Cultural cringe at work….
BBC shows no sign of shock, horror or outrage when a black man suggests that it is necessary to have ‘ethnic loyalty’.
Sounds not too dissimilar to something the BNP might print on a leaflet.
‘Somebody called Ashley Cole a “choc ice” on Twitter over the weekend after the footballer testified in defence of John Terry.
Ekow Eshun, a former director of the ICA who now writes about culture, believes it is a “slightly odd and archaic term” as it dates back to a time when black people “worried much more about their place in society” as there were fewer black people in prominent positions.
“It’s sad to see words like this still in usage,” he told the Today programme.
Novelist Diran Adebayo says the term doesn’t bother him and he believes it is still fair for some black people “to feel there has to be a word for people to feel somebody else… has less ethnic loyalty”.
Where was the other side of the debate pointing out the fact that choc ice was a racist term. It unnecessarily highlighting someone’s skin colour, insists that being white was inherently a bad thing and encourages racial division by suggesting that a black person should always act differently to a white person
Racial loyalty?
So when whites in the UK shout out;
“There ain’t no black in the Union Jack”
That is now acceptable. Quite rightly obnoxious views like that are given short shrift.
Yet when Blacks play the racist card and lets be serious here it is racism pure and simple.
However that is deemed acceptable because they are deemed a minority.
That people is why people in the UK are gravitating to the far right . Because in this so called age of equality for all, Blacks and Asians (read Muslim) have more rights than anybody else and the majority population not only feel disfranchised . They are openly coming out with if you are going to call me a racist, I may at least be one.
The bBC the traitors in our Midst
I bet the bBC will be out celebrating after those 3 Black Kenyan freedom fighter won their case for lots of money. what is it with terrorists who once having kicked out the whiteman in which to rule their own destiny not only come over to live in the country of the people they hate, but live off of the whiteman on benefits.
The likes of the bBC not only encourages such, they promote the view that whitey can only be a racist.
Maybe there lie the reason I can’t wait to see an Islamic attack on a UK Kinder garden used by the bBC. Only after they witness their rugrats hearing ‘Allah ackbas’ as the last thing ever. Will the bBC realise that not all whites are racist and that blacks and browns can be just as racist if not more.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
The BBC are nothing if not utterly shameless.
Yesterday they seemed rather bothered about the NHS being broken up for pay and conditions.
Yet they played devils advocate-why should a nurse in Truro get as much as one in Islington( as if they care, with their BUPA deals).
But no read-across-why do their stringers and trained hacks on BBC North West get as much as the big boys and girls in London…when (Salford bijou apartments notwithstanding)…they cost of living is much cheaper up there?
Let`s see some regional pay bargaining going on in Beebworld…I Paxman could buy us a thousand Khalil Aziz…or is it the other way round?…
Time to get my styakeholder share enacted in “my ” BBC…and yes, I agree that George Entwistle was the man..they ask me, you know!