again.”
….WAIT A MINUTE 😀 … wheres that whitman, scezz, dez, and scotty
re – Alans excellent national socialist thread eh!
link. http://www.memri.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/3484.htm
The bBC and its pick of so called defence experts. Syria -Turkey tension: Conflicting arguments on Phantom
The bBC stuck between defending two Islamic countries conflates the subject matter at hand until you don’t know just what is happening I quote from the bBC choice of defence expert. Sean O’Connor is a leading analyst of Soviet-style air defences. A former intelligence analyst with the US Air Force, he now teaches physics in a US college.
But in his spare time he has taught himself the skills needed to interpret satellite imagery and using open source pictures, he has built-up an encyclopaedic knowledge of the sorts of air defences used by a country like Syria.
OK so he knows what he is talking about I mean he comes out with this: Mr Barrie is also intrigued by the type of Turkish aircraft that was involved. “Reports, as yet unconfirmed, that the variant of the F-4 Phantom aircraft shot down was a reconnaissance model, could also be interpreted as indicating an alternative mission,” he told me.
Err Mr Barrie all the Turkish F4s are of the RF-4E varient. In otherwords reconnaissance jets
and then he says this: However Mr O’Connor notes that the Turks say the plane was some 13 nautical miles (24km) off the Syrian coast (just outside Syria’s 12 nautical-mile territorial limit) when engaged. If this distance is accurate, he says, then a radar-guided surface-to-air (SAM) system is the only possibility.”This could be a radar-guided SAM operating under optical guidance,” he notes, as Turkish reports indicate that there was no radar warning indication. “In this case, the Russian Pantsyr-S1E would be the logical weapon involved, although the 13-mile range represents the very outer limit of the system’s capability”.The Pantsyr-S1E is a relatively modern Russian air defence system that has been delivered to Syria in recent years.
You mean this Pantsyr-S1E which is a duel missile/gun system.
But hang on the bBCs expert doesn’t mention any gun system he just talks about missiles. However the Syrian claim they shot it down. Well if so why doesn’t the bBC mention that fact.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst. Who on this day when they report on how only 75% of the British read the news, leave out, that that is due to the pro-Islamic terrorist agenda they have been reporting from since 9/11
According to Turkish sources the crew were not using any electronic navigation systems at the time as the pilot allegedly knew the area well. It is believed that two areas of the coast line are similar.
Turkish air controllers contacted the pilot to warn him that he was actually in Syrian air space. No missiles trails or flash were witnessed and it is believed the aircraft was hit by groundfire and not a missile. Hence is flew some distance before crashing into the sea.
Good point. But why use an RF-4E a dedicated recce craft and why didn’t the Syrians use radar to track it.
Well the jist in the military world is that this was a signal from Russia to NATO. The reason they didn’t use Radar to track and target the F4 is to send the message that Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) by NATO won’t be as easy as it was in Libya as they have optical (passive) systems in place.
Which is why they set off lots of missiles yesterday. But while the media concentrated on the older missiles
P-5 Pyatyorka
P-15 Termit
They didn’t bother with reporting on this little beauty which the Syrians got their hand on 18 units last Christmas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2eks1w6-4Y
Go to 1.38
When Rommel was threatening Cairo and the Suez Canal, many Egyptians especially the MB took the German side, would have liked to see the Brits defeated. You cannot ascribe this to “anti-colonialism” – how would German domination of Egypt be any less colonial than British ?
The BBC’s lack of true coverage of the Muslim Brotherhood and its objectives of a universal Caliphate has been deplorable. Almost every Islamist terrorist group has links in its origins to the Muslim Brotherhood – with Sayyid Qutb as a key figure , yet the BBC continues to treat the MB with reverence :
The BBC wants to destroy White European Christian civilisation. They want to replace it with a Marxist/Islam world government. They will never suceed and will burn in the lake of fire for all eternity for what they are doing.
You know what Earls court, the day that Sharia law is openly enshrined into Uk law is the day I say f-ck it and go on the rampage. I will target Muslims, Mosques and liberals.
As an apostate from Allah I have to ensure that Muslims and their bBC lackeys know what it feels to be fearful of a death warrent on their heads. and the best part I will hand myself in afterwards and play the victim part. I mean if Muslims can do so after each Islamic terrorist incident why can’t i.
Islam is a false religion and like the left are Satan’s hand maidens. The left and the Muslims will not destroy thousands of years of European culture in a hundred years. God will destroy them and they will suffer for eternity.
Revelation mentions the False Prophet (Mohammed?), the desecration of the Temple (the Dome of the Rock?), Armageddon (Iran versus Israel?)…….maybe the author wasn’t on an acid trip after all.
Well to be Honest I don’t do any of this God business. I respect everybody’s right to worship who they please. Its when their sky pixies tell them to kill for the sake of killing that offends me and the bbC actually defends people who do so. While berating other peaceful religions.
It’s the whole invented lexicon the lefties invent to cover up the issues.
Terrorists become gunmen or bombers.
Muslim becomes radicalised islamist (as if it’s our fault he’s radicalised)
Executed becomes died
Traitors at the INBBC
Jack Abramoff, a former lobbyist imprisoned for his role in a wide-ranging Washington corruption scandal, has appeared as a pundit on CNN. Why have US television networks turned into comeback springboards for disgraced public figures?
Yeah, I know, Nasaw works in the US and technically not at Broadcasting House, but you know what I mean. This has to be one of the least self-aware pieces from the BBC in quite some time.
Had to turn off the latest BBC 3 effort that shows the true mindset of how much The BBC hate young people in Britain today.
Why did dey young people riot innit ? dey rioted because Mark Duggan was innercent innit, dey rioted because it was de police’s fault innit, dey rioted because of David Cameron innit, Dey rioted because of white people innit ?
The White House talking point about money continues to be dutifully passed on by the BBC. Yet another article about how Romney is raising more campaign cash than the poor, underdog President.
As always, no mention whatsoever that the President has Hollywood and all of the mainstream media working hard to re-elect Him. No amount of campaign cash can match the power of very single outlet except Fox News and a few local papers is in the tank for Him, plus all the celebrities praising Him, plus the majority of university faculty continuing the indoctrination of their students.
As long as the BBC continues to focus exclusively on campaign cash and refused to examine the close coordination between the White House and various media outlets, their reporting on this issue cannot be trusted to fairly depict what’s going on.
Having all the major networks (Fox is only cable) in your camp is worth hundreds of millions of dollars-worth of advertising” time to Obama. All the debates will be rigged, White House talking points are constantly fed to the TV hosts and presenters.
BBC-NUJ unable to point out how Clegg wants to trust the British people on Lords reform, but that he won’t trust the British people on a referendum on the E.U.
The EU is all about money and power without accountability for Clegg and his elite friends so let us just leave things as they are.
House of Lords reform is also probably about the same thing. The present system is not earning them enough so lets change it and start earning.
They really believe we are that stupid.
What is really appalling is their sense of entitlement disguised as a sincere belief in democracy. And they wonder why politicians have rarely been so despised.
Over at A Tangled Web, David Vance has a quick post about how unemployment has dropped in every US State which elected a Republican governor in the Tea Party-driven surge in the 2010 election. 17 States elected a Republican governor that year, and every single one has seen a drop in unemployment since then. Somewhere, a Beeboid’s head just exploded.
Yet from the BBC, the President gets all the credit for any drop in unemployment. We’re talking about essentially one third of the country here benefiting from policies not favored by the President, and not given appropriate attention by the BBC. All of this will come as no surprise to those of us who remember that the BBC censored all news of the Republican-led States which saw a budget surplus a few months after the 2010 election, by cutting spending and not raising taxes. It was a viable alternative to the President’s tax-and-tax-and-spend-and spend policy, so they didn’t want to mention it.
Excuse what may be a dumb question. How much does the President of the United States determine the success of its economy and how much is the POTUS just one factor together with the legislature, the individual states, the world economy, private entrepreneurs, technological advance and the luck of the resource draw?
I’ve always accepted it as a given that a politician takes credit for the good even if he opposed it and blames his predecessor for the bad even if he previously supported it. The situation is more complicated that the BBC and most analysts credit it.
At 6.53pm I posted some comments and some googled links to websites dealing with the parallels between Islamism and National Socialism – and the Muslim Brotherhood’s links with Hitler’s Germany. For some reason it is not appearing on one of my PCs – on another PC it appears but is headed “Your comment is awaiting moderation”
What is happening, pray ? I thought what I had posted was factual and beyond dispute. If there is anything wrong with it, please let me know.
I think if your post has a certain number of links (6 or more I think ??) it automatically goes to moderation. It should appear once it’s been moderated.
When Rommel was threatening Cairo and the Suez Canal, many Egyptians especially the MB took the German side, would have liked to see the Brits defeated. You cannot ascribe this to “anti-colonialism” – how would German domination of Egypt be any less colonial than British ?
The BBC’s lack of true coverage of the Muslim Brotherhood and its objectives of a universal Caliphate has been deplorable. Almost every Islamist terrorist group has links in its origins to the Muslim Brotherhood – with Sayyid Qutb as a key figure , yet the BBC continues to treat the MB with reverence :
I see the bbC has knocked out its daily anti-jew article. Does Israel walk a thin line with West Bank oil drill? While the search for oil beneath Israel has been going on for years, the most recently drilled well in the Meged oil field, on the edge of the West Bank, is raising concern that it might draw from untapped Palestinian reserves.
So reading the above do you get the impression from the bBc that the jews are stealing from Muslims.
The bBC, the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK
How typical of the BBC to infer that the Israelis have no right to investigate possible oil or gas fields within thier own borders… I am surprised they didn`t also accuse them of theft over thier proposed Israel/Cypriot venture off the South coast of Cyprus.. Turkey has already made false claims regarding the Leviathan gas field… Even though Turkish Cyprus is only recognised by Turkey.. They are saying it`s illegal for the Greek Cypriots in the south to exploit the resources off thier southern coast. Bear in mind that about 90% of the Turkish Cypriot population colonised Northern Cyprus after a Turkish Force invaded and tried to depose the ruling regime of the indigeonous Cypriots… I hate the BBC, I feel embarressed that the world mistakenly believes they represent the population of the UK.. They seem more pro Islamist than even Press TV lately..
When witnesses appeared at Leveson or at commons committees recently and they gave answers which run contrary to BBC memes then they have been described as ‘evasive’ or ‘defensive’.
When a poker-faced Bank of England official bats away suggestions that might embarrass Labour then the BBC newshounds/speakers of truth to power are suddenly and uncharacteristically more than happy to take his responses at face value.
Afterall the BBC meme on this is…
‘Chancellor George Osborne should apologise to Ed Balls for saying he had “questions to answer” over the Libor scandal’
A line paroted on 5 Live this morning and levered into an interview with a Tory MP who was actually there to talk about House of Lords reform. So the thought is very much the BBC thought for the day.
Just think about that argument for a moment – someone ought to apologise for saying a politician had questions to answer.
Doesn’t fit with other BBC commentary on the big issues of the day does it?
Bias and part of the BBC ‘Save the Labour 20 Campaign’
The Select Committee FAILED to press the question – exactly WHO were the senior people in Whitehall who were asking about Barclays, why were they asking, who were they acting for ?
Not only is the Guardian finding its policy of no compulsory redundancies ‘untenable’, it seems it won’t be borrowing money to keep staff on and thus provide a boost to the economy, a policy it seems to wholeheartedly support when its only taxpayers’ money at stake.
Oh dear, real world economics – ain’t it a bitch….
Good news everyone! Completely impartial Trevor Philips will be impartially presenting a program on Radio 4 today about the supposed rise of Islamic extremism in Europe….
No, just kidding, it’s about the rise of the Far Right in Europe and why it hasn’t happened in Britain. Surely not as a result of the good work of the Race Hustling Industry of which Armani Trev is such a well renumerated member?
It’s a bit of a glass ½ full or ½ empty. Olmert was cleared of the corruption charges (or perhaps more accurately the prosecution did not make a case beyond all reasonable doubt) but convicted on one charge considered technical of not declaring an interest. It seems unlikely he will do any gaol time.
I wonder when the BBC – or the Times for that matter – is going to inform the punters about the latest tax avoidance news uncovered by Guido and The Express to the effect that EU pensioners (eg Mandy and Kinnock) pay (or will pay) a maximum of 8% to the EU on their EU pensions and nothing to the UK Treasury. Currently (12:40) there’s appears to be nothing concerning this on the BBC website.
“Three “[ Muslim] “men ‘planned to attack English Defence League.’
Expect this to be reported fairly by BBC-NUJ, as well as by rest of NUJ nationally, as this trade union is politically committed to opposing the English Defence League.
According to Glasgow University Media Group? Oh please, that’s about as valid an analysis as Lenin reviewing the Russian Revolution. The authors of this “study” (updated from 2004 – how exactly?) have shown themselves to be anti-israeli on more than one occasion. A swift Google search will reveal Greg Philo’s true inclinations in his Guardian articles (also the organ of choice of Media Lens’ David Cromwell – surprise surprise!). This book was shown to be a travesty on its initial publication; I would be surprised (but hopeful – yet doubtful) if the “updated” version has corrected the many historical inaccuracies it contained. So thanks degree, but propaganda is still just that, however you dress it up as “academic” research.
I’m sure someone pointed out this article earlier. “Three men ‘planned to attack English Defence League’“. I can’t find it now, not least because this site is so bloody slow today.
But I had to laugh at this lower down the article.
“Our correspondent says the defendants, all with dark hair and beards…”
Was that a wee dig at what the BBC will and won’t allow them to say?
The BBC reports on attempts to prevent the execution of a dog called Lennox who has been held by Belfast City Council for two years and is about to be killed within hours. Throughout the campaign the BBC have taken a pro-BCC line and now that public opinion – over 200,000 signatures collected, peaceful demonstrations in Belfast and New York – indicate a massive recognition of injustice, the BBC continue to smear the campaign. See the piece by dog behaviour expert Victoria Stillwell and how it conflicts with todays mixture of smears and facts from the BBC. http://positively.com/2012/07/04/lennoxs-last-chance/
The BBC have modified their report after intervention by the First Minister, but still find an opportunity to discredit a peaceful and law abiding mass protest. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-18778793
On the six o’clock news the BBC were spinning the tale of Barnet Council, predicting that in eight years the crisis in public sector funding that there will only be funds for social services for the young and the old and nothing else. The report then joins the dots of a warning for all local councils and spins it that way.
The report completely lacked the context for Barnet Council who lost close to 30 Million pounds in a dodgy Icelandic banking system.
With that information, the story is less BBC tub-thumping and perhaps that is why they left the context out of the narrative in the first place.
Have been following the current Honour Killing trial at Chester Cown Court: in the last six reports on the BBC website the word ‘honour killing’ and Islam do no occur on a single occasion. We are also told that Shafilea was murdered because her parents believed that her wish to lead a westernised lifestyle brought shame on the family. It was, in fact, her desire to lead an un-Islamic lifestyle that got her murdered but somehow that particular subtlety is lost in the BBC version.
The phrase ‘honour killing’ does occur (for the moment) on today’s relevant search results web page – under ‘elsewhere on the web’ in he right hand margin – the API headline their account: “Mother accuses husband of honor killing”!
Listen to Philip Stott on Radio Four at 9pm. We may find out whether the BBC has changed position on its Climate Change policy, and will now allow the idea that sceptics are NOT the Enemies of Science, even if they are scientists sceptical of the assumption that man-made carbon dioxide rules Climate Change.
‘He also discovers how the scepticism of science differs from the scepticism within science – and how the principle of scepticism can be abused by those who wish to undermine an area of science, applying the principle unevenly to doubt what they don’t like yet remaining uncritical of that which matches their personal prejudices’.
I think we can guess who the ‘abusers’ are going to be.
I’ve given up trying to explain any of this to BBC researchers, who have spent two years wanting me to rage against the Lib Dems on grounds that they’re too radical. There was an especially funny moment when I was interviewed by Stephen Sackur on HardTalk. The exchange had plainly been scripted in advance as ‘foam-flecked Right-winger tears into Cameron’, and poor Sackur kept struggling on with questions in this vein quite oblivious to the answers they were eliciting.
the daily Anti-Israel article from the bBC Hamas in Gaza pin hopes on Mursi’s election in Egypt On a sweltering July afternoon in Gaza City, Ghazi Hamed leans back in his chair and kicks off his shoes.
He stretches out his legs towards a large fan whirring in the corner of his office. He seems keen to cool his toes.
Hamas’ deputy foreign minister is hot but he is not bothered. A smile creeps across his neatly trimmed salt and pepper beard. He’s very much in the pink.”Everyone is celebrating. We are very happy. It was wonderful,” he smiles.…The new voice, the new regime in Egypt will be more supportive for the Palestinians. Not only for Hamas but for the whole Palestinian question,” says Mr Hamed. Another reason for his upbeat mood, Mr Hamed says is what is good for Hamas, is bad for Israel.”Israel is more isolated now. It has lost its most important friend in the Middle East. Things will not be like under Hosni Mubarak.”…“Because Palestinians are under Israel’s occupation may be why Hamas became a militant organisation dedicated to fighting that occupation. But at the end of the day both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt subscribe to the same principles.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism for the day and the reason why anti-semitism is rife in the UK
Wait, so maybe some guys will ban for 50 others to buy a Mac. That is the news? The TOP WORLD news?
It must be a fatal coincidence that Greenpeace is just fighting its battle with Apple on environmental agenda…
As anyone at the bottom of the article can tell you this is simply not news.
Imposing the editors’ high moral ground to the world at large? Does this qualify as ‘journalism’ at the Beeb nowadays?
They told me they did not have any Scientific Investigative Journalists at the BBC. They haven’t got a single science journalist of the quality of Donna Laframboise, and she is a French-Canadian writer and investigative journalist who specialises in feminism not science.
JohnCFeb 27, 01:32 Midweek 26th February 2025 Nah – that has to be from a carry-on film. It just needs the Benny Hill theme tune over the…
taffmanFeb 27, 01:05 Midweek 26th February 2025 I think that Nigel Farage will be the nemesis of Starmer?
ZephirFeb 27, 00:09 Midweek 26th February 2025 Plently of pensioners around here now that know how to stop sniffles whilst cooking a rat, keeping a rifle warm…
ZephirFeb 27, 00:03 Midweek 26th February 2025 Ahh yes I think I saw this as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGbvctOg5l0
ZephirFeb 26, 23:56 Midweek 26th February 2025 @ Eddie your video deleted or something so, meanwhile Sherlocks in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugn1_vQK26Q
JohnCFeb 26, 23:54 Midweek 26th February 2025 Large crowd seen greeting Palestinian prisoners in West Bank https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cm2n973y2ext Hooray !. How lovely. ‘It’s hard to get a scale…
Inside a knife-point mugging By Tom Symonds.
Picture of a white guy in handcuffs?
Having grown up in south london, I’ll wager thie perpetrator was not white. Street robbery is a black cultural phenomenon in modern times. Sorry, but it just is.
There’s no need to apologise. Anyone with half a brain knows you’re simply stating a fact.
And they use a picture of a white mugger with a knife further down.
It was in North London not South though.
If it was not a white mugger (and knife-wielding muggers in London are overwhelmingly black) then this is dishonest reporting and the author should not be taken seriously as a journalist.
The problem more likely lies with the editor or sub-editor or picture editor at the BBC website. Reflecting the ingrained BBC line – “we must never show minorities in a bad light, whatever the facts of the matter”
I am convinced that there is a disproportionate number of BBC website staff from minorities. Exercising bias and distortion and censorship on a daily basis. In collusion with the rest of the woolly-minded leftie useless idiots.
I’m a bit worried why you all keep referring to the alleged perpetrator in this case as from an ‘ethnic minority’. All the pictures of family life, schools, street interviews and especially the TV presenters that I see on television now are mostly non-white folks. I have therefore just assumed that most people in this country are now black or descended from black/brown people. In any case if they are not already the majority they will soon be.
Now I don’t of course have a problem with that but, as I am a white person, soon I will be an ‘ethnic minority’, that’s if I am not already, so, can I then have lots of free benefits and get out of jail free cards as well as being able to wander around upsetting other people and then, when they retaliate, pronounce “are you picking on me cause I is black? At the very least can I have one of those ‘race playing cards’ that are used with such devastating effect?
Yes but can you imagine the race row if the mugger had been white and they used pictures of a black man in handcuffs and with a knife?
All we want is a bit of honesty from the BBC.
“a bit of honesty from the BBC”?
Is that as well as just a little bit of patriotism?
Or understanding that the offensive ‘austerity’ word really means pay your way?
Or ending every report on the Tory’s with a thick Labour spokes-peculiar in full attack mode?
Or just once in my lifetime admitting that they have not got it all about right?
And on top of that they then demand that we pay them for the privilege of having our intelligence insulted, or go to prison?
They are biased, smug, overpaid and relish dumbing down everything, even the queen’s pageant and all we expect is “a bit of honesty.”?
The whole sorry mess of them should be put to work digging the next London Airport runway and then put on a plane to China to claim political asylum.
I believe the correct term is “Spokesgenderqueer” or “Spokes*”.
That photo is a severe case of disgusting political correctness…. it really is – they wouldn’t dare put an ethnic minority in hand cuffs (unless, of course, the article was about the ‘racist’ Met police force). It is a fact that ethnic minorities commit well over half of all knife/murder crime in London so using whites in handcuffs is a pathetic, infantile but typical Left-wing ploy aimed at trying to retain the multicultural swindle. They’ll be using photos of whites in England shirts next for Jihadi terrorist stories!
Can’t recall the BBC covering this story…
Has anyone else noticed with the BBC that if the alleged perpetrator is white, like in the John Terry case, it is a full blown media assault before the jury even get a chance to sit down and have a cup of tea. Conversely, if the alleged perpetrators are Muslim or from an ethnic minority it is firmly INNOCENT until proven guilty (which, like in the disgusting grooming gang epidemic, basically means we don’t hear anything until the culprits are led out of the court in handcuffs!)
How many times has David Gregory come here to argue that it is improper to release details of the accused when there is a case pending or under way ?
Since when has a pending verdict stopped the MSM?
The odious BBC want the indigenous people to disappear (especially the working class English who’ve had to put up with intolerable left-wing antics more than anyone else) it’s that bloody simple and I’m sick of it; I am also sick of all these intellectuals trying to define what’s happening when we all know the truth! The socialist UAF are racist SS thugs dressed up as ‘peaceful hippies’ and they do the BBC, Guardian and Liebour’s foul and revolting bidding. I’m telling you all that the Islamo-Left are all despots and will stop at nothing until their loathsome and repugnant ideological objectives are achieved. The only hope is if we Christians have faith in the Lord and try to convert Muslims before we become kebab meat!
It’s not that it’s improper, it’s contempt of court and illegal. You are slightly relying on the views of the Attourney General pre a trial and some papers in particular have pushed that envelope. Once the trial is underway you can only report what’s been said. I know I do point out on here when people say stuff that’s technically contempt, but honestly on a small blog like this you’re probably safe. Twitter is becoming a very different matter. I think you’ll see a Twitter user in court for contempt sooner rather than later. There’s a solid article on this in The Guardian (I know!) today. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/jul/09/john-terry-case-twitter
I haven’t followed the Terry case very closely but the report I just saw on the Ten seemed exactly what you would expect. Is there some other example where you think the BBC has been in contempt reporting this one?
If what ye say of foul contempt be true then the BBC would be brought to book first, for they surely affect the opinions and tone of the country more than a simple but honest meeting place such as this. Comment here be true and clear even if it be foul certain times… so, vex us not with warning sof contempt when only truth be told.
Cranmer does it better.
The Terry case is an interesting one. Terry has a number of black collegues in both the C….a team and the England team.
Not one of them has openly called him a racist. So why do the BBC?
Plus I have yet to see any acknowledgement of the relationship between Terry’s accuser and the man Terry replaced as England captain. Is there perhaps a motive there? Use the BBC for your news and you will never be told.
I stand corrected. But was it headline news or relegated to a regional link?
As usual it was buried deep down on some obscure regional link after being headline news for about one nanosecond… imagine the nuclear fallout if the perpetrators were white working class Christians and the victims Muslims!?
Well that’s one of three separate stories done on the trial so far. They’re labelled “Shropshire” in the link because of the Telford connection. I don’t know how long they spent on the English Regions index or even the front page. It may indeed be a “nanosecond” or it may be much longer. From a quick google the trial is ongoing so I’d image we’ll hear more.
Eddie Mair (or as he’s known in Scotland – Eddie Less) interviewed the mugged journo who is now a Tory of course.
Boy were they both limbo-dancing away from the ethnicity of the perp.
We *know* the mugger was not white because if he had been, assuredly would they have mentioned his skin colour.
I heard Symonds being interviewed by Mair about this on ‘PM’. When asked to give a description of the mugger to the police he used weasel words along the lines of ‘wearing a hood so couldn’t see his face’ and, of course, never mentioned skin colour. Hands could have been a giveaway, of course, or even his voice, and perhaps if he was black he told the police so. However, for the purposes of his BBC reporting, let’s just stick to the guidelines, eh?
As for the picture of the white mugger – another fine job by the Ministry of Truth.
Very convenient, no, that the mugger was ‘masked’ and the journo was able to recognise him ‘from his build’. Was he a hunchback then? And be honest, who ever heard of a mugger wearing a mask? Not me.
This journo has been doing the rounds of the studios with his ‘scoop’. Well his own employer’s studios at any rate.
It’s a shame this fearless Pulitzer Prize Winner-manque couldn’t string together a few hundred honest words where his mugger was unmasked and *gasp* black.
BBC Always Happiest When *we’re* The Story.
INBBC did report online on Ms Lewthwaite, jihadist (May, 2012).
Perhaps INBBC would care to update its report, using information available below.
(I understand that INBBC would not want to publicise this on 7 July.)
“‘My husband terrorised disbelievers… And I will incite others’: Chilling terror notes of the 7/7 bomber’s widow who began life as a Home Counties schoolgirl”
by Barbara Jones.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2170301/Samantha-Lewthwaite-Chilling-terror-notes-7-7-bombers-widow-began-life-Home-Counties-schoolgirl.html#ixzz2079FpHPP
“Samantha Lewthwaite ‘recruiting all-women terror squads’.
“Samantha Lewthwaite, the British terror suspect on the run from police in East Africa, is in Somalia recruiting and training all-women attack squads, The Daily Telegraph has learnt. ”
by Mike Pflanz, in Mombasa.
For INBBC, on where it over-excitedly reported the birth of the
‘Arab Spring’:-
“Tunisia: New party demands ‘that Sharia be inscribed as the sole source of legislation'”
I turned on the car radio yesterday which was set to the glue that holds the fabric of society together (radio 4 to you and me). Unfortunately as I was otherwise engaged trying to prevent young Mohandas from throttling himself with his seatbelt, I had to suffer a whole minute of the truly insufferable Paddy O’ Connell, or as he’s known in these parts, Victor Derbyshire.
Paddy fancies himself as a ‘humorist’ – which as we all know is Radio 4-speak for ‘smug, funny as necrotizing fasciitis, pretrendy leftie’. cf Clive Anderson, Sandi Toksvig et al
Anyhoo he was straight in with,
‘Fred Perry didn’t like posh boys did he’.
Gotta, lurve, that ‘posh boys’. In droid-speak this usually refers to David Cameron or George Osborne. But in this case the phrase was clearly used in its wider droid-context to refer to anyone who goes/went to a private school where the fees are higher than the private school I’m sending my kids too.
Dreary Victor is a prime example of public sector producer capture. In the same way that Scargill thought the mines were solely there to provide jobs and perks for miners, the BBC thinks it is solely there to provide jobs and perks for its workers.
I mean surely no-one anywhere considers Victor remotely entertaining.
lol 🙂 I would much rather attend a fee paying school than be coerced into subsidizing a fee paying TV station; they’re kinda one-and-the-same thing in way. The BBC’s unbridled hypocrisy knows no bounds.
“they’re kinda one-and-the-same thing in way” – well, I don’t get much of an education from the BBC I have to tell you; I’d rather spend my £145.00 on CDs or UFO conspiracy DVDs myself!
Couldn’t resist posting this from Saturday’s Grauniad by Andrew Martin. Any nominations for the “comedians” he’s on about?
Eric Sykes rated Izzard highly, but he told me he found much modern comedy smug or, as he put it, “fireproof”. I think he meant he was against the “high status” comedian: the patter merchant who points out the foibles of everyone else from some Olympian height. This fireproof character is well in with the broadcasting executives, and is not a comedian due to some life event, but because he chose to become one while at university. We know who they are. They tend to occupy the accursed comedy slot on Radio 4 at 6.30pm on a weekday. Their schtick has the lineaments of humour – timing, punchlines, observations – but it doesn’t actually make you laugh. Or they crop up on panel shows, where they lounge about being quite funny, but seeming lazy, overentitled. In their own later years, the Goons had a word for the successful, confident comedian who had a distinctive persona that was inflicted on the audience in an almost bullying manner: they called it “achieved comedy.” These sorts of performers are usually not personally eccentric, perhaps because nothing has made them so.
Andrew Martin, The Guardian 07/07/12
Any who appear on ‘The News Quiz’. Smug, unadulterated Leftism.
Good article, though, and highly un-Guardianist.
So bloody true as well… I simply don’t find the middle class ego humour funny at all; give me Only Fools and Horses any day!
Guys, with reference to an earlier piece by Alan , on our cuddly little moozie chums, please try not to let the trolls drag the discussion off piste.
Anyone who hasn’t worked out that they really are
a) not very nice people
b) that they are economic migrants who should be re-patriated
really isn’t worth arguing semantics with.
” really isn’t worth arguing semantics with.”
Sorry to not agree, but i think it IS!
just sayin:
Well gee thanks guys, I can see by the comments count ya’all agree with backwoodsman. Never again shall I annoy the trolls.
In fact I think i’ll get a new ID: Ah I know….how about ze big ole doinker!
If the BBC was a supermarket, would you shop there ?
For example :
A non-returnable £145.50 to release your Mecca facing Trolly and off we go inside.
Past the curdling milk, being careful not to step in the blood on the floor from the recently slaughtered Hal-Lal offers, on to the decaying vegetables (Toynbee’s Tuscan Surprise, Shoutie’s mouth-man-melon, Dame Nikky’s 2 incher and VD’s best effort with mangetout).
Self opinionated staff wearing tea-towels on their head ignoring your request for where the beans are, as they are far too busy phoning Pakistan inviting their friends to come over and enjoy the “party”.
Only in a state funded shop such as this could they afford to keep the lights on.
There is currently no process to bring the Retailer of far left ideology to explain themselves what a bargin they think they are at the checkout.
Don’t the stupid Tories realise that even they have to be re-elected.
Buy One daft left idea, get One free.
More goods to be consigned to the Reduced To Clear Cabinet.
If you enjoyed your left wing shopping experience with the BBC, you must be an employee. </b.
Yes, I probably would.
Because I’d be subsidising it anyway through the levy I’d have to pay everytime I went to Sainsburys or Tesco’s.
i posted this yday as the al beeb SML programme was on.
“worst bias for a long time, on SML
so orchestrated phones in on “tell mama” by politically minded muslim females – reports al beeb 1 cause islamo FAUX bia ? ? ?
immediately conflating BNP – EDL …. why? …
… there are 14 arrests in the past week, by muslims intent on mass murder …
you literally couldn t make it up … apparently an EDL protest was a target for a bomb! …
anyone from the EDL given an opportunity to reply?.
i m just waiting for a nonsense caller, with a “orrible” story , to be trumped up for propaganda purposes..
(shakes head!) ”
despite this snivelling and biased tosh, the phone in vote
(yet again 😀 ), records that the viewing public strongly disagree … reasons?.
shafiq, apologist extraodinaire, yet again here, dismissively whines no phone in goes for the muslims
point of view … apparently the fault of people exercising their freedom of speech 😀
who ought to be 😀 more respectful, cause no offence ya da ya da ya da!.
maybe “respect” has to be earned?, maybe offence is a two way street? … deceit, violence, refusing to admit a multitude of faults, GENUINE fascist/religious/racial hatred is ok for a “so called” religion today in Pakistan, but … NOT here …
you want to quit whining moh!, you ll never have a better chance of winning favour than with al bbc, totally biased/doctored in your favour … you are after all “the go to guy” 😀 maybe you can t fool all the people all the time eh!
the overiding result, was that brits don t blame the media for reporting islamic fascists, and their abhorrent aims, of mass murder, etc. they don t believe they cause the “unicorn” of islamo FAUX bia.
not even going to mention al bbc in the same breath.
Remember when the second world war started, the BBC was totally against Churchill, they wanted ‘appeasement’, were against Jewish refugees coming here and were pro Hitler. More of the same.
Personally I think the only difference between the national socialists and today’s kind (beeb/guardian/labour etc) is that the latter persecute majority populations too, and not just Jews.
File this under ‘Beeboids: Smarter Than You’: Countyfile had a segment on yesterday’s show about Chartwell, the country house where Churchill could go to escape the pressures of being ‘Head of State’….
Just attached the link below of the John Terry alleged race incident headline on the BBC’s webpage… Would be interesting to hear your views people. Retaliating with name calling (when another player provokes you about an extra-marital affair) in the heat of a hot-tempered football match and one will get the whole BBC/MSM book chucked at you, – even before the jury verdict is out! However, ‘Asian’ grooming gangs raping young teenagers after plying them with drink and drugs will find themselves hidden away on some regional link or perhaps top of the national news page for an afternoon/evening only. In this day and age, if you call someone names then you get Hellfire and Brimstone from the pulpit. However, kill someone, be a paedo or openly shout out your Muslim terrorist credentials and you get the restorative practice treatment and help from Big Brother.
On its pompous, leftist, self-congratulatory College of Journalism site the BBC boasts that its hacks learn writing and editing with the best journalists in the business. The following is, however, only one of numerous dodgy errors of grammar that often nowadays bedevil BBC reports, in this case an incorrect pronoun from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-18624350
“The richest woman in the world, according to a respected business magazine, is not Oprah Winfrey, Queen Elizabeth II or L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. It’s a relatively unknown Australian mining magnate. “
It’s common knowledge that extremist Left-wing socialists don’t believe in grammar, punctuation or arithmetic or any other challenging criteria, for that matter, which might discriminate against an individual’s intellectual capacity – or lack of ; all in society MUST BE EQUAL, even if this means incompetence prevailing! That’s why our education system has completely collapsed; the Left-wing destroy everything they get their hands on and despise competition. Child-centered claptrap, the explosion in Specific Learning Difficulties (Labels such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Discalculia, Oppositional Defiance Disorder – a particular favourite of mine – removes the responsibility of the parent and student and transfers it onto society), the dumbing down of exams and a the increasingly taboo sense of pride in individual achievement (individualism = bad, collaborative learning and inclusion = good) has meant that anyone born in the late ’70s, the ’80s and onwards and who attended state school probably left having some deficits in basic technical aspects required in rudimentary literacy and numeracy; my wife is a teacher and she regularly informs me of their lack of focus on technical/core skills.
The trendy curriculum has replaced the methodical, boring but reliable and so on. The BBC are mired in this socialist and advocacy education movement; it’s written in their DNA so no wonder they can’t spell or determine an object from a subject lol 🙂
“Oppositional Defiance Disorder”
Please tell me you made that up!
Ha ha, unfortunately no mate! lol 🙂 Its definition is thus: refusing to listen to and follow instructions because of emotional, social and behavioural difficulties! I’d like to say, ‘you couldn’t make it up’ but someone has 🙂 lol
Good God, I’ve had “Oppositional Defiance Disorder” all my life, only I called it being bloody-minded and independent. Now that I’m self-diagnosed with a twendy acronym problem – ODD 🙂 – does that entitle me to lots of lovely state handouts? Call my bank manager!
They did have a cure for this condition and it was called a cane.
Presume the condition is preferable.
When I was at school, kids with that condition were called “divs” or “mongs” – and that’s by the teachers. Sounds like the same thing to me…
Funny that none of these “syndromes” or disorders mentioned above(ADD,ADHA,ODD etc)-are never exhibited when the little angels are playing football, on their laptops in the “lessons”: or -otherwise-doing something easy and fun.
Wonder why?
These labels are basically an excuse for the Left to hide behind, a smokescreen aimed at diverting attention away from their foolish removal of discipline, traditional teaching methods and a rigorous curriculum. If a child is diagnosed with Green Parrot Underwater Ceramics Operational Disorder then that removes the pressure and burden of teaching from incompetent schools and ensures a spike in their examination results.
I once saw a leftist demand someone stop using the word ‘stupid’ because it’s offensive – to the stupid.
I’d hate to be referred to as “It”!
Refraining from using gender-specific pronouns must be the new trend on the Left:
Harvard Picks First BGLTQ Director
Harvard has appointed Vanidy “Van” Bailey as the College’s first permanent director of bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer student life. Bailey, the assistant director for education at the University of California, San Diego, will assume the new position on July 16.
Key bit in the Correction at the end:
An earlier version of this article used the pronoun “she” to refer to Vanidy “Van” Bailey, the newly appointed director of bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer student life. In fact, Bailey prefers not to be referred to by any gendered pronoun.
So “it” it is.
Bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer! All at once? OMG! I must scour my Karma Sutra to discover the most appropriate “position” for this brave new world
I remember filling in an application form for a job and one of the questions in the Equal Opportunities section (surprise surprise) requested my ‘sexual orientation’, to which I responded, ‘I’m not fussy… North, South, East and West… basically 360 degrees! I should have avoided the cursed pronoun because I didn’t get the job 🙁
I’m pretty sure it’s not legal to ask anyone’s sexual orientation(s) on an employment form. Could be in line for lots of lovely compensation.
I always thought Lesbians were gay and Gays were queer. But what do I know?
Sub groups within sub groups I guess. This is what happens when a culture starts sub-dividing into smaller and smaller interest groups. In the words of every university dept. seeking further funding: “More research is needed before a definitive answer can be given”.”
Like that joke particle. Bit odd that it de-materialises every time you want to look at it. And it starts out as a field that spans the universe? What, like ether?
Talk about “Pissed old hack falls for scientific bullshit”.
Except you can do experiments to look for the both the Higgs and ether.
Ooh, non-gendered pronouns are always fun. Which is it then, zie, xe, hir, ey or usko?
I thought this was a joke but actually it isn’t.
Words fail me.
On the 8.00am News this morning the reader said, “the deputy Chairman of Barclays is said to have telephoned Diamond about the LIBOR Inter Bank Interest rate”. This shows that he is totally ignorant of what he is saying, the letters stand for “London Interbank Offered Rate”, thus repeating what he had just said but worse since it is the rate they offer to other banks one would expect the Chairman to talk to his CEO. No one seems to realise that the word “Offered” is in there or that several banks decide on the average Rate which is reported publicly. And they get paid for this!
They won’t let the truth get in the way of a good banker-bashing, class-war inciting story.
INBBC’s deliberately confusing headline and report:
“Nigeria violence: Plateau politicians die at funeral”
What sort of ‘violence’, INBBC? Oh, shooting, you imply.
Were the perpetrators MUSLIM?Oh yes, you imply.
Were the victims CHRISTIANS, again? Apparently?
INBBC continues to tout its political line that the violence is sectrarian, ignoring the long Islamic jihad violence from Muslims in the north over centuries, and continuing.
‘Jihadwatch’ has this straightforfward headline for same murders:
“Nigeria: Muslims murder Christian politicians during funeral”
The BBC’s obfuscation is made easier by the Nigerian government’s denial of the obvious, perhaps in the hope that if you don’t see it it is not there.
Not for INBBC:-
“Terrorists Target EDL Demonstration”
This is the sort of town Dewsbury, Yorkshire has become:-
“The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury”
-by Danny Lockwood
First question is: what is there to stop it spreading?
Second question is: if and when it does, what status do their leftie sympathisers think they will have in the new Islamic order? (Know what you’re thinking – same as the rest of us: starts with a ‘d’ and ends with an ‘i’.)
The answer is DHIMMI, and I claim my £5.
Defined for me so eloquently by me sir me sir
Took long enough to write it tho’
John Terry’s racism trial seems to be getting plenty of coverage on R5. Perhaps this will be some confort to the Beeboids who sadly for them didn’t get the expected racism at the Euro footy championships.
The trial is for ‘racial abuse’, so on the bBC, web article they are dropping the word ‘racist’ all over the place. Suits me to go along with their adhoc definition. So if they show pictures of white people rioting, when the vast majority were black. Then I can accuse the bBC of being racist.
No you can’t. It’s not possible to be racist against white people.
That’s anti-racism. Which is good.
The only thing that came ‘home in a coffin’ from Euro 2012 was, yet again, Panorama’s reputation. The nonsense that was ‘Stadiums of Hate’ was excellently slagged off by spiked-online. ‘But reality clearly did not suit the Panorama script. For the PC Westerners to feel really, really superior, Panorama needed to create the inferior savages from the East. Hence the bizarre sight of the show’s wallyish presenter accompanying a Ukranian far-right activist, Vlad the Implausible, on a trip to a woods for some knife-fight training. This consisted of about a dozen prats in army fatigues rolling around on the floor. It was closer to Dad’s Army than the Fourth Reich.’ Those lads must have seen the dozy beeboids, & their cash, coming. The entire programme, down to its portentous music, risible commentary & ludicrous conclusion would, in more humourous, less PC-infected times, have collected a comedy award. Solly Campbell’s Flying Circus.
Well said mate. I too noticed that the horrific racism and fascist terror the BBC was wetting the bed about was, in fact, non-existent as far as I could see. The holier-than-thou BBC went looking for it almost to the extent of making up scenarios. The upper-class Guardian-reading trendy liberals are a disgusting sanctimonious breed, they really are.
“Vlad the Implausible”
Very good.
The the only violence at the EuroCup was the Poles fighting the Russians when the he Russians decided to hold a Russia Day March in Warsaw.
Not exactly a good idea, a bit like trying to hold an Orange March in Dublin.
Today, I finally got round to watching the third episode of Divine Women with Bettany Hughes. For those who don’t know the programme is about ‘the hidden history of women in religion.’ According to one Islamic scolar, women played an active role in Islam and Muhamed wanted women to play an equal role in religion – ‘both are branches of the same tree.’ Why did the role of women change? According to another academic it changed because of Islams conquest – ‘a lot of very negative views of women were taken on from the neighbouring cultures which they had conquered.’ So there you go – the reason Muslims are such misogynists is the fault of everyone else! Mind you that’s muslims, it’s always someone else’s fault. It continued ‘women were in terrible conditions’ some 100 years after Muhamed’s death. A hundred years! So you’re telling me that a 100 years after Islam’s conquest of the middle east, women were treated like shit because of the cultures they conquered rather than the culture of Islam. The number of wives (the rulers had) were in the hundreds as were the number of female slaves. Isn’t it in the Koran that a man can take more than one wife? Is this still the fault of the conquered territories culture? ‘Women were thought of as so inferior and they need to be silent and they shouldn’t have any kind of rights whatever … Aisha wouldn’t take very well to being told to move to the back of the room. ‘ replied a muslim woman in a headscarf missing the irony.
Later Hughes talked about Hilda who championed learning in 7th century anglo-saxon Northumbria. Apparently she taught five bishops from the abbey at Whitby. When education moved to universities from abbeys many centuries later women no longer benefited from education. Hughes continued ‘it wasn’t until 1920 that a woman could be awarded a university degree … I’m sure Hilda would have been horrified.’ This is an odd statement that we hear a lot – it’s quite possible that Hilda , an abbess, would be horrified at the thought of women at universities – this was after all a 7th century woman. To conclude it’s was a load of feni-nazi crap. I quite like Bettany Hughes but it’s not because of her historical musings, it’s because of her massive tits! I’m pretty sure she’d be horrified at that!
Bettany Hughes tends to get her history from reading Dan Brown novels. And the first woman to receive a doctorate degree was Elena Cornaro Piscopia from Padua in 1678.
And the BBC gets its economics from reading Gordon Brown novels.
And two of those were written by a Beeboid: Robert Peston.
+James, she meant Oxford university but she wasn’t being entirely honest – ‘ women were not admitted to membership of Oxford university until 1920 although they had been allowed to sit some university exams and attend lectures for over 40 years by that date.’ How unenlightened of us (was her gist I imagine).
Maybe she writes the scripts for Horrible Histories, too.
You really couldn’t make up this trash, but someone obviously does – what’s more it’s coming to the curriculum in a school near you….
Radio4 Extra has started running the Horrible Histories. Total tosh, really bad radio-for-dunces if the fist installment (Groovy Greeks) is anything to go by,
BBC – we pay them under duress to dumb down our culture
The ‘fist’ installment John? Sounds right up my street!
Each to his own !
An article on the BBC website in which Muslim polygamy is described as rife in the UK and in which the writer studiously avoids the basic fact that the institution is clearly and fundamentally inimical to equality of rights for women and as such, should not be allowed to exist here.
People may argue for personal freedom on the issue but a culture has to draw the line somewhere.
While the article highlights the scandal of using Islamic Nikah ceremonies to marry extra spouses
which are not recognised under British law, the writer gives the impression that Muslim women are victims of the institution not being operated properly – not of polygamy itself and hence of Islam.
Note also the way the last (and lengthy) last word on the subject is given to an MCB spokesman who gives away his attitude to the need for honesty when addressing the kuffar by saying that he did not think there were many polygamous marriages in he UK. The rest is just soft soap and whitewash from this imam belonging to a group so hardline that the government no longer gives them a grant and which is closely connected to the East London Mosque, which many people argue should not receive any government money either.
The conspicuous marginal quote which he reader will see first is from this guy:
“What Islam does not allow is the mistreatment of women, full stop” – Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, Muslim Council of Great Britain.
Mistreatment appears to be one of the many words which mean what Muslims say they mean – as opposed to how the rest of the human race defines them – as the Koran specifically allows and indeed recommends the physical chastisement of disobedient wives.
The whole piece of writing sums up the mealy mouthed attitude of the BBC towards Islam which has the effect of not just excusing it but almost exalting it.
Notice, too, how the case is tucked away on the Berkshire local section.
I love how they found a local Conservative party leader for their poster boy. As you say, the message here is that there’s nothing wrong with polygamy, it’s just a few bad apples ruining it for everyone.
“Dr Shahian said: “Islam does not allow deceit and lies”
his nose is growing 😀
“What Islam does not allow is the mistreatment of women, full stop” – Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, Muslim Council of Great Britain
HIS nose is growing 😀
“Shaheeda, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, said she asked her husband to register their marriage
A few months later she came home and found that the locks to her front door had been changed and that she had been thrown out of her home.
I was homeless. I took legal action but I got nothing,” explained Shaheeda. “I had been paying the mortgage on our home but the house was not in my name so I lost everything.”
Eventually, Shaheeda moved back home with her family.
‘It was as though the marriage had never happened. It was the worst time of my life,” she added.
al bbc shameful islamic protectionism
yet again,
”It is a major problem in the community,” insisted Dr Siddiqui
hmmm ……… another one
Indeed the link to the connected story is given as “Two wives’ Tory chief given tag” – almost as though it was more the fact that the man was a Tory than any other factor that caused him to go in for this sort of thing.
“What Islam does not allow is the mistreatment of women, full stop” – Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, Muslim Council of Great Britain.
So a bullet in the head for alleged adultery is okay then.
or axing off the heads of a mother and then of her 2 children ? Islamic justice last week in Afghanistan.
or treating a raped young girl as an adulterer and stoning her to death ?
“Allah Punished the Jews throughout History (refering to the Nazis),and Will Use the Islamic Nation to Punish Them Again,”.
“He punished them by means of the Germans, and before that by means of the Romans. Today, it is the turn of the Islamic nation to punish them once again.”
….WAIT A MINUTE 😀 … wheres that whitman, scezz, dez, and scotty
re – Alans excellent national socialist thread eh!
If I was the Muslims I wouldn’t upset the jews. Or Israel will send Islam back to its roots 1400 years ago herding goats in the Saudi Desert.
The bBC and its pick of so called defence experts.
Syria -Turkey tension: Conflicting arguments on Phantom
The bBC stuck between defending two Islamic countries conflates the subject matter at hand until you don’t know just what is happening I quote from the bBC choice of defence expert.
Sean O’Connor is a leading analyst of Soviet-style air defences. A former intelligence analyst with the US Air Force, he now teaches physics in a US college.
But in his spare time he has taught himself the skills needed to interpret satellite imagery and using open source pictures, he has built-up an encyclopaedic knowledge of the sorts of air defences used by a country like Syria.
OK so he knows what he is talking about I mean he comes out with this:
Mr Barrie is also intrigued by the type of Turkish aircraft that was involved. “Reports, as yet unconfirmed, that the variant of the F-4 Phantom aircraft shot down was a reconnaissance model, could also be interpreted as indicating an alternative mission,” he told me.
Err Mr Barrie all the Turkish F4s are of the RF-4E varient. In otherwords reconnaissance jets
and then he says this:
However Mr O’Connor notes that the Turks say the plane was some 13 nautical miles (24km) off the Syrian coast (just outside Syria’s 12 nautical-mile territorial limit) when engaged. If this distance is accurate, he says, then a radar-guided surface-to-air (SAM) system is the only possibility.”This could be a radar-guided SAM operating under optical guidance,” he notes, as Turkish reports indicate that there was no radar warning indication. “In this case, the Russian Pantsyr-S1E would be the logical weapon involved, although the 13-mile range represents the very outer limit of the system’s capability”.The Pantsyr-S1E is a relatively modern Russian air defence system that has been delivered to Syria in recent years.
You mean this Pantsyr-S1E which is a duel missile/gun system.
But hang on the bBCs expert doesn’t mention any gun system he just talks about missiles. However the Syrian claim they shot it down. Well if so why doesn’t the bBC mention that fact.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst. Who on this day when they report on how only 75% of the British read the news, leave out, that that is due to the pro-Islamic terrorist agenda they have been reporting from since 9/11
According to Turkish sources the crew were not using any electronic navigation systems at the time as the pilot allegedly knew the area well. It is believed that two areas of the coast line are similar.
Turkish air controllers contacted the pilot to warn him that he was actually in Syrian air space. No missiles trails or flash were witnessed and it is believed the aircraft was hit by groundfire and not a missile. Hence is flew some distance before crashing into the sea.
Good point. But why use an RF-4E a dedicated recce craft and why didn’t the Syrians use radar to track it.
Well the jist in the military world is that this was a signal from Russia to NATO. The reason they didn’t use Radar to track and target the F4 is to send the message that Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) by NATO won’t be as easy as it was in Libya as they have optical (passive) systems in place.
Which is why they set off lots of missiles yesterday. But while the media concentrated on the older missiles
P-5 Pyatyorka
P-15 Termit
They didn’t bother with reporting on this little beauty which the Syrians got their hand on 18 units last Christmas.
Go to 1.38
More on the earlier thread about direct correlations between Islam and National Socialism :
The Muslim Brotherhood formed in Egypt in the 1920s became very pally with Hitler’s regime.
When Rommel was threatening Cairo and the Suez Canal, many Egyptians especially the MB took the German side, would have liked to see the Brits defeated. You cannot ascribe this to “anti-colonialism” – how would German domination of Egypt be any less colonial than British ?
The BBC’s lack of true coverage of the Muslim Brotherhood and its objectives of a universal Caliphate has been deplorable. Almost every Islamist terrorist group has links in its origins to the Muslim Brotherhood – with Sayyid Qutb as a key figure , yet the BBC continues to treat the MB with reverence :
Click to access 353.pdf
The BBC wants to destroy White European Christian civilisation. They want to replace it with a Marxist/Islam world government. They will never suceed and will burn in the lake of fire for all eternity for what they are doing.
You know what Earls court, the day that Sharia law is openly enshrined into Uk law is the day I say f-ck it and go on the rampage. I will target Muslims, Mosques and liberals.
As an apostate from Allah I have to ensure that Muslims and their bBC lackeys know what it feels to be fearful of a death warrent on their heads. and the best part I will hand myself in afterwards and play the victim part. I mean if Muslims can do so after each Islamic terrorist incident why can’t i.
F-ing liberals the curse of the western world.
Islam is a false religion and like the left are Satan’s hand maidens. The left and the Muslims will not destroy thousands of years of European culture in a hundred years. God will destroy them and they will suffer for eternity.
Revelation mentions the False Prophet (Mohammed?), the desecration of the Temple (the Dome of the Rock?), Armageddon (Iran versus Israel?)…….maybe the author wasn’t on an acid trip after all.
Well to be Honest I don’t do any of this God business. I respect everybody’s right to worship who they please. Its when their sky pixies tell them to kill for the sake of killing that offends me and the bbC actually defends people who do so. While berating other peaceful religions.
The old ones are the best ones. Muslim group vows “to wipe Christianity from the face of the earth”
And I wish people would stop calling these psyhcos “islamists”. They are simply Muslims.
It’s the whole invented lexicon the lefties invent to cover up the issues.
Terrorists become gunmen or bombers.
Muslim becomes radicalised islamist (as if it’s our fault he’s radicalised)
Executed becomes died
Traitors at the INBBC
Bloody football. Who gives a shit?
From the “No Mirrors in Broadcasting House?” Dept.:
Jack Abramoff on CNN: Why does US TV book bad guys?
Jack Abramoff, a former lobbyist imprisoned for his role in a wide-ranging Washington corruption scandal, has appeared as a pundit on CNN. Why have US television networks turned into comeback springboards for disgraced public figures?
Yeah, I know, Nasaw works in the US and technically not at Broadcasting House, but you know what I mean. This has to be one of the least self-aware pieces from the BBC in quite some time.
Had to turn off the latest BBC 3 effort that shows the true mindset of how much The BBC hate young people in Britain today.
Why did dey young people riot innit ? dey rioted because Mark Duggan was innercent innit, dey rioted because it was de police’s fault innit, dey rioted because of David Cameron innit, Dey rioted because of white people innit ?
Beyond satire.
God, I hate The BBC so much.
The White House talking point about money continues to be dutifully passed on by the BBC. Yet another article about how Romney is raising more campaign cash than the poor, underdog President.
As always, no mention whatsoever that the President has Hollywood and all of the mainstream media working hard to re-elect Him. No amount of campaign cash can match the power of very single outlet except Fox News and a few local papers is in the tank for Him, plus all the celebrities praising Him, plus the majority of university faculty continuing the indoctrination of their students.
As long as the BBC continues to focus exclusively on campaign cash and refused to examine the close coordination between the White House and various media outlets, their reporting on this issue cannot be trusted to fairly depict what’s going on.
When Obama raises cash it is a sign of his popularity.
When Obama raises cash it is a sign of his popularity…or his hypocrisy
Having all the major networks (Fox is only cable) in your camp is worth hundreds of millions of dollars-worth of advertising” time to Obama. All the debates will be rigged, White House talking points are constantly fed to the TV hosts and presenters.
Two-faced CLEGG.
BBC-NUJ unable to point out how Clegg wants to trust the British people on Lords reform, but that he won’t trust the British people on a referendum on the E.U.
The EU is all about money and power without accountability for Clegg and his elite friends so let us just leave things as they are.
House of Lords reform is also probably about the same thing. The present system is not earning them enough so lets change it and start earning.
They really believe we are that stupid.
What is really appalling is their sense of entitlement disguised as a sincere belief in democracy. And they wonder why politicians have rarely been so despised.
can you imagine the BBC doing a ‘reality’ show of the Desperate Gay Housewives of London ‘town’
Over at A Tangled Web, David Vance has a quick post about how unemployment has dropped in every US State which elected a Republican governor in the Tea Party-driven surge in the 2010 election. 17 States elected a Republican governor that year, and every single one has seen a drop in unemployment since then. Somewhere, a Beeboid’s head just exploded.
Yet from the BBC, the President gets all the credit for any drop in unemployment. We’re talking about essentially one third of the country here benefiting from policies not favored by the President, and not given appropriate attention by the BBC. All of this will come as no surprise to those of us who remember that the BBC censored all news of the Republican-led States which saw a budget surplus a few months after the 2010 election, by cutting spending and not raising taxes. It was a viable alternative to the President’s tax-and-tax-and-spend-and spend policy, so they didn’t want to mention it.
Excuse what may be a dumb question. How much does the President of the United States determine the success of its economy and how much is the POTUS just one factor together with the legislature, the individual states, the world economy, private entrepreneurs, technological advance and the luck of the resource draw?
I’ve always accepted it as a given that a politician takes credit for the good even if he opposed it and blames his predecessor for the bad even if he previously supported it. The situation is more complicated that the BBC and most analysts credit it.
At 6.53pm I posted some comments and some googled links to websites dealing with the parallels between Islamism and National Socialism – and the Muslim Brotherhood’s links with Hitler’s Germany. For some reason it is not appearing on one of my PCs – on another PC it appears but is headed “Your comment is awaiting moderation”
What is happening, pray ? I thought what I had posted was factual and beyond dispute. If there is anything wrong with it, please let me know.
Cant see it on mine either?
I think if your post has a certain number of links (6 or more I think ??) it automatically goes to moderation. It should appear once it’s been moderated.
I’ve done it once or twice. If you have quite a few links to post you can just split your post up to avoid moderation.
Here is the post again – with fewer links :
More on the earlier thread about direct correlations between Islam and National Socialism :
The Muslim Brotherhood formed in Egypt in the 1920s became very pally with Hitler’s regime.
When Rommel was threatening Cairo and the Suez Canal, many Egyptians especially the MB took the German side, would have liked to see the Brits defeated. You cannot ascribe this to “anti-colonialism” – how would German domination of Egypt be any less colonial than British ?
The BBC’s lack of true coverage of the Muslim Brotherhood and its objectives of a universal Caliphate has been deplorable. Almost every Islamist terrorist group has links in its origins to the Muslim Brotherhood – with Sayyid Qutb as a key figure , yet the BBC continues to treat the MB with reverence :
Click to access 353.pdf
Yes; the ‘left’s political line is unless you are 100% supporters of the Turkish-Hamas invading flotilla, you are wrong.
‘JIHAD’: is the title of this episode of the excellent ‘World War One’ series currently being re-shown on ‘Discovery’ TV channel.
Turkey’s Muslims were in alliance with Germany, against Britain, before and during World War One.
I see the bbC has knocked out its daily anti-jew article.
Does Israel walk a thin line with West Bank oil drill?
While the search for oil beneath Israel has been going on for years, the most recently drilled well in the Meged oil field, on the edge of the West Bank, is raising concern that it might draw from untapped Palestinian reserves.
So reading the above do you get the impression from the bBc that the jews are stealing from Muslims.
The bBC, the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK
How typical of the BBC to infer that the Israelis have no right to investigate possible oil or gas fields within thier own borders… I am surprised they didn`t also accuse them of theft over thier proposed Israel/Cypriot venture off the South coast of Cyprus.. Turkey has already made false claims regarding the Leviathan gas field… Even though Turkish Cyprus is only recognised by Turkey.. They are saying it`s illegal for the Greek Cypriots in the south to exploit the resources off thier southern coast. Bear in mind that about 90% of the Turkish Cypriot population colonised Northern Cyprus after a Turkish Force invaded and tried to depose the ruling regime of the indigeonous Cypriots… I hate the BBC, I feel embarressed that the world mistakenly believes they represent the population of the UK.. They seem more pro Islamist than even Press TV lately..
When witnesses appeared at Leveson or at commons committees recently and they gave answers which run contrary to BBC memes then they have been described as ‘evasive’ or ‘defensive’.
When a poker-faced Bank of England official bats away suggestions that might embarrass Labour then the BBC newshounds/speakers of truth to power are suddenly and uncharacteristically more than happy to take his responses at face value.
Afterall the BBC meme on this is…
‘Chancellor George Osborne should apologise to Ed Balls for saying he had “questions to answer” over the Libor scandal’
A line paroted on 5 Live this morning and levered into an interview with a Tory MP who was actually there to talk about House of Lords reform. So the thought is very much the BBC thought for the day.
Just think about that argument for a moment – someone ought to apologise for saying a politician had questions to answer.
Doesn’t fit with other BBC commentary on the big issues of the day does it?
Bias and part of the BBC ‘Save the Labour 20 Campaign’
The Select Committee FAILED to press the question – exactly WHO were the senior people in Whitehall who were asking about Barclays, why were they asking, who were they acting for ?
If you like irony (and a really good laugh), read this about the BBC’s publishing arm:
Not only is the Guardian finding its policy of no compulsory redundancies ‘untenable’, it seems it won’t be borrowing money to keep staff on and thus provide a boost to the economy, a policy it seems to wholeheartedly support when its only taxpayers’ money at stake.
Oh dear, real world economics – ain’t it a bitch….
The words ‘dead horse’ and ‘flogging’ spring to mind:
Rachel Burden cheerleading for Prescott this morning after that nasty Fraser Nelson was quite rightly not that complimentary towards him
Next time any of you are asked your sexual orientation, there is a simple answer. Reply “I think I get it about right”.
Good news everyone! Completely impartial Trevor Philips will be impartially presenting a program on Radio 4 today about the supposed rise of Islamic extremism in Europe….
No, just kidding, it’s about the rise of the Far Right in Europe and why it hasn’t happened in Britain. Surely not as a result of the good work of the Race Hustling Industry of which Armani Trev is such a well renumerated member?
“Blocked By The BBC”
By David Cromwell
Looks like one of those sites that think the BBC is too pro-Israel in its reporting, to me.
(just posted this in the wrong post!)
Twisted BBC = Twisted Headlines
The story is that Bob Diamond has given up his £20 million bonus. Ouch!!!
How do the BBC title this story?
“Bob Diamond receives full salary”
What a way to twist a story!!!!!!!
And on the same note, are these two articles the same story????
“Olmert convicted by Israeli court”
“Israel’s former PM Ehud Olmert cleared of major corruption charges “
It’s a bit of a glass ½ full or ½ empty. Olmert was cleared of the corruption charges (or perhaps more accurately the prosecution did not make a case beyond all reasonable doubt) but convicted on one charge considered technical of not declaring an interest. It seems unlikely he will do any gaol time.
3 charges. 2 major and 1 technicality.
He is cleared of the major charges and found guilty of the technicality.
Thats a drop at the bottom of the cup, not half full and half empty.
I wonder when the BBC – or the Times for that matter – is going to inform the punters about the latest tax avoidance news uncovered by Guido and The Express to the effect that EU pensioners (eg Mandy and Kinnock) pay (or will pay) a maximum of 8% to the EU on their EU pensions and nothing to the UK Treasury. Currently (12:40) there’s appears to be nothing concerning this on the BBC website.
“Three “[ Muslim] “men ‘planned to attack English Defence League.’
Expect this to be reported fairly by BBC-NUJ, as well as by rest of NUJ nationally, as this trade union is politically committed to opposing the English Defence League.
We know the impact of Islamisation current trends on Birmingham and on Dewsbury.
Observations on BIRMINGHAM:
Ed West (2011):-
“‘Birmingham – best place in Europe to be pure Muslim’ ”
Observations on DEWSBURY:
“The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury – Danny Lockwood”(2012)
Apparently, international conference on freedom of speech is irrelevant to INBBC:
You may have missed it. During the Gaza War the BBC was propagandising for Israel! Blocked by the BBC
According to Glasgow University Media Group? Oh please, that’s about as valid an analysis as Lenin reviewing the Russian Revolution. The authors of this “study” (updated from 2004 – how exactly?) have shown themselves to be anti-israeli on more than one occasion. A swift Google search will reveal Greg Philo’s true inclinations in his Guardian articles (also the organ of choice of Media Lens’ David Cromwell – surprise surprise!). This book was shown to be a travesty on its initial publication; I would be surprised (but hopeful – yet doubtful) if the “updated” version has corrected the many historical inaccuracies it contained. So thanks degree, but propaganda is still just that, however you dress it up as “academic” research.
Agreed. And if students present a different viewpoint at Glasgow Univ, are they given low grades, or failed?
Yes; the ‘left’s political line is unless you are 100% supporters of the Turkish invading flotilla, you are wrong.
I’m sure someone pointed out this article earlier. “Three men ‘planned to attack English Defence League’“. I can’t find it now, not least because this site is so bloody slow today.
But I had to laugh at this lower down the article.
“Our correspondent says the defendants, all with dark hair and beards…”
Was that a wee dig at what the BBC will and won’t allow them to say?
Always interesting to compare….
BBC: ‘Our correspondent says the defendants, all with dark hair and beards, wore black sweatshirts and trousers as they sat in the dock…’
Guardian: ‘The defendants appeared in court in black sweatshirts and dark trousers….’
On this occasion it seems the Gruan’s impulse to self-censorship is tougher than that at the Beeb.
The BBC reports on attempts to prevent the execution of a dog called Lennox who has been held by Belfast City Council for two years and is about to be killed within hours. Throughout the campaign the BBC have taken a pro-BCC line and now that public opinion – over 200,000 signatures collected, peaceful demonstrations in Belfast and New York – indicate a massive recognition of injustice, the BBC continue to smear the campaign. See the piece by dog behaviour expert Victoria Stillwell and how it conflicts with todays mixture of smears and facts from the BBC.
The BBC have modified their report after intervention by the First Minister, but still find an opportunity to discredit a peaceful and law abiding mass protest.
On the six o’clock news the BBC were spinning the tale of Barnet Council, predicting that in eight years the crisis in public sector funding that there will only be funds for social services for the young and the old and nothing else. The report then joins the dots of a warning for all local councils and spins it that way.
The report completely lacked the context for Barnet Council who lost close to 30 Million pounds in a dodgy Icelandic banking system.
With that information, the story is less BBC tub-thumping and perhaps that is why they left the context out of the narrative in the first place.
Have been following the current Honour Killing trial at Chester Cown Court: in the last six reports on the BBC website the word ‘honour killing’ and Islam do no occur on a single occasion. We are also told that Shafilea was murdered because her parents believed that her wish to lead a westernised lifestyle brought shame on the family. It was, in fact, her desire to lead an un-Islamic lifestyle that got her murdered but somehow that particular subtlety is lost in the BBC version.
The phrase ‘honour killing’ does occur (for the moment) on today’s relevant search results web page – under ‘elsewhere on the web’ in he right hand margin – the API headline their account: “Mother accuses husband of honor killing”!
“The phrase ‘honour killing’ does occur (for the moment) on today’s relevant search results web page”
346 Results.
Listen to Philip Stott on Radio Four at 9pm. We may find out whether the BBC has changed position on its Climate Change policy, and will now allow the idea that sceptics are NOT the Enemies of Science, even if they are scientists sceptical of the assumption that man-made carbon dioxide rules Climate Change.
It’s not looking good……
‘He also discovers how the scepticism of science differs from the scepticism within science – and how the principle of scepticism can be abused by those who wish to undermine an area of science, applying the principle unevenly to doubt what they don’t like yet remaining uncritical of that which matches their personal prejudices’.
I think we can guess who the ‘abusers’ are going to be.
Dan Hannan :
I’ve given up trying to explain any of this to BBC researchers, who have spent two years wanting me to rage against the Lib Dems on grounds that they’re too radical. There was an especially funny moment when I was interviewed by Stephen Sackur on HardTalk. The exchange had plainly been scripted in advance as ‘foam-flecked Right-winger tears into Cameron’, and poor Sackur kept struggling on with questions in this vein quite oblivious to the answers they were eliciting.
the daily Anti-Israel article from the bBC
Hamas in Gaza pin hopes on Mursi’s election in Egypt
On a sweltering July afternoon in Gaza City, Ghazi Hamed leans back in his chair and kicks off his shoes.
He stretches out his legs towards a large fan whirring in the corner of his office. He seems keen to cool his toes.
Hamas’ deputy foreign minister is hot but he is not bothered. A smile creeps across his neatly trimmed salt and pepper beard. He’s very much in the pink.”Everyone is celebrating. We are very happy. It was wonderful,” he smiles.…The new voice, the new regime in Egypt will be more supportive for the Palestinians. Not only for Hamas but for the whole Palestinian question,” says Mr Hamed. Another reason for his upbeat mood, Mr Hamed says is what is good for Hamas, is bad for Israel.”Israel is more isolated now. It has lost its most important friend in the Middle East. Things will not be like under Hosni Mubarak.”…“Because Palestinians are under Israel’s occupation may be why Hamas became a militant organisation dedicated to fighting that occupation. But at the end of the day both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt subscribe to the same principles.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism for the day and the reason why anti-semitism is rife in the UK
The cover story for this morning is this:
Wait, so maybe some guys will ban for 50 others to buy a Mac. That is the news? The TOP WORLD news?
It must be a fatal coincidence that Greenpeace is just fighting its battle with Apple on environmental agenda…
As anyone at the bottom of the article can tell you this is simply not news.
Imposing the editors’ high moral ground to the world at large? Does this qualify as ‘journalism’ at the Beeb nowadays?
They told me they did not have any Scientific Investigative Journalists at the BBC. They haven’t got a single science journalist of the quality of Donna Laframboise, and she is a French-Canadian writer and investigative journalist who specialises in feminism not science.