Jonathan Freedland thinks the BBC is a bulwark against tyranny.
I beg to differ.
Opposed to tyranny? The same BBC that gave copious support to Saddam Hussein and cost the lives of British troops? The same BBC that even now spreads Iranian misinformation about its nuclear intentions and when the sabres start rattling does all it can to ensure public opinion pressurises government not to attack Iran? The same BBC that ran a campaign to free terrorists from Guantanamo but ignored the hundreds of genuine political prisoners on the other side of the fence in Cuba? The same BBC that eulogises Castro and the mass killer Che Guevara…not to mention the various Islamic terrorists excused and quietly applauded for their anti-Westernism? The same BBC that refuses to criticise probably the world’s most dangerous religion and yet feels otherwise free to denigrate all other religions but mostly Christianity? The same BBC that hankers after Marx and his acolytes but pillories Neocons? The same BBC that aims to see the destruction of the only true democracy in the Middle East, Israel, and replace it with an Islamic Fascist state run on grounds that would make Hitler blush? The same BBC that refuses to admit that there is an Islamist war on Christians in Nigeria?
If that is what Freedland calls ‘opposed to tyranny’ then I guess all tyrants can rest easy in their beds…it doesn’t look like they’ll be getting a bad Press from the good folks at the BBC.
Heard Saturday Live this morning-and the Rev Richard Coles( of Bronski Beat fame, therefore gay I`d say) is chewing the cud with Grayson Perry and has John Carlos on later to play us his songs.
John McCarthy is trawling Paris looking for revolutionary monuments to 1789, and a relative of the hanged murderess Ruth Ellis is seeking a pardon for her I`d imagine.
In one hour therefore, you get the cod-revolutionary, progressive circus of misfits, cause celebres and victims so beloved at the BBC-and all with an agenda it would be nice if we were to acquiesce in.
A dreadful mess of privileged, guilt ridden handwringing…and we the people mocked as if we`re not capable of buying a Guardian-so here`s the edit..and here`s your new causes to agitate over for the coming week.
Ruth Ellis, Learco Chindamo…Saif Gadhaffi…victims all!
Attack bankers. Reject Christianity. Tell us capitalism is unjust. Hate the Jews. Lobby for increases in the power of the State. Despise the middle classes. Encourage mob violence. Seek to close down rival sources of information – especially a free press. Endlessly repeat Party thinking. Lobby for State ownership – or at least campaign against private education, private healthcare, and private wealth (except for Party members). Thieve from the dead. Thieve especially from the dead – call it “inheritance tax”. Reduce everybody to complete dependency. Ignore or justify taxpayer funded expense accounts or tax avoidance by the Party. The only criteria to be adhered to in news management is maintain the narrative. Do not question the narrative. Do not discuss the narrative. What is the narrative? The ultimate desirability of a one party State. A society in which all independent thought, all broadcasting plurality, all freedom of action, is eliminated.
The BBC is pure fascism.
The greatest radicalism (the greatest forbidden thought) would be to give people (the people who are forced to pay) the freedom to choose.
Well said, especially the one-party state bit. The BBC’s manipulation of history and the news, and its unabashed support for right-on causes through leftist-themed programmes with contributors from the Dave Spart-approved dinner party guest list of artists, journos, authors and religious nutters is all in the cause of the one-party socialist state. They, and their fellow travellers (‘charities’, the unions, the leftist establishment, the lying Labour party who joked about leaving us with no money) nearly managed it last time. I think the BBC have a definite spring in their step now because they think they are on course to achieve it in 2015, if not before, and once that socialist country-wrecking shower of shite regain power, they will make damn sure they never lose it again by continuing mass immigration, more political integration with Europe and further wild splurges on the public sector and the entitlement culture that is the welfare state.
You bet when the lights start going out around 2017 due to Labour twiddling its environmentalist thumbs over our energy policy for 13 years, they will blame it on the Tories. Not only that, a BBC-brainwashed compliant electorate will believe them.
The bBC the traitors in our Midst.
And regrettably most Tory MP’s don’t even acknowledge it Pounce.
The bbc are a lot worse than ‘traitors in our midst’.
The bbc have perfected the art of presenting news and programmes with an insideous leftist bias and are directly responsible for many of the countries’ ills.
Not only have they disregarded and tried to cover up the economic chaos and incompetence inflicted on the country by labour, but now they seek to criticise at every oportunity those trying to sort labours’ legacy out.
An excellent article Alan. Short, to the point and absolutely sums up the BBC.
I was interviewed by Trevor Phillips recently about the rise of “far-right extremist” parties across Europe. Three things struck me about the interview and the subsequent radio 4 show.
1. Mr Phillips is obviously given Carte Blanche by the BBC.
2. The entire documentary never mentioned the rise of a real right-wing extremist movement across Europe, namely fundamentalist Islam.
3. I politely destroyed Mr Phillips in the half-hour interview. I pointed out that he himself – along with the BBC – were all left-wing extremists. All of this was edited out of course.
They are aware there is a growing problem caused by their shared ideology, but refuse to recognise it let alone discuss it.
They are dangerous children stoking the fires of tension, division and breakdown. Rather than using their power to salve the situation they are simply exacerbating it.
Here’s a challenge for the Beeb empoyees who contribute here:
lets hear the whole unedited debate to which Paul weston refers, thereby destroying his credibility.
go on guys, pull out all the stops.
let’s hear it in the raw.
You came across well anyway Paul. It was obvious that your short piece was edited beyond recognition. Perhaps they may allow you to take a cameraman along in future to capture the interview in it’s entirety. I’d be happy to oblige but I have a feeling that the thought of the truth being put on Youtube would go against everything the BBC believes in.
It sickened me that after your interview, Phillips said that what you’re doing is against everything British!? To the lunatic left, wishing to conserve anything that’s British is ‘racist’. I often wonder at what stage they will fall out of love with radical Islam. When nooses are placed around homosexuals necks perhaps?
I recently saw a picture on a UAF forum which stated “Smash Patriotism”. This shows just how clueless these fools really are. Imagine if every Brit would have taken this stance in 1914 or 1939.
I’m sure Jack Straw’s father was a very vocal anti-Fascist prior to the war, but when it came to the crunch, the pathetic c*nt was to be found cowering in a prison cell.
Jack Straws dad was probably a communist. Most conscientious objectors were. Why because Stalin told them so, you see between 1939 and 1941 Russia was part of the Axis powers.
However with operation Barbarossa communists attitudes in Britain changed fast, it became politically correct to fight ‘fascism’.
Wedgie Benn is a nutter in many ways but his habit of always making his own tape recording of any interviews he gives makes a great deal of sense. These days you could post the real thing on the internet and people will be able to see dishonest reporters in all their manipulative, mendacious glory .
“I politely destroyed Mr Phillips in the half-hour interview.”
The classic Delingpole Defence:
“Forget all the stupid things you heard me say; concentrate instead on all the un-stupid things you didn’t hear me say.”
Has al-beeb been praising the Co-op and other serial, union-inflamed boycotters? The Co-op insists it is only boycotting products from the “territories”, forgetting that by doing so they are hurting thousands of decent, hard-working Palestinians who would welcome a two-state solution so they could get on with building it. Has al-beeb given much time to this aspect of the story? I think hardly any at all. I know using human deaths is a cheap PR ploy, but al-beeb will never tell you that the Palestinian Arabs have murdered more of their own people over time than Israelis. The Co-op and other misguided and misinformed lefties have not bothered to think clearly, and al-beeb will never give them the whole story.
Those who wield the power across the Arab world do not want a two-state solution. It was on offer in 1948 and it was on offer to Arafat – acknowledged by most as the deal he couldn’t really refuse.
They don’t want it because they are constantly looking for excuses to obliterate Israel, in which cause they have the unqualified backing of their useful idiots at Al-Beeb.
Another classic beeboid,’ lets take a scary muslim story and present it as nice and normal ‘.
.The rise of Pakistan’s televangelistsBy Mobeen Azhar
BBC World Service, Karachi
So, basically nothing to worry about, that millions of Pakistanis are getting their prime time information from a bunch of intolerant religeous fanatics, pushing a stone age view of the world, which calls for all none believers to be treated as cattle. etc , etc.
BBC Approved Thought Checklist
Cause of all Britain’s social problems: Thatcher
Cause of Britains financial problems: Bankers
Cause of all the rest of the worlds problems: Israel
Cause of all BBC problems: Murdoch
Solution to all problems: global redistribution of wealth
Challenges facing the new BBC Director General:
How to avoid admitting catastrophic Global Warming is a lie
Convincing the world Islam is a Religion of Peace
BBC Charter Renewal 2016
BBC £2bn pension fund deficit
How to avoid moving to Salford
With political correctness being a religion at the BBC (along with AGW), I felt this exert from Hitchens’ piece in today’s Mail sums up it’s true nature –
“It (P.C) is a chilly, deadly-serious project to turn this country into somewhere else, by scaring conservative patriots into a defeated silence. Every so often, it reveals its true face.
Here is an example. In a Fostering Handbook (The Good Practice Guide) published in 2010 by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, I found the following words: ‘Because the UK is institutionally racist, all white people are implicated unless they actively oppose racism.’
Even the most politically naive people I know are becoming quite enraged with these constant show trials and the ritual humiliation of whites in this country for supposed speech crimes, whilst violent Somalis and Pakistanis get away with a slap on the wrist for the vilest of crimes, and black supremacist morons like Diane Abbott and Lee Jasper are allowed to spew their poison with impunity.
Racism is an exclusively white crime, and racism between ethnic groups does not exist, of course.
We are all now bound in our straitjackets of political correctness, fearful of the thought police overhearing our conversations or tracking our output on the internet so they can report a ‘hate crime’ to the police. All thanks to 13 years of Labour’s social engineering during which a day didn’t pass without some vacuous Blair droid telling us if we didn’t agree with multiculturalism a.k.a. a smokescreen for mass immigration, we were racist.
That quote from the fostering handbook is truly scary and it makes you wonder how much more socialist dogma is embedded in councils’ rules and ‘guidelines’.
….and, of course, we have yet another defender of our genetically impartial state broadcaster who turns out to a lefty whackadoodle.
What are the odds, huh?
I too would be keen to hear the full extent of Mr. Weston’s interview, free of that renowned ‘interpretation of events’ that seems to be such a unique feature of the BBC and its staff controlling the edit suite and broadcast network, which can indeed impose a retrograde influence on what goes out vs. the accuracy of what goes in. Propaganda backed by censorship is bad enough, but when funded by those whose interests it may not serve, the term ‘unique’ still seems inadequate.
BBC-NUJ is pre-dominantly appeasing, dhimmi, anti-defence spending, anti-military, pro-mass Islamic immigration.
Of course, ‘The Guardian’ is concerned that the BBC World Service should continue to propagandise their joint political ideology of:
1.) open borders, and mass Islamic immigration to West;
2.) Obama’s global appeasement to Islam;
3.) expansion of (and ring-fencing of) ‘foreign aid’ from British taxpayers to corrupt governments of Africa and Asia;
$.) selective deprecation of much of British global history ( while censoring critique of e.g. Islamic countries’ violent Islamic imperial history).
The political danger for taxpayers is that in 2014 the BBC is due to take over the political control of World Service from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
“From 2014, it will be funded by the compulsory BBC licence fee levied on every household in the United Kingdom using a television to watch broadcast programmes.”(‘Wikipedia’.)
We can expect ourselves as licencepayers to be used to finance a more explicit ‘Guardian’-BBC-NUJ political global line from 2014.
Instead, the so-called BBC World Service shoulde be closed down NOW, so that the financial and politcal burden can be taken off the British people.
Of course, the BBC World Service’s London HQ move in London from Bush House, The Strand, to Broadcasting House, Portland Place, puts the World Service’s new location geographically and politically alongside BBC Arabic Television, which is the East Wing (Mecca-facing) there.
Of course, BBC Arabic Television should be closed down at the same time as the BBC World Service, and for the same reasons. (See above entry.)
I believe in god and know in my heart I’m right. All these Lefty’s at the BBC and everyone like them will burn in the lake of fire for all eternity for what they have done.
They say if any living human saw hell they would die of fright. Thats what these people have to look forward to for all eternity.
Just heard the mid-day news on Radio 4 at noon.
1. G4S shambles has long been known about-so the Tories are stuffed-and here`s Keith Vaz to tell us why in a soundbite….they didn`t say what party he was from, but(like Tessa Jowell) a leading authority on shambolic government -but we`ll not ask how and why he is.
2. Plans to impoverish NHS staff being mooted in a report “leaked” to the BBC…..I thought that was what got Rupert etc into trouble.
Ah yes-but this leaking is virtuous-no need to ask `em to justify that-it just is.
Andy Burnham-a leading authority on dissecting shambolic government- gives his soundbite. Disinterested yet passionate, clean hands and yet all-knowing-trust him, you serfs!
3. Oh-and some anti-GM crops bloke gets a phoneline to ring in the Monsanto soundbites-sod objective science…the Global Warming rulebook of ScienceSpeak applies yet again in this case.
There you go then…the world as seen from Radio4s lofty perch this lunchtime…I`ll have to tune in at 1p.m…to see if there`s any further stuff I need to be told.
Traitors in our midst?…how true,…how true!
Occupy – The BBC
The G4S fiasco will run on the BBC as long as they are prepared to give it legs. But why the obsession? Is it because Al-Beeb are concerned about public security – you know, being kept safe from the nutters from ‘the religion of peace which only sees war as a last resort’? Or are they trying to settle some kind of score?
As an aside, it would have been nice to see the BBC pursue the £12.5 BILLION wasted by Labour on the NHS non-computerisation project with the same vigour. And incidentally, £12.5 BILLION is roughly the tax paid by 2 million people in a year on their hard-earned average wage.
Vaz, Jowell are never off the bBC. Someone tell it they are opposition M.P.’s. They were voted out, why all the exposure.
The BBC’s World Service broadcasting may give locals in unhappy countries a bit of news about their ghastly leaders that otherwise doesn’t make it into the state-controlled press, but the domestic BBC certainly seems to encourage tyranny at home.
If I could just add to Alan’s list: This is the same BBC which is relentlessly pro-EU (an increasingly undemocratic body), anti-national border control, anti-patriotism (except during international sports tournaments), anti-national sovereignty, pro-AV, pro-UN, and has highly-paid and high profile journalists openly advocating for an international body of elite technocrats to wrest control of industry and commerce from the UK and all other sovereign nations, all in the name of Climate Change. In short, they are the exact opposite of a bulwark against tyranny of a certain kind.
The BBC is, as Wild suggests, full of fascists.
If it’s a minority struggle i.e. any ethnicity and religion apart from white and Christian, then the BBC will support it; if it’s a majority, then the BBC will label it racist and bigoted. Classic textbook socialism.
The have now added, Populist, as the latest term of abuse from the BBC who use it as a euphemism for “Right Wing Nutters verging on being outright Fascists” which basically covers anybody who doesn’t slavishly follow the authoristed leftist propaganda line. This especially applies to those in the US who dare to offer any criticism of their idol, the god Obamessiah.
Despite its political pretensions, BBC-NUJ is not opposed to the tyrannical bankers in practice, but cosies up to them:-
“BBC executive questions why Barclays chairman Marcus Agius remains on corporation’s board.
“A BBC executive has criticised the corporation’s decision to keep Marcus Agius on its executive board despite the Barclays chairman’s resignation over the rate-fixing scandal. ”
How BBC-NUJ, which is politically opposed to the ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE (EDL), by national NUJ policy, censored the EDL event in Bristol.
Report 1 ‘Atlas Shrugs’ blog:
“Anti-Freedom leftists assault police, set fires at #EDL march, Leftist violence averted, #EDL maintain calm.”
(inc video clip)
Report 2, BBC-NUJ’s inventive ‘journalism’:
“‘Peace walk’ takes place in Bristol to promote ‘unified’ city”
If you’ve ever wondered why the BBC/the Left are so fanatical about global warming, and so fanatical in their support of the unelected bureaucracy that is the EU, and then wondered what their end game is, look no further than UN Agenda item 21:
Recognise the EU? It’s just the start.
Which of the following does INBBC give greater priority to in its ‘campaign for justice’?:-
1.) Ethiopian Muslim, and al Qaeda trainee, BINYAM MOHAMED;
2.) British policewoman YVONNE FLETCHER?-
“The man who ‘killed’ WPc Yvonne Fletcher is named by Libyan officials.
“A senior adviser to Libya’s prime minister today names the man suspected of killing WPc Yvonne Fletcher and says it is ‘mind-boggling’ that Britain has done so little to pursue the case. ”
The BBC is bulwark against the tyranny of those who aren’t of the affluent metropolitan elite.
Mass producing sh*t like Eastenders and Casualty is a sure way to keep the mobs glued to their tellys and off the streets.
That’s why the BBC does it.
Was there even a single mention by the BBC of John Sawers’ recent speech on Iran?