Given the events in Bulgaria and BBC non coverage so far, I can just about bring myself to make you aware of this programme “Great British Islam” on BBC 1 tonight…
“As Ramadan approaches, this documentary tells the little-known story of three English gentlemen who embraced Islam at a time when to be a Muslim was to be seen to be a traitor to your country. Through personal journeys of still surviving relatives, the programme looks at their achievements and how their legacy lives on today”
It says a lot.
There are no words.
I am sick of this disgusting treachery and Islamic groveling by the craven and execrable BBC. They are on an all out agenda to spread Islam in this country and they are undermining the very people whose traditions and heritage make it possible for the BBC to exist. WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIANS, SIKHS AND BUDDHISTS? We never hear nothing about any other religion besides Islam; the BBC are truly despicable!
To be fair Christians do get Easter and Christmas. They also have Sunday on Radio 4, but that is just a mouthpiece for the Religious Left(and they claim they have no influence). Oh and I forgot Songs of Praise. But Christianity is generally portrayed in a negative light and if there are any good news stories it is spoken through gripped teeth.
But Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism are given short thrift. Though I suppose the BBC would claim that showing the Mahabharat back in the 90s would make up for that. Then I suppose showing Monkey! on the 70s made up for Budhism/Taoism.
It is common for Hindus and Sikhs to complain to the BBC about being ignored. And even the last documentary about Buddhism was so lightweight, one had quite a time figuring what it was all about.
The problem with BBC religious programming is that it tends to be filtered through a liberal left lens. So they will give the same platitudes about a religion being about inclusiveness, diversity, equality etc etc. When most religions generally deal with meaning, the problem of evil and suffering.
Yes there’s only one thing the BBC likes more than a Muslim and that’s a Muslim convert….it shows that people like Islam…they want to convert to it…it’s harmless…enjoy..try it yourself!
Careful what you wish for.
Traitors? If they are espousing an ideology that betrays not only the values and beliefs that have buttressed this nation for centuries but also the men and women who have fought and died for those beliefs then yes ‘traitor’ is still a relevant and apt word.
execrable BBC?
Your being too kind.
did someone say excrement 😀
talking of which, lauren booth, taken to the cleaners
in the first 10 mins – sorry its 5live so unfortunately the only redeeming quality full of converts – reverts- convicts.
how did this chap get past the inquisition, i don t think he ll turn up on that, propaganda piece tonight.
oops! wrong button.
the truth, more people are converting to the mormons, or scientology than this sh-tbag ideology, any change in population is due to
absolutely shameful, they would sooner trumpet
some set up mobile footage, with debatable validity and whine about Assad s military, in a
f-ckin arab spring propaganda pipedream,
than more muslims mass murdering jewish youth
or muslim epidemic of child gang rapes in the UK
the bbc traitors … f-ckin TRAITORS
literally beneath contempt
sheesh! i apologise for the expletives ..
or maybe not
Lauren Booth, self-proclaimed ‘educated woman’ and a great advert for Islam.
Er, not – on both counts.
For some reason I find the thought of Lauren Booth, so late in life, getting into the habit of only using her left hand to wipe her backside, a bit comical.
Good time to buy shares in Andrex, I’ll wager!
so its a good job, the old “binbags” black eh! (gag!)
I use my right hand – and then used it to dish out stale bread rolls to beggars when travelling in East Africa.
She’s a loathsome lady she really is; That whole Booth family are beyond description… Blair as well! This is just a silly Left-wing women trying to be trendy in order to gain attention… but she will soon realise that no one is in the slightest bit interested in anything she says or does. As soon as she leaves the safe and trendy environs of her west end world to travel to a real Islamic state, she’ll soon experience the faith in all of its women-friendly glory!
According to the Runnymede Trust Islamophobia has eight components.
1) Islam is seen as monolithic and unresponsive to change [i.e. fundamentalist]
2) Islam is seen as separate [i.e. it opposes integration].
3) Islam is seen as inferior to the West, barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist [in other words medieval].
4) Islam is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism and engaged in a ‘clash of civilisations’ [i.e. people were not converted they were conquered].
5) Islam is seen as a political ideology [i.e. It opposes any separation between Church and State] .
6) Criticisms made of the West by Islam are rejected [This is supposed to be irrational?].
7) Hostility towards Islam is used to justify discriminatory practices. [For example at airports]
8) Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as normal. {But not as normal of course as hostility towards Christians in Muslim countries]
Since at least six of these components are obviously correct it seems that the Runnymede Trust is telling us that it is only ignorance that prevents people from being Islamophobic.
The term “Islamophobia” is a crock for two reasons. The first is the fact that it is a deliberate attempt to conflate criticism of a belief-system with hatred of a people for the colour of their skin. Thus “Islamophobia” deviously attempts to be allied with the real horrors of racism.
But “Islamophobia” is also a nonsense term – though this is a far less popular aspect to point out because a “phobia” is an “irrational fear”. “Claustrophobia” is irrational because enclosed spaces tend not to kill you. Being scared of small rooms is irrational.
Exaggerated and faked stories abound in journalism. But despite this, and as a continuing, mounting death-toll asserts, there are a considerable number of reasons to be fearful of some aspects/versions of Islam. Women, gay men and Jews have particular reason to be fearful. As do commuters in major European cities and continental film-directors.
It’s not “phobic” to be worried about Islam. It is eminently rational
so lets cut the crap … IF?… anti muslim sentiment is on the rise it has nothing to do with Islamophobia ?? Invented, deliberately, by a MB front organization, to stifle debate.
Maybe muslim intolerance of gay/lesbians,other sexual minorities, other religious/ethnic minorities, of apostates, of female adherrents, of even other creed muslims, of freedom of conscience/speech, an aggressive political/association agenda, which at heart is fascist, the proven aspect of non-integration.
… this is all to do with PAYING EDUCATED ATTN TO FACT … not a false islamaphobia concept
of course this is not really necessary for b-bbc readers, who know this only too well. but if a dewey eyed beebot passes by …
with all those facts eh!
maybe at the heart of it is islamo-faux -bia phobia
I noticed the 6pm BBC news reported almost at its very end – you know where the light hearted story usually is, that 3 people had died in a bomb attack on a bus in Bulgaria, then that they may be Israelis. Channel 4 by 7 were reporting that 6 or possibly 9 people had died – I am sure the BBC didn’t want to underplay the story – did they?
sorry – didn’t realise this was being covered on the previous post.
never apologise, for the truth Deb
… not necessary very valid point
Don’t even have to stick my fingers down the back of my throat with this one.
Balance, balance. What balance?
Looks like mentally challenged Lefty ‘OWEN JONES’ is being his normal retarded self again.
OK, for the sake of Al-Beebia’s sleazy argument, let’s pretend these really were seen as traitors to their country.
How does that compare to the treatment of folks going the other way? How are converts to Christianity from Islam seen? Anyone at our unbiased national broadcaster want to cover that?
That’s a one way trip…..death arrives at the blade of a sharp knife>
This is the test of how peaceful a religion truly is. What happens if you leave?
It should be asked of every Moslem scholar that appears on the BBC. I’m sure the BBC would not hesitate to ask a Scientologist. So why the special treatment for islam
Pickthall is an interesting example of a Muslim whose loyalty to his country was, to say the least, conditional:
“When a propaganda campaign was launched in the UK in 1915 over the massacres of Armenians, Pickthall rose to challenge it and argued that all the blame could not be placed on the Turkish government. At a time when many Indian Muslims in London had been co-opted by the .Foreign Office to provide propaganda services in support of Britain’s war against Turkey, Pickthall‘s. stand was considered. courageous given the war climate. When British Muslims were asked to decide whether they were loyal to the .Allies (Britain and France) or the .Central Powers (Germany and Turkey), Pickthall said he was ready to be a combatant for his country so long as he did not have to fight the Turks. He was conscripted in the last months of the war and became corporal in charge of an influenza isolation hospital. The Foreign Office would have dearly liked to have used his talents as a linguist, but instead decided to regard him as a security risk.”
One good thing in his favour was that, unlike more dishonest translators of the Koran his version of the notorious verse 4:34 advising the beating of disobedient wives does not pretend some light tap was intended- ‘scourge her’ is the way this Arabic scholar thought the best way of rendering the English version.
PS the long quote is from wiki
This is all you need to know about Islam in a calm and rational way.
It seems these pioneers had to deal with the Islamophobia of our forbears (the programme actually attached that tag to them) who regarded Isslaam as alien, frightening and associated with violence. Of course we are now all enlightened and know what sillybillies they all were.
Anyone who has had Quilliam’s arguments thrown at them by Muslim apologists (and they still use them) quickly becomes aware that lying by omission and playing on the hoped for ignorance of people, concerning slightly out of the way subjects, was his stock in trade.
A glaring example of lying by omission in this programme was the way that Quilliam’s self exile from this country (and his return, years later under an assumed name) was described as completely mysterious.
This line from that extremely recondite source, Wikipedia, might help them in their bafflement: “Quilliam’s work in Liverpool stopped when he left England in 1908 in advance of being struck off as a solicitor” ( his habit of playing fast and loose with the truth seems to have spilled over into his professional life).
These men were in fact Victorian and Edwardian misfits and eccentrics who, in the case of Quilliam and Pickthall acted as self-appointed agents of influence for he Ottoman Empire, in which role the former covered up for genocide in 1896 and the latter in 1915.
Rather than act as pioneers of a trend in which the British realised the true sublimity of Mohammedanism, they may have helped sanitise the image of the religion so that the later decision taken to allow mass migration of Muslims to the UK was made on the basis of false assumptions.
Any references to Christianity were of a uniformly negative nature.
Wally, I like the cut of your jib !
Where did you pick up on Thesinger being anti-semitic ?
I thought I had read most of his books and nothing struck me at the time, although it was many years ago, and I was primarily interested in the exploration – I think we can take it as read that by any standards he had the odd quirk !
New English Review (March 2011)
Sir Wilfred Patrick Thesiger, Unedited
by Geoffrey Clarfield
Clarfield has a lengthy conversation with Thesiger after a chance meeting in a restaurant in Kenya. The very last section, (Judaism is a nasty religion… the Israelis are monsters) in which he seems to take the original mediaeval blood libel as gospel, is astonishing.
Actually, re-reading the article, I find I mis-remembered the blood libel bit -that was Richard Burton – but the man’s loathing of the Jews, if Clarfield is an accurate reporter, is apparent.
Why is that English Arabists of generations past and present always seem to dislike Jews? For the old guard, the sins of Israel can’t be used as an excuse.
James Michener, in his novel the Source, has one character explain that to the public school educated British officer class, the thought of galloping across the desert with a rugged romantic Bedouin had more appeal than dealing with tedious, urbanised Jews. I’m speaking at third hand, but a commentator at Guido’s once said he’d known a doctor who said: “I have never known one of those much vaunted Arabists at the FCO who was not a sodomite.” To an ex-public schoolboy there is a lot of appeal in the sheer blokiness of Muslim society.
Interesting. Ron Kray (the homosexual one) loved Morocco for the ‘Arab boys’.
Given the events in Bulgaria and BBC non coverage so far, I can just about bring myself to make you aware of this programme “Great British Islam” on BBC 1 tonight…
“As Ramadan approaches, this documentary tells the little-known story of three English gentlemen who embraced Islam at a time when to be a Muslim was to be seen to be a traitor to your country. Through personal journeys of still surviving relatives, the programme looks at their achievements and how their legacy lives on today”
It says a lot.
LOL! ..Comical programming Al-Beeb can just never get enough of the shit!, can they?..
But anyway, cheers! Mr Vance. I’ll be sure to miss it.
“English gentlemen who embraced Islam at a time when to be a Muslim was to be seen to be a traitor to your country”
I still consider this to be the case.
Spot on Zemplar! I totally agree mate.
you’re the traitor. you piece of so and so. sitting in front of ur computer typing away indulging in kiddy fiddling. that’s u love the best. go get an education.
Regarding the non coverage of Bulgaria at least the terrorist was educated in a British Mosque, which is a good starting point for the BBC
Amazing, no wonder this site isn’t taken seriously. It’s full of right wing bigots, islamaphobes and racists lol.
Carry on with your whining I guess, lol.
This site reflects what the vast majority of this countries population thinks. if this site isn’t taken seriously why is it always featured in the BBC’s in-house magazine?
“Always featured”?
“The vast majority”?
Are you a bad comedian, or just highly delusional?
Familiar with the Beeb’s in-house mag, are you, Scott?
Perseverance: ‘islamophobe’ is a highly tendentious term – you can tell a lot about someone’s distorted outlook simply from the fact that they use it. Being called a racist and bigot by prissy, self-righteous, right-on guardianistas isn’t worth a tinker’s cuss.
Well, I wasn’t particularly when it was a print-only publication distributed Olly in BBC offices. But for some time it’s been published online and generally available – and indeed, is now online only.
Which all means that it’s indexed by Google, and so your claims that Biased BBC is “always featured” can be seen a demonstrably rubbish by anyone with the most rudimentary search skills.
By “Olly” I mean only. Gotta love iOS autocorrect…
And before someone pounces on it, apologies also for typing “your claim”, rather than “the claim”…
No wonder you love your BBC.
Left wing bigot.
Haha, at all of your bitterness.
You all are narrow minded pigs. You can say all u like about Islam but one day the truth will prevail. Who cares about you internet troll who have no fear for nothing. YOU ARE DEAF, DUMB AND MUTE. only hate resides in your hearts. You don’t know the true meaning of religion. You follow evil blindly. if some fashionista turns around tomorrow and said ‘oh cow pat is the next big thing!’ you would follow blindly. Curse away and be vicious every action will have to be answered for ta ta