Delingpole on good form here…
“The BBC has nothing whatsoever to do with the free market. Nor – I’d wager – do most of those 148 BBC stars channeling their earnings through private companies to avoid tax. With the possible exceptions of Jeremy Clarkson (and frankly even he’s a bit politically suspect what with his rampant brown-nosing of the Cameron set) and Andrew Neil, small-government, free-market, low-tax types just don’t get a look-in at the Beeb.
“Why isn’t the government doing more to solve this problem?” On any given subject, this is the BBC’s default position. Indeed, one of the reasons our state sector is now so bloated (and ruinously expensive) is because for decades our national broadcaster, with its compulsory licence fee and quasi-monopolistic stranglehold over television and radio, has been propagandising on its behalf. Of all the organisations that have contributed to Britain’s economic and political decline, there is probably none that has done quite so much insidious and long-term damage as the BBC.
If – as its stars’ tax arrangements suggest – the BBC is now tentatively embracing the free market then I applaud its good sense. Perhaps we can now do our bit to helping it in this direction by scrapping the licence fee.”
gravy train. n. Slang. An occupation or other source of income that requires little effort while yielding considerable profit.
Here’s a bloody good reason to stop paying your dimmi (TV) tax
Yuck. They’ll be eulogising the Paedophile Information Exchange next.
Three Victorian ‘Pioneers’
The Great British Islam ugh! Who is commissioning this tosh? – Oh yeah – that would be you and me.
Relentless and insufferable.
And utterly, utterly atrocious.
Another one of these? It’s White Girl all over again. Where are the BBC programmes featuring a Mohammedan youth who turns Christian?
Defenders of the indefensible will, of course, remain silent.
If this country still had treason laws and the death penalty. Then alot of BBC people would meet their maker alot soon than they would normaly.
It is time for a campaign of civil disobedience against the the BBC where it hurts – their pocket.
They need to understand that we do not have to pay for their propaganda. Do they think I hold my country so cheap that I am intimidated by a public school Stalinist?
The BBC is the biggest attack on our free society this side of an Islamic State. It is as politically balanced as the Guardian newspaper, as morally bankrupt as an MEP, and about as intellectually persuasive than as a union justifying public sector greed.
I appreciate that the BBC have a dog in the fight (if you are a sanctimonious nihilist who lives off the taxpayer you are going to find talk of a free society distasteful) but in your efforts to destroy the society you loathe so much it would be a mistake for you to assume that everybody is a spineless nihilist as you are, and speaking for myself, a threat of prison (just come and try it) is not going to make me give up on my right to say “No thanks I don’t want to pay for your Leftist crap” try next door I believe he votes for the Labour Party.
Noel Edmonds cancelled his TV licence in 2008, and announced it live on BBC news! They did not come looking for him. The BBC does not want the anti-license publicity.
Watch this video and imagine what the producer is screaming into the earpices of the two news presenters as they try to change the subjuct to shut Noel up.
Best thing James could do is to tell people about our ePetition asking for an in/out Referendum on the Licence Fee
And how many signatures have you had so far?
Sorry I meant to say how many naked men have you had sign up, as I just love naked men. Especially Islamic ones.
Love you
“I just love naked men. Especially Islamic ones.”
If you move to an Islamic country don’t forget to ask them to send us back a video of your head being cut off. Think of it as your tribute to multiculturalism
Just can’t wait to see tht video !
Aww bless Dezz-di-moana is trying sarcasm aww it’s nice to see them try !
but if I was you I would be wary of saying a certain religious group has propensity to the man love thing as they may get a bit mediaeval on you !
I think that was some oaf pretending to be Dez (Why)? Much as I disagree with the real Dez/Scott/whoever, I’m sure he/they are more than capable of making arses of themselves without assistance from other trolls
It lacks Dez’s signature opening ad hominem. Smells of personation.
now that they have sold off b Broadcasting House, at least we can look forward to a refund of the tv tax…………
Dont bother emailing J hunt about the BBC you just get a standard reply,Email your conservative MP just to let him know that until they do something about the beeb he/she doesn’t get my vote.
Spoke to my MP and they are shit scared of the BEEB so i dont think they will do anything.
Cameron ought to announce that everybody who is not a supporter of the Labour Party need not pay the BBC license fee.
That would set the cat amongst the pigeons.
The BBC would respond by broadcasting endless pro- public sector and pro-Labour Party propaganda, but nobody would notice the difference.
The BBC is simply too bloody big; it is everywhere in the media. Countless radio shows (including minority ethnic channels), too many channels and a 24 hour news cycle all funded without our consent. Their drama, comedy and radio is absolute politically correct and mindless crap aimed solely at brainwashing young minds into believing multiculturalism and self-indulgence is a good thing; their current affairs is becoming more about the presenters than those being interviewed. So WHY can’t we have a referendum on this parasite which feeds off the nation whilst pontificating to us all from the moral pulpit? It’s an utter disgrace and I’m sick of it!
So WHY can’t we have a referendum on this parasite
Probably because most people value and support the BBC, shocking though that will be for people on this site to believe.
A 2009 poll found 77% of respondents regards the BBC as “a national institution we should be proud of”. A 2011 poll found that when asked to select the news provider they trust the most, audiences select the BBC more than eight times more frequently than ITV or any other single news provider.
The unpalatable truth for people on this site is that you are in a minority, and not a very big minority either.
The likes of The Daily Mail and former media and arts correspondent turned climate science expert (who admits not reading scientific journals) James Delingpole aside, the reality is the BBC is trusted and popular.
No doubt there will be the usual torrent of comments about brainwashing, sheeple, Gramsci, cultural Marxism, NuLieBor, Tony Bliar, Muslims, immigration, etc etc etc but you have to face facts,
Oh! Vex us not with your foul and repulsive statements. This nation has been driven to the mass-state of brain-dead self-indulgence by endless politically correct and superficial consumer-celebrity drivel from both the BBC and the MSM overall – to the foul extent that the public don’t actually know what they want anymore, so will just say ‘yes’ to the BBC and vote, like sheep, for anything which maintains the status quo.
We are now a nation of zombies and slaves to the PC behemoth… but there be one hope… one chance for salvation; this site and its loyal followers are the type of noble intellects and truth-sayers needed to fight back against the repugnant socialist cancer that is eating away at the core of our traditions! I leave you with the following trinket of wisdom:
‘Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile: filths saviour but themselves.’
And so, right on cue …
If they’re all so confident, lets put the question to a referendum. Give the people a say.
Even better – let that supposed 77% pay a subscription to keep their beloved organisation funded. I’m sure Mr. Fry would be more than willing to feature in glowing advertisements for dear old aunty Beeb – he’ll flog us just about anything else, the corporate whore.
Give the people a say.
The people have spoken, time and time again in poll after poll. Are you seriously suggesting that the government waste money holding a referendum for which the outcome is already known and for which there is no credible support.
The only people demanding a referendum are the reactionaries on The Daily Mail, James Delingpole and the few score people on this site.
You have to accept that you are in a very small minority of people. If people select the BBC over ITV by a factor of 8 it does rather show its popularity.
There is no support for a change. Sorry.
You’re wrong Nick… small-sample polls are not sufficient evidence. I would say £145.00 per year in the pocket, would be a welcome option for many families up and down the country.
The BBC: opiate of the brainwashed masses – calming, comforting. ‘Do not worry, people, for when you elect that nice Mr Miliband all our troubles will be over’.
Fine. So do not put us in prison if we do not want to fund your Stalinist crap then.
Why do you have to read scientific journals to have an opinion on the man-made global warming hypothesis?
I suspect a referendum on the BBC licence fee would result in a victory for paying the fee. To most people £150/family/year is peanuts. Set that alongside the “keep the licence fee” campaign (by the BBC) between the announcement of a referendum and the vote and you’ll be most unlikely to get abolition. To most people the BBC means an endless stream of (mostly) unchallenging but basically inoffensive crap with the odd excellent programme. To the biens pensants “the BBC” is Radio 4 and an endless stream of Islington bubble chat/propaganda there and elsewhere.
I’m not sure what the solution is but not paying the licence fee is certainly a good start. This site is also vital in that it relays day after day examples of the mendacity with which the BBC dominates broadcasting and political discussion in the UK. It’ll be a slow business to destroy the BBC but, after all, it took something like 70 years to create the monument to bias which the BBC has become.
So a referendum? If you like but don’t bank on it. A part of the solution is to keep bearing witness to the partiality and bias of the BBC. Bore – even annoy – your family, friends and fellow workers rigid with constant reminders of its bias and deliberate inaccuracies. Always check from non-BBC/Guardianista or original sources any important items of news relayed by the BBC and highlight what the BBC is hiding or skewing. Don’t kid yourself that “one more heave and it’s over” via a referendum is going to work. Life’s not like that and the BBC is too big to be overthrown in one glorious hit. But slowly, slowly the truth might filter through and the BBC will go the way of Deutscher Fernsehfunk and Rundfunk der DDR – I hope.
The BBC were so busy wetting their knickers over the prospect of destroying Murdoch (by claiming that people were not outraged about politicians (mainly Labour) being exposed as thieving bastards, but were in fact shocked to learn that some Guardian, no some Daily Mirror, no, some Sun journalists, were getting stories by listening into celebrities phone messages.
The BBC are such arrogant bastards they completely failed to notice that in their anti-competitive Murdoch witch-hunt fervor their Stalinist knicker elastic was showing.
Almost the entire output of that multi-billion pound Behemoth these days seems to be dedicated to propping up an ideology that is so intellectually and mortally bankrupt even the slimeballs that espouse it are afraid to pronounce its name.
There was once a time when to be a BBC journalist or producer was something to be proud about – these days anybody who works for the BBC journalists make even the most greedy and devious banker look like paragons of decency.
The free society? The BBC slit your throat years ago. Now give us your money.
The BBC is broadcasting in full Ed Milliband’s and the Labour parties conference this morning, they are alternating with Sky in covering the story minute by minute, so is there really any competition on the airwaves. Is it possible the BBC is selling their coverage to Sky? Not only do we have a BBC bias we have a BBC monopoly.