Here’s something to think about…does mass immigration and globalisation lead to not just rising crime but also to a new immorality when the boundaries of the State and Society breakdown?
The BBC have gone to town on Barclays and Bonus Bob Diamond….but stay strangely mute about Labour government involvement…from which there was definitely a significant intervention….if only by deliberate omission in not tackling the rate fixing when it was brought to their attention by several sources.
The BBC are also reticent about immigration and specifically Labour’s deliberate ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Britain, which was ‘too hideously white and/or British’ and too unlikely to vote for Labour or entry into Europe.
The BBC are also reluctant to investigate the effects of mass immigration and the reckless abandonment of border controls allowing in…well…no one really knows who or what has been let in to the country.
Open borders mean no NHS, no State schools, no welfare system, no State housing, no workable tax system or legal and police organisations….it does mean a massive rise in crime though.
It also means something else….as Peter Oborne pointed out today on ‘Capital Justice’….the globalisation of the world, the mass immigration, the breakdown of national states, the much freer movement of people, means that there is no loyalty to a nation, no sense of obligation to the nation or community and therefore neither to the people in it…or anywhere in fact….there are no physical borders but also no moral boundaries….individuals have lost their morality because they no longer take their values and beliefs from what was their community.
G.K Chesterton said ‘When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing – they believe in anything’. That’s true just as much for secular beliefs, laws and moral values…when you lose the restrictions placed upon you by your society you don’t just pick up another nation’s values you become a loose cannon making it up as you go along, whatever suits you and of course the further you get from any prescribed value system the further you get from a set of anchors that limit your actions….any thing goes because you no longer know what is right or wrong….there is no ‘baseline’.
Labour knew this and believed that a new population imported from abroad would not have any ties to Britain, they would have no loyalty and feel no obligation to retain centuries old systems and values…in other words they would vote for European integration and never vote for the symbol of Old Britain…the Conservatives.
It also means that international businesses, such as banks, lose their sense of moral purpose and a restraining hand is removed along with the old fashioned ‘ethics’ that they might once have considered before entering into any course of conduct….leading to a ‘make money at any cost’ impulse.
Such an important subject with massive consequences for British society and the future, and yet the BBC duck the issue almost completely…if it is raised it is within tightly constrained limits that mean you will never hear the true extent of the upheavals and future dangers that mass immigration and ghettos of immigrants with no intention of ‘integrating’ present.
At least Oborne managed to slip that one past the censors…mass immigration and globalisation leads to immorality and a valuless society.
Excellent article Alan… Over the next few days we’ll unfortunately see countless examples of lefty-urban types tiptoeing around the subject of the left-wing failed experiment of uncontrolled immigration… In the meantime, have a wee glance at this chapter, downloaded from the excellent book Retreat of Reason, by Anthony Browne. Overall, the book covers the history, and ramifications, of political correctness for the West; this particular section presents an acute examination of how political correctness affects policy.
Oops, too much wine… I forgot the download:
Click to access cs47-7.pdf
Excellent book. Can be bought via Amazon. Cost me one penny, plus £2. 00. postage. Don’t know why they sell for that price but worth buying.
Thank you for the recommendation. I may yet read it. But I particularly enjoyed this review of the pamphlet.
Since when did you become Alan? Oh please God! No…it can’t be true… surely not…
Emu…I think this is more you than your last quote:
‘The vile effusion of a hard and stupid heart that mistakes its own restlessness for the activity of genius, and its own captiousness for sagacity of understanding……Abandoning any attempt at reasoned rebuttal in favour of vulgar raillery.’
If you are relying upon the opinions of the Marxist- Leninist cretin Julian Petley it hardly comes as a surprise that you believe that everybody should be forced to pay for the BBC.
Good stuff, but the main reason Labour and the Tories import foreign cheap labour is kickbacks.
There is a political calculation – what else? Over çà% of blacks in America vted Obama
Political calculation of votes, as always. 90% of blacks in America voted Obama. Over 90% of Musims in France voted Hollande. I am sure the figures look the same for the UK. Ethnics who know they are taking the piss out of Britain know Labour is “their friend”. And vice versa.
Just as the Lib Dems held the balance, so the ethnic vote determines who wins. The French Presidential was 49% Sarkozy, 51% Hollande. (Five million French muslims got to decide who wins. Its the reverse of Democracy, it is sectional politics, and Labour know it.
Although New Labour may well have outlived its usefulness to Islam, as the recent Respect victory in Bradford illustrates. The scorpion has been carried across the river.
Great article by Chris Parry in the Sunday Times of June 2006
“The New Goths are coming”.
He lost a job or two after this, but he was correct in his analysis..much as Alan and Oborne state above.
This Barclay’s business seems to have the BBC a little confused as to the line to take.. Now on the 10pm news I distinctly heard the Barclay’s second in command say that he believed the order to fix the Libor rate came directly from the BOE. Just who was PM at the time? Not Cameron. No real comment about this most damaging of statements. Best ignored Beeboids lest it reflects badly upon the last misgovernment of Comrade Brown. If true it is a very serious charge that puts the BOE in a difficult position and by implication the government of the day for it is not credible that the BOE would act alone. It may well be entirely untrue but it must be investigated by our highest court – Parliament.
In the end it is the civil actions that are going to do for them all. Wait and see.
Millions of immigrants from 3rd World toilets coming to Britain to feed off the indigenous working populations extortionate taxes. Who would have thought that could happen!
I don’t think it will surprise anyone that the “real” Nicked Emus — it was a rather bizarre autocorrect on my iPad — did not post that comment.
How strange that someone should chose to post under another’s name. Why do that?
will the real scott .. er dez … er scezz please stand up.
i m spartacus … 😀
and, my friends, yes ………….. i was “that”, soldier
Last week we had wall-to-wall coverage of racism in football, yesterday the census figures revealed the biggest change in the UK population on record, a permanent change which will have far-reaching consequences for just about every aspect of our society. Already the subject has been dropped by the BBC.
A classic example of how editorial decisions set the news agenda, which in turn sets the political agenda.
It’s by such simple means that the BBC exerts a huge influence on British life.
We have no competition in the UK broadcasting media. The BBC and to a lessers extent Sky, who is full of ex BBC presenters and therefore left wing do not represent the conservative (right wing) section of the population in the U.K. when their are sufficient in this country to win the last election (albiet not with an overall majority) and the London Mayor who is unassamable Conservative. Therefore we need to have competition and the BBC should haveto find their own funding and not expect the Tories to pay for a bias.
“…does mass immigration and globalisation lead to not just rising crime…”
As usual, you are spectacularly misinformed. Crime has actually been falling for the last 15 years: