If you want a laugh, I suggest you tune into this programme on BBC Radio 4 this afternoon.
In No Extremists Please- We’re British! Trevor Phillips, the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, conducts a personal investigation into why extremist parties have never gained a significant electoral foothold in Britain; he asks whether there’s something inherent in the mindset of the white working class voter that makes us as a nation immune to the appeal of extremist politics; or is it just a question of time before what’s happening in Europe happens here?
Evidently “extremism” only runs way and does not include those who detonated themselves on our transport systems and who plot daily to find ways to kill us. Maybe Phillips can follow this programme up with “No Jihad please – we’re Muslim?”
Oh good God… There just isn’t enough vomit in the world. Yet again the BBC circulates a glaringly censored and politically correct feature that mocks the intelligence of the British people; and to think the funding for this execrable putrescence comes from OUR hard-pressed wallets!
maybe he will ask why 3 muslims
(re – not extreme), plus 7 others arrested,(re- not extreme), had a bomb ready to detonate at a … peaceful protest, (just like their 30 previous),
by the EDL, oops nearly forgot ,(re – fascist racist islamofauxbic bigots :-). or why so many try to find more ways to mass murder for mohs “sock puppet”, its not even worth bothering to mention our white population, with that inversion of truth organisation, but, are some of those potential victims, not black? not sikh/hindu or asian
OR why ….Raping children, gets a Free pass for years. – Parading streets with intent to kill banners. Free pass. – Spitting on returning soldiers. Free pass. – Shariah Law. Free pass. – Threat to bring a 10,000 Muslim mob to the House of Lords (if Wilders granted entry). Free pass. – Polygamy and multiple benefit claims. Free pass. – . No go zones. Free pass. – Threats against gays. Free pass. – Corruption/mass fraud. Free pass. – Voter fraud. Free pass. – Tendency to criminality. Free pass. with no concern, interest or investigation , by the EHRC? do these not affect those communities mentioned above?
then again … you could remove a veil. – Hate crime, with immediate involvement
Very well put! – I would like to quote you sometime!
& maybe i you 😀
There is a foul Orwellian Marxist agenda abroad and it’s eating away, like a repugnant cancer, our traditions and values; we need to embrace the Lord again and re-connect with our national identity. Through converting those lost souls from the false religions through to spreading the true faith of the Lord we just might be able to save this country and make it great again!
Not coming to a BBC radio station near you any time soon…
“In Extremists Please- We’re Muslim! Leslie Phillips, the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, conducts a personal investigation into why extremist parties like Respect are gaining a significant electoral foothold in Britain; he asks whether there’s something inherent in the mindset of the Muslim voter that makes them a community prone to the appeal of extremist politics; and is it just a question of time before what’s happening in North Africa happens here?”
I do like the idea of Leslie Phillips as chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
‘Hello….I say, ding dong……Lumme!….That suicide bomber is simply bang on!’
Melanie Phillips would be a refreshing change. Hell’s teeth, that herd of pigs just crapped on my roof again.
More proof that ‘anti-racism’ really just means ‘anti-white’.
Question for Trevor Plillips Chairperson of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
How many white English males are there in your organization and does this reflect the ethnic population of the UK?
According to the 2001 Census the figure is 42%
Don’t be silly. The equality commission is not interested in equality as it is an Orwellian naming convention.
They are a vile, racist, anti-white white organisation.
So the Witchfinder General has a documentary about why there are not enough witches.
Twisted BBC = Twisted Headlines
The story is that Bob Diamond has given up his £20 million bonus. Ouch!!!
How do the BBC title this story?
“Bob Diamond receives full salary”
What a way to twist a story!!!!!!!
Whether or not you agree with it, he was contractually entitled to it, from what I’ve read. So why not give the guy a bit of credit for doing the decent thing? You know, like the BBC gave MPs credit for repaying the profits they’d made on taxpayer-funded second homes.
Oh, hang on a tick….
Trevor Phillips should go and see a doctor about getting that chip removed from his shoulder.
A bag of Harry Ramsden’s on each shoulder I think!
More like a roof beam from the Great Mosque.
Only a couple of years ago he was expressing grave concerns that multiculturalism in Britain has created a divided society. Nothing happened about it, of course.
Now we have this afternoon’s programme in which, I wouldn’t be surprised, he finds multculturalism in Britain is……………..working.
He goes on collecting his salary. Do not confuse what Trebor Philips says with anything real or truthful. His mouth is connected directly to his wallet like all race-mongers.
They’re being victimised by cattle.
So does this mean that all the other BBC broadcasting where they fretted over the public being inherently racist and potentially shifted towards BNP-type extremism was just a load of BS?
Consistency not a great quality of the Beeboids.
Unless you count ‘consistently shite’ of course.
This site is nothing more than a refuge for bigoted conspiricy theorists with too much time on their hands; the accusations are preposterous and completely unfounded and some of the comments are despicable. Not one shred of evidence is provided to back-up the ludicrously inept charges against the BBC. I don’t think they’ll be losing too much sleep over this site!
**Troll runs into the room – shouts “You all stink of poo poo! Nur-nur nur-nur-nur” – runs out again**
No worries, just another BBC Bias Denier.
The Director General
British Broad Corp.
This posh-boy makes his claims but cannot supply any quotes to back them up, so as you say he quickly leaves the room to make the same Guardianista-style lies on another thread.
Resorting to childish name-calling… is that all you can do? I repeat provide me with evidence of BBC bias.
Ze Big Ol’ Doinker
There is no BBC bias.
It is a figment of our imagination.
I trust that this breaking news is to your liking you fucking arsehole !
Good grief, which planet are you from Ze Little One? Read the posts on this site every day for the last five years and then come back and ask your asinine question, troll-boy
Like global warmists and every left-minded numbnut you can think of, they do not engage in any aspect of any debate that might have the remotest connection to factual content.
Err…….The Balen Report.
Yes, keep seeing that get a mention. Does anyone know the official BBC line on it? David (Gregory, that is) – do you know?
Please go back under your little rock and decompose, nice and quick!
yours never,
‘hideously white.’
So being someone who flatly denies any conspiracy theory you must think yourself pretty smart?
Well to be honest… that puts you on a par with creationists.
Flatly believing/not believing in something for no reason other than… … … meh.
Frankly… that’s pretty idiotic.
And you say evidence? What on earth are you babbling about?
Do you watch the BBC? have you contrasted it with something like Russia Today.. i.e. another biased network from another country?
And people like you associate being British as winning world war 2 and freedom of speech? (ahem.. even though John Terry in on TRIAL for saying something racist) He was just lucky he didn’t say something antisemitic – like that fashion designer in a club a couple of years ago or didn’t say anything like that woman on the tube a few months ago who was put in prison for 3 weeks.
You associate yourself with people who turn a blind eye to that eh?
Explain how 7/7 was a conspiracy theory Trevor.
‘So being someone who flatly denies any conspiracy theory you must think yourself pretty smart?’
Please provide evidence of any conspiracy.
‘Do you watch the BBC? have you contrasted it with something like Russia Today.. i.e. another biased network from another country?’
Well, that’s pretty daft… why would I want to compare like with like when trying to ascertain evidence of bias?
‘And people like you associate being British as winning world war 2 and freedom of speech?’
Sorry, I don’t know what that has to do with anything related to evidence of BBC bias.
The lack of corroborative evidence or critical reasoning skills on this site is embarrassing.
P Weston spoke a great deal of fact,
but the bias of T Phillips, was evident … was he in any way impartial …
yes or no
You ARE Dez and I claim my £5 !!!
a refuge for bigoted conspiricy theorists
For a minute there I thought you were talking about the BBC.
Well said these people are nuts. I just listened to this programme on the ‘Marxist’ BBC and Phillips’ main point was about the UK First past the post system disenfranchises minority parties.
Brainwashing stuff indeed!
Touched a nerve, eh?
Am listening to Trevor Phillips as I write( has he got an NUJ card, by the way?)
Ludicrous cartoon version of history-Cable St, Powell and the triumph of Magaret Hodge/Boudica over Nick Griffin…and Marine Le Pen on next, I belive…imagine Geert Wilders would scare them too much.
Still-important that we give young Phillips a nice BBC cheque for his pains….after all, we`re paying-and the poor lamb isn`t well paid by the ECHR is he?
Enough Beeb-I`ve got the point…I`ve got your message-I just despise it…that`s all!
Just listened to this and I have to say Paul Weston impressed me. My God, isn’t Trevor Phillips a patronising prat? It’s so easy to be smug when you have access to the microphone and can edit in your oh so pc opinions.
The sad truth is that the white working class are almost bovine in their attitude to politics. Give them their soaps, soccer, fags and celebrity culture and they won’t bleat too much as their heritage is being decimated. They’re just like Orwell’s proles.
Or ‘bread and circuses’ perhaps.
It’s not British proles you muppet its proles in general 😉
BNP is Right Wing ?
Look at their policies and you will find that they are left of the Labour party.
“Are Olympic missiles just for show?”
BBC-NUJ omits prior logical question:
‘Does Mass Immigration from Islamic countries to UK justify the security risk and financial cost to British people?’
The reality is that they’re unlikely to be used – they’re more a “show of force” designed to reassure and deter. 😀
deter who? … people who want to die?
who want a as big an explosion as possible?
who if they cause a massive disruption? are half way there as far as the technique of terror.?
reassure who? the people in the block of flats?
al beeb defence correspondent … a waste of good air.
Well using them would be a bit of an own goal as anything they hit has to come down somewhere in London.
Unless it comes down in Tower Hamlets.
Absolute twoddle….
So people identify themselves as British by looking at Freedom of Speech?
Tell that to John Terry who is going on TRIAL for exercising his.
And beating the Germans in WW2?
Who did they ask? Anyone on the street clutching a copy of The Sun?
And the Brits are so strongly opposed to extremism that we would never vote for someone to the far right?
Utter twoddle…
How are the far right represented in the media?
As racists – simple as that.
Maybe Brits should identify themselves with people who shut up and don’t complain enough to the authorities… or even people who get offended on behalf of others and are ready to jump on any racism bandwagon going.
Maybe people don’t vote for some parties because they think that those parties have NO chance of getting in.. (e.g. Voting Tory because they never thought the Lib Dems would get in but they wanted Labour OUT)
That program was biased disinformation at its worst.
How are the far right represented in the media?
As racists – simple as that.
And many of those depicted as racists are actually on the far Left. The BBC keeps denying that, except that one time when Dimbleby accidentally got too angry at that newly-elected BNP MEP (Brons?) and let it slip out.
R4 6.00pm news intro – terrorists attack EDL. However as usual presenter said ‘right wing EDL’. Who were the EDL AWAYS having a ding dong with? bBC speak: the wonderful pacifist left wing fight against fascism. I expect these so called terrorists are members of ‘fight against fascism’.
My point being the obvious, any smell that the wonderful lefties are just a bunch of thugs and the news is tailored.
‘Far-left’ INBBC opposing ‘far-right’ ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE.
In its deliberately and politically obfuscating CoJo lexicon, INBBC routinely labels the ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE as ‘far-right’, as it does today on radio and TV.
INBBC routinely obscure the truth also by describing the TALIBAN as ‘conservative’, not as Islamic jihadist, which is what it is.
It is necessary to turn away from INBBC report on the’alleged’ plot against the English Defence League, to that of the ‘Telegraph.
INBBC’s deceptive fashion-show description of the accused:
“Our correspondent says the defendants, all with dark hair and beards, wore black sweatshirts and trousers as they sat in the dock at Tuesday’s hearing.”
‘Telegraph’ provides a fuller, more revealing account:
“Terror suspects allegedly planned to attack EDL”
The EDL are expressing their right to free speech. The IBBC doesn’t like because of their cowardice when it comes to upsetting Islam.
Radio 4 is a litmus of the BBC’s crisis : its All Day Woman’s hour, affirmative action all the way, quota laden and gender and ethnic biased … R3 is not far behind …
I heard both Paul Weston and Marine Le Pen on Trevor Phillips gobfest on the British and the “far right”.
For anyone who was thinking that Weston or Le Pen were coherent and putting forward a view that is relevant….thankfully Trev was on hand to interpret these fascists in oh-so- reasonable guise. A cunning ploy here-these Nazis were pulling the wool over our eyes-but our Trev was having none of it.
Thank you Trevor for clearing it up-why the hell pay for an interpreter for Le Pen, when you did the translation so much better?
Typical Beeb smarm and grease guns from the leftie blinkered liberal elite who-as ever-have had a rather good “race war”…and have no plans to return to civvy street anytime soon.
Always a war on with the BBC…tomorrow must never belong to them and their useful tools like our friend earlier up above!
Le Pen was a war hero against real Nazis. I dont see anyone pitted against them who has done anything other than tap a keyboard. Marxist scribblers.
Jean-Marie Le Pen was 11 in 1939. He was never a member of the resistance.
He was convicted in 2009 for contesting crimes against humanity.
He described the Nazi gas chambers as “a detail of history”.
Marine Le Pen was born in 1968.
Naked Humus confirms my argument that the British ruling classes / intelligentsia / elite – whatever you want to call them – has imposed a beggars can’t be choosers position on anyone who holds views highly critical of Islam. Tacitly making it axiomatic that such views could only be held by racially prejudiced bigots (although Naked’s ‘swivel eyed loons’ is always useful as a fall back) they simultaneously exclude such views from acceptable public discourse and give people with such ideas a choice between isolation or affiliating with people or groups with murky pasts and all
sorts of unsavoury ideas. They can then discredit all critics of Islam by association and describe people as diverse as Tommy Robinson and Gert Wilders as extreme right wing.
I think Islam is too antithetical to British cultural and political traditions – and too disruptive- for them to carry on playing his game for ever.
So I am a member of the “British ruling classes / intelligentsia / elite” am I. Well that is terribly good news — thank you. I wonder who I can go and boss around now.
You ascribe such power and authority to me I am genuinely flattered.
Thank you.
A rather feeble rejoinder.You are relaxed enough about letting the establishment define reality to the extent that you accuse anyone deviating from the acceptable norm as insane, beyond parody, dwelling on a blasted heath etc. Perhaps those old Maoist jibes of running dog lackey and the like suit your case better – if the cap fits.